
By zeca

Published on Feb 28, 2004


Well, chapter 3... I want to thank you all for your kind emails, I really need to know that you are liking the way things are going... and send ideas or criticisms to: pookie_story@hotmail.com... Thanks also to Jack my editor, for putting up with me and my story... and I only hope that you like what I have in store for you

Hope you all like it:

Pouts 3

I was leaning against a tree trying to put together the pieces. Cathy was different, she was happy with what she was, she had Amanda, I just wasn't there yet. I had known that I was different for a long time, I knew it, but I just didn't do anything to feed it. I tried to live and not think about it. When I had some sort of crush I would just ignore it, focus on other things, and it had worked until now; but Adam was different! I was with him all the time, he reminded me of all that I should hide.

It was weird; I had my life all planned out. I was going to college, far from home, and then see if I had other opportunities there, I just needed to hold on until the end of this year. But the realization of my love for Adam just brought a whole new variable into the equation. I didn't know what to do now, I was lost, without a clue and hungry. Luckily Mrs. Anderson's house was near.

I grabbed my backpack and walked towards Adam's house. I walked in and found Mrs. Anderson on the phone.

"Yes Brad, I'm OK...really...I just finished another painting!"

She looked up at me and smiled. She motioned me to be silent and to sit next to her. I could hear the other voice on the phone.

"Bri...maybe Mike and I can come over there next week?"

She smiled, "Sure...I would love you to, and you must bring little Agatha, I miss her!"

The other voice laughed, "Yeah, she misses you too, but I have to go, Mike's home and it's the only time we have alone before we have to pick up Agatha..."

"I'll call you later, love you!"

"Love you too."

After putting the phone down, Mrs. Anderson turned to me. " Not that I mind, but what brought you here?"

I grinned,"Can't a guy come and visit his favorite neighbor?"

She rolled her eyes,"You hungry?"

I blushed,"A little bit yeah..."

She made her usual meal and we sat in a comfortable silence.

"You went to Adam's game?"

I looked down. "No...had some things to do..."

She nodded, "They lost, but his girlfriend convinced him to go to the old cliff..."

I focused on my food, bur she continued. "I don't like that girl, I don't know why, and I don't think that there is love between those two..."

I mumbled a quick yeah.

"I just hope that Adam finds the right person, like Mike and Brad, they are so happy!" suddenly something hit her and she smiled. "You know... If you were a girl I would love Adam to marry you! No offense honey, but you are a great person!"

I was now going totally red. I didn't know what to say.

Mrs. Anderson laughed, "Don't be embarrassed!" She took a sip of her tea and her voice took a more serious tone. "You know...I worry about my son sometimes..."

I looked up still a little embarrassed. "Why's that?"

"I don't know...he is very much like is father... He is afraid of showing his emotions, very stubborn and proud... but deep down inside he is just sacred... like most people... I just hope that he goes the right way..."

"Don't worry Mrs. Anderson, Adam's a great guy, he'll be fine..."

She smiled and stared at me, like if she was trying to find my soul. "How's that nice girl...Amanda right?"

"Yes...Cathy told me that she managed to find a motel, and she is now looking for a job... I just hope that everything goes smoothly for her..."

"She was a really nice young lady...please tell her that if she ever needs a place to stay, my house is here! Oh...and I almost forgot, you have that appointment with Doctor William today!"

I stood up quickly, "I almost forgot, I'll have to run...thanks for the chat, I'll see you later!"

I gave her a kiss on the forehead and ran to the clinic. I managed to arrive just 5 minutes late and to have the check-up. Doctor William sat on his desk looking at me.

"Well...everything seems fine from the physical point of view... "

I gave a small sigh of relief.

"However... I suspect that this probably has something to do with your eating habits... You worry about the food that you eat, calories, and your weight?"

"Well, yeah...I mean...I'm not obsessed with it, but I am careful with what I eat!"

He looked straight at me and sighed. "I'm sure that it was just a little faintness, I don't want you worrying about all that, you're young, you worry about that when you're my age...if you ever feel any dizziness or any weird symptoms you give me a call!"

"Don't worry, and thanks for all the help!"

Well, that made me feel better, at least I was OK physically! I arrived home on time for dinner. My mom was worried sick, and my dad just gave me a small lecture. I didn't take much notice of what he said. I never did! I just never had that connection with my dad; don't ask me why, it just wasn't there! Everyone loved my dad, he was very social, and people found him funny and smart. I just couldn't have a serious conversation with him. Every time we were alone in a room we barely spoke and sometimes, when a few words were spoken, it was awkward.

I just never bothered with him. I loved him because he was my father, and that was it. I just had this weird family. It was a big family but we didn't get to see much of each other, only on special occasions and stuff. Most of the time some family member was angry with another and then there would be a minor war in the family; I just get out of it and ignore them.

After a day like that, it was pretty easy to fall asleep. I was dead tired, I heard the phone ring and I heard my mom talking but I was too sleepy to do answer.

I awoke with mom shouting that I was late and that it was time to be getting up. I groaned and went through all the morning routines. It was one of those days when you're not sad nor happy, you're just there, no feelings, like if you were watching from outside yourself.

I found myself at the school gate waiting for Cathy. She arrived with a big grin on her face.

"Good morning to you, how are you in this glorious day?"

I rolled my eyes, "You got laid or something?"

Her grin got even wider. "Wouldn't you like to know! But no, I just spent some time with Amanda, and guess what? She found a job in a shop downtown!"

I smiled, "Cool!"

"Are you ok? You seem a little out of it today!"

I rubbed my forehead. "Just a little tired..."

Her grin disappeared. "You dizzy again?"

I laughed, "No, nothing like that, just numb I guess!"

She still had a worried frown. "Whatever, I'm not leaving your side until you start showing more life!"

I groaned and we went to our first class. I saw Adam and Jess at the end of the hallway, and that only made my stomach churn. I didn't hear a thing in class, I was too busy thinking and at the same time just trying to forget. I was glad that I managed to avoid Adam, and I would for as long as I could. Cathy kept on trying to make me more focused, but she gave up after a while. At lunchtime I remembered with relief that Adam had a different time.

"Adam not coming today?"

I turned to Cathy, "No, I think that he has History or something..."

She stuck her tongue out. "I hate History! So feeling any better?"

I sighed,"A little, I don't know what's wrong with me..."

She gave me a small smile. "Honey... I'm not gonna say it, you know damn well what I think!"

Just as I was about to answer, Jess decided to sit next to us. "Hi there, haven't seen you guys today, how are you?"

"We're OK! How is everything with you?"

I was glad Cathy was taking over the conversation.

"Oh, the same... Adam's having a class now, so I decided to join you guys!" she was grinning now, "Oh, and Cathy guess what? We have a new hottie!"

Cathy faked interest. "Oh really?"

"Yeah, he's from California, he has Math with me! A total hottie!"

"Oh really!"

"You have no idea girl! Tall, blond, tanned, and muscles everywhere, that guy is sex on legs!"

The very instant she said that, he passed in front of us. She was right, he was sex on legs; he had this aura about him that just radiated coolness. I noticed that he had these green eyes that seemed to change in the light. He sat at an empty table but soon had a girl talking to him. Cathy elbowed me on the ribs and I returned from my daydream.

"Hey Cathy, you wanna come and talk to him?"

Cathy looked at me totally lost. I shrugged my shoulders. Before she could answer, Jess dragged her to the table. Jess sat next to him almost pushing the other girl off the chair. It was funny. I got up and decided to go for a little walk before the next class.

The best things about this school were the large grassed areas. It was great to lie down and doze of between classes. I choose a secluded place and lay down to gather my thoughts. I noticed that someone was standing above me when I felt a shadow across my face.

"Seems pretty good, mind if I join you?"

I looked up to see the new kid. I nodded and he lay down next to me.

"I'm Kurt Reynolds, I'm new here, came from California!"

I shook his hand. "Nate Bradford, nice to meet you! You got tired of all the attention?"


"The girls at the cafeteria!"

He laughed, "Oh, they were nice... but a little boring...you seem like a cool guy!"

I laughed, "Thanks..."

"You've been here for long?"

"Since seventh grade...why did you move here?"

"My parents got divorced, my mom won me and she decided to come back to her homeland!"

"I'm sorry man!"

He gave me a smile, and that only made him sexier. "Don't be, at least I don't have to listen to them argue about everything!"

"So how was your first class today?"

He lay down on his side with his head on his hand looking at me. "Boring as hell, I have always hated Math... I'm not into numbers and all!"

His shirt had ridden a bit too high, showing some of his stomach. I tried not to, but I couldn't stop taking quick looks at it. We continued talking and he seemed like a nice guy. He touched a lot when he talked, a lot of pats and squeezes, I couldn't help but feel a little exited. Then, we were interrupted by the bell, he got up, and gave me his hand to help me stand. I grabbed it and stood up. We were pretty close now, almost touching. He smiled and whispered, "You're pretty hot! I hope to see you later!"

I was left standing there, dumbfounded by all that. I watched him walk away. I snapped out of it, remembering that I had classes on the other side of the building.

After spending the last two hours thinking about Kurt, I found myself at the front gate saying goodbye to Cathy. Then Kurt appeared out of nowhere.

"You going home?"

I blushed a little, "Yeah, I'm gonna walk!"

"Cool, where is your house?"

I pointed and he smiled, "Great, I'll go with you!"

We had started walking when I heard Adam's car honk; he waved for me to go with him, but I pointed to Kurt and waved goodbye.

"Who's that hottie?"

I was a little surprised to hear Kurt saying this so openly. "A friend of mine...hey...are you gay?"

He laughed. "I though it was obvious!"

I smiled. "You out to your parents?"

"Hell no, and I won't be in the near future!"

I nodded. "I know how that feels..."

He stopped and spotted something near a tree. He ran to it and grabbed something. "Hey, come here!"

I walked towards him. "What?"

"Take a closer look!"

He had his hand closed near his face. I looked closely. He opened his hands and out of nowhere kissed me. It wasn't just an innocent kiss, it was the full adult kiss, tongue involved. He pushed me against the tree and continued the assault on my mouth. I was shocked at first, but I gave in to the feeling and let my hands wonder over his body. I lifted his shirt and felt his back; he was really hot, and my hands started getting lower. Meanwhile his hands weren't still. He was feeling my ass like it was the last day he was alive.

I was starting to loose my self control, and I had to stop or I would regret it. I pushed him away. I was breathless and trying to recover my breath. "Kurt, that was..."

He laughed. He leaned into me again. I turned my face away, but he then concentrated on my neck. "Kurt...I...ah...I...really...have...to...ahmmm."

I felt him make a little hickey and Kurt looked at me with a wicked smile. "Now I've marked you as mine!"

I groaned. "Look, I really have to go; you're really hot...but..."

He smiled. "Don't worry, we've got all the time in the world..."

I straightened my shirt the best I could and turned to him. "You coming?"

"Near you? Almost!"

I blushed. "Really, you coming with me or not?"

"We passed by my house a while back, I was just waiting for the right opportunity!"

"You planned this!"

He smiled and walked closer to me. "Of course I did, couldn't let you escape like that, had to taste a little of you!"

He leaned into me but I walked away. "I'll see you tomorrow!"

He smiled. "Tease!"

I smiled back and walked away. I was in the clouds. Adam, Dad, school, the faint, everything was forgotten; I was in heaven. It was almost like I was stepping on clouds. Kurt was one hot guy, and I was lucky that he found me hot. I was brought back to reality by the sound of a ball hitting the ground.

"Hey, Nate?"

I turned to see Adam in his basketball uniform. "Hey!"

"Wanna play some?"

I nodded grinning like a fool. As usual, after a while Adam got tired of beating me so I sat and watched him playing alone. He noticed my dreamy state right away, but he didn't say anything. As with most of our basketball games, we ended up on the floor wrestling. He had me pinned down with my hands pinned behind my head. He noticed the hickey" You got lucky?"

I blushed and turned my head.

Adam laughed. "Come on tell me, I'm your best bud!"

"Its nothing really!"

He looked straight into my eyes. "Come on!"

I groaned. "Its nothing, come on, let me go!"

"I'll let you go, but you have to tell who did that to you!"

I tried to get free. "Come on Adam..."

He let me go and we both stood up.

He looked at me. "You're not gonna tell me?"

I looked down. "Its nothing big..."

He rolled his eyes. "Come on, you're my bud, everything is important!"

I grabbed my backpack. "I have to go!"

He grabbed my shoulder. "Nate is something wrong?"

I was starting to feel trapped, I knew that I had to leave or I would tell him everything. "I'm ok, I just have to go home..."

He looked at me and a hurt look came over his face. "You don't trust me?"

I groaned "It's not that..."

He crossed his arms. "Then what is it?"

I looked at him and for a split second I though of telling him everything, but I couldn't. I just couldn't afford to loose him as a friend. I just couldn't. "Look, I'll talk to you tomorrow..:"

He looked me up and sighed. He didn't say a word he walked away towards the ball and continued his game.

I felt devastated. But I knew he wouldn't understand. He just wouldn't, I knew it! I walked home and locked myself on my room for the rest of the day.

The next day Cathy was happy about all that happened with Kurt and at the same time with what had happened with Adam. I didn't see any of them until lunch time. Today I had a different lunchtime to Cathy. I was eating alone minding my own business when I felt someone touch my ass. I turned around and saw Kurt with a full grin on his face looking at me.

"You crazy or something?"

He laughed. "For you maybe!"

I rolled my eyes. "Have you eaten?"

He sat next to me and whispered. "No, but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have a full meal in no time!"

I blushed and focused on my food. He waited for me to finish. After I took the last bite he turned to me. "Come on I found a great place!"

I was a little scared, but Kurt had this aura around him, that made it impossible to say no. I followed him. We walked out of school and into a quiet corner. He turned to me grinning. He pushed me against the wall and grinned. "Miss me?

I smiled and nodded. He leaned even further and our noses were touching. I could feel his breath on my mouth. He teased me by brushing his lips on mine. "Thought about you all day long..."

I tried to kiss him, but he was enjoying this way too much. His hands were on my lower back and getting lower. He leaned into my ear and started playing with it. He teased me, whispering, licking, and kissing. I was going crazy. My hands managed to find his back and I felt his skin again. This was all so hot and at the same time wrong. I was going wild with what he was doing in my ear. My hands went for his hair and I started playing with it. He let go of my ear and looked straight at me.

I took the chance to get my own back. I leaned into his neck and started feeling his skin. He sighed and his hands continued their exploration on my ass. I started kissing his neck and feeling his skin. I was starting to get even hotter. My hands were trying to touch everything they could.

He groaned and lifted my chin with his hand. He looked straight at me and kissed me with all he had. He looked like a wild animal starving for skin. We were into that kiss for what seemed like hours. We parted and we were both out of breath, but smiling. I leaned into his neck and looked up.

My heart sank to the floor. I gasped. There stood Adam pale as a ghost, with his books on the floor looking at us. I stared at him not knowing what to do. Kurt noticed that I had stopped and looked at Adam. He gasped and took his hands out of my back pockets. Adam grabbed his books and walked away.

"I have to go, I'll see you tomorrow!"

I didn't even hear what he said. I ran after Adam, but couldn't catch up to him. He had already entered his car and driven off. I looked at his car disappearing and collapsed against the nearest wall. I felt to the floor. My mind was going nuts. It seemed like I was seeing my life passing right in front of my eyes. I looked up at the sky and noticed that it was going to rain. But I didn't care, the end of my life had started and a rain didn't even made it any worse.

I don't know how long I was there until I felt someone shaking my shoulder. I looked up and saw Amanda calling my name.

"Nate? What's wrong?"

I shrugged and dropped my head again.

"Come one, I'll walk you home!"

She managed to drag me down the street. I was numb. I didn't even know what I was doing; everything I knew was that life was gonna be different now, everything that I had planned had gone to hell because of one hot guy. I noticed that she was approaching Adam's house. I let go of her and shook my head. "No way, not in there!"

She looked at me strangely and sighed. "Where do you wanna go then? Your house?"

My mom was working so I wouldn't have to face her. I nodded. She sighed and walked me home.

I found myself on my living room staring at a blank TV screen. After a while I felt someone hugging me. "What's wrong with you, Amanda said that you were acting weird?"

I looked up and saw Cathy. I just dropped my head again.

She lifted my chin. "Nate, talk to me please!"

I looked at her and then, suddenly, the release came, I rested my head on her shoulder and let the tears flow. She didn't say a thing; just patted my head. I managed to compose myself and let go of her. She handed me a handkerchief. "You want to talk about it?"

I took a deep breath. "Where do you want me to start?"

"The beginning..."

"Kurt dragged me to a corner, and well, my impulses took over ..."

She laughed."What's wrong with that?"

"Adam caught us!"

Her smiled vanished. "He saw you two..."

"Yeah, he saw me making out with Kurt..."

"What did he do?"

"He ran! He fucking ran, he'll probably tell everyone and I'm doomed!"

She slapped my face. "You know Adam's better than that, he was shocked, who wouldn't be! You have to calm down and go talk to him!"

I was scared. "No way, I don't know how to face him now!"

She sighed and grabbed my hands. "Look, he is your best friend; go and talk to him, don't let things stay like this!"

I shook my head. "No way, he'll kill me! You should have seen his face!"

Amanda appeared and handed me a glass of water; I thanked her.

She looked concerned. "You feeling better?"

I nodded.

Cathy turned to Amanda. "Honey, could you go and get Adam?"

I panicked. "No, please Cathy!"

Cathy ignored me and nodded at Amanda. Amanda looked at me and sighed. I pleaded with my eyes, but she ignored me and walked away.

"Cathy, please don't do this! I can't face him, not yet!"

"When then? If you don't face him now, you'll never clear things up!"

"Cathy you're a great girl and everything, but I know when I can face him, and it certainly is not now!"

I heard someone coughing. I looked up and saw Amanda. "Cathy, it's better if that leave them alone for now!"

Cathy kissed my forehead and left. I was starting to feel my stomach turn. I was feeling sick. I looked up and saw Adam with his hands stuffed inside his pockets. We stayed like that for God knows how long, me sitting and he standing at the door. I didn't know what to say, and I bet neither did he..

"You want something to drink?"

After saying that I kicked myself. Brilliant line. He shook his head. I looked down. He moved from the doorway and sat in front of me. I looked up but he avoided my eyes.

"I'm sorry..."

He looked at me after I said that. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it quickly. He took a deep breath and started.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

I sighed; I just knew that he would ask that. "I knew you would react like this, so I just kept it to myself!"

I saw that he was restraining himself. He had this vein on his forehead, and I knew since we were little that that meant trouble.

"We were supposed to be best friends, you were supposed to tell me everything, hell I told you everything about myself!"

"What? You wanted me to just come to you and say. "Hey, I'm gay, but let's play some ball!"?"

He groaned and rolled his eyes. His foot was tapping the flour. He got up and started walking from left to right in front of me. "Were there others besides him?"

I was a little surprised. "No, he...he was the first one..." He stopped after I said that with his back to me. "You dating that guy?"

This was getting weird. "Why the sudden interest?"

He turned around. "Nothing, look, I don't know how the hell things are gonna be from now on, I don't know if I can see you the same way as before...I...I'll see you later!"

He left. I was stunned, that went well, at least he didn't punch me ...or something. I got up and walked into the kitchen to find Amanda and Cathy quietly talking. They stopped when I entered. I ignored them and grabbed a glass of water.


I looked at Cathy. "So what?"

"Things with Adam?"

"What things with Adam?"

She groaned. I was gonna piss her for making me talk to Adam.

"Come on!"

I sat next to her and started telling my short conversation with Adam. She was smiling at the end. "Look, Amanda and I have some things to do, I'll see you tomorrow at school, you be a good boy!"

They were gone before I could say something. I looked at the clock and noticed that my mom was late. I heard the bell ring and knew that something was up. I walked to the front door and opened. Standing there was Kurt with a grin and a flower in his hand.


I was too stunned to say anything. He smiled even wider and kissed me. He gave me the flower and walked inside. "Nice place you have here!"

"What are you doing here?"

He looked at me again and flashed me another smile. "I came to apologize for not going after you when your friend spotted us. I kind of freaked..."

I looked at the flower and noticed that it had dirt on it. I laughed. "So you think that a flower and a smile can just erase that entire scene?"

He grinned. "Well, I can think of other things to do..."

He got closer. I smiled back at him. He put his hands on my waist and I put mine on his shoulders. The flower fell to the floor. We were inches from kissing.

"Hey." "Hey you"

"Miss me?"

I laughed. "Well...I missed your neck and your back and your ass..."

He bit my ear and I giggled. My hands felt down to his ass and his mouth started working on my neck again. I don't know how long we were like that, but when my lips were almost making contact with his neck, my front door opened. "Nate, I'm sorry, I rea..."

I looked behind me and saw Adam with the familiar shocked look.

"I'm sorry, bad timing!"

He walked out and I could swear that I saw a tear falling down his cheek.

"What's up with that guy? Is he a voyeur or something?"


Well, part 3 is done, hope you liked it, keep sending email to: pookie_story@hotmail.com thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 4

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