Pool Table and My Balls

By NiteSearcher2000

Published on Feb 21, 2007


TGIF- Thank goodness it's Friday! It's been a good week but it's also been long and stressful. I'm glad it's Friday because I'm ready for some fun and some R & R. I'm tired and restless at the same time.

I get home a little earlier than usual and zip through my chores. It's really not a lot to do because Steven is neat and clean, just as I am. I take a quick shower and grab something to drink before heading to my cage. I look at the time and try to figure out if there's something else I need to do before getting in. I'm looking for a valid reason to delay getting in and I get mad at myself for doing that. The discipline has helped me so much that I feel bad about resisting it. I get in and get in position and try to mentally prepare myself for what might be a longer than usual wait.

I'm shocked to hear his car pulling into the driveway so early. I wait to hear the garage door open but I'm confused at how long it's taking. I hear the kitchen door open and it sounds like he's alone. I figure he must have plans for us to go out and left his car outside instead of pulling it into the garage. We usually use my car, but whatever. I'm so glad he's home early and hope he lets me out sooner rather than later.

I take a deep breath as I hear his footprints approaching. "Hey little brother." I jump at the sound of Cory's voice and pick my head up to look at him. "Now you're not supposed to move, are you? What happens when you do something wrong? Do you get a demerit or something? Detention? Time out?" I'm not sure what to do or say so I do nothing.

"I figured I'd get here early and wait for you but here you are. So what now? Can you come out and play?"

"I don't really know. This has never happened before." I'm being honest with him. Part of me thinks it's better if I stay put in here but part of me would like to get out.

"Well, what's the worst that will happen? You'll get punished for doing the wrong thing and I'll get to watch. That doesn't seem so bad to me. So what do you say I get you out of there and have some fun. At least I'll definitely have some fun. As for you, maybe you will and maybe you won't. We'll just have to see what happens. I picked up some stuff on the way home. Let's try it out."

I try to cover my bases to minimize things in case I do get in trouble. "I don't know if we should do this."

"So, here's the first deal. If you keep talking the first time you say something I don't like I'll gag you. You got that?"

What the fuck... If he wants to play I know how to play. "Yes, Sir."

"Oh fuck yeah! I like the sound of that." He opens the door of the cage. "Don't move until I tell you to." I feel him putting ankle restraints on my ankles. He pulls them together and attaches them about twelve inches apart. "Now back out." I back out slowly which is all I can do with my legs bound like they are. He pulls me up to my knees. "So far so good, now for your arms. He attaches another set of restraints to my wrists. He grabs a leather cross with clips on the end. I know its use is to attach my wrists to each other and then to my ankles. "Stand up." He attaches it to my ankles. "Now bend over." He attaches my wrists to my ankles securing all four limbs to each other. "Oh yeah! That's a good look for you."

He puts a leather collar around my neck and attaches a leash to it. "Come on little brother. It's time we take a walk."

What the fuck is he talking about? "I can't walk like this."

"I think you can." I can hear the amusement in his voice.

"How am I supposed to do that?" I ask him.

"You're the fucking genius in the family. I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out. You just need some motivation." He slams his hand in a downward motion on my ass. "Now move or I'll do it again," he hits me, "and again," he hits me again. It's easy to see how this is going to go. I take a small step. "See. I knew you could figure it out." It is humiliating as hell to walk like this. "Your ass up in the air, balls swinging back and forth, you at my mercy with no choice but to do whatever I tell you. It doesn't get better than this does it little brother? Oh no, don't stop, keep walking. We're not done yet, not by a long shot. It's such a beautiful day out so let's go outside and play."

I can't help but thinking that I should have stayed in my cage. I slowly make my way outside and to his credit he makes sure I don't fall on the steps or concrete. He relaxes when we get in the grass.

"Let's start with a real simple game, a game we both know and love. Fetch! We're gonna play fetch. Won't that be fun? Now guess who's going to be doing the throwing and guess who's going to be doing the fetching." He laughs at himself. I'm not laughing. "Shit! I forgot to bring a ball. What can we use instead of a ball? I know! We can use my socks." He sits on the lawn chair and takes his shoes and socks off. He balls his socks and wraps them together. He rubs them in my face. "Take a good whiff of these so you can find them better. That's it, get real familiar with the smell." I try to pull away but can't.

He sits back down in the chair. "Okay, now let's go over the rules. I'm going to throw my socks and you're going to go get them and carry them back to me in your mouth. You're going to drop them at my feet, kiss my feet and thank me, and then ask me to throw them again. Now just to make sure you try your best I'm going to watch you and if I don't think you've tried your best and moved fast enough I'm going to spank the shit out of you so you try harder the next time. Sounds like fun, right? So let's do it." He tosses his socks across the yard. "Move it asshole. They're not coming back by themselves." He smacks my ass hard to get his point across. I glare at him like I've seen Ross do. He smacks my ass harder, "It's okay with me if you want to play this game. I like it just as much as fetch." He smacks my butt again.

I do it. What choice do I have? I move as fast as I can in this ridiculous position. I saw where they landed and go right to them. I pick them up in my mouth and carry them to him as fast as I can. I drop them at his feet. I defiantly wait to see what will happen if I don't do what he told me to. He picks his foot up and rubs it all over my face. "You're right dude! This is better than you just kissing them." So I kiss them as he told me too. His feet smell just like his socks which isn't really that bad.

"Sir, will you please throw them again?" I let the resentment show in my voice.

"Sure I'd be happy to. The thing is I don't think you moved fast enough. I'm going to let you slide this time but unless you move faster next time you're going to get your ass paddled." He tosses them further this time.

I take off after them, find them, carry them back and drop them at his feet. I'm a little out of breath and starting to sweat already. I kiss his feet and ask him to throw them again. Of course he does it. I take off after them again. He repeats the process four more times. I'm soaked in sweat at this point and breathing heavy.

"I'm not happy with that one. You know you didn't move fast enough. Turn around and offer me your ass for the punishment you know you deserve."

Might as well play the game right. "Please Sir, give me another chance. I'll do better. I promise."

"Turn around. You shouldn't have slacked off. I can't let you get away with that. You know you deserve it." I turn around and he uses his hand on my ass landing several good ones. He tosses the socks across the yard and tells me to go get them as he lands a final crack down on my ass.

I take off as fast as I can. As I'm returning I see Steven come out the sliding doors and I reach Cory about five seconds before he does. I figure this is my chance to maybe get Cory in some trouble. I follow the rules of the game and drop the socks and kiss Cory's feet and ask him to throw them again.

Before Cory can throw them again, Steven asks Cory, "What are you doing?"

Cory looks like a kid with his hand caught in the cookie jar. "I was uh, just playing fetch with my kid brother.

"And, why the restraints? That's a pretty tough position to move in."

"Yeah, sweet right? I was making it more interesting and challenging."

"Why is his ass so red?" Steven has a slow steady rhythm as he asks the questions and there is a subtle amusement in the way he's asking them.

"He wasn't moving fast enough so I paddled his ass to get him to move faster."

"Sounds reasonable. And what's with the socks?"

"I'm using my socks because I couldn't find a ball. Pretty disgusting, right?"

"Not as disgusting as I'd like it to be, but if it satisfies you go ahead. Don't let me interrupt." I know Steven is baiting him and wonder where he's taking this. I know already that it isn't going to work in my favor.

"No, it's okay. What do you mean it's not as disgusting as you'd like it to be? What would you do?" Cory asks. Obviously his curiosity has been peaked.

"This." Steven pulls his dick out and aims for the socks on the ground. He pisses directly on them soaking them in his piss. I feel myself physically sag with my humiliation.

"Wow. That is pretty disgusting." Cory is looking a bit skeptical at this point. "Why don't you throw them this time?"

"I'm not touching your socks." Steven sits in the chair next to Cory.

"Well I'm sure as hell not touching your piss, so now what?"

"Now we change the game. You." Steven points to me, "Pick the socks up in your mouth and carry them to that tree and back. You have two minutes. If it takes you longer than that we paddle your ass again. Pick them up now." I bend over and pick them up in my mouth. Dirty socks, soaked in piss, is pretty disgusting to me too. They won't touch them with their hands but I have to pick them up in my mouth. They are so piss soaked it drips down my face as I hold them in my mouth. The combination of piss and foot sweat makes them pretty pungent.

Cory says, "That is so fucking disgusting. You're gross. There is no fucking way I'd ever do that. I wouldn't even touch them." I feel the heat rising to my face as I blush in embarrassment.

Steven tells me, "You have two minutes, Go now."

I move as fast as I can in this awkward position. I circle the tree and head back. I'm out of breath and sweaty as I drop the socks in front of them. I squat down to rest.

Steven says, "Wow. I really underestimated you. One minute and forty five seconds. That's your new time to beat. Beat it or be beaten. Do it again, now."

Oh fuck, I pick it up quickly and rise to run as fast as I can in this position. I'm dripping sweat now and out of breath. I drop the socks and drop down balancing on my feet and hands, panting.

"One minute thirty five seconds. Beat it or be beaten. Do it again, now."

I try my best. I move as fast as I can. I feel clumsy and slow. I know I didn't make it as I get back to them. My muscles are aching. I'm exhausted. I drop down on my ass knowing I was defeated.

"Go back to the tree and wait. Keep the socks in your mouth. No sitting without permission." Steven heads into the house as I head to the tree.

Cory follows me. I crouch down balancing on my feet and hands. "Damn! It sucks to be you. It's good to be on this end of it though. I've been boned since we started not to mention most of the day as I thought about what I was going to do to you. This is better than I planned." Steven joins him holding a rope and various paddles and belts. Cory says to him, "The piss thing. That was a nice touch. I have to piss."

"You want to piss on your brother?" Steven is almost laughing as he asks it.

"Fuck yeah! Why wouldn't I?" Cory sounds excited.

"Then do it. I'm not going to stop you." Steven steps back. Cory pulls his dick out right in front of me. It looks like mine. I can definitely see the family resemblance in our family jewels. He squirts a stream right at my face and stops. It takes him a second or two to get it flowing again. Then he lets loose and pisses all over me. He's soaking me everywhere with his urine. Ross comes out of the house as he's doing it. He surveys the situation and shakes his head.

"Cory, what the fuck are you doing to him?" Ross asks.

"Duhhhh!! Pissing on him. Ask the obvious why don't you." Typical Cory response.

Ross surrenders the point, "Gee and I thought we were meeting here to take him out to dinner to celebrate his promotion."

"Yeah, we'll do that too." Cory assures him.

"Sit." I obey Steven and sit back on my ass. He grabs the restraints and rolls me over onto my back with my ankles and wrists in the air. He ties the rope to the restraints and throws the other end over the big branch on the tree. He pulls it tight hoisting my arms and legs into the air. He pulls me up until just my shoulders and head are on the ground. They just leave me hanging there and go back to their seats. I'm so uncomfortable and miserable. I don't know what they're waiting for. Why don't they just paddle my ass already? Anticipating it is making it worse.

I know why they waited as soon as Craig arrives. Craig doesn't hesitate or say anything to me. He just walks over, whips out his dick and pees on me as if it is the most natural thing to do. He aims mostly at my crotch and his piss pours down my body. They finally come back over to me as he's peeing.

Ross asks, "Is that what I'm supposed to do too?"

"Duhhh!" Ross accepts that as an affirmative answer from Cory and he pisses on me too.

Steven asks for help as he hoists me up further until I'm hanging about waist level to them. "Gentlemen, choose your weapons." They each pick the paddle or belt they want. Steven lands the first blow to my ass and it sends me swinging and spinning. I'm too disoriented to know who landed the next one on the side of my thigh. They continue landing blows all over my body as I swing and spin. Arms, sides, thighs and buttocks are hurting and stinging as they stand all around me and continue to land blows. They're not hitting very hard, at least not compared to usual. When they're done, they lower me until my shoulders touch the ground again and then leave me hanging there and go into the house.

They come back out dressed nicely for dinner. It is so much more humiliating to be in the position I'm in when they're dressed like this. "We can't take you out looking like that. I guess we'll just have to leave you here and go without you." Even though he's saying it I know Steven would never do that to me. He's too kind and caring for that and he'd never leave me this vulnerable and unattended.

Even though, I go along with it and beg him, "Please let me go with you, please. I promise I'll be good and do whatever you say. Please don't leave me here alone, please."

"You'll pay a heavy price to come. No pleasure without pain. Not for you." Steven sounds ominous.

"Yes, Sir, I know I'll have to pay for the privilege. Please let me come. Please."

I'm let down and made to shower outside with them all watching. The water from the garden hose is freezing. I follow Steven's direction and go up to get dressed. He said to wear something nice so I get to pick out my own clothes. I'm careful not to pick something simple and not too showy. I smile when I think to myself that I'm going out with straight guys anyway so who cares. I come down the stairs to find them waiting for me. I can tell from Steven's eyes that he's pleased.

Cory exclaims, "Fuck! That's exactly what I mean. After everything we did to him he looks like a million bucks. It just makes you want to do it all over again."

Ross clops him on the back of the head. "You, be nice for the rest of the night."

"Oh all right, but I'm telling you this ain't over." Cory's pride doesn't let him give in completely.

We have a great dinner together. Steven orders my favorite dinner for me. He even offers me a sip of his beer which I politely refuse. I can't remember the last time I had a beer. I used to drink a lot and never drink anymore. I don't even miss it. Ross ruffles my hair, "Good for you. You used to make us nervous with how much you drank. I'm glad you've stopped. It's a very mature decision on your part." I look at Steven and he winks at me. I wonder if he'd shared Ross's concerns and that's why he'd stopped letting me drink anything but water. Ross continues with a toast, "To you, little brother. You've really pulled it together and built a good life. Congratulations!" They all join in the toast.

I feel really proud and assure them that I owe it all to Steven I have never been this focused and self disciplined and had this much control over my own life.

It is fun to be with them like this. Friends are great but family goes all the way back to the beginning. We reminisce, tell stories, tease and razz each other. We talk seriously and fool around too. We linger over dinner and they enjoy a couple of beers as we talk.

Cory raises a conversation. "Okay, seriously now, I really don't think it's fair that you've all had him suck you off and I haven't."

"It's not like you've never had a blow job." Ross consoles him.

Craig rubs it in, "I've never had blow jobs like he can give. His mouth is like a dream come true. It's almost better than pussy."

"You're not going queer on us are you Craig?" Ross asks him.

"No. I'm just saying when it comes to blow jobs he rules. It doesn't mean I want to marry him." Craig is stating a fact not being defensive.

"I admit," says Ross, "that it was the best I've ever had."

"So that's what I'm saying. I want my turn." Cory sits back and crosses his arms.

"So let's go." Steven stands to leave and everyone else follows along.

My heart speeds up a little bit at the thought of what's going to happen. I know I did Ross but that was different. It was part of a scene that just kind of flowed. This is different. I'm going home to suck Cory off. I want to, but it still feels odd.

It is pouring rain when we walk out under the awning of the restaurant. It's coming down in torrents. I figure I'll play the good slave boy and ask if they want me to go get the car so they don't get wet. Cory feigns being offended, "Do we look like pussies to you? What do you think that we're afraid of getting our hair wet? We're real men, not faggots." We all know he's kidding.

"That's it, you're dead meat." Steven lunges at him but Cory takes off into the rain with Steven running after him. Steven is keeping up but can't catch him. Cory can really run. The three of us laugh at them as we watch them get soaked running toward the car.

I suddenly realize, "Shit! I have the keys." I look around trying to figure out what to do. "I'm going." I run into the rain toward the car so they can get in. I hear noise behind me and turn to see Ross and Craig running behind me. We're all soaking wet by the time we pile into the car. It is still pouring when we get home.

We stand in the garage still soaking wet. "No sense making a mess inside." Steven starts undressing and we all follow suit and strip to our underwear.

Cory looks sly, "Hey, do you guys have a football? Anyone open to a game of jock football?" We used to play football in the rain all the time when we were kids. We'd pull our shirts and sneakers off and run around in our shorts. It was fun.

"I'm in." I volunteer quickly and grab the old football out off the shelf. They all agree and we run out into the rain in our underwear. We play by the old rules with no discussion necessary. It's Steven and Craig against Ross and Cory. They stand at each end of the yard with me in the center with the ball. I alternate which direction I run in. If I run toward Steven and Craig they have to stop me before I reach the designated end zone. If they fail to, Ross and Cory score. Visa versa on the next play. It leaves me doing most of the running and me as the one who keeps getting tackled. What a surprise...

It's fun running around in the rain like when we were kids. I take some good hits as they tackle me. There is definitely some unnecessary roughness and they don't really need to pile on top of me and push my face into the grass. Steven and Craig tackle me on one play and drag me by my legs back toward Ross and Cory who end the play by jumping on me and making me too heavy to drag. Cory sits up on my face with his wet ass right in my face. He purposely rubs it all over my face and slides his crack up and down. I struggle to get out from under him but Ross holds me down.

The game deteriorates into dragging me around and pinning me down in ever more uncomfortable and embarrassing positions. Their feet, crotches, asses and underarms are rubbed into my face while knees, feet, elbows and fists "accidentally" hit me in the nuts. They are each boned or at least sporting semis.

I'm tired, soaked, and full of mud and grass. I keep trying to get away and they each take turns catching and pinning me. I'm having a harder and harder time putting up a fight. I decide to go for broke and put all my energy into a run toward the back of the yard intending to call "base" when I hit the tree. I get about two thirds of the way there when I feel a pair of hands grab me from behind. It slows me enough that he catches up to me and wraps his arms around me and pulls me to the ground. I land face down with him on top of me and I realize that it is Steven. He sits up on my ass and pushes my shoulders into the ground. "Hold him down!" Ross pins my shoulders down and Steven slides down from my butt and pulls my underwear down and off of me. He pulls my butt up so I'm on my knees. He must have pulled the front of his underwear down because I feel his hard dick pressing against my hole. He pushes in hard and fast and I gasp out in pain. He pulls back and slams right back in. He tells Ross, "Do it, Man. Do it!"

Ross pulls his dick out and he pulls me up and rubs my face across his crotch before taking aim at my mouth and sliding his cock into my mouth as Steven slams into my butt hole again. Despite all the teasing, Ross is as well hung as Cory is, but much hairier than the rest of us. His pubic bush is thick, coarse, and long. Ross pumps his dick in and out of my mouth a bunch of times before handing me off to Cory.

Cory is standing in front of me with his underwear tucked under his balls. He's thin and his pelvis is rock hard and dead flat. His cock and balls look bigger because he is the thinnest and least hairy of us. "It's my turn now, fucker, and I want it done right. Give me your best." He slides in slow and brings it right to the root. I fight the gag and deep throat him. "That's it bitch. Take it. Do it right! Make me proud of you." That phrase catches me and makes me want to impress him more. I really try hard to make him feel good and enjoy the experience. It's hard to concentrate with Steven fucking me raw.

Cory holds my head with one hand and his dick with the other and he face fucks me. I hold the tops of his thighs for balance and I'm amazed with how hard they are. He pumps into me and I feel his dick swelling tighter and tighter. He's obviously into it. He shoots his load into my mouth. I'm amazed at how much he cums and how light and sweet it tastes. I swallow every drop. After he's done shooting he pulls out and crouches down beside me. He holds my face against his and talks in my ear, "I love you, brother. I really love you. We're fine right? You're okay with this? I love this, man."

"Me too." I kiss him on the cheek as I say it. He slaps me lightly and winks. Steven pushes in hard and fast to get my attention back.

To Ross he says, "He's yours, bro. Take him."

Ross aims his dick at my mouth and slides it right into me. He is big, muscular, hairy and stern looking. He's the most masculine of us. He is imposing as hell standing over me in the pouring rain. He pushes into my throat and holds me there. I swallow around his dick. I can't breathe. He holds me like that until I'm silently begging him by sliding my hands gently down his thighs. We got our rhythm and signals down very quickly. He wanted me squirming and surrendering with each stroke. Steven fucks me hard while I'm down on Ross and lightens up when I'm catching a break and a breath. Ross pushes in and fires his first load deep but pulls back to shoot the rest in my mouth. As apposed to Cory's affectionate ending, Ross pulls my head back by my hair and spits in my face. He smears his spit across my face with his hand and then offers his hand to my mouth. I lick his spit from his hand.

Craig steps up. I've done him a bunch of times and know how to get him off. I slide my hand along his shaft as I work his crown with my mouth. He shoots several ropes in my mouth and of course I swallow.

Once they're done Steven gets into a steady pace of plowing my ass. His strokes are long and steady. I feel his dick sliding against the walls of my ass. It suddenly hits me that he's fucking me doggie style with our brothers watching and I'm taking it like a bitch in heat. I push my ass back to meet him better and arch my back more. I go down on my arms and rest my head on my arms as he continues. He pushes me all the way down to the ground and lays his full weight on me as he pumps his load deep inside me. He kisses my cheek before getting off me.

I stupidly go to get up and he uses his foot to push my face back into the grass. He holds me there like that and sends Craig in for some rope. He tells Cory, "Take my place and use your foot to hold his face in the grass." He removes his foot and Cory instantly puts his on my face to hold it down. Steven kicks my legs apart and reaches under me to pull my balls back between my thighs. Then he uses the ball of his foot to step on them and push them into the grass. I feel his toes against my perineum. The pressure is enormous and a slow radiating pain spreads from my balls. I moan and squirm involuntarily. They both increase the pressure to pin me in place.

Craig returns with the rope. Steven takes it and quickly and expertly hog ties me. He uses the ends of the rope to ties my balls high and tight to my ankles and wrists. He grabs my soaking underwear and stuffs them in my mouth. "You stay like that until you cum. Work for it. Hump the grass like the fucking worm you are." I do my best to hump the grass like he said. It's very hard to do like this and it pulls and yanks my balls as I try. He slaps my ass every time I slack off. Cory puts his foot back on my face.

I do it. I fuck the ground like an animal in front of them. I work hard for it but finally shoot my load. I relax my body and moan into the gag in my mouth to let them know I've done it. It's a powerful orgasm and I'm suddenly freezing and shivering in the rain. I think it's a combination of the exhaustion, the emotion, the embarrassment, and the power of my orgasm but I'm really shivering. They pick me up and carry me inside still tied and put me down on a towel on the garage floor.

They grab some old towels off a shelf to dry and clean themselves off. They stand around me and talk about how hot the whole thing was and what a good cock sucker I am. They wrap the towels around themselves and I'm very self conscious of being naked and tied on the floor. I stop shivering now that I'm out of the rain and in the warmth of the garage but I feel more embarrassed than I've felt all night and it's not over.

I can't really see anything but their feet but I hear Steven move to the workbench and come back. I feel him writing on my back. He says the words out loud as he writes, "Cum dump for Steven." He hands the pen off and Ross writes his name. So do Cory and Ross. I never understand why this is so humiliating to me. He goes back to the bench and returns again. I know instantly what's happening. He puts the wood clamp on my balls and tightens down on them. I moan deep and guttural against the pain. Between being tied and crushed my balls ache deep, but the humiliation is deeper. Deeper than I expected or have experienced in the past.

Steven sits beside me. "This is a real bitch ain't it? Worse than you thought, right? It's one thing in front of a bunch of strangers but another thing in front of family, isn't it? You can get away from the others but not from us. You're going to keep seeing us. We're all going to be there at family dinners, weddings, picnics, parties... we'll all be there and you'll never know what's going to happen. Now you're vulnerable any place, any time. You never know when you're going to be spanked or made to suck or anything else we can think of. Just imagine it, all dressed up at a family affair and you get called aside just to take a kick in the balls and then have to go back and pretend nothing happened. One of us hands you a beer but it's not beer, it's piss, and you have to drink it without anyone knowing, but we'll know, and you'll know. It sucks to be you but it's so good to be us."

"Fuck. That got me boned up again." Cory states bluntly. He looks around at everyone tenting their towels. "I'm not the only one."

Steven reaches under me and painfully pulls my erect cock back between my legs to show it to everyone.

"Fuck, that's sick." It's more humiliating coming from Ross.

Steven sets the scene, "We're going to get cleaned up. Then we're going to let you loose so you can get cleaned up too. Then we each get a turn at you for whatever we want one, on one. That will seal it. You'll be put in your place and we'll take ours." My cock throbs it's so fucking hard. I strain to look up and they're all hard too.

I lay there thinking until they're all cleaned up. They release me and I shower and get cleaned up too. I pull on a pair of well worn jeans thinking none of them, other than Steven, are interested in anything I have in my pants. I was wrong. I suck one of them but get fucked by two of them. As promised, Steven never asks and I never tell.

Next: Chapter 35

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