Pornographic Affair

By Andy Murdoch

Published on Jun 26, 2001


This is the second episode of many more to come, called `A PORNOGRAPHIC AFFAIR.' It's an attempt at a romance/sex story.

As per usual, if the thought of guys getting their rocks off with other guys makes you want to bring up your lunch, or if you're too young and immature to know what the phrase "getting their rocks off" means, then please don't read beyond this point.

Good luck with that thing in your hand, and once you're done with it, drop me a line at: and give me your thoughts, comments, praise, criticism, ideas, or just write to say hello. I look forward to hearing from you.


I listened intently as he described exactly what he does, and exactly what part I was to play. He wanted me to be a porn star. A star. In porn movies. It was a cheep ploy to stroke my hormone-driven ego - and it was working.

I swung my head around to see the glass door slide open and a dark figure stepping outside into the daylight. "Ahh, Benjamin, nice of you to pay us a visit," Aaron said. "Come and meet one of my new employees. I think you two could be working together on a few projects I've got in the works."

Benjamin walked over to the side of the spa and extended his hand. "Benny, this is Nicholas," Aaron introduced. He gripped my hand firmly, and looked into my eyes. "Look forward to working with you," he grinned. He walked over to the bar to fix himself a drink.

"I'll be working with him?!" I queried. "Sure, he's a little older, but I think you two can make me some movie magic!" "I thought this was...I mean...I thought you made..." "Straight porn?" he cut-in. "Sorry kid. If I've made some sort of mistake..." He paused. "No," I said, "no, I guess you haven't made any mistake." "I didn't think so," he said smugly.

"You like the look of Benjamin, kid?" he asked. I followed his eyes to the topless boy sitting at the bar. He must have been about nineteen I guessed, with a tanned and toned, well-developed physic. His dirty blond hair was roughly parted down the middle, and fell either side of his boyish face. It was the only hair on his tight little body, bar a light dusting on his arms and legs, and whatever he was hiding underneath a pair of navy cargo pants. "Sure," I replied apathetically. "I guess I like the look of him."

"We should get you two better acquainted. Hey boy, come over here," he yelled across to his young prodigy. Like an obedient puppy, Benjamin leapt from the bar and bounded over to his master's side. "I need a favour from you, kid. I want you to make Nicholas here feel right at home, you know?" His half-question needed no explanation. Within seconds, Benjamin had his pants around his ankles and was stepping into the warm spa. He came and sat next to me, opposite Aaron.

Without word, he put my shaking hand in his, and with the other reached around to hold the back of my head. Before my mind caught up to my body, our lips were locked and his tongue was probing the inside of my mouth. Never before had I locked lips with my own kind, and never had a kiss felt so great and so right. He was soft and sensual, yet still retained all his masculine mettle.

He broke the kiss but continued to cradle my head in his hands. "Just relax, Nicholas," he said sweetly, staring into my eyes. I saw compassion and affection in those eyes. I also saw innocence and vulnerability too, despite the cool, sexy exterior. I loved that.

He relocated between my legs, before moving in for another amazing pash. He kissed down my neck, my chest and my stomach. He suckled on my erect nipples like a newborn. He moved further down my torso before disappearing under the frothy surface.

While I couldn't see what he was doing, I could certainly feel it. His lips clasped around my rigid, throbbing, seven-inch dick, and slid down its shaft. The warm water encased in the mouth of this god, bobbing up and down on my rod, felt indescribably incredible.

But it was short-lived. He surfaced before long, gasping for air. With his fingers wrapped firmly around my cock, he again looked deep into my eyes. I was his, and he knew it. Taking in enough air to fill his lungs, he submerged and returned to his underwater assignment. He had me gasping for air, too. As Aaron looked on with a wry grin, Nicholas went down on me again and again.

Eventually, he embraced me in his strong arms and lifted me onto the side of the spa. Now, in full view of Aaron, in the cool mid-morning air, Benjamin could work on me without any interruptions. It didn't take long.

As my ball sac tensed, he grabbed my shaft and furiously jacked it while he sucked down hard on my cock head. It was the most intense feeling I'd ever experienced, and something had to give. With the howl of, "ohhh god" as a warning, I fired wad after wad of my hot cream into the boy's mouth. Benjamin took each and every shot with the skill you'd expect; gobbling each mouthful down his throat like it was the most delicious candy. I could do little but throw my head back and sigh.

It took me an eternity to recover. As I pried opened my eyes, I saw Aaron across from me; sipping his drink looking oblivious to what had just occurred in front of him. Although, the smirk on his face gave every indication he enjoyed the floorshow.

I looked down between my legs to find Benjamin's head nuzzled against my inner thigh, as his hand gently caressed my hairy balls and limp member. "He was so beautiful," I thought to myself. I felt compelled to reach down and stroke his flawless face, and run my fingers through his gorgeous, silky blond hair. He looked up at me and smiled fondly. In the after-glow of my first ever blow job, Benjamin appeared as a radiant angel.

"You boys are going to be great together," Aaron declared, shattering the harmony of silence between us.

"I've got some business to attend to," he said, stepping out of the spa. "Nicholas, I want you at our studios early Friday morning. There's a part for you in the film we're shooting this weekend. You can learn the ropes before tackling some other projects I have lined up for you later." He walked toward the house. "Look after him, Benjamin," he yelled, "and welcome to the company, kid."

For a while, the silence was deafening. Only the sparrows chirping in the nearby trees and the spa bath simmering around us could be heard. Aaron had disappeared in his sleek Audi some time ago. Benjamin sat below me, between my legs, his naked body stewing in the warm water.

Finally, he broke the silence. "Do you want another drink, bud?" He looked up at me. "No thanks."

He swam to the opposite side of the bath and hauled himself onto the deck. As his immaculate naked frame rose from the water, he was the picture of beauty. His tight, hairless arse, in particular, flexed as his feet found the woodwork and he walked toward the bar. As he strutted naked around the pool area, in broad daylight and in all his glory, I assumed things were pretty relaxed in Aaron's backyard.

With a refreshed glass in hand, he returned to the warmth of the spa. But not before I was able to glance very unsubtlely at his placid, uncut, three inch (I was guessing) cock, as it bounced against his low-hanging ball bag. His fair pubic tuft coordinated with the golden locks that adorned his head.

"You've never had your dick sucked before, have you?" he asked. "Not like that I haven't," I enthused, deliberately avoiding the real question. "It was...amazing. Thank you." He paddled over to where I was sitting, lurched up and kissed me lightly on the forehead. "Don't mention it, Nick," he smiled, ruffling my matted hair.

We sat in silence before he finished the last of his drink and stepped out into the cool air. "Look forward to seeing you soon, Nick," he called as he walked toward the house.

You like??? I hope so, because there is plenty more where that came from. Drop me a line at: and give me your thoughts, comments, praise, criticism, ideas, or just write to say hello. I look forward to hearing from you.

Next: Chapter 3

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