Pool Table and My Balls

By NiteSearcher2000

Published on Jul 2, 2007


With the pool match coming up next weekend, I am definitely feeling the stress. Fortunately, things are going really well at work. My new position is a perfect fit and I'm developing a whole new strategic plan that is being very well received. My boss is consulting with me, and including me, on more and more issues and projects. He still starts his workday by paddling my ass. I keep thinking it will stop. It is more humiliating than painful. I can't help but wonder if his secretary knows what's going on, but I'm sure as shit not asking.

Things are great at home. Steven and I are into a smooth and easy rhythm. We really are very compatible with each other. We have enough similarities to keep it simple and flowing, and enough diversity to keep it interesting. Our family and friends add so much interest and richness to our lives. Our old friends were good, but added very little to things. They kind of lived through us, just going along with whatever we were doing. I'm glad they're all doing well and building their own relationships and lives. Our new friends, including our brothers, bring a whole repertoire of interests and activities to the mix.

Cory is a master at making various restraints of all kinds. He didn't like the cage and built an alternative that Steven enthusiastically put to use. He calls it a slave chair, but it's not really a chair at all. I kneel down on it and close the ankle restraints, which clip in place and lock automatically. A second set of restraints, just behind the knee, work the same way. I sit back, and the centerboard fits right in my ass crack, with a butt plug that goes right up my asshole to hold me in place. A final strap goes across my thighs making it where I can't lift off the plug. I have to hold a dildo in my mouth and put my hands behind my head. There is a key within my reach, but I'd have to break the seal on the envelope to get it out. I'd better have a really serious reason for doing it. The fear of getting caught, and threat of the beating I'd get for not obeying, is too great for me to even think of letting my arms drop, or taking the dildo out of my mouth. Steven especially likes releasing my thighs, pulling me forward, paddling my ass, and then putting me back in position. It gets increasingly uncomfortable, but I can see the television if he decides to watch it. Of course he, as well as any guests, sit comfortably on the furniture.

As the pool match gets closer, my brothers pitch in to help me practice shooting. They come by every night for a little while to help me sharpen my game up. They each have different skills that they bring and I seem to be able to pick them all up and use them well.

Wednesday night, after practicing, Ross asks Steven, "Can I borrow him for a little while?" Of course Steven nods his approval. Ross looks at me, "Upstairs little brother."

Once we're upstairs, Ross looks a little uncomfortable. Taking a deep breath he finally gets to the point, "I've noticed your pubic hair is all gone. It makes your jewels look huge. I don't want mine like that, but I was wondering if we could do something. I have so much fucking hair down there it covers up my set."

"Oh fuck, bro, you let Cory get to you. All his teasing about how small your cock is, got to you." I can't help but enjoy his insecurity, though it's totally unwarranted.

"I know my dick's not small, but I have a lot of hair and it doesn't show like it could. Can you help me or not?"

"I can. Drop your pants and we'll trim it up for you. That's the easy part. The other part is figuring out how to get Cory back." My smile is wicked and the humor reduces his embarrassment. I shave his ball sac clean and trim his bush back around his jewels. His bush is still thick and heavy but the change is dramatic. His cock looks bigger, but his balls look much, much, bigger. He looks at himself in the mirror, obviously very pleased with the results. I inform him, "There's another perk." He looks at me curiously, "It's much more sensitive this way." I drop back to my knees and lean in. I gently rub my finger tips along his sac and his response is awesome. He's already popping a boner. I move in with my tongue licking his sack, and all around the base of his dick. He's rock hard in seconds. I lick up his shaft and take his cock in my mouth while gently touching his sac and teasing the base of his dick. It doesn't take long for him to shoot his load in my mouth. He looks happy and satisfied with the results.

Cory starts in on Ross as soon as we get downstairs. "What'd you do, get a blowjob? I don't blame you for going upstairs for some privacy, having the smallest dick and all."

"You are cruising for a beating!" Ross warns him.

"You'd have to catch me first and we both know that you can't." Cory teases him more.

I decide to jump to Ross's aid and play with Cory's head. "I can catch you, all I need is permission and you're ass is free game."

Cory looks around quickly, and I guess he doesn't like what he sees, because he takes off like a bat out of hell for the woods behind our house! Steven yells to me, "Get him!" I take off a split second later and run like hell to catch him. Ross is right behind me and Jesse is just a step behind him. Cory puts some distance between us, but I know if I stay at it my endurance is better. Running all out like he is will wear him out quickly. The others fall a little further behind, but keep pace. Cory slows just a bit as he gets tired. I could catch him now, but I want to wear him down more. I see he's tiring out and make my move. I pour on the speed and tackle him from behind, landing solidly on top of him. I quickly pin him down.

He threatens me, "You are so dead! I'm going to beat your ass red! Wait till you see what I'm going to do to you."

"Don't threaten me with a good time!" Even in this position he gets the humor and lightens up his struggle to a more playful level.

Ross and Jesse catch up and are on him in a flash. I figure my part in this is done, so I get out of the fracas to go stand beside Steven. It takes both of them to hold him down. Finally maneuvering to get him in the right position and still have a free hand, Ross wails one down on Cory's ass. Cory goes wild but still can't escape. Ross lands another solid crack down on his ass again. Cory lets loose with a meaningless string of curses and threats and is surprised as hell when Jesse smacks down on his ass with a wicked force. Cory shuts up just long enough to catch his breath and tries a different approach, "Okay, enough. Game's over."

Jesse pipes right in, "It ain't over until you say uncle and then maybe we'll decide that it's over."

Cory's not ready to say uncle and tries to get loose with new energy. They hold him until the fight goes out of him, and then they both land several punishing cracks down on his ass. This renews his spirit and gives him another burst of energy to escape, but he fails miserably. More tired and defenseless, he endures several more punishing and humiliating cracks to his ass. He still won't give up.

Getting even more tired, they maneuver him onto his side in a fetal position. Jesse holds him by clamping him between his legs. He's holding Cory tightly folded in half with his ass fully exposed for Ross to wail on. Ross gives him the opportunity between each hit to give up, but Cory stubbornly holds tight. I know that the thick fabric of his jeans, plus his boxers, is reducing how much it stings. Plus, being bent in half like that makes his ass much harder and is probably hurting the hell out of Ross's hand. I'm betting that Cory is figuring he can wait Ross out, and keep some of his dignity.

I'm obviously not the only one who's figured it out. Steven pulls his belt off, folds it in half, and hands it to Ross. Cory's obviously shocked as hell when the belt cracks down on his ass. I know how much it hurts and I feel bad for him. He goes ape shit trying to get free but just can't do it. Ross gives him his out, "Say uncle. Do it, say uncle!" He cracks his ass hard to motivate Cory to give in. Cory's not giving and Ross lands a couple more hard beltings on Cory's poor ass.

Steven goes and sits right next to Cory's face and talks to him in that low, steady voice that I find so unnerving. "Oh fuck, man. Who'd of guessed we have two of them."

Cory asks him, "What the fuck are you talking about?"

Steven waits until Ross belts him again before answering. "The only reason I can figure for you prolonging this is that you like it. So the way I figure it we have two masochists on our hands. Is that it, Man? Are you a masochist too? Why else would you let this continue when you could end it with a single word? So here's your chance, say uncle before I count to three or the belt lands again. Your choice. One, two..."

"Uncle! Uncle! You win! No more, you win. I give up." Cory is strong and decisive.

Ross says, "One more."

Steven instantly stops him. "Nope. He used his safe word. You said, if he said uncle, it stops. He said it, so it stops. Game over."

They let him up and Cory immediately sits up and looks at me. "Fuck, man! That really hurts!"

"You don't have to tell me, I know it hurts." I answer him.

"No, I mean it hurts like a mother fucker! I had no idea it hurts so much."

Jesse asks him, "So why'd you let it go on so, long? Were you enjoying it?"

"Fuck no! In the beginning it was okay, but the belt changed that. At first, I figured it was just paybacks. Then the belt landed and it got serious. I had to choose between my pride and my ass, and my pride won out."

"Then why'd you say uncle?" Ross asks him.

"I can answer that," Steven offers. "I shifted the balance for him. There was more pride in saying uncle than in not saying uncle and having us think he's a masochist. He'd rather be a wimp than a sub."

Ross looks confused, "I thought they were the same thing."

Cory clears it up, "No way! You can't be a wimp and take a beating like that. And for the record, I am NO fucking masochist! That's not my idea of haha's. I'd much rather give it than receive it."

"And you?" Jesse asks me.

"I have no interest in giving it. Getting it is what floats my boat." I answer him honestly.

"So, you like it?" He struggles to understand.

"No, I fucking hate it." I'm still being honest. "But it's what gets me off. I don't know why it works that way for me, but the more I hate it the more it excites me. I need it, I crave it, but I still dread it and don't like it. I don't understand it. I just accept that it has to be this way."

Steven adds, "And for us it's the opposite. We like to give it. As sick as he is one way we're just as sick in the opposite way. So, it works for everyone."

Cory lightens the mood, "Yeah, well I'm glad I'm on this side of the fence." Looking at me he adds, "Better you than me on that side of it."

Ross goes back to teasing Cory. "Oh come on, bro, it wasn't so bad, was it?"

Cory stands and drops the back of his pants. We can clearly see the welts from the belt on his reddened ass cheeks. "It hurt, man. There's no way around it."

Steven asks him, "So does that mean you're going to go easier on your brother from now on?"

Cory looks at me almost apologetically, "No way. It means I'm going to push him harder and further. The line's been drawn and he's on that side of it and I'm on this side of it. That's not my fault; it's just the luck of the draw and he lost."

I look around at each of them and there is a new wickedness to their smirks. I have the distinct feeling that the stakes have just been taken up a notch.

Back at the house the mood is much lighter. They each grab a beer from the fridge and lean against the counter. Steven snaps his fingers and points to the floor so I kneel before them. He fills a bowl with water and puts it in the center of the floor for me to drink from. They just accept it as normal, but I definitely feel the embarrassment of it. They chat about nothing for a couple of minutes.

Cory kicks me lightly in the side, "You, let's go. You owe me a blowjob."

Jesse asks him, "What? We're not partners anymore? What happened to share and share alike?"

"C'mon then." Looking at Ross, Cory asks him, "You want in?"

"I'm good." Ross looks at me and winks.

Cory asks Steven, "and you?"

"I'll watch for now and fuck him later." Steven replies.

In the living room, Jesse and Cory stand in the middle of the room with me kneeling between them. They pull their cocks out of their pants and tuck their underwear under their balls. Steven sits back with a good view of it all. Cory pulls my head to his cock and Jesse simultaneously pulls my hand up to his cock. I jerk off one as I suck off the other. After a couple of minutes they make me switch. Jesse uses his hand behind my head to fuck my face deep and hard. They keep passing me back and forth every couple of minutes. It feels so fucking weird being passed off between them. Finally, Jesse fucks my face hard and I feel his cock head swelling in my mouth. He erupts in my mouth and I swallow his cum before switching back to Cory. Cory steps back to the sofa and drops down on it. He pulls me down on his dick and I suck him off until he too cums in my mouth. Finished with them both, I kneel back. Satisfied. they all leave, ruffling my hair and saying goodbye as they go. I suck Steven off before we go up to bed, and we go to sleep after watching the news. My nervousness about the pool match overrides my libido. Even with all the sex I had tonight, I'm not feeling horny.

I so rarely wake up before Steven that I'm not sure if I'm allowed to get out of bed before him. I lay there a few minutes before deciding it would be okay. I gently move to get up so as not to wake him, and I'm startled by his simple command, "Stay." I ease back down and he puts his arm across my chest.

He asks, as he always does, "You okay."

"Yeah, just edgy about the pool tournament." I answer him.

"Too edgy to be respectful?" His voice is calm.

I realize instantly what I did, or failed to do. "No Sir. I'm sorry, Sir." I take an odd comfort in stating my subordinate role.

"Listen; don't let all this slave and boy shit fuck with your head. You're subservient, not inferior. It's not the same thing. You're the best pool player I've ever seen. You could have easily gone pro. If you remember, I tried to convince you to do just that before you took your job. You're good, damned good. Don't be insecure about that. Besides, it's just a charity match. Why are you so edgy about it?"

What he says makes sense. I try to think it through to figure out why I am so nervous. "Well, first there's my boss. He said if I embarrassed him he'd make damned sure he'd get me back."

"First off, you're not going to embarrass him. Even if by some odd chance you don't win you're going to hold your own against anyone. The only time you lose is in a short game and you don't get a chance to shoot. In straight fifty, you rule. Besides, you're on the fast track to V.P. because you do great work. He's not going to fuck that up. The worst that's going to happen is you're gonna get a beating. You'd get that anyway." He snickers as he says it.

That's all true, but it doesn't take the edge off. I think it through further. "There's also the bet with Michael."

"What about it?" His voice is sharper.

"If I lose, you get fucked." I don't understand why he doesn't get this.

"So what? I've already stated for the record that I've been fucked before. Worst case is I get fucked again. No big deal."

"It is a big deal. I don't want him thinking he's better than you." The tone of my answer communicates how important this is to me.

His hand quickly entwines in my hair. He yanks my head up hard and fast to look him right in the eyes. His voice is hard and short and fringed with his temper, "And just why is what he thinks so fucking important to you? I don't give a flying fuck what he thinks about me, or you. I don't give a flying fuck about him at all. What I do give a fuck about is how important he is to you."

Without saying another word he's out of bed in one quick move. The bathroom door slams shut a second later. I contemplate going to him or giving him time and space. Knowing him well, I decide to give him some space. I go outside to do my business as usual and then go up to shower. I take a minute to decide if I should get dressed before going downstairs.

I enter the kitchen naked and kneel before him. He ignores me. I take a breath and ask him, "May I please talk to you?" He looks at me attentively but doesn't answer me. I take that as a yes, and continue, "I fucked up. I'm sorry, really sorry. I get it. You can punish me any way you'd like and I'll take it because I deserve it, but please, please, don't pull away from me. That's what we always do, but we don't have to. We can both stay right here and work it out. I love you and I want you, but I need you too. I don't love Michael, and I sure as shit don't need him." Tears well up unexpectedly in my eyes, and more unexpectedly in his. I see his whole posture and attitude soften. A smile slowly spreads across his lips.

"But you want him? You didn't say you didn't want him. You said you didn't need him and that you didn't love him, but you didn't say you didn't want him." His whole demeanor is now calm and relaxed. I understand him. I know he wants to be the only one I love, and he is. I can feel the relief, and see it in him, as we both realize that we've gotten it right this time.

My smile matches his as I ask, "Two out of three ain't so bad, is it?"

"I can live with it. You're going to suffer big time for it. You do know that, right? I mean really suffer." His smile is wicked now.

"Yeah, I do know it." My stomach lurches as what he's saying sinks in.

The day passes smoothly, and I'm figuring I got a break from getting my ass paddled, because my boss was out all day. Just before quitting time his secretary comes for me telling the boss man wants to see me. My heart sinks but I remain optimistic thinking there are a lot of things he might want to see me about. I enter his office hopeful, but it doesn't last long.

"Drop your pants and bend over." Is all he has to say to me. Fuck! I drop my pants and bend over the back of the chair and assume what has become a very familiar position. He wails twenty solid cracks down on my ass with his favorite paddle. He hits hard, with an inward motion, increasing both the sting and the thud of the impact. I grit my teeth and take it as quietly as possible trying to spare myself the embarrassment of his secretary hearing and knowing what's going on. I'm relieved when he's done, but that doesn't last long either. I feel his cock at my hole and gasp out air as he pushes his cock into me. One straight and steady push, until he's balls deep. He grabs the back of my hair and pushes my face into the seat of the chair I'm bent over. He pulls out and pushes back in hard and fast. I gasp in pain and he pushes my face deeper into the cushion to muffle the sound. He fucks me hard, really hard. So hard, the chair moves across the room. He pulls out and then steps into it as he slams his dick back into me. Finally, it's over. He pulls me back and pushes me on my knees to clean his cock off with my mouth. He leaves me on my knees while he tells me, "Take the day off tomorrow. I'll see you at the pool tournament on Saturday. I'm looking forward to it." He walks out, and as he opens the door his secretary and I make eye contact.

I get up and pull myself together as quickly and as best I can without any real way to clean up. I take a deep breath as I walk out. His secretary is as polite as ever, wishing me a good night and good luck at the tournament. I say good night and thank him for his good wishes. As I walk away I turn back around. It strikes me that his hair is longer than mine is. "Thank you for being discreet." He just winks. I ask him, "Boss man ever have anything to say about your hair?"

"Yeah, he likes it long, but you obviously already know that." He's more relaxed than usual.

"He likes to give me a hard time about it." I tell him honestly.

"Well, you know he's going to find something to give you a hard time about, it might as well be that." His face gets serious. "I'm sorry, Sir, I shouldn't have said that. That was..."

"Relax." I tell him. "This conversation stays between us. If you don't mind my asking, what does he give you a hard time about?"

He looks down, "Talking too much." He blushes as he says it.

"Got it. So you won't say a word about this, or else." My tone is teasingly threatening.

He shifts uncomfortably, "No, Sir. Not a word." I leave it at that.

Cory and Ross are already at the house when I get there. There's a bag of take-out food on the counter. I hear them in the living room and go in to say hello. We exchange friendly greetings and they explain that they figured it would be good to get in a couple of practice games early, and then just chill the rest of the night. It sounds good to me.

I ask them, "want to do that now?"

Cory looks mischievous, "Don't you have something else you're supposed to do first?" His glance goes to the slave chair he designed. My stomach sinks.

"I'll go get undressed and clean up. Then I'll be down." I resignedly tell them.

"No. Strip down here and get on it. We want to watch." Cory knows how to work the humiliation factor.

I take a deep breath, "Steven doesn't like my clothes in here." That's the truth. Also, I never got a chance to clean up after my boss fucked me, so I continue, "And I really need to clean myself up."

Ross pulls his belt out of his pants in one easy motion and folds it in half. I immediately begin yanking off my clothes as quickly as possible. He stands there ready, while Cory remains sitting on the sofa with a huge grin on his face. I'm naked in seconds. Ross lightly strikes my cock, which is already at full mast, with the belt. They both laugh. I turn around to get in the right position for the slave chair, and they see my ass.

"Whew! Who'd you piss off? You obviously got some serious whoop ass." Cory asks.

"My boss doesn't like my long hair. He paddles my ass for it every day." I explain.

"Good. Does he usually grease you up first, too?" Ross asks.

I feel the heat rise in my face with my embarrassment. "No. Today he fucked me too."

"Spread your cheeks. Let us see it." Ross commands.

Damn. I pull me cheeks apart for them to see my hole. Ross puts pressure on the back of my neck and bends me over. "Grab your ankles, boy. This is a good position for you today." He strikes my ass with the belt, but not too hard. The humiliation of it is far worse than the pain. He just keeps toying at it, striking me with the belt as I stay bent over.

Steven comes in, "Make yourselves at home guys." He says sarcastically. Turning the phrase Mi casa es su casa, he says instead, "Mi bitch, es su bitch. Nice work on his ass." He looks closer and is surprised, "Which one of you faggots already fucked him?" He plops down on the sofa as he asks the question.

Cory volunteers, "Not us. He came home like that."

Steven tells Ross, "Hit him harder then. There's a price to pay for whoring it out." Ross slashes the belt across my ass. I don't know whether to explain, or not." Ross lands several more before stopping. The pain is right up there with the humiliation at this point. He sits back down, but I stay in position. They chat amongst themselves, talking about their respective days, and the plans for the evening.

Finally, I'm told to go get cleaned up and to come back down in a pair of athletic pants for dinner. Dinner is good. Afterward, we shoot a couple of practice games and my game is dead on. We head to the living room to watch some television. Cory pulls off his shirt, drops his pants and steps out of them. He plops down on the couch. Pulling his cock and balls over the waist band of his boxers he tells me, "Here, munch on this." He wags his semi to emphasize his instructions. He's obviously very comfortable with the whole arrangement. The expression on Ross and Steven's face tells me that this is how the evening is going to go.

I drop to my knees between Cory's legs and suck on his cock. I work it long and slow, occasionally stopping to lick and suckle at his balls. Cory is lean and tight. His cock is awesome. It's a bit humiliating and degrading to be giving a blow job while they're sitting around watching television, but what the hell. He rests his head back and gets into it more, so I know he's getting closer. I work him with slower, more deliberate strokes, and move him along. He waits until a commercial and moans softly. He lifts up a bit and starts fucking my face gently. He moans and sighs softly as he shoots his load into my mouth. I have no problem swallowing it all. He tucks himself back into his boxers and asks if anyone wants a drink as he swaggers into the kitchen.

Ross tucks his waistband under his balls and leans back on the sofa. I take my cue and move my mouth down on his cock. Ross is more masculine. He's much hairier, even though I trimmed him out. He's more muscular. While Cory is lean and tight, Ross has some bulging muscles. His scent is stronger, lingering in his bush and ball sac. He's hot as hell. He tunes out the television and the others and concentrates on his blow job. He languishes in it while I work his dick gently, but steadily. He moves his head from side to side as he gets closer. I work him even slower so his orgasm really builds. I feel his muscles tense subtly and slow down even more. He tightens, and then erupts into my mouth. Volley after volley of his cum shoots into me. I still have no problem swallowing every drop.

Cory looks to Steven, "What's your game plan?"

"I'll fuck him later." Is his response, which is now predictable.

"What's up with that? A little active participation on your part is somewhat expected." Cory pushes.

Steven thinks about it. "It's like this. First, you guys are straight, or at least claim to be. I didn't think you'd have much interest in watching a couple of guys go at it, especially after you've cum." He hesitates, "Also, there's this; you guys haven't even come close to his limits yet. We play in a different league, sometimes. He's your brother, just how much do you want to know and participate in? I don't want you to end up thinking less of him or hating me for what I do to him."

Cory shakes his head, but it's Ross who answers him. "It's not like that. You both have the right to live your life any way you choose to. As long as you're both consenting, we have no issues. The reality is you've built an awesome life together, and we really respect that you have the balls to do what you want. As for us, it's all shits and giggles anyway. We can choose to stay or we can choose to leave."

Cory adds, "Besides, I want to see him get fucked. He must like it, and you must be good at it, since you're the one he's chosen to be with forever and ever and all that happy horseshit. So, fuck away, and don't hold back on our account. In fact, the nastier, the better. I've got no interest in watching you two be all lovey and cuddly. Do that shit on your own time. I want to see a show and be a part of the action."

"Then let's drag his ass downstairs and I'll show you some of the stuff we do." Steven is up and moving a split second later. They pick me up and carry me roughly downstairs. I try to brace myself mentally for whatever might be coming.

I'm laid out on the bondage table. My ankles are cuffed into a spreader bar first, my legs are lifted back and then my wrists are cuffed into the same spreader bar, leaving me bent in half with my arms and legs in the air. The spreader bar is attached to an electric winch, and I'm hoisted up until my ass is level with Steven's crotch. Just my shoulders remain on the table, and it's slid out from under me, leaving me hanging there.

Steven ties a rope around my balls pulling them into the bottom of my ball sack. He then pulls the rope tight, attaching it to the spreader bar. I lift my ass higher to take some of the tension off of my balls. It's a trap I fall into every time and he uses the opportunity to pull the rope tighter.

He puts a wire appliance in my mouth that holds my mouth open wide. He reaches in and pulls my tongue out. He pulls it side to side. I can't express how absolutely humiliating this is to me. He tells my brothers, "Spit in his mouth. Just gather your saliva in your mouth and spit it into his. He likes that." Oh bullshit! I like it when he does it, but no one wants their brothers to spit in their mouth. There's nothing I can do about it other than to swallow it as they do it.

Steven takes out a small flogger with thin leather frays about eight inches long. Fuck! I know how much this flogger stings. He starts out slow, and easy, but with increasing intensity, assaulting my balls, my dick, my pubic area, my perineum, and my ass crack. My cock is rock hard from the stimulation and he keeps it up until I'm screaming into the appliance holding my mouth open. Steven tells Cory, "put a sock in his mouth to shut him up." Cory pulls off his sneakers and socks and stuffs one of his sweaty socks into my mouth. He tells me, "We'll piss soak the sock if you don't shut up." I keep quiet as he assaults my whole crotch and ass area some more. Finally, they get bored with the flogger. My whole crotch area is flaming hot and beet red.

He attaches nipple clamps to my nipples. They bite hard into my nipples and I yelp in pain. "That was your last warning. One more sound and we soak that sock in piss." I keep quiet as he attaches leather strips to the nipple clamps and pulls them tight, tying the leather strips to the spreader bar. It hurts like a motherfucker! I reflexively pull myself up to take some of the pressure off and the bastard pulls them tighter. Fuck! I can't believe I do the same stupid thing every time. The pressure is tremendous on my arms and legs in my effort to save my nipples and balls. I concentrate on not making any noise.

He lays several donut shaped weights on my chest. They're not very heavy. I don't know what's coming next. I'm sure I don't want to know. He leaves the weights on my chest as he unties the rope holding my balls from the spreader bar. My heart rate jumps as I begin to figure out what he's doing. He threads the rope through the weights laying them on my balls before pulling the rope tight and tying it to the spreader bar again. There are six of them and collectively there's some weight behind them, putting a dull pressure on my balls. Not comfortable, but not too bad either. The visual affect is good, and I'm relieved that it's not as bad as it looks. My relief is short lived. He slides them up the rope and holds them up there.

I fight the panic back. I plead with my eyes. I keep quiet so as not to piss him off. I don't quite believe he's going to do this to me. His smile is wicked as he says. "On the count of three. One, two, three." He lets one of the weights go and it slides down the rope on a direct route to my balls. I buck and moan when it hits my balls, yanking the ropes to my ball sack and nipples. The pain is strong and sudden. They seem to enjoy it. "That was fun, let's do it again. One, two, three." He lets the second weight go and I buck and struggle again as it slams into my balls, again yanking my ball sack and nipples all over again.

Cory asks, "Can I do the next one?" He doesn't wait for an answer and takes the remaining four from Steven. "I have no intention of doing all the work little brother. You count this time." I fucking hate this. "OOPS!" He lets one go before I have a chance to count. I jump as much from the surprise of it as the pain and grunt loudly when it hits. It hurts even more as the total weight increases.

Ross volunteers, "That's it. There's too much fucking noise coming from you." He straddles my face, pulls out his cock, holds my head up by my hair, and pisses straight at my mouth, soaking my face and the sock in my mouth with his piss. It takes a little time until the piss soaks through the sock and I taste it. I have to swallow as it soaks through.

Cory lets the next weight go as soon as Ross is finished pissing on me. It fucking hurts so bad. Squirming makes it worse, but I can't help it. Every time I swallow I taste piss, and every time I breathe, I smell it. Steven grabs my hard dick and strokes it a few times. I'm humiliated at being turned on by all of this in front of everyone. Cory lets the next weight go. Damn him! The dumb fuck doesn't even give me any warning. I yell at him through the gag.

He calmly asks Steven, "What's he saying?"

Just as calmly Steven answers, "I think he wants some warning." I nod to confirm he got it right.

"Okay." Cory gives in. "I can understand that. In fact, you decide when I should let it go. I'll wait. Just nod when you're ready." Oh fuck. I try to prepare myself. I can't bring myself to do it.

Steven comes beside me holding an electric fly swatter. He touches it to the tip of my dick and I get a single sharp shock from it. It feels like my dick got stabbed with a hot dagger. Dammit! I jerk around from it, yanking everything. He explains, "I got bored waiting. I'm getting bored again." He touches it to my dick again and I scream out and jump again. I'm afraid he'll do it again so I nod to Cory and he lets the last weight drop, slamming into my aching balls.

Ross comments, "I didn't get a turn."

"Well that's not fair." Steven comforts him. "We'll just have to do it again. Right?" He touches the fucking flyswatter to my dick again. "I asked you a question, asshole. We should do this again, right?" I nod furiously to prevent him from zapping me again. "See, he likes it. Let's do two at a time and see if he likes it. In between, I'll do this." He shocks my dick again. I buck and yell into the piss soaked gag.

Ross slides the weights back up the rope. Cory says. "I'll just stand here and watch." He straddles my face, so my face is up against his ass. He holds the leather straps yanking my nipples painfully. I pull myself up to take some more of the pressure off, pushing my face further up his ass. "Oops. Excuse me. I just farted." They all laugh. I don't.

Ross drops two weights. I buck violently yanking everything. Oh fuck. Cory tightens his legs around my face holding me tight up against his ass. "Oops. Farted again." They all laugh, again.

Steven says, "My turn." The fucking shock to my dick makes me scream. A split second later the weights drop. I pull up hard but can't go anywhere but further up Cory's ass. I sob into his ass crack. He clamps down even tighter and farts again. Steven tells him, "Oh fuck man, cut that shit out! It smells like something crawled up your ass and died."

He gets off me, "Nope. He's still alive." They think he's hilarious.

Ross talks, "Okay asshole. This time I want to hear you ask me for it. Don't forget to say please, and you better not forget to say thank you."

I suck it up and talk incoherently into the gag. "Please drop them. Please." I can't stand waiting anymore. He lets them drop. I pull myself up and hold my breath. Steven touches the swatter to my dick. I hold my position and my breath, so he does it again, and again. I let out my breath with a scream and drop back down hard. So hard, the clamps on my nipples are yanked hard and I scream again with the new wave of pain. It takes me a minute to calm down and breathe normally again.

"Let's play a new game." Steven suggests.

"I'm in." Cory says.

"Me too." Ross adds. No one asks me.

The table is slid back under me to where only my upper back and shoulders are resting on it. Steven takes hold of one of the nipple clamps and taunts me, "Oh fuck! This is gonna hurt bad." He moves the clamp around sending waves of pain through my nipple. "Do me a favor Cory; when I take this off I'll count to three and then you suck on his nipple really hard to get the blood flowing back into it quickly." Cory looks stunned and confused. Steven pulls the clamp off starts counting. When he gets to three he tells Cory, "Suck it. Man. You gotta suck it to get the blood into it quickly. Cory does it. It absolutely hurts like a mother fucker! I pull myself up and off the table. Cory reflexively pushes me back down and keeps sucking on my nipple. The sharp pain fades into a dull ache.

"Your turn." Steven tells Ross.

"I've got a much better idea." Ross answers. "I'll take the clamp off and you suck his nipple, cause unlike Cory, there's no way in hell I'm sucking on a guy's tit." Steven laughs as Cory turns bright red. Ross pulls off the other nipple clamp and I about hit the ceiling before Steven pushes me back down and attacks my nipple. He uses a combination of sucking and biting that draws the pain out longer.

Steven points out to everyone, "He never loses his bone." They look down at my hard dick and snicker. "Okay, Now his balls. "Cory, when I untie them, I want you to suck and bite them hard to get the blood back into them."

"No fucken way dude! I'm not falling for that again. I'll untie them and you suck them." He tells Steven commandingly. He takes hold of my balls and unties them really quickly. It sends waves of pain through me. Steven goes down on them, sucks them into his mouth, and crushes down on them as he sucks them hard. I let out a long slow scream into the gag. He stops as the pain eases out.

Cory defends himself. "There's no fucken way I'd do that."

Ross points out, "No? You just had your hands all over his balls. There's no fucken way I'd do that."

Cory blushes again and defends himself, "It's just part of the game." They ignore entirely that they're talking about things Steven and I do all the time.

Ross continues to taunt him, "I'm just saying you're a little more enthusiastic a player than I would have thought you'd be."

"Yeah, well...," Cory really has no comeback, "I play to win." No one comments even though that made no sense.

Steven undoes my hands from the spreader bar, and pulls them back over my head, stretched tight, and ties them to the end of the table. He slides the table down so my legs are pulled back and suspended over my chest so that he has full access to my open ass. He holds a ball crusher over my face so I can see it and anticipate what's coming. He clamps it around my balls, and then tightens the flat end so it crushes my balls. He tightens it until I'm bucking like crazy trying to get some relief. They just watch until I adjust and settle into the pain. I lay there exhausted and whimpering.

Steven tells them, "I don't want you to get bored while I'm fucking him, so here are some toys for you to play with. This is a violet wand. Let the hanging chain rub across his skin and he'll get an electric shock that will feel like a hot serrated knife being dragged across his skin. Don't leave it in one place too long or it might actually burn him." He demonstrates it on me for them. He then lightly touches it to each of their arms so they can see for themselves what it feels like. They both jump from it. He explains that it hurts a lot more when it is used on more sensitive areas. He drags it slowly across my dick and I scream again.

"Next, we have the electric bug zapper. It gives a single shock that hurts like a mother fucker. You've already seen that one work. We also have this little gizmo. It's exactly what it looks like, a rodeo spur. Roll it on his skin and it's like being pricked with a set of rolling needles. Don't press too hard because you don't want to break the skin. Lastly, there are these assorted instruments of pain; strap, paddle, flogger, hairbrush... feel free to keep yourselves entertained. I'll be down here watching while I fuck him."

Steven slides his cock into me slowly in one long, smooth, inward stroke. My sphincter opens to accept him inside me. He slowly moves in and out of me as he watches Ross and Cory experiment with the toys he'd given them. Ross likes the violet wand and the reaction it gets from me as he uses it on various parts of my body. I suck it up by holding my breath as he rakes it along my stomach, chest, arms, or legs; but I let out a slow scream as he drags it across my cock and balls or let's it set on my already sore nipples. Cory is like a kid with A.D.D. switching between all the other implements. The fucking hairbrush is a bitch.

Steven passes time sliding his dick in and out of me as he watches them. He's much more interested in what they're doing to me than in what he's doing to me. This goes on for quite awhile and I'm getting increasingly uncomfortable and tired. I'm squirming, moaning, and jerking around. It's like all my nerve endings are right at the surface and every move they're making is irritating as all hell. Steven smiles at me satisfied, and thoroughly enjoying what's going on. Ross hands Cory the violet wand and picks up the small strap. Cory explores using the violet wand by dragging it very slowly across my body. He drags it agonizingly slowly across my cock and balls.

Cory uses the strap in short stinging blows across my stomach, up my chest, and on my exposed armpits. That fucking hurts. The appliance in my mouth prevents me from gritting my teeth, but all I want to do is grit my teeth, hold my breath, and take it. Instead, I sob into the gag and feel the tears run down the side of my face. My tears make Ross and Cory back off, but it's what Steven has been waiting for. He picks up the pace and fucks me faster and harder. He encourages them to continue as he plows me. My whole body is screaming hot in my long, slow, suffering. Steven pulls out and shoots his load across my cock and balls. His cum pours out on me.

They pull back and leave me laying there. They talk about the experience and how cool it was for them. I easily cope with the discomfort of the position they've left me in. I've been in much worse.

As they finish up their conversation, Steven asks them if there's anything else they want to do to me before he releases me. Cory asks him, "Everyone's cum but him. Aren't you going to let him get off?"

"I'm done, but you can get him off if you want to." Steven states matter-of-factly.

Cory looks at him thoughtfully and somewhat confused. "I'm not going to get him off, but can't he just get himself off?"

"Nope, his orgasms aren't for his pleasure. They're for our pleasure and our entertainment. I'm done. If you'd enjoy him getting off then you can make it happen." Steven is fucking with his head. Ross is obviously up to speed and watches with great interest.

Cory looks around at the various implements around the room. His face lights up when he sees something he wants. He takes the vibrating massager and plugs it in. He braces it against the head of my dick and turns it on high. Waves of pleasure work through my dick. It feels so good. I concentrate on how good it feels and replay the scene we just had in my head in an effort to get over the edge and cum. I'm right at the edge, but can't get over it. Dammit!

Steven tells Cory, "Jump up on the table and rub your foot across his face. The humiliation of being a foot kisser will get him off. I'm embarrassed as all hell when it works. As he's rubbing his foot across my face, I shoot my load. I fire my cum across my stomach and pelvis. I'm exhausted after cumming. Steven pulls the sock out of my mouth and lays it on my chest, but tells me not to talk. Not that I could with the appliance still in my mouth. "You look comfortable enough to me." My stomach sinks as I realize he's going to leave me tied up here, at least for awhile.

Cory comes to my aid again, "It's getting late. Doesn't he have to get up for work early tomorrow?"

"Nope, he's got the day off." Steven tells him.

"Fuck him then." They make their way toward the door and I overhear Cory tell them, "I can spare the day off and babysit for him tomorrow..." I don't hear the rest of the conversation as the door closes behind them.

Steven wakes me from a sound sleep. I'm disoriented and have lost track of time. I'm surprised when I find out I'd slept only an hour or so. He allows me to clean up and to join him in bed. I get up with him in the morning even though I don't have to work. I even make everyone a big breakfast and everyone chows down. Steven gives a firm warning before leaving, "Behave yourself today!" We all laugh because he gave the warning to Cory, not me.

Cory and I take out the motorcycles and go for a long ride in the country. It's a picture perfect day and the ride is exhilarating and calming at the same time. We stop at a country diner and enjoy a great lunch. I reach for the bill when it comes but Cory snatches it right out of my hand in a quick and easy motion. "I've got it. It's the least I can do for the hard time I've been giving you."

"Okay, but I'm still telling mommy and daddy." He gets the joke, laughs for only a couple of seconds, and then clops me upside the head as he slides out of the booth. I follow him out still laughing. The ride back home is as much fun as the ride out.

As he's leaving I call out to him, "Hey!" He turns around to listen. "Thank you, for everything."

"It's all good," he asks?

"It's all good," I assure him. He leaves with a smile.

Steven and I have quiet and easy evening at home. I don't even go near the pool table even though the pool match is tomorrow. That's the way I do it. I'm as ready as I can possibly be. Steven holds me tight when we go to bed and assures me of how proud of me he is, and that he has every confidence I'll come out on top. I'm struck by how much I love him.

Next: Chapter 38

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