Pool Table and My Balls

By NiteSearcher2000

Published on Aug 15, 2007


I wake up very early Sunday morning and try to slip out of bed without disturbing Steven. He stirs and asks, "You okay?

"Yeah... I have some stuff to do for work tomorrow, and I was trying to get it done and out of the way so we could just have the day." He rolls back over and I go into the office and focus on my strategic plan. I lose track of time until I'm done. I've been at it for several hours.

I go looking for Steven and find him lying on the sofa talking on the phone. I kneel in front of him and he swipes his foot playfully across my face. We play catch as catch can with me trying to lick or kiss his foot as he keeps moving it around. I can't figure out who he's talking to because all he keeps saying is, "yep, yeah, sure, okay, yes, right..." He finally hangs up and tells me who it was. "Your mother. She thinks you're wonderful. She wants to make sure I think you're wonderful too."

"Yeah, well she'd be right." He playfully pushes his foot in my mouth so I can't talk anymore.

"That's the good news. The bad news is she's having one of her barbeque brunches for the whole family, in your honor, to make damned sure your brothers know how wonderful you are too. What do you have to say now?"

He takes his foot out of my mouth, "That can't be good. They'll just look to get even."

"That's what I was thinking." He picks up the phone again. As soon as he starts talking I know he called Craig, "Get your circumcised dick and Jewish ass out of bed, we're going to church, and then to lunch at casa de my mother in law." I don't hear what Craig answers but Steven's response is clear, "Your other choice is I call Mom and tell her I'm worried about you... Okay, so we'll meet you at church." I can tell he's in very playful mood today.

I ask him, "Want to see my advertising strategy for work? It warrents your approval."

"My approval or my opinion?"

"Both, it will affect both of us."

I go through my whole presentation using power point, posters, mock up ad-campaigns, projections and cost analysis, and PR benefits. Steven is smart and well educated and I really do value his opinion. Plus, this will affect our personal lives if the boss man buys into it. I have his undivided attention from start to finish.

"Well, what do you think?" I'm pretty confident in the project.

"You did all this, this morning?" He asks.

"Yeah, well I started putting it together in my head yesterday as I was watching my boss work the crowd and the media. I put the finishing touches on it last night. All I had to do this morning was put together the presentation to sell it. So, what do you think?"

"I think I'm going to buy a boat and quit working and let you support me in the style I deserve." His smile is full of approval and pride. "So, basically my role in this is that I stand around, look pretty, and play the loving and supportive husband while you make gobs of money for me to spend. I can do that."

"Be serious!" I tell him.

"I am being serious. It's a great plan and a great presentation. It will raise tons of money for charity, be great PR and advertising for your company, resulting in your making more money for us. It's win/win/win all around."

"Do you think my boss will like it?"

"Unless he's an asshole, and from what I've seen he's no asshole. Let's get moving, or we'll be late."

We pick up Craig on the way to church and go in together. I'm surprised that John hasn't arrived by the end of the opening hymn, and concerned when he doesn't show at all. I check my phone to find a message from him saying that he and his boyfriend have plans and aren't showing. I feel a kind of sadness thinking that our little tradition might be coming to an end as his new relationship grows. Steven ruffles my hair in understanding and makes light of it, "You can't expect the Christians to keep coming now that the Jews are here."

"I'm actually thinking of converting." Craig chimes in.

"Oh yeah, to what? Gay?" Steven teases him.

"I didn't know that was a religion." He teases back. Steven gives him a light punch in the arm and we head to my parents.

Brunch is more like a trip through a revolving door with people arriving and leaving haphazardly. Because of the late notice of the invitation, everyone tried to squeeze it into their plans, including my parents. By three in the afternoon things are breaking up, especially since my parents are leaving to meet some friends. The only thing the day accomplished was giving my brothers lots of fodder to tease me with. Most of them were at the pool match, and we already celebrated it with dinner, so today was overkill, though the intentions were good.

Cory catches up to us as we're leaving. "What're you guys up to? Can I hang with you?"

"We're just heading back to the house. Hop in." He jumps into the car and Jesse pulls the door back open as he's closing it."

"Count me in." He roughly pushes Cory into the middle and piles into the back seat.

My door is pulled open as the back door slams closed. Ross roughly pulls me out of the front seat and calls "Shotgun!" as he jumps into the front seat. Craig pushes open the back door and pulls me back in. I crawl across their laps to fit because Steven's new beamer barely holds five, there's really no room for six. We'd have taken my SUV if we'd known we were going to pick up all these stragglers.

"Don't worry guys; as soon as we're out of visual surveillance of his mommy we'll dump him in the trunk." Steven assures them.

"Let's see if he behaves first. He can stay as long as he cooperates without complaining." Jesse pushes my face into his crotch as Cory lands a solid crack to my ass. Steven hits the accelerator and we're off. The playfulness continues as we're riding. Jesse works his dick out of his shorts and pushes my face down on his man tool. I gladly open up and take his cock in my mouth after feigning some resistance.

"No fucking fair," Complains Craig, "he's got the good end!"

Cory smacks my ass again, "I've got the good end."

"FUCK!" Yells Craig, "All I've got is his feet. This sucks!"

"No Craig old boy, this sucks!" Jesse pulls my head off his dick to illustrate his point and then pushes me down on him again. Craig smacks my ass in frustration. The fooling around continues the whole way home.

"What're we going to do to him?" Cory asks the second we pile out of the car.

"What do you want to do to him?" Steven asks.

"Lots of things!" Cory is always so enthusiastic.

Ross asks him, "What do you do, lay awake at night thinking of this shit?"

"It's all jerk off material. What do you think of when you're jerking off?"

"Not my brothers," Ross answers laughing.

"Yeah, well you're just weird!" Cory shoots back. We all look at him and burst out laughing.

"You can do what you want to him if you promise to stop talking. You're scaring me." Steven teases.

Cory goes into the garage, then down to the basement, grabbing some stuff as he goes along. "Let's go!" He says to me, and we all follow him out to the back yard. "Take your clothes off." He says it casually like it's the most ordinary thing to tell your brother to strip out of his clothes.

I pull my shirt over my head without even thinking about it and instantly have their full attention. Their reactions range from, "Holy shit!" to "What the fuck?" to "Damn!" to "Wow!"

Looking at Steven, Jesse asks him, "What'd you do, get bored and decide to redecorate?"

"There's more, Drop your pants and show them." It's embarrassing enough to have to drop my pants in front of all of them in the middle of the backyard, but the only way to show them my new tattoo is to lay on my back, lift my legs in the air, spread them apart, and pull my balls up to expose it to them. They move close to see it adding to my embarrassment. They're all standing close staring at my naked jewels and ass. Their reactions are pretty positive.

Jesse slaps him on the back and tells him, "It's about time you tagged your bitch."

Cory takes over, "Okay, let's get started. Lay him down and stretch him out spread eagled." The four of them follow Cory's directions, each pulling a different extremity until I'm spread out tight. Cory makes quick work of throwing each of them a respective wrist or ankle restraint to put on me. Then driving stakes into the ground, they clip me spread eagled to the stakes. It's an age old and simple position, but very effective. He drives a stake into the ground between my legs. I know he's good with a hammer, but it still racks my nerves to have someone swinging a hammer that close to my balls. He's a boy scout veteran, as well as a seasoned boatman, and uses a quick and efficient knot to stretch my balls and secure them to the stake between my legs.

I watch him, along with everyone else, as he gets the hose and sprinkler; setting it up so it's spraying right on me. I can't explain how or why it's so humiliating, but after just a couple of minutes it's also irritating as hell. It's cold, spraying all over me, and soaking my face. I keep blinking the water out of my eyes, blowing it out of my nose, and either swallowing, or blowing the water out of my mouth. My dick and balls are trying to retract from the cold, and my balls are pulling more. It's instinct to try to use my hands to protect my face and I'm frustrated by how tightly I'm staked out. I feel like screaming when they just settle in to chat while they're watching me. They make fun of my dick shriveling up. What the fuck would they expect to happen to it?

The fucker uses a broom stick to poke at me. He's not doing it hard, but it's irritating as hell, and for some reason it's degrading as well. He also uses the stick to press down on the rope attached to my balls, stretching them even further. He whacks the bottoms of my feet, and even though he's not really doing it that hard it hurts like a bitch. Poking at my balls is humiliating, but using the stick to stimulate my cock into boning up is totally embarrassing. The schmuck ties a thin rope to my hard-on and swings and yanks it all around. I hate what he's doing but it's enough stimulation to keep me rock hard. They're all just standing around watching and goofing about what he's doing.

Jesse speaks up, "Okay, there's something I've always wanted to do to someone, so it might as well be him. I'll go get what I need." He disappears for a few minutes and I cringe as he reappears carrying a ridiculously shaped dildo. Its dick sized, at the top but gets increasingly and ridiculously fatter as it goes down. "When you're done, I get him next."

Cory generously passes me on to Jesse. For some stupid reason they think I have to be manhandled and restrained for them to get me to do what they want. They obviously like it better that way so I struggle enough to keep them entertained. Steven must realize the same thing because he knows that I'd obey him, but just keeps quiet and watches. I'm dragged over to the high bar and secured spread eagled again, but not pulled as tight as when I was laying down.

Using the same rope and stake, my balls are pulled tight and staked to the ground, leaving my legs bent and my arms pulled up a little tighter than they were. Jesse hands the dildo to Steven and asks him if he wants to do the honors. Steven lubes the dildo and sticks the tip of it up my ass. The suction cup bottom is pressed on a stool that's been placed behind me, holding the end of the dildo up my ass. I can't pull up off the dildo without pulling my balls. The dildo gets thicker, so I hold myself up to prevent sliding down on it further. Jesse smiles at me as he holds the stick up for me, and everyone else, to see. He slips it through the rope staking my balls to the ground and twists it once. My balls are pulled tighter and I instinctively crouch down further to relieve the pressure and feel the dildo push further up my ass. They all have looks of satisfaction now that everyone understands what's going to happen.

He twists it again and I lower the least amount possible to spare my balls. The dildo gets increasingly bigger and my asshole is stretching to accommodate it. He does it again and I'm forced to crouch lower. Jesse taunts me, "Who's your favorite brother now?" I don't answer him and he slowly twists the rope more. "Who's your favorite?" He keeps twisting it slowly and my balls and ass are aching at this point. "Who's your favorite?"

"Oh fuck! Fuck! Please, oh please, no.... please... you're my favorite, you're my favorite." He stops. "Thank you, thank you." I struggle trying to get some relief but I can't yet. I know I'll adjust, and my ass will stop hurting some when I relax more.

Jesse looks at Ross, "Now that I know I'm his favorite I feel bad hurting him more. Do you want to do it?"

"Fuck yeah." Ross takes the stick from Jesse and gives it another turn. I lower further and my asshole screams as it's stretched tighter. To make it worse my legs are already getting tired and I use my arms more to hold myself up. "So little brother, if Jess is your favorite, what am I?" He turns it tighter.

"Dammit! Shit! Shit! He made me say that. He made me. You're all the same. Oh fuck, please."

Jesse looks, "So, you lied to me?" He takes the stick back from Ross. It's torture just waiting to see what he's going to do. He turns it slowly, very slowly. I hold my position as long as I can and lower myself down again. He's doing it so slowly, that I pause until I can't stand the pressure on my balls before lowering myself down on the dildo more. Reflexively, I want to pull myself up on the dildo, and effectively stretch my balls tighter every time I do it. I keep sliding further down on the dildo. He stops twisting it, and leaves me hanging there. I'm miserably uncomfortable.

Cory gets into it, "You guys suck. You're just mean to him. Let me show you why I'm his real favorite." He takes the sprinkler head off the hose and puts the nozzle back on. He aims it at my dick and pulls the trigger. A hard stream of water hits my cock. In its flaccid state, it keeps moving and he has to keep adjusting his aim to hit it. Mother fucker! My dick starts getting hard from the stimulation of the water hitting it. It gets harder and harder until I'm rock hard. He keeps the water hitting the head of it and it feels good and bad at the same time. It takes my mind off of my asshole and balls until Jess tightens it down again. I moan at the different sensations, good and bad, going through me.

Craig joins in the fun, "Remember when we used to play truth or consequences? I think this is a perfect time to play. So, fuckwad, I'm going to ask you the first question. You lie, you suffer. Simple enough, right? What's the most number of cocks you've sucked in a single day?"

I think about it for a second, "I don't know." Instantly Jesse tightens down on the rope pulling me further down the dildo. "That's the truth, I swear it! I honestly don't know."

Craig continues, "I forgot what a cock sucking whore you are. Is it more than five?

"Yes, Sir."

"More than ten?"

This is embarrassing in front of my brothers. "Yes, Sir."

"More than twenty?"

Shit! I really don't know. Very often I'm blindfolded. I don't think it can be more than twenty. "No, Sir."

Steven speaks right up. "That's bullshit."

Jesse tightens it more. Oh fuck! I feel my ass spreading open.

Ross goes next, "What's the worst thing you've ever done?"

Dammit! I really don't want to answer that question but, I know if I don't, I'm really screwed. I think about saying something else, but Steven would know, and he'll obviously rat me out again. "Licking and kissing shit."

"Oh fuck you! You didn't! You fucking pig!" Ross hits me hard with the verbal abuse. He looks at Steven, "You make him kiss your shit?"

"It wasn't mine." Steven says with a mischievous smile.

I jump in, "It wasn't yours but you made me do it!"

"Really? Do you have a safe word? Did you choose to use it?" He asks me.

"No, Sir, but..."

"No buts. Was that worse than getting fucked by a dog?" Steven interrupts me.

Craig jumps in again, "I don't think getting fucked by a dog is worse than sucking one off. Why don't you tell us, which was worse?"

Jesse twists the rope and pulls me down further, "Yeah, pig boy. Tell us which is worse."

He keeps slowly turning the rope. I answer, desperate for some relief, "Sucking the dog off was worse than getting fucked by it."

"Well tough shit little brother, because I missed it the first time a repeat performance is in your immediate future." Cory is all excited at the idea. "Whose dog was it anyway?"

"Our friends Josh and Joey have a Great Dane trained for breeding." Steven tells him.

"Well, can we get them here?" Cory persists.

"Actually, we haven't seen them in a while. They got into a spat last time they were here and we haven't seen them since."

Jesse chimes in, "Forget the dog, I want to see him suck off a horse."

"A horse?" Ross asks more shocked that Jesse suggested it than at the suggestion itself.

"Fucken A! Put that on the list too." Cory is way too enthusiastic about all this.

Steven gets in the game, "What would you rather do, suck off a horse or spend twenty four hours in the box?"

Oh fuck! I forgot about the box. That was the worst thing ever. I think about it, "Suck off a horse, Sir." Even as I say it, it sounds wrong.

"So, the box it is." Steven looks so satisfied with himself.

An involuntary moan escapes me at the thought of it. Jesse asks as he tightens the rope further, "Would you rather this or the box?" I slide further down on the dildo which is getting freakishly fat at this point. My asshole hurts like a mother fucker and my insides are clenching. My balls are stretched to the max and my legs are burning for the strain of holding myself up like this. My arms are pulled as tight as they'll go. What the fuck am I supposed to say now?

"Not the box, please. Please not the box, anything, but that. Oh fuck, this is so bad. Please no more, please." Jesse smiles as he cranks me just a little further. I continue to beg incoherently as they let me hang there to endure it longer. Cory keeps using the hose to keep me boned. I try to concentrate on my cock instead of my aching balls and asshole, but it's hard to do.

"Take this," Jesse tells Ross as he hands him the stick he's using to crank me down lower. He pulls the stool out from under me letting the dildo slide out. It's such a relief! He puts the stool back and pulls off his pants and underwear. He's got a raging hard on. "Raise him back up and lower him onto this." He grabs his cock and swings it around for effect. He tells Cory, "Cut the hose off, I want him to know he's getting fucked."

Ross untwists the rope, allowing me to stand up straighter, until Jesse is in position sitting on the stool behind me, sitting with his legs spread. Ross tightens the rope around my balls lowering me onto Jesse's cock. It slides easily up my ass. "Work it asshole. Move up and down on my cock."

I straighten up a bit to slide up his cock, but my balls are staked to the ground, so I slide down again.

"More asshole, bob up and down on my dick. Work my shaft," Jesse commands.

I try it again, "My balls are pulled too tight. I can't move more than this." I figure if I explain it they'll fix it.

"I don't give a flying fuck about your balls. Start working my shaft or I'll pound your balls into the ground." He pushes me up hard, yanking my balls, and lets me slide down on his shaft again. "Either you do it or I will." He pushes me up harder this time yanking my balls even further. I take over trying to avoid his roughness. I slide up and down on his shaft. It feels good up my ass compared to the dildo. I concentrate on his dick up my ass and try to ignore the yanking on my balls. I keep a steady rhythm, clamping my ass ring around his cock. My legs are burning from the effort, and I use my arms as much as possible. His breathing increases and I feel his muscles tighten. He pulls me all the way down onto his dick until I'm sitting on his crotch and he's balls deep into my ass. I feel him shudder as he shoots inside of me. He holds me down like that until his orgasm ebbs completely. Then he lifts me off of him, pulling the hell out of my balls, until he pops his cock out of my ass. I sit back down on the stool finally getting some relief.

"I know what I want to do," Cory pipes up, "but I'll need someone else to help. I want to double fuck him. I've always wanted to do that." He looks around at everyone and seems confused that everyone is stunned by what he said. I'm even wondering myself if a straight man would really think of wanting to do half the things he wants to try.

"What the fuck, I'm in!" Craig starts stripping out of his clothes as Jesse is putting his back on.

Steven helps, "It's harder than it sounds. Let's go downstairs. It'll be easier there." I'm released and follow them down to the dungeon space in the basement rubbing my sore balls the whole way. Steven continues to coordinate the effort and tells Cory to get naked and lay back on a higher version of a weight lifting bench. He then makes me straddle Cory and impale myself on his dick. It's pretty easy as he's rock hard and I'm pretty well opened up already. "Now lean forward." I brace myself with my arms on either side of Cory and lean forward. Cory's body is slim and tight and I'm taken with how good looking he is. I also notice that he's trimmed out his bush and his pelvis is sleek. Steven looks at Craig, "It all up to you. Lube up, and get it in there, if you can."

Craig approaches hesitantly until he finds the right position. He tries several times to slide his dick into my asshole, which Cory already has stretched pretty tight. He slides me up until only the head of Cory's dick is in me and pops his cockhead in at the same time. I slowly lower myself onto their two dicks at once. They seem to understand instinctively that I need to do it slow and easy. I slide all the way down on both of them and give myself a couple of seconds to adjust. I slide up and down a few times. It hurts, but it's bearable.

Once I'm ready, I tell them, "Go ahead, fuck me."

It's harder for Cory to move, but Craig slides his dick back and pushes it in again. Cory moans each time as Craig does it, "That feels so fucking awesome. Oh fuck yeah! Keep doing that." Craig is encouraged by Cory and keeps fucking me slow and easy. I watch Cory's pleasure as Craig slides his dick, rubbing up the length of Cory's shaft, held tight by my tight ass ring. Cory moves slowly toward an orgasm with his muscles tightening, and his dick engorging more inside me. He must be pressing on my prostate as a line of thick, white, cum is hanging from my dick which is not quite hard. Even though this is hot as hell, I can't quite maintain an erection with both of them inside of me. The string of cum is stretching toward Cory's stomach, so I scoop it up on my finger and bring it to my mouth before it lands on him.

Cory moans deep and guttural as he blows his load inside me. Craig doesn't stop fucking me and Cory's orgasm is stretched out longer by the continued stimulation. Cory stays inside me, crosses his arms behind his head, and continues watching, as Craig continues to fuck me. Cory's dick deflates slightly, and his semi allows more room for Craig to pick up the pace. Craig tightens and shoots his load inside me too. He takes a minute to recuperate before pulling out of me.

I lift myself off of Cory, letting his dick slide out. His cock is covered in cum, probably a combination of his own, Craig's, and even Jesse's. Looking down at his own dick, Cory tells me, "Lick it off little brother. No offence Craig, but it's pretty disgusting having another guy's spooge all over my dick."

Before I even think about it, I blurt out, "Oh come on; you can't be serious?"

"If you can do disgusting stuff, like lick shit, and suck off a dog, you can use your mouth to clean your brother's dick. So, shut the fuck up and do what you're told before I think of other things to use that mouth for." I do as I'm told as he lays there and everyone else watches. "That's it; lick it all up, better in your mouth than on my dick." Yeah, better for him, maybe...

When I'm done licking and sucking Cory's dick clean, Ross tosses me a damp towel. "Clean yourself up and make sure you rinse that mouth out. I'm up next and you're not coming near me with that disgusting mouth." He looks at Steven, "You kiss that mouth?" Steven shoots him double birds as everyone laughs. I clean up and rinse my mouth as I've been told to do, and present myself to Ross.

"Seems to me that my interests are plain and simple compared to these guys." He leans comfortably back on the table. "Legs spread, hands behind your back." I obey his simple command and assume the position. I make sure to have my knees bent slightly, and to lean forward to look submissive rather than arrogant. He smiles. It's a simple gesture but it makes me feel good.

He takes my balls in his hand. "These must be sore from the abuse they've gotten." He tightens his grip a bit putting some pressure on them. He's staring me right in the eyes as he does it. He clamps down tighter and I cringe a bit at the pressure and pain, but hold my position. He tightens more and I bow down a bit from the pain. "Does it hurt?" He's obviously not expecting a verbal answer as he clamps down hard and I instinctively lower myself down further. I fight back moaning in pain by holding my breath. He let's go and I straighten back up and compose myself bracing for whatever might be coming next.

"Brace yourself little brother because that was just the prelude." He regains his grip on my balls and clamps down on them. I hold myself steady for as long as possible, but as he squeezes harder I reflexively start doubling over and bending further at the knee. I moan in pain. He tightens more and I start begging him for some relief. He holds his grip hard and steady and I instinctively use my hand to grasp his wrist. His voice is low and menacing, "Get your fucking hands behind your back and keep them there or this will go from painful to punishing in a fucking heart beat." I pull my hands behind my back and clasp them together tightly so I don't make the same mistake again.

I bend further at the waist and at my knees. I lay my head against his arm for balance, but even more to feel more connected to him. I kiss his arm, I don't even know why, but it helps. He continues increasing the pressure and I slide down his arm onto my knees. His voice is soft and soothing, "That's better. Don't you feel better on your knees bowing down before me? Now you're where you belong, right?" He's bending over me still clutching my balls tightly in his hand. Using his other hand he pulls my face into his crotch, "Kiss it. That's it, kiss and nuzzle into my crotch. Smell it. Get your face up into it." I nuzzle against the denim of his genes feeling his balls and hard-on under the soft fabric. "You need to go lower." I don't know what he means but his grip gets vice-like hard on my balls. I slide my face down his legs, and curl up at his feet making sure to keep my hands behind my back. "That's it, you should be down on the floor serving and suffering at a man's feet. Kiss my feet. Lick them. Show me you know your place. I'm going to really make you hurt now. I want you to take it until I'm satisfied you know your place. No... don't stop kissing my feet. You keep kissing them and taking it." He traps one of my balls between his fingers and clamps down on it with his thumb. The pain is intense and mind numbing. I lay my open mouth and tongue on his foot and sob into it. This is so fucking intense emotionally and physically. Just as I think I'm going to scream he lets go. I stay where I am, and as I regain myself, I kiss his feet more.

"Stand up in position again." I quickly obey him. My face is soaked in sweat, tears, and my own saliva. He stares down on me. I look down to avoid his gaze. Open my pants and take them off for me." Without looking him in the eye, I unsnap and zip down his pants. He's not wearing underwear and his big dick flops out. I drop to my knees to lower his pants, "Kiss it; brush your lips along my cock. Keep your lips against it as you take my pants off for me." I brush my open lips along his shaft as I lower his pants. He steps out of them and I push them aside.

He slides himself up on the table, swings his legs up, and lies down. He motions me up with his hand and I stand beside the table. Ross is muscular and hairy, very masculine in every way; intimidating, even. I stand beside him waiting for directions. He reaches with his hand and clasps my balls again. "So little brother, this is how this is going to go. I'm going to make you hurt, and I do mean hurt bad. While I'm doing that, you're going to use your hands and your mouth on my cock and balls to make me feel good, and I do mean really good." He clamps down on my balls. "Come on boy, do it. You know how..."

I double over in pain and put my face to his dick. I squirm as I adjust to the pain, and I'm careful to be very gentle with his balls. I kiss and lick his dick and balls. He squeezes much tighter and I gasp in pain burying my face in the crook of his thigh. I open my mouth and lick the soft skin there. I'm ever so gentle with my hands caressing his jewels. I move my mouth over his shaft and slide it gently along the length of it. I take him in my mouth as I reach the top and slide him in deep and down my throat. The pain in my balls racks through me and I lower further down on his dick. I'm holding my breath against the pain and it actually makes it easier to have his cock so far down my throat.

He eases up slightly and I rise up his dick, but the next wave of pain has me sucking him back down again. We keep up this pattern. I keep caressing him with my hands running them across his balls and the base of his shaft. The pain is making my eyes tear and my mouth water. His dick and balls are slick with my spit and my hand glides over them easily. His cock is pulsing in my mouth and the head is flared in tight definition. There's no extra skin left as his cock hits full mast. I hold him as long as I can at the very edge of his orgasm until he clamps down so hard on my balls that I swallow his dick all the way down. I feel his cock pulsing in my mouth as he shoots his load. He's quiet and rigid through the whole orgasm, with his hands clamped down like a vice on my balls. I push my face hard into his crotch in my effort to cope with the pain and to stifle my sobs.

He eases up some on my balls as he tells me, "Keep kissing it. Kiss my dick and balls. Easy dumbfuck, it's real sensitive. Kiss the tip. Work your tongue in my slit and take what's left. That's the boy. How bad did it hurt?"

My voice cracks as I answer him, "Real bad!"

"Good. As bad as your balls hurt you is as good as it felt to me." He lets go of my balls and I keep kissing his dick until he sits up. "Give me my pants." I hand them to him and he pulls them on. Once again I'm the only one left naked. I stand with my hands behind my back in a very submissive position. This experience, for some reason, was particularly humbling and humiliating.

Ross explains, "That was very fucking hot! What a power trip to literally have another man by the balls and make him do whatever you want. It doesn't get better than that!" They all agree with him and share similar feelings as I just continue to stand there and listen. They're full of energy as they fuel their power trip by bragging to each other. I say nothing.

Steven moves the evening forward by grabbing each of them a beer from the fridge and telling me, "You, crawl to get a drink out of the toilet bowl, then crawl back in here for us." I hear them laughing and bragging more as I crawl into the bathroom. I console myself by calling them names in my head: schmucks, assholes, pricks, bastards, morons, braggarts, brats, bullies, shitheads... I continue doing that until it becomes almost funny to me. I think about not taking a drink, but I am really thirsty. No sense spiting myself, so I lean in and take a good long drink.

"You're so fucken good." I jump up to see Cory leaning against the doorframe watching me. He steps up to the bowl and whips his dick out. "Amazing isn't it? Your soft drink dispenser is my piss pot." He pisses into the bowl with me right in front of him. "Lick off those few drops for me." He holds his dick out for me without shaking off the last few drops. What the fuck? I lick his dick clean. "Good boy." He flushes the toilet, "It's like magic, now it's your water fountain again. Go ahead and rinse your mouth out in case someone wants to stick something in it." He walks out with a wink and a smile. I follow him out.

"On your back," is Steven's simple instruction. I lay on the floor and a simple X-strap is used to secure my wrist and ankle restraints to each other, leaving my arms and legs up in the air. "I've been wanting to try this out," Steven explains as he lowers an electric winch. He clips the center of the X-strap to the hook on the winch and raises me up off the floor by my wrists and ankles. This position is uncomfortable and humiliating as hell. He raises me up until my ass is level with his crotch, so it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what's happening next. I keep my knees and elbows bent to ease the pressure on my joints and watch him strip off his clothes. He takes his time and makes a show of lubing up my asshole and his dick, working his dick up to a full erection. He steps into me; he just walks into my ass making his dick go straight up my hole, and then steps back again letting his cock pop back out.

"This is better than I expected." He steps into me again, and then takes another step forward so I'm being pushed back with his dick up my ass. He uses his hands to push on my ass to slide me off his cock, and then lets go so I drop back onto it. He does this several times. Staying in one place he slides me back and forth on his dick, fucking me by moving me back and forth. "I want his ass more accessible." He uses a leather belt around my knees and elbows, pulling them tightly together, making my ass stick out further. He fucks into me hard, "That's better. I want you to know you're being fucked." He continues to fuck me hard like that. "His cock and balls are flopping all around, hand me some rope." He ties the rope around my jewels and tosses the rope over the hook that's holding my wrists and ankles. Pulling it tight, I raise my crotch up further to ease the tension on my balls. "Fucken A! That's much better."

He works me hard over his dick, sliding me back and forth on it. I definitely know I'm being fucked, and fucked hard. He breaks his stride and says, "This is great, but I'm feeling guilty." I'm shocked at his sensitivity to me until he continues, "Anyone else want to try it?" Why would I think he was feeling guilty on my behalf?

Cory jumps at it, "Fuck yeah! I was wondering if you were ever going to ask." He peels out of his pants again in a heartbeat. Steven spins my ass toward him and Cory pulls me onto his dick, which of course is already hard again."

Craig is already pulling his pants off as he says, "Count me in." Cory hands me off to him and he puts his cock up my ass. Of course Ross and Jesse won't be outdone and join the circle with the others. They each fuck into me a times and then pass me on to the next one. I have no control over what's happening or say in which one of them is up my ass at any given time. My hole is very accessible in this position and has been used enough tonight to open right up for each of them. They try to outdo each other with how hard, or how fast, or how far they can pull out before slamming back in.

I end up back at Steven, who really fucks me intensely. I can tell he's going for results and works me in a strong, steady rhythm over his dick. He pulls me tight against him as he shoots inside of me. He hands me off to Craig when he's done. Craig works me slower and easier until his orgasm climaxes. He hands me off to Cory as he steps out of the circle and sits with Steven. Cory rapid fucks me like a dog in heat. He pistons in and out of me really fast and It doesn't take him long to fire another load up my ass.

Jesse pounds his dick into me, making me swing and bounce off of him. He just power fucks me. He digs his hands hard into my hips and works me hard on his cock. He pushes me off of him, grabs his dick, and jerks it off until he shoots his load. The bastard catches his cum in his hand and wipes it across my mouth, pushing his fingers in. He holds them in my mouth until I lick them clean.

Ross steps up holding a small flogger. I immediately start begging, "Oh please no, please. Not that. I'm already miserable." He steps up and slides his cock into me. Leaving it there, he slashes the flogger down on the backs of my thighs. I jerk around on his dick, which seems to be what he was hoping for. He slaps it down on my balls every few strokes and I squeal each time he does it. "Oh please, Sir, please, not that, please. Oh fuck I can't stand it." He slides in and out of me and shoots very quickly once he does.

I'm so relieved they're all done. They sit on the floor all around me, but don't let me down. I'm hanging above them as they sit around, grab drinks, get cleaned up and dressed. I don't dare ask to be let down, but I'm seriously hoping it's soon.

Cory says, "That was hot. I think we should make a list of all the things we want to do to him."

"A list," asks Ross?

"Yeah, a list. This way we know what we want to do and can plan accordingly," Cory explains.

"What would be on this list," Ross asks him?

"Well, we already know that we want to see him suck off and get fucked by the dog again. And we also want to see him suck off a horse if we can arrange that."

Steven interrupts, "I'm pretty sure we can, by the way."

"Cool," says Cory enthusiastically. "Also, the shit thing. He's gotta kiss my shit, all of ours. It's like the ultimate respect and submission ritual. It cements all of our places in this relationship."

"It does, does it?' Ross sounds amused.

Jesse jumps in, "I agree with Cory. It defines his role more clearly. The horse and dog thing, well hell, it's just a good photo opportunity as far as I'm concerned. How often in life do you get to see something like that? I mean, what are the odds of finding someone who will do it, and a horse or dog that will let it happen? If the opportunity presents itself I think we should take advantage of it."

Steven pipes in, "Speaking of videos, I have one for you guys to watch. Get a TV and VCR set up down here. I'll order some pizzas, and find the video I want you to watch. It'll be fun, for us anyway. I don't think he's gonna like it." He smacks my ass as he says it. They leave me hanging there as they go upstairs to get everything done. I hang there by myself, and miserable, knowing that he's going to show them the video Josh took of me and their dog. Fuck! I take a deep breath and work at getting into the right head space for what's going to happen.

They carry down the television and the VCR, set them up, and hang around talking until the pizza arrives. They gather around in front of the television and watch the tape as they eat their pizza. I'm pretty much ignored except for the comments they make about what they're watching. I can't really see the TV, but can tell that Steven started the video at the point where we were already at the club. FUCK! It shows me asking for it, begging for it! It looks like I really want it to happen and that I did it all like it came naturally, instead of Joey directing it. Shit... it even shows me thanking them for it and drinking form the dog's dish along with the dog. Dammit! It looks so fucking incriminating against me.

I squirm around trying to shift my weight. This fucking position is getting more uncomfortable by the minute. The embarrassment of the video is overriding the embarrassment of hanging here naked, exposed, and vulnerable. I amaze myself by thinking about how good the pizza smells and how hungry I am. I'm disappointed when I hear Cory ask if anyone else wants the last piece.

They gather back when the movie ends. Jesse says, "You fucking little low life piece of shit! I can't fucking believe you did that. That clears the way for everything else we have planned for you, as far as I'm concerned."

"Shit yeah!" Cory's all excited. "It's no holds barred from now on."

"You so fucking deserve to be punished for that," Ross threatens.

I try to defend myself, "I was punished for it, severely. It's not like I wanted to do it. It's no fucking fair, you make me do stuff and then you punish me for it."

Steven responds, "Sounds perfectly fair to me, it's the price you pay for being a pig."

"My turn," Craig chimes in. Everyone watches him as he reappears with some stuff in his hand. "Just about anything can be used against him." Craig opens a small bottle. The smell is familiar but I can't place it. He dips a q-tip into it and comes at my cock. Holding my dick in his hand, he inserts the wetted q-tip into my piss hole. He works it in, and down, twirling it slowly as he goes. He slides it out, takes a new one, and does it again. It's not bad; in fact it doesn't feel like anything. He dips another one, and rubs it all over the head of my dick and under the crown. Another one is dipped and rubbed down the length of my shaft. "Let him down a little."

They let me down to where just my upper back is down on the floor. Craig releases my right hand and commands me, "Jerk off. You have five minutes to cum. If you don't cum in five minutes the chastity device goes back on and stays on all week. Start now." He looks so pleased with himself.

I'm horny as hell and confident I can cum in five minutes. I grab hold of my dick and start jerking... nothing! I feel nothing! My whole dick is numb. I can't even feel my own hand jerking it. I work it harder and rougher and still feel nothing. "FUCK! What did you do? I can't feel anything. I don't feel anything!"

"Canker sore relief medicine. It's amazing, isn't it? You have four minutes."

I'm totally frustrated that I can't feel anything. I work my dick feverishly. It's hard, I'm horny, I'm jerking it off, and nothing is happening! Fuck! I feel like screaming. They're all laughing at me.

"Three minutes." Dammit! I keep trying. I try different strokes. Nothing works. "Two minutes." I give up in total frustration.

A belt slashes hard across my ass and I grit my teeth against the sudden and searing pain. "Who said you can stop?" I grab my cock and start jerking it again. I still feel nothing. "One minute." I'm not even hard anymore. I'm jerking a limp dick. Even under these circumstances It is totally humiliating that I can't maintain an erection or achieve orgasm. "Time's up."

My hand is pulled away and re-secured to the X-strap over my head. Steven moves in with the chastity device. I know I shouldn't, but, "Please no. Please. This isn't fair. I couldn't feel anything, there's no way I could have cum. You all got to cum twice. Please let me cum." It doesn't even give him pause as he puts it on me. I desperately try again, "I'm so fucking horny. Please let me cum."

"I won't let you cum, but I'll fix it so you're not horny anymore." Steven's voice is resolute and I know I'm really fucked now.

My arms are released from the X-strap and re-secured behind my back. My legs are released and re-secured to each other. Steven and Craig drag me roughly over to the water chamber. I beg more as they put me in it, and close the door to it. The shock of the cold water spraying over me takes my breath away. Oh fuck, I can't believe it! I fucking hate this! The water pools under me as the cold spay keeps hitting me. My arms are pinned underneath me and my legs are secured to each other so I can't even curl up against the cold. The fucking water is freezing. My dick is shriveling up, my balls are pulled up in my body, my nipples are hard as a rock, and I'm covered in goose bumps. My teeth start chattering, a little before my body starts shivering. I can't stand the water spraying into my face, but there's nothing I can do to block it. I look out the window to see them alternating between watching me and watching the video again.

I know how long the video is and figure I'm in here till the end of it. My heart sinks as it ends and they still make no move to let me out. They just sit around talking while I'm freezing my ass off! The water hitting my face is driving me nuts! Fuck! I'm so pissed at myself for fucking up.

They finally shut the water and pull me out. "Still horny," Steven asks me?

"No, Sir, and I'm really sorry."

"Not sorry enough, yet." He and the others manhandle me and drag me over to the cage. I look at him desperately, but say nothing more as I'm put into the dog cage. I struggle to find any comfort I can laying on the bottom of the cage, with my legs folded on top of me, so I'll fit. My arms are pinned underneath me. "Now how sorry are you?"

"Very sorry, Sir." I'm being totally sincere.

"Good." They leave me there and go upstairs.

Next: Chapter 41

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