Pounded by the Bodybuilder

By Mister J Author

Published on Jul 13, 2021


Pounded by the Bodybuilder By Mister J

Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MrGayrotica

Other stories by Mister J: - https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/mrgayrotica - https://www.amazon.com/Mister-J/e/B08KFVTBLJ

"Chris, can you cover for me?" Simon asked.

The locker room buzzed with men in different stages of undress, while my co-worker and I stood in our maintenance uniforms.

Some came in from the gym's exercise area, removing their shirts drenched in sweat on the way to their lockers.

Some came in from the showers with towels wrapped around their waists, water droplets sliding down their torsos.

"The gym's closing. You're leaving me alone to clean by myself?"

"I'm sorry. I know it's short notice, but I forgot it's my wife's birthday. It's already late for dinner so I need to figure something out to celebrate."

"How can you forget your wife's birthday?" I crossed my arms in front of my chest and stared at him.

He pressed his palms together in prayer. "Please, bro. My wife's gonna kill me if she finds out I forgot again this year."

"On one condition."

"Name it."

How about you let me suck your dick? Of course, I can't ask that out loud. I'm not stupid.

"I want one of those ube cheesecakes your wife made before."

"I'll even give you two."

"Done." I offered my hand.

After we shook, Simon walked away backwards and pointed at me. "Thanks, bro. I owe you big time."

"Look out." I tried to warn him, but he crashed into Derek.

Simon apologized to the large man with a buzz cut and exited the locker room.

"Chris." The six-foot bodybuilder walked toward me. His massive chest and arms bulged in his navy dress shirt.

One of his workout buddies in black briefs intercepted him, but he resumed his way after a quick greeting.

"Good you're here. I've been looking for you." He adjusted the gym bag's strap on his shoulder.

"Sir, the gym's about to close."

"Yeah, about that. Would it be okay to squeeze in a quick workout? Reception said it's okay if you're okay with it."

"I don't know. I'm the only one cleaning tonight. So I need to start right away if I want to finish before midnight."

"Promise, it'll only take thirty minutes, tops. And I'll keep out of your way."

His proposal sounded reasonable. I can work with it.


How can I say no to this hot as fuck man? "Okay. Go ahead."

"Thanks, man." He squeezed my arm with a huge hand. "I really need to de-stress after the day I had with a difficult client."

The sensation from the unexpected gesture went straight to my dick. As Derek took an available locker, I hurried to the restroom to hide my growing hard-on.

The bustle of the gym turned to calm. Only a few people remained. Myself, Derek, and a few members showering before going home. And I turned off half of the lights.

I pulled out a small spray bottle from my utility belt and started disinfecting the equipment.

Halfway through the routine, Derek came out of the locker room only in skimpy gray sweat shorts.

His shirtless upper body bared blond fur trailing down his v-cut abs, disappearing into the waistband.

Fuck. How am I supposed to finish with this gorgeous man distracting me?

"I'm sorry I don't have a workout shirt. I really thought I packed one earlier. Don't worry. I'll wipe down the equipment myself after I use them."

I nodded and went back to disinfecting. Making sure he stayed out of my sight line to keep me undistracted.

Weights clinked behind me.

A quick peek in the mirror showed him loading the bar on the bench press.

Moments passed and guttural grunts cut through the silence.

Jeez, is he working out or having sex?

I turned to look at him as he sat up after finishing the set.

He removed one wireless earbud. "Did you say something?"

I shook my head.

Derek smiled and turned away.

Does he realize what he's been doing?

I imagined him making the same noise while having sex with his wife. Will he do the same grunts if he fucks me? Shit, that would be hot.

He prepped for another set.

To help clear my head of dirty thoughts about the man, I decided to start cleaning the mirrors. But the decision complicated my situation.

The mirrors reflected Derek doing bench presses. His wide-open legs tightened the sweat shorts on his bulge.

Blood surged through my dick as I imagined the outline of his fat meat through the material.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I adjusted the utility belt so one of the pouches covered my erection and looked in the mirror.

If Derek looked with intent, he could see the obvious tent in my pants.

Not good.

He finished his set and flexed the pumped chest in front of the mirror. The sheen from sweat defined every curve of muscle on his upper body.

Before he witnessed the effect of his manliness inside my pants, I abandoned the mirrors and transferred to the members' lounge.

I can stay here. At least until my hard-on subsides.

But as I wiped down tables, Derek's grunts--although lower in volume--continued.

Shit. I will be here a while.

The supply closet door squeaked as I pushed it closed with my hip. It echoed in the empty shower area.

With paper towel and liquid soap refills on hand, I headed for the restroom.

On the way, I passed by Derek bent over the drinking fountain in only a classic white jockstrap. He groaned and flagged me down with an arm holding a protein shaker bottle.

I stopped.

But while waiting for him to finish drinking, my eyes zoned in on his jockstrap bulge. The loose weaving of the pouch material made it translucent.

Fuck. This time I'm not imagining it. I could make out the shaft and the fat dick head.

I shifted my arms and positioned the items I carried over my crotch. When the liquid soap container pressed into my hard-on, the pressure elicited a small whimper out of me.

Derek stood up and wiped his mouth with a forearm. "Chris, are you okay?"

"Anything I can help you with?" I asked, tearing my gaze away from his dick.

"No, I'm good. Actually, I just wanted to ask if you want to have my other banana."

"I...I'm sorry?"

"Because I have a big one in my pouch. If you want it, you can have it."

"Pouch?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

He showed me the banana in his hand. "I have another one of this in a pouch in my bag. Are you sure you're okay? Maybe you should eat my banana."

Did all the blood in my brain go to my dick? The man meant an actual banana, stupid.

"Sure. I'll eat it later. I have my hands full right now." I gave him a weak smile.

"No problem." Derek turned around and walked away, giving me full view of his plump, round ass.

I bit my lip and grumbled before proceeding to the men's restroom.

Once inside, I started with the paper towels. The image of Derek's ass lingered in my head while I loaded the dispenser.

What would it be like to kneel behind him and shove my tongue into his pink hole as he braced himself on his locker?

I adjusted my dick.

"You dropped some." Derek, still in his jockstrap, bent down and picked up the paper towels from the floor.

I caught a glimpse of his hole. "Sorry, I was a little distracted."

He handed me the paper towels and stood in front of a urinal. His hand pulled the jockstrap pouch to the side and aimed his dick at the ceramic.

As I moved on to refill the liquid soap dispensers, I angled myself to get a better view in the mirror of Derek peeing without getting caught.

"By the way," He turned his head to look at me in the mirror.

I shifted my eyes away from his dick. In my hurry, some of the liquid soap spilled. "Shit."

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah." I used the paper towels from the floor earlier and wiped away the blue liquid. "Just on a clumsy streak tonight."

"Distracted, huh?" His body's angle revealed more of his soft, fat dick. "It's my fault. Don't worry. I'll just shower and then leave without getting in your way anymore. I'm sure you're sick and tired of seeing my almost naked ass all night."

Oh, Derek. If you only knew how bad I wanted to see your naked body. And being so close to it all night but not be able to do anything about it, it's torture.

After shaking his dick and tucking it back inside, he flushed and went to wash in the sink next to me. His body emitted a strong masculine scent.

The desire to lick and sniff his sweaty armpit stirred in me.

"I really appreciate you letting me workout late. Promise, I'll make it up to you."

"You don't have to do anything. Actually, I'm grateful for the company. It's nice to at least not be alone. Especially after my co-worker bailed on me."

"No, I want to. Just let me know what you want. I'll see what I can do." He winked at me in the mirror. "I'll go take a shower now."

His wink caught me off guard. But I'm sure it's nothing but an innocent gesture of gratitude. My horny, pervy mind is misinterpreting the words of a straight, married man. Right?

It took a while for my erection to subside after the encounter in the restroom.

But once my dick calmed down, I walked back to store the half-full liquid soap container.

Steam rose and water splashed inside one of the shower cubicles.

As I made my way to the supply closet, the translucent door's gap showed Derek under the spray, leaning on the tiled wall with both hands.

I did a double take.

Water cascaded down his wide-muscled back until it curved on the plump ass.

Shit. Look at that ass. My hand tightened around the container's handle.

Derek shifted.

Before I get caught, I proceeded to the closet and put what I came in there to store.

But the temptation to watch Derek lingered. Desire overcame my resistance.

I transferred to a better location where he wouldn't see me but I could see him through the gap.

Derek turned around, his front in full view.

What it would be like to have that dick in my mouth? The whole thing choking me, as he shoved it down my throat.

He lathered soap into a foam over his chest and abs until he moved onto his dick.

As I watched him rub soapy froth around the shaft, my hand made its way to the tent in my pants. I pressed the palm on my hard-on.

Derek worked his cock lubricated by soap until it doubled in size. He added the other hand to stroke the entire length.

I pulled my pants zipper open and fished out my angry dick, careful not to alert him of my presence. Once out, my hand matched his strokes. A bead of precum formed at the slit.

He leaned on the wall, tilted his head up and closed his eyes. One hand moved up to play with his nipple.

A whimper threatened to escape from me, but I bit my lip to suppress it.

A loud ringtone interrupted the silence.

Shit. In a panic, I bolted toward the lockers area without tucking my dick back in.

The water turned off. "Chris, is that mine?"

"Yeah, I think it is." I managed to pull the zipper up without my dick getting caught.

With only a towel draped over one shoulder, Derek scampered in.

A trail of water droplets followed behind him.

"I'm so sorry about the floor."

"Don't worry about it. I'll take care of it."

He mouthed `thank you' before answering the phone. "Yes, hon."

I retrieved the mop and worked on every inch of floor around the long padded bench.

"No, I'm still at the gym. But I just finished showering. I'll be home soon." He leaned back on the locker next to his. His dick in full view.

I kept my head down, but my eyes drank in Derek's meat.

His voice raised. "Why don't you believe me?"

I stopped and turned to him.

He pointed a finger at his phone while looking at me. "She thinks I'm with another woman."

A woman's mumble came from the phone.

"It's not another woman. It's Chris. You know, the maintenance guy? He's here cleaning the gym." He rolled his eyes and faced the phone toward me. "Could you please tell my wife I'm not with another woman."

I leaned in. "Ma'am, you don't have to worry. Your husband will not cheat with another woman while I'm here."

"You heard that, hon? I already told you."

I left him to store the mop away. And when I returned, I started picking up the discarded towels.

"Don't worry. I'll be home soon." He ended the call before digging inside his gym bag on the bench.

His used jockstrap next to the bag caught my eye. I wanted to sniff his ball sweat from it.

"Thanks again, man. My wife gets really jealous sometimes." He took out clothes from inside. "The list of things I owe you is getting longer, huh?"

I dumped the towels in the corner bin for washing. "It really is okay, sir. You don't have to worry about it."

"Oh, I almost forgot." He took the towel from his shoulder and handed it over.

As I reached for it, it fell to the floor.


I bent down to pick it up, but the sound of fabric tearing stopped me from pulling. "Shit."

Derek stepped closer, his naked body almost pressed into me. "Maybe it snagged on something on the bench's leg. A nail or whatever."

I knelt on the floor, felt for what caught the towel, and released it. When I looked up, Derek stood in front of me. His dick inches from my face.

We both looked at each other. No one moved.

My eyes went to his perfect specimen of manhood. The pubic hair around it trimmed short.

"You like what you see?" His voice gruff.

I looked at him but remained silent.



"You want it?"

I nodded slow.

"I know you do. You think I didn't know you've been looking at my cock all night, faggot?"


"Shh." He put a finger in front of his lips. "You think I didn't see you playing with yourself while spying on me in the shower?"

Shit. He saw me.

"Why do you think I put up a show? I knew fags like you would enjoy it."

There's no point in denying anything now. I looked at the fat dick in front of me again.

"Go ahead." He cocked his head. "Touch it."

My pulse quickened as my hand inched its way closer. But before it reached Derek's soft meat, I looked back up at his face.

"You earned touching my dick tonight."

I pressed my palm over the head and shaft.

He took a deep breath. "Fuck."

My fingers wrapped around the semi-hard flesh.

"How do you like my dick?

I started stroking him. "You have a big dick, sir. One of the biggest I've ever touched."

"Keep doing what you're doing and you'll see how big it really gets."

No doubt he's telling the truth. I switched up my grasp and used my thumb to stimulate the underside.

He looked up and hissed. "The rough skin on your hand feels so fucking good."

I continued stroking the now fully hard cut dick. Adding my other hand, I used both hands to pleasure his entire length.

Precum collected at the piss slit. The clear liquid tempting me.

I stared at the erotic nectar as my tongue wet my lips.

"Taste it."

We locked eyes as my body leaned in closer. I flicked my tongue and a rope of sticky liquid trailed from the piss slit.


I closed my eyes and savored the salty taste. "Hmm."

"You fags really like a real man's juice."

I smirked before flicking my tongue on the underside. Teasing the sensitive ridge for Derek's pleasure.

He put a hand behind my head. "More. Use more of that tongue."

Lifting his dick, I went under to lick from the base all the way to the head.

His dick twitched.

I did the same thing again. But this time I made sure I enjoyed the look of pleasure on his face.

"With the way you use your tongue, I'm sure this is not your first dick."

"And not my first dick in the gym also."

"Good." He grinned. "I got myself a slut here."

I went down further and licked one of his balls.

"Damn. Too bad I already showered. I wanted to see you enjoy the taste of my sweaty balls."

"I want that too." I licked the other and alternated the two.

"Yeah? I knew you're one raunchy fag. Put my balls in your mouth."

My mouth took in the hefty balls sack. I moaned.

"I haven't fucked my wife in a few days. Those are full of cum just for you."

I switched to the other one and played it with my tongue. The thought of him not been able to shoot for a few days filled me with anticipation.

"Can't take it anymore. Suck my dick now."

I ignored him.

He grabbed my hair and directed me back to his dick. "Suck it, fag."

Without delay, I moistened my lips and wrapped it around the head.

"Shit." He pulled closer. "Your mouth feels good. So warm and wet."

I took the dick out and used my tongue to play around the head.

"My wife doesn't know how to do what just did. You should teach her."

I put the dick back in my mouth. This time, I took more in and at the same time stroked the base with my hand.

Derek thrust his hips into my mouth.

He's getting impatient. It would be nice to enjoy this much longer, but I should give him what he wants.

I made more spit and took him deeper. My mouth strained at his girth.

"Deeper." Derek groaned. He added the other hand to pull my head.

His dick slid in as much as my mouth could accommodate. But when it hit the back of my throat, I gagged.

"Yeah. Choke on that big dick, cocksucker."

I have sucked big cocks like this before. His won't be the first one I give up on. I receded and adjusted my mouth before burying him in my throat.

Derek pushed his hips. "Motherfucker. No one has ever taken my dick deeper than you just did."

My hands grabbed his muscled butt and helped bury him deeper.

With both hands, he held the side of my head and fucked my throat. "That's what I'm talking about. I'm gonna wreck this throat of yours."

Letting him do what he wanted, I held on to Derek's massive thighs and stayed still.

He showed no mercy as the throat-fucking sped up. Even when I gagged, he stopped but only until I recovered and then he resumed.

I watched him watch me as he violated my throat. Fucked it like a bitch's pussy.

He acted like he knew I would let him do whatever he wanted to me.

Derek's right. He can do whatever he wants and I wouldn't complain.

With both hands, he held my head still and kept his dick buried inside my throat.

My fingers squeezed hard on his thighs as I struggled to breathe. The tears ran down my face. I forced myself to push off from him or I will pass out.

He let me go.

I looked at him while I coughed and gasped for air.

A cocky smirk appeared on his face. "I like seeing your red face while choking on my cock. But enough of that, I'm going to fuck you now."

"It's been a while since I've been fucked by a dick as big as yours. You're going to have to loosen me up first."

Derek pushed his clothes and gym bag off the bench.

I got up and removed my pants and underwear.

"Get on the bench."

Facing away from him, I got on all fours and looked behind me.

He spit on my hole and used two fingers to spread it all over the sphincter.

"Prepare my hole for your big cock, sir."

"This is not a hole. It is a pussy. Pussy made to be fucked by real men."

"Please get my pussy ready to be fucked, sir."

Derek pushed his middle finger in and started sawing in and out. Adding spit to make it more slippery.

As I loosened, I wanted more. "Another finger, sir."

He added another and turned the fingers as if screwing it in.

The fingers slipped deeper inside. When he reached my prostate, I whimpered. "Oh my god. Right there."

"This one?" He rubbed the spot.

"Yes." I closed my eyes, curled my toes and held on tighter on the bench. "Fuck."

He added a third finger.

"Please, sir. I need your dick to fuck me."

Derek got on the bench. As he aimed the head, he spit again on my gaping hole.

"Fuck me like you fuck your wife."

"You want to be my wife tonight?"

"Oh god, yes."

He pushed his hips and buried half of his dick in. "You're tighter than my wife's pussy. You need to be fucked regularly to loosen you up."

"You can fuck me anytime you want."

His hands grabbed a handful of my shirt uniform and started fucking me.

I grunted with each rough thrust. It's as if he didn't care if he hurt me.

"This is what you wanted, isn't it? Get used to it because I'll take you up on your offer. You're gonna be fucked whenever I get the chance to."

"Make me your bitch."

He bent over my body as he continued fucking me. "This is what you wanted all along. The reason you let me workout late. So you can get me alone and I'll fuck you like a bitch. Huh, you slut?"

"I've been fantasizing about you fucking me for the longest time, sir."

Without pulling his dick out, he flipped me on my back and resumed fucking. "This is no longer a fantasy. From now on, your ass is mine."

"Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me."

He scoffed. "Who would've known that a manly guy like you will be begging to get fucked like a bitch."

"Deeper. I want all of your dick in me. Fuck me deeper."

Derek reached for his sweaty jockstrap from the floor and stuffed it inside my mouth. "Bitches shouldn't say anything while a real man fucks them. But what they can do is enjoy the taste of my ball sweat."

I moaned through the damp jockstrap.

Still inside me, he pulled me in a hug and got off the bench.

My arms and legs wrapped tight around his massive torso.

His hands grabbed my sides and made me bounce on his dick, fucking me upright.

I gripped him tighter.

After almost a minute, he brought me toward the mirror with the toiletries and resumed fucking me on the counter.

Precum soaked the belly of my shirt. I needed to get off. My hand moved to my hard dick.

"Uh uh." Derek knocked my hand away. "You don't need to do that. I'll fuck the cum out of you."

I believed him as I braced myself on the counter. My head kept banging the mirror. The sweat from my hair smudged the glass. "Keep going. Don't stop." The jockstrap muffled my words.

The hair dryer and some toiletries got knocked off to the floor as Derek's fucking rocked the counter.

Fuck. I'm cumming. The pleasure short-circuited my brain as cum exploded on my uniform.

He kept pounding me.

Some hit me on my chin. The rest formed white ropes of liquid on my chest and abs.

"Get ready. I'm going to breed you. You want my seed?" He pulled his jockstrap out of my mouth. "Yes. Knock me up. I want to have your babies."

Derek growled. His forceful thrusts pounded into me as he emptied his load.

"I can feel each spurt."

Once emptied, he fell on top of me while his dick remained inside me.

I let my cum and our sweat soak into my uniform as we both stayed still while catching our breaths.

Moments passed. "I think I went over the thirty minutes I promised earlier. But I hope the fucking made up for it."

"Oh yeah. Don't worry. Your dick more than made up for it."

We both laughed.

Derek pulled out of me. "I need another quick shower and then leave before my wife calls again."

"I'll get you another towel."

He helped me off the counter. As he started heading for the shower, he looked back at me. "That was the best late workout I've ever had."

"I was serious about what I said earlier. You can fuck me anytime you want."

"Maybe I'll even invite one of my buddies to experience how good it feels to workout late." He winked.


--- Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MrGayrotica

Other stories by Mister J: - https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/mrgayrotica - https://www.amazon.com/Mister-J/e/B08KFVTBLJ

Next: Chapter 2

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