Popping Dads Cherry

By moc.oohay@yarledgnits

Published on Mar 31, 2009


Not knowing what Gordon's reaction would be if he were to awaken while his son was working over his body Jack knew he had to shut it down. Once Jack had Gordon's undies back on Jack slipped out of bed and layed on his back on the living room floor. He lifted his legs in the air, bending his body like a pretzel, until he got the fat engorged head of his cock barely into his mouth. He nursed his cock head like a ravenous baby sucking on his mother's tit. Within minutes Jack erupted more of his man juices into his mouth than he had ever done before sucking his cock. The volume was so much that he couldn't swallow fast enough. It overflowed on both sides of his mouth.

Though his balls were drained his cock remained hard as he re-entered the bed he shared with Gordon. Gordon's underwear clad ass was over on Jack's side of the bed. Jack barely slid in and spooned Gordon's ass. With his left leg straight and his right bent in front of Gordon, Jack took the opportunity to separate his stiff rod from his abs, and wedge it between Gordon's legs. Gordon was oblivious to it but Jack could feel the path his rigid member was taking; he could feel the separation between Gordon's balls and the outline of Gordon's partially hardening rod.

Jack's horniness was overtaking him. Gordon was breathing deeply like someone deep in sleep but also like someone who was on the verge of busting a nut. Slowly Jack was pumping his cock as if fucking his father. Gordon's cock was hard now.

A plan was formulating in Jack's mind. Not only was he quickly coming to the realization that he had to fuck his dad but a plan to realize his passion was taking seed in his horny and crafty mind.

To start with Jack knew he needed to stop dry humping juming Gordon before his dad blew his load. He counted on a basic fact of the male anatomy that he knew from personal experience. Without cuming Gordon would likely wake up with a good old fashion case of blue balls. As he lay their next to his dad he repositioned his cock so that he was spooning him but this time Jack's cock was cradled up the crack of Gordon's ass only separated by the thin fabric of his tighty whities. Then he placed his right hand over Gordon's right side and gently placed his hand over his throbbing package.

Jack thought it would be safe enough to fade off to sleep in this innocent enough position. He counted on Gordon remembering those many nights when Jack was a child when they'd fall asleep this very position.

Sleep, however, was not in the cards for Jack. The combination of excitement of the unfolding plan and his own EXTREME horniness not only kept him awake but his cock had never felt so hard nor had he ever leaked so much precum.

Gordon stayed in the same position for the rest of the night. Jack kept his hand over his dad's hard cock giving it a squeeze every once and a while forcing Gordon's horniness to increase as the night passed. Sure he was sleeping but he was also moaning each and every time Jack squeezed his meat.

As morning came, and Gordon slowly awakened, both men repositioned to lay on their backs. The covers had slipped just below Gordon's ball sack which revealed to Jack that those baby makers were so full of cum and that his dad's cock was so hard that the bulbous head of his cock had popped above the waistband of his undies being coated with precum. Gordon realizing the extent of his problem quickly pulled the covers just up under his chin.. Now the thin fabric of the sheet could not hide the obvious swelling problem that Gordon experienced.

They layed in bed for the better part of a half hour Gordon hoping that his dick would subside. How was he going to get up and head to the bathroom without Jack's eyes fixed on his hard basket? He jumped out of bed, tucking his still rigid member back into his tighty whities, positioning it to the right. His cock was so hard and heavy, like it hadn't been since he was a horny teenager, that it created a HUGE bulge causing his cock to thrust forward. The sensation that was shooting through his cock as his very sensitive cock rubbed again his undies was amazing but he couldn't fully enjoy it with his son as his audience.

Gordon knew there was no hope to take a piss. He knew it wasn't piss that needed to shoot out of his cock...he needed to pop a load. Without giving it a thought he shed his underwear, turned the shower on but left the bathroom door open.

Jack instantly knew what his dad was up to and he couldn't let it happen. His cock had subsided in it firmness enough that he could take a piss. Before Gordon got the clear shower door closed Jack took aim at the toilet and let his stream flow. Startled with the force of the piss as it hit the water in the toilet Gordon turned so quickly, his cock sticking straight out from his body, hit the glass door with a "thwack". HIs cock rose upward, cockhead flaring as his heavy, covered with black haired balls swung back and forth like a pendulum.

Gordon thought he was about to go out of his mind with lust. Jack recognized the look and knew that if he played his cards right he was going to cash in on this mounting lust. Jack's plan was still in its early stages.

Not wanting Gordon to blow his load Jack finished his piss, cock rising almost instantly as relief hit his body and arousal set in again. The show before his eyes made him realize that his own horniness was no accident. Gordon was a horny pig too. His goal was to stoke the fire in Gordon's balls that would make him weaken to the point that he'd want relief at any cost. Jack was going to make sure that his dad knew just how strong his sex drive was before this day was over and that sex with him was going to be his only way out.

Jack put the lid of the toilet down and swung around to sit his cute muscular, bubble ass down.If left alone Gordon was going to do what comes naturally in the horned up condition he was in. Looking and lusting after his father made Jack's cock so hard that it looked stuck to his lower abs, passing his belly button by quite a few inches.

It became apparent to Gordon that the privacy he craved was not going to happen. His horniness kept on surpassing limits which he thought he couldn't go beyond. It was having a new affect on him. He was losing what had been some well entrenched inhibitions that made him reluctant about being naked around his son and reluctant to look at his son's very impressive body.. Now he was not only naked, he was rock fucking hard, unconsciously slowly stroking his meat while trying to steal glimpses of his son's meat.

Jack could tell things were going his way. He told his dad to leave the shower on. Though he could have waited for his dad to leave the shower stall he took this opportunity make an overt move on him. As Gordon exited and Jack entered their swords crossed, slapping back and forth 4 quick times This electric moment kept building as their very full balls grazed each other's too.Gordon let out a definite moan, his cock forcing new blood into it causing his cock head to flare and the rest of his cock to throb in response.

As Jack quickly finished his shower they planned the rest of the day. Jack offered to take his dad to Haulover Beach. Gordon had no idea it was a nude beach so he put his skimpy black speedo type swimsuit on. This suit was quite unusual because on either side of it it had three bars where there was no material allowing for nice exposure. Gordon's cock was no longer rigid but it was still full, thick and engorged. In fact, Jack was impressed by his father's prowess as a grow-er. Though not impressive as a show-er he definitely was a grow-er. His cock was so full that tip of Gordon's cock was showing when he positioned his cock on the right.

Walking into the bedroom with his humongous meat slapping his legs and balls swinging back and forth, in and out between his legs, he grabbed the yellow bathing suit he purchased the day before. He knew he wouldn't wear it for long when they got to the beach but he wanted his dad to see how he looked in it; he remembered how much it meant to his dad that he modelled the jock strap he purchase for him when in Junior High School. He looked forward to wearing the suit out to the car hoping to catch the eye of inadvertent voyeurs.

Before putting on the suit Jack ripped out the lining from the crotch. His assumption was correct. Without the lining it left very little to the imagination. The anatomy of his monster cock was evident for all to see. His mushroomed shaped cock head was barely concealed by the fabric as he positioned it to the right looking like he had a surpent in there. He was so aroused by his own appearance that his cock throbbed like a rapid heart beat....and nobody had seen him yet and the shocked look on their faces.

Just the day before in Macy's change room Jack's balls were too big to be confined in the limited fabric of the bathing suit. Now today, balls so full of cum, more skin and the stretched position of his nut sack were in clear view. Gordon turned around to see his son in all his glory. The expression on Gordon's face told it all; it was shear envy and lust. Jack looked amazing. Both men knew it was going to be a long day because their balls ached for release.

As they walked into the parking lot Jack looked around to see if he had an audience. Nobody was around. Just as he entered the passenger side door and put his left leg in out popped his right very full ball. You couldn't plan it this way but at the same moment Father James, a new, young, drop dead gorgeous Catholic priest came up from behind Jack to ask him directions. His mouth opened and his eyes dropped to see Jack's ample ball sack. Most men don't have with two balls what Jack has with one.

Like under the spell of a cobra Father James was thrown off his pattern of thought and was capitivated by just part of Jacks' fine specimen of manhood. Jack didn't try to conceal or tuck away his stray ball instead he looked at the Father's very blest package. Either he wasn't wearing underwear at all, or he was wearing boxers, his almost form fitting pants revealed a cock like a huge piece of kolbosa extending down his left leg. In the seconds that took place in their accidental meeting the Father's cock revealed a burgeoning cockhead that rivaled Jack's. The synergy of the moment made Jack's cock surge out of the confines of his bathing suit.

Before these two young men knew it was over. Gordon finally got to the car and Catholic guilt soon set in for the Father. Like a skiddish deer off he went without even uttering a word. Too bad Jack had a plan that involved his dad because he sure would have liked pursuing the Father.

Not worrying about his still exposed cock and ball Jack closed the door of the car and reclined the seat. He was tired but he also wanted to give his dad good reason to look him over and maybe more. Gordon's cock was still plump to the point that any man or woman would have checked him out and drooled over what he had to offer.

Faking sleep Jack looked like he was out by the time they reached I-95 heading south to Sunny Isles (N Miami). He had his right leg out stretched which caused his cock to slip out even more of his yellow beauty. Being a guy which easily produces precum sure enough the flow was coming building up at the tip of his piss slit until due to shear volume it started flowing like a stream down the underside of his cock. This was all too much for Gordon.. He reached over and with his index finger scooped up some precum and put it in his mouth. He ciouldn't believe what he just did and yet he felt compelled to do it. It didn't take long and the supply was quckly replenished.. If he could have reached down safely and slurped it right from the piss slit he would have been happy. But he was conflicted as to why he had sexual feelings for his son.

All the while Gordon was drinking from Jack's sweet supply of man honey Jack was wide awake and enjoying every minute of the experience. He had to use as much will power as he could muster not to explode in orgasm each time his dad touched him and drank his precum.

Jack opened his eyes recognizing the surroundings. They were at the Wallgreen's close to Hauiover. Before he got out of the car Gordon indicated that he needed some Alleve because he had a headache. Jack couldn't believe his good luck. Before leaving Gordon's place Jack came across a bottle of Viagra. He brought them with him to the beach because he thought they could help ramp up the sexual energy but the problem was how was he going to get Gordon to take them. Problem solved! Both Alleve and Viagra are little blue pills plus when Gordon returned with them he asked Jack to tuck them away in his backpack. Jack was going to be the one dispensing the pills...what luck!

The men no sooner got to the beach when Gordon stopped at the restroom just short of the beach asked for TWO Alleve. Knowing that Viagra helped men with erections, he didn't fully realize the potency of the subsitute drug, Jack gave him two Viagra.

The third installment is coming. For feedback please write: stingdelray@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 3

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