Pool Table and My Balls

By NiteSearcher2000

Published on Jan 5, 2008


I hear Steven coming down the stairs. I can tell he's alone. "You must be starving. How about we go out for a couple of burgers and shakes?" He opens the cage to let me out and takes off my restraints as well. Do you need to shower?"

"No, thank you, Sir. The water chamber hosed me down well enough. I am starving though." I try to add some guilt, "How was the pizza?"

"It was great, we should've ordered more. I'm still hungry." I didn't hear any guilt in his voice so I drop it.

"Where is everyone, Sir?"

"I let them take your car. I'll drive you in the morning."

I pull on a pair of jeans as we're talking and pull a t-shirt over my head. Slipping my feet into a pair of flip flops I announce. "I'm ready, Sir."

We head out with him driving. We have the windows open and the radio blasting. I put my head back and relax into the seat. We don't talk until we get to the restaurant.

"You were hot tonight." Steven's smile is wicked as he talks over his burger before taking his first bite.

The compliment feels really good, but... "Is it my imagination or is everyone playing rougher?"

"Is that a complaint?" He takes another bite giving me time to answer.

"No, Sir... but they are, right? It's not my imagination?"

"I don't know, maybe... what's the difference? We're all having fun and no one is getting hurt by it."

I have to think about that for a minute, "You do know it hurts, right?" I'm wondering if he's lost sight of that.

"Hurts who?" He asks the question so casually and takes another bite of his burger.

"Me!" I say it emphatically.

"So... what's your point?" His calmness irks the crap out of me, but I can't come up with an answer for him. What is my point?

I ask sheepishly. "The stuff you were talking about, the horse and the other stuff... you're not really going to do it, right?"

His smile is very reassuring, "No, I'm not." I instantly feel better until he continues, "But, you might." He just continues eating as he watches my reaction.

I put my burger down and lean back in the booth, but say nothing.

He asks, "Is there a problem?"

I take a deep breath, "If I don't want to? I mean if it's beyond my limits..."

"It's not about what you want; it's about what we want. Beyond your limits; means that you are either physically or psychologically incapable of it and I find it difficult to believe that anything we talked about is beyond you."

I sit there in silence thinking about what he's said.

"Eat," he tells me.

"I'm not hungry." I answer him sullenly.

"It wasn't a request." His voice is sharp.

I pick up my burger and take a reluctant bite. There isn't much more conversation during dinner or on the way home. He tries, but I don't give more than one or two word answers.

As we're getting out of the car his command is sharp, "Downstairs, now!"

He walks quickly ahead of me and I follow behind him. As soon as we get in the room he tells me, "Pull your pants down and bend over the bench." The edge in his voice is loud and clear. I think about trying to talk to him but decide against it and just do as I'm told.

The belt lands hard on my ass. I take five good ones before he talks again. "That was your warm up. These are for your attitude." He lands ten solid cracks down on my ass. "These are to remind you that you're a cock sucking," the belt slams down hard, "cum swallowing," the belt hits, "piss drinking," the fucking belt hurts like hell, "ass licking," another crack, "foot worshipping," he continues the pattern of belting me between each name he calls me, "shit licking," crack, "dog sucking," smack, "bitch fucked..." I'm beyond pride and sobbing as he continues, "faggot," ... "pig," ... "whore" ... "slut" ... "boi." I sob softly waiting for the next smack but it doesn't come. I get control of myself and stop sobbing, but don't move. I stay in position, bent over the spanking bench.

He finally breaks the hanging silence, "How many do you think you still owe me?"

Oh fuck! I wasn't expecting this. I have no idea what to say. "Whatever you think I deserve, Sir."

The belt slashes across my ass. "I asked you a direct question." Another crack of the belt lands, "I want a direct answer." Another slash of the belt has me sobbing again.

I know if I say too few I'll really pay for it, but I don't know how much more I can take. "Ten, Sir." I wait forever for him to answer me.

"Count'em out." I count each slash of the belt as it lands until he stops at ten. I silently let the tears flow but maintain my position and restrain myself from reaching for my ass. He stretches out the time leaving me miserably uncomfortable and impatient for this to be over. "How many do you want to take to please me?"

Oh fuck! I lose it. I let out a sob that surprises even me. He waits patiently. "Please belt me Sir, please. I'll take as many as I can stand. I promise I will. Oh fuck, I want to please you." I brace myself, waiting. He keeps me waiting.

"I want a number." His voice is so fucking irritatingly calm.

I sigh deeply... "Twenty five, Sir." He says nothing as he lands the belt across my ass and my thighs. Every time I think I can't stand another one, he backs off slightly, and every time I think I will be able to handle it, he takes it up a notch until I think I can't handle it again. It is the longest and mentally most difficult belting I've taken.

He leaves me there and I hear him sit in a chair. I know he's looking at me as I hear him slowly jerking off. I don't dare look up. I hear him get up and walk over to me. "Suck it. Finish me off." I pick my head up and cover his dick with my mouth. I suck him like he deserves to be sucked. I get my first sense of pride back as I feel his cock swell in my mouth. I love the taste of hie pre-cum, the silky feel of the skin on his dick, and his slightly masculine smell. His corona flares intensely a split second before he shoots into my mouth. I swallow it all willingly and gratefully.

"Strip down and get in the cell." I look at the cell built into the corner of the dungeon. It's small... and empty. I undress as I was told. I look back at the cell again. "There better not be any mess in there in the morning. That's what your mouth is for." He glares at me as I hesitate. I enter the cell and he closes the door and turns to leave.

"What'd I get punished for?" I ask boldly.

He turns around surprised and his anger flares, "For behaving like a bitch and giving me the fucking silent treatment."

"So I earned it and I took it. What about you?" He crosses his arms and looks me right in the eye. "You pissed me off and I gave you the silent treatment so you punished me by belting my ass. Fine, I earned that. But isn't this your version of the silent treatment? You're pissed at me so you're pushing me away and keeping me at a distance. Putting me in the cage isn't sex and it's not a scene and it's not a punishment. This is you being a bitch."

I know not to overplay my point and let the silence hang there. I watch him slowly process what I've said and come to terms with it. His body language tells me he's calming down. He steps up and unlocks the cell. Opening the door, he steps to the side to indicate that I can come out. "We're even?" He asks me.

I pick up the belt, "two." I answer him.

His smile returns, "Two? I gave you like fifty."

"Sixty six, Sir." My smile matches his.

"So how does two even the score?"

"It's good enough for me. Do you need more to ease your conscience?" I ask playfully.

"No. I just want to know, why two?"

"One, so you know how much it hurts. The second one is so you know what it's like to dread what's coming. Now drop your pants and assume the position, Sir."

I watch him open his pants and slowly drop them. He turns and leans on the bench, without bending over it. His bare ass is exposed to me and I linger a moment to enjoy his embarrassment. I warn him before I let it rip and rap the belt across his ass. I let the pain set in before I give him an out, "All you have to do is say you're sorry and we're done." I'm confident his pride will prevent him from doing that.

I'm shocked when he stands up and says, "I'm sorry." He picks up his pants as he says it and buttons them right up. He explains, "I'm not stupid. That fucking belt hurts like a mother fucker."

SHIT! This isn't as satisfying as whacking his ass would have been. "That's it? You're just giving in? Where's your pride?"

"Only in your fucked up world is there pride in getting your ass belted. Let's go to bed. You can kiss my ass to make it feel better."

"What about my ass?"

"You're ass is damn close to another paddling. I'd suggest you do your ass a favor, shut your mouth, and quit while you're ahead."

Sounds like good advice to me so I decide to take it and follow him up to bed. He dives into our king sized bed and spreads out. Tossing me a pillow he tells me, "You're sleeping on the floor tonight. Consider it the price you pay for belting my ass."

I throw the pillow down and drop down after it. I wince in pain as my ass makes contact with the hardwood floor and I hear him chuckle as he turns off the light.

I sleep pretty good considering how hard the floor is. As usual, he awakens before me and wakes me up. "Your attitude last night earned you an outside shower this morning. You can use the garden hose."

Not a pleasant way to be woken up. "I took a belting for it, isn't that enough?"

"I'm talking about your attitude after the belting." He walks out of the room before I can answer. That's probably a good thing. The fucking hose water is freezing so I decide to be on my best behavior to avoid any other reprisals.

I enter the kitchen naked and drop to my knees. Breakfast smells great! Bacon, eggs, and toast; my appetite kicks in and my mouth is watering. He turns toward me and pulls the waist of his athletic pants down and tucks them under his balls. He takes a cereal bowl and holds it under his dick. My stomach sinks as pisses into it. Lowering it down to the floor he tells me. "Oatmeal. Enjoy it."

I look down at the oatmeal flakes floating in his urine and then look up to see him carrying his breakfast feast to the table. I maintain my resolve to behave. I thank him as I bend over to eat this disgusting meal, if you can even call it that. To add insult to injury he leaves me to clean up the kitchen.

I go upstairs when I'm done to find my clothes laid out for me including his worn underwear and socks from the day before. The suit he laid out is nice enough, but I like picking out my own clothes. I thank him as I dress in what he gave me. His smile makes it worth it.

Despite the rough morning, my day at work goes great! My boss buys into my marketing plan with few reservations and just a couple of really good suggestions to fine tune it. The compensation bonus he offers is more generous than I intended asking for. He doesn't even mention my morning spanking and I secretly hope that particular ritual has reached its end.

Cory picks me up from work in his old pick-up. "I need your help little brother. It's time for me to buy a new pick-up and I suck at it. I always feel like I've gotten ripped off. I need you to negotiate it for me." We make a plan on the way to the dealership.

It takes three fucking hours to complete the deal knowing full well that it's pure bullshit that they sold us the truck under cost. Still, Cory is happy with the truck and the price he paid for it. It is a beauty! Two-ton, four door, maxi-cab fully decked out. My brother must be doing well because it isn't cheap. I help him transfer his tools from his old truck into the deluxe tool locker of his new truck with great pride and meticulous care.

He understandably uses bragging rights and assembles the troops back at the house. It's Steven, Jesse, Ross, Cory, Craig, David, and me. Even with the maxi-cab I'm relegated to sit in the back of the bed. I won't admit it to them, but I actually enjoy riding back here. The wind and the bouncing make it kind of exciting. We take a ride out to a sports bar with great buffalo wings and ice cold beer.

Cory asks Steven, "Can he have a reprieve for dinner? He did get me a good deal."

Jesse answers before Steven has a chance. "He practically gets treated like an equal already. Now you want to even it up completely."

"Bullshit!" I'm not sure if Cory is defending me or himself. "He gets his ass paddled whenever we feel like giving it to him. He has to kiss our feet, suck our dicks, swallow our spunk, drink our piss, and every other humiliating thing we can think of.

Steven joins in, "He has to piss, shower and shit outside and wear dirty underwear and socks. I keep his dick in a cage and he's not even allowed to jerk off or cum. Hell, he can't even pick out his own clothes."

Jesse relents a little, "Still think it's a bad idea... it'll just spoil him."

"We'll think of something to put him back in his place." Steven assures him. To me he says, "Go ahead. Have beer and wings like the rest of us." I'm glad, but I'm left feeling like it's still like a backhanded compliment. We all have a good time though.

Sitting in the back of the truck I'm a little confused as to where we're going. This isn't the way toward home. We head out some back roads into the country and I figure Cory just wants to play with his new truck. I realize we're heading out toward the old lake on some family land we all own and I hold on as he pulls off road.

The lake is little more than a swimming hole we used to come out to as kids. He takes the truck as far into the woods as he can before stopping. They all jump out of the truck with an air of excitement. Cory jumps into the back of the truck as the others pull me out of it. "Get your fucking clothes off, bitch." Cory throws his tool belt and some rope to the ground before jumping out of the back of the truck. They all watch me strip off my clothes in the light from the headlights of the truck.

Jesse steps up, "On your knees, bitch. We're going to remind you what a cock sucking cunt face you are." He pulls his cock out and pushes it down my throat. With no time to adjust, I gag as he face fucks me. David steps up next to him and uses my hair to pull me off of Jesse's dick and pushes me down on his own cock. He fucks my face as hard and deep as Jesse did. The others form a circle around me and pass me off to each other to suck them.

As I move toward Ross's dick he lets a stream of his hot piss flow over my face. I lick my lips without even thinking about it and taste his acrid urine. He uses his foot to push me to the ground and holds me there as he pisses on me. Some of the others join in and soak me down with their piss. Cory ties my hands and tosses Steven some rope to tie my feet. They stretch me out on my back and tie me between two trees.

Cory looks at Steven who encourages him, "Do it, man. You've been wanting to. This is your chance." Still unsure he looks around at everyone else.

Jesse tells him, "I'm doing it whether you do or not."

"Me too." Ross adds.

Cory pulls off his shirt and gets a nod of approval from the others. My heart is beating fast as I get more and more anxious and concerned over what might be happening next. He kicks off his sneakers and pulls his pants and underwear off in one motion. He steps one leg over and straddles me facing my feet, so I'm looking up at his perfect ass, which is about over my stomach. I watch his muscles tense and feel his piss landing on my cock and balls. This is too big a production if all he's going to do is piss on me. He leans his head back.

Now knowing what's going to happen I start begging, "Please no, please don't do this. Please, Cory, please don't." It's too late. His shit lands on my stomach. I turn my head to the side so I don't see the next one coming. The others applaud as he steps off of me, obviously finished. They stand back looking at me and I want to die with shame and embarrassment. Not having anything else to clean up with, Cory uses his underwear to wipe himself.

Steven tells him, "Make him lick your ass to make sure it's clean." They smirk at each other and this time Cory doesn't hesitate to squat over my face for me to lick his asshole clean. Fortunately, he'd done a pretty good job of it.

Ross steps up next and slowly strips off his clothes. Straddling me, he's standing a bit further back and I estimate that he's going to hit my chest. His ass is as perfect as Cory's, but has hair on it. His back is muscular and comes to a deep V. I feel his piss landing on my stomach and running down my sides. I can't help but watch even though I don't want to. I turn my face to the side a split second before it hits me in the chest. I look right into Steven's eyes. There's no pity there so I turn away again. Ross picks up my underwear to wipe his ass and teases Cory about being stupid by using his own. He squats with his hairy ass over my face to lick him clean. Once again I'm thankful that he'd done a good job of it himself.

Jesse is next. The motherfucker faces me and commands me to look up at him. This makes it much worse. It deepens the humiliation of the whole scene. I look away and he kicks me in the balls to get my attention back. It startles me more than hurts thanks to the protection of the cock cage. I'm thankful for the thing this time even though I usually hate wearing it. I struggle to keep eye contact with him. His dick dribbles piss on my face as he tightens his muscles in an effort to go. His look is evil and wicked when he lets it rip. He gives me a warning look to prevent me from looking away. He walks forward and lowers his ass to my face. I hesitate too long and he uses my hair to pull my face up into his ass crack. I lick him clean as I did the others even though my luck had run out about it being real clean.

Once he's satisfied, he steps up but stays crouched. Pulling my head up to look at myself he tells me, "That's it now. Your fate is sealed. You know what's coming and we'll always know this happened. We all know your place in the pecking order and it will never change because this can't be undone. Now we're going to untie you and you know what you're going to do. Then you'll clean up this mess and go down into the water to clean yourself up. When you're done you're going to come back here on your hands and knees, lick our feet to acknowledge our authority over you, and then we're going to fuck you mercilessly. Got that?"

I know he's right and feel the full impact of it. "Yes, Sir." They untie me and I roll over onto all fours and let their shit fall to the ground. I look up at each of them. They stand over me silent and resolute. Steven is smiling, almost daring me to do it, or not to do it. I'm not sure which. What the fuck, I've come this far. I lean down and kiss Cory's load first. I look up and his face is lit up with what I can only call glee. He looks like a little kid who just got his favorite toy for Christmas. Cory comes over to me, "That's so fucking cool. Use your tongue. I want to see your tongue touch it. He holds my head as I do it and he keeps me there longer than I would have stayed on my own.

Ross is standing with his arms crossed as I do his next. I get no reaction from him at all like it's just an expected part of things and gets no special reaction. His attitude is so stand-offish and superior.

Jesse moves next to me as I approach his. He weaves his fingers through my hair and holds me tight just above it so I have to anticipate it longer. He slowly pushes my face down until my lips make contact. He pushes me down harder until I'm pressed into it. I whimper in despair. He pulls me back and holds me just above it again. "Stick your tongue out. You leave it till I say otherwise or we do it again." He pushes me down. You could hear a pin drop. I can hear my own heart beating and think they must be able to also. He lets go of my hair. I don't move. He walks away from me and I still stay in place. I try to make my mind go blank and block everything out. I hold my position until he says it's okay to get up.

Without looking at any of them I silently move toward the lake. Cory calls me back and tosses me a small towel and a bottle of the soap he keeps in his truck to clean up. I walk with my head down and take a little longer than necessary to clean up in the lake to give myself time to get my head together.

I crawl back to them and lick each their feet as I was told to do. Compared to everything else, this shouldn't be as humbling as it is. I offer no resistance as they tie my wrists and ankles together so I'm bent in half. Tossing the rope over the limb of a tree they pull me up until I'm hanging waist level. I'm amazed at their skill as I realize the ropes aren't cutting into my wrists or ankles. Steven steps behind me lubing up with some Vaseline Cory has in the truck to lube up nuts and bolts. He pushes his dick into my ass and pulls me toward him until I'm firmly mounted on his cock. Craig steps in front and pushes his dick into my mouth. They fuck me at both ends, moving me back and forth between them until they both cum inside of me.

David and Ross go next. David fucks me up the ass while Ross fucks my face. The whole thing is kind of surreal to me as it's happening. My head is spinning with lust and desire. My whole body is quivering. I'm really close to an orgasm with David's fat dick hitting all the right spots. I'm disappointed as David shoots his load and pulls out of me. I get into sucking Ross's big, veined dick until he fires his load into my mouth. There's a lot of it so I pick my head up to swallow.

Cory slides his dick up my ass and fucks me slow and easy while Jesse is going ape shit pushing his cock down my throat. His dick is spit soaked, slick with my spit. "I want his ass." He tells Cory who relinquishes his claim to my hole. I'm assaulted with the taste of Vaseline and ass juice as Cory pushes his dick into my mouth. Jesse fucks me hard, slow, and deep. I feel my pre-cum being pushed out my dick as he fills my ass. Cory finishes himself off by jerking off on my face. I lick what I can reach of his sperm desperate to have the taste of it. I concentrate on what Jesse is doing to my ass. He's hitting all the right spots and I desperately want to climax, but fuck, I can't get over the edge with my semi hard cock trapped in the stupid cage. I hold all the tension in my muscles until he shoots his load inside of me. I exhale as he withdraws and allow myself to relax as much as I possibly can while hanging there. They just leave me hanging while they get cleaned up and dressed.

"One wish," is all Steven says to me.

I jump at the chance without thinking. "Please let me cum. Please Sir." My voice has a pathetic pleading in it but I really want to cum.

"Be careful of what you ask for." He reaches up and unties my hands from my ankles. He lowers my shoulders down leaving me hanging upside down with my wrists still tied together. He takes off the chastity cage. "Go ahead and jerk off. You can hang there until you cum." They all watch as I try to jerk off. It's hard with my hands tied together but I take hold of my dick and work it. It's not easy in this position and I start swaying back and forth and spinning around as I'm doing it. They're all laughing and goofing on me but I try to ignore them because I really want to cum. I work my dick furiously ignoring my embarrassment as they watch. It takes a while but I finally shoot my load. The orgasm is intense and I feel totally exhausted afterward.

I'm finally lowered to the ground, but not untied. They put me naked on the floor in the backseat of the truck and throw my clothes in back. They get in stepping all over me as they do. I almost fall asleep by the time we reach home. I'm actually grateful when they carry me in and put me in the cage in the basement. I think I fell asleep before they even untied me and didn't wake up until Steven came to get me in the morning.

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