Poor Little Rich Boy

By Ruben Mittermayr

Published on Aug 25, 2002


DISCLAIMER : Please note that although some items may reflect real events, this story is purely fictional and doesn't imply anything about the people (or their sexuality) mentioned in the story. I would also like to point out that all trademarks are property of their respective owners.

This story is about a rich kid, so if you don't like people that say benz instead of car maybe this story isn't for you, also please keep in mind that isn't my first language.

Ruben got up in the morning thinking it was going to be yet another long boring day and headed for the pool , he needed some refreshing before he could face a day of classes at his posh small catholic college in Belgium. Before he got into the pool he stood on the side and starting doing his usual stretches followed by the slogans that he told himself every morning, "Who are we ? THE BEST ", "What are we going to do ? WIN", "When are we going to do it ? NOW" After looking at his daytona watch he noticed that he had only time to do a couple of laps before he had to get dressed for college , and quickly dove into the refreshing water. After his swim Ruben put on a new brioni suit and grabbed a croissant from the kitchen and rushed to the armored car that was waiting for him.

"Good morning Sir ", his usual driver said. "Thanks Steven, how are you today ?" Ruben said as he got into the car and found his notebook waiting for him, he logged into his email server and started going throuh his e's, darn Caroline sent me several emails today, when is she going to let me start my day without having to read through her 'problems' Ruben said to himself. After sorting through the rest of his emails he found the email he was looking for, it was from his fav English friend, Sara, who used to live in Kensington but now moved to Kingston-upon-Thames which you can hardly call the center of London, she asked if he wanted to stay at her house during Wimbledon, Ruben loved staying at her home, although she always tried to set him with somebody, as a hot interior designer she knew all the cute famous guys, but why did she (until now) always set him up with rich nobodies ? Darn he didn't have time to reply to Sara's email as the car already made it to the business school building.

Okay time to put on my sunglasses Ruben thought as he got out of the car and was stared at by his not so incredibly rich fellow students. He made it through the building to the aula where they had classes and found Alexander, or Lex as the sexy guy with gorgeous blue eyes and half long dark brown hair, liked to be called, already waiting for him. Ruben directly saw that Lex didn't look that happy as Lex put of his oakleys and revealed his sad puppy eyes, Ruben soon learned that some idiot had wrecked Lex his new Italian sportscar while it was parked in the college parking lot, Ruben knew Lex was crazy about his cars and although Ruben didn't cared that much about cars since he wasn't allowed to drive another car for at least a year after being caught on the German autobahn doing 150 miles an hour in daddies new jag, he really felt sorry for Lex and offered to by him lunch at that new sushi place in the city and also invited him to go down to versace in the afternoon with him for some shopping, but mostly because Ruben knew Lex really liked to flirt with the sexy salesgirls there.

Five minutes after classes started Isabelle who appeared to be only half dressed walked into the aula, which wasn't the biggest surprise since she was always late and always got away with it because she was a beauty even if it looked like her hairdryer went crazy this morning, after she apologized to the professor by flashing her puppy eyes and looking very apologetic she joined Ruben and Lex on the first row. After a couple of hours they all headed to the softdrinks machine that was in the hall, Isabelle started the conversation with telling them why she was late, it all came down to a couple of glasses too much of bolly the night before at some wild party, she appearantly also met some cool people there who were giving a bbq party this evening and wanted to know if Lex or Ruben would like to go with her. Lex opted for a quiet night in since he still needed to do the philosophy assignment that was due soon, Ruben also didn't really feel like partying all night, but after Isabelle looked at him with her puppy eyes and assured him it was just going to be just a small party he said yes. Darn the break was already over and they needed to get back into the aula for another couple of hours of 'creative' accounting as the professor called it.

After their classes Lex and Ruben went down to the new sushi place, which was fairly crowded but they managed to get a good table and discussed among other their plans for the afternoon. Lex wanted to head first to the emporio armani store, which wasn't Ruben fav shop so they agreed that Ruben would head into the scapa world store next door while Lex tried to get digits from the sexy armani salesgirls. After that they would both go down to the versace store. After lunch both guys got into Ruben's car and headed out the small city on their way to the fashion capital of Belgium, also known as Antwerp.

After a good half hour they arrived at the armani store, after he dropped of Lex Ruben went to check out the scapa store, which wasn't the hottest store in town but was more the place to find a good comfy sweater or suit to hang around the home, to tell the truth Ruben only liked the store because of the sexy salesguy, which was a cute straight acting belgian stud, with long brown hair, sexy brown eyes and a great smile. After a half hour Ruben had chosen some merino wool sweaters which went really well with his blue/grey eyes and went off to pick up Lex from the armani store, Lex had just got out of the store as Ruben arrived and both guys headed for the antwerp towers which hosted the versace boutique and was a good walk away.

After 15 minutes they arrived at the versace store and after being buzzed in by the gorgeous asian salesgirl Lex and Ruben went to the second floor where the male collection was. After picking out several suits, which made him look like a model out the versace catalogue he was informed by the salesgirl with a big smile on her sweet face that they had arrived, Ruben quickly followed the salesgirl to the other side of the store where the swimtrunks were, yeah those were the swimtrunks from the versace summer catalogue he had been waiting for. He quickly went into the changingroom to try a pair on, after five seconds he was standing in front of the mirror, yeah the swimtrunks really complimented his golden tan and swimmersbuild body. The salesgirl told him he looked incredibly sexy in them and Lex said those trunks should be illegal while he patted Ruben on the back.

Suddenly Ruben realized somebody he didn't noticed before was staring at him, after looking at the dark tanned mysterious stranger, who wore white washed jeans, a flashy t-shirt, sunglasses and baseball cap he realized that it was Enrique Iglesias. Feeling very confident in his skimpy Versace swimtrunks he went over to the Spanish cutie and said : "Hi I'm Ruben, I'm betting you don't remember me but we had a meet&greet in Paris when you were introducing your new cd".

"Nah I still remember you Ruben, how could I forget the day", Enrique said while he put off his sunglasses.

"Oh yeah I'm still sorry about that, but just had to take advantage of you when you told me the only French words you knew where 'chez toi' or 'chez moi'. and got to say really enjoyed hearing you say 'je te veux comme une be'", Ruben said with a big smile on his face.

"One day I'll proof that Ruben, don't worry", Enrique said with a naughty look on his face, they both started laughing again with the silly joke until they realized the whole store was staring at the half naked guy and the famous singer laughing.

Ruben quickly changed the subject and asked what Enrique thought of the swimtrunks, Enrique replied after he looked for a few seconds at Ruben's crotch that he really liked them and was also thinking about getting a pair. Ruben then went back into the changingroom and came out wearing a little bit more clothing. When he got out of the room Enrique appeared to be waiting for him and asked if he would like to come to his concert that he was giving the next day. Ruben thanked Enrique for inviting him and told him he would love to. Enrique then asked if he could have Ruben's phone number so he could phone him the details for the concert, Ruben handed Enrique his card after writing his personal cellphone number onto it, and asked if he could also have the Spanish cutie's phone number which Enrique gave to him with a sexy smile on his face. Enrique and Ruben both went down to pay for their purchases and found Lex flirting with the Asian salesgirl, but didn't appear to have as much luck as Ruben though. After saying goodbye to Enrique by giving him a friendly hug Ruben called Steven and asked if he could pick them up at the Antwerp Towers.

After dropping Lex off at his cardealership, Ruben went back home to change for the party in the evening, on the way back home he also wrote a reply email to Sara thanking her for inviting him, saying he already looked forward to Wimbledon at her home and asking if she had some hot penthouse clients lately, silly rich code for cute rich guys. After 25 minutes the armored car drove through the gate of the massive estate that Ruben called home, darn Ruben thought as he saw the maybach of his father parked in front of the home. His fathers idea of the perfect father-son relationship was criticizing almost everything Ruben did. Good thing his father, who was a ceo of a top 5 travel company wasn't home that much. Ruben asked before he got out of the car if Steven wouldn't mind driving him to a party later this evening, at which Steven replied with his usual "Of course not Sir".

After a friendly discussion about everything from his results at college to the stylish highlights in his hair, which according to the old man weren't the way a good catholic guy should do his hair, he finally made it into the bathroom, and after a long hot shower he was back into a good mood, he put on some white pants and a flashy blue silk shirt. While he was styling his hair, which smelled of the herbal shampoo he used, he started vibrating, darn people always call me at the worst times he thought and after whiping of his hands he answered the phonecall with a harsch "hello" but the tone of his voice quickly changed as he found out it was Enrique who wanted to give him the information about the gig and after a very friendly "thanks" and "ciao bello" Ruben went back to styling his hair, after which he checked himself out in the mirror, and thought he looked pretty good.

Ruben rushed down the stairs and into the downstairs office of his father and found daddy burried under several stacks of files. He put on his sad puppy face and asked if he could borrow dad's maybach for the evening, as he was going to pick up Isabelle to go to a party, since Ruben knew daddie couldn't say no to that because Isabelle her father was a good friend from college. After a not so enthusiastic 'alright" dad told Ruben to say hello to Isabelle her father for him.

Ruben found Steven waiting in the garage and told him they would be using the Maybach from his father for the evening, and saw an instant happy look on Steven's face as he heard he got to drive the brand new car that costed a small fortune. Steven opened the door for Ruben and Ruben hopped into the car, darn he really could get used to this he thought as he got into the car, which was much more comfortable than his armored benz. After picking up Isabelle who looked like an angel in her short black dress they headed down to the party, when they drove up the street Ruben could already see the tabloid photographers that lined the red carpet and after 30 seconds the maybach made it to the frontdoor and it was their turn to walk through the paparazzi which wasn't Ruben's idea of fun. After putting on their sunglasses Isabelle and Ruben got out of the maybach and got stormed by the tabloid press, who asked everything from 'if they were the new hot couple' to 'if the rumors were true of ruben's one night stand with some local belgian celeb'. Isabelle and Ruben were relieved when they finally made it through the front door and were greeted by their host of the evening, a famous movie producer,which was kinda cute according to Isabelle but way too old in Ruben's eyes.

Ruben and Isabelle split up as Isabelle went over to greet some people Ruben really couldn't stand, Ruben directly headed for the bar in the corner next to the pool, and ordered himself a red vodka/redbull and sat down on one of the loungers next to the pool until he noticed a cute guy sitting at the far end of the pool. Ruben tried to remember where he knew that cute guy with those short blond hair from, oh yeah he was in that movie called '54'.

After a couple of seconds he took his almost empty glass and walked over to the sexy guy and introduced himself with, "Hi I'm Ruben , just wondering if this seat is taken." pointing towards the empty lounger chair next to the guy. "Nah go ahead, by the way my name is Ryan", Ryan said.

"So is it a slow party tonight, or is it just me?", Ruben said looking a little bit bored.

"Yeah it's pretty boring so far, hey what's that you're drinking" , Ryan asked looking at the red vodka/redbull Ruben had in his hands.

"Oh just red vodka mixed with redbull, it's not the greatest thing there is but hey at least it keeps me from falling asleep while listening to that dj" , Ruben said while putting one a sexy smile.

"So how did you ended up here?" , Ryan asked.

"I have the pleasure of escorting that girl in the short black dress, so what are you doing here aren't you supposed to be in LA making another great movie for us nobodies to enjoy, instead of talking to a nobody at a boring party?", Ruben asked Ryan.

"My manager told me the guy who hosts this party will be making a new multi- million-dollar movie and said it couldn't hurt if I went to a party of his. And besides I'm not talking to a nobody, doesn't your family like owns half of this country?" , Ryan replied.

"Nah think you got me confused for someone else, I'm that silly kid that gets in the paper for stalking innocent celebreties ", Ruben said.

Both guys starting laughing at that last remark and went to grab something to eat from the grill.

After two hours they were both ready to leave the party and Ruben told Isabelle that he would send the car back for her if she wanted to which she replied that she would get a ride from michael, while she pointed at some guy standing at the bar and asked Ruben how he managed to always find the cutest guy at the party and take him home with him.

Ruben asked Ryan if he had some wheels and after Ryan said he would call a limo, he offered him a ride saying it was no problem at all. Both walked outside to find out the press had called it an early night too and only found two reporters from a local tabloid waiting for them. Steven was already waiting for them and Ryan and Ruben both hopped into the car. Ryan looked a little bit amazed by the car, "thought you said you weren't that rich Ruben", Ryan said, "how come you got this maxed out car then, did you robb a bank or something?"

"Nah it isn't my car, just borrowed it from daddy for the night, normally i'm stuck with some old benz", Ruben said. Both started laughing again.

"So which hotel you're staying at cutie?", Ruben asked.

"They booked me into the Sheraton at the airport, not really a dream hotel but it's just for one night" Ryan said with a sad look on his face.

"Nah no friend of mine should stay in a hotel located right next to the airport, how do you feel about staying the night at my house?" , Ruben asked with a hopeful look in his eyes. "It isn't that big but think we can still find some room for you." Both started laughing again.

"I'd love to Ruben as long it's no problem", Ryan said.

After picking up Ryans bags from the hotel they arrived at Rubens home which looks even more impressive at night when it is lit up by a dozen spotlights intented for security reasons and because the landscape architect thought it would go great with the house.

Steven opened the door and wished them a pleasant evening as Ryan and Ruben got out the car, they first went to the downstairs office to say hello to the old guy that was still burried in balance sheets and was doing a video conference with his directors in NY city, after that Ruben showed Ryan his room, which was nicely located next to Ruben's bedroom and asked if Ryan would like to get a tour of the facilities before he got into his bed. Ryan said he would love that and followed Ruben who showed Ryan around his wing of the home, which hosted besides several priceless Picasso paintings also a complete techno gym fitness and an almost olympic size pool, complete with sauna and hottub.

After giving him the quick tour as he saw Ryan looked a bit tired they got a couple of sandwiches from the kitchen and Ruben suggested a quick swim before heading to bed. Ryan said he would love that but he didn't brought his trunks, to which Ruben started laughing as he used to go to an all boy catholic school which made a point of going to the sauna every month, in an effort to eliminate "material borders" between students and create open minded future leaders of Belgium. So with a sexy smile on his face Ruben told Ryan it wasn't a problem for him as it's quite natural to swim nude in Europe (or at least Ruben's silly world) but if Ryan wanted he could find him a pair of trunks.

Ryan quickly said that it was more than okay for him to swim nude and started taking his shoes off. Ruben followed Ryan's example and kicked his prada shoes to the side and quickly took of his shirt to reveal his beautiful chest and perfect abs. Although he was in a hurry to dive into the hot water Ruben couldn't keep his eyes of the blond adonis that was getting undressed next to him, Ryan had just taken off his stretch t-shirt and was showing off his slim quite muscular chest which was almost hairless and also perfectly shaped. Ruben started taking his slacks and pure white silk boxers off, showing his always half hard eight inches and then waited a while until Ryan had taken of his boxershorts and stood there a little bit shy totally aware of the fact that he was standing there completely naked. Ruben then jumped into the steaming hot pool while taking Ryan with him.

Ruben admired Ryan's sexy body and damp hair. His eyes sparkled excitedly. He began to slowly move back as Ryan tried to splash the smiling belgian stud. Ruben splashed back at him a couple of times, but Ryan didn't stop splashing.

"Look, so you're a celebrity. It doesn't mean you have to pick on us poor catholic boys!" Ryan nodded his head, smiling in such a cute and innocent manner.

"Oh, okay then... two can play that game!" Ruben replied sarcastically. Ryan wasn't getting any closer to him, so Ryan dived under the water and headed towards him, while he kept walking backwards.

Ryan inched closer and closer until Ruben reached the other side of the pool and couldn't head back any more. Ryan then surfaced. As he did, Ruben could swear he intentionally touched his half swollen cock. Ruben brought his hands over the edge of the pool. The blond adonis stood up and looked into his eyes. The water was up to Ruben's neck, and just lapping up to Ryan's shoulders. His beautiful cristal blue eyes stared intently into Ruben's steel grey ones. A sly smirk appeared on Ryan's face.

Ok that's how far as it goes for now. don't know if i'll continue the story, as my business english courses don't teach how to write a good love scene. hope you all like it, and again please forgive me for my version of the english language.

Any suggestions about the story and if i should continue are more than welcome, my addie is ruben_mittermayr@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 2

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