Pop High

By Brown Eyes

Published on Jun 6, 2001



  1. Don't read this if you aren't gay. Cuz you probably wouldn't like it. On the other hand, what are you doing at a gay site, with the word gay in it if you aren't gay? I think you have some questions you need to ask yourself.

  2. Don't read this if you are under 18. (or the legal age in your area, country, state, or otherwise) Although, if you are here and you are under 18 and you just wanna take a peek, well, I guess I could allow that, but just a peek.

  3. This involves the guys of NSYNC, BSB, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Mandy Moore, and Jessica Simpson, so if you don't like to read about them, well, stop. And if you don't like to imagine the guys from those two bands being gay, well then stop. But I'm not going to tell you which ones are gay, that would ruin it. Oh by the way, it's all fake, every bit of it.

  4. Other then that, just read the story and enjoy it.


  1. This story is one of my many. I'm not going to brag because I've written stories that have gotten no reaction, and some that have gotten big ones. So I can't say that I'm a great, good, or even awful writer. That all depends on what type of story I write, it that all depends on how I feel.

  2. This is my 8th attempt this month at a story, ask my friend Summer, she knows all about it, because I tell her each day what I try to work on and just don't accomplish.

  3. I will address Nick Lachey the majority of the time in this story as Lachey, because I will be using Nick Carter as the predominate Nick in the story.

  4. Once again, enjoy the story.

Chapter 1 of Pop High

Ring Ring Ring

School started that year like any other year. We went to the first period class, prepped for what to expect this year in geometry, just more bullshit to add to the list. 2nd period same deal, for some reason I could never explain it, but we always seemed to get 2nd period together, that is me and my friends. Oh, I guess I should introduce myself, I'm Justin Timberlake, my friends, well, you'll meet them later, when you have time to remember names with faces.

But back to classes, 3rd period, study hall as usual, 4th just another blowoff class with Mrs. Webster. It's hard to imagine going a year without Mrs. Webster, she has to be the best teacher in the school. I guess that's because she doesn't pay attention to anything you do, and it's pretty easy to skip class without a second thought of being caught.

Now, 5th periods different, it's lunch, every year it's been lunch, every year it will be lunch. Only something was definetly different about this year.

"Where's Joey?" I asked as I sat down at the lunch table. Oh before I continue, I'll introduce everyone. On the left me is Lance Bass, it's cool, Mississippian so it he ain't so happy about being in New York, but what can you do? Next to him, Chris Kirkpatrick, he's failed twice, just shows up for the hell of it actually. Across from him, Brian Litrell, he's quiet, really religious and outspoken about "his god". On his right, Kevin Richardson, they're cousins, pretty much bestfriends too, it's kinda weird. Then their's AJ, the best at what he does. I guess you'd like to know what he does, but I can't share all my secrets.Nick Carter's next to him, don't even ask. And of course, everyone has their nice guy, Howie Dorough, he's so fucking nice it makes you sick some times.

Alright, before you say it, yes I do have girl friends. Across from me is Britney Spears, Miss Teen Spirit, captain of the cheerleading squad four years running, Prom Queen last year, yeah, even as a junior. Did I mention that she's a bitch? Well the biggest. At the far end of the table, Christina Aguilera, second in charge of this school, follows orders from Britney and no one else. Next to her Mandy Moore, the girl was a prissy goody goody last year, then she got a solo at the last choral concert and popped up in whore number two. Wanna know who number one is...Jessica Simpson. Dumped her boyfriend, broke the boys heart, he dropped out, and she slashed the clothes, tightened the pants and wow, things were popping out every where.

Okay, anyways, now back to what I was saying. "Where's Joey?"

"He didn't get scheduled this year. He's in 6th period lunch." Lance replied. You'll realize soon enough that Lance knows everything.

"Whaddya mean? I can't believe my dad did this shit." Oh yeah, my dad is the principal. I guess that's the reason we always get second and lunch together.

"Well, apparently when Joey got caught in the bathroom last year with that girl, your dad decided to punish him by putting him in a different lunch. Joe said he was pissed, but your dad wouldn't pull any strings even for him." I wish Lance didn't know everything, then I could have at least tried to pursuade my dad. But if he wouldn't help out Joe, I knew it was too far gone to bother with.

"So who's gonna take the last seat. We always have enough to fill up, we can't keep one empty. We have to keep our reps." Jessica smirked at that comment, we all knew she would have loved for Britney to lose her rep, but was too smart to try and take it. On the other hand she could have just been hot to get a new guy at the table.

"I hear theres a new kid in school that has potential." I smiled, a new kid, that could be interesting.

"What's his name?" This time I'm the one smirking, hell, so what if I like a hot guy too.

"JC, uh, real name Josh Chasez, little brother, little sister, they fit the typical popular profile too. So we'd have replacements in the upcoming years." I was the first to turn my gaze at Lance when the words left his mouth, the others turned after me.

"No one could replace us Lancesten, and don't even think you could find someone." Oh, Britney was such a bitch some times, but I guess thats why we love her.

"I'm just saying." Lance tried to apologize, but all Britney did was shrug him off.

"Okay, well, now that you too shut up. Is he even in this lunch?"

"Yeah, over there." Lance pointed him out for me, and I smiled. He was cute, but I was extremely pissed when I saw some one walk over and put there arm around him. But what was more shocking was who had put their arm around him.

"Oh my god is that Nick?" Jessica just about spit out her food. There were only two popular Nick's in our school. And one of them sat with us. The other was Nick Lachey, the one Jessica had stabbed in the heart, and from the looks of it, he is definetly back with a purpose.

"That fucking asshole. How dare he date a faggot after me? Oh my god, Justin I'm so sorry, you know I didn't mean it."

"I know I know, just go over there and bitch him." I was surprised when she actually stood up. Mandy and Christina stood too, but I knew Britney would stay put.

"We'll be back." Christina smiled down at us all, and I almost lost my appetite when they turned to see that Nick and this new kid JC had already arrived at our table.

"Hey guys, I'd like you to meet Joshua Chasez, my boyfriend, he just moved here." Nick was the frist to speak to break the silence, and I wanted to punch him in the face for the look he had put on Jessica.

"Um, why are you even here?" Oh, I love Mandy's attitude, just taking anger with the first hit.

"Oh, well, I guess I was ready to come back here, see some old friends. Hi Jess." Asshole, all I could think of was how much of an asshole he was. Now I wanted to definetly hit him.

"Hi Nickolas, nice to see that you could get some after me. Although, I'd definetly say that he ain't filling out his shirts like me, and that bulge in the front, well that was something I didn't think you found attractive, but hell, even the smartest can be wrong some times." Uhhh, point, set, match, damn, I knew she was a bitch, but hell, I ain't even seen Britney do better then that.

"Excuse me bitch, but at least I keep my shit in my shirt, and this bulge keeps your ex up, unlike stories I've heard about your skank ass." And now it was really time for the jaws to hit the floor, here was a new kid handling us like shit, and Jessica was for the first speechless.

"No you didn't."

"Yes I did." Holy shit, he was pushing it. I know how Kevin and Howie are, they don't let a guy treat a woman like that. Or at least not one of our girls.

"Alright, how 'bout this Lachey, back the fuck out of this table and take your gay ass shit to the fucking loser's table. Last time I checked your cousin and two ass buddies are still there. Oh and that reject Summer, yeah, she's still there too." Even I took offense to that, it seemed like Kevin was more then just pissed at them, but every gay man, but hell, I held my breath, I couldn't handle my own in a fight with Kevin.

"Kiss my ass Kev, you got your own tight ass, I mean tight end at this table." Now I know that was a direct attack at me, cuz I am the tight end on the football team.

"You wanna start shit Lachey." I knew that I could handle a small piece of him.

"Your daddy still protecting you assholes, or did they realize he was blatant to the fucking and drug scandals this school has?"

"Watch yourself!" I was getting pissed, and by now I think the new kid and Lachey both knew it.

"Oh don't worry, I'll watch it, you better watch yourself too though. Daddy may watch out over you, but I'll be the first to report the fucking and drugs, oh yeah, tell Joey that my cousing Dany says hi."

And as he walked away, I realized one small thing. He had one-upped us for the moment. Dany, the little slut was his cousin, and because of her we were already down one person from lunch, and probably the table would cause more problems.

"Did he just, did he just talk to us like we were the dirtballs?" Nick was so clueless sometimes, the blond was even ditzier then Britney, and yet for some reason we let him sit with us.

"Yes little Nicky, he just made us seem like the trash. But don't worry, Mr. Timberlake will be sure to get a note about dropping a few extra loads of detention on him for his first offense." Britney smiled, and hell, I couldn't resist smiling back.

"Don't you think we could have been more united on that? I think if someone here had defended his boyfriend we may not have been in this situation. I mean, come on AJ you are so good at insults, you could have taken him down with one word." Okay, so their you go, Chris should told you what AJ was good at, and if you were clueless at paying attention, it's loving me. So it's corny, shut up.

"I don't defend Justin, it makes him seem like the women in the relationship." I love how he always says that...because it always leads to...

"But he is the woman." Some how AJ always sets up Nick for that comment, I think they just like to make it clear that I'm the one who sucks dick and takes it up the ass. By now you'd think it wasn't that big of a deal, but I guess to them it's funny or some shit.

"Yeah, I know." And his laugh, jesus I love it, but he'd make fun of me for saying that.

"Okay, all this talk about Justin and AJ is making me sick, so who'd like to throw away their trash with me." I could expect that most days from Britney, she's very adamant about not liking me and AJ as a couple. But that's just because she thinks we should be dating, as Prom King, I believe she feels she has the right to date me. Even though I'd probably still be the woman in the relationship.

"Coming." They all flock together, the girls that is, I think it's cuz they can't do anything by themselves, at least I'm not that much of a homo.

Usually I ignore it when they leave, but I have a funny feeling that with Summer and Samantha up at the trash can it could get interesting. See, Samantha is last years in thing, she was like, probably only the tenth black person we've every gotten at this school. I know you're thinking New York, but we're the upper class, and some how we kinda don't see many minorities. And then this year, the interest ran out, and she ain't so popular any more. But Summer, Summer is, well Summer is so bitchy that even Britney doesn't like her. Which is big to say, cuz Britney's a big bitch. On the other hand, I slightly like Summer, I'd never admit it, but the girl is hilarious.

Anyways, back to watching them. And that right there will definetly call for detention. Summer just knocked down Christina's tray. And Christina is pissed, rightfully so, Summer shouldn't be touching her, yet alone messing her up. And, what a surprise, Christina just slapped her. Aren't you so happy you got to see this school out of thousands across the country? And they're on their way back, but for some reason Summer and Samantha are still following them, our girls seem to be ignoring them.

"Would some one tell the bitches behind us to turn the fuck around?"

"Why don't you tell us to our fucking faces?" I sighed because I got the funniest feeling that I knew what was bound to happen next. I watched as a smirking Summer held up her milk cartoon and dumped it all over Britney and Christina.

"You bitch."

"Bring it on, I got a whole fuckload more." Ew, that's pretty, Summer flipping them off, nice image. "Can you hear this or do I need to turn it up?"

Some times Britney and Christina aren't as tough as they think they are. Like right now, instead of keeping up the fight they're just walking back to their seats, I fell bad for them, but it was damn funny.

"Oh they are so fucking lucky that I have a change of clothes in my locker." Its funny, how easy it is for us to just store shit in school. But like I said, daddy is good to me. The majority of us have free lockers next to us, open for "purposes" my dad is aware of them, and he's pretty cool about it. The Joey sex thing was just a situation where a teacher was with him and he couldn't excuse him. On the other hand, we get out of classes pretty easily too, Britney just walked right out, not like shes gonna get in trouble.

Ring Ring Ring

"See ya." I turn to find AJ in my face, his arms wrapped around me already.

"Wanna skip next period?"

"I have Mr. Harcott, ya know he hates my dad. He'd be happy to nail me on a cut class."

"But I'd be happy to nail you too, maybe in the student council room?" Oh fuck, his smile and wink just push me over the edge, I swear he knows just what does it to push me to the point of no turning back.

"I'll skip half of it, only half, just a quickie." He can't even wait for the door to be shut, we're only half way there and he's already kissing my neck walking behind me practically waddling behind me.

"Mr. Timberlake, Mr. McLean, no public affection in the halls. And Mr. Timberlake, today is the first day of school you wouldn't be thinking of cutting out on me already would you?" Fucker, he is such an asshole, and he always knows when to catch us too.

"No Mr. Harcott." I have to smile, the ass requests it of me.

"Mr. Harcott, I was just taking Justin with me to the student council room. You know he's the speaker on behalf of the football team and I'm student council president, so we were going to work on a few ideas for the first game of the year." AJ is good with lies, but not so good with lying to Mr. Harcott.

"Alexander, get to class, and don't lie to me. I know what you and Justin were planning on doing, it was more then just work." I can't believe he just said that, and I know AJ is pissed by the comment.

"My name isn't Alexander, it's AJ or Alex, and it isn't your fucking business what I do with Justin." Oh shit, I'm definetly going to class.

"Alexander don't get a tone with me, and while we're at it, I'll be looking forward to seeing you after school on Friday for this week's detention. Bring your boytoy too, I'm sure he'll have done something wrong by then too."

"Fuck off." I love an angry AJ, he's so protective, and I can't help but enjoy his hand grabbing mine. "Let's go find your dad." Great, I'm gonna miss class and not even get any sex out of it. Thanks alot to Mr. Harcott.

"Take a seat boys." My dad is such a fucking idiot, he is so obvious to the fact that I date AJ, yet he is so adamant about us doing shit that he acts like it's a fucking deal that we sit near each other. I know he didn't say anything, but I can't tell by the look he's giving us right now, as AJ has his arm around my shoulder.

"Mr. Harcott is a fucking asshole sir. He accused me and Justin of going to fuck or some shit like that, then gave us detention for it. Not to mention he refuses to call me by AJ or Alex. He only does that type of shit to get us pissed so he can give us more detention."

"Son, what do you have to say?"

He never lets it end at what AJ says, it's the only thing that pisses me off about him. He never did like AJ. I think it's because he isn't on any teams, although he's the best fucking student council president we've ever had, he's a straight A student, his on the wrestling team. My dad doesn't consider that a team, but that's only cuz he's on it.

"Exactly what he said."

"Well, I'll have a talk with him. Stay out of trouble, heres a pass for class today, go have fun some where. Oh and here's a pass to give to Mr. Harcott, tell him I said you don't have to serve that detention."

It definetly pays to have people in low places. I only say low cuz my dad is scum with a capitol S, the man takes bribes for everything, we have the newest in football equipment, computers, sports arenas and fields, and a building three years new in renovations. And all that equals one thing, we are a rich family, when daddy pockets half the cash and mummy dear works at the biggest bank in the city, thinks look bright for me.

"Your dad rules."

"He doesn't like us dating, he's such a fucking idiot."

"Calm down back, he loves you, he loves me, he just doesn't like me fucking you. Which reminds me, we were about to do that, I mean, weren't we?"

I can't even tell you how many times I've had sex in this school, specifically in this room. The student council room is huge, definetly a great place for sex too, my dad, with some convienient help on design, planned it in the front hall, only the offices are around it, no windows, one door, lockable, no window in it. Not to mention, one big helpful friend, a giant couch, four chairs, a round table, a tv, computers, and a stereo system for the benefit of those gifted enough to get on the student council board. Which basically includes me, AJ, my table, and well, three dorks who won by default, oh and Joey. Best part, a little secret, not many people know this, but the couch is pull out bed, AJ had that included, my dad knows why, AJ isn't shy to tell anyone about our sex life.

"You don't have any condoms do you?" He always forgets, but if it's what thing I know about AJ, it's that he is the most reliable and trustworthy guy when it comes to being faithful.

"Go bareback, we're both clean." He loves that, I tell him it all the time, cuz he doesn't like condoms, so he sometimes "forgets" them, and we both can't wait til we get home for any.

"Thanks babe, I love you."

"Love you too."

He's so fucking good at this, I swear to god he could beat me to the ground and do this without my permission and I'd still know he loves me, because he's always gonna say that before we start, and he's always gonna whisper it while we get it on. I don't think there's any way that I wouldn't feel safe and secure and loved in his arms.

"You're so fucking good Justin, so tight."

I can't take it, he knows just what spot to hit, and just when to hit it, he drives me crazy.

"Alex, I'm, I'm so close."

"Let go baby, let go." I do too, holy shit, I don't think I've ever been able to cum as much as I am, and I'm still letting loose. But he's still going, the boy can go for hours if he has the time, but I know he'll cut it short soon, afterall, we only got permission to skip 6th period, not 7th and 8th from my dad, not like it would matter though.

"Baby, umppph, I, I love you." You know, he always says that when it's over, and I can always feel it coming on, as he releases he usually says it, not all the time though, sometimes he sits in silence and then kisses my forehead or check, that's usually when we do it in a bed though and we can sleep afterwards. I know what to expect with this scenario. "Thanks baby, you're the best."

"I know." I'm panting, but surprisingly I'm much more energetic then I usually am after sex. I guess it's cuz I'm use to the after effects of AJ Mclean, it's a good thing I have a study hall next, because I need a good nap.

"I gotta go, the bell's gonna ring in a minute, love ya." Mmm, his lips taste really good on mine, his tongue tastes even better, but it's over now. He's walking on and I'm recooperating. Where are my pants? Oh yeah, over there. I always manage to completely lose my close in this room, I know there's been at least two experiences where Britney or Chrissy have found my boxers after school, and those girls know how to blackmail.

Ring Ring Ring

"Justin Timberlake, if I'm not lucky enough to be graced with your presence." Oh fuck, how the hell could I be this unlucky.

"Hello Mr. Harcott."

"Take a seat, you're lucky it's alphabetical, you're by Kevin Richardson." The little fucker makes everything I do seem like porn, like I'm some whore or something. "Alright, everyone take your seats. I'm got some rules for you, study hall isn't going to be like what you had last year. NO talking, NO cd players, NO food, NO drinks, NO notes, NO sleeping. That's it, sit in silence, go to the library, or do your homework, those are your only options."

Damn it, my whole year is going to be ruined now, I have to sit through this jackass for two periods in a row, and I can't even sleep through study hall. Not to mention he puts me right next to Kevin and I can't even talk to him. Poor Christina though, she's pretty far away, oh, and she's gotta sit next to that new piece of shit Josh Chasez, oh well, that will keep her from talking.

"Mr. Timberlake can I speak to you for a minute?" He can't even let me sit for two minutes either, I gurantee this is going to be about me skipping last period. I don't know why he can't drop it, it's the first day of school, he's such an asshole.


"You skipped my class next period, I trust you have a valuable excuse, or just another note from daddy dearest."

"Of course" I wish he would take that damn smirk off his face, he looks like he's possessed or some shit like that. And he makes my dad seem like an asshole just for loving me, why does he even work here?

"And it would be?" Give me some time to put my hand in pocket and get it out asshole.

"Here, AJ and I were in a conference with my father. He said if you had a problem you could talk to him about it." Yeah, that's right, you aren't smirking anymore asshole. I love knocking that little smile off his face.

"No, no problem, just tell your father I'm glad he condones sexual activities on school."

Bite your tongue Justin, Bite your tongue. "I'll pass it on."

"So, already off to a bad start with everyone's favorite teacher?" Don't start with me Kevin, please, I'm not in the mood for that right now.

"No, everything's good, my dad got me a note again. The jackass just likes to remind me of every incident that involves me and AJ and sex."

"Please, let's just leave it at that, I don't want to know anything along those lines. But on the subject of AJ, what's he got planned for his speech at the end of the day." You should probably know that every year on the first day we have an assembly, AJ, okay well the student council president, although that has been AJ every year, and my father gives speeches on behalf of the new year ahead of us. Usually AJ's is just a joke, and he does something stupid and extravagant to get a laugh, but this year he's left me out of the loop.

"I'm as clueless as you Kev, he hasn't told me anything."

"Mr. Timberlake, Mr. Richardson, were you two absentminded of the rules, no talking." I don't give a fuck about his rules, but I personally don't want detention the first week of school.

"Talk to me after class." As for the sleeping rule, I don't think he's going to enforce that shit.




Damn, I wish they would just start this fucking assembly so those goddamned girls behind me would shut up. Okay, so let's explain the assembly, right now every one I introduced you to is sitting in the same row with me, front row center, it pays to be the principal's son like I said. Alright, the one you didn't meet, Joey, he's sitting on the end, he was the last to get here, as always he was probably still fucking some one in the bathroom, doesn't matter if he gets caught, he won't make the same mistake twice in fucking some one who's a rat.

My AJ isn't here, I told you already that he would be onstage, and at the same time, we were lucky enough this year to have a change of schedule, he's going first instead of last, which means that I get out of school early, no sense in listening to my father, he went over his speech with me eighty fucking times. Hey, I have to keep him cool, we wouldn't want the student body to hate him, that would look bad on me.

"Attention, Attention." AJ is such a dumbass, he knows that isn't gonna shut them up. "Shut the fuck up Please." Now that will definetly quiet some people down. "Thanks, I thought that might get some quiet. But ya know, I've been with most of you for four years, the rest of you, hell, you don't matter."

He really should watch himself, some of the juniors are pretty strong. But my AJ knows what he's doing, he'll get them laughing in any minute. "So, I just wanna welcome you all back, I saw a few old faces returning this year today, I have to say those faces weren't pretty and I wish they hadn't come back." Oh, fuck, I know Jessica is smiling in her seat, that was an obvious slap at Nick Lachey. "Oh, and I saw what the ugly faces brought with them, damn if the ugly ain't brought the hideous with them."

See, just like I said he's got them all laughing, well probably not everyone. I could imagine Nick Lachey, Josh Chasez, and they're friends being a little pissed by the comments.

"This year is the final year for me and my friends. Yeah, one more year of us and you can all sigh relief, teachers like Mr. Harcott can find some one else to fuck with, and you can rest assure that Mr. Timberlake will still lookout for you, even without our Justin here to help. Which reminds me, Justin, you and the guys better beat some SilverTown ass this year in football."

Last year we lost to SilverTown in the finals of state. They beat us by one fucking touchdown.

"And I'm sure that as your student council president four years in the running that things will get done like they always do. We plan on adding a new parking lot to accomodate to the faculty and growing student enrollment. Not to mention the plans for a renovated swimming pool and gym facilities. So, this year I propse one thing to the seniors, work your asses off, this is our legacy, we built this reputation, we built this pride, and we aren't gonna let it fall apart now. Let's go out with a bang."

That's the conclusion, some little fucked up inspirational words. This isn't like AJ at all.


That however is like AJ. You're are probably missing the best thing yet, because, well, the ceiling is literally dripping confetti, streamers, the works. He knows how to upstage himself every year. Last year he threw in some smoke grenades and they filled up the auditorium with smoke, that one was cool, but other then that they're was nothing special after that last year, but this year, the noise was one thing. And personally I'm liking the balloons that are now following the streamers and shit.

"So ya all, party hard, study harder, and Justin, get the gang ready cuz we're outta here. As for the rest of you, listen to what your Principal has to say. All Around ya'll."

I wish he would stop saying that though. It is the corniest shit I've ever heard come out of his mouth, and he really thinks it's cool. Oh well, I don't have much time to think about it, because like he said, I'm leaving school early.

"Who's riding with who?"

"I'm with AJ, ya know they're ain't enough room for more then two. All ya'll coming to my house?"

"We'll see you there, go ahead of us."

"Great, let's go babe." A kiss on the cheek and me and AJ are off down the road. Sure we'll let them in when they get there, but that's probably the only time we'll see them.


Alright what did you think of it? Do you think it was good, bad, okay? Do you want more, do you want me to stop now? Well, I appriciate e-mail, and feedback, although I don't hold it against anyone, as long as I get one fan I stay happy. Oh and I forget to mention the story is done from Justin's perspective, but I'm sure you probably caught onto that after the first few paragraphs. The next chapter will be out in a week, probably no more then that, but probably not less either. I hope you enjoyed it, let me know at baby_brown7@hotmai.com or calm_lost@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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