Pop Secrets

By Shazam

Published on Jul 28, 2000


Hello to Chapter Three of my story everyone. I hope you all like this, and fee free to send me e-mail and tell me how you liked this story. And I want to think my buddy AJ for talking back and forth with my by email...and buddy, your story on here rulz! Keep up the good writing. He is the guy that has inspired this story! =========================================================

About 11 am, JC woke up and looked around. He got out of the bunk and stretched. He noticed he and Justin were the only ones on the bus now. He checked the TV section of the bus and saw it too was empty. The driver was even gone. He stepped off the bus and noticed they were in a parking lot at McDonald's. He went inside and saw the guys sitting around a table eating breakfast. "Nice of you to wake me up", JC said to them now. He got something to eat and joined them at the table. "Where's Justin", Joey and Lance said at the same time. "Right here" Justin said walking up behind JC and laying his head on JC's shoulder. Joey quickly said "Watch it you two, there could be a fan outside the window spying on us". Justin rose up. He sat down at a table beside JC and started eating on some of the stuff JC had gotten instead of getting his own.

They discussed what they were going to do since they were going to arrive at their destination sooner than thought. I say we hit the mall Christina suggested. "Yeah" Britney agreed. "I'd rather hit the basketball courts" Justin said, "Anyone else?" Joey started to raise his hand but had second thoughts as Christina grabbed the inside of his thigh. He quickly changed his mind before he got hurt in a way he didn't want. JC raised his hand for basketball to side with his boyfriend. Britney pressed her high heel to JC's crotch. "Wrong choice Josh, I could put you in a whole world of pain right now so you had better change your mind and change it quick" Britney warned him. Britney felt a hand slide in between JC's crotch and her high heel now. She looked at JC who just looked down at the hand also. Britney looked at Justin now and saw he had a smile from ear to ear. JC followed the hand over and stared into Justin's eyes and then looked back down at the hand. Even after Britney moved her foot Justin kept his hand there.

An hour later everyone was on the bus again. JC and Justin sat in he TV section by themselves kissing. Britney and Lance sat watching TV in the other room with the other guys. Every time there was a commercial come on Britney and Lance would start kissing. During one of the times they were kissing a commercial came on about upcoming concerts. As soon as it mentioned Madonna Britney's head whipped toward the TV leaving Lance sitting there eyes shut and mouth open. "Lance, sugar?" "Yeah Brit, we can" Lance said. "Yes we can what?" "Yeah, I will take you to see Madonna" he replied. Britney jumped on top of Lance covering him with kisses. At that time JC walked in. "Oh no, another PsychoBitch Bobbi" he said diving on the couch covering his head with a pillow. Britney hit him in the chest anyway. "Hey young lady! That's my boyfriend you're bruising" Justin said as he walked into the room. "Well he called me a Bobbi wannabe and you know I don't like that girl" Britney whined. "Why did he call you that?" "Cause he walked in and I was covering Lance here with kisses." Justin straddled JC's stomach and started covering him with kisses now. The rest of the gang sat back and laughed so hard they couldn't breathe.

A few minutes later everyone was watching TV again. Justin was up getting a drink of water and JC was wiping off his face. Justin looked around and saw the only seat available for him was the floor so he just turned to go to the other TV section. "Where are you going Curly" JC asked. "There's no room up here so I was going back to the back and watch TV." "Well you can sit on my lap if you want to baby, I don't mind" JC said winking at Justin. Justin walked back now and took a seat on JC's lap placing his cheek against JC's chest. JC locked his arms around Justin now. "Love you J" Justin said. "Love you to Josh" he replied and started drifting off to sleep.

Britney and Lance smiled as they listened to JC and Justin. "Do you love me Lance" Britney asked him. "Of course I do girl, what kind of question is that?" Lance said kissing Britney really quick. Joey and Christina were off in their own little world playing tonsil hockey. Britney and Lance continued kissing now after their show on TV went off. JC was nuzzled against Justin's neck kissing and softly biting it. Justin giggled now waking up as JC tickled his neck with his tongue. They decided to go do something instead of sitting around the tour bus any longer so they all headed shopping after all. Everyone climbed out of either JC's jeep or Joey's car. Justin and JC headed to the clothing store behind Britney and Lance. Christina and Joey headed into the music store. Chris just walked around pretty much window-shopping till he got to the pet store.

Lance was in the shoes trying to help Britney find a good pair of shoes. JC was in the men's section approving or disapproving shirts and pants Justin was trying on. Joey and Christina were both walking through the isles showing each other some of their favorite CD's and showing the ones they didn't like. Chris was now playing with every little animal in site. Joey and Christina paid for the CD's they picked up and headed down to the pet store to meet up with Chris. They found him in the middle of the store playing wit the ferrets. Chris looked at them, "Think we could get one you guys?" "I don't know" Joey said. "I think it would be kind of nice to have one" Christina said. Chris looked at her now, "But you don't stay on the bus so I don't know." "I will starting tomorrow." "What do you mean?" Chris asked her. "Well you see, I talked to management and I have some friends like Jessica Simpson that gave me some pointers on how to force management into letting you tour with your boyfriend, so I am touring with you!"

"Awesome" Chris said. "Yeah I think it is great" Joey said equally excited. AT that time JC, Justin, Lance, and Britney walked in. Chris looked at them "What do you guys say about getting a ferret?" "I don't know, you would have to take good care of it and then have someone else take care of it while we perform" JC said. Britney said "me or Christina here could watch it while you perform." Justin said, "lets get one, but first lets go grab a bite to eat, I'm starving." "Pay for it and get it now" JC said looking at Chris. He then looked at Justin, "You can have a bite if you don't mind eating after me baby" he said holding up a snickers bar to Justin's face. "I kiss you so why not eat after you" Justin said taking a bite of the candy bar. JC quickly kissed Justin on the cheek without anyone seeing them. They all agreed to go get something to eat at the pizza place in the mall.

They sat around eating and talking silently in between bites. Britney and Lance were talking about what they planned on doing later that night. Lance asked, "How would you like to go to the beach with me?" "That sounds great," she said. They looked towards Christina and Joey. Joey said, "I think we are going to go hang out with a couple of Chrissy's friends tonight." They looked towards JC and Justin. Justin said, "I have something I need to work on for my mom." JC said, "I wanted to go to the movies but I don't know." Chris said, "I'm going clubbing like always." They all finished eating and climbed back into the vehicles. Britney and Lance sat in the back of JC's jeep kissing while Joey and Christina were looking out the window. Christina was sitting on Joey's lap because there wasn't a lot of room in there with everything they had bought. JC reach down and turned the radio on. He then placed his leg over on Justin's leg. Justin smiled and placed his hand on top of JC's.

They all went into their hotel rooms and changed clothes to go do whatever they needed. JC told Lance, Britney, and Chris "Don't stay out to late now cause you know we have practice coming up." "We won't daddy" they all replied. JC quickly got dressed and headed to Justin's room. "Curly, I'm going to go on to the movies." "Anyone going with ya baby?" "No, just me." "Oh, you're welcome to stay here with me Josh" Justin said. "Nah, I want to go to the movies, I haven't been in a long time." "Okay" Justin said sadly. "Can I get a kiss before I go Just" JC said. Justin leaned up and placed a kiss on JC's lips. JC turned and left to go to the movies. Justin sat down and continued working.

Joey and Christina were sitting around at a friend's house talking with old friends about new things going on in each other's lives. Britney and Lance sat Oceanside lying on the sand cuddling and looking up at the stars. Every now and then slipping each other a kiss. Chris was in the club talking to every girl in site he saw.

Thirty minutes into the movie JC was beginning to wonder why he even came alone. He turned and looked five rows up and saw Bobbi sitting there with her new boyfriend. JC went back to watching the movie when he noticed someone sit down beside him. He looked over and saw Justin smiling. "This seat taken?" "It is now," JC said as he winked. Justin laced his fingers with JC's and laid their hands between themselves so that no one could see them holding hands.

12 am came and Chris had already gotten home and in bed. Joey and Christina had also gone home and to bed. JC and Justin waked out to the parking lot. "Both of us have vehicles, which one are we taking home" Justin asked JC. "Yours I guess baby" JC said locking his car. They climbed into Justin's car. JC got in and moved Justin's arm. He lay down in the seat laying his head in Justin's lap. Justin kissed his fingers and pressed them to JC's lips. JC opened his mouth and began sucking on one of Justin's fingers. Everything was quiet for about 15 minutes, and then JC's cell phone started ringing. Justin looked down and saw that JC was asleep. Justin reach down and slid his hand into the pocket of JC's jeans to get the phone. He answered it as JC rolled over facing Justin's stomach now. As soon s Justin said hello Lance asked, "Can you pick me and Brit up and take us to get something to eat?" "Didn't you drive" Justin asked him. "No, we walked to the beach." "Oh okay, well JC's asleep so I don't know." "How's he sleeping in that car???" Lance said surprised. "Simple, he's laying down in the seat with his head in my lap." "You don't have to worry about it then Just, we can get something to eat at home" Lance said. "No, I'm on my way Lance." "Okay, cool." A few minutes later Justin parked causing JC to stir. "Where are we baby?" "Sh.go back to sleep sweetie, I'm picking Lance and Britney up to go get something to eat. You don't care do you?" "Nah, I'm hungry anyway," JC said as he sat up and pecked Justin on the cheek. "Thanks for letting me use your lap as a pillow." "Anytime sweetie, anytime." Lance and Britney climbed in the back seat now and noticed JC was awake.

"So you're awake now JC?" "Yeah" he said still a little tired. "You care to go out and eat" Britney asked him. "Nah, I'm kind of hungry but where is a place open" he asked. "Well Hardee's is open now" Lance said, "they stay open half the night now. Justin saw that JC was still a little tired so he put his arm around on JC's shoulders and pulled him over. He laid JC's head down on his shoulder and let him sleep some more. He drove with one hand now as he interlocked his fingers with JC's while he slept. A little bit later they pulled into a Hardee's drive through after they had woke JC up. They all ordered their food and Justin pulled into a parking lot that people didn't usually come around this time of night. They all sat quietly as they ate. Britney and Lance would occasionally feed each other a fry. Justin and JC would giggle watching the lovebirds in the back seat. "What's so funny" Lance asked now. "You two are so cute" Justin said. "Don't you be getting any ideas Mr. Timberlake" Lance said laughing. Don't worry Lance, he's all mine and I don't like sharing" JC told him. "Good" Lance and Britney both said loudly laughing after they said it. Everyone finished up eating now and just sat there kissing. Britney and Lance were in the back laying down kissing, Britney's hands roaming all over Lance's back. Justin put his feet up in the seat and back against the door. JC lay up against Justin and pressed his mouth to Justin's as they also began kissing.

Justin finally decided they had better get back so he stopped his kiss with JC. "What's wrong baby?" JC asked him. "Well don't you think it's time to get back to the house?" "I guess" JC sighed sadly. "You want to stay here Josh?" "Well Lance and Britney are asleep now, and if we go home we'll be asleep in no time too." "Yeah" Justin said smirking now at the comment JC made. "Well I've not spent much time with you." "We are never apart," Justin said now laughing a bit. "No Just, I mean romantically." "Oh" Justin said now realizing what JC had in mind, "You have a point." Justin pulled JC back down on top of him as they started kissing each other, exploring each other's mouths with their tongues. They sat there kissing for what seemed like 30 minutes before they heard a stirring in the back seat. They rose up and saw Britney and Lance wiping the sleep from their eyes. "What time is it" Lance asked. "Three thirty in the morning" JC said letting out a yawn. Britney said, "If you two are done making out up there I'd like to go home to get some sleep for tomorrow. You all have tomorrow off but I have a show." "Okay" JC said giving Justin one last kiss. Britney and Lance groaned as they did so. Justin started the car and they pulled out to go home. They all went straight to their hotel rooms. Britney and Lance were immediately out of it as they hit the bed. JC and Justin lay down in each other's arms. "Love you Joshua" Justin whispered kissing JC's chin. "Love you to Justin" JC said kissing the top of Justin's forehead. They both now fell asleep in each other's arms.


Hope you all like this and will continue reading my story. And send feedback...I love hearing from you guys!!!

Next: Chapter 4

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