Pool Table and My Balls

By NiteSearcher2000

Published on Jul 6, 2007


Chapter 39

Michael looks at Steven and takes a deep breath, "Let's talk."

"Nope. A bet is a bet." Steven is firm,

With a wicked grin Michael suggests, "Maybe we can renegotiate it so it works out better for everyone."

"This has worked out just the way I wanted it to, thank you very much." Steven's smile is priceless.

I know I shouldn't be so prideful, but I am proud and glad that it worked out this way. At first, it was a matter of wanting Steven to get his way. Now, it's also that I want Michael to get taken down a peg or two. His pompous prick attitude is starting to get on my nerves.

"So, you're really going to make me go through with this?" Michael looks pathetically at Steven.

Steven gloats, "A bet is a bet. Your integrity is what's making you go through with it, not me."

Michael looks at me with contempt. I guess he's holding me responsible for his predicament. I feel no remorse whatsoever. He made the bet, and lost. All I did was win a pool game.

"Let's get this done, then." Michael sucks it up.

My boss suggests, "Clarify the bet for the benefit of everyone here."

Michael answers, "It's simple. If I'd won, I'd have gotten to fuck Steven." He pauses. "But because I lost I have to fuck his bitch instead." He glares down on me with the most evil look I've ever seen. It takes me a minute to get what he just said. That's not the bet I made. I look at Steven and he's smiling. I realize that all I did was suggest what the bet should be. He actually made the bet, and I never asked what the bet was. I just assumed it was what I'd suggested. I wanted Steven to fuck Michael, but the reality is he'd said several times that he had no interest in fucking him. It dawns on me that Michael had already said he wasn't getting fucked and that I was. I'd missed the meaning of that entirely.

Michael pulls me out of my thoughts, "Okay cuntly, if I have to fuck a low life piece of shit like you you're going to suffer and work for it. Crawl your pathetic ass over here. Now bend over and pull your cheeks apart. I want to see the hole I'm supposed to fuck. Spread those cheeks wide so I can see it." This is humiliating. My forehead is on the floor supporting my weight while my hands are behind me pulling my ass cheeks apart to expose my asshole for all of them to see. "Use your spit and get your fingers up your ass. Spread that asshole open for me. I'm not pushing my dick into some tight assed bitch."

I lick my fingers and work them into my own asshole. "Do it again." I take my fingers out of my ass and suck them back into my mouth to wet them again. I work them back into my ass. "You're disgusting and pathetic. Why would anyone want to fuck a pathetic piece of slave ass like you when there are real men around?" He looks at my boss and asks him, "Can I borrow your slave?" My boss nods his approval. Michael points to one of the black guys. "You; lose your pants and get over here."

The guy steps out of his pants. His body is magnificent. He's tight and muscular. He's hairless, and his manhood is nothing less than absolutely impressive. His balls are big and dark and his dick is thick and meaty and uncut. "Turn around and show your ass." He turns around and he has the proverbial perfect bubble butt. I see the welts of a fairly recent caning on the back of his thighs. His shoulders are wide, his waist is narrow, his ass is two perfect mounds, and his legs are thick and muscular. Michael grabs me by the back of my hair and pulls my head up. "Look at his ass. Get a good look!" He pushes my face into the guy's ass crack. His odor is clean, but pungent like you'd expect ass crack to be. "That's a man's ass worth fucking. Instead I have to fuck your pathetic cunt. Lick his ass. Get your tongue in there and lick it. It's so superior to yours. Show it your respect." I lick out his ass. I work my tongue between his cheeks and swipe my tongue over his hole until Michael pulls me back from it and pushes my face back to the floor.

He tells the guy, "Spank his ass. Hit him hard. I want his ass blazing red. If I have to fuck it I want it red and hot." The guy lands several hard ones down on my ass but Michael isn't satisfied. "Wail on it. I want him to know he's being spanked." The guy hits like a fucking sledgehammer. He works every inch of my ass, except my perineum. He knows my tattoo is too fresh and does a good job of avoiding it. It's aching, even though he's not touching it. The rest of my ass is mercilessly assaulted. The other black guy comes over and holds me in place. I guess as a slave he knows I would have moved away in a survival instinct. "That's good enough. At least it's red and hot. That makes it a little better. Push your dick up his ass. Open it up for me. Push it in hard. It's no pleasure fuck." One guy holds me as the other one uses his dick to pry me open. He was right, it's no pleasure fuck.

"Good enough. Get over here cuntly. Suck my cock like a good fluffer. Get it hard so I can get this over with." He opens the buttons on his pants and lowers his underwear to expose his dick to me." It's already pretty hard. He has a nice dick. I begin sucking on his cock but he's not satisfied. "Work it bitch. This isn't for your pleasure or mine. As far as I'm concerned it's a pity fuck, so let's just get it done." He works my head up and down his shaft hard and fast.

Once he's totally hard he commands me, "Turn around bitch and mount my dick. I'm not doing the work on this one. You want it, you work for it." He leans back against the table and spreads his legs. "C'mon bitch. Get in here and mount my cock." I have to stand up to be the right height. He immediately pushes me back down. "Bend over, boy. You don't get to stand in front of me. Get your fucking hands on the floor and bring your ass up here to get my dick."

This is so fucking hard to do and about as humiliating as any experience I've ever had. I finally align my hole with his dick and push back. It moves to the side instead of slipping into me. I try it again. I reach up with my hand and he smacks it away. "Don't touch my dick. I don't let shit like you touch me." I try it again, and again. He asks the wise ass driver that's been verbally abusing me all night, "Want to fuck him? Lube up and fuck him hard. Open this tight ass up for me."

The guy opens his pants and takes his cock out. The only thing I can think of is a dump truck. His dick isn't that long, but it's fat around, very fat around. He holds the bottle of lube out and I open my hand for him to pour lube into it. I apply it to his cock, which is like a steel rod. His cock is arrow straight, steel hard, and fat around. His extra skin bunches at the bulbous head. I bend over at the waist with my ass at cock level and place my hands on the floor. He pushes his log straight in and straight up my ass. I gasp at the onslaught. He holds my waist and pushes me back and forth over his shaft. He keeps me riding his cock. He speeds it up and I figure he's getting close.

Michael tells him, "Don't cum up his ass, I don't do sloppy seconds. Cum in his mouth." The guy pulls out of my ass, comes around, and pushes it into my mouth. He fucks my mouth the same way he was fucking my ass. I hate sucking lube! My mouth is open wide to take his dick in but it doesn't reach the back of my throat. His ejaculate is watery and plentiful. Of course I swallow it.

"Let's try this again, cuntly. Suck it hard and mount it." I suck his dick until it's hard and turn around. I put my hands on the floor and back my ass up to his dick. I line it up and push back. It pops into my hole. He slaps my ass hard. "Work it bitch. Ride my dick." I get a rocking motion going sliding over his dick. This is a tough position. It's hard to do this and I struggle to keep it up. He does nothing to help. I keep riding his dick and get more and more fatigued. The more tired I get the clumsier I get with my motions. He goes ape shit slapping my ass as everyone watches intently. "You are such a pathetic loser. You can't even get a guy off.

"Come help. Pick him up." The two guys come over and pick me up by folding me in half. They hold me like that and slide me back to let his cock slide up my ass again. They slide me back and forth over his cock. It's like I'm just an object he's using to masturbate with. They work his dick with my hole. It works, and he moves toward an orgasm. He pushes me off and shoots his load on the floor. "Lick it up, cuntly. Don't let it go to waste." They put me down and I suck his cum off the floor. "While you're down there kiss their feet to show them how grateful you are to them for helping you do what you should have been able to do on your own." I clean his cum off the floor and kiss the other guys feet to thank them. I wait on my knees not knowing what might come next.

My boss tells the one who fucked me to take Michael and clean him up, and he dismisses the two black guys. One of them is still naked and he walks out of the barn without any hesitation. For some reason that strikes me as really hot and my cock is standing straight up.

My boss talks to us, "We have to make a decision here. You're good for the company. That's my first concern. Your potential is enormous. I don't want anything to fuck that up. So, here's the question, do you want to continue to work and play or do we leave it as a working relationship only? No hard feelings. I can handle it either way."

Steven defers to me. I think for a minute and ask the questions, "Can we do both? It won't fuck up my career or the way you think of me at work?"

"I can handle it. Can you." He seems sincere.

"Yes, Sir." I answer with confidence knowing I can handle it because I already do. I look at Steven, "Is it okay with you?"

He smiles. "Yep."

"Then it's decided. Lay face down on the floor with your hands behind your head. Spread your legs wide. Put your tongue on the floor." I do as I'm told. To the limo driver he says, "Make sure he doesn't move." He walks off with Steven. I stay in position without moving until they come back out with Michael beside them.

"Get up, let's go." I'm told. I follow them to the door and step out naked into the night. I watched the other guy do it, but it still feels odd. I wonder where he went. The limo driver opens the door and Michael and Steven get in. I go to follow and the limo driver grabs me by my collar and pulls me back. He drags me to the back of the car and opens the trunk. I get in with my boss watching.

When the trunk is opened, I find the car is backed up to my garage. The driver grabs me by the arm to help me out. Steven is waiting there for me and I follow him into the house. He tells me, "Go shower and come back down. Put pants on."

I find him in the kitchen at the table with a couple of iced teas. He points, and I sit across from him. I'm a little uneasy wondering what this is all about. He starts the conversation with "Equal time." I know that means we're going to talk seriously about whatever issue or issues there are. He continues, "I want to talk about tonight. No bullshit, no games."


"First, Michael. You said you wanted him. I let you have him. No limits, no interference. I figured that was the best reward I could give you for winning the tournament. I knew you'd win it by the way. I bet my ass on it. It was what you wanted right? How was that for you?" His voice is tense.

"Other than the fact that he's a pompous, arrogant, egotistical, prick, it was okay." He visibly relaxes and the corners of his lips curl. It encourages me to go on. "He doesn't fuck slaves? Where'd he come up with that bullshit? It's all he fucks." We both laugh.

"So, did you finally get him out of your system? He asks.

"As a sub... well, he has a way about him that's very hot. He hits some buttons, but honestly that's it. Too much of him would be too much of him." He clearly gets my meaning.

"Your boss. You had your out tonight and you didn't take it. You like it?"

"Yeah. It's such a mind fuck! I can't explain it."

"You don't have to, I get it. Let's talk about limits. Where the fuck are yours? How far are you going to let this go? I keep thinking I've got your back against the wall but it seems I can always push it further. Where does it end?"

"I don't know. It's like you do so many different things at different times. Just when I'm about to throw in the towel you change tactics. I say in my head that I won`t go any further in one thing and then you do something else entirely. You push the pain to my fucking limits so I say to myself, that's it. Then you stop the pain and start fucking with my head. Or you stop the pain I can't stand anymore and hurt me somewhere else. So it's not like you keep going and I let it go further and further. It's more like you push it to the end and then circle back and push me in a different direction until we hit that end, and then you start all over again from the beginning. The reality is I'm fine. I haven't gotten hurt even once. Not by any one of you."

"How can you say that? Sometimes the bruises last for days." He looks astonished.

"I don't mean that. Of course there are bruises. I mean with everything we've done there hasn't been any sprains, no pulled muscles, no bleeding, no broken bones, nothing pulled out of joint, no internal injuries, no cracked skulls..." We both laugh.

"Okay. You're right. Okay... Your brothers?" He continues.


"Yeah, what?" He looks confused.

"Yeah. I like my brothers being involved. It's fun. It's hot. It's a whole different scene with them. I like feeling this close to them. I didn't realize how much I was missing them."

He rolls his eyes, "Even Cory?"

I laugh, "Especially Cory."


"He's our brother. That's been covered. He's trying to find his way. Let's stay close to him."

"Okay. Last big one... He takes a breath. Your boss, Michael, David, John, Jesse, Ross, Cory, Craig... How many guys is it going to take?"

He just got to the heart of things. "It only takes one and you're it. No bullshit Steven."

"So if I say no more, it's no more?"

I think about it. "If it was hurting you or hurting us and you said no more, then it stops."

`That's the first time I've gotten that answer." He's happy enough with it and leaves it alone. "What do you think about the nipple rings?"

"They're so fucking hot! You know I've been wanting them. I really like how they look and feel. Do you like them?"

"Fuck yeah! And the tattoo?"

"I am your bitch... So it's perfect. Thank you. Did you have to shave my chest?"

"That was Michael. It looks really good though. You're ripped. I don't think you've ever been in shape like this."

"Does that mean I don't get it back?" I really did like my chest hair.

"Not until I'm ready for you to have it back. So we keep going forward? We push it further?" It's more a statement than a question.

"I'm in, if you're in." I already know his answer.

"I'm in. It gets tougher on you from here. I'm not going to go easier on you now."

I take a deep breath and nod.

Next: Chapter 40

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