Pool Table and My Balls

By NiteSearcher2000

Published on Apr 5, 2005


This story in not completely fictional. Nor is it the truth and nothing but the truth. The names have definitely been changed to protect the guilty. We are all disease free and stay that way by protecting ourselves whenever we play with anyone but each other. Descriptions of unprotected sex are fictional because I'm imaginative and not stupid.

You know the rules... Don't read this if you're a minor or are offended by gay or BDSM expression. Don't even think about reproducing or publishing it without my permission. Remember, I have sadistic friends who like to punish people! <>

I'm sorry it has taken me so long to post another chapter. Life has been really good and extremely busy! Thank you to everyone who has kept in touch! It has been such an unexpected perk to have made new friends and to have renewed and refreshed my relationships with my old friends as a result of writing these stories. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Chapter 9 -- Michael or Steven

The hot shower feels great! I stay under the water forever. I dry off and enter the dungeon on my own. It's so intimidating! The equipment is phenomenal. I look around the room in amazement. There is a bondage table, St. Andrew's cross, spanking bench, cage, and rack. There are numerous bars and hooks from both the ceiling and the floor. The walls are covered in different restraints, floggers, whips, straps, paddles, clamps, and numerous other torture devices. There are several restraints attached directly to the walls. I feel very small and very vulnerable. I realize that this is the first time I'm alone with him and no one really even knows I'm here. I have mixed feelings of feeling safe and wanting to stay and feeling very vulnerable and thinking I should leave, or at the very least call someone and tell them where I am.

I hear him coming and quickly drop to my knees clasping my hands behind my head. He enters wearing nothing but a pair of jeans. His hair is still wet and I can smell that he just showered. He's incredibly sexy and good-looking. He takes my breath away. He leans against the bondage table and crosses his arms across his chest. Even his voice is beautiful, "You just fucking beg for it." I look down at the floor. "You know I'm going to punish you and make you hurt, but you came anyway." I take a deep breath and assume a more submissive posture. "This is your last chance. Are you going to stay knowing what's going to happen, or do you want to leave? It's your choice. Either way is fine with me."

I don't really give it any thought. "I want to stay, Sir. Please may I stay?"

He doesn't answer me. Instead, he pulls out his dick and pisses on the floor in front of me. He Stars me down but still doesn't say anything to me. He doesn't have to. I bend over and begin licking it up. "Lock yourself in the cage when you're done." He walks out. I stare at the closed door not quite believing what's happening and consider my options. Deciding I don't have any, I continue cleaning up his urine with my tongue swallowing every drop. It takes a long time and my jaw and tongue actually hurt by the time I'm done. Sure that I cleaned it all up, I enter the cage, reach through the bars, and close the padlock locking myself inside of it. It's too small to do anything but stand. The bars are too close together to fit an arm or a leg through. I stand there for what seems like forever, absolutely miserable. It's boring, very uncomfortable, and lonely. I hate suffering if neither he nor Steven is there to enjoy it. I startle myself with that realization. I think about the others and realize it has little to do with them. Thinking about it I realize that it has as much to do with Steven and Michael as it is about me. I jump with anticipation as I hear him coming back down.

Unlocking the cage he instructs me to stand there while he gathers some things. I'm nervous as I watch him. He holds a leather straight jacket in front of me as I slip my arms in. He fastens all the straps down the back very tight. My arms are crossed in front of me and strapped in place with numerous straps. Other straps go through my legs and again strap in the back. I can barely move. Ankle restraints are locked in place, as are restraints around my thighs. A full hood with only air holes for my nose is put over my head and laced in place. It's totally dark beneath the hood. He guides me back and leans me against the bondage table. He lays me back where only my torso is on the table with my legs hanging over. He straps me down tight to the table with straps across my shoulders, chest, and stomach. My legs are pulled back and the thigh restraints are tightly fastened pulling my knees down to my chest. My ankles are fastened straight up to hooks from the ceiling. I can feel the cold air against my asshole making me aware of how exposed I am. It takes me a couple of minutes to adjust to the position and realize I have almost no movement. Something very heavy is laid over my cock and balls. It reminds me of the feeling of the lead vest the dentist puts over you when taking x-rays.

Cold lube is poured down my crack and it coats my ass. He pushes his dick into my ass and I grit my teeth beneath the hood and take the pain without making a sound. He fucks me. There's nothing more to say about it because I have no role or participation in what's happening. Tied this way, I'm nothing more than a hole for him to stick his dick in and fuck. After getting used to his big dick up my ass it doesn't really hurt, but it is uncomfortable. I can't feel anything but his dick pushing in and out of me. I have no sense of time, but it seems to take a while. I feel isolated and disconnected from him and what's happening. I feel more like an appliance or an object than a person. This is a totally different feeling from anything I've felt so far. I'm not sure I like it. In fact, I'm sure I don't. Finally, he pushes in hard and holds it deep inside me and I can feel his dick pulsing with his orgasm. After dumping his load inside me, he pulls out. I feel empty and alone without any contact with him or sound from him. Several minutes seem to pass.

Without hearing anything, my ass is entered again. It doesn't hurt, but I didn't expect to get fucked again. I can feel enough to tell that I'm being fucked and it's not a dildo or toy up my ass. Whoever is fucking me is slower and gentler than Michael was. Michael had a strong stroke and pushed in hard while this person is more rhythmic. Again, it takes a while until I feel him push in and hold in place. I assume he's coming but can't really feel him orgasm. I know he must have when he pulls out. Another cock is immediately pushed into my ass. I had no idea that there were two guys there and now I wonder how many of them there are, and who they are. He fucks me hard, but doesn't take long to shoot his load.

Another cock slams into me. This one is big and fat and I feel like my asshole is being ripped open. He pushes it deep inside me and fucks me hard and fast. He pistons in and out relentlessly and I just concentrate on getting through it. Just when I think I can't take it anymore he pulls out and I feel his cum shoot all over my ass.

I can't hear or see anything and just lay there in silence for a long time, wondering what will happen next. Finally, my legs are released and eased down. I'm untied from the table and helped to a sitting position. The straight jacket is removed and I stretch my arms, which are stiff and sore. Michael tells me to remove the hood myself and I expect to see several guys standing there, but it's just Michael. He's leaning against the table in his jeans exactly as he was before. He's smiling with a satisfied look of contentment on his face.

"It's getting late." He tells me. "Time to get you ready for bed." I follow his eyes to the rack. It's all laid out for me. There's a good-sized dildo sticking up the center of it. "Mount it," is his simple command. I climb up on the table, ease my ass down over the dildo, and let it slide inside me. It's attached firmly to the table. "Lay down." I lay back and he fastens my ankles to the table spread slightly wider than my hips. My wrists are attached at about shoulder level. A leather harness is fastened around my balls and a rope is extended from the harness to a ring hanging from the ceiling. He slowly pulls it tight. Giving me a couple of seconds to adjust, he pulls it tighter. I wiggle around a bit looking for some relief and a way to settle in, but the dildo up my ass prevents me from moving very much. I rise slightly to get a moment of relief and he instantly takes up the slack. I'm left in a position where I either have to hold my ass a little off the table or feel the tremendous pull on my balls. Dammit! I screwed myself royally. "Nite Nite" He shuts the light as he leaves, leaving me alone in the dark. The loneliness is overwhelming.

I fight the feelings of panic as I think of spending the rest of the night like this. I have no idea what time it is. The dildo up my ass is driving me crazy and my balls are stretched to the max. My legs are already starting to ache as I try to keep my ass slightly up from the table to ease the tension on my nuts. I pick my ass up as high as I can to get more relief, but can't hold it very long. The dildo burns as I lower myself back down and it pushes deeper inside of me. I ease all the way down and try to get used to the feeling on my balls because there is no way I can hold myself up all night. I try to distract myself by thinking about things.

I'm not really sure who fucked me. I'm thinking it was Michael who went first, but now that I'm thinking about it, I'm not sure. I've sucked him off and know that he's well hung and whoever fucked me was pretty big. It was probably him. The second guy felt like John. He'd fucked me earlier and it just kind of felt a little familiar, but a dick is a dick and I can't ell them apart when I'm getting laid. The fourth guy definitely wasn't Steven. The cock was way too big to have been him, plus the feel of his legs against my cheeks was definitely too heavy and muscular. It might have been David. I really have no idea. I'm thinking the third guy may have been Steven. The reality is that it gives me some comfort to think it was at least people that I knew as opposed to total strangers. It's frustrating to me that I don't know who is doing what to me.

I admit to myself that I want to be fucked by Steven. When we were teenagers I used to look at him sometimes and just wonder what it would feel like. I'd even fantasize about it as I jerked off. Even as adults, I've dropped enough hints and given him enough openings. I just assumed he wasn't interested, much to my disappointment. I felt like I'd finally gotten his attention, but I can't seem to hold it or get it to go where I want it to. I'd gladly let him beat me any time he wanted to if he'd let me suck him off or fuck me once in a while. I just want to know what it would be like to be with him. Now, I don't even know if I have been.

And Michael, I can't figure him out. There's too much mystery about him. I feel like it's not real. I really don't get the sense that he's all that interested in me. Fuck! I can't even say for certain that he knows my name. I sucked his dick briefly, but didn't get him off. I think he was more interested in my sucking off the other guy than he was in my sucking him off. I decide I'm going to ask them both some questions when the time is right. My balls and asshole forgotten, I fall asleep and sleep more soundly than I would have anticipated.

I awaken with little sense of what time it is. I lie there agitated and antsy with no where to go and no way to get there. I hold my piss for a while, then figure, "what the fuck", and let it rip. So I'm a little wet, no big deal. I keep thinking about it and start having reservations about what I did. What if it pisses him off? Shit! I could have held it. I should have held it.

I jump when I hear the door open. He walks in cool and confident in a pair of sweat pants and carrying a cup of coffee. I can smell the freshness of his shower and feel like a slob beside him lying in my own piss. He looks at me quizzically for a second before he realizes what I did. "Oh you didn't! You little fuck! You pissed yourself! You fucking little pig! Every time I'm thinking of going easy on you, you just do something else that begs for more." He pulls the rope around my balls higher until I have to lift myself off the table in order to be able to stand it. My legs are already screaming at having to hold my back arched this way.

I cringe as I watch him pull a small flogger from the wall. He assaults my balls, and the entire area surrounding them. He beats my cock, my balls, and my entire crotch area until they're beet red and welted from the thin straps of the flogger. "You are so fucking lucky you have to meet John this morning! You're getting off easy for now, but I won't forget! You will fucking pay for this!" He releases the tension on the rope and I fall quickly back down on the table making the dildo push hard up my ass. He unclasps one wrist restraint. "You have one hour to clean this mess up, clean yourself up, and meet John. I put clothes in the bathroom for you, which is more than you deserve. Let yourself out the garage, I don't want to fucking see you."

I hurry like crazy to clean things up perfectly, take a quick shower, dress in Michaels clothes, rush to church, and join John in the pew during the opening song. He looks at me and winks and I give him a "thumbs up" in greeting.

By the time church is finished it's pouring rain outside. We go to breakfast at our usual place and settle into our booth. The place is kind of empty because of the weather. Just as the waitress is bringing our coffee Steven and Craig walk in with David. Steven slides in beside me as Craig and David slide in next to John. She goes to get more coffee and place settings for them as we exchange greetings. I'm surprised by my feelings of excitement sitting next to Steven.

"How are you this morning?" He asks me.

"I'm good." I answer him.

"How're your balls?" He continues on.

It feels weird to be sitting in a restaurant talking about my balls. "They're sore, but they're okay.

Craig jumps into the conversation, "It was incredible watching last night. That had to hurt like hell!" I nod to affirm that it did.

Steven smiles proudly and brushes his hand through my hair and pulls me toward his shoulder in an uncharacteristically boyish way that melts my heart. He talks excitedly, "You were good last night. The whole scene was very hot. I can't believe you can get a hard on in a situation like that, let alone cum in front of everyone." I feel great at his praise.

"I'm sorry I missed all the fun." David adds. "I had to work last night and didn't finish up until late. What time did you get done?"

"We left the club about 8:30. Craig and I had plans to meet our parents for a late dinner at 10:00 so we had to cut out."

This sent my mind racing. If David was working, and Steven and Craig were at dinner with their parents, then who fucked me the night before? My curiosity got the better of me. "Can I ask a question?" They nodded. "Last night after we left the club, I went back to Michael's place. Were any of you there?" They all said that they weren't. My feelings took a bit of a dip realizing that I have no idea who was there. The waitress brought us all coffee and left us again because we weren't ready to order.

Steven looked concerned. "What happened? Why don't you even know if we were there or not?" I explained what happened, and how, and what had been done to me. He didn't look happy. The silence kind of hung there as the waitress returned to take our order. Steven ordered a ham and cheese omelet for me which is probably what I would have ordered for myself.

He continued the conversation after she'd left with our order. "So, let me get this straight. Four or five guys fucked you and you have no idea who they were?" I suddenly felt very tense and embarrassed. I nodded to indicate he was correct. "So, everyone has fucked you but me?" His voice had a touch of anger to it. I didn't know how to answer so I chose to say nothing.

John didn't help by saying, "I've fucked him." As I glared at him, David added insult to injury by adding that he'd fucked me too. Steven's temper obviously flared.

Craig tried to lighten the mood, "Listen, bro, just for the record... I have NOT fucked him!"

"Big fucking deal!" Steven snapped back. "My straight little brother hasn't fucked my boyfriend!" His words hit me like a freight train. I'm stunned. Looking into his eyes I know that he's as surprised as I am at what he said. The others sit back silently in their chairs and say nothing. The silence hangs there.

Breaking the silence, Steven commands me, "Let's go." He slides out of the booth and not giving me a chance to respond grabs my arm and pulls me out with him. I follow him out and glance back at the table as I hear John call out for us to have a good time.

Steven holds my arm firmly and guides me to the passenger door of my car. Grabbing the keys out of my hand he opens the door for me and slams it shut behind me as I get in. He gets in the driver's side, starts the car, and drives toward his house. I say nothing; neither does he.

I follow him into the house. He again slams the door behind me. "Get up to my room, now." His voice is low and commanding. I go straight to his room with him following directly behind me. Grabbing the back of my hair he turns me around and pulls me into a kiss. It's hot and angry, full of emotions, and it takes my breath away. He pushes me face down on the bed and beats my ass with his hand. I ease into the pain and the arousal that's stirring deep within me. I do nothing to resist him. My ass is stinging beneath my pants as he rolls me over. Grabbing and groping my crotch, he stakes his claim to my genitals. I keep myself open and vulnerable to him even though he's being very rough. I wince at the pain as he strikes my balls, but I do nothing to protect them.

He pulls his shirt off over his head in one easy motion. His chest and abs are tight and muscular and his hair seems to accentuate his muscles. He pulls his belt out of the loops and opens his pants while still holding it in his hand. Pulling out his dick with one hand he pulls my face to it with the other. My mouth closes around his cock as the belt lashes me across my ass. I suck his cock into my mouth savoring the taste and smell of him. I suck him feverishly as the belt continues to assault my ass. He fucks my mouth strong and hard.

Pulling out, he kicks off his shoes and strips out of his pants. Seeing him naked, I'm struck by how much sexual energy there is between us and by how badly I want him. I bury my face in his crotch and lap at his balls. His hands hold me tight and guide my face across his crotch. I use my mouth all over his balls and dick. "Get your fucking pants off!" I don't even have a chance to obey him as he pulls them off for me. He climbs on top of me and pins me to the bed. Pulling my head back by my hair and forcing my mouth open, he spits in my mouth several times. "Take it you little fucker! Swallow my spit! You're gonna have all of my juices inside you today."

I'm surprised by his strength as he pushes my legs back over my head. I'm racked with a stinging pain as he smacks my asshole really hard several times. "Get ready for me. I'm going to fuck you like you've never been fucked before. You're going to know who you belong to from now on." Pulling lube from his drawer he pours it on my fuckhole. He pushes his finger in hard as he smacks me. Then two fingers. Pinning my legs back with his shoulders he holds his dick against my hole putting pressure, but not entering me. I push against him in an effort to bring him inside me. I'm so frustrated wanting him in me. He grins down at me, mocking me by not pushing inside of me.

I want him so bad! I've wanted him for so long. "Please, please fuck me. Please." I beg him with no shame. I'm shocked and disappointed when he gets off of me and stands beside the bed.

"You want me?" he asks.

"Yes, Sir. Please, I want you bad."

"Then get on your fucking knees and beg me."

I get out of bed and drop down to my knees. "Please fuck me, please."

"Not good enough." Is his only answer.

I lower myself and kiss his feet, begging him again to fuck me. I lick his feet as he considers it.

"Not good enough." He says again.

Fuck! What does he want from me? My mind races as I try to figure it out. I try again. "Please Sir, I'm begging you. Please let me serve you. Please let me be your boy. I've wanted this for so long. I promise I'll do my best to please you. I'll be obedient and respectful. Please..."

He mounts me from behind and slams his cock up my ass fucking me doggie style right on the floor. He's merciless as he fucks me hard. I struggle to keep my ass held high for him as I let him use me. Smacking me hard across the ass he pulls me up and throws me on the bed. He pushes my legs back over my head and enters me again. "Open your mouth!" I obey him and he spits in my mouth as he's fucking me. He spanks me hard over and over as he pistons his dick in and out of me. All I can think of is how long I've wanted him to do this to me. The pain and the pleasure mix together into an awesome sensation.

I'm pulled back from my fantasy by his command to jerk myself off as he's fucking me. My hand goes to my dick as his hand closes around my balls squeezing and twisting them, causing me enough pain to take my breath away. "I said jerk off! Don't you dare stop!" His grasp on my balls tightens as I struggle to keep jerking myself off for him. Despite all the pain I move toward on orgasm. I feel him push in hard and can tell from his moaning and the spastic jerking of his body that he's shooting his load inside of me. He pulls out and lets some of his cum land on my dick and balls. "Keep jerking off. I want to see you cum." I jerk off hard and fast in my effort to cum, but his pulling and twisting of my balls and the spanking he's giving me make it hard for me to relax enough to cum. Covering my mouth with his and pushing his tongue in, in a deep, hot kiss pushes me over the edge and I shoot my load all over my stomach and chest. I'm suddenly exhausted and racked with leftover pain as I come down from my orgasm.

He smears his hand through my cum and his and spreads it all over me. He covers my face in our cum and makes me lick it off his hand. "Get out of my bed and kneel on the floor." He has a wicked grin as he commands me and I obey him. "You made a deal, obedience and respect. Are you going to keep it now that you got what you wanted?"

"Yes, Sir. But I've only gotten part of what I really want." I tell him boldly.

He's still got that wicked grin that I love so much. "What else do you want?"

"I want to be yours, Sir." I'm being honest and sincere with both of us for the first time.

"Okay. Are you sure?"

"Yes, Sir. Is it what you want?"

"Yep. I've got to pee. Now that I have you I don't even have to get out of bed." He lies back comfortably. I cover his dick with my mouth and swallow as he pisses inside me. He looks perfectly content as I drop down on my knees beside him.

Next: Chapter 10

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