Poor Little Rich Boy

By Ruben Mittermayr

Published on Jan 19, 2003


DISCLAIMER: Please note that although some items may reflect real events, this story is purely fictional and doesn't imply anything about the people (or their sexuality) mentioned in the story. I would also like to point out that all trademarks are property of their respective owners.

It was a smooth landing as usual and five minutes later the plane had taxied to the corporate hub, after saying goodbye to the staff and thanking them for a comfortable flight he made his way down the stairs where he was greeted by an incredibly cute guy that introduced himself as Chad Michael Murray and told that he was asked by the charity to welcome him and show him around.

"Hello Chad, nice to meet you and thanks for picking me up at the airport." Ruben said.

"That's no problem, hope you had a pleasant flight, your people also arranged a full police escort and private security that are waiting for us" Chad said pointing at the armored G-class Benz which was escorted by two police cars and another armored Mercedes with diplomatic number plates, which meant they could only be Belgian state security agents.

"Hehehehe... did you just say my people? It's not like I'm a superstar or something..." Ruben said smiling.

"Sorry I'm kind of new at welcoming vip's at the airport."

"You're doing just fine though" Ruben said as they walked towards the couple of reporters and camera's that had gathered to welcome Ruben. After answering a couple of the usual questions about the charity program by the Mittermayr Corporation they walked over to the armored car and Ruben handed his bag to the driver which placed it in the trunk together with Ruben's suitcase.

"So what would you like to do?" Chad asked as they were finally in the car.

"Thought we could first get something to eat and maybe afterwards go out for a lil drink" Ruben said "But you really don't have to baby-sit me though, I'm sure MY people will take good care of me"

"It's no problem, it's not everyday a guy like me gets to show LA to the incredibly rich"

"And I thought you liked me as a person..."

"Hehehe, so what would you like to eat for dinner as a person?"

"Actually it's breakfast for me, but I'll better let you choose the restaurant because I really don't know a lot of places here in LA"

Chad gave a couple of driving instructions to the driver and after 25 minutes they arrived at a posh restaurant down town where they managed to get an excellent table in the back because the restaurant owner appeared to be quite impressed by their police escort.

After they ordered a light lunch both guys started talking.

"So why did they gave you the impossible mission of escorting me?" Ruben asked.

"Apparently your grandfather was quite specific and asked for a young male porn star" Chad said "But because they couldn't find one they sent me instead."

"Oh no don't tell me you believe everything they say in the papers about me" Ruben said smiling, revealing his perfect white teeth.

"Only have one question, is it really through that you lock guys into your trunk?"

"I can't answer that question otherwise I'd have to kill you..." Ruben said laughing.

Both guys continued to talk about all kinds of crazy stories that appeared about them in the tabloids and after Ruben paid for lunch after a small protest of Chad both guys decided the night was still young and went off clubbing.

Chad guided Ruben to what appeared to be a very HOT club, as there had to be at least a couple of hundred people waiting at the door to get in. Luckily Ruben and Chad escorted by several security agents got the usual red carpet treatment and five seconds later Ruben was at the bar ordering a bottle of cristal.

After a couple of sips Chad dragged Ruben onto the dance floor but as he felt it was a little bit too crowded to dance while having 3 security guys hanging onto him so he told Chad that he needed a lil rest since he wasn't that young anymore and walked up to the vip-platform and set down at a corner table.

"That was quite an entrance you made, are you perhaps royalty or what?" an incredibly sexy voice asked him and after turning his head towards the mysterious stranger he noticed it was Justin Timberlake that was talking to him. He could also see that the security people where not that happy with Justin standing so close to Ruben, but after Ruben signaled it was okay they backed off.

"I like to make an entrance in style" Ruben said smiling at what appeared to be the most cutest guy he had ever seen "So do you always walk up to strangers telling him how you think without any introduction"

"Sorry, I'm Justin" Justin said smiling in an innocent way "So with whom do I've the pleasure talking?"

"My name's Ruben and nah I'm no prince just here for some business" Ruben said.

"Hmmm. so you always got that much people hanging onto you?" Justin asked turning his head slightly towards the security people.

"Nah back home I can mostly do whatever I like but those guys kinda came with the trip, so you want something to drink" Ruben said as he held out an empty bottle of Cristal. "If you want I can also order you something stronger."

"Are you trying to get me drunk Ruben." Justin said laughing

"Okay you asked for it" Ruben said to Justin and then ordered a double vodka and 'a glass of milk for the boy' as he pointed at Justin.

"Hehehe you're funny, so you're in town for long?"

"Nah they just booked me in for one night at the W, I got to be back in Belgium on Monday" Ruben said as his cell phone started vibrating, "Darn this thing always seems to go off at the worst times, hope you don't mind though... " as he saw Justin looking strangely at his pants that were vibrating.

After answering the phone call with a quick hello', that he was great' and `goodbye' he put it on the table.

" Sorry about that, but had to answer it otherwise my granny would have sent the secret service after me. "

"I really don't mind that happens to me also a lot..." Justin said smiling

" Hmmm should I be concerned when I'm talking to someone who has the secret service after his cute ass a lot..." Ruben said trying to look puzzled.

"Oh you think I've got a cute ass" Justin said laughing.

"That's not what I meant silly but got to admit your ass doesn't look too bad from what I can see..." Ruben said just as Chad arrived saying it was getting late and wondered if Ruben would like to go get some sleep to which Ruben replied everything was good for him as he didn't want to give the impression he was blown away by Justin and would have stayed until the sun came up just to look into those incredible blue eyes and watch his mouth move as he spoke.

"Ciao bello!" Ruben said to Justin.

"Hope to see you around sometimes?" Justin managed to say to him as Ruben walked away hidden from the rest of the world by his security agents and Chad.

"So do you really have no idea who you were just talking to sexy?" his date for the evening, who just got back from a half hour bathroom stop, asked Justin.

"Should I know him? He didn't look like he was in the business." Justin giving that confused look.

"You really are hopeless, don't you ever read the Financial Times, according to recent reports his family has more money stuffed away in off shore trusts than half of the fortune 500 put together" his date said while looking like she read the financial section of the newspaper every morning.

Meanwhile Ruben was back in the armored car looking out of the window and thinking about Justin. Finally he turned his head towards Chad who was sitting next to him.

"So what's planned for tomorrow?" Ruben asked "I should point out I don't get out of bed before noon."

"Thought we could first go and see what the money your family gave to the charity is being used for and afterwards we'll go for lunch followed by the opening of the new charity building" Chad said.

"Are there going to be camera's there all the way or just for the opening?" Ruben asked. "I would also like it if we could have a rather casual lunch and afterwards go back to the hotel so I can get changed don't want to be the kid in the brioni suit at the community center."

"Yeah there are going to be camera's everywhere, remember this is Hollywood and we'll make sure you got enough time to change." Chad replied

After a 10 minutes drive they arrived at the W, they had him booked on the top floor with a good view of the city. After saying goodnight to Chad and thanking him for showing him the sites and keeping him out of trouble he closed the door and walked across the room and opened up the doors leading towards the balcony. He kept going back in his mind to the moment when he saw Justin, maybe he should have stayed a little bit longer who knows. No point in thinking about it now though, Ruben thought to himself, time for some action.

"Good morning Mittermayr Holdings Brussels, how may we help you?" A friendly voice asked him after he dialed the family companies number.

"Good morning this is Ruben Mittermayr and I would like to speak with our media department" Ruben said

"Of course Sir Mittermayr, please hold as we connect you to the vice president of the media holdings."

"Good morning Ruben what can I do for you"

"Good morning Katharine, I would like some information on a certain person."

"Ok who's your new victim?"

"Very funny, I was wondering how much trouble it would be to meet up with Justin Timberlake?"

"Oh no the poor guy, but it shouldn't be much trouble think we partially own the parent company that controls his record company, so what do you want us to arrange?" Katharine asked, "The usual meet&greet?"

"We already had a meet&greet but would like to see him perform or just casually run into him" Ruben said.

"Oh my god he must have made a big impression on you then, I'll let them call his record company first thing when it's morning in LA"

"Thanks Katharine, I owe you one... ciao bella donna" Ruben said and he put the phone onto the outside table. He went back inside and put on the TV which had an item about his arrival in the States, somehow they cut out every intellectual answer he gave and only aired the five second comment of him saying that he was looking forward to meeting all those celebs he'd been reading about in the papers. After which a smooth looking presenter made some rude comments about the possible origins of the wealth of the Mittermayr family.

Ruben quickly changed channels and ended up listening to MTV, which was playing Justin's new video clip, while he checked his emails before he was going to try and get some sleep.

Just as he got through the first email the phone rang, after two rings he reached over and picked up the phone on the bedside table.

" Hello?"

" Sorry to disturb you so late Sir Mittermayr but we have a Mister Timberlake here to see you, he wants to return your cell phone."

"It's alright, you can send him up..."

Ruben jumped out of bed and quickly made it into his bathroom, darn he thought as he looked into the mirror and saw that he was already looking a lil bit tired from the jetlag, but after he sprankled his face with water, rushed quickly through his hair with his still wet hands and dried his face he started to look `normal' again... Just as he walked back into the room he heard a knock on the door...

Any suggestions about the story and if I should continue are more than welcome, my addy is ruben_mittermayr@yahoo.com

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