Pool Table and My Balls

By NiteSearcher2000

Published on Jan 30, 2005


This story in not completely fictional. Nor is it the truth and nothing but the truth. The names have definitely been changed to protect the guilty. We are all disease free and stay that way by protecting ourselves whenever we play with anyone but each other. Descriptions of unprotected sex are fictional because I'm imaginative and not stupid.

You know the rules... Don't read this if you're a minor or are offended by gay or BDSM expression. Don't even think about reproducing or publishing it without my permission. Remember, I have sadistic friends who like to punish people! <>

Chapter 4: My New Life

He drove us back to my house in silence. He got out before me and used his key to open the door to let us in. I felt very self conscious getting out of the car and walking into my house in just my jeans. I had lots of visible bruises and was wearing the chain collar around my neck. I just smiled and waved to my neighbors as usual as I hurried toward the door. If anyone noticed anything they didn't show it.

He was already sitting on the sofa when I entered. "Take your pants off. I want to see what we did to you." I take a deep breath and open my pants. We've been friends a long time and I'm not used to stripping naked in front of him. Besides, this is like the first step toward bringing what happened into real life. I step out of my pants. He motions with his finger and I drop to my knees. He comes to me and takes my arms and positions them behind my head. He uses his foot to push at my waist making me bend over slightly. I wonder if this position looks as submissive as it feels.

He examines me very closely. He touches some of the more pronounced bruises and welts. "WOW! We really did a number on you. Are you okay?" He sits on the sofa again.

"Yeah. I'm really okay. A little sore but fine otherwise." It's the truth but it's not the whole truth. I decide to tell him everything. "To be honest, I feel better than I have in a long time. I feel alive! I feel excited and energized. I feel like I'm actually living instead of just coasting and going through the motions. I'd been feeling bored and restless and I don't feel that way anymore." He sits back and smiles.

"Me too. This week's been awesome. I'm going to be honest here too. I really liked hurting and humiliating you. I don't feel bad about it at all. In fact, I want to hurt you more. I'm looking at your bruises and I want to add to them. I don't want to harm you in any way, but I really like seeing you suffering and miserable. You've always been so fucking cocky and arrogant it's great to watch you be humbled in every way." I look down at my dick and he follows my gaze to my full erection. He does his own dick adjustment to allow for his erection as well.

"Okay, so we have to make this work because we both want and need it. First, some rules. You can't call me Steven anymore. Not ever. You figure it out depending on the situation, but it better be respectful or you'll pay." I nod my acceptance. "Next, you don't jerk off anymore without asking me first. I decide if it's okay. For you that's a privilege and it's up to me if you deserve it or not." Shit! I jerk off more than I want to admit. The idea of asking him each time is embarrassing. To have to ask him at all is humiliating. I no longer have the right to do something that just about every guy does whenever he wants. I take a deep breath and agree to it. "From now on you always wear a jock. I intend to kick you in the balls whenever I want and I want to know where your balls are." My dick bounces involuntarily as he talks. I nod again. "I want obedience. I'll be as free as the situation allows and as discreet as the situation allows, but I want obedience from you. You do everything I tell you to do or you'd better have a damned good reason for not doing it." I agree again.

"Lastly, if you need a beating tell me. If you need more pain tell me. I know you need it and you know I like giving it to you. I'm going to be looking for every opportunity to make you suffer. Don't fuck up on purpose to get punished. If I have to beat you to punish you for fucking up it will be a real punishment and it won't be fun for either one of us. Do you understand me?"

"Yes Sir. I do understand.

"Is there anything you want or need to say? Now's your chance."

"How do I let you know if it's going too far or if I need it to stop?

"I'm not going to let anything harm you. You have to trust that. If something is going wrong call out my name. I'll get the message very quickly." I'm comfortable with that.

"You must be starving, let's go get something to eat." I pull my pants back on and he tells me my other clothes are in the back seat of the car and I can finish getting dressed when we get to the restaurant. I walk out half naked and again wave to the neighbors. This time they look at me strangely. The changes are subtle but definitely there. He used his key to lock my door. He grabbed my shoulder and moved me a step behind him. He stepped aside to let me open the door for him and didn't thank me for my politeness. He did all the talking at the restaurant and ordered for me. He ordered me water to drink and when the waiter walked away he told me, "Oh yeah. You're not allowed to drink soda anymore just because I say so." He knows I love soda and hate drinking water. "Be thankful it's not urine." He reminded me to be thankful it's not worse. It can always be worse.

We had typical conversation through dinner. "Make sure you go to the gym in the morning. I don't want any excuses."

"How am I supposed to do that with all these bruises? How will I explain them, Sir?"

"Not my problem. You figure it out. You can't hide from your own life and bruises are now a part of your existence."

"Also, come to my place after work tomorrow. We owe John, Jimmy and Cliff an explanation and an opportunity to accept the new order of things." I sink in my seat. We've been through this and I know how he feels so there's no point in telling him how I feel. I guess this is part of his being in control now. I respectfully tell him I'll be there.

My mood lifts when he asks if we're still on for shooting pool this week. We alternate between Tuesdays and Thursdays and this week we're scheduled to play Thursday. I'm looking forward to it as always.

He follows me in when he drops me off. He tells me to strip and kneel before him. I do as I'm told. "I have to hurt you, you know that." My heart races. I look down at the floor not knowing what's coming. I do nothing to resist him. He let's the tension hang in the air and enjoys my fear and dread. He punches me in my right arm! Of fuck it hurts! I get back in position and he does it again in the exact same spot. I moan in pain but don't move. He punches me again. I drop back on my legs and grab my arm. "Tell me when you're ready. I take my hand away giving him access to my arm but stay back on my legs knowing I'd fall over if I get hit again. "Get up." I obediently rise up to my knees as I'm told and he lands another punch to my arm. I crumble over on my side holding my arm desperate for some relief. He just watches me writhe in pain until it subsides a bit. "One in the arm again, or three someplace else?" I sob at the thought of more. I move my hand so he knows my answer. I explode in pain as he punches me again and my arm cramps and spasms. I roll around on the floor crying until it subsides a bit. He watches until I'm lying still and my sobs reduce to sniffling before he leaves without saying anything. I lay there for a long time before going upstairs to sit in a piping hot bath in my Jacuzzi. The water feels great swirling around my body. I think about the day and my dick rises to the occasion. It bobs around in the swirling water. My hand moves instinctively toward it but the pain in my arm reminds me of the rules. Of course he knows I'm right handed and that it would hurt when I did anything. I think about it for a while and pick up the phone. He's on speed dial. "Sir, may I please jerk off? Please." I'm embarrassed to ask but too horny to sleep.

I can hear his smile in his voice. "Of course, but you can only use your right arm. If you cum you have to eat it all. Enjoy." The receiver clicked.

My arm hurt like hell and kept cramping as I tried to jerk off. I had to keep stopping and it took forever until I finally came. I looked at my hand full of cum disgusted at the thought of having to eat it. I finally swallowed it all. I lay in bed tossing and turning. Every position hurt someplace. My arm was killing me. I kept thinking about the weekend and my dick was rock hard again. I looked at the clock and decided I'd better not call him again. I finally fell asleep and woke awhile later feeling wet. I reached for my dick and it was slick with pre-cum. I smiled to myself and fell back to sleep feeling content. I slept like a rock the rest of the night.

The phone rang about thirty minutes before my alarm clock is set to go off. My arm screamed in protest as I reached for it. I glance at the display and know it's him. "Hello, Sir." I say into the receiver while rubbing my arm.

"I figured you need to get up early this morning. You might not move as fast as usual. Don't even think about skipping the gym. I'll see you there." He hung up before I could say anything.

He was right. I was sore and stiff and moving slow. I stood under the hot shower forever. I looked at myself in the mirror and I still had lots of visible bruises. My ass was covered in black and blues. There were some on my upper legs too. I had a number of reddened welts on my back, both my sides, and both my legs. The black and blue on my right arm was huge. I try calling him before heading out to the gym thinking I shouldn't go and I'm shocked at his message on his machine, "I'm not interested in any excuses just do what you're supposed to do. If you still want to leave a message you can. Either way, I have caller ID so I'll still know you called and you'll have to pay for it." FUCK! I scream as I slam the receiver down. I jump when the pone rings a split second later and the display says it's him. I sit down on the bed with a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach because I know I'm fucked.

I pick up the phone begging, "SIR, I'm sorry! I'm really sorry. I know I fucked up. I swear I'll never do it again. Please forgive me, Please!"

"Of course I forgive you. Everyone fucks up." I'm so relieved and grateful for his understanding. "Your punishment will be severe simply to remind you of the lesson you just learned. Think of it as a teaching tool." He hangs up on me.

I grab my stuff and head to the gym totally pissed at myself for fucking up so soon. I deserve to be punished for being so stupid.

I walk into the gym all bright and chipper with a plan I came up with in the car. I catch up to Steven in the locker room. In my brightest, cheeriest voice I greet him, "Good morning, Sir! How are you this fine day?" I see the smile on his face as he appreciates my ingenuity. I stow my stuff in a locker and go out to the floor. He and I never work out together as he likes to concentrate on his workout. I really struggle through my work out because I'm so sore. I'm also sweating like a pig because I wore sweat pants and a long sleeved shirt to cover up my bruising.

I go to the locker room to get my stuff figuring I'll shower back at home and run into Steven right by my locker talking to Dan, one of the trainers we both know. I bow to them and say, "Good morning gentlemen." Again his lips curl slightly. I open my locker to grab my stuff feeling pretty good about things.

Steven has plans of his own. "Hey Dude! I was just telling Dan about the bet you made the other night." I freeze in place. I can't believe he told him. I turn to look at them knowing I'm fucked.

"Yeah. It was really stupid of me."

"It really was. I've always said your attitude and arrogance would get you into trouble. It's an invitation for someone to take you down a peg and put you in your place. Don't you think so Dan?" Dan nods in full agreement.

Steven continues,"I have to say I really respect how you owned up to it and took it like a man. Show Dan your battle scars. You should be proud of them." Fuck it! He's right! I should be proud of them! I peel off my sweat shirt and hear a collective gasp from everyone who can see me. Others gather around to see for themselves. "That's nothing, show them the rest." I drop my pants in front of all the guys gathered around and they all comment again. I'm wearing a jock like I was told so they see how black and blue my ass is and examine it and my other bruises asking me for details about what happened." I give vague answers telling them I'm okay.

Steven doesn't let up. "The one on your arm is a real beauty. It must have been a hell of a man who gave you that one." I just let him go on. "How're your balls? Are they still all red and swollen?"

"Yes Sir, they are." I know it's coming so I remove my jock and stand naked in front of all of them. My balls are still a little red and I have some welts surrounding them from the flogger. They're not actually swollen, just big, but they comment on how swollen they are." My dick starts coming to life as they talk about how much it must have hurt and I try to find a way to cover myself. My stuff is in front of Steven and he has his hands over it so I can't grab anything.

"Maybe you guys can help us settle something. I'm supposed to punch him three times to satisfy the bet. He says I should do it so he can put it behind him. He says he feels like a cheat if I don't do it. I just can't make myself do it though. He says if I was a good friend I'd do it. What do you guys think?" Shit! Is all I can think. They all join in and try to convince him that he has to do it or I have no honor. I'm amazed as he pulls it off.

"I guess you're right." He tells me. "Let's get this over with before I chicken out again. Where do you want it?"

I'm trying to keep my hands in front of my inflating dick. How can I possibly explain an erection in this situation? "You get to decide. It's part of the bet."

"I didn't know that. I guess your right leg; it has the fewest bruises on it." I lean against the lockers as I prepare for what's coming. He lands a solid shot to my thigh. I try not to react too much at the pain. "Tell me when you're ready." I look around at everyone watching. Guys seem to be fascinated by seeing someone get punched. I nod and another blow lands in the exact same spot and my leg cramps right up. I lean against the locker for support and pull my leg up to try to get some relief. "I can't do it. I can't hit you again."

Dan tries to convince him, "You gotta do it, man. He's come too far to stop now." The others join in trying to convince him. I know it's coming anyway.

"Please do it. Please. I need for you to do it." I beg for it. He delivers. I curl up against the locker as much to hide my raging hard on as to steady myself. Dan grabs me and pulls me away from the locker in an effort to get me to sit down. I see the reaction as the others see my dick fully erect. They turn and walk away from me. I'm left with just Steven and Dan looking down on me.

Dan looks at Steven smiling and gives him a high five as he walks away. Steven smiles at me and tells me to go shower. He's gone when I get back. The black and blue on my leg is almost the same size as my arm. As I'm dressing a couple of guys come in and ask what happened. I tell them I lost a bet.

I grow increasingly anxious as the day passes. It isn't going to be easy to face my friends. I understand Steven's point but it still won't be easy for me to do. I can tell from the cars parked out front that I'm the last to arrive. I take a deep breath and walk in. They're all sitting so I just stand by the door to see how I'm going to be received.

Steven brings me into the conversation. "I've told them everything. They're okay with it." I look at them and they look okay. "Take your clothes off so they can see you." I take a deep breath. I unbutton my shirt and pull it off. Their reaction is subtle but definitely there. Cliff leans forward while Jimmy sits back. John is watching intently and rocking slightly back and forth. I kick off my sneakers and bend over to pull off my socks. I pile my clothes together. I open my pants and drop them. I step out of them. Cliff says, "Fucken A!" John leans all the way forward and says, "Holy Shit!" My dick is almost hard by the time I pull my jockstrap down. This is it. I'm standing completely naked in front of my friends, there's definitely no turning back now. Steven snaps his fingers and I drop down to my knees. I put my hands behind my head and bend slightly at the waist. They stare at me intently. John gets up and walks around me looking intently at all my bruises. Cliff joins him all excited. "I want to watch! Oh man I gotta see this!" Cliff tells Steven. John tells him he wants to see it too.

Steven takes his belt off. "Go upstairs and lay face down on the bed in the guest room." I do as I'm told. I lay naked on the single bed in the middle of the room waiting for them to come up. All of the other furniture has been taken out of the room. They come up without Jimmy. I'm guessing he left. John and Cliff stand against the wall to watch. Steven lashes his folded belt across my back. The blows are hard and stinging, but not brutal. He lands blow after blow. He completely covers every inch of my body from my neck down to my feet. He just keeps at it relentlessly. He offers the belt to John who takes it willingly. Steven steps back to watch John continue to punish me. I can't believe how much my life has changed in just a week. My entire backside is on fire. John hands the belt back to Steven.

"Roll over." I lay on my back showing all of them my erection. Steven lands the belt across my stomach and continues to belt me across my front as completely as he'd done my back. I watch him inflict this pain on me. I writhe and squirm beneath the belt but don't resist the punishment. A string of pre-cum connects my dick to my stomach. Jon takes the belt from him and continues to hit me. All of my skin is bright red and streaked with welts. Tears run down my face. I bite my lip to keep from crying out.

Steven attaches clothes pins to my nipples. John hits them with the belt sending a stinging pain through the tender skin. Steven replaces them each time John knocks it off with the belt. I gasp each time it happens.

Steven takes the belt back and stands at the foot of the bed. He grabs my legs and pulls me down toward the edge and pushes my legs apart. John and Cliff move right beside the bed to get a perfect view. Steven glares down at me. "I've been waiting all day to do this." He lands the belt down on my balls on a downward motion. I clench my fists and tighten my stomach muscles to fight against the pain. "Count them backwards starting with ten." I count each blow as I was told to. Each blow seems slightly harder than the one before it. He's really slashing it down hard as I get closer to one. The last three blows are absolutely punishing to my balls. I lift almost completely off the bed in reaction to the pain. I'm whimpering and begging softly between sobs totally lost in the pain.

A sharp stinging pain hits my dick and I'm pulled back by this new sensation of pain. Cliff is slashing my cock with a bamboo cane. He's hitting it in sharp rapid succession along the length of my shaft but concentrating just below the head of my dick. It hurts like hell but I feel myself being pulled toward an orgasm. I'm rising up to meet the cane. I tell them I'm going to cum. I say it over and over. No one says anything but it doesn't stop. I do everything to hold it back but I can't. My dick erupts in a powerful orgasm shooting cum all over myself. I cry out in pain as the sensations of orgasm subside and the sensations of pain overwhelm me. Finally it stops. I lay there totally spent.

Steven throws a pair of gym shorts on to my scum covered chest and tells me to leave. "Put those on and get the fuck out of here. You're a fucking low life scum bag and you disgust me." I leave without putting anything else on and without cleaning the cum off myself.

I run to my car and pray no one sees me. I drive home half naked and feel so self conscious. I run into my house in the same effort to avoid seeing anyone. I go upstairs and look at myself in my mirror. My whole body is red and streaked with welts. I'm mesmerized by it. I taste the cum off my stomach. I swallow as much as I can get off of myself. I crawl into bed and dial Steven's number.

He answers the phone saying, "Yes, you can jerk off." I hear the three of them laughing as he hangs up. I jerk off and sleep soundly in my own mess tightly clutching my balls.

End Chapter 4: The next chapter is in my head. All I have to do is find the time to type it out. ((wink))

Eric In South Florida

Next: Chapter 5

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