Pop Secrets

By Shazam

Published on Sep 1, 2000


Hey everyone...sorry it has taken so long to get the next chapter out but my grandmother just died recently from Cancer so that is the reason. Well I hope you all like this chapter. If you like it tell me, if you don't also tell me.

And I'm sorry about the email addy change again but this will be the last time...I promise. Hope you all aren't that upset over it. It was the only one I could check through this whole tragic week so I guess I have to hold on to this account. Sounds lame huh? LOL If any of you all want to be added to the mailing list to know when I send out a new chapter just email me and say so. Thanks!!! Hope you enjoy, and happy reading!


As she listened she heard Justin moaning from pleasure. JC's mouth was still going up and down on Justin's rod. All of a sudden she heard Justin moan out.

"Please let me cum this time Josh."

Christina's mouth dropped when she heard this. JC rolled over and let Justin on top of him. Justin straddled JC's face and plunged his erection back into JC's mouth. Justin fucked JC's mouth with a fury until he erupted like a volcano. JC wasn't ready for the entire explosion that flowed from Justin's purple phallus, but it tasted so good JC couldn't get enough. JC squeezed Justin's cock to get every drop and some cum began flowing out of his mouth now.

Justin moaned and said "Josh that was the best blowjob I've ever gotten."

JC smiled, as he was exhausted.

Christina stumbled back from the door and ended up falling over the arm of the couch and right into Joey's lap.

"What is it my little genie?"

"I was going to get something to drink but found the door locked. So I leaned to it to see if I could hear anyone in there when I hear all these moans and groans."

"So maybe Chris got lucky!"

"No, just before I fell over the couch I heard Justin thank JC for the best blowjob he'd ever received."

Now it was Joey's mouth that dropped.

"Ew...I didn't need to know that Chrissy!"

"Well I heard the whole thing she said."

Her mind was racing now as she wondered what it was like. She had known she had a crush on some of the other girls but she couldn't understand it. Then when JC and Justin stared dating she had wondered what it would be like. Then for some reason she started thinking of her best friend Britney in a new light.

She had always thought of Britney as pretty and very sexy! She quickly shook the thought from her head as she heard the door to the kitchen open. She looked over and saw Justin walking out. He saw the two and turned red because he knew they had heard him and JC. He quickly ran to the bathroom. At that time Chris walked up to the back door of the house carrying groceries. He took his keys out and unlocked the door. He carried the groceries in not paying attention to where he was going and almost stepped on JC.

"What are you doing lying in the floor??? And why are you only wearing jeans???"

"Tired", JC replied softly.

"Oh okay" Chris said. "Oh!!!!!!" He said now getting what JC was referring to.

"So was he good" Chris asked?

"Who?" JC replied.

"You know who I'm talking about."


"No Bobbi" Chris said sarcastically.

"Why do you want to know?"

"Just curious is all; I'm just glad Justin's finally got someone he's happy with."

"What do you mean Chris", JC asked?

"Well I have known Justin was gay now for a long time."


"His mom had found some things in his room that kind of pointed towards it. Then she asked me about it so I started closely watching him and found out she was right."

"And..."JC asked wanting to know more.

Justin walked back into the kitchen.

"I'll talk to you about it later JC."

Justin looked at both of them curious as to what they were talking about. He gave up trying to get JC and Chris to fill him in and went to sit in the living room.

"Care to finish Chris?"

"Not here, you know he's bound to be listening, trying to hear what we say."

"Okay I guess."

JC and Chris snuck out the back door and went for a walk.

"Now you can tell me Chris" JC stated as they were now about a mile from the house.

"Well its just Justin has never had anyone in his life to care about him really, other than his mom and his brothers. You know his mom and dad are separated so he doesn't have a father figure to look up to."

"What about Paul?"

"His step-dad?"

"Yeah Chris, he's been there."

"Not what Justin needs though. I don't want to talk about Justin's sexuality JC cause I don't really know how much I can handle seeing you and him together all the time. I don't have any problems with it but I just don't really want to watch it."

"I understand Chris" JC said but Chris could tell JC was a little hurt by the comment.

"If you don't want to talk about his sexuality then what are you saying Chris?"

"Well Justin never got along with Paul that well. He needed someone he could latch onto as a father figure in his life."

"You mean.." JC said before stopping.

Chris started shaking his head yes. "Yes JC, you are his father figure and now you're dating him. He'll die if something ever comes between you and him."

"Why do you say that, you know I love Justin."

"Yes I heard you tell Brit."

"She put you up to talking to me about this didn't she Chris?"

"Why do you say that?"

"Well you just said a few minutes ago it bothered you seeing me and Justin together so I assumed it would bother you to talk about it just as much. But you're still talking about it so you have to be doing it for a reason."

"Well yeah she did put me up to it. But she's just scared JC."


"Her and Justin use to date, you know that, right?"

"Yeah I'm his best friend of course I know that."

"Well he was devastated when she broke it off with him."

"I know."

"You should, that's my point JC, when he was devastated, and Paul wasn't there for him. He didn't help him try to get over the heartache, I wonder who was there."

"I was JC" said finally realizing what Chris was talking about. Justin did look up to him.

"Now you realize why Brit keeps bringing this up?"

"Yes, I do now."

"So do you honestly love Justin the way he loves you?"

" Yes I do Chris...I love Justin very deeply or else I wouldn't have done what I did with him at the house. I've had a crush on Justin for a while now but I'm new to this type of relationship."

"So is he JC."

"How do you know he's not done this before? He seems very smart in what he is doing if you ask me."

"So he was good after all" Chris said now laughing while saying it. "Yeah Chris he was good", JC said smirking while he said it.

"Well I told you, Lynn had me watch him closely so I know he is new to this type of relationship."

"Oh, so you saw everyone he went on a date with?"

"Yeah, and to be honest, out of all the guy's he's dated, I have to say you treat him better than the others ever could."

"Am I the kind of guy he looks for?"

"I'm not sure JC but obviously you are cause he kissed you didn't he? And then you two did what you did at the house, so I take that, as he does like you pretty well."

"You have a point JC said."

While JC and Chris were out walking Justin went into the kitchen to see where JC was. He didn't see JC in the kitchen so he walked around the house and everywhere looking for him. When he couldn't find him he started to worry. Two tears flowed down his face as he thought maybe he was pushing JC into the relationship to fast. He sat down and thought, he had pushed JC to go into the make out session as far as they went. He laid his head down on the table and began crying.

Joey and Christina walked in the kitchen, Joey's hands on Christina's hips.

"Hey Just, we're going to get a bite to eat, you want" Christina said stopping when she noticed Justin crying.

"Justy, what's wrong?"


"Justin tell me or I'm going to get my sneakers all dirty kicking your ass."

"Josh is gone."

"What do you mean gone?"

"He's not around here and he never told me he was leaving."

"Just, maybe he had to step out quickly and forgot to tell you."

"He wouldn't forget I'm his boyfriend."

"Yeah but all couples forget from time to time. I'm sure he's okay."

"I guess you're right."

Christina began wiping Justin's face with her shirt.

"Oooo" Justin cooed, "Genie belly!"

"Yeah well stare long and hard cause you won't be seeing any more of this genie now that she has a master" she said winking at Joey. Joey grinned mischievously.

"Come on Justie get your shoes."


"You're going with us to get the stuff to make homemade spaghetti!"


Justin quickly got in the car and left. Soon after they left JC and Chris got home. He walked in and saw Britney and Lance kissing and groping on the couch. JC began dancing while singing "Oops I caught you again" parodying Britney's Oops I did it again song. They stopped and threw a pillow at JC.

JC caught it and asked, "now that I have your attention, you know where Justin is?"

"Yeah, he went to the grocery store with Chrissy and Joey" Lance said.

JC grabbed his keys and stared to the door. When he opened it turned and said "Damn!"

"What is it JC?"

"My car is still at the movie cinema."


JC looked at Britney, "Your old bicycle still in the garage?"


"Can I borrow it?"

"Yeah but you're going to look awful funny riding a pink and purple bicycle."

"I don't care my boy probably thinks I'm mad at him."


"Because I left without telling him, I can't explain right now, I have to catch them."


JC went to the garage, got the bike out, and stared on his way.

"Did you have that talk with him Chris?"

"Yeah that is why he had to leave without telling Justin."

"What did he say?"

"I think he really loves Justin with all his heart."

"Good, I hope he doesn't hurt Justie."

"Well you just seen he's worried about him" Lance said.

"Yeah, good point" Birtney and Chris both said.

JC got to the store and parked the bike beside Joey's car. He quickly ran into the store. He saw Justin in the video section looking for a movie. Justin ran up to JC as soon as soon as he saw him and locked him in a lip lock.

JC whispered with his lips still against Justin's, "Just, not here in the store."

JC quickly looked around and saw the person watching the room had stepped out a moment, and luckily they were in a corner of the video department where no one in the other section could see them.

"Sorry Josh, just I was worried you left me."

"Why would I do that baby?"

"You left without telling me where you were going. I thought I was rushing you to much."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean when we were making out."

"Justin, I went that far because I wanted to, not because you were rushing me. I love you Curly and there's nothing I wouldn't do to make you happy."

"I love you to Josh, Where did you go anyway?"

"I had to talk to Chris about something."

"About what?"

"I can't tell you."

"But you said you loved me."

"I do Just."

"Well lovers don't keep secrets."

"I'm sorry baby, I can't."

Justin dropped his head saddened JC was keeping something from him. JC lifted his finger under Justin's chin and raised it up. He pressed his lips to Justin's. Justin pulled back.

"You said not here, someone would catch us."

"No, Tyler's watching the section now, Lucy left."

"He knows about you?"

Justin looked up front and saw Tyler standing there smiling at his brother and him. They walked up and JC immediately hugged Tyler.

"So you know about JC?"

"Yeah I have thought he was maybe bi for a while but not fully gay."

"Well I don't know if he is fully gay or not" Justin said.

"I am JC said kissing Justin quickly again. Not a woman on this earth is going to convert me and take my heart away from you."

Tyler made a gagging motion that got a slap on the back of the head by JC.

"Yeah Justin, I knew JC was like that but I didn't know you and him were a couple. Chrissy told me you were dating though before I got into work here but I didn't know for sure."

"And you're okay with your brother dating me?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be? Josh dates who he wants and only whom he wants."

"Oh okay."


I didn't feel like leaving everyone on a cliffhanger right now. I just hope you all think that this chapter is as good as the others. And I want to thank my loyal readers for sending me comments when they read my story. I love to hear from you guys! You inspire me to write more. Well send feedback if you all don't mind. Hope to hear from some of you.

Next: Chapter 6

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