
By zeca

Published on Feb 22, 2004


Well, here's the start of my next story following Pookie. Pookie went well and I want to thank all of the people that read it. It meant a lot to know that people like what I write. Starting this new story, I so want this to be better than I ever managed to make Pookie. There might be some references to Pookie, but this is a whole new universe, something different, something new. Please send me your thoughts on the story to: pookie_story@hotmail.com

Thanks for reading,

Hope you like it.


"So you're going to be a doctor?"

That would be the first thing that my aunt Mary would say when she saw me, not a "good day", nor a "how are you". She was one of those ladies that you would see every Sunday at Church, trying her best to impress all the other old ladies that she saw as her friends. It reminded me of peacocks displaying their feathers to attract attention.

Yeah, I think that sums up my aunt. She was still single, and I guess that this behaviour was a way to escape the loneliness that she felt. I pitied her in a way, always smiling, and with the cigarette in her hand. She reminded me of what I didn't want to become in the future.

I gave my trademark smile. "We'll see!"

She sat on the nearest chair and crossed her legs. She was wearing a skirt, and she was clearly showing off her legs. Even at 40, she had plenty to show off, and she could still turn some heads: blond hair, blue eyes that could see right through you, full lips, and a sexy face. I could never understand why she was still single.

She never took her eyes off me. "You take every opportunity you get!"


My other nightmare! Aunt Susan was worse than aunt Mary. Ten years ago she had joined one of those church groups and had become a fanatic about it. She was always trying to take me to her "youth group." I had so far always managed to avoid that and talk about something else. She and my other aunt were totally opposites: while Mary shone and was the star on the crowd, Susan was more of the quiet intellectual type. She was also not very gifted in the physical department; she was overweight, brunette and her age was starting to show.

She enveloped me with her fat arms almost taking my breath away. "How is my favourite nephew?"

I gasped. "Good, how are you?"

"You're a senior now, right? Have you already chosen the Med School you're going to?"

I groaned mentally to myself! I hated these family reunions; it seemed that everyone was more concerned about my future than with I myself. I didn't have anywhere to turn to, there was no escape: my aunts taunted me with med school, my uncles started with the girlfriend talk.

I looked around for an excuse to leave the place, "Yeah..."

My aunt beamed, I don't know if it was from the alcohol or from happiness. "You are such a smart young man..."

I felt my cell-phone ring and thanked my luck. "I gotta take this!"

She smiled. "Sure honey you go ahead!"

I walked outside and found a quiet spot. "You saved my life man!"

"That bad?"

I laughed, "You can't even imagine!"

He laughed back. "Then I guess you own me one!"

I smiled, "I'll pay you later..."

"Yeah, but I'm not calling to talk about that, ..are you free to talk?"

I sat on the grass and enjoyed the feeling of grass on my feet. "Yeah..."

"I made it! I managed to get Jess from Maths to go out with me!"

I rolled my eyes. Why did he have to do this? I already knew what would happen. He would go out with her three or four times; make her fall for him, take her to bed and then say that he wasn't ready for a serious relationship.

"And you're exited because..."

"You know damn well that Jess is like the best of all the girls I nailed!"

I was now lying on the grass staring up into the sky. "Yeah, the best slut!"

"Anyway, I got some time to kill, wanna come over?"

I looked at the window that opened to the living room. I could choose between spending the rest of the afternoon with my family or with Adam. Difficult choice! "Hell yeah, I'll be over there in five!"

"Sure, see ya!"

I hung up and walked into the house again. I looked around and saw my mom with my grandmother talking while drinking some kind of juice. "Mom, Adam invited me over to his house, call me if you need anything!"

Mom didn't even take her eyes from my grandmother, and gave a quick yes dear. I smiled happily and almost ran out of there. Almost because my huge Uncle Tom decided to block my way.

"Going to your girl?"

I groaned. I wondered, why I did to deserve this shit every time they came over. My uncle was a huge man; he worked out and had muscles everywhere. When I was smaller he loved to pick me up and hold me upside down. Now I guess I was too big!

"I'm kind of in a hurry..."

He grinned. "Can't leave your girl waiting, don't let me stop you!"

I walked past him. "Whatever..."

Adam's house was near. I knew the way like the palm of my hand. Adam's house was your typical two-floored house with a big garden out the front. They had a huge dog in the front yard. Adam called him Spike (original huh?) and that dog frightened everyone, even my Uncle Tom! Luckily he knew me and didn't even look twice at me.

I noticed Adam's mom in the garden, tending to her flowers near the front door. It was her favourite hobby .. gardening; I guess she was more into it since her husband died in a car accident. She was a nice lady, small, thin, with black hair going white and the bluest eyes possible.

"Hi, Mrs. Anderson, how are those plants going?"

She smiled at me. "Good Natie, we're gonna have roses in a few days, I can give you one for your girlfriend!"

I kissed her forehead. "I'll try to remember that!"

"Adam's upstairs!"

I started to walk inside the house. "Thanks!"

"Oh and Nate! I told you to call me Bri!"

I laughed and went upstairs. I could hear the music coming from Adam's room. He loved to be into his own little world and listen to music. I entered without knocking and saw him lying on his bed with his eyes closed. He didn't seemed to notice me entering so I just dove onto him.

He gave a little yelp. "Fuck Nate, you wanna kill me?"

I laughed and stared into his eyes. He had the same eyes as his mother. I could understand why all those girls would fall for him. He was cute, hot and knew how to be a gentleman when he needed. I got up and stared at the 6' frame that was trying to breathe again. I laughed again.

"You think that's funny? You almost killed me!"

I made my best questioning face. "Awww, do you think that I could ever kill you?"

He sat up straight and looked at me seriously. "Do you really want me to answer that question?"

I rolled my eyes. "So, what are we gonna do?"

He grinned. "Well, my mom wants me to clean my room and I kind of needed some help since..."

I interrupted him. "Since you're a lazy bastard that only eats, sleeps and fucks!"

He grinned. "You're right, but I also love to have my friend around and I thought that maybe he would love to help me, since that's what friends are for!"

I groaned. "Some lazy excuse you got there!"

"But it worked right?" He gave me the puppy dog eyes.

I groaned. "Lets just get this over with..."

It seemed that he was the laziest guy on earth. His room was worse than I could imagine. During this cleaning he talked about Jess and more Jess, and her tits, her face; and I was starting to get sick, really sick of all the Jess.

I let out a frustrated sigh. "Ok, OK...I got it, you wanna fuck her, no need to torture me!"

He looked at me. I could see that I had hurt him. He grabbed the basketball and walked out of the room. I cursed myself and knew that I should have kept my big mouth shut. I waited a while knowing that Adam needed at least ten minutes to calm down.

I walked towards the backyard and I could hear the pounding of the ball. I opened the door and saw Adam scoring.

"You're getting better..."

He didn't answer.

I sighed, "I'm sorry, ok?"

He tossed the ball. "Why do you have to criticise all the girls that I date? Every fucking time that I get one you find something bad or you get tired of hearing me talk about them..."

"I... I just don't like them..."

"Well, you're my friend, I appreciate the fact that you want the best for me and all, but for crying out loud, there wasn't a fucking time when you actually said that you were happy for me and my date!"

I was taken aback. "Well, excuse me for wanting the best for you! I should have told you that Jess was perfect and lie to you right? `Cause that's what friends do? I am not like your other friends!"

He rolled his eyes. "You're not starting this again are you? Just because you can't score, you don't need to fucking stop me from trying to score!"

I was hurt. Adam sensed it and his eyes showed it. He started walking towards me.

"No, you're right, you're the fucking God here! I should leave you alone with your dates and go back to my poor dateless world!"

He put his hand on my arm. "Nate, I didn't mean to say that..."

I brushed his hand away" No, you did. You think that I'm a loser don't you? You think that you're better than me!"

Now he was the shocked one. "Nate, you know damn well that..."

I interrupted him. "That what? That that's the truth? You know what Adam, fuck you, and Jess too, and then you can throw a party so that everyone can see how good you are!"

I walked away, ignoring whatever he was saying. I was fuming, I was furious. I wanted to get the hell away from there. I almost knocked Mrs. Anderson on my way out.

"Leaving so soon Natie?"

I kissed her forehead. "Yeah, Adam has to study..."

She smiled. "You know I may be old but I'm not stupid... I just hope that you two solve out this fight quickly!"

I loved this woman. I don't know why just but I did. She was so nice and funny. Bri was a painter and had her own gallery. She was from another town and had come here for college. She had started everything from scratch and made it.

"I hope so, I'll see ya later!"

Well, Senior Year at high school is sometimes a pretty weird time. I have these weird phases where I would get nostalgic and remember the old times. I had been in this school since my fifth grade and I had lots of memories.

The school itself wasn't that special, a normal school building: plain, big and ugly. It was painted in grey and white tones. The main stairs were the usual meeting points for all students. Normally I would meet Adam here every morning. I knew that this was a stupid fight; that eventually we would be friends again, but for the time being I didn't want to talk to him.

I saw his black hair in the crowd. He noticed me and he turned his gaze at another guy next to him. I did the same and then walked inside. The main corridor was full of lockers and people talking. I had Maths for the first period and knew that it was on the second floor. I noticed that most of the people were familiar faces. I mouthed hello to some of them and made my way to the classroom. When I was almost there the bell rang. I hated that damn thing, especially `cause it would ring right on top of my head. I groaned and entered maths.

The teacher introduced himself and gave the same old speech on studying and the future and all that crap. He eventually started writing exercises on the blackboard and I fell into a state of total boredom. After Maths, it was Biology. Things were getting better. I walked into the classroom and noticed a new face talking to the teacher. It was a girl; she was blond, tall and was wearing the shortest skirt that I've ever seen. She turned around and I knew that this girl was gonna cause some trouble in school. She was a mix of Chinese with Puerto Rican. She was hot and I noticed a lot of guys drooling. I smiled to myself thinking about how easy a girl could control a guy. I sat and started to look for my book when someone cleared their throat

"Excuse me, do you mind if I sit here next to you?"

I looked up and saw the beauty. I smiled. " No, what's your name?"

"I'm Cathy! What's yours?"

"I'm Nate! Nice to meet you!"

She sat and took out her books.

"So you're new here. Where are you from?"

She seemed surprised at my question and gave a little laugh. "I'm from California!"

I smiled back. "Oh... so what's so funny?"

She leaned into my ear. "If your trying to flirt with me it's a waste of time!"

I blushed a little. "Why's that?"

She was about to answer when the teacher hit our table with her pointer. "I want silence, if that isn't too much to ask!"

The class went by quickly. I found out that Cathy and I had the same classes and I spent most of the day showing her around, introducing some people; She was a nice girl, a little naive but nice anyway.

We were walking out of English; it was our last class of the day:

"So, you never told me why it's a waste of time to flirt with you!"

She laughed again. "You seem like a nice guy, I think that I can trust you..."

I was curious. "With what?"

She took a serious expression on her face. "Well, I am... well... I kind of have someone back home..."

I opened my locker. "Oh, boyfriend...I understand..." She gave a little sigh. "No, its more like a girlfriend!"

I slammed the door so hard that a lot of the people around us looked surprised. Cathy blushed. I looked at her without words. No one had ever come out to me. It was pretty weird. She was nervous now. I could see. I put my arm around her shoulder and gave her a little kiss on the cheek. "No problem here!"

She looked up again and gave a little sigh. She surprised me but hugging me. "Thanks, you have no idea how hard it was to say that..."

I was about to reply when I heard someone whistle. I looked up and saw Adam and a jock friend passing by. Adam was surprised and his friend was laughing. I looked into Adam's eyes and he quickly looked away and started walking faster to the exit.

"Hello? Nate?"

I looked up at Cathy snapping out of my dream state.

"Nate? Are you all right? Who was that?"

I grabbed my books. "No one...I'll see you tomorrow!"

That night I had the weirdest dream. It was one of those dreams that seem really real. The strangest thing was that I was with Adam and that he was hugging me in his room. I was feeling, smelling and even hearing everything like if it was real. I turned to him and I could see him leaning into me. We were almost kissing when I woke up sweating and with a major problem in the lower department.

After all the usual morning routines I found myself walking to school thinking about that dream. It was so vivid that it was scary. I spotted Adam getting into his car. It wasn't much of a distance to school, but he loved to drive. He noticed me and his face kind of looked down. I missed him and the good times. But I wasn't gonna give in!

He drove off and I continued my way to school. Ten minutes later I was walking up the stairs when I spotted Cathy in the main entrance talking to another girl. Noticing me, she walked towards me and gave me a kiss on the cheek "Good morning Nate!"

I smiled "Good morning, I see you've been making some friends.."

"Her name is Jess, seems like a nice girl..."

I groaned silently at the mention of that name. I didn't even want to think about that damn girl. I noticed that Cathy was wearing some really sexy top.

"Girl, if you weren't attached already I would jump your bones!"

She laughed and put her arm around mine. "Well, for the time being I'll stick with women, they don't stink like you men do!"

I laughed and started walking to the front building. I noticed Adam and his friends talking happily about some game. He noticed me and he noticed Cathy. I saw the hurt look on his face. He said something to his friends and walked away. The sight of me seemed to bother him.

"You know, you're starting to leave me really curious about whom that might be!"

"Oh, He is...or was...my best friend...we kind of had a fight..."

She laughed. "Aren't you men supposed to be better than girls? You two are behaving like a couple of teenage girls!"

"No we're not!"

"Oh yes you are. You should talk about whatever is bothering you! Like two grown men!"

I sighed. "Can we talk about something else? I don't want to discuss this!"

The morning passed rather quickly. At lunchtime Cathy and I sat in a quiet corner. I noticed that she had been really quiet all day.

"Is something wrong?"

She looked up from her plate and I could see that she was debating with herself. I grabbed her hand. "I know that I've known you since yesterday but you can ask me anything, don't worry, I won't bite!"

She smiled. "Don't take this the wrong way... but...I mean...are you gay?"

I was a little taken back, but quickly recovered. "Why are you asking that?"

She was nervous. "Nothing...its just that...don't take this the wrong way, but you haven't looked at my tits for the whole morning, and no straight guy would do that!"

I laughed. She continued. "And you're too nice for a straight guy, I don't see you checking other girls out...!"

"Well, lets just say that I keep my options open..."

"You mean you're bi?"

"Call it whatever you want...I just don't discriminate!"

She smiled. "I guess its another thing in common!"

"Yeah...I guess it is!"

She smiled and continued eating. I felt easier and was smiling just from getting that one off my shoulders. I noticed Adam looking this way and I immediately looked down. Cathy saw that and looked over Adam's way and caught him looking. She turned to me grinning.

"I see...best friend right?"

I was blushing. "No, nothing like that...!"

She laughed. "Oh my God, you're so attracted to him, aren't you?"

"Adam is my best friend, we're mad at each other..."

She grabbed my hand. "Relax, if I wasn't into girls, I would be all over him also..."

"Its nothing like that!"

She didn't look convinced. "Ok, if you say so..."

After that Cathy and I talked more freely than ever. We were forming a tight bond. Mainly because of the dark secret that was bonding us.

Arriving home, I noticed a familiar car on the driveway. I cursed every little thing that I could think of before entering home. I opened the door and heard the familiar voice coming from the living room.

I dropped my books and walked in to find Aunt Susan and my mom laughing about something. They were drinking tea. The sight of them there made me think of one of those paintings from old England where the ladies would be drinking their tea with all the right postures.

My mom noticed me. "Natie, honey, Aunt Susan had a brilliant idea!"

"School was good mom, and hello Aunt Susan!"

My mom ignored my sarcasm and continued. "She was thinking about taking you to the church group and you could meet some nice kids like yourself!"

Aunt Susan piped in. "And girls, the daughter of Mrs. Jenkins is becoming a nice young lady!"

I rolled my eyes. "I've got homework to do, I'll see ya later!"

My aunt took a sip of her tea. "You go and study, you need good grades to enter Med School!"

I ignored them. I wasn't even gonna bother with what they were saying. I dropped my things and walked into the bathroom. I splashed some water on my face and looked into the mirror. I saw the same face that haunted me for years. Brown hair, hazel eyes, and a tired look on my face. I knew where that came from. Years of putting up with a family like that, of hiding, lying and smiling even in the saddest moments. And as usual I decided to not think about it and walked into my room again. I heard a familiar tapping on the window and opened it to see Adam outside waving me to come down there. I took a deep sigh in preparation for the conversation that was about to take place and I clambered down. I had mastered the art of climbing down from my window years after many years and many falls. Adam had his hands in his pockets and was looking down.


I answered back. "So..."

"Nate...I'm sorry ok? I shouldn't have said those things...I was stupid!"

I loved when he got into little kid mode. "Keep on..."

He looked up at me. "And I am jerk, and I should have know that you only wanted the best for me..."

I had forgiven him the moment that he had spoken, but I was enjoying this. "And..."

He smiled. "And you're enjoying this aren't you, little fucker?"

He jumped on me and tackled me to the floor. We wrestled, laughing our asses off. When we stopped he was on top of me still laughing. We both stopped and I looked into his eyes and I was locked into them. It was a bit strange but at the same time right. He got up and helped me stand up.

"So, I guess this means that we're OK again?"

I laughed. "Sure, since you let me beat your ass I guess you're forgiven!"

He smiled. "Don't you even think about that! But talking about other things...you and that new chick..."

I grinned. "Yeah..."

He rolled his eyes, "You know damn well what I mean!"

I put on my most innocent face. "Have no idea what you're talking about!"

He groaned. "Do want me to kick your ass......again?"

"She's a cool girl, we're friends..."

He seemed to smile even more. But I shrugged a thought that had flashed into my mind out of my head. It only reminded me of the dream. We talked a bit more and he went home.

Wednesday morning. I was waiting for Adam to arrive. I wanted to introduce him to Cathy and he seemed to be late.

Cathy laughed. "Calm down, you're not gonna introduce me to your mother!"

I smiled. "Dream on girl!"

She rested her head on my shoulder. "You would have need a lot of surgery to turn me on!"

I was about to reply when I noticed Adam walking up the stairs. He smiled at me, but his smile fell when he saw Cathy leaning into me. I should ask about that later.

"Hey Adam, this is Cathy, Cathy this is Adam!"

They shock hands.

Adam ignored Cathy and looked at me. "I'll see you later, I've kind of have plans..."

I was a little taken back but kept my cool pose. "Ok, see ya later!"

While he walked of Cathy turned to me. "He didn't like me!"

I kissed her forehead. " yes he did, its impossible not to like you, and besides with that skirt, what guy wouldn't love you?"

She rolled her eyes and we walked into our first class of the day. During the morning I managed to find Adam and convince him to lunch with Cathy and me. She was a bit worried about Adam's behaviour and was convinced that he didn't like her one bit. I said that it was just her imagination, that he was just in a hurry...

We were both sitting there. Cathy wasn't too thrilled about this. She was focussing on her plate, playing with her food.

"Don't worry; Adam's a nice guy..."

She was about to reply when she looked behind me and I knew that Adam had arrived. I turned around and I almost vomited. "Hi Adam, hi Jess!"

She gave me a small smile and sat next to Cathy. "So Cathy how are you liking the new school?"

Cathy was a little nervous, but she hid it pretty well. "It's cool, has very nice people here!"

She smiled at me when she said that, but Jess had to talk. "Oh thank you, you seem like a nice girl too!"

All this time Adam had stood there doing God knows what. I pulled him down and he sat in front of Jess. "In la la land again?"

He shrugged. "Thinking..."

Jess turned to me. "Yeah, he's like that...even during the more important moments he just seems to drift away..."

Adam blushed and I rolled my eyes. Cathy decided to talk. "So, Adam you're in the basketball team?"

Adam looked at Cathy and nodded. " And you like it?"

Silly question, but I knew what Cathy was trying to do, she was trying to make conversation and Adam wasn't helping.

Adam nodded again.

I was starting to get a little worried, and Jess had to talk again. "He's one of the best, aren't you my little Adam?"

Even Cathy rolled her eyes. Adam hated being called little. When he was a kid he was short and always wanted to grow up. I teased him about it, but I knew that he hated it. He looked at Jess and gave her a forced smile. I looked at my watch and noticed that we still had plenty of time.

Jess shook her hair. "You know what I heard? That Brad Johnson from the football team had a fling with Melissa..."

I wanted to throw up. I just couldn't see what Adam saw in that girl! Sure she was pretty, hot and knew how to shake her ass. But every time she talked she made attractive points go away. Adam was focussed on his plate, and Cathy was trying to make some kind of conversation with Jess. I knew that she was forcing the smile, and I was praying for an excuse to make Jess go away. Thankfully someone heard me up there and we heard someone call Jess's name. She turned around waved at them and the next thing I knew she was trying to take Adam's mouth off his face with her own. I was shocked, Adam had never done this in front of me. Sure he talked about it and even worse things, but he never had passed the peck stage in front of me. I suddenly felt sick. I said a quick goodbye and walked to the nearest bathroom. Cathy caught me before that.

"Are you feeling ok? You seem a little sick!"

I smiled. "Just a bit nauseous all of the sudden..."

She looked at me and grinned; she seemed to want to say something but held the thought. Instead she punched my shoulder. "If you make me sit next to that Barbie Doll again, I swear I'll kill you!"

I gave an apologetic smile. "Not my fault, I just don't get what Adam sees in that girl..."

She smiled and grabbed my arm. "Lets go to Maths and worry about that later."

The rest of the day was normal. Classes, and more classes. I left Cathy at the front gate and start walking home. I was so into my world that the honk that I heard almost gave me a heart attack. I looked around and saw Adam waving at me. I walked over to him. "What's up?"

He smiled back. "Nothing...,just wondering if you wanted a ride..."

I was pretty tired and didn't feel like going home on foot. "Sure, as long as you don't try to kill me in that thing!"

Adam was a crazy driver. I don't know how he managed to keep the car on its the four wheels. I tried to avoid his car and his speed, but for now I just wanted to get home. I got into the car and put on the seatbelt.

He rolled his eyes. "I'm gonna be careful, don't worry!"

I don't know why but that didn't made me feel any more secure. "I prefer to prevent..."

He turned on the engine. "Your call!"

We talked about shitty stuff during the ride, and when he stopped in front of my house he turned of the engine and looked at me. "So you and Cathy chick going out?"

I tried not to roll my eyes, but failed miserably. "No, we're just friends... you got Jess pregnant yet?"

He didn't smile. "Nate..."

I continued. "Yeah, but by the looks of it, you two are almost there. You though on a name yet?"

I don't know why I was saying these things, it was like I couldn't control myself, like if I was watching this from another perspective.

He frowned. "We're not going that way again are we?"

"You can do whatever you want with her, as long as I don't have to see those kind of things like at lunch!"

He started to get redder in the face. "Oh, like you and Cathy are better! I can't even imagine what you do when you two are alone!"

I was shocked. "What the hell are you trying to say?"

"You know damn well what I'm trying to say! You two are so close when walking that you look the same person!"

"Don't you even dare! Cathy is not like Jess!"

"Yeah, I can imagine, with those skirts and tops that she wears... At least Jess is a slut with some sense of dignity!"

I almost punched him. I managed to grab the handle of the door and contained myself. "You know what? I expected much more from you... I just don't understand why you're being such an asshole..."

He seemed to want to say something, but instead he turned to the road ahead and gulped. "I'm not the asshole here! You started this!"

I counted up until five and let out a loud breath. "I didn't start anything. You're the one that offended a friend of mine!"

"Look Nate, just go, its better this way...I'll see you tomorrow!"

He seemed drained, almost older. I opened the door and walked off. The moment the door closed on his car he drove off. I walked into my house and didn't even see my mom. I walked into my room and just let it all out.


Well, can't believe that I'm starting something new here... If you liked or hated this story, please mail me to pookie_story@hotmail.com thanks for reading

Next: Chapter 2

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