
By zeca

Published on Jul 1, 2004


Well... After a really long waiting time here it is chapter 10 of pouts =) Yeah...I managed to finish it...I want to apologize to everyone... Life got complicated and I had some really important exams and no time to write... I wanna thank everyone that kept on emailing me even after all this time... you keep my motivation up and I need that. Keep on mailing me to pookie_story@hotmail.com with your comments...

Note. This chapter is taking a new direction...I'm kind of tired of Jess so I wanna close that one up, so this is the star...hope you guys like it

Also very important English is not my primary language...so there should be a lot of grammar and spelling errors...please bare with them =P

Hope you like it

Pouts 10

I closed my locker and sighed. Just one more class and the day would be over. In the last 6 months I had dreaded coming to school and staying there. I had become a loner, an exiled almost!

I checked my books and started walking to the Biology lab. People around me talked happily about summer vacations that were almost there. Plans being made. Laughs and smiles. No one seemed to notice me and I was glad. I just wanted to finish high school and move on to another stage of my life.

I managed to hold back the tears when Jess and Adam passed by me hand in hand happily talking. They didn't notice me, I guess they both forgot me. I grimaced at the memory

After the threat that Jess made, I didn't want to face Adam, I just didn't want to face him at that moment.

I walked home after avoiding the parking lot. Luckily my parents weren't home yet, so I had plenty of privacy. I dropped my things on the hall and walked to my bedroom. I let myself fall into the bed and stared at the roof.

Jess was not a normal girl. It just didn't made any sense. Why did she hated me so much? Why did she want to ruin my life? She made it clear that she would do anything to have Adam back. I only had one choice, give up on Adam.

It was only 6 and half months until I finished high school. Adam would be mad at me and of course that Jess would end up having him back...I could handle it until the end. It was for the best. It was for Adam.

A knock interrupted my thoughts; I looked up and saw Adam leaning into the door with his arms crossed" Hei"

I sat up and smiled" Hei... "

He walked up to me and stood in front of me looking down on me" Everything ok?"

I hugged his waist and rested my head on his stomach" Yeah...just a little tired..."

He started playing with my hair" You didn't want to come with me?"

"I needed the walk..."

I put my hand under his t shirt and felt his back. I loved this feeling, his skin just had this effect on me...I looked up at him and sighed.

He gave me a grin and shock his head. I lay on the bed and pulled him on top of me.

"Felling frisky huh?"

I shock my head" No...just in love..."

He chuckled and rested his head on my shoulder" You can be so sappy sometimes..."

I rested my hands on his lower back and kissed his shoulder "Yeah...but you love it anyway..."

"No arguing on that one!"

He lifted his head and looked up at me" Are you sure you're ok? `Cause I have this feeling..."

I grabbed his head on my hands and looked into him" Shut up and kiss me..."

And he did just that. I don't know why or how or even when, but we ended up making love right there. It was something that bonded us in a way that I could never imagine possible. It was like at some point we were one and nothing was around us.

We ended up falling asleep. When I woke up it was getting late. The sun was setting down and we had a blanket around us. My mind suddenly woke up. Who had put the blanket around us? My mom? My dad?

Adam sensed my stirring and woke up. He opened his eyes and looked up at me. His smile took my worries away" Good morning you..."

I smiled back" Morning? Its almost time for dinner!"

He looked at the clock on my nightstand "I missed practice...coach is gonna kill me...but fuck him...it was worth it!"

I blushed, suddenly Jess came to my mind and I knew that I had to do this... I took a deep breath and looked at the ceiling" Adam... we need to talk..."

He chuckled "Sure... I mean... after what we did ,we can do anything we want..."~

I smiled "Adam...I don't know how to say this..."

He was looking at me with such trust. A trust that I knew that I would lose forever after this. He was happy I could see that. His eyes were almost sparkling, and I was gonna hurt him, I felt worse than shit, I was worse than shit.

He brushed the hair out of my forehead and I almost wanted to cry" Adam... I can't do this..."

He looked puzzled "huh? Do what?"

I gulped" This...me and you...its just to tiring... I just can't..." He was shocked. I could sense that" Is it because of me? Because I won't be out?"

I shock my head" No its not that Adam..."

"Because if it is I can come out...I will..."

I covered his mouth with my hand" Its just not meant to be...you're a great guy...you'll find a pretty woman, marry her and have lots of kids..."

He took my hand from his mouth" Bullshit... something's wrong Nate...please tell me...don't be like this..."

I whipped a tear away" Adam...please...just... just trust me on this one okay? We're just not meant to be together..."

He looked at me and the sparkling was gone. He sat up on the bed and looked around for his t-shirt" So, you're ready to give up on this...on us right?"

I nodded watching him looking for his sneakers. He looked at me while tying his laces" You're ready to give up on us after what we did now huh?"

I looked down

He stood up and looked at me" I was ready to give anything for you... and you do this Nate... I feel like I don't know you...you're not like this... but if this is how you want things to be, then fine...be that way...I don't care... just don't ever talk to me again..."

And that was it. He slammed the door and left. I grabbed the blanket and managed to fall asleep after crying my heart out.

I continued my walk towards the lab trying to forget all that drama. I saw Kurt in the distance. After Jess got Adam back, she left Kurt out of her leash. What surprised me was that Kurt and Marvin still hung together.

I nodded at Kurt and he nodded back. After all that happened I didn't talk to him that much. We just drifted apart.

I found the lab just when the bell rang. I entered and took my place. I watched Cathy enter the lab with a normal look on her face. Not sad nor happy, just normal. She gave me a brief look and sat on her place.

Another victim of Jess's treats.

The next day I entered school feeling like shit. I wanted to kill Jess and get this over with. The bell didn't even made me mad! Jess caught me on the hallway and dragged me to a quiet corner

"So... You did it?"

I nodded. She patted my head" Good boy...but I want another thing from you... "

I looked at her. She was grinning and I knew she was feeling on top of the world. I squeezed my books.

She brushed the hair of her face" You know...the jocks are all after Cathy...saying she's hot and a prick tease..."

"Where are you going with this?"

She grinned" She would be an welcome addition to my crew... you know...having her with me would make the jocks eat from my hand..."

"What the fuck do you want?"

"Now now...no need to be rude Natie... I just want you to hurt Cathy's feelings and make her come to me crying..."

I chuckled" Do you really think that she will come to you running? Please...she would rather die..."

Her lips formed a thin line" Just leave that to me...you get this done or else..."

"I know I know... just promise to leave them alone after all this..."

She grinned" You have my word"

She turned around and walked away. I felt even worse. Now she wanted me to drop my best friend... what on earth have I done to Jess? I remembered the photos and gained some strength. This was for the best...I knew it.

I didn't know what to say to get Cathy away. So I started avoiding her. Jess seemed pleased by that. I started eating alone. I spent a lot of time hiding from Cathy...and after a week I was starting to get results.

Only that Cathy wasn't the type to give up easily.

A week after all this happened Cathy came to my house claiming to my parents that we had some group work to end.

She entered my room, locked the door and crossed her arms

"You're going to sit in your bed, tell me why the fuck you're avoiding me and why the hell the incarnation of Satan is dating Adam!"

I looked at her" Good day to you to Cathy"

She groaned" Don't be a smartass... I though that you needed space so I gave you...I though that you would come to me when the time was right, so I waited...I though everything was going ok until I saw Jess sticking her tongue down Adam's throat!"

I grimaced at the mental image.

She watched me" SO?????"

"So what?"

She took a deep breath "Why are acting like this? What happened?"

I stood up" I'm acting normal... Nothing's wrong..."

She groaned" This is not the time to act stubborn with me..."

I sat on the bed" I'm not acting anything..."

She was starting to get hurt. I wanted to tell her everything, but that would put her in danger...I had to do this...it was for the best

"Is that all?"

She looked confused" huh?"

"Is this the reason you came here?"

She looked hurt" Are you trying to get rid of me?"

I was silent

She walked towards me and grabbed my head" What happened to you? Why are you doing this Nate?"

I shock my head" I'm not doing anything Cathy... now...if that is all could you please close the door after leaving?"

I could see tears forming in her eyes. She dropped her hands and looked straight at me" I don't know what's wrong Nate...I'm really confused and for the first time hurt because of you... I'm leaving... but you were and still are my best friend Nate... and I hope that whatever made you do this goes away quickly..."

And with that she was gone. I didn't have anymore tears to cry... I felt empty and alone...Jess could be happy now...

After Biology I was free to go home. I managed to avoid everyone again.

The route home was getting really familiar to me now. I knew every house, every tree and every car on it. For the past 6 moths it was my only moment where I was alone and found a little peace. No one to worry about, just me and the way.

I arrived home and has usual my parents weren't there yet. I walked to my room and dropped my bag. I heard the front door close again. I jumped. Someone had entered my house. I looked around for something to defend myself, I grabbed a baseball bat and walked quietly to the hall. I heard someone walk up the stairs. The shadow was to big to be my father or my mother. I was getting scared.

I leaned into the corner waiting for the robber to come. One second before he would round the corner I jumped and swung the bat.

I opened my eyes to see Marvin holding the bat grinning at me

"You hit like a girl Nate."

I was shocked" What the hell are you doing here? Don't you know how to knock?"

"If I did would you open the door?"

I didn't answer. He was right" What are you doing here?"

"First drop the bat... you're dangerous with him, you can hurt yourself!"

I chuckled and dropped it. "So?"

"Nate... I am here because Kurt asked me to...I don't want to hurt you, but he wants you to let him talk to you after hearing what I have to say."

"We'll see..."

He looked around" Can we go somewhere where we can be more comfortable? The hall isn't the best talking place..."

I walked him to the living room. We sat facing each other


He smiled" Okay here goes, Kurt knows."

"knows what?"

"About the pictures..."

I was confused" Of course he knows...he was the one that told me."

"ALL the pictures..."


"When...well...when Jess and me were...well...you know... he managed to sneak in her pc and saw them..."

I looked down" And..."

Marvin seemed uncomfortable " Well... we kind of figure it out by ourselves..."

I looked at him" I..I don't know what to say..."

"Well... you could start by talking to two special people that are on the other side of your front door waiting for me to go there and give a positive sign..."

I was so confused and afraid. What were they thinking now? They probably wanted to kill me. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up at Marvin

"Nate...give them a chance... they won't hurt you...I promise...I'll go and get them..."

I nodded and sighed... The house was silent, the only noise came from the front door opening and closing and some soft whispering. With every step that I heard my heart was beating faster. I looked up at the door when the noise stopped. Kurt and Cathy were standing there. Marvin hugged Kurt in a strange way and walked away.

We stood there for a few moments not knowing what to say. I got up and pointed to the sofas" Take a seat...can't leave guest standing like that..."

They smiled politely and sat. I sat in front of them and waited for the yelling.


It came almost as a whisper, in fact for a few seconds I though that it has been my imagination . Only when Cathy repeated I was sure it was real


"I was scared... And I didn't want to bring you into the mess..."

Cathy sighed" We were your friends... we could have helped you Nate..."

"I don't know... Jess had to many cards on her hand... I was afraid she would use them against you and make you do things like me... I didn't want that...I didn't want her to hurt you, nor Kurt nor Adam... I though that if I gave her what she wanted, she would be happy... she would leave us alone..."

They both looked at me nodding

Kurt looked at the door and then at me" Nate... I was used by her... I was afraid of her...I understand what you did, but giving up Adam and Cathy like that... I mean... they were your best friends... "

I looked at the ground and could feel the tears coming " She said she would out them... I know Adam's afraid of it, and Cathy doesn't deserve it. She has a wonderful relationship with Amanda and I wasn't going to bring more problems to her life. And Adam...I loved him, damn I still love him to damn much to make him suffer... "

Cathy kneeled in front of me and looked into me" Nate... you're a wonderful person... I do maintain what I said on that day you are my best friend...nothing changed during this months... I understand now... and please the next time something like this happens...do tell me...we'll go through it together okay?"

I sobbed and smiled at her" You're not mad at me?"

She grabbed my hands" How could I be mad at such a cute face huh?"

I chuckled and hugged her" I'm sorry...I though that I was doing the best for you..."

"That's okay...but next time do consult me before doing that okay?"

I nodded and hugged her harder. I looked up at Kurt and he was smiling at us. I released Cathy and turned to him" Hei...that hug you gave Marvin...it was more than friendship huh?"

He blushed" We're trying to understand were we stand..."

I laughed while whipping my tears with the back of my hand" You slut."

He laughed and hugged me" You're a great guy Nate... just don't do that ever again... we'll get through this together kay?"

I nodded and released him" So, where did Marvin go? I think he deserves a hug to...although he almost scared me to death."

"Jess wanted him to do some services as she calls it..."

I was surprised" You mean..."

Kurt nodded, and I knew it was costing him letting Marvin go like this" But she's with Adam now..."

Kurt chuckled" One thing you have to know about Jess is that she loves sex... she has to be with different men to be satisfied, and since Adam is not giving any on that department ..."

A ray of hope lit inside me, and Cathy smiled at that" He still loves you Nate...even after all this time..."

"But he seems happy when I see him in the halls with Jess..."

Cathy sighed" Pretending... we told him about the pictures... and he also figure it out...but he still hasn't gathered the strength to come to you and talk..." I looked at the ground. Suddenly Kurt's mobile rang. He picked it up and had a hurried conversation. After he hung up he had a really worried look on his face

"Marvin called... something happened... we have to go to Adam's place now."

My heart started beating faster and we quickly hurried to Adam's house.

When we entered trough the back door we were hit by the smell of alcohol. There were 5 bottle on top of the kitchen table. We looked at each other and knew something was wrong. We heard Marvin calling us and we almost ran upstairs.

We entered Adam's room to see him and Cathy naked on top of the bed sleeping. More bottles on the nightstand and I could smell some weed in the air.

"She called after he passed out... when I got here she slurred something and fell asleep... From what I can tell...he was too drunk and high to get it up, so she called me..."

I looked at Marvin and then at Adam. I sighed "We have to get this cleaned up...Mrs. Anderson will have an heart attack if she sees this..."

I looked at Marvin" Can you take Jess home?"

He nodded and pick her up. Cathy, being the only girl helped to take her and dress her. Leaving Kurt and me to clean.

"Kurt you go downstairs and clean the kitchen...I'll get this done..."

He nodded and walked away. I looked at Adam sleeping and wondered what more we had to go through to have a stable relationship. We had broke up and made up a million times now and I was getting tired of it. I just wanted a serious relationship and a chance at happiness.

Leaving my thoughts I started gathering the empty bottles. Adam would wake up with some major hangover, that was sure. I grabbed the pot and the bottles and walked downstairs to drop them in the garbage. Kurt was busy cleaning the table


He looked up" Hei... they drank a lot... they are gonna have some major hangover tomorrow..."

I nodded

Kurt looked at me and smiled" Don't worry...everything will turn out okay now...we're together remember?"

I nodded and dropped the bottles and pot on the garbage. I noticed a post it on the fridge door saying that Mrs. Anderson would be gone for 3 days to visit Mike and Brad. Jess was planning on having sex with him during this time...that slut... I shivered with the though of them together

"Yeah... its disgusting..."


Kurt looked at me" Imagining Jess with your boyfriend... "

I was sorry for him, he didn't deserve it" I'm sorry Kurt... I hope Marvin..:"

He smiled" I like him, he's a great guy... and I can live with what he's doing...we don't have a relationship or anything like it...we're waiting to the end of high school...we're going to the same college and we'll see how things go from there..."

I smiled" So...you now believe in serious ay relationships?"

He chuckled" Maybe..."

After cleaning and trying to take the bad smell away Kurt left after giving him a hug. I called my dad explaining that Adam needed some nursing, he agreed to cover for me. I thank him and walked to Adam's room.

Adam was lying on his stomach with a pillow covering his head

I sat on the sofa and caressed his back


I stopped. He was awake. He turned around and looked at me. He had his eyes almost closed" Nate? What are you doing here? Oh fuck...you saw Jess huh?"

I nodded and brushed a bit of hair of his face" Adam...lets talk in the morning okay? For now I just want to sleep next to you..."

He smiled and moved so that I had space. I lay next to him and he put his arm around me" I'm glad you came, `cause tomorrow I'm gonna have a huge hangover..."

I nodded and kissed his nose" Just sleep..."

He smiled and rested his head on my shoulder. We drifted of like that


Well...here it is...hope you guys and girls like it...keep on mailing me to pookie_story@hotmail.com... Meanwhile have fun =) see ya

Next: Chapter 11

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