Pool Table and My Balls

By NiteSearcher2000

Published on May 22, 2007


The silence in the car is deafening until his phone rings, and I about jump out of my seat, making me realize how tense I am. I can only hear his side of the conversation. "Hey... Yeah, we're almost there now... okay... Ross, Jesse and Cory are with us... yep." He closes his phone. Glancing at me sideways he says to me, "Tough break for you. That was Craig. It seems everyone you pissed off this weekend will be in the same place at the same time." I don't say anything.

We all pull up at the same time and find Craig waiting with the garage open. Steven doesn't pull in, leaving the car in the driveway. Ross and Cory pull their motorcycles into the garage and Jesse parks next to us. I follow Steven and Jesse into the garage joining the others already there uncertain of what might happen next.

Jesse talks first, "Okay. Bring me up to speed. All of you are in sync with whatever is going on and I'm not, so fill me in."

Steven doesn't answer him directly. He snaps his fingers and points to the floor. I kneel before them and put my hands behind my neck. I fight back the humiliation I'm feeling. Steven looks directly at Jesse who still looks a bit confused. Still holding his gaze on Jesse he snaps his fingers again, and points to the floor between his legs. I crawl to him and put my forehead on the floor between his feet and clasp my hands behind my back. I'm as uncomfortable with my emotions as I am physically. He asks Jesse, "Do you get it now?" Jesse half nods and half shakes his head, knowing, but not quite believing. Steven pulls his belt off his pants and folds it in half. He lands a solid crack across my ass with each word he says, "It's ... simple ... anything ... I ... want ... I ... get." The last crack is especially hard. I control myself and stay quiet. I knew I'd be punished but wasn't prepared for the emotional intensity. Stepping back in front of me he pulls his dick out, "Suck." I can't help but to glance at Jesse as I suck down Steven's dick. He's standing there with his arms crossed looking really intrigued with what's going on. I'm relieved that he's not freaking out. I suck Steven's cock just a short time when he pulls my head back by my hair holding me just inches from his dick. A squirt of piss lands directly into my face. "Open." Oh fuck! I open my mouth and he shoots another squirt of his piss directly into my mouth. I glance around at all of them. Cory and Ross seem amused. I'm not surprised at that. Jesse seems more than amused, he seems interested, very interested.

"Let's move this down to the basement," is Steven's suggestion. I walk in the middle of them as we go downstairs. My eyes pop open and my jaw drops to the floor when I see the dungeon space that's been created. I can see from their reactions that Jesse is the only one of them who hasn't seen it already. He looks around quickly taking it all in. I'm almost afraid to look.

They all make themselves comfortable using whatever is available to sit or lean on. I stand in the center. "Shirt off." I pull my shirt off and stand bare-chested in front of them. "Shoes and socks off next." I take them off while remaining standing. "The wrist restraints are in that closet. Bring them to me as well as your collar and three clips." I go to the closet and open it stunned by what I see in it. It is well stocked with all kinds of restraints as well as a wide assortment of paddles, straps, floggers and many other implements to inflict pain. My hands are trembling slightly as I look for and gather what he wants. I bring them to him and drop to my knees when he points to the floor.

It's embarrassing and humbling as he puts my collar on in front of all of them. He steps behind me and puts me in the wrist restraints while I hold my hands behind my head as he does it. He makes me crawl to the center of the room where there is a simple metal ring screwed into the floor. He uses one of the clips to fasten my collar to the ring making it where my face is just about on the floor. He uses the other clips to fasten my wrists to the same ring. My hands are now under my face so I rest my face on them. My heart rate jumps when I hear Steven tell them, "Gentlemen, choose your weapons. It's payback time."

Cory moves first and fast. I can hear the excitement in his voice. "I've got mine. I'm armed and ready."

"Go at it." Steven gives him permission and within a split second the first blow lands across my ass. Several more follow quickly. The blows sting a lot but I've had much worse. Cory yanks down the back of my pants exposing my bare ass for them to see and hit. I see Cory's pattern. He likes the playfulness of it all. He's more playful than intense. With him it's more like sophomoric hazing. It doesn't ease my embarrassment of having my ass hanging out. I've never understood why it is so much more embarrassing to have my pants yanked down than to take them off myself.

Ross steps up next. He lands five serious blows with the paddle. It hurts like a mother fucker. Ross is more serious about it than Cory. He's more down to business about it, more detached. I stay as still and quiet as possible but can't help crying out a bit.

Cory encourages him, "Oh fuck yeah! Hit him good. Redden up that ass of his." Ross lands several more good ones and I squirm about looking for some relief. Cory teases me, "Don't pussy out. Take it like a man. Make your brothers proud of you." I wonder what planet he found his logic on. The others laugh at his humor. I don't get it.

Ross tells Jesse, "Your turn, bro."

I feel Jesse's hand lay on my ass. Even his touch is hard and threatening. I can feel the heat trapped between my flesh and his palm. I'm mortified that he's touching my ass like that. The first slap is hard and stinging. He takes strong hold of my flesh as he hits it. He holds his hand on my hot spot and then pulls back and wails it down again in the same spot. He does it several times in the same spot and I can't help but sob out in pain and embarrassment. He moves to the other cheek and does the whole thing again. Then center. He lays his hand just above my balls. I quietly beg him not to... the slap is hard and punishing. I dread the next one and he makes me wait for it. I can't stop myself from trembling and asking him to go easier on me. I'm pissed at myself because all of a sudden I'm acting like some stupid kid again. The second one is hard and punishing, as are the next several. My ass is on fire.

He turns to Steven, "Show me what you've got. It's pretty obvious you're way beyond spankings."

"Are you sure you want to know?" Steven asks him with concern.

Jesse looks at Cory who shifts his eyes downward and looks away uncomfortably. Talking directly to Cory he asks him, "Did you tell them?"

He shakes his head no in response. "I figured it's for you to tell more than me. I just told Steven that you'd be in with all this."

We're all totally confused and look between Jesse and Cory for some explanation. Jesse speaks up, "Okay, it's like this, sometimes late at night Cory and I will hit the leather bars and pick out some willing subbie-boi to beat on and mouth fuck. We've been doing it since college. It was an easy way to get a blow job from a willing and capable mouth." He looks a little contrite and concerned that he might be offending us. Steven's look of amusement eases the tension.

Ross is serious when he asks Jesse. "Once again I find myself asking, which team are you playing for?"

"I'm straight, bro, but you gotta admit these boys suck some wicked good dick and beating on them is just an added kick." Jesse doesn't look nearly as uncomfortable as Cory.

Ross continues the questioning with Cory, "and what's your part in all this?"

"I already told you I'm into the bondage and S & M thing. It's like pay backs. It ain't easy being number ten out of eleven. I was always getting beat on and razed. This is my way of getting even. Tie em up, beat on em a bit, humiliate and humble-em, then fuck-em. Job done." He ruffles my hair, "It's just extra special when I get to do it to him."

Ross is sharp and caught something in what Cory said, "You said fuck-em. You meant mouth fuck-em right? Are you butt fucking-em too?" Cory shifts his weight and shrugs his shoulders. He and I might be the only two in the room that know the answer to that question. He doesn't answer.

Steven looks at Craig, "and you, what's your story?"

Craig smiles, "I think Cory hit it pretty close. I like the whole domination thing. It's a kick to dominate and control another man, do what you want to him, make him suffer, and then take what you want from him. I gotta tell ya, man, I like it. I like it a lot."

Steven asks him, "straight"?

"I'll let you know." Craig winks and everyone just accepts his answer.

The attention turns to Ross. Jesse prompts him, "and you"?

"Same shit, different day. I like the feeling of power and superiority."

Steven breaks the mood, "In case anyone is wondering, I'm gay and so is the faggot, so, let's string him up and have some fun with him."

I guess they don't realize that I would obediently allow them to do what they want. Instead, they work together to restrain me, as if I would try to escape them if I could. The force they use is unnecessary, but I know it's overpowering me that they enjoy so I put up enough of a fight to make it fun for them. I get a couple of good shots in to make it interesting but I can't possibly overcome the five of them, although Steven is only watching and supervising as necessary. They leave my pants on and it dawns on me, if they're straight they have very little interest in what's in my pants. They fasten my ankles into the leather straps of a spreader bar. Attaching the spreader bar to the chains of a hoist, they lift me upside down. They secure my wrists into another spreader bar and secure it to the ring in the floor. They lift me up further until I am stretched tight and spread eagled. I get adjusted to hanging upside down. I've been hung this way before and both Steven and I know I can take it for some time.

They look me over intently and with great interest. I can't look them in the eye. I keep switching between being turned on and excited by what's happening to being embarrassed that it's happening with them. When the scene is over they're all still going to be in my life. I remind myself that they're into it or they wouldn't be here, but it always feels like I have more to be humiliated and embarrassed about than they do.

From this position I watch Steven go to the closet and choose a flogger. He dangles it across my chest and lets it brush across my face showing me the strands are thick and heavy. I resist holding my breath as he steps behind me, but my breath catches when I realize the others have stepped in front of me to watch. The first shot of the flogger lands in a downward motion between my legs. The feeling is a blunt, stinging feeling deadened only slightly by my pants. He lands several more the same way and it's only my pride that keeps me from crying out. He reads me well and slashes it across my ass rather than down on my perineum. He does it that way a bunch of times before slamming it downward again. The ends of the frays catch the bottom of my ball sac and I do cry out this time. The next several slashes are across the back of my thighs ending in another really hard one on my perineum. I cry out again. They visibly grow more comfortable with what's happening as they develop more confidence in what Steven is doing.

Steven steps in front of me and flogs the front of my thighs. He does my legs really hard and moves upward toward my pelvis. A deep gasp escapes me as he lands a downward stroke between my legs landing with a thud to my balls. The others cringe, but laugh, amused by it.

Using a circular stroke he lets the frays of the flogger scrape across my bare stomach causing a real stinging feeling. I feel the heat rising and know my stomach is turning pink. I tighten my stomach muscles and am caught totally unaware when the flogger smacks down between my legs again. I yell out, "Oh Fuck!" when it happens.

He lands another one and reminds me, "That's `Oh fuck Sir' to you boy." They laugh at his comment.

He circles me using the circular stroke and makes my whole upper torso feel like it's on fire. His occasional strokes between my legs catch me unprepared every time. I pick up my head to see the pink and red streaks all over my body. He stops for a minute. Picking up a set of nipple clamps attached by a chain he brings them to the others so they can see them. I just suck it up and take the biting pain it causes when he attaches them to my nipples. I squirm when the ends of the flogger hit the clamp on my left nipple. He does it three times and on the fourth time the flogger rips the clamp off. I scream out. He does the other one the exact same way. He puts them on again. He also puts similar clamps around my navel this time. He uses the same pattern to knock the ones off my nipples and then to knock the ones off around my navel. He puts them all on again, plus he adds some to my underarms. It hurts like hell when he knocks them all off again. He does it a bunch of times adding more and more each time. I try to be stoic and take it but I can't help some squealing and squirming. They're commenting on his skill and not even thinking about how much it hurts me.

He grabs my raging hard cock in his hand and pulls me forward by it. I see the amazement on Ross and Jesse's face as they notice I'm hard for the first time. The look is very different on Craig and Cory's face because they'd been aware of my erection the whole time. Even in my predicament I find this very interesting.

Steven gets my full attention back when he comes toward me carrying several zippers. I look at the number of clothespins on each cord and dread what's coming. He slowly attaches each clothespin on the cord to the skin running up my arm onto my sides. He does each side. He picks up a rubber rod that looks like a car antenna and whacks each clothespin. It makes me aware of how much it's going to hurt. Using the antenna, he systematically hits each clothespin hard enough to knock it off. Oh fuck, it hurts. He puts them back. He also puts another zipper across each of my nipples. I sob softly.

He hands the rod to Cory. Cory goes to work on one of my nipples. He's sloppy and unskilled and it takes him a number of whacks until he knocks them all off. It hurts like a mother fucker. He hands it to Craig when he's done. He goes to work on my other nipple. It's red and raw by the time he's done. I try to suck it up and take it as quietly as I can.

He hands it to Jesse. In one hard swipe he rips half the clothespins down one side. I scream out. He stands there grinning until I recover and does the same thing again ripping off the rest in one final swipe. Ross does it the exact same way and I scream out with both strikes.

Steven puts them all back on me as I sob softly. He talks to the others, "Okay gentlemen, on the count of three yank them all off at once. One quick pull and they're off in a split second. One, two, three!"

I scream as they all pull them off at once. The pain is shocking as it surges through my body all at once. I struggle and pull against my restraints but Steven holds me tight so I can't hurt myself. It takes only several seconds until the pain starts to subside but it seems to take forever. I get pissed when I realize they're all high fiving and congratulating each other as if they did something special. I'm the one who took it all. What the fuck do they think is so great about what they did?

"Well gentlemen, has he suffered enough?" Steven asks them.

"Not nearly." Jesse answers simultaneously as Ross says, "Nope."

Cory jumps to my rescue, "We can fucken hurt him anytime. I'm ready to get my dick sucked so let's put it to him." He's already stepping in front of me and opening his pants. Steven bends down and unclips my wrists from the spreader bar and brushes his lips lightly across mine as he does it. That's all I need from him to be okay. He hoists me up further to crotch level and I'm looking directly at Cory's cock and balls staring me in the face. I instinctively lean in to suck him off but Steven grabs my hair from the back and pulls me away from his dick.

He tells Cory, "He's too anxious. He wants it too bad. Turn around." Cory looks confused. "Turn around man, make him eat your ass first. Don't spoil him." I feel the color rush into my face from embarrassment. Cory turns around and drops his pants. He takes a step back to get his crack closer to me and I lean into his crack and slide my tongue up along it. Steven grabs me by the back of my head again and pushes me all the way in and tells me, "Get your fucking tongue up his ass! Lick his ass out. Work at it." The embarrassment is horrible but Cory has a sweet ass. It's perfectly smooth without a blemish on his perfect skin. His cheeks are firm but meaty. His pucker is silky. I lick out his ass aggressively.

Ross interrupts, "Damn Cory, you have no shame. Giving your ass up in front of all of us like that."

Jesse tells him, "Fuck that way of thinking. I've been making him kiss my ass whenever I got the chance. This is a golden opportunity the way I see it." Jesse steps right up and drops his pants. "My turn." He spins me away from Cory and backs his ass right into my face. Steven pushes my face right in.

Jesse has a man's ass. It's pungent and hairy. His ass is hard and muscular. The impact of what I'm doing is much stronger than it was with Cory. Everything with Cory is playful, Jesse isn't playing. I rub my tongue all around his hole and then try to work it up inside of him.

He turns quickly and smacks my stomach, "No fucken way fag boy. Nothing goes up my ass. That was your punishment, not mine. Suck my cock faggot." He pushes his dick into my mouth. It's thick and meaty with a well defined head and big piss slit. His pubes are bushy and coarse. I put my hands on his hips and pull him all the way in, deep-throating him right down until his ball bag is plastered against my nose. I use his hips as leverage and ride his dick in and out of my mouth. This is so much easier hanging free and upside down. I think he's taken back at how good it feels as he moans and leans in.

I keep at it a bit until Craig pulls me off Jesse's dick and spins me in his direction. He says, "Now it's getting interesting. Suck mine like that!" He slides his dick in. I suck him with the same enthusiasm as I sucked Jesse.

"Me next." Cory takes his turn fucking my mouth. "Oh fuck yeah! This boy was made to suck dick!" He holds my shoulders and slides me back and forth over his dick. I really like sucking him. The three of them pass me around between them for a while.

Steven takes charge, "Let's lower him down so we can ride tandem. He has two holes, let's use them both." They move a table over and lower my torso until I'm resting on the table with my head hanging backward over the edge. My ass is lowered until it is crotch level. My arms are stretched out and secured to the table. I look around at all of them knowing I'm about to get fucked at both ends in front of them all. "I'm fucking his ass, I don't care who fucks what. Just take your turn and choose a hole." He pulls my pants down far enough to expose my ass, but leaves my cock and balls trapped in them. He pops his cock head inside my asshole and mercifully gives me time to adjust before sliding it all the way into me.

Jesse takes his place riding my mouth. He presses his hands down hard on my chest as he fucks my face. Steven watches Jesse intently as he fucks my ass slow and steady. The two of them are riding me pretty good. I feel Jesse's cock swelling in my mouth telling me he's getting close. He unleashes a huge load in my mouth and I swallow and lick frantically so I don't miss a drop. Steven pulls me into him by my hips and pushes in hard and deep. He pulls out and pushes in quick and I feel him tense as he shoots his load up my ass.

Cory looks at Craig. "Rock, paper, scissors, best out of three." They quickly play it out with Craig winning. He takes my ass. He pushes right in. Cory claims my mouth. The two of them fuck me. Cory's cock is as sweet as his ass. I really get into sucking him. Craig's fucking me smooth and steady. I get lost in it until Cory pulls out and shoots his load all over my face. He squeezes out every drop. He uses his finger to scoop some up and puts it in my mouth. I suck his finger clean. This is enough to send Craig over the edge and he pulls out and spills his load all over my cock and balls. I'm soaked in cum at both ends. It's really endearing that they both thank me but somehow it just adds to my humiliation.

All the attention turns to Ross. Ross looks around at everyone. He jumps up on the table and stands straddling my stomach. He slowly opens his pants and just as slowly pulls out his cock and balls. He tucks his underwear under his balls and slowly strokes his dick stretching it out. Holding it, and taking aim, he pisses up my chest. "Open your mouth little brother. I need to rinse you out before I'll fuck your face. I don't do sloppy seconds, or thirds." I pick up my head and open my mouth. His aim is good. His stream is strong and hot. I swallow some of it. "Now I didn't say you had to swallow it. That was your idea you fucking little pig." Jumping down from the table, he grabs the hoist and pulls me back up until I'm hanging with my face in his crotch. "Get to work cocksucker. I'm not going to do your job for you."

I take hold of his hips and move myself back and forth letting his cock slide into and out of my mouth. I feel his piss dripping off my body. I work his cock with all I've got, and I've got a lot. I work his dick like a pro and bring him to the brink of orgasm. I back off but he grabs the back of my head by my hair and shoves his cock down my throat. He works me back and forth on his dick. He fires his first rope of cum into my mouth and then pulls out shooting the rest on my face.

"You're a fucking mess again." He taunts me as he steps back and puts himself away.

Cory pushes him out of the way, "You're not the only one with a hose." He pisses all over me as I hang upside down. I protect my eyes as best I can because I know how piss burns. Steven lowers me down to the ground as Cory continues pissing on me. I'm on the ground by the time he's done and the others step up. They all piss on me at once. I'm soaked and lying in a puddle by the time they're done.

They're all satisfied and in a good mood. Steven unfastens my ankles, "Clean up this mess and yourself. Then meet us upstairs."

Cory asks him, "Doesn't he get to cum?"

"No." Steven answers.

Cory persists, "Doesn't seem fair."

"I don't have to be fair. That's why I'm the Master and he's the slave."

Cory looks at me, "Sorry bro. At least I tried." He follows the rest of them up the stairs as I begin cleaning up. I finish cleaning up and spend some time trying to figure out what I'm supposed to wear. I usually have to be naked but Steven has kept me dressed, at least with my pants on, all night. I pull on a pair of underwear and head up to join them. I find them in the living room.

They're all in their jeans and nothing else. Steven gives me a one word command, "kneel." I kneel before them in the center of the room. I clasp my hands behind my head. He continues, "Respect, obedience, discipline, suffering, submission, and service. Any questions?"

"No, Sir." I look down humiliated.

"Show us." He doesn't say anything else or give any other directions. I fucking hate this! It's so much less humiliating to follow orders or be forced to do something humiliating than to have to do it on my own. Dammit! I take a deep breath. I crawl to each one of them and kiss each of their feet to show respect and submission.

Steven throws a butt plug on the floor in front of me. I look at him pleading him not to make me do this. "Use your spit for lube and shove it up your ass." They all laugh. I suck the plug, pushing it far enough down my throat to get the heavy spit from my throat. I pull my underwear down in the back and bend over. I put the butt plug at the entrance to my hole, and push. I cringe at the pain but push it all the way in. "Now go stand in the corner by the television, bend over, and grab your ankles. Stay like that until I say you can move." With my ass facing them, I bend over and grab my own ankles. This leaves me looking at them from between my legs and upside down. This is so fucking humiliating and uncomfortable as hell. They keep me like that the whole time as they bullshit with each other and then watch the fucking news. I'm so miserable.

"Okay shithead," Steven addresses me, "Cory thinks you should get to cum so I'm going to let you just so everyone can see what a sick fuck you are. Stay in that position and jerk off. You can't move until you cum. If you don't cum in five minutes I'm going to get my belt and beat your ass red. Trust me; you don't want that to happen."

I use my right hand holding onto my ankle with me left hand. I jerk off furiously as they make jokes and tease me. I think about how they punished me and how I had to get them off. I think about how humiliating, degrading, and embarrassing it all is. I think about what a loser I must look like to them with a dildo up my ass, bent over, and jerking off in front of them. I'm so turned on by it all that I shoot my load in just two or three minutes.

Steven tells them, "I told you he was a sick fuck. I could never even get hard, let alone cum, in such a sick and humiliating way, but he does it all the time. I told you guys he not only likes and needs this shit, he really gets off on it. Now watch, he'll lick it all up." I take that as my queue and bend over and lick my own jizz off the floor.

Ross says, "He's always eaten his own cum."

Jesse adds, "Yeah, but now he eats everybody else's too." They all laugh again.

Finally, they're about ready for bed. They follow me outside to watch me squat to piss laughing hysterically at my embarrassment.

Steven takes me up to bed by making me crawl beside him. Once we're alone he says, "Fuck, this just keeps getting better and better. We've got just about everyone in on it; our friends, my brother, some of your brothers, your boss, the guys at the club, and now we have a full dungeon in the basement. You fucking get it at every turn from just about everyone and all you can do is bend over and take it. It's so fucking hot! I love it! Suck me off and you can jerk off again while you're doing it." I get us both off again with an intense orgasm and fall asleep exhausted.

I wake up in the morning with a sense of disbelief and dread. I have no idea how this is going to continue to play out. Steven rolls over and gathers me in his arms and spoons me. He kisses my neck and asks me, "You okay?"

"Yeah, I guess. I have to face them, don't I?" I snuggle in tighter.

"Yep." He's never very talkative in the morning. I sigh in resignation. "It'll be fine. They're probably more embarrassed than you are."

"How do you figure?" I ask curiosly.

"I don't know, it sounded good and I was trying to make you feel better." He hugs me tightly. Oddly enough I do feel better. "Get moving. I'll go make breakfast. Put something on. We have to respect the breeders. Good call with the underwear last night. I'm sorry I didn't think of it."

I get up and pull on a pair of sweat pants. I open the door and walk right into Cory. He says, "I was waiting for you." Without saying anything else he walks outside with me. I look at him. He pulls his dick out and starts to pee. "I figured it would make it easier for you."

"I have to squat." I remind him.

"Sorry bro, but this is as far as I go." I squat down next to him, pull my pants down, and lean forward on all fours to pee without getting my pants wet. I know he was trying to help but this is actually more embarrassing. I turn around to see the others watching. I just finish peeing. What else can I do?

We all gather for breakfast. The conversation is normal through most of it. Toward the end Ross speaks up. "We've been talking... we want to play. Last night was fun and we want more. Is that okay?"

Steven and I look at each other and we both know each other's answer. We both nod.

Looking at me Ross says, "We're brothers, nothing fucks that up. No matter what we do to you you've got to know that."

I nod my head fully confident in what he's saying.

Ross continues, "The more secure you are the further we can go."

"I know how this works." I assure him and everyone else. They all nod as if we just made a family pact.

Jesse asks, "How close did we get to your limits last night?"

I answer somewhat embarrassed, "Not even close." Steven's smile is full of pride, Cory and Craig chuckle, and Ross and Jesse nod at each other as if they were just affirmed in their thinking.

Steven asks, "So we're all in?" They all agree. "The game just took a whole new turn. I hope you're up to it, boy." I hope I am is all I can think.

Next: Chapter 37

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