Pool Table and My Balls

By NiteSearcher2000

Published on Apr 11, 2007


Chapter 35

Cory wakes us up, "C'mon, get up, let's go! There's work to be done. Move it." He bounces the bed like a madman.

Steven opens his eyes to look at me, "What the fuck is he talking about?"

"I never know... Cory, Steven wants to know what the fuck you're talking about. Personally, I don't care. " I close my eyes again.

"It's exactly that kind of attitude that gets you in trouble." Cory bounces me up and down on the bed by pushing hard on my shoulders.

Ross walks in, "Get your asses out of bed! If I'm awake you have to be awake!"

"Shit! It's like Grand Central Station in here. We need to get a fucking lock on the door." Steven speaks calmly laying there with his eyes open watching me be bounced by Cory.

"Yeah, right! Like you really want to keep good looking guys from walking into your bedroom. Now get up." Ross tells us again.

"This may surprise you but I have very little use for straight men. As far as I'm concerned all they do is eat my food, crash at my house, use my toys, and wake me up. You should take a lesson from my brother and go home."

Cory answers, "Yeah, well instead we're going to give you a great housewarming gift so start feeling guilty and get out of bed. There's no need to shower, we have work to do. We'll meet you down by my truck in five minutes and we'll grab breakfast at Mickey D's.

We meet him out in the driveway by his pick-up truck. It's a three-seater. Cory looks at me, "I guess you're riding in back." I jump in back and Cory gets behind the driver's seat. Steven and Ross just stand there looking at each other. Neither one wants to sit in the middle. They have to do rock/scissor/paper to decide. I laugh and Cory shakes his head. Steven loses.

We go through the drive through and get breakfast sandwiches to go. It's not easy eating and keeping my balance in the back of a pick-up. It is kinda fun though. We go to the local lumber yard and follow Cory around amazed as he knows exactly where everything is and he seems to know exactly what he wants. He loads up two flat bed carts in no time. We load up the truck and pull into the driveway in less than an hour from when we left. He pulls his truck around to the back of the house.

"Getting out, he gives directions, "Okay gentlemen, on this job site I'm in charge. Do what I say and the job gets done without anyone getting hurt..." Cory does know exactly what he's doing. He's a master carpenter and works designing children's playgrounds and children's day care facilities. He moves at lightening speed and the three of us hustle to keep up with him.

"So, what're we building anyway?" Steven finally asks.

"An adult playground." Cory's smile is wicked.

We work for the next several hours and build exactly what he said we would. To the uninformed it looks like a gymnast's set with a high bar, a set of rings, parallel bars, balance beam, and pummel horse. He also builds an equipment closet that is coincidentally just big enough for someone to fit inside it. To the trained eye we have a diversity of bondage apparatus capable of all kinds of suspension bondage and torment. We're done in less than four hours.

We try it out. They hang me spread eagle from the high bar, first right side up then upside down. On the rings, they put my arms through them and then tie my wrists together. The rings support me under the arms so I can't fall or get away. They hang me by my wrists and ankles from the parallel bars and leave me swaying mid air. They tie me over the pummel horse like a spanking or fucking bench. They hang me from the balance beam like the cannibals used to hang and carry their victims. Each piece works great for our purposes.

Cory is so proud of himself for his ingenuity. I've got to admit that it is pretty ingenious. We're all kind of amazed.

Ross asks him, "Okay, this seems to be coming a little too naturally to you. Is there something you want to tell us? It's pretty obvious that no matter what it is we can handle it."

Cory shifts back and forth and almost looks embarrassed. "Well, okay, I'll fess up. I've been fantasizing about shit like this since I was a little kid. I've been designing this stuff in my head all along. I've jerked off endlessly thinking about all the different ways to tie someone up. And I gotta admit, little brother, that most of the time it's you I'm thinking about doing it to."

"What team are you playing on?" Ross continues the questioning.

"Ours, I'm straight... mostly. I mean I get off on women but I also get off on dominating and tormenting him. I like the sadistic stuff but would never do it to a woman. I mean, I wouldn't do it to a man either. I mean, just him. I like doing it to him. I think it's because I know he really gets off on it. I don't really know."

We contemplate what he's said. Steven adds, "I can relate to that. I kinda have the same feelings."

"It does kind of sum it up." Ross agrees. He looks at me smiling, "So what is it about you?"

I shrug my shoulders, "I honestly don't know."

"Well gentlemen, I suggest we stop trying to figure it out and just continue to enjoy it." Steven taps me in the balls to make his point.

Ross and Cory cut out and Steven and I get ready to meet his parents for an early dinner at their favorite restaurant. We do it about once a month but it's not really something we look forward to. Family is family though, so we do it.

His parents are already there when we arrive and we join them at their usual outside table. We make small talk waiting for Craig before we order. He finally arrives making apologies for being late. I assure him that no one was expecting him to be on time. This sets his mother off and she lectures him for a good ten minutes about how he's always late and how rude and inconsiderate it is.

We order drinks. Steven and Craig order beers. The rest of us order water. We talk about nothing. Craig gets up to go to the bathroom but he takes his beer with him. This strikes me as odd and gets me thinking. When he gets back he puts the bottle of beer in front of me, go ahead, drink it. I'll get another." I pick up the bottle and feel that it's warm, too warm. I'm sure he pissed in it.

"Thanks Craig. Wow, it's been months since I gave this up. I can remember the date exactly. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I guess it's okay if I have some now." I slowly raise the bottle to my mouth when his father stops me.

"Don't do that to yourself. You were smart enough to realize you had a problem don't screw it up now. Give that beer back to him right now. Craig, I'm surprised at you! You would think you'd be supportive. It wouldn't be a bad idea for you to cut back..." The lecture goes on for a good ten minutes until our food arrives. Steven is smiling while Craig is glaring at me."

I wait until we order dessert, "Hey Craig, there's a nice Jewish girl in my office. Do you want to meet her?"

"No..." Before he can say anything else his mother goes off on him about how he needs to get serious and settle down. She goes on and on. Steven is thoroughly enjoying how I'm provoking them to pick on Craig. In fact, he's enjoying it too much.

I change the subject and ask them how their Shabbat services went. They start by telling us how good it was but quickly get on both Steven and Craig for not observing. We just let them go on their own steam. As they start to run out of energy I add, "It's partly my fault. I won't miss church and I always get him to come with me." This gets them going all over again. I'm the only one still smiling. Steven and Craig have more like evil grins. They know exactly what I did.

I put the cherry on the cake, "Please, let me pick up the check. It's the least I can do. You always pay." I grab the check away from Dad.

He absolutely refuses to let me pay but thanks me profusely and goes off on his sons about never even offering to pick up the check. My work is done.

We walk them to their car and say our good byes. Craig and Steven look at me. Craig asks, "What the hell were you doing?"

"Turn around is fair play. Paybacks are a bitch. He who laughs last... Take your choice dude." I'm gloating and we all know it.

"You'll pay for this." Craig taunts me in good humor.

"Yeah, he will, but not today. Later bro." Steven and I cut out. In the car Steven says, "You were in rare form today. If it wasn't so funny and artfully done I'd beat your ass but I've got to admit you were clearly the best player today." I know better than to gloat this time.

We use the late afternoon to detail out my car. We go out to dinner and talk about my new position and the salary that goes with it. We both agree that we'll hold steady for awhile and bank the extra cash. He and I agree on most of the major stuff that sometimes fucks up a relationship. After dinner we catch a movie. The movie is solidly decent, but not great.

We head home afterward and hang out in bed watching television. I massage his feet and lick and suck on his toes. I slowly gently run my hands all over his body. I kiss and suck on his nipples, run my tongue down to his naval and play in the deep crevice. I lick and nibble on his anus and slide my tongue up and down the length of his crack. I kiss, suck and lick his balls gently and teasingly. I slide my mouth over his rock hard and swollen cock and very gently and subtly suck him. We do all this for a long time and he just lies back enjoying it as he watches television.

During the show he reaches into his nightstand and hands me the lube. I use it to jerk him off slowly and gently. It takes him forever to cum this way but when he does his orgasm is fierce and intense with his cum landing all over his stomach. I give him a little time to recover and lick him clean. I get a warm washcloth from the bathroom and wash him up and use a towel to dry him off. I snuggle next to him.

"You're not going to ask if you can cum?" He's rubbing his hand through my hair and speaking very softly.

"No, Sir."

His hand goes down to my crotch and he slides his fingers up and down my shaft. It feels so good. "I want to see you cum. Jerk off for me. Do it very slowly barely touching your dick. Stop when you get close and then do it again. You can cum on the third time you get close." I do as he says. I slowly jerk off while he continues to watch television beside me. He makes sure I do it very slowly and gently and makes me stop when I do it too fast or hard. He threatens that if I do it wrong again he won't let me cum so I'm careful not to go too fast or do it too hard. Stopping when I get close is a bitch, but I do it, and then do it again.

"Good boy. This time you can cum. Shoot it for me." I continue to go very slowly and my orgasm builds a fraction at a time. My cock is rock hard, dark red, and swollen to the max by the time I shoot. The first rope of cum goes all the way up my chest and each shot after that is slightly shorter in length. I'm exhausted when I'm done. I use the same washcloth and towel I used on him to clean up and fall right to asleep.

In the morning we meet John and his boyfriend for church, which is pretty much our routine. We have a good time talking and hanging out over breakfast at our usual place. They are really hitting it off and are talking about the future. They're even talking about moving in together, maybe even moving away. They head out for their days activities and we head over to my parent's for a family picnic and barbeque.

Everyone is there! All of my brothers, their wives and girlfriends, my nieces and nephews; it's a crowd by any standard. It's loud and rowdy! We do all of the things families do and have a great time playing with the kids. The kids go wild when we have pony races with the men as the ponies and the kids as the jockeys. They fight to have their turn riding me because I win every race. No one has the amount of practice I do at crawling. We play lots of different games with them.

"Football time!" Several of my brothers yell it at the same time and the ball flies simultaneously. The game is underway even as we all run to join in. I intercept a pass, begin my run for the goal, and throw the ball to Steven a split second before Cory tackles me. Steven scores the first touchdown of the game as Cory sits on my chest watching the play!

"Get in the game!" Ross yells at Cory. Cory digs his fist into my crotch as he pushes himself up. "You tackled our own team mate asshole. It's us against them."

"It worked didn't it?" Cory shoots back.

The rest of the game goes much the same way. It seems tackling me is right up there in importance with scoring. We all have a great time and we win by about a hundred points because while everyone concentrates on tackling me Steven keeps running the ball and scoring, but no one is really keeping track anyway. We work up quite a sweat playing. It's a pleasure to join the kids playing with the garden hose to cool off. We peel off our shirts and remove our socks and sneakers and run around with them playing games and getting soaked.

Mom clangs the dinner bell yelling at all of us. "Dinner is almost ready. All of you get dried off cleaned up. Move it!" She chases us good naturedly with a wooden spoon threatening to hit us with it if we don't listen to her. Steven and Cory use me as a shield pushing me toward her and teasing her that they're trying to get me to do as she saying but I'm not listening. She lands a couple of light cracks on me going along with the game.

Cory grabs the wooden spoon from her grasp, "Here Ma, let me help you." He whacks me hard with the spoon across my thigh telling me to get moving. He chases me into the house whacking my ass hard with the spoon. I forgot how much a wooden spoon hurts though I'd gotten more than my share of spankings with one as a kid. I run down into the basement with him right on my tail. With nowhere left to run he corners me in the basement. A couple of my brothers are already there and others are filing in along with Steven and Ross.

Cory is trying to wrestle me to the floor whacking me with the spoon whenever he can get a good shot in. I try unsuccessfully to wrestle it away from him. Ross comes to his rescue and quickly helps him get me down and they try to pin me. I can't get away but I'm quick and agile and keep squirming out of their holds on me. My brother Jesse joins in and with his help they nail me to the floor. Jesse and Ross hold me down as Cory wails on my ass. It really stings my ass through the wet pants. Ross yanks my pants down exposing my bare ass for Cory to hit. I try to get away, but can't. They laugh at my efforts, cheer when I come close, and then cheer again as they re-pin me. They even make bets as to whether or not I'll succeed. I yell at them to stop and when that doesn't work I beg them to stop. That doesn't work either so I put on a show of protest but resign myself to taking it until they decide to stop. Cory does a good job reddening my ass to a blazing color as they all watch and cheer him on at my expense. My ass is red hot and screaming.

"I'll stop when you agree to kiss my feet and say thank you in front of all of us." Cory taunts me. There is no way I'm going to do that in front of our other brothers.

"Fuck you!" I tell him. The others react with jeers and cheers. Cory reacts by spanking me harder. Jesse and Ross react by pinning me even tighter. Jesse is sitting on my back holding my arms pinned underneath him. He moves his legs sliding his feet up and against both sides of my face and trapping my face between them and rubbing them all over me.

Cory whacks my ass, "You won't kiss my feet but you'll kiss his so you must want this." He hits me again. My ass hurts like a mother fucker. I try again to get away but I don't stand a chance. Jesse continues rubbing his feet on my face as Cory lands another crack.

Oh fuck it, "Okay, I'll do it. I'll kiss your feet and say thank you." I'm near tears as I say it.

"That deal's off the table. The new deal is you kiss all our feet. Take it or leave it but the next deal will be much worse." He swats my ass hard to drive his point home.

I have no choice, "Okay, I'll do it. Please stop, please, it hurts so bad. I give up."

They applaud and congratulate Cory on winning. "You might as well start with my feet since they're already in your face." Jesse pushes his toes against my lips. When I open my lips to kiss them he pushes his toes in my mouth. They laugh. The pain of my embarrassment now matches the pain I feel on my butt. I try to hide my hard-on but it's pretty pointless. It's right out there in plain view for all of them to see.

"Okay, loser, we're going to let you up so you can crawl and kiss each of our feet. If you don't do it you're going to really get a beating and with all of us here you have no chance of escaping it." They let me up and Cory steps right in front of me. Without any prompting I lower my face to his feet and kiss them, and then Ross', and then Steven's. I take a deep breath and crawl to each of my brothers to kiss their feet. A couple of them step back and pass. In an odd way that's worse. It makes me feel like what I'm doing is sick and wrong. When I'm done working my way through all of them, Cory grabs me and gives me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek, "You're the best, man! You've always been a good sport. Love you, bro." They're all in a good mood and joking around as they drift away leaving Steven and me alone.

Steven talks to me laughing, "That was fun, very juvenile, but fun nonetheless."

I can tell from his whole demeanor that he's in a playful mood and not taking this seriously so I don't hesitate to ask him, "Can I get even?"

"I dunno, can you?" His grin is evil.

"Fuck yeah! I know how to get them where it hurts. I'm a master at this part of the game." My grin is as evil as his.

He slaps me on the ass, "Go for it. Just remember turn-around is fair play."

I pull my clothes back on and run up the stairs and join them at the picnic tables in the backyard for dinner. I give my mother a big hug, "Thank you, momma, you're the best. You're not appreciated as much as you should be."

She hugs me back, "You're always the sweetest one! Do you think any of these goons could ever say thank you? You'd think being nice to their mother would kill them. Once they get a girl of their own the mother falls by the wayside..." and on and on. My brothers glare at me but say nothing knowing anything they say at this point would just sound like sucking up.

I don't stop, "I'd like to say something." I raise my paper cup in a toast. "I just want to say that I think I'm the happiest person in the world. I love my family and I love Steven. I love the life we have together." Then I go in for the kill talking to my brothers, "I hope you guys appreciate your spouses and take care of them as much as I appreciate and take care of mine." You'd think I'd stop as their wives glare at them, but I don't. "And you guys... I hope you realize what you're missing and settle down soon." Cory, Jesse, and Ross are the only single ones left and their girlfriends and my mother go right off on them about how they need to settle down and get serious about life and stop all the foolishness and immature playing around they do.

I let that whole conversation settle down and then go in for the kill, "You know Pop, I was looking at your car. It needs to be detailed out so I'll come by one night after work and do it. It's too bad you can't get it in the garage so it would hold up better. You don't need the expense of having to replace it."

My father goes off, "How can I get my car in the garage with all their crap in it? Their stupid motorcycles alone take up half the room. I keep waiting for them to outgrow them but they never grow up." He's referring to Ross and Cory's motorcycles. "If they'd at least get them out of there I could squeeze the car in."

I quickly volunteer, "They could keep them at our house, we have plenty of room. Why don't you guys bring them over and leave them with us?" How could they say no with my parents jumping all over them encouraging them to do just that?

Jesse jumps in, "I don't believe this! He pulls crap like this all the time and you fall for it. How could you not see what he's doing and let him get away with it? He always gets us in trouble."

"You watch your mouth. You don't need him to get you in trouble you get in enough all on your own. It's you guys picking on him all the time. You don't think I know all the teasing and hazing you're always doing to him. He's always such a good sport about it never coming to us to complain. You're lucky he's the way he is or you'd really get it back in spades. Turn arounds are fair play you know."

"Oh I know!" Jesse gets in the last word. I go to say something else but Steven's hand clamps down on one thigh while Cory clamps down on the other. I stay quiet and let the conversation settle down to normal. We have a great meal and a great time together.

After dinner I tell my mother, "You sit. I'll clean up." I immediately start cleaning up and keep insisting she stay seated. I look at my Dad, "I'm getting really nervous about the pool match next week. I hope we can find some time to play. I can really use your coaching, Pop."

"Let's go. You guys clean up. Your mother deserves a break." He takes me away to the basement where we get in a couple of games until they're all done cleaning up and it's time to go home.

Steven suggests, "Why don't Cory and Ross bring their bikes to our house tonight and Jesse can bring the car? Then they can drive back together in the morning." My stomach sinks as they quickly agree to the plan.

The five of us head out to the garage. Jesse gets real close to me and talks real low, "Turn arounds little fucker, think about that on the way home."

Steven and I ride in silence for a short time. He breaks the silence, "I hope you enjoyed that because it's pretty obvious you're going to pay for it."

"Yeah... it won't be the first time and it probably won't be the last. At least this time we got a couple of really cool motorcycles out of it." I look at him with a big smile on my face and wink at him conspiratorially.

"Yeah, but how long will it be until you're able to sit down and ride it?" His smile broadens as mine fades away. The wooden spoon is too recent a memory and I squirm in my seat thinking about what might be coming.

Next: Chapter 36

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