Poor Little Rich Boy

By Ruben Mittermayr

Published on Oct 20, 2002


DISCLAIMER : Please note that although some items may reflect real events, this story is purely fictional and doesn't imply anything about the people (or their sexuality) mentioned in the story. I would also like to point out that all trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Also a big thanks to all the people that found the first part interesting enough to send me a lil email to tell me to keep writing. Sorry the second part took a bit longer than I expected but things just got in the way I guess. Hope you all also like this chapter and don't forget to let me know what you think.

Ruben woke up and stared directly at the face of the blond cutie laying next to him and felt like staying in bed all morning but since he had to get to school in less than an hour he knew that wasn't going to happen, he quickly went downstairs and did his usual morning swim and found Ryan still sleeping like a lil baby when he already showered and was putting his clothes on. He gave the guy, who looked like an angel while he was sleeping, another kiss on the forehead and touched those soft lips once more with his fingers, then quickly wrote a note explaining that he had to get to college and didn't wanted to wake him up but arranged that Steven would drive him to the airport.

Darn I'm already running late and also promised to pick up Lex on the way to school, better make a run to the car, Ruben thought. Good thing traffic wasn't that terrible so they made it only being five minutes late, Ruben rushed off to the aula where he had corporate law, Lex needed to get through applied economics, after an hour of listening to the prof, who was most famous for her white fur coat and the fact that she would have been more at home hosting some talkshow on tv than teaching business school students how to 'bypass' the law by setting up a "villa-corporation" in the Caymans, she always ran from one side of the room to the other, really taking advantage of the cordless microphone.

Ruben couldn't concentrate though, regardless how much he loved the 'teaching style' of his fav prof. His mind kept going back to the blond blue eyed cutie he left all alone in his bed. As soon as the professor called for a five minute break, he got out his mobile and dialed his homenumber, a cheerfully housekeeper, called Rosa, answered the phone, he asked if the guy he brought home last night was still there, Rosa replied that he was getting ready to get to the airport, Ruben then asked Rosa to tell Steven that he had to drive Ryan to the corporate hub at Brussels airport.

Okay that's phase one of my 'plan' taken care off, ok now the hard part, Ruben said to himself as he dialed the number of Carl, dad's flight manager. "Hey Carl, how are you? I was wondering if we got any jets grounded in Brussels?", Ruben said. " Goodmorning Sir Mittermayr, yes we do have the Bombardier Global Express on standing by.", Carl replied. "So what do I got to do to borrow the plane for like say 24h?", Ruben asked in his most "poor catholic schoolboy" voice. "I'm sure I'll be able to arrange something for you Sir, where would you like to go?", Carl said "I would really like it if it was ready for take off in like half an hour, to fly a good friend of mine to New York City, if that's possible and of course don't forget to replace the horrible company champagne with a good bottle of Cristal", Ruben said. "No problem Sir" was the reply from Carl. "Thanks very much Carl, you're a lifesaver, if there's anything I can do for you just call me." Ruben said as he hung up the phone and walked back into the aula, just in time to catch part two of the show.

Part two of the show ended sooner than the first as his professor had to rush off to court, before she walked out the door she reminded all students to take advantage of the weekend and if there was any kind of legal problem to just call her. Ruben put his cellphone back on and saw he had two not answered phonecalls, one from Caroline, 'he wasn't going to reply to that one' he told himself but the other one was from a mysterious number, so he thought why don't I see who it is as he pressed 'dial'.

After two rings Ryan answered his phone. "Goodmorning Ruben, how did you get me upgraded from business class to a corporate jet? Got to say really love it sexy, so thanks very much!" Ryan said. "It's nothing special but I'm happy you like it." Ruben replied. "Nothing special, maybe in your world but this is like the biggest private jet I've ever been in, there's like a full size bed in the back of it!" Ryan said sounding quite excited. "Yeah normally I should have been there with you to really take advantage of all the facilities, but just had to go to college and besides got a backstage pass to an Enrique Iglesias concert tonight, and don't want to miss that one" Ruben said teasingly. "So when will I see you again?" "Didn't you see enough of me last night in the pool, the shower and the bedroom?" "Nah don't think I'll ever get enough of you Ruben, now if only I wasn't married you would be the perfect catch: smart, good looks, thight ass, a huge cock and now it seems also richer than a Rothchild." "Why do I only get marriage proposal from "straight" already married guys?" Both started laughing at that last remark. "So seriously when will I see you again, really want to find out if that ass of yours is really that tight?" "I'll be in NY city in like two weeks time for some shopping and hopefully also some other goodies... so if you want you can always give me a call or just drop by my new apartment at 50 Central Park South." "Mmmmm... I might stop by if I got five minutes." "Five minutes??? What I had in mind with you might take a bit longer though" "Now you got me curious sexy" "Oh darn it's almost time for me to go to my next class, have a good flight and don't forget to try the bubbles... had them put in a bottle of cristal just for you!" "Ok I will, have fun at college and don't forget to act like the good catholic boy you always say you are!" "I will, bye Ryan, have fun in New York" "Ciao Ruben"

Ruben couldn't help but smile all the way to the classroom where he had 'corporate english',where Lex and Isabelle were already waiting for him at the door. All three took there seats in the conference room while the teacher, who was according to some students not so great, but one of Ruben his favorites ever since he had done his paper on Anne Robinson and "the weakest link" and found out he wasn't the only one in Belgium crazy about the old lady. English never was a problem for Ruben, although he knew he talked the "euro" version of the language sometimes mixing in french, italian and spanish, he sure was one of the best of his class or even his year. Today it was describing graphs time so it wasn't that interesting but he still managed to get through the hour without falling asleep.

After classes it was time for their lunchbreak so Isabelle, Lex and Ruben went to grab something to eat at a nice italian restaurant, after they all ordered some pasta and fresh mineral water, since they also had classes in the afternoon, Isabelle started questioning Ruben about the guy he took home last night. Ruben replied that all he was going to say that he had been a lot of fun, even so much fun that he had borrowed one of dads private jets to fly him back. "Yeah it's always nice when you're dad owns a travel company I guess", Lex said with a small sarcastic undertone. "Don't use that tone on me sexy, already offered to take you for a private flight also, but you said I wasn't your type" Ruben replied teasingly. " Didn't know you had to get laid to fly with Royal Air Belgium Ruben? New company policies?" Isabelle said. "Nah it's just an extra we offer to our frequent flyers." Ruben replied. "So who's going to be your next victim playboy, bet it's Enrique after the way he looked at you in the store thought he would hop with you in the changingsrooms." Lex said. "I wish", Ruben said, "if all goes well I 'll get that spanish cutie tonight though." "So hows it going with the special project Rubie?" Isabelle said, with the special project she meant the crazy idea of Ruben to get the very "straight" prince William into his trunk. "I told you stop calling me Rubie Isabelle only people who already saw 'the full rubie' can call me that and I'll hopefully know more about William when I go see Sara in London." Ruben said. "You're going to London without me? You know how much I like shopping at Harvey Nicks" Isabelle replied. "Don't worry I'll bring a lil something back for both of you, I promise" Ruben said with his catholic schoolboy voice. "Oh goodie a lil present, please no more silk red boxers though cutie" Lex said while smiling. "Thought they looked real good on you though, you almost looked sexy..." Ruben said while the waiter arrived with their lunch. After a quick lunch, a cople of espressos and some passion fruit sorbet all three had to get back at college for the last class of the week, horrible maths.

Good thing they arrived on time though because at exactly 14.00h the math prof started the class by giving a lecture on how lucky they all were and how he had to work to get through college, after that he even got more boring by explaining what all the numbers and strange looking symbols on the blackboard meant, to conclude the lesson, because it was a friday he got out his labtop and tried to hook it up to the video projector, after three times of trying to get the thing going he finally gave up and shouted that it probably was a crappy product made in Belgium, which wasn't the ideal thing to say in a class where the son of the founder of the company was sitting. After five seconds he realized he shouldn't have said that, then told the aula to excuse himself and to have good weekend and rushed off with his labtop under his arm.

After telling Isabelle to have a great weekend and giving her a warm hug Ruben told Lex if he wanted a ride home he needed to get his cute lil ass in the car quick because he still needed to fresh up for the Enrique concert later tonight. Both guys walked to the car which was waiting for them and hopped into it, traffic was kinda good so they made it to Lex his house in under 15 minutes, after saying goodbye to his best friend by giving him a little pat on the back and telling him to also have a great weekend he told Steven to step on it as he still needed a shower because he couldn't go backstage looking like this. To which Steven replied that he always looked great even after 6 hours of classes. "How much do my parents pay you to say that every day to me?" Ruben asked his driver.

The car had made it to the Mittermayr massion in no time and after saying to Steven that he wanted to use the range rover for the evening he walked into the house, up the stairs and into the shower trowing his Brioni suit on the floor and relaxed as he felt the hot steamy water flow on his incredible body, after ten minutes he came out and went to his wardrobe, he needed to find something to wear that would impress the spanish cutie, he thought about wearing leather pants for five minutes but finally went for a 'dress down' look and found some very thight jeans, which didn't cover up anything, a silk t-shirt from Kenzo and of course to finish it off a light brown leather jacket.

'Ok really time for me to get going if I want to say hello to Enrique before the show starts and grab his ass while he's wearing his trademark leather pants for good luck.', Ruben said to himself while revealing that killer smile of his.

In the garage he found Steven waiting for him next to a shining black range rover. "You're looking very nice tonight Sir, I'm sure you'll have a pleasant night" Steven said while he opened the door for Ruben. "Thanks sexy, now lets hope I don't have to come home alone." Ruben said. After 45 minutes they made it to the stadium where the concert was being held, after an extra 10 minutes they made it to the secured vip parking lot without running over any of overly excited teenage girls, who appeared to think their idiol was in the car.

Ok that's how far as it goes for now. Sorry you all still didn't get a 'steamy scene' but there might be one in the next chapter. who knows. Any suggestions about the story and if i should continue are more than welcome, my addie is ruben_mittermayr@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 3

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