
By zeca

Published on Jul 6, 2004


Well... not much to say... everything is said in the end, so on with the reading. If you want to mail me with comments please do to pookie_story@hotmail.com

Hope you like it

Pouts 11

I woke up and it was dark. I looked around and saw Adam sleeping still with his head on my shoulder. I looked at the nightstand and saw that it was 2.00 AM. I groaned and carefully walked out of bed without waking Adam up. He grabbed a pillow and continued with the stupid/cute smile on his face.

I smiled at that.

I was thirsty. I walked silently downstairs into the kitchen. I grabbed a cup and filled it with water. I sat on a chair and gazed at the window. What was I gonna do now? Yeah, Adam was back, so were Cathy and Kurt. But what now? We still had 3 more weeks until school was over. Jess could make our life a living hell until then.

I was not gonna leave them again. That I was sure! I just had to face Jess some time, somehow...

But for now I had to clear things up with Adam. I got up and put the cup in the sink. As I was about to turn I felt a pair of arms come around me and a kiss on my neck

"I was cold without you up there..."

I smiled" I was thirsty..."

He mumbled a quick ok not leaving my neck. We stayed like that for a few moments, until I realized that he was almost falling asleep.



He was leaning into me. He was starting to fall asleep. Damn, this boy could sleep anywhere...

"Don't you want to sleep in your bed?"

"I'm fine like this..."

I chuckled" Yeah...but you don't have 300 ponds of man meat on top of you..."

HE groaned" I'm too tired to reply...lets just go to bed..."

He grabbed my hand and led me to his bedroom. It was such a simple gesture, and it meant so much to me... He laid on the bed opened the covers and motioned for me to get in. As soon as my back made contact with his chest, his arm was around me and he sighed happily" Now...isn't this better..."

I nodded and drifted of to sleep


I heard voices from the hall. I looked at the window and it was day already. I rubbed my eyes and got up from the bed. I walked into the hall to see Cathy and Adam talking. They stopped once they saw me.

Adam was still in his boxers. Cathy was wearing jeans and top, her hair caught in a ponytail. She smiled once she saw me

"Good morning sleepyhead...slept well?"

I nodded and looked at Adam" Feeling ok?"

He smiled back "Yeahp... I guess sleeping with you made the hangover go away..."

Cathy rolled her eyes "I'll be in the kitchen with Amanda...you guys put something on... "

Adam looked at her" Like you don't like what you see!"

She chuckled" Nope...too much hair and muscle for my taste..."

Adam squeezed his crotch and Cathy gave him the finger while laughing and walking away.

I was shocked" Weren't you supposed to hate each other?"

He hugged me and put his head on my shoulder" Damn I missed you..."


He looked at me" Please Nate, lets enjoy this...we'll talk later at breakfast..."

I sighed and nodded slipping my hand into his wais" Shall we put something on, or are you going to tease Cathy a bit more?"


I walked into the kitchen and saw Amanda cooking and Cathy sorting through some papers. She looked at us and smiled. Amanda looked at me

"Good morning Nate...long time no see..."

I looked at the floor" yeah... sorry about that..."

She smiled" Nothing to be sorry about...I'm flattered that you did that only to protect Cathy..."

I blushed and sat on the dinning table with Adam next to me and Cathy in front of me. Adam immediately put his arm around me. Cathy chuckled and returned to the papers

"What are those?"

"English work..." She said without taking her eyes of them


Adam was busy helping Amanda with breakfast. I didn't know what to ask, I had so many questions popping in my head

"Eat first Nate, then you can ask everything you want..."

I looked at Adam surprised, he chuckled" I've know you since forever, I'm bond to know what you're thinking..."

Cathy chuckled and kept on writing whatever work she had to write.

"Breakfast's ready..."

We ate breakfast in silence, manly due to the immense hunger we were all feeling. After all the stomachs were full and Amanda and Cathy were washing the dishes ( they insisted okay!), Adam grabbed my hand and led me to the living room.

He sat on the bigger couch and dragged me to him. I sat cuddling against him

"So...now can I start?"

He laughed and nodded

"Adam... what happened after...well...I ...you know..."

"After you dump me?"

I nodded

"Well... I was devastated, as you can guess, I couldn't understand and I spent one miserable week. A week and half later Cathy came to me to know what was wrong with you. We were both clueless..."

I squeezed him" I'm sorry..."

He continued" Well...Kurt was our salvation... from what he told us, while Jess and Marvin were together... he discovered the pics on her computer. We put two and two together and managed to understand... you have no idea how relieved I was knowing that you still loved me..."

I nodded" So why didn't you talk to me then?"

"Well...I wanted to, but Cathy though that the best was for us to get some material to get Jess back, and the best way was to have someone next to her... meaning me dating her again..."

I flinched. He noticed and kissed my forehead" Not that it were the best times of my life... she was a bitch... and craving for sex! I don't know how I managed, but I always dodged her strikes... Poor Marvin...always the second option..."

"You managed to find some dirt?"

Adam grinned" Those moths were worth something.. we managed to find out that Jess has a weird fetish. She loves to take pictures of her sex adventures... and guess what me and Kurt found out? She had sex with three teachers, the school's coach and this is a shocker...with her own father."

I looked at him" You're kidding right?"

"Nope... me and Kurt almost felt out of the chair... you have no idea how hard it was to look at her father since then..."

I was disgusted. Now I understood how she could be so psychotic and deluded.

"What are you gonna do now?"

He looked at me with determination" Nate... what she did was something that I will never forget, every time I kissed her I wanted to vomit just for thinking on what she did to you. Every time I grabbed her hand I wanted to break her arm. I hate to feel this, but she has to suffer."

I nodded" I'm sorry you had to go through all this..."

He hugged me harder" Nate...you were the one that had to put up with her threats."

I kissed him. "Adam... what about tomorrow when we go back to school?"

He grinned" I don't want to hide anymore Nate, school is almost over, and I sure don't want to miss three weeks after being away from you for 6 months."

"You sure? I mean... it will change everything."

He rested his forehead against mine" We're not alone, we have Cathy, Kurt, Amanda...and even Marvin."

I chuckled" So, we're in this together huh?"

He grinned and kissed me, giving me enough answer.


Me and Adam were suddenly interrupted by a horn. Cathy went outside and quickly came followed by Kurt and Marvin. They smiled when they saw us together on the couch.

"Hei Nate."

"Hei Kurt. Marvin."

Marvin smiled. He was a cool guy after all.

"So, how is Jess?"

They sat awfully close together. Legs touching. Marvin with his arm on Kurt's shoulders.

"With one hell of an hangover. We managed to bring the disks though..."

I was confused" What disks?"

Marvin made a disgusted face" The ones with the pictures of her with teacher, her father, and all those guys..."

I looked at Kurt" What are we gonna do with them now?"

Kurt leaned into Marvin's arm. Marvin sighed happily. I made a mental note to get details from Kurt when he was alone.

"We were waiting for you and Adam to decide..."

Cathy appeared in the door with her arm around Amanda's waist" Yeah... we still don't have a plan..."

I looked at Adam" Lets just tell her to leave everyone alone.. to not mess anyone's head..."

Adam was confused" Nate... we can do much more.. we can destroy her..."

I shock my head" I just...I just want to be with you and my friends...I don't need to see her suffering to be happy...I'm fine with leaving us alone..."

Cathy chuckled" Always the one with the good heart... I'm in... "

I looked at Kurt" I don't want to force anyone...and from what I can tell, you and Marvin were the ones that suffered more...so I guess you should decide..."

They looked at each other. Kurt was confused and Marvin just shrugged his shoulders.

"Fine... I don't care... "

I smiled at him" Thanks Kurt..." "SO that's it... we go to her... yell at her and then we can be live happily ever after..."

We all looked at Cathy and smiled. I squeezed Adam's hand" I wanna talk to her..."

He looked at me" You sure?"

I nodded. "So that's decided, Nate's gonna talk to her... Anyone wants to play some ball?"

I rolled my eyes. Here was old Adam. Marvin, Cathy and Amanda got up and walked outside to play. I grabbed Kurt arm" No way mister...you're staying here...I want details."

He laughed and sat on the couch" I guess we couldn't wait until college..."

I smiled" I'm happy for you Kurt...you deserve it."

He had a dreamy face on his face" He's a nice guy you know? He may have this though guy look and look mean, but he's a big softy..."

I chuckled" Aren't all though guys like that?"

He smiled" What about you? Everything ok with Adam?"

I sighed" Yeah... it seems that these 6 moths didn't exist you know? Like we're back were we used to be..."

He smiled and yawned "I'm glad...these past few months have been pure hell... you know Adam was always thinking of you? He even stole one of your pillows..."

I laughed" Really? No way..."

He nodded" I guess he was the one that suffered most... he had to pretend that he was happy and angry at you. Marvin and me, we're still in the early stages of a relationship...but Adam...man, he is totally in love with you. He was always wanting to go to you and tell the truth."

I sat on the sofa with a big stupid smile" Yeah... I love him too... "

Kurt groaned" You are such a sick love puppy..."

I showed him the finger" Right...like you and Marvin weren't two seconds from doing it right there in front of us!"

Kurt blushed and grinned" Like you and Adam are any better..."

"ok, ok... we're both hopeless..."

"You got that right...you gay guys are such horn balls... I mean can't you learn something from us lesbians?"

Me and Kurt rolled our eyes at Cathy

"You gonna play or not?"

It turned out that the teams were really unfair. Me, Kurt and Marvin against Adam, Cathy and Amanda. Why is this unfair? Because Adam was always covering me, and I mean really covering. I hardly touched the ball, Adam made sure my hands were in other places.

We lost...big time...but who cares right?


After all the playing everyone needed a shower and went their own way to get one. Adam made me stay and well, in order to save water and help the world and all that stuff we shared one. In the end, I don't think we saved a lot of water, but hei...we'll save the world next time.

"So...ready for tomorrow?"

I looked at him while he was drying himself. He was drying his hair and the towel was covering his face. No need to tell that he was naked...

"Couldn't be more..."

He dropped the towel and walked towards me. He put a arm around my shoulder and looked me straight in the eye" I meant what I said Nate...no more pretending okay? I'm tired of it..."

I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder" Whatever you want...I'm behind you all the way..."

He chuckled" No you don't...I could swear that just five minutes ago I was the o---"

I shut him up with a kiss. He had a dirty, dirty mind.


Okay. School day. There I was opening the front door not knowing how things were going to end. I was gonna catch a ride with Adam. Everything was gonna be alright.

I walked outside and waited for Adam. It was a spring day, some clouds in the sky, but the sun was shining. A soft breeze was blowing making the day pleasant. I saw Adam in his car and walked towards him. I was about to greet him with our usual handshake when he surprised by kissing me.

I looked at his house and saw Mrs. Anderson smiling and shacking her head

"Don't worry Natie...me and Adam had a nice long talk.. you go...we'll talk later..."

I sat in the passenger side stunned. When Adam looked at me he started laughing

"Don't be like that Nate. I told you I didn't want to hide anymore..."

I looked at him and smacked his shoulder" You could have warned me that you were gonna kiss me in front of your MOM!"

He laughed harder" Consider payback for that time you dad caught us..."

I rolled my eyes" Bastard..."

He looked at me while driving the car" But a cute bastard huh?"

I rolled my eyes" God, such an ego..."

We continued like this until we arrived school. The moment he shut the engine of silence took over the car. I was starting to feel that he was having second thoughts.

"Adam, if you don't want to do this..."

He looked at me smiling" Nate...we've been over this...I want to do this...I'm just a little nervous okay..."

I smiled and squeezed his hand" Then take your time...I'll wait for the first step..."

He sighed" Thanks... "

We got out of the car and immediately Jess was running to us. I squeezed my books the second she hugged Adam" Honey I was so worried...sorry for leaving like that..."

She stopped once she saw me" What are you doing here?"

Adam backed of her " He's my friend Jess..."

She glared at me. I glared back. This time I had some power, and I was gonna use it. I looked at Adam" Could you give us some private time Adam?"

He nodded and walked away, when he passed by me he squeezed my shoulder. Jess grabbed a cigarette and leaned into the car

"You know what this means?"

I looked at her. Suddenly I needed a smoke in order to not kill the bitch. I extended my hand asking for a drag. She smiled and gave me the cigarette

"Look here Jess...its obvious that you're a really fucked up person. And frankly I'm a little tired of having to put up with it... "

She smiled through the smoke coming out of her mouth" You have no idea how much I'm gonna enjoy seeing you suffer after I out you and your friends..."

I sighed" Look Jess...you force me to do this so... well I have some threatening to do too. You see I have some pictures that are really revealing...like I don't know.. some teacher and a student, a dad and daughter... you know really sick stuff... an who's a really big fan of sick stuff? Ding ding ding... yeah you won Jess, its you."

She took another drag of her cigarette "So what? You would still suffer more... what sex between students and teacher, like that's new... and as for my dad... he has the money he can handle it..."

I crossed my arms" You see Jess, I wouldn't be stupid to the point of not being smart with you. The pics wouldn't just go to the school staff, the police would have a blast with them, and your daddy is really powerful? Cool, then the media would love them too."

She smiled" Good one Bradford, didn't know you had it in you..."

I didn't smile" Just leave everyone alone okay? Don't mess with my friends and just don't show your face again..."

She dropped the cigarette on the ground and stepped on it. She looked at me up and down" I hope you and Adam burn in hell, you both deserve it..."

She started walking away


She turned to look at me

"And leave Marvin and Kurt alone!"

She grunted and walked away. I shivered and smiled. Yeahp, thing were going okay now.


"So she's gone?"

I nodded at Cathy. She seemed pleased. I saw Kurt in the distance with Marvin walking towards us. I waved, they waved back

Marvin sat in front of me "Hei guys... I'm starved!"

Kurt looked at him and shock his head with a knowing smirk

"Where's Adam?"

He shrugged" Don't know, said that had something to do and left..."

"Maybe Jess got him and is trying to convert him to her dark side..:"

I looked at Cathy and laughed" He already is on the dark side."

She chuckled and we focused on our food. I was happily trying to forget how bad the food tasted when I heard a gasp. I looked at Cathy whom was staring at someone. I turned to the object of gasping and saw Adam walking towards us with a grin from ear to ear with a white rose in hand.

I looked around and everyone was staring at him. I was starting to feel butterflies in my stomach and my palms were getting sweaty.

He walked to the table. He stopped in front of me. Kurt was smiling. He gave me his hand and made stood up. He looked up at me

"Got to make it official you know...and since red roses are so over used I opted for the white ones"

He handed me the rose and grabbed my hand. He leaned into me and kissed me. Right there, in front of everyone without caring

The End

Well...its done...I decided to end it. I care for these characters to damn much to drag the suffering that long. I was reading a really cool story and in noticed that the author was losing the grip an direction, and what could be a great story was becoming overused and tiring.

Since the beginning that I wanted and end that wasn't happily ever after or like the one in pookie. I guess I spent too much time away from these characters and I was afraid that if I continued on writing this I would spoil the plot and loose the characters.

Since I don't want that to happen to Adam and Nate, and since they went through to damn much I decided this ending was the best.

I loved all the feedback from you guys and girls. You made it worth it. I loved writing this one. I'm sorry again for the gap on the last chapters.

It was really cool. I loved writing this. I'll see you guys and girls on the next one.


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