Pool Table and My Balls

By NiteSearcher2000

Published on Feb 9, 2005


This story in not completely fictional. Nor is it the truth and nothing but the truth. The names have definitely been changed to protect the guilty. We are all disease free and stay that way by protecting ourselves whenever we play with anyone but each other. Descriptions of unprotected sex are fictional because I'm imaginative and not stupid.

You know the rules... Don't read this if you're a minor or are offended by gay or BDSM expression. Don't even think about reproducing or publishing it without my permission. Remember, I have sadistic friends who like to punish people! <>

Chapter 7: Total Humiliation

Steven's car is already there when I arrive at the courts and John and Cliff pull in right behind me. I'm really glad to see them. We decide to play singles elimination rather than doubles. I play John while Steven and Cliff play each other. I beat John and Steven beats Cliff. We switch and I play Cliff this time. He gives me a run for my money but I beat him too. I'm really on my game today. Steven easily beats John, which is pretty typical. Steven and I face off. It's rare that I beat him but I'm determined and motivated to get back some of my pride. I play with everything I have, and win. I'm careful not to gloat but John and Cliff razz him a bit.

We go to the locker room, which is empty except for us. "Watch the door!" Steven tells Cliff. Peeling off his shirt Steven motions me over, "I'm sweating like a pig. Get over here and lick my pits out." He clasps his hands behind his head and I look at his sweaty, hairy pits. I ease my tongue across his underarm and I'm filled with the smell and acrid taste of his sweat. I lap up at both sides. John pulls his shirt off and gives me his pits to clean. John is thin and muscular and I have to work to get into the deep cavern of his armpits. Steven snaps his fingers and points to his feet. I get on my knees, take off his tennis shoes and socks, and lick at his sweaty, smelly feet. I lick out between his toes and suck each of his toes into my mouth. John has taken off his own shoes and socks off and pushes his big feet into my face. I tongue bathe them as well as I did Steven's.

They each drop their shorts and underwear and stand naked beside each other. I lap at their ball sacs alternating between them. I lick all their sweat and man scent from them both. John turns around putting his ass in front of my face. Oh fuck! I run my tongue up his crack searching out his hole and lick it. The musky odor is deep and strong as I bathe his ass with my tongue. Stepping away he looks at Steven.

Steven tells John to take Cliff's place watching the door. "Lick out Cliff's ass." He tells me. I don't understand why but this is much more humiliating than if I had to lick out Steven's ass. I do as I'm told. Cliff's ass is naturally hairless. Cliff turns around and pushes his dick into my mouth, "Suck it." I'm told. I secretly wish it were John or Steven. I work Cliff's cock in and out of my mouth. He moans low and deep as I do it. It doesn't take long before he fires his load into my mouth and I swallow it in one easy gulp. I've known Cliff since grade school and I've never sucked him off before. No one knows but I used to make him give me blowjobs when we were in high school. I'd never told anyone that and hadn't thought about it in years until just now. He steps away from me and from the look on his face I know it is exactly what he was thinking of too. He has a smug "he who laughs last, laughs best" look on his face.

We shower, change, and go to lunch. It's a beautiful day and we eat at an outside hamburger place by the water. I don't touch my menu when it's put in front of me. They all order burgers, fries, and milkshakes. I look at Steven and he shakes his head no. SHIT! I'm starving after playing tennis but say nothing. The food comes and my mouth is watering watching them eat. They talk about how good it all is and how hungry they are after playing. No one offers me anything. Not one fucking bite! FUCK! I'd be so grateful for their scraps if they offered them to me and now I understand what John meant when he said I'd regret my behavior last time. I try to make amends, "I'm really sorry about my behavior last time. I've learned my lesson."

"Not yet you haven't," John says harshly and Steven and Cliff chuckle as if they know something I don't.

We drop their cars off on the way to Michael's house. We enter the yard from the gate in the driveway to find him sitting in the shade. They all say hi to each other and John back kicks me in the balls and reprimands me, "Get your fucking clothes off, and get on your knees! I do it as quick as I can and kneel before them naked. They tell Michael about my licking the sweat out of their pits, licking their sweaty balls and feet, and about sucking Cliffy off. I look at the ground too embarrassed to look up. They joke about how disgusting it was and how a real man would never do anything like that. Michael has his feet stretched out in front of him and just points to them. I crawl over and give them a tongue bath like I'd done the others.

Michael grabs me by my collar and drags me over to this thing covered by a sheet. Pulling the sheet off we all see it's an old fashioned stockade, though obviously newly built. "This is your new home." He tells me, while opening it. Steven picks me up by my hair and pulls my neck into it. My wrists are put in place and it's closed tight around them. I'm bent over at about waist level. They all sit in the lawn furniture leaving me locked into the stocks. It gets uncomfortable very quickly. It's too high for me to kneel and too low for me to stand. I keep shifting trying to find some comfort and relief. There is none. Refreshments are put out, they swim in the pool, and they chat about different things and ignore me. I'm left naked and bent over locked in this stupid fucking stockade while they visit with each other. It wouldn't be so bad if someone were enjoying it but this way no one seems to be. Least of all me!

Four guys I recognize from last night come in the gate. One is the big guy and his assistant who helped him while I was strapped to the table. The other two are the ones who took turns long-dicking me. They greet the others and barely glance in my direction. While still saying hello the big one comes toward me. My heart speeds up wondering what's going to happen. He continues his conversation as he steps in front of me taking his cock out the waistband of his board shorts. He tucks his shorts under his balls. He has an awesome set of jewels. Fuck! While he's still looking at and talking to them he just pisses in my face. He doesn't even look at what he's doing. I can't get out of the way of his spray so I'm soaked in his urine. He grabs a beer and joins the others. A few minutes later one of the other guys does the same thing. No one has any reaction to it at all. It's like he peed against a fucking tree.

I hear their conversation and they're talking about the great time they'd had the night before. They used phrases like using the pig, its fucking hole being so tight, about how cool it was when it licked off the platform, and about how disgusting it was when it licked the toilet bowls and urinals and how they all would have to be killed before they'd do something like that. They were wondering what made someone so fucking sick that they'd do shit like that and why most guys are real men but then there are some that are just made to be used, abused and fucked. They talked a long time as if I wasn't even there.

John comes up naked and pisses in my face like the others did. Then he turns around, facing them with his ass right in front of my face. I wonder what he's doing just standing there, and then I realize. Oh fuck! He's taking a dump right in front of my face. I'm watching him shit just inches in front of me. It's so fucking gross! It plops down to the ground in front of me. DAMMIT! What a motherfucker he's being. The others laugh and praise him for taking a shit, and they think I'm sick! I'm left in the stocks while they continue to hang out. I am so fucking uncomfortable I can't stand it but have no idea what to do about it. I'm squirming around and shifting my weight trying to get a little relief.

Without saying a word, two of the guys come toward me carrying a bag. They tie my balls tightly, pull them toward the ground, and tie them off to the bottom of the stockade. This is much worse! He takes a leather belt and belts my ass. As if that's not bad enough, he uses the belt across the backs of my thighs. Oh fuck it hurts so bad added to how fucking miserable I already am. I'm so thankful when it stops but my misery continues.

They fire up the grill and put a bunch of food on. Hamburgers, sausage, hot dogs. I'm starving and drooling smelling all of the food cooking. I'm totally miserable. As they're cooking two more of them piss on me, one all over my face, the other all over my ass and back. They sit and eat ignoring me again. Fuck it, man; I've got to eat! Why don't they know that?

I hear Cliff saying he doesn't like something as he stands from the table. My hopes soar as he walks toward me holding something in his hand. "I don't like this. Do you want it?" He asks me. As he moves closer I see it's a Hot Dog with ketchup on it. I know Cliff only puts mustard on his Hot Dogs, but I always put ketchup. I know he did it on purpose so I could have something to eat. It feels so good to know he's watching out for me.

I'm not taking any chances, "Yes please, thank you, Sir." I'm sincerely grateful to him. He holds it in front of my face just out of reach. He's teasing me with it by moving it close and then pulling it away from me again. He holds it just beyond my reach and I try to stretch, even sticking my tongue out trying to get a taste of it. The other guys are laughing as he does it. I play along figuring I'll end up with it eventually.

Finally, "Okay, you can have it now."

"Oh, thank you Sir! Thank you, I'm so hungry!" He smiles but doesn't give it to me. Shit, don't do this, I'm thinking. He steps behind me and pushes it up my ass! Oh Fuck! I feel the wetness of the ketchup and feel the bun hit my leg as it falls, but the Hot Dog is up in my ass. I'm so upset I almost cry. They all laugh hysterically.

John joins in, "Let's see what else fits up his ass." I can't believe this is happening. They gather behind me shoving things up my ass. A chicken leg, a pickle, pieces of fruit. This is more humiliating and degrading than I could have imagined. I'm near tears as they make fun of me. They try to push an egg up my ass but it breaks as they push it and my ass is dripping from the mess. "Okay enough," John says. "He needs to really eat." Now I'm scared that they're going to make me eat the food they stuffed up my ass. I'm so grateful to be released from the stocks. I try to stretch out the cramping, but I'm quickly ordered to my knees. This is uncomfortable but much better than being locked in the stockade.

John stands in front of me. "You must be really hungry." I don't trust him at this point and wonder what's going to happen. He takes a Hot Dog from the plate and puts ketchup on it. He holds it in front of me and I hesitantly take a bite. Oh man it tastes soooo good! John takes a bite of it too. "This is good but I'm so full." He spits it out on the ground in front of me. It's all chewed and disgusting. I look from the ground to him to see him smiling. "Go ahead. Eat it. We don't want to waste it, do we?" I can't fucking believe this! I hesitate half expecting them to say it's a joke, but no one is laughing. "Now asshole! Don't piss me off!" SHIT! I bend over and go to lick it up. I hover over it not wanting to do this but not seeing a choice. I suck it up into my mouth and chew it and swallow as fast as I can. He takes another bite and does it again. He spits it on the ground and I have to lick it up. This is so fucking disgusting!

Steven moves beside him and takes a bite. Chewing it, he tells me to open my mouth. Oh no!! This can't be happening. I open my mouth and he spits the food into it. It goes all over my face but it makes me gag as some of it lands in my mouth and hits the back of my throat. They all move up to take a turn. One by one they spit food into my mouth. This is beyond anything I ever imagined happening. I didn't think I'd be treated this shitty by them. Even Cliff joins in.

John is on a roll! "I have a special dessert for you!" He drags me by my collar to his pile of crap. I panic and struggle to get away. There's no fucking way! I'll use my safe word before I let this happen. He and Michael grab me and hold me fast and tight.

Michael takes over, "Listen asshole. I told you you're going to do what we say one way or the other. If you obey us it will go easier on you. If we have to make you do it, it will be so much worse. Now calm down! That's it calm down." I stop struggling, but I'm determined that I'm not eating his shit! No fucking way!

Steven comes beside me and talks softly in my ear, "Listen, man, you're fucking up here. You're making it a power struggle and we can't let you win. We just can't. So let's work this out. Come with me. Come on..." He pulls me toward the pile. "It's okay. Tell me what the problem is."

I look around at them. "I don't want to do this! Please don't make me do this, please." I beg him.

"Do what? What don't you want to do?" His voice is calm and soothing.

"I don't want to eat his crap. I won't do it!" I tell him.

"Has anyone told you to eat it?" He raises a good point, no one has.

"No, Sir." I answer sheepishly.

"Okay, next point; don't tell us what you won't do. There's eight of us and one of you. You'll do anything we say, willingly or not." I tense up again afraid of what's coming. "Now, you don't want to eat his shit, right?" I nod, scared of what's coming. "I certainly understand that. I wouldn't want to do that either so I understand that you don't want to." I'm feeling a sense of relief. "Then again, I wouldn't want anyone to kick me in the balls but you seem to like that." My stomach clenches. "Still, everyone has limits. We told you we're going to push you to your limits so lets do that. You know your safe word. You use it and this whole thing ends. We tear up the contract and you get to go home. The thing is if you do that you can never come back. Not ever. Every relationship ends with that contract. That's the deal, you signed it." He lets that hang there. My stomach sinks. I feel all choked up. I blink back tears feeling like I've really fucked everything up.

"It's okay," he continues soothingly. "We can fix this but you have to work with me here. You have to meet me half way. Come here, let me hold you." I hesitantly move to him. He holds me by the back of my neck. "Come on, work with me. Come closer. I'm not telling you to eat it. I just want you real close to it. Put your face right over it." He puts pressure behind my head easing me toward it until I'm just a fraction away. "This isn't bad enough to use your safe word and ruin everything is it?" I shake my head no. "Answer me out loud, boy. I want to hear you." I tell him no. "Stay there. Don't move." He takes his hand away and I stay in place on my own. The silence just hangs. He sits next to me. He puts his hand behind my head again.

"Okay, this isn't good enough." I pull up instinctively but he holds me tight. "Relax. Stop fighting me. If you obey me this will go much easier for you and we'll all get what we want." I ease up again. "Okay, good boy. Here's what I want. I want you to kiss it. I want you to put your lips on it."

I beg again. "Please don't make me do this. Please. Oh man, I don't want to do this. Please don't make me, please."

"I know you don't want to, but what about what I want? I want to see you be obedient and respectful. It doesn't mean anything if you're only obedient when it's something you want. I want to see your lips touch John's shit. That's an order and I expect you to obey it. " Oh fuck! What am I supposed to do? He takes his hand off my neck. The silence is deafening. I look around at everyone. "Do it." I swallow hard. I look down at it. I slowly move forward and touch my lips to his shit. I can't fucking believe I did it. I pull back up. "Good boy. You did the right thing. Now, we're not quite done yet. There's just one more thing." I let out a sob and sag to the ground. "It's not so bad. I want to see your tongue touch it. You already put your lips on it so it's not a big deal. Just put your tongue on it." His hand is back behind my head and he slowly moves me toward it. I try not to think about what's about to happen. He moves me forward and I lay my tongue on it. I try to pull back, "Not yet. Just stay there a second. That's it, just another couple of seconds." It's long enough that what I'm doing sinks in. I can't believe I'm kneeling here with my tongue on John's shit. Tears roll down my face. He lets me up. He walks over and joins the others exchanging high fives and congratulations.

John's voice pulls me back, "C'mere boy. Time to eat. He throws a bunch of scraps and food into a bowl, pisses in it, and puts it on the floor for me to eat. I certainly have no appetite. "Remember, you're supposed to be grateful for whatever we give you. It can always be worse." They all watch me eat. It's totally disgusting.

When I'm done I'm dragged to the back end of the yard. "Time to clean you out." The big guy puts a hose up my ass and fills me with water. I hold it just a short time and expel it all out. All the food they shoved up my ass comes out with the water. My embarrassment is awful. I just want to disappear. I'm ready for this day to end.

I'm brought down to the basement. They all surround me as I drop to my knees. A hood is put over my head covering everything but my mouth. I can't see anything. I don't know who's doing what but I'm beaten. I'm paddled, belted, kicked, punched and slapped. My balls and nipples are twisted, pinched, tugged ad squeezed. I just surrender to it and let it happen. I'm also fucked! I feel their dicks slide in and out of my ass. I'm passed from one to the other over and over again. My mouth is fucked too. I feel their dicks one after the other shoved into my mouth for me to suck. I can tell from the taste that they're going from my ass to my face and back again. Three or four of them shoot but I really don't know who.

I'm dropped back at my house. All Steven has to say is, "Don't you dare jerk off tonight! Don't you dare!" I just turn and walk into my house as they drive off. I feel isolated and alone as I crawl into bed.

Next: Chapter 8

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