Pool Table and My Balls

By NiteSearcher2000

Published on Feb 21, 2005


This story in not completely fictional. Nor is it the truth and nothing but the truth. The names have definitely been changed to protect the guilty. We are all disease free and stay that way by protecting ourselves whenever we play with anyone but each other. Descriptions of unprotected sex are fictional because I'm imaginative and not stupid.

You know the rules... Don't read this if you're a minor or are offended by gay or BDSM expression. Don't even think about reproducing or publishing it without my permission. Remember, I have sadistic friends who like to punish people! <>

Chapter 8: Learning My Place

I sit in my usual place at church. I try not to, but can't stop myself from watching the door. John and I have met for church every Sunday since we were kids. I'm scared he's not going to show today. I don't want to know if that much has changed between us. He walks in during the opening song and takes his place beside me with his usual nod and wink. After church we walk out together and head to the restaurant where we have breakfast every week. Our usual waitress brings us our coffee and asks if we're ready to order. John orders for both of us and she gives us a sly smile and a wink as she walks away. The conversation is light and easy. When the food comes John tells the waitress, "I'll take both of those. He eats shit, from now on I'll decide what he eats." My heart skips a beat. We've been coming here for years, what's she going to think now?

She smiles as she places her hand on my shoulder, "You're a very lucky man to have someone willing to take care of you." I smile and nod at her thinking to myself that she should only know. John chuckles as she walks away. We enjoy a nice breakfast and the easy companionship of an old friendship. I don't know what I was expecting, but after breakfast he says goodbye and tells me to have a nice day. I guess I was hoping to spend some more time together.

Back at home I check my answering machine and feel kind of disappointed that there are no messages. I check my e-mail and have no mail. Man, I thought I'd hear from someone. I guess I just took it for granted that we'd get together again today. Oh well....

I use the day to get caught up with things at home. I also get a jump on some work I had to do for the office. Looking for something to do I head to the gym. I look for David but it's his day off. I work my ass off at the gym doing my whole workout and then some. Back at home I check my messages again and there are none. Fuck! I'm pissed at myself for being so fucking adolescent as I look at the phone alternating between waiting for it to ring and picking it up to call someone and putting it down again without dialing. Fuck it! I call my brother and ask if he wants to do dinner and a movie. It's a good night but I feel edgy through most of it. My brother asks several times if I'm okay. I assure him that I am. "Listen," he tells me, "I'm your brother, Man, you can tell me anything." I thank him but really don't feel like I can tell him this. I've never kept anything from him before.

I try hard not to run to the answering machine when I get home. My heart sinks when there are no messages. I check my e-mail half knowing there'd be none. I was right. I read in bed but can't sleep. I call Steven to ask him if I can jerk off, but it's just an excuse. I don't even feel like jerking off, I just want to talk to him. He answers on the second ring. "Hey, whassup?" It's his usual greeting and it feels good to hear it.

My voice betrays my smile, "Hey, Sir, I was calling to ask if I can jerk off?"

"No." He hangs up without saying anything else. I look at the phone stunned, and wait for it to ring, hoping he'll call back. He doesn't. I think about calling John and decide against it. I think about calling Cliff but I never call Cliff. Jimmy? What would I say, I feel like shit because no one treated me like shit today? I wish I had Michael or David's phone number and I'm feeling disappointed that neither of them have given it to me. I read my book until I fall asleep.

David asks if I'm okay when I get to the gym in the morning. I tell him that I am and he says, "good," and goes about his business. Steven greets me with his usual, "You okay?" I tell him I am and he goes about his workout. I try not to read anything into that. I know he's not a morning person and we don't ever work out together because he takes it way too seriously. I have a great day at work. My boss asks me to handle a special project on Tuesday which means I have to cancel our usual pool game. I'm disappointed as hell but no one else seems to really care or have any interest in rescheduling. What the fuck is going on? The next several days go about the same way. I fill my time doing chores and taking care of my responsibilities. By Wednesday, I'm feeling pissed and edgy; I can't describe it or explain it. I put all my nervous energy into work and working out. I'm anxiously waiting until Friday to see what happens.

Nothing does. I spend the night feeling lonely and sorry for myself.

I show up for tennis on Saturday morning and sweat it out until Steven shows up. I'm angry and pissed that he's ignored me and I put all of that energy into my game. I beat the shit out of him taking all three sets. I don't gloat at all, mostly because I know that not gloating will bother him more than if I did. We talk about nothing for a few minutes and he starts to gather his stuff. Shit!

"Is everything okay?" I ask him.


"What's going on?" My agitation is coming out in my voice.

"Nothing." He looks perplexed.

"That's what I mean. There's been nothing all week."

His smile is wicked. "If there's something you need, boy, then you'd better ask for it, but I'm warning you, be careful of what you ask for. You may get it." He walks away without looking back.

Steven walks away feeling frustrated and angry. He's torn between walking away and waiting to see what happens or going back to beat the crap out of the little shit. He thinks to himself, "We've been doing this dance for so fucking long I don't know if we can change it anymore. Dammit! I know he wants and needs it, I've told him I want and need it. Why the fuck can't we get in sync?" He throws his shit in the trunk and heads home.

I head to the park to detail my car out in the shade of the trees. I keep thinking about what he said. I head to the gym when I'm done and run into David, on purpose.

"Got a minute," I ask him?

"Sure, step into my office." I follow him in and he closes the door behind us.

I start, "What am I doing wrong? I don't understand what I'm supposed to do."

He stares me down. "Yes, you do. You're just not doing it."

"I swear, I don't understand." I tell him honestly.

"You're trying to make us responsible for your behavior. You're responsible for your own behavior. You've got to fucking own who you are. We don't make you who you are, we respond to who you are." I just stand there trying to digest what he's saying. He lands a solid kick to my balls dropping me right to my knees. "Next time, come in on your knees and ask me to kick your fucking balls in. That's what you're looking for. You just don't want to admit it. It's like you using us instead of us using you." He closes the door behind him as he leaves. I sit there a long time before I figure out what to do.

I drive to John's house. He says nothing when he opens the door. I step inside and drop to my knees. "Please..." is all I say to him and he nods knowingly. He pulls his shirt off. Slowly opening his pants he stares me in the eyes. He drops his pants and steps out of them. His cock is semi hard, he steps forward, and I take it in my mouth. He slowly backs up and I have to crawl forward to keep him in my mouth. He backs to his bedroom and lies out on his bed.

I kiss his feet thanking him. I suck on his toes and lick between them. I rub them on my face. I move up his legs touching, kissing, and licking them as I go. John is light skinned, tall, lean, and muscular. His legs are moderately hairy with light brown hair and he has a thick bush surrounding his jewels. The rest of him is smooth except his underarms. He's well hung with a beautiful dick and big beautiful balls in a smooth hairless sac. I lick under his balls and then lick and suck his balls. I move toward his cock but he rolls over as I do. I rim out his ass. I bathe his crack with my tongue and worship his asshole until he rolls onto his back again. His dick is raging hard and dripping pre-cum. I lick him clean and move up his stomach and chest. I suck at his nipples and kiss his neck. I brush my lips across his and his fist slams up into my balls. "Don't you fucking kiss me! You kiss shit, you don't kiss me." I'm as thrown by his words as I am by being knocked in my balls. I regain my composure and move back down his chest, tracing my tongue down his stomach, and take his dick in my mouth. I worship his dick. I suck it, lick it, rub it across my face, and slowly stroke it over my tongue. I know I'm bringing him close but back off to tease him more.

"Drop your pants." I pull them down to my knees and he pushes me over and mounts me doggie style. He spits on my ass and his spit and pre-cum are his only lube. He pushes my face down into the bed. He smacks me a few times. I wish I were naked as he fucks me. He fucks me hard, pushing his big dick in, in long, punishing blows. He smacks my ass really hard with his hand with every push. The verbal abuse is degrading. He calls me a cunt, a pussy, a fuckhole, a desperate whore, and more. My ass burns and hurts as he slams me. He buries his dick up my ass as he shoots his load deep inside me. He dismounts and lies out on the bed again. I go into the bathroom, get a washcloth and clean him up. I kneel beside his bed. He pulls me back up by my hair and puts his dick back in my mouth. He pisses in it slowly, stopping often. I swallow it all without spilling a drop. I drop back to my knees.

"You okay?" He's relaxed and comfortable as he starts the conversation.

"I'm not sure. I've just been feeling really left out."

"Left out of what?"

"I don't know." It's a feeling but I can't tell him why I have it.

"What are you looking for?"

"I don't know." It's the truth.

"But this wasn't it, was it?" He lies back as he asks it and I feel bad.

"No, it wasn't. I thought it was, but it's not. I'm sorry."

"I knew it. It's okay. I'm glad things can be the way they are between us. I've been having a blast. So now asshole, that's as much aftercare as you're going to get from me. I'm not going to be your nursemaid. Now get the fuck out of here. I'm done with you."

I leave feeling better and more confident and go directly to Steven's. He opens the door wearing nothing but a pair of jeans. He steps aside to let me in. I immediately drop to my knees and apologize for being such an asshole this morning. I beg for his forgiveness. "Please, Sir, I need to hurt. Please make me hurt." I open my legs for him. I stare into his eyes both wanting and dreading what I know is coming. A cruel and wicked smile spreads across his face as the first kick lands. The second one lands just as hard. He opens my belt and pulls it hard to slide it out the belt loops of my pants. Doubling it over he wails it down on my ass. He covers my ass and my legs with sharp stinging blows. It's endless pain with no break.

"Get your clothes off." He tells me as he's hitting me. I struggle to get my clothes off while he's still hitting me with the belt. It's so hard to pull my clothes off knowing how much more it will hurt hitting my bare skin. I'm naked and writhing on the floor begging him to stop. "Lie on your back and spread your legs." I'm trembling as I open my legs and can't make myself pull my hands away from protecting my balls. He smacks my hand away and grabs my hard dick in his hand. He slaps the belt across my cock in ever-harder blows. Letting go of my engorged dick he grabs my balls and stretches them into the bottom of my sac. The belt stings and sends a dull ache through my pelvis. I tighten my muscles against the pain. He hits them harder.

Letting go, he walks out of the room. I lie there trying to catch my breath. He comes back carrying his drumsticks from his drum set. He kicks me in the side and tells me to roll over. He grabs my balls from behind yanking them up between my legs. I pick up my ass to follow my balls and he hits across them with the stick. I sink back down from the pain; he pulls me back up and does it again. He lands the stick straight up my crack sending shock waves through my sphincter. I don't know how many more he lands before I'm sobbing and begging again. I'm pushed down to the floor and he steps on my balls crushing them between his foot and the floor. I moan in pain. He whacks my ass over and over with the stick.

Finally he stops and sits in his chair. I get on my knees before him still sobbing slightly. I can't help but rub my hands over my ass feeling all the welts. My cock and balls are beet red from the beating they've taken.

He glares down at me, "It took you long enough." I can hear the anger and resentment in his voice.

"I didn't know what I was supposed to do. I'm really sorry."

"You're just a selfish prick!" He tells me. "You waited until you needed it and then you come here just expecting me to give it to you. You're not the only one involved here."

"I'm sorry. I thought you could do whatever you wanted. I thought I was supposed to wait until you told me what to do." I'm being sincere and I can see in his eyes that he believes me.

"Is that the truth?" His tone is softer.

"Yes, Sir. I swear it. I'm sorry."

"I want to hurt you more. I'm not done yet." I bend over for him putting my face on the floor leaving my ass fully exposed to him. He alternates between the belt and the stick. I try so hard to stay in place and please him but I can't. I collapse to the floor. I cradle my head in my arms and sob into them. He sits back down in the chair. I crawl to him and kiss his feet. He steps over me to leave the room and tells me to follow him out to the garage.

"Get up on the workbench." He has a full workbench against the wall opposite the garage door. I climb up on it and lie on my back as I was told. He ties my arms to the shelf above me and I remember that I'm the one who taught him all those knots when we were kids hanging out on my father's boat. He ties my legs down spread apart to the sides of the bench. He's quiet and methodical.

He slaps my balls around. He pulls them tight in one hand and slaps them with the other. He's not really hitting hard but it creates a dull ache that works its way up my stomach. Taking two dowels he puts them on each side of my balls and fastens them together with rubber bands. Then two more are placed on the top and bottom side of my balls and fastened together the same way. I watch nervously as he continues. He takes another dowel, presses it down the center of my scrotum separating my two balls, and fastens it to the first set of dowels he'd put on. He slaps my balls again and it hurts much more with my balls spread and isolated from each other this way. Taking a thin rope and starting at the bottom he wraps the rope tightly around my balls pushing them tightly upward. The pressure is strong against them. I cringe as he takes a heavy wood clamp and places it around my balls. He tightens it slowly increasing the pressure. I squirm under the tightening pressure around my balls. He has an evil grin as he watches me writhe as he continues to tighten the clamp. I break out in a sweat trying to cope with the discomfort and pain. He picks my head up and makes me look at my crushed balls. I can't believe how flattened out they are. It's humiliating to see my manhood that I've always been so proud of reduced like that.

He takes two pieces of Plexiglas and puts one under and the other over my cock. Using two smaller clamps he crushes my cock between them. I have a slight curve upward to my erection and it hurts, as it's pressed flat. My cock flattens out under the pressure of the clamps and looks awful sandwiched between the clear sheets of plastic.

Two alligator clamps bite into my nipples. I concentrate on breathing slow to make sure I don't hyperventilate. He uses alligator clamps on my perineum from the base of my balls all the way to my asshole. Man! It hurts so badly!

Taking a small rubber mallet he taps it against my aching nipples. I writhe beneath the biting feeling. He lightly hits the mallet against my balls taking my breath away. He waits long enough for me to recover and does it again. Oh fuck!

"I love to see you suffer. It's so fucking hot to watch you squirm. I like the little sound of dread that escapes your lips. I like the way your eyes beg for mercy. Most of all I like that you keep coming back for more."

He takes a marker and writes B-I-T-C-H on my chest. Then C-O-C-K-S-U-C-K-E-R, S-C-U-M-B-A-G, P-I-G, W-H-O-R-E. Across the top of my chest he writes, P-I-S-S H-E-R-E, with an arrow pointing up to my mouth. He holds my head up to look at his artwork.

He pulls the nipple clamps off and I rise off the table with the sudden pain of the blood rushing back into them. He watches until the pain subsides. "That was fun." He says taunting me and putting them back again. "There are fifteen of them between your balls and your asshole. You get to count them as I take them off." I hit the ceiling with the first one. Oh fuck! I panic as I think there are fourteen more to go. I count them in agony as he removes each one. He sprays alcohol on my nipples, my balls, and my perineum and it really burns. He keeps taking the clamps off of my nipples and putting them back on in the opposite direction. First they're facing side-to-side, then top to bottom. He calls it reversing the polarity. All I know is it hurts like a bitch!

Someone calls Steven from inside the house. He calls back that we're in the garage. His younger brother Craig comes out. "Holy Shit! What the fuck is that?" Steven steps back so his brother can get a good look at me. I die with embarrassment! I've known his little brother since he was a young kid. "Look at you! You're a fucking slut! Damn Steven! I never knew you dominated him like this. I'm proud of you, bro." He smacks Steven on the back to congratulate him. "Look at his fucking balls! Man that's got to hurt!"

Steven looks at him with pride. "No man, this hurts." He hits my balls with the mallet again. I jerk around the table in pain.

"Do it again." His brother tells him. OH FUCK! I buck under the pain. He uses my belt again and hits me with it while his brother watches. It hurts so fucking bad on my stomach that I'm relieved when he hits me in other places. John comes out and stands beside Steven's brother.

"I knew you'd be here." He says to me with a knowing smile.

"You're in on this too?" Craig asks John?

"Yeah. I fucked him this afternoon and pissed in his mouth." I cringe, even more embarrassed that he said he fucked me than I am that he pissed in my mouth. I know Steven's brother is straight.

He looks at Steven and asks, "Do you fuck him?" Steven just raises his eyebrows but doesn't answer him. Taking a paper cup from the shelf, his brother walks to the other end of the garage. Putting his back to us, he pisses into the cup. "Make him drink this," he tells Steven. Steven holds my head up as his brother brings the cup to my lips to make me drink it. I can't fucking believe I'm doing this. He pours it into my mouth and I swallow it all. His piss tastes just like Steven's. "Damn." He says in amazement.

John tightens the clamp on my balls more. I sink into the pain. They leave me alone in the garage. I lose my erection sandwiched between the two sheets of plastic that are so tight my dick can't shrink. It just deflates. My balls become a deep dull ache. I lay there alone for what seems like forever. I find the boredom worse than the pain. In fact the pain is kind of comforting and reassuring. I fall asleep....

"I can't fucking believe you fell asleep! You are obviously way too comfortable!" My balls ache as Steven grabs the clamp and shakes it hard. Oh fuck! What a way to be woken up. My arms ache as they're released and lowered down and I stretch out as I'm released from the table. The wood clamp weighs down my balls as I stand and isn't taken off right away. It stings like crazy when it's finally removed and hurts like hell when the dowels are removed and the blood rushes back into my balls. When the Plexiglas is taken off, my dick is really itchy like when your hand falls asleep and the blood rushes back in. I'm told, "Go take a shower, we're going out."

I scrub like crazy in the shower but the marker doesn't come off! I look in the mirror at all the derogatory words he wrote on my chest and I'm surprised at the reaction I have to them. I didn't think it would bother me this much, but it does. I dry off and go looking for him. I'm mortified as I run down the stairs right into his living room full of people. I turn quickly to run back up but he calls me back. I hesitate a second, then take a deep breath and go back into the living room. I stand there naked with my hands crossed in front of my jewels. My stomach sinks as I look around at everyone. Steven and John are sitting in the armchairs. Michael is standing against the doorframe and pushes me into the center of the room. Steven's brother Craig is there sitting on the couch with a couple of other guys I don't know. It's much different being in this position with Craig, who's straight, and other people I don't even know. They're all dressed in regular clothes and I'm painfully naked with writing all over me.

Craig does the introductions, "This is my brother's bitch. You can call him bitch, and the bitch doesn't need to know your names because he calls every man, Sir. Isn't that right, bitch?"

Michael grabs me from behind and kicks the back of my legs out knocking me to my knees. "Get on your fucking knees, bitch! You don't stand in the presence of men. Now you were asked a question, what do you call real men?"

"Sir. I call all men, Sir." I look down to the floor so I don't have to look anyone in the eye.

He kicks me in the ass, "Kiss their feet! They're men, show them the respect they deserve." I fucking hate this! This is totally humiliating. Kissing the feet of Doms is one thing but kissing all men's feet is degrading. I do it. Craig pushes his foot against my mouth. He makes me kiss the bottoms of his shoes. The little fuck!

I bow before Steven and kiss his feet. He tells me, "Turn around. I want your ass." Oh fuck! Turning around makes me face everyone else. I stay on all fours and he belts my ass in front of everyone. They all snicker and laugh as he does it. He gives it about ten solid cracks with the belt. "What do you say, boy?"

"Thank you, Sir." I answer quietly.

"Don't stop there, boy. Show these guys what you really are. What else do you have to say to me?"

Damn! I know what he wants. "Please, Sir, please make me hurt more. Please." He slams my ass with the belt. He slashes it across my back. He hits the back of my thighs. I drop my face to the floor and wrap my arms around it to block out everyone else to cope with the pain and embarrassment. Michael places his foot on my face holding me to the floor even though Steven stopped hitting me. I feel him writing on my ass like he did on my chest.

He says the words out loud as he writes, P-U-S-S-Y, C-U-N-T, F-U-C-K-H-O-L-E, C-U-M-D-U-M-P. Down the center of my back he writes, S-L-A-V-E-B-O-Y. Everyone laughs again. Letting me up Michael hands me a leather cock and ball strap and tells me to put it on. It's embarrassing as hell to put it on in front of all of them. The first strap is thick and goes around my cock and balls. The next two straps go from the center under my balls spreading them apart from each other and attach to the main strap. The next one goes from one side, under my dick, and attaches to the other side making my dick point straight out. I kneel before them when I'm done.

"So, tell me Steven," Craig asks his brother, "Does the bitch suck dick?"

"Of course. He does anything I tell him to do. Isn't that right, bitch?" Steven is grinning at me as he talks to his brother.

"Yes, Sir." I realize what he's doing. He's staking his claim to me. I like it and dislike it at the same time.

"Make him give me a blowjob." Craig tells Steven.

Steven tells me, "You heard the man. Make it a good one or you'll find out the real meaning pain."

I follow Craig upstairs into Steven's bedroom. He closes the door and stares at me. "I can't fucking believe it, man. You're really gonna suck my dick." He unbuttons his pants and slides his zipper down without breaking eye contact with me. He pulls his shirt over his head to take it off. His hard dick pops out as he drops his pants and underwear to his knees. "Do it. Suck me off." I get down on my knees and take his cock in my mouth. I wet the head with my tongue and work it down the shaft. I lick his whole dick priming it with my spit before I slide it into my mouth and take it all the way in. He moans softly as I close my mouth around his dick. He backs up to the chair and sits back with his legs spread. His cock is big and cut. His balls are already pulled up tight in his sac. I lap at his balls and lick all around his crotch. Typical straight guy, he's totally untrimmed and his pubic bush and hair on his balls is long and thick. I lick the length of his shaft and run my tongue all around the head. His reaction is strong and his dick twitches each time I do it. I keep the rhythm up and he moans in pleasure. I put pressure with my tongue right at the cleft and lick long and hard. I feel his body tense as he shoots his load pumping out his cum all over his stomach and pelvis. He looks down at me and then at the mess he made. I suck up his cum and swallow it. I lick his skin clean and lap away at his bush to make sure I get it all clean. He pulls my head up by the back of my hair. "I've got to admit it, man, that was the best blow job I've ever had." I don't say anything as he dresses and I follow him back downstairs. I feel cheap and used but worse than that, my dick is rock hard, and because of the ball and cock restraints it's standing straight out in front of me. I see their eyes go to my crotch as soon as I enter the room and drop down to my knees.

He gives Steven a high five and sits back down. He tells the others all about it. "The bitch can suck dick, that's for sure. It was the best blowjob I've ever had. You've done well training him, Bro. I'm proud of you." I can't fucking believe it. I do all the work and he gets the credit and praise.

"Anybody else want a turn," he asks everyone else?

"I'm not gay." One of the guys I don't know says. Steven just shrugs to indicate it doesn't matter. "Then yeah. I'll do it." He gets up and heads toward the stairs. Steven points for me to follow him, so I do. I close the door as I enter. He's just standing there so I drop to my knees and unbutton his pants. I slide his zipper down, take his cock and balls out the waistband of his underwear, and tuck them under his balls. He's not as big as Craig and he's uncut. I easily take him down to his pubes and he immediately starts fucking my mouth. I let him do all the work and just use my mouth as a fuckhole. He clasps his hand in the back of my hair to hold me steady as he moves his dick in and out of my mouth. It doesn't take him long before he cums in my mouth. I keep my lips closed tightly around it and swallow every drop. His cum is thick and gooey and coats the inside of my mouth. I run my finger up the bottom of his dick to make sure I get it all. He tucks himself back in his pants and walks out without saying anything to me. Again I follow him down and kneel in the living room again. He doesn't say anything to anyone.

Steven looks at the other guy, "Want him to suck you?" The guy shakes his head no but his hand is over his crotch to hide his boner. "Want to fuck him?" Again he shakes his head no, but looks at everyone else in the room. Michael comes over to me and pulls his dick out. I gladly go down on it. I lick it, suck it, kiss it, and worship it. I lap at his balls and nuzzle his crotch. His dick is awesome! It's big and full with a well-defined head. His skin is dark and although he's cut there's a really nice amount of skin left and I feel it slide over his shaft as I suck him. I really get into it and don't pay any attention to anyone else until the guy moves next to Michael and takes out his dick too. Michael immediately steps back leaving only this other guy's dick in front of me. FUCK! I really wanted to suck off Michael. He's so fucking hot! This other guy is average in every way. I suck him off in front of everyone as they watch.

Once the guy shoots Steven gives me directions, "Get dressed, we're going out." John drops clothes in front of me. They're not mine. The jeans are old and worn with some rips and tears in them. The shirt is white, old, and paper-thin. It can clearly be seen through and there are only two buttons left in the front, which are located by my sternum. The others are all missing. The words on my chest are clearly visible. My cock and balls show through my pants exaggerated by the way my balls are spread and the way my cock is held pointing forward rather than up. Compared to them I look like a complete slut. The last of my pride vanishes when a leash is attached to my collar and I'm lead out the door.

Craig asks to come along, but his friends cut out. Steven assures them that they can come for a blowjob anytime they want. They make me lie on the floor in the backseat of the car with Michael and John and they put their feet on me, kicking me in the balls or crushing them under their feet. My heart sinks when I realize that we're back at the bar and pool hall where I first met Michael. This isn't a leather bar and lots of people I know hang out here. Between the collar and leash, the way I'm dressed, and all the writing that shows through my clothes there's no hiding what I've been into.

Michael walks ahead and talks to the bouncer who stands outside making sure that everyone entering knows they're entering a gay establishment. I'm glad the place is gay, but I'm still really concerned that it's not a leather bar and the people here might not "be in the know" about BDSM relationships. I take a chance and talk to Steven. "I really don't want to go in there." I have his full attention. He stands close in front of me with his arms crossed in front of him and listens to everything I have to say about my concerns. I tell him honestly about how embarrassed I am and how I really don't want everyone here knowing what I've been doing. He nods in all the right places and my hopes soar that he'll change our plans.

When I'm done talking he contemplates what I said to him. He looks me directly in the eye and says, "Tough shit! It's your problem, not mine." His knee comes up into my balls at the same time. "You choose to be a sub, you pay the consequences of your choices. I choose to be a Dom, I reap the rewards of my choices, and one of the rewards is humiliating you." His knee comes up into my balls again but doesn't really connect because my erection is tenting my pants out. He looks down and laughs as he tugs my leash pulling me toward the entrance to the bar.

The bouncer is obviously enjoying my predicament. He tells them, "Make sure you keep him on a leash. We don't want shitbags like him left unattended." They all laugh.

As soon as we enter Steven pulls up on the leash. "You, crawl!" They stand there waiting as I hesitate. "Every second you wait will make it harder on you." I get on all fours and crawl in beside him. The place is very crowded. It may be my imagination but it seems to get quieter as we enter. I look around and everyone seems to be looking at us. Walking up to the bar they each order a beer. Steven pulls up my leash and I rise from all fours to kneel beside them. They greet several guys they know.

One of them asks me, "Lose another bet?" They all laugh. Several guys hang around chatting with them as I stay on my knees. They talk about how they can tell me what to do and do anything they want to me as if I'm not even there. Michael grabs my shirt and pulls it off of me. They all make fun of what's written on my chest and back. Yanking my leash I'm dragged over to a corner that's not quite as crowded, but not at all private either. A bunch of guys follow us and form a sort of circle around us.

Michael takes over. "Spread your legs asshole. It's time for my favorite game." The others watch in silence as I open my legs and clasp my hands behind my head. My breath is short and shallow as I anticipate what's coming. He stares into my eyes. I see the glint in his eyes a split second before the kick lands. It's not nearly as hard as usual. It hurts, but I've had much worse. I recover quickly and get back in position. The second kick is no harder than the first but it hurts more. I can hear a low murmur from the guys watching. The third kick doubles me over. It takes me a minute to compose myself and get back in place. The fourth kick drops me to the ground and the low murmur becomes a cheer and a chant for him to do it again. More guys draw closer. It amazes me how quickly it becomes a mob mentality and I stop being a real person and just become an object to them all. I get back in position. Michael nods to Steven who kicks me right between the legs from behind knocking me forward to the floor. My asshole and my balls took a good shot and I curl up grabbing myself as if that will ease the cramping. "Get up asshole." I rise as quick a possible and get back on my knees. The spectators clap. Michael again nods to Steven and they both land a solid shot, Michael to my balls and Steven to my ass. I crumple to the floor and roll around.

"Get up!" Michael tells me.

"Oh please, Sir, I'm not ready. Please give me a chance." I beg him. Steven kicks me in the ass. He kicks me again a second later, then again. Michael kicks me in the stomach but not very hard.

"I said get up!" He tells me again. I get up quickly. I'm trembling slightly as I get back on my knees. I can't bring myself to open my legs for him. Michael slips his foot between my legs and pushes them apart. "That'll cost you." He pulls his leg back and I moan in pain before he connects the kick and everyone breaks out laughing. I feel so stupid. He fakes me out again but this time I just flinch. Then he connects with a solid kick that instantly drops me to the floor again. I roll around moaning and begging him to stop. He asks the crowd if he should stop or do it again. They unanimously tell him to do it again.

"Sorry boy, but the show must go on." Steven pulls me back up in position and holds me as Michael kicks me again. He doesn't let me fall and another kick lands. He holds me really tight until the next kick hits me square on. He lets go and steps away as I roll on the floor squirming and moaning.

"Take your pants off." Steven's voice is commanding. I look around the room and there must be a couple of dozen guys watching us. I'm embarrassed as all hell as I sit on the floor and pull off my pants. They gasp as they see the restraints in my cock and balls and snicker when they read what's written on my ass. "Lay on the floor in front of the pool table." My wrists are tied spread eagle to the bottom of the pool table legs. Ankle restraints are put on, and my legs are pulled over my head and tied to the tops of the same legs my wrists are tied to. My ass is open and exposed to all of them. The silence is deafening as everyone waits to see what will happen next.

I look at Steven between my legs and watch him pull off his belt. It doesn't take Einstein to figure this one out. He slaps the belt down all over my ass and the backs of my thighs. It hurts, but he's hit me much harder than he's hitting me now. Stopping, he addresses the others, "Who wants a turn? Come on guys, line up to take your turn at the bitch's ass." He offers the belt to the first guy. He lets each guy have a couple of cracks at my ass. Some of them do it easy and some of them crack me really hard. By the time they're all done my ass hurts like hell! My back and legs are getting sore, too.

Michael walks over and pushes his finger up my asshole. He works it in and out and then slides a second finger up. I can't believe everyone is watching him playing up my asshole. He pushes a third finger in and the first pain travels through my ass. I buck as a fourth finger is pushed in and it hurts like hell. I squirm under his hand as he spreads my ass open. He stands in my view with his hand up my ass as he finishes his beer. Holding it up he says, "I need this full of piss. Any volunteers?" A guy takes it right out of his hand and pisses in it. He hands it back to Michael who rejects it. "I need it full." Another guy takes it and finishes filling it. I'm thinking he's going to make me drink it, but he turns it upside down and slides the bottleneck into my ass. Everyone including me watches it slowly drain into me. As it's still draining, he tells them to fill another one and a couple of guys quickly step up to piss in it. He sticks the second one up my ass to drain and tells them to fill a third. Again, there's no shortage of volunteers. The last one drains slowly and I feel the fullness of all their piss inside of me.

"I need one more, a little bit of everyone's." They pass a bottle around and a bunch of guys piss in it. I'm untied when the bottle up my ass is empty. "Don't you spill a drop! You keep your ass tight and hold it all inside you. Now drink this." He hands me the bottle with all their piss in it and I take it and drink it. I have to drink it fast because I can't hold their piss inside me. I feel it trickling down my leg as I struggle to finish everything in the bottle. Finally, I've swallowed it all.

They follow me into the bathroom and I'm made to squat over the urinal and piss their urine out my ass. They make fun of me that I piss like a girl and not a man. It's so degrading to do this in front of all of them. It's even worse when I'm handed toilet paper to wipe myself in front of them.

"Why's your dick hard?" Michael asks me.

I look around. "My dick's always hard."

"In fact, it's not. You always get hard is when you're being beaten or humiliated. Isn't that right?"

The others are snickering as I squirm under his questioning. I know a bunch of these guys. I shift from one foot to another. "Yes, Sir."

"Why is that?" He presses on.

Everyone is listening. I guess Steven was right and I have to suffer the consequences of being a sub. I look down at the floor. "Because I'm a sub, Sir."

"That means we can make you do whatever we want, right?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Get back inside and lie on top of the pool table." They follow me out and watch me climb up on the table. "Spread your legs." I open my legs until they touch the side cushions. Michael grabs my ankles and pulls me down so that my heels are in the corner holes. He loops a thin rope through the bottom of the strap around my balls and pulls the rope under my ass stretching my balls down until they're touching the table. My weight holds the rope in place. "Play with your dick and jerk yourself off for us." I jerk myself off in front of all of them. More guys gather around to see what I'm doing. "Get yourself close. We all want to see you cum." I jerk off for them.

Michael puts the queue ball down on the table between my legs. My heart speeds up. Picking up a pool stick he lines up his shot. FUCK! I know how good he is and I know he won't miss. I stop jerking off for a second and he reminds me to keep doing it. I jerk off as he takes his shot and the queue ball slams into my balls. I stop jerking off and grab my balls. Fuck that hurt. "I said jerk off. Don't stop again. If you do you'll seriously regret it." My hand goes back to my dick and I jerk off again. The ball slams into my balls but I don't stop this time. He gives me a little break between each hit, but I never stop anticipating it. I work my dick hard in an effort to cum. At first the queue ball hitting me distracts me and pulls me away from cumming, but as I get used to the rhythm of it I use the pain and the utter humiliation of jerking off in front of them as a turn on and move quickly toward an orgasm. The queue ball slams into my balls a split second before I cum, and the pain mingles with my orgasm! The sensation is absolutely intense! My first shoot lands over my shoulder. The next hits my chest. Two or three more shoots land on my stomach and pelvis. The applause from the group is tremendous.

Steven picks up the queue ball and bounces it in his hand. He lays it down on the table and using his hand rolls it hard into my balls. Now that I've cum it hurts like hell and not in a good way. He does it again! It takes all my self-control not to get up. It slams it into my balls again and again. I feel like I'm going to throw up and wretch. Finally he stops. I curl up in a fetal position clutching my aching balls. My stomach is cramping from having tightened my muscles against the pain.

Handing me my pants, John and Michael help me up from the table. No one talks on the way back to Steven's. Steven says good night to everyone and him and Craig just go into his house. John asks me if I'm okay and I assure him that I am. Michael tells him he'll stay with me and John is satisfied that I'm okay and leaves.

Michael looks at me. "Come back to my house." I don't know if it's a question or a command but either way it's fine with me. I follow him home and enter his house behind him. "Clothes off. You don't get to wear clothes in my house." I nod to show him I understand and strip off my clothes. "Go downstairs and take a hot shower. Then go into the dungeon space and wait for me." I do as I'm told.

I'm sorry this chapter took so long but I've been really busy at work, plus, my friends have found this writing to be exciting and I've been spending a lot of time in the dungeon. <>

Eric In South Florida

Next: Chapter 9

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