Posner and friends in the shower room

By Peter Brown

Published on Feb 2, 2021



Posner and friends in the shower room by badboi666


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New readers should know that this episode forms part of Chapter 120 of a story in the Adult-Youth section called Last of the Line. I am aware that there are boy-lovers of a delicate nature who turn up their noses at tales involving shit, hence the filth is described here instead. All you need to know is that Posner (the "I" of the story, not my real name: the brothel uses pseudonyms) is 21 and his companion Rudge (ditto, real name Jack), a black boy of 18 are two of a household of four young queers. Each is a couple with one of the other two (who are in another room in the brothel with two more of the brothel's tasty young employees). Posner and Rudge have been led into a large shower room by Clive, 20, (whose speciality is brown) and Jeremy, 15, a relative newcomer to the business. If you need to know more, switch over to Adult-Youth.

The shower space in this larger room was, like the rest of it, a lot bigger than the shower in the room I'd previously used. It measured about six feet square and had four shower heads. "This is a bit like home," said Jack appreciatively. "Home?" said Clive. I explained that we had a custom-built wet room, though we had never put it to the specific purpose to which this one was about to be put. "Yet," said Jack. "You'll have your work cut out," I said, putting off the moment at which someone - Clive, presumably - would have to take the first step. It must have looked ludicrous to a neutral observer - four naked males, all with sky-pointing cocks but not touching each other, standing in a tiled room chatting.

"Come on, Clive," said Jeremy, "let's get started. Find out what they want to do." In order to encourage Clive to do his bidding he knelt in front of him and licked his cock lovingly. "Not me, Jer, though it's nice. Jack's needing your attention." Jeremy shuffled across and did as he was bidden. Clive turned to me. "You're new to this, aren't you, Posner?" I nodded. "Well, let me tell you what can happen. You two haven't done this before, right?" "Not so," I said, "the first time I was here Zeke fisted me and found something up there. He smeared it all over my cock and balls and wanked me to an enormous cum. That's the only time." "What about you, Rudge, had shit on your balls?" Jack, whose cock was still engaging Jeremy's attention, shook his head. "Nah. I was 11 and my brother's mate and I shat once in the wood behind the swings. He was 13 and said he'd give me 50p to let him wank onto mine. It was fun to watch him as he got really turned on by it. He got some of his in his hand and used it as lube. Stank awful, but that didn't stop me getting as turned on as he was. I stuck a finger into mine to see what it felt like, but that's all that happened except him cuming on my pile. I wanted to do it another time but it never happened. Now's my chance, Clive. Stop what you're doing, Jeremy - I don't want to cum yet and you're getting me close down there." Jeremy stood up, looking pleased.

"Looks like I'm in charge then," said Clive, "as I said, I'm loaded. Who wants a feel?" I was nearest. Clive knelt with his arse in the air, wiggling it invitingly. I had a choice to make: fingers or cock. Fingers were better at feeling what was going to be encountered, but cock would be more fun. No: it had to be fingers. Cock could always follow. Three fingers sought - and were granted - entry. 'Loaded' was the right words as I ran into a warm squishy substance even before my second knuckles were in. "Blimey!" "I said I was loaded, Posner. There's three days up there, and I eat carefully. Not an ounce of meat and bags of fibre." "He's right," said Jeremy, "you've got to eat the right stuff if you're a brown stripe. I'm still a white, but Mr B says I can be a brown in a few months." It was cock time: there was no more for fingers to discover. "Can I fuck you?" "Of course. That's what you're paying for, Posner. Just stick it in to get the feel of it."

I slid in, all the way despite what was in the way. It was the most incredible sensation, made more stimulating by its very taboo-ness. "What's it like?" said Jack. "Magic. I'll pull out and you stick yours in." "Go on," said Jeremy, "my arse is empty. His is where it's all at." I pulled out slowly as I had no idea what was likely to follow. Nothing, as it happened. Clive had pinched shut his arse as soon as he felt me slip out. I goy up and moved to the side so that Jack could take my place. In he went. Meanwhile Jeremy stood behind me, his cock hard against my arse. His hands reached round and grasped my cock. The feeling of soft shit as his fingers clasped me was so hot - but nothing like as hot as the feeling as his hands spread the shit over my balls and my belly. I was so out of it on sensory overload that I could hardly stand, and I leant back against the boy. "You're loving it, aren't you, Posner, all my boy-friend's hot juicy shit, smearing all over your body." My breathing became ragged. "Wank me," I groaned, "I need it." "Not yet," he whispered, "there's more to come," and he moved round to stand in front of me. Kneeling down he had my filthy cock right in front of his face. Surely he wasn't going to suck me off? No - instead his hands gathered as much of Clive's shit from my cock as they could and smeared it up my belly onto my chest. Then he stood up and pressed himself against me, getting shit all over his soft white body. He shivered and put his arms round my arse, coating it as well. "The first time Clive did this to me I came all over myself without touching my cock," he murmured. I licked his ear - one of the few bits of us that was still clean - and said that I knew how he must have felt. "Wank me now," I whispered. He shook his head, "not yet. Look at Rudge."

While I had been somewhere else Jack had taken his cock out and Clive had done much the same to him as Jeremy had to me. "This is a fucking sight better than behind the swings," he said with an idiotic grin. "Ready for more, gentlemen?" said Clive, still (apart from around his arsehole) the only one free from stain. Jack and I nodded, not knowing what 'more' might be, but keen to find out. "Lie down," said Jeremy, "side by side, really close." As we were both covered in shit neither Jack nor I was hesitant about lying down next to somebody covered in shit. Funny thing, sexual arousal. Clive squatted down. "You're going to get the lot. I'll try to get half on each of you. Posner, you're the lucky first in the queue."

Clive positioned himself facing my feet with his arse about level with my nipples. Naturally I allowed my fingers to explore what lay only nine inches from my eyes. It was clean, but I felt it would not be out of place if I gave it a good coating from my belly. Clive sighed, "mmm, that's nice, now watch." His arsehole gradually opened - an entirely familiar sight to a practiced queer boy like me. What was new was what happened next. Very very gradually a piece of shit began to appear, and as it grew slowly longer (all one piece thanks, no doubt to the fibrous diet upon which such emphasis had been laid) it touched down near my navel. Clive inched his way down my body so that the shit lay on the already-smeared shit. When it got to my cock, hard against my belly, it kept on going. Jeremy, kneeling beside me, stopped it from falling off my cock. Soft hands in soft shit; soft shit on hard cock. "OK," he said. Clive pinched his arsehole shut again - heaven knows how he did it - and moved across to Jack where he squatted again. "That was so fucking raunchy to watch, Dab, I damn near came just looking." I was past caring that he called me Dab, all I wanted was the massive cum I knew I'd be doing when it happened. It couldn't be much longer, surely, could it?

I watched as several more inches of shit appeared from Clive and were carefully tended by Jeremy down the middle of Jack's body. When his arse was above Jack's cock Jeremy took hold of it (with some difficulty as it was slippery with shit) and held it pointing straight up while Clive lowered himself onto it. Jack's eyes disappeared as his cock did. "Aw fuck!" he moaned. But a fuck was not what happened. Clive made a massive effort and forced the rest of his shit out past Jack's cock and onto his balls. "Oh Jesus," he groaned, "that's me empty. Come on, Jer."

That was the signal for a change of colours. Before coming into the bedroom we had each drunk three pints of beer, about half of which had already been pissed onto and into our companions. Jeremy carefully lay down on top of me, the huge length of Clive's shit plastered between us. As he pressed his body down onto mine the shit squished out, and my hands were as busy as his in spreading it over his back and arse. I felt him begin to piss. "God, yes, Jer, that's so ..." I had no words for how hot it was. I began to piss into the soupy mess, already running down my sides onto the floor of the shower. I looked across to see Jack lying on top of Clive with the two of them anointing each other with piss as we were doing. "Piss it all out," groaned Clive, "nobody moves until there's no more piss." I couldn't speak for Jack (I couldn't speak at all) but I knew I was happy to stay there for hours - the hardness of the floor was a small price to pay for what was happening on me. The tactile sensations of a pretty boy (albeit one whose mother, had she seen him, would not have called pretty at that moment) lying on me, glued to me by a sloppy mess of piss and shit; of the warmth of the shit itself; of the tickling as it trickled slowly down my sides; of the sheer unimaginable wonderful disgustingness of the whole thing; the smell; the knowledge that a might cum - four mighty cums, since there was no doubt that each of us would soon be fountaining spunk up to the ceiling - couldn't be delayed much longer ... all this made the floor unimportant.

Jeremy said he was ready. Clive grunted, "yeah, me too. Finished pissing, you two?" Jack and I had finished, we said. "Fuck time then. Jer's a bottom and I'm a top. Choose." I looked at Jack. "You choose." There was no hesitation. "I'll fuck Jeremy," he said. I was happy to be on the receiving end of Clive's cock. There would be more visits when Jack and I chose differently.

Jeremy knelt doggy-fashion submissively, his arse (shit-covered, inviting) in the air. "Stick it in, Rudge, shit's a good lubricant," said Clive. "I want you on your back, Posner, you like it like that Zeke told me." He drove in hard; it was true that shit was efficacious. I practically came with the sheer delight of a shitty cock entering me - a sensation quite unlike being penetrated by a well-lubed clean cock. Odd things, brains. It was very quickly clear to me that Clive's intention was to achieve his own orgasm as quickly as possible as he was fucking me for dear life. He started to groan more loudly ... suddenly he whipped it out and his hand flew as he gave himself the last few strokes. A volley of cum flew out of a very shitty cock and landed on an even more shitty Dab. Jet after jet - I think there were seven before the volume and the force dwindled. "Don't touch it," he growled as he rolled off me onto his back, "that's three days painting you there. Jer'll get you off any minute."

Jack hadn't set out to have a quick fuck, but the combination of the incredible build-up, the shit all over him and the boy he was fucking, and the fact that the boy was 15 all conspired to bring ejaculation more swiftly than perhaps he would have wished. "Ah fuck, here it is," he moaned, thrusting in as far as he could to deliver the only white substance there was to be seen far out of sight. He reached round to wank Jeremy, but the boy moved his hand away. "No, not now, Rudge."

Jack slipped out and Clive pulled him onto his chest. "Watch," he whispered. Jeremy, shot-covered, just-fucked Jeremy, 15 years old and full of spunk crawled over to me. "I think it's time you came, Posner," he said softly. He knelt by me. His hands - soft shitty hands - stroked my cock - hard, shitty and urgently needing release. "You can wank me," he said. Before I did so I made sure that every square inch of his arse, his balls, his belly, his cock had no trace of pinkness visible. He purred sensuously, not doing anything to my cock apart from gently squeezing it. When I started to wank him he started on me, matching my speed. Instead of the usual frenzied back-and-forth method he wanked me by using both hands to draw downwards over my cock, then not going back up but removing his hands and drawing drawing downwards again. My foreskin was pulled right back and the effect was unlike any wank I could remember. I did the same to him. I felt I was getting close and my belly started to tense - the ancestral urge to plant my seed deep inside a place where it would do what it was designed to do. Jeremy sensed I was close, so reverted to a one-hand traditional dash to the finish. I came, howling with pleasure. Over and over again. I stopped wanking Jeremy - I couldn't have gone on even if I'd tried - so he knelt over me and fired a vast amount, adding to what Clive had ordered me not to touch. Jeremy collapsed onto me - had it been planned? - and I put my arms round him, holding him tight. "Thank you," I whispered, "that was magic." "Yeah," he whispered.

I heard Clive say to Jack, "come on, one last thing." The next thing I felt was more piss raining down onto Jeremy and running off him onto me. When the piss stopped Clive said that since Jack and I were his guests Jack should have the pleasure of rubbing the shitty/pissy/cummy mess on me wherever he thought it could most pleasurably be spread. "And I'll do the same for Jer. He's special." So special, Jack and I saw, that - notwithstanding the fact that there was shit everywhere - Clive took Jeremy in his arms and the kissed passionately. Fond as Jack and I were od each other neither of us felt inclined to copy them. Having a disgusting mixture of bodily fluids rubbed all over me was nice though.

Four shower heads rendered four players fit for public consumption again - well, not public exactly, but fit to return to the bedroom where the bodily fluids being exchanged were fewer in number and much less smelly.

=============================================================================== The fun continues in Last of the Line Chapter 120 where brown has been absent but others have been occupied.

Drop me a line at badboi666@btinternet.com - that is after you've dropped nifty a few quid. ===============================================================================

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