Published on Jul 19, 2007



It was a suprise and embarassing but Vinnie thought quick. "Uh for my girl, she wanted me to do some stuff for Playgirl" he was beet red seeing his roommate appear at the door.

What Mark saw stopped him like a brick wall. He had seen Vinnie naked from time to time, what college roommates don't? But Vinnie was posing on the window sill. And across the room was Cyril, one of their classmates holding a camera. He too was naked.

Mark looked at the naked photographing classmate and back at Vinnie.

"Uh it made me feel comfortable uh posing like this" Vinnie stammered seeing teh question in Mark's eyes.

But Vinnie didn't hide his erection which was subsiding as he spoke. Nor did he reach for one of the discarded pieces of clothing to put over himself. He had gotten used to being naked in front of Mark.

"God it's so fucking hot in here" Mark said jumping from his bed and opening the window early in the school year.

"That isn't going to help, its humid here, almost as bad as Houston or New Orleans" Vinnie said as he threw the sheets that were over him back. He was in bed naked. "Hope you don't mind man but I gotta breathe".

Mark looked back across the room. "Naw good idea" he pulled his own pajama bottoms off. "You're right this helps"

So from then on, seeing each other lounging in their room naked was a normal event.

"So how long is this going to go on?" Mark said.

"I thought you were gone till Sunday" Vinnie said

Cyril had put his camera down and pulled on his gym shorts as the two talked. Mark noted the guy had a boner which now tented his shorts.

"Couldn't take it had to come back, told em I had a paper" Mark said as he put his overnight bag down and peeled his shirt off.

"Fighting with them again?" Vinnie asked. He too saw Cyril dress but didn't do the same.

"Yea, sooner or later they're going to cut me off" Mark said as he sat on his bed "So hows it goin?"

"uh ok why?"

"No I meant the posing thing, the photos" Mark said looking back and forth between Vinnie and Cyril.

"Uh some good shots, but he's not staying hard" Cyril said.

"Hey" Mark rebuked "that's private"

"Fuck man I've seen you jack off, I've seen you hard as hell, what's he problem?" Mark asked.

"Uh dunno, just self conscious I guess" Vinnie said "that's why Cyril stripped down to make me comfortable.

"Sounds like a good idea" Mark said and stood beginning to unbutton his shorts so they would drop to the floor. "Ok Cyril, drop em"

"Maybe we should do this some other time" Cyril said.

"Naw, come on, between the two of us we can get my old roomie here to look like a stud" Mark said.

Cyril hesitantly pulled his gym shorts back off. His cock, onve a undisputable boner was drooping but obviously half hard still.

"Cool" Vinnie said "tell me what to do"

Mark moved around the room, telling Vinnie where to sit, how to bend a leg, how to look at the camera and telling Cyril how to aim his camera.

"Hey you're good at this" Vinnie said as a naked Cyril was crouching and aiming his camera making it click a few times from each position.

"Yea did it for uh someone before" Mark said.

Vinnie was looking into space as directed so he didn't see Mark's cock expanding.

"So what happened with the folks?" he asked.

"Uh, no look over there, good. Uh Sooner or later I gotta tell them stuff they won't like. Cause they keep trying to get me to date the daughters of their friends, it drives me nuts."

"Well look at it this way, you get to meet more babes and get lucky" Vinnie smiled at the thought of his roommates bare butt rising and falling as he lay on tope of some girl.

"Shit man it's just not what I want to do. When I go home I got buddies to see, and things to do" Mark said "Now move to the chair and look at the book like you're studying"

Vinnie moved from thje sill to the chair by his desk. He let Mark tell him how to sit, and move.

"Here let me" Mark moved Vinnie's legs so they were spread. He moved one of his arms. "Now put your other hand in your hair like you've been studying all night, great"

Cyril moved across the room muttering "Great great, but his uh well"

"Bot it" Mark said as he reached for Vinnie's penis lifting it up across his thigh. "Sorry man it's just not uh "

"It's fine there" Mark said excited at being able to finally touch his roommates cock without any objectsions.

Cyril clicked his camera several times, "uh can you get hard?" he asked.

"Shit man, with the two of you all over the place?" Vinnie said.

"Ok I'll take care of it but the two of you can't tell anyone, ok?" Mark said.

Vinnie knotted his brow, "do what you gotta do man, you seem to know what you'e doing".

Cyril shrugged and smiled. The twinkle in his eye revealed he knew what Mark was thnking of doing.

"Hey" Cyril was laying on the grass when Mark had come nearby. "hey" he said

"So what you up to?" Mark asked as he crouched. He knew his horny cock was visable as his shorts leg opened.

And when Cyril looked and stared Mark knew he was right about the guy. He had seen him leve the basement entrance to the gym, nortorious on campus for the place where guys go to get blowjobs late at night.

"Wanna go somewhere?" Mark asked. Cyril pulled his books and camera back into his backpack and was soon walking beside the classmate he had seen in the dorm. They chatted about classes, professors and Mark's roomate Vincent.

"OK" Mark said "don't freak" he moved in front of where he had posed Vinnie and knelt. He lifted the boys soft cock and moved his head close.

"Shit man just make me hard don't make me cum' was all Vinnie said as his half size cock hardened in the warmth of his roommate's mouth.

Cyfil clicked his camera multiple times and neither Mark or Vinnie complained.

"There start taking the shots" Mark said as he backed away from the salava shinny erection he had just created. He continued petting Vinnie's balls until Cyril was in position and clicking his camera.

"Shit guys, thanks" Vinnie said after Cyril saidhe got all the shots. "But now I got this boner and no babe to hump"

"You dont' need one with us around" Mark said as he looked at Cyril. The two moved close and were soon licking Vinnie's cock between their mouths.

"Shit so that's what you gotta tell your folks" Vinnie said as he wiped his still oozing cock. Puddles of his expended sperm were drolloing down Cyril and Mark's face.

"Uh yea" Mark said "wanted to tell you before"

"I thingk you just did. I knew about Cyril, you should hve been here last night, he couldn't get enough most of the night" Vinnie said reaching out to wipe Mark's face with a discarded tshirt.

Mark looked at Cyril, "You fucked Cyril?"

"Shit yea at least three times counting this morning" Vinnie said "he's got a cute ass" he moved the tshirt to Cyril's face and wiped it too.

"Should I be jealous?" Mark asked smiling as he stood from his kneeling position.

"Not now" Vinne said reaching forwrd to pat Mark's buttocks "not now I know you need Vinnie's cock"

"Can I take some shots of the two of you fucking?" Cyril asked as he too stood.

"Why not?" Vinnie said "but I need to rest and recharge, You guys up for pizza?"

The three pulled on enough clothes to be considered decent and left the room they would later return to for hours of desire finally realized.

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