Pool Table and My Balls

By NiteSearcher2000

Published on Feb 5, 2005


This story in not completely fictional. Nor is it the truth and nothing but the truth. The names have definitely been changed to protect the guilty. We are all disease free and stay that way by protecting ourselves whenever we play with anyone but each other. Descriptions of unprotected sex are fictional because I'm imaginative and not stupid.

You know the rules... Don't read this if you're a minor or are offended by gay or BDSM expression. Don't even think about reproducing or publishing it without my permission. Remember, I have sadistic friends who like to punish people! <>

Chapter 6: Night at the Club

I'm told to go directly to David's office by the guy at the front desk when I get to the gym. Steven, John, and Sir are sitting with him talking. "Come in and close the door." I step in hesitantly and close the door. I have no idea what this is about. "Strip and kneel." Oh man! Not here, I think to myself but follow his instructions. I kneel naked before them making sure to clasp my hands behind my head and bend slightly at the waist.

They look me over. "You okay?" It's the standard question. I nod that I am. My back has a few welts but it's not too bad. There are more marks from them hitting me after the flogging.

David Talks, "Last night you said you wanted to play in the big leagues and we gave you a sample of it. You handled it. Is this the level you want to play at?" I'd been asking myself the same question all night.

"Yes, Sir." I tell them all. Steven sits back in his seat and crosses his legs. John just shakes his head. There's no reaction from the other two.

"Then we need to have some rules for everyone's benefit. We've drawn up a contract." A contract? He has my full attention. "Some of these are to protect you from yourself. You're a little out of control and we want to make sure you don't fuck up. Number one, nothing permanent. No piercings, no tattoos, no branding, nothing like that for at least one year. After that it's your choice." I nod. "Number two, nothing that may leave scars. No whipping, single tails, cats, or anything like that, also for a year. Then you decide." I hadn't been thinking along those lines so it's okay with me. "You're a sick fuck. You like the bruising. You show it off like some badge of courage. So number three is you cover up appropriately at work, around the neighborhood, the mall, shit like that." It makes sense. I have no problem with it. "Next, we don't want to be embarrassed by you. We don't want you scaring the kiddies and little old ladies going to church. Don't go all sub on us." I smile at that one, so do they.

"More serious stuff. No drugs, no alcohol, nothing to dull your feelings or impair your judgment. We're going to push your fucking limits to the wall. That includes pain, bondage, deprivation, humiliation, embarrassment, and degradation. Don't go pussy on us. We don't want to hear that we hurt your feelings or that you need a hug. You pull that shit and you're out. In line with that: no relationships for at least six months to a year. You're going to be going through too much in your own head to make good decisions. We don't want you to end up with some sadistic fuck that ruins your life." I take a deep breath. He's right. I need to figure this whole thing out for myself. I agree again.

"Now, safety. Do you have any conditions we need to know about?" I tell them no. "Okay then. We have a good handle on you. We can read you pretty well. Pick a safe word. Make it simple and practice it until it's what you think of when you can't think of anything else. Also, if you call any one of us by name we'll assume you're in over your head. Now here's the thing. We want you against the wall. We want you pushed until you literally can't go more. You don't use your safe word as an obstacle to that goal. Do you understand that?" I tell them I do. "It's here in writing. If you sign it, you become a property, a commodity, and a toy. It gives us the right to treat you like the lowest form of life on earth, and we will. You give up your manhood and all the rights and privileges that go with it." The contract is for one year. We'll review it once a month. You'll get a phone call every morning to see if you're okay. If you're not, you tell us then. If you don't tell us we proceed on course. If you break the contract it's over. No discussion, no second chance." He lets that sink in. I tell them I'll sign it.

"You belong to all of us. Michael is in charge. Steven knows you best but doesn't have the experience or the connections. John's not interested and I'm not ready to make that commitment. He's the best choice." I look at Sir, but I want to be sure. I ask who Michael is. He looks me right in the eye; "I'm the one who's going to take you to hell and back, over and over again."

"Can I ask one question?" Steven nods. I take a deep breath, "Did you guys fuck me last night?" It's a very strange feeling not knowing if they did or not.

Steven looks me in the eye. "It's none of your business. You're just a hole to fuck and as men we have the right to fuck you. Whether or not we exercise that right is none of your fucking business." Well, I guess he told me. They slide the paper across the floor and I sign it.

"We'll pick you up at 7:00 for dinner." They walk out leaving me alone. My nervous energy is high all day and I have a kick ass day at work! My boss tells me if I keep working at this level there'll be a raise and promotion in it for me. He says we'll review it in three months. My anxiety levels rise as it gets later because I have no idea what the plans are for tonight.

I'm ready at 7:00 when Steven and John get there to pick me up. We go to dinner. Steven takes my menu away from me so I know I'm not ordering my own food. Steven hands me a blue pill and tells me to take it. I know it's a viagra but don't understand why he wants me to take it. I'm already hard. I do it anyway. They both order and the waiter looks at me. Steven tells him I'm not eating. I'm starving but say nothing. I sit there and watch them eat. Steven puts his plate of scraps in front of me. I don't touch it. Suddenly my balls get crushed with a wicked kick right between my legs. John is sitting across from me with a satisfied smile on his face. "Remember your place. You should be grateful to share our food. Remember that when this incident comes back to bite you in the ass, and I promise you it will." I apologize and go to take a bite but Steven takes the plate back and hands it to the waiter to take it away. I go hungry. In the car they tell me where we're going and on the way to the club I'm made to take off everything but my pants and jock strap. My dick is rock hard and showing through my pants.

We arrive at the club and I'm amazed at how crowded it is! There are a lot more guys here tonight than there was last night. A lot of them are dressed in leather; chaps, vests, harnesses, the full gear. Lots of them have tattoos and piercings. Many of them have shaved heads and unshaven faces. This is a rough looking crowd. I feel preppy. I see Michael/Sir and David talking to a couple of big guys, mean looking motherfuckers! David fits right in wearing leather pants and just a leather harness accentuating his bulging muscles. Sir looks more refined in black jeans and a leather vest. His furry chest and awesome pecs and abs make him drop dead gorgeous. The four of them walk over to us. The biggest guy is about 6"2 and maybe 200 pounds of solid muscle. He's wearing chaps with a cod-piece and a vest. He has the look of someone who shaved his body and it's been growing back a while. He glares at me. He stares me down until I drop my gaze. As soon as I do he drops me to my knees with a fucking blow to my balls like I've never felt before. He follows with a hard and swift kick to my ass. I'm knocked over and he kicks me in the gut followed by another kick to my balls. I curl up in a ball to protect myself. I look up to see Steven, John, Michael, and David smiling. The guy reaches down and yanks off my pants without opening them. I hear them and my jock strap rip as they come off of me. He just throws them aside. "Put him in the fucking cage." I'm dragged and put into a small cell that's maybe five by three and maybe four feet high. I couldn't even sit up in it if I was by myself but there are already two other naked guys in it, obviously subs. We're all over each other trying to fit and get settled. They push me into the center and they're all over me, groping my cock and balls and grabbing at my ass. One of them goes down on my dick and I'm afraid I'm going to get in trouble for it but it feels too good to tell him to stop. I see guys watching and making fun of us. My dick is fully engorged and I don't know if it's from my own excitement or the Viagra I was made to take.

I start to ask them a question and one of them instantly puts his hand over my mouth and shakes his head no. I take it that means we're not allowed to talk. A bunch more guys come in, some have their boy naked and in a collar, some have them down on all fours to crawl in. They are all beaten in some way for no apparent reason. Another one is stuffed in our cage and then others are cuffed to a pipe hanging from the ceiling.

The two big guys open the cage and tell me to get out. I'm scared shitless! They grab me hard and roughhouse me, dragging me over to what looks like a doctor's exam table, stirrups and all. I resist in an effort to stall long enough to calm down a bit but they just use more force. Their grip on my arms and legs feel like a vice. I'm picked up and dropped hard onto the table. My wrists are quickly cuffed onto a bar above my head. My legs are forcibly strapped into the stirrups. I'm telling them I'm not ready and begging them to give me a minute, but I can't get their attention. I look to Steven and Michael but they're standing there watching intently. A bit gag is strapped across my mouth and my anxiety rises because I won't be able to use my safe word. I lock eyes with Steven to find some assurance and he mouths to me, "YOU ARE FUCKED!" I take a deep breath and try to resign myself to whatever is going to happen.

The big guy pours lube all over my balls and works them hard, pulling, tugging, twisting and squeezing them. He works them and slaps them and then works them again getting progressively rougher until my stomach is knotting from clenching against the pain. He stretches them out from my body and places a metal ring around them, snapping it closed. I rise off the table as he does it again and places another ring in place. The pressure is tremendous as he stretches them and adds more and more rings. A little at a time he has my balls stretched far further than they've ever been before. The rings are heavy as hell. My balls are stretched to the very bottom of my scrotum which is stretched about as tight as it can be. They slap my balls and use different implements to cause me pain. My dick is still rock hard and now I know it's the Viagra working.

They go to put a blindfold on me and Steven calls out, "No don't. I want him to know what's coming. I love the look of fear and dread in his eyes." They don't look convinced. He continues, "Nothing degrades him more than when he sees us enjoying his suffering." They cast the blindfold aside.

I thrash about as they hold up a long metal rod that I know is a sound. I've seen them, but never had one inserted into my cock before. I look toward Steven for some assurance and again he mouths, "Fuck you!" I look to John thinking he's not as into it as the others but he just watches with his arms crossed. I try to catch his attention until he shoots me the bird without ever looking me in the eye. I'm desperate. I seek out Michael in the crowd doubtful he'll do anything to help. We lock eyes instantly. He smiles warmly rather than wickedly. He moves toward me and I feel a sense of relief. He strokes my face soothingly. He rubs his hand down my chest and gently up the shaft of my dick. I look at my own cock in amazement because it looks huge to me. He holds it in his hand. "Use a bigger rod, he can handle it." He slaps his hand down hard across my stomach and I pull up in pain but it's nothing compared to my sense of isolation and betrayal.

The rod is lubed with a sterile lubricant and worked into the tip of my dick. It is rotated slowly and slid down. It's so fucking strange to feel something going in and down my piss slit. It's pushed in about half way and then he lets go of it. It turns on its own and slides slowly in without being pushed. I can't figure out or understand the feeling in my cock. It's like nothing I've felt before. I look around and there are literally dozens of guys watching my cock.

A long strip of leather is held up for everyone to see. Beginning at the base of my dick it is wrapped tightly around and slowly progressing up my shaft. It gets increasingly tighter. My cock head swells as more blood is pushed up and trapped. My cock is pressured from inside and out as it is squeezed around the metal rod inserted inside me.

My waist is strapped down to the table so I can't squirm around. A new wave of fear comes over me when a surgical instrument is held up and shown. I know what it is and I find myself struggling to think of what it's called. It's my mind's effort to avoid thinking about what it does. I cringe and am totally humiliated as it is pushed up my ass and opened. It spreads my hole open and locks in place holding it open and dilated. My sphincter muscles try to close but can't. They slowly open me further. The pain is like a sharp knife cutting me open. I scream around the gag.

The guys working on me never even look at me. They are focused on their task, oblivious to me. Metal nipple clamps bite into the very tips of my nipples sending new waves of pain. The pain from my ass connects to the pain in my chest and my every awareness is full of pain. My balls are slapped around and I literally feel circled and encased in pain. I feel myself sinking. I feel pulled down into a lower state of being. I lose not only my thoughts but my very sense of being. I am nothing but what I feel, which is pain and a deep sense of abandonment, loneliness, and isolation. I open my eyes and look at everyone but feel no connection to them. I look at Steven but he's looking at my balls, not me.

I feel something moving up my ass. It's cold and poking and prodding around. The big guy is holding a metal handle manipulating it around inside me. I feel a huge pressure on the inside of my dick and contract my muscles reflexively. "Got it," the guy with the probe announces. I'm guessing it's my prostate he's found. I feel a low level of current running through and traveling up my cock and balls. It is increased and again I struggle against the pain. It's turned up again and held there. I fall into the pain again. I sink into it. I try to picture myself falling into it.

I'm barely aware of metal bands being placed over my stomach and chest. They don't touch me but are right above me. They have dull points on them. If I take a deep breath I touch them. I try it several times before I touch them and receive a sharp electric shock. It's like being hit with a hot ice pick. I struggle not to take too deep a breath in my effort to avoid them.

I sob as I'm shown a large hypodermic syringe. I watch in horror and fear as it's aimed toward my balls. I gasp and get shocked several times as my skin makes contact with the bands around me. I feel the needle prick through, puncturing my scrotum. The plunger is very slowly eased down and I feel my scrotum being filled. It feels like a vice pressing against my testicles from the inside. The needle is withdrawn when the vile is empty. My balls are squeezed, pulled and slapped. I can't help squirming and moving and the shocks to my stomach and chest are overwhelming. It goes on until I'm screaming again.

Steven catches my attention as he moves close. He looks into my eyes. He mouths the question, "Take it?" I hesitate. He nods and mouths, "Take it!" I nod yes.

The current through the probe is raised dramatically and I feel it surge through my cock and balls. My insides contract in reaction to it. Everything disappears and only my cock and balls exist. Every sensation I have is in them! It is so fucking intense it overrides everything else. I purposely move to make contact with the bands around me so that I can feel the shocks just to know I can still feel things.

I feel the pressure increasing inside me. I can't believe I'm moving toward an orgasm. I feel it pushing against my insides. It goes to levels I've never felt before but I can't get over the edge. I'm pushing like I would to take a dump trying to push my orgasm out of me. I hear them talking around me and look to see what they're talking about and I see the metal rod slowly rising out of my dick. It's pushing up my shaft and sliding out my slit without anyone touching it! It pops out followed by a stream of cum that shoots way up into the air. I continue to contract in the throws of the most intense orgasm of my life.

I come up from my sub space before I come down from my orgasm. I'm suddenly aware of the position I'm in and how much pain I'm feeling. As my orgasm ebbs and the reality sinks in, I'm so embarrassed. I moan and writhe in pain as I'm slowly released from my restraints. Unless you've been tortured you don't know how much it hurts when you're released and the blood rushes back in, especially when it is right after an orgasm. I'm laid out on the floor for guys to come over and examine me. They're fascinated by the rings encasing my balls how full and heavy they are, and by how far they're stretched. My dick is still hard. I do nothing to resist their touching and probing.

After a short time on the floor I'm dragged into the bathroom. I'm tied into place beneath a bowl suspended from the ceiling. A thin tube runs from the bottom of the bowl and it's placed into my mouth. Steven stares at me slowly taking his dick out of his pants. I'm looking at it from underneath and notice that it's dark and full. He's the first to piss into the bowl. I taste his piss and recognize the taste. His piss bites. It's sharp and nasty. It burns as it goes down. The thin hose drains slowly into my mouth and I swallow it all. Nothing holds the tube in my mouth; I keep it there willingly afraid of what will happen if I don't. I'd rather this than more pain. John pisses next. I look at his cock as he does admiring his dick and wishing he was pissing directly into my mouth instead of the bowl. His dick is awesome! Light coloring, smooth, full head and a nice size. His balls are covered in light hair. I feel cheated. Several guys line up to piss in me. I'm amazed as I'm getting full on piss. I'm uncomfortably full like I've eaten too much. Steven stayed and watched as each guy urinated.

David comes to get me. He drags me to a box and pushes me inside it. There's another guy in there sucking someone off through a glory hole. A dick is put through the hole in front of me and the guy next to me smacks me in the head and points to the hole telling me to suck it. It's dark in the box and there's no way to see out so I have no idea who's dick it is. I get smacked much harder by the guy next to me so I ease my mouth over the dick in front of me and get to work on it. I'm going at it when all of a sudden the guy in the box with me spits an entire load of cum on me. I turn to look at him and he gives me the finger and goes down on the new cock in front of him. I go back to work on the guy in front of me. I think about spitting it out on my roommate, but swallow it instead. He spits his load on me again. Bastard! I suck off about four guys when I'm pulled from the box.

"You're a fucking mess! What the fuck did you do?" David kicks my ass hard and tells me to get in the other room. I'm put on a round platform and quickly surrounded by four big guys. They grab and poke at me. One of them shoves his dick in my mouth and fucks my face. Another guy is lubing and stroking his cock. He shoves it straight into my ass and pushes in hard. He fucks me really hard! The other guys standing there are yanking and pulling on my cock and balls as well as hitting and smacking me. The cock is pulled out of my ass and immediately replaced with another one. Two guys trade places fucking my face. The two guys fucking my ass are taking turns long-dicking me one time each. While I'm sucking one guy the other one is pissing on my face and the other guy's dick. My ass is suddenly wet and I realize I'm being pissed on while getting fucked. They both fire their loads on me and I'm wet with their piss and cum. Different guys take their place. I don't keep track of how many guys either fuck my face or my ass. I only know my asshole and jaw are sore and aching.

I'm relieved and nervous when I'm pulled from the platform and dragged back into the bathroom. The tile is wet with piss as I'm pushed to the floor. Guys just piss all over me. They walk in, piss on me, and go back out. I'm grateful for the rest and relieved that all I have to do is lie there. The crowd thins out. There are about eight guys left including my friends. "Open your mouth and jerk off." The guy is standing between my legs and pisses up my torso aiming for my mouth. It fills with his piss and overflows down my face. They take turns pissing as I furiously jerk myself off. I shoot my second load with them pissing on me. "Clean the bathroom." Is all that's said as they leave me alone in the room. I clean it up with a towel again.

I find them sitting in the other room drinking beer. "Clean the platform." I look at he platform and it's splattered with cum and piss. I go to wipe it with the towel, "Use your tongue. Lick it up!" John tells me. They all laugh! I look at him hoping he's not serious. "I said lick it clean!" OH FUCK!! I bend over the platform and lick it clean. They watch; laughing and making fun of me and talking about what a great night it was.

Steven drives me home. I'm exhausted and fall asleep in the car. He wakes me up at my house, "Are you up to tennis tomorrow." I'm excited about playing tennis with him and connecting on that level again. I happily agree to play. "Don't call me tonight, you can jerk off." I smile and get out and stand there watching as he drives off.

The next chapter is more about humiliation. Thank you to all the guys who've written. Your affirmations, criticisms and ideas are very much appreciated. I do answer every e-mail so please forgive me and be patient if I fall behind.

Eric in South Florida

Next: Chapter 7

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