Pool Table and My Balls

By NiteSearcher2000

Published on Feb 17, 2007


Steven pulls back the covers to take a look at my butt. I, of course, slept on my stomach because my ass cheeks are so sore. He runs his hand gently across my cheeks and it still hurts. That was probably the most severe strapping I've ever taken. I don't have to look at my butt to know it is pretty bruised. "Oh baby, your poor ass took a beating. It was so fucking hot though! It was definitely worth it." I can't fucking believe he said that. Of course it was worth it to him, it's not his ass. Just like my brothers last night. They were so willing to offer up my balls but not their own. I guess my feelings are showing on my face because he gets right to it. "Don't look at me like that. You shot your load just by rubbing your cock on the sheets. As little as you were able to move you had to be pretty fucking turned on for that to happen. You'd better not be pulling any of the morning after regrets shit on me. Admit it, you got exactly what you wanted and deserved and you know it so you have ten seconds to adjust your attitude or I'll adjust it for you. "

"Okay, I'm sorry. It was hot last night but you know how it is. Something can be really hot right before you cum and then right after you ask yourself, what did I do that for? That happens to every guy sometimes."

"I imagine it happens to subs and bottoms a lot more often than it happens to Doms and Tops. Doncha think?" That makes instant sense to me. "But I do get what you're saying. It's like drinking, it might be fun when you're doing it but it's not necessarily worth the hangover." Okay, so he does get it.

He waits for that to settle in before he continues. "Tell me the truth; are you afraid of facing Ross and Cory?"

I have to think about it. "Not afraid, more like skittish. I'm definitely embarrassed. I'm concerned about what they think of me now."

"I'd talked to them a long time before I let them into it. They want to be a part of your life, our life. They had a good idea of where last night was going before they entered into it. They really do love and understand you, and let's face it, whatever it is that you got that makes you like this stuff, they got it too, just like I did. I've been thinking a lot about it. We've all always been close and hung out together and we've always played rough with you getting the brunt of it. Then we grew up and listened to those tiny voices in our head that said we're not supposed to do stuff like that and we stopped. Now we're all old enough to decide for ourselves what's okay and what isn't. The way I see it, if we all like it then why the fuck not?"

I'd thought about it a lot myself and had pretty much reached the same conclusion. "I agree with you, definitely. But it has cost us some friends. We hardly ever see or speak to Jimmy or Cliff anymore. Even John is less and less as he and his boyfriend get closer. I don't want that to happen with my brothers."

"We moved away from people who we were moving away from anyway. We didn't have that much in common anymore. We were getting bored and restless and that's what opened us up to new possibilities. We moved away from people who we no longer had much in common with and got closer to people we do. Like my brother, we've never been this close before. That's why I brought your brothers into it, so we can be closer. Think about how many times we didn't include them just because we were afraid of them finding out. Now they know and they're okay with it. At least okay enough not to judge it. Maybe they won't want to get into it but at least we don't have to hide from them. I don't want to have any more closets than we absolutely have to."

"I certainly agree with that. I guess I am nervous about facing them. What if they're not okay with what happened last night?"

"Then we'll work through it. They love you, they really do. Trust in that." He brushes his hand across my cheek and leans in to give me a light kiss. "Let's get moving. I'll make breakfast for everyone. You'd better put on a pair of athletic pants. Your butt's a little^Å angry this morning. Also, all rules are suspended until further notice. You need time to recover physically and emotionally. Besides, I've been missing you, the real you. It was fun watching you top Joey the other night and it was fun goofing with your brothers. You can really hold your own. I like that. Also, I like to see you cum now that you've learned not to think with your dick all the time. We can have more fun this way. I'm not a total prick."

"I never think of you that way, even though everybody else thinks you're a prick." My smile tells him I'm teasing. His hand lands on my ass and it hurts like a mother fucker.

"I win." He says as he gets out of bed.

Steven and I are in the kitchen when they come in. They have their jeans on but nothing else. Steven and I are both in just athletic pants. Steven looks at us, "Good gene pool. Too bad we won't be having kids."

Ross volunteers "Don't worry about it. I'm a breeder. That is the expression, right? I'll have'em and dump'em on you guys to baby sit all the time." He sits down at the table. "How about getting me a cup of coffee." He's obviously talking to me and it's not a request.

Cory sits down too. "Get me one also." I'm just about to say something nasty to them when I realize they've both got the same shit eating grin on their faces. I know how to play this game. I obediently get them their coffee the way they like it. Steven leans against the counter and watches amused. I carry them to the table and just before I hand it to them I spit in each one as they watch me do it.

"You're so fucking immature sometimes." Is all Cory says as he takes the cup from me. Ross just rolls his eyes and says nothing. They both sip it as if nothing happened. Steven chuckles.

Ross says, "Sit down. Let's talk."

"I'd rather stand, thank you." I rub my sore ass as I say it.

"You spit in my coffee, so sit asshole." I wince as I sit down. "I win." Fuck, I've heard that twice already today.

Cory is all energy. "Last night was very fucking hot. Man, I jerked off twice. So, here's what I was wondering, when I stopped the DVD at that scene you didn't even hesitate. What if I'd have stopped at a different scene? Would we have still done it? You know, if I'd have stopped at when he was, well you know what I mean."

"No, tell us." Ross asks, but I'm sure he knows where Cory is going with this. It's pretty obvious.

"Well fuck, when I was jerking off I couldn't help but think about the blow job the guy in the video was getting. Okay, so I said it." He looks at Ross, "What were you thinking of when you were jerking, and don't tell me you didn't jerk it."

Ross sits back and crosses his arms. "I didn't"

"Bullshit! Bullshit! Bullshit! You are so full of shit!" Cory is adamant!

Ross looks at me and nods. I look at Cory, "He didn't."

"How the fuck would you know?^Å Oh shit!^Å There's only one way you would know^Å fuck, oh fuck, and I went upstairs and jerked myself off. Dammit! Was this a one time deal or is the offer still on the table?"

Ross nods, "Hhmmmm^Å. That's exactly what I was going to ask. Gotta tell ya, it was the best blow-job I've ever had, by far."

"Thank you." Even as I say it, it seems an odd response to a strange compliment. I take a deep breath and look to Steven for support. He winks and nods as if to say to do it, so I do. "It's still on the table."

Cory throws his arms up in the air and jumps to his feet, "All right! Let's do it!"

Ross is more of a thinker, "Are you really okay with this?" I nod that I am. He looks at Steven and repeats the question and he nods just as I did. He looks at me again, "This won't be reciprocal; I don't row my boat in that direction."

"Duhhhh! He's a cocksucker and we've got cocks. We're pussy hunters and he's got no pussy. End of story. Why do you have to make everything so fucking complicated?" Cory has always looked at things in the simplest ways. "Besides, it was making him submit that I really got off on. It's making him do it that's hot. I mean, who wouldn't want a slave? That is what you do, right?"

I'm not going to make it that easy. I'm going to give them a run for their money. "Only if you're man enough to make me do it." I look him right in the eye.

"He'll only be man enough if I help him." Ross is looking him right in the eye as well.

"Says the man with the smallest dick." Cory jabs right back. Ross lunges but Cory is out the door and running before Ross is even fully out of his seat. Ross goes after him as fast as he can move.

"Well there goes breakfast. You'd better get ready for work." I look at the clock when Steven says it and realize I'm already going to be late. Shit!

"Can you call my boss and tell him to lay off my ass? It really hurts." I ask nicely really hoping he'll do it.

"Not my ass, not my problem. Handle it." I take a deep breath realizing I should have expected that answer from him.

I go upstairs to get dressed and come down as Cory and Ross are making their way back into the house. They are both soaked in sweat and out of breath. They look at me dressed in my suit and Cory's eyes light up. "Fucken A! I've wanted to spank your ass every time I've seen you in a suit and looking all professional. Drop the pants and bend over little brother." Ross rips his belt out of his belt loops as Cory is talking and Cory follows suit with his belt.

I immediately try to get out of it, "C'mon guys! I've got to get to work. I can't do this now."

Ross answers, "Yes you can."

"Oh please no. I've really got to get to work and my butt is still really sore from last night. You've got to give me a chance to recover."

"No we don't." Damn Ross!

I look at Steven for help and he's quick to answer, "Don't look at me I'm not getting in the middle of this." Fuck!

"I suggest you start begging, bro." Cory gives me my out and I take it. I all out beg for mercy. I promise to make it up to them. I beg them to let me get to work. I drop to my knees and beg more.

Ross says to Cory, "You were right, man. It is going to be fun and easy to torture him."

"Told ya! You can go now but make us a set of keys so we can drop by to torment you any time."

Steven quickly responds, "No fucken way!" His tone is joking. He's not the type to care if they have keys.

Cory answers him, "You are in no position to say no to us."

"What does that mean?" Steven asks.

Quick as a flash Ross and Cory are on him and nail him in a headlock. Ross lands two quick hits with his belt across Steven's ass.

Steven bucks and yells at them, "That's it. You're both dead!"

Cory suggests to Ross, "On the count of three release and run."

Steven tells them, "You can't outrun me!"

"I don't have to outrun you, I just have to outrun Ross and we know I can do that. One, two, three^Å" They push Steven back and take off out the back door. Steven doesn't even try to catch them.

I can't miss my shot, "Now look at what you created."

"I'm going to have to kill them." He's smiling as he says it.

"Remember the rules, kill the funny one last."

I kiss him good bye, turn away and then turn back quickly catching him rubbing his ass, "It's hurts, doesn't it?" He smacks me hard on the ass as I turn away again. Fuck, it hurts.

"Wow. I win again. What a surprise." I don't respond because he's right.

My secretary is waiting the second I get there. "You picked a fine day to be late! The boss man wants you up there an hour ago with your calendar and case load for today. What did you do now?"

"I didn't do anything^Å" She hands me my stuff.

"Get moving. I'm dieing to know what's going on." She pushes me off while she's still talking.

I take a deep breath as I walk up to his secretary. He immediately stands. He's never done that before. "Boss man wants to see me?" I ask him.

"I'm sorry, Sir, but he had to leave. He asked me to extend his good wishes, and of course my own as well, Sir. Congratulations."

Okay, I'm totally confused, "Thank you. Uummm, congratulations on what?"

A big smile comes across his face. "You missed the announcement to the board this morning. You were named Vice President in charge of daily operations, effective immediately."

I am stunned speechless! It takes me a couple of seconds to recover. "Who was the previous Vice President in charge of daily operations?"

"There was none, Sir."

It's a whirlwind as he shows me my new office and where everything is. The head security guy gives me keys and codes. Human resources comes up with my new employment package. I can't believe the pay and perks that go along with this position. I miss at least half of everything everyone is saying to me. I catch this part, "It is up to you if you want a new secretary and Mrs. Dantz can stay with your replacement, or if you want to bring Mrs. Dantz with you." I don't even have to think about that one.

"She comes with me." He hands me her new package for my approval. I see the salary line is left blank and I write a generous figure in and hand it back to him." He doesn't even flinch or question it. I can't wait to tell her, but first things first.

I call my boss^Å He holds up his cell phone as it rings and shows everyone who it is. They all laugh and he uses hand motions to quiet them down. We go through the usual preliminaries of my thanking him for the opportunity and his telling me I've earned it. His parting words get my full attention, "Listen well. I don't usually combine business and pleasure but if you fuck up those two worlds are going to collide and I am going to beat your ass into a pulp, pound your balls into the ground, and grind your dick into a useless stump." He hangs up the phone and everyone bursts out laughing.

Steven holds up his phone for all of them to see as soon as it starts ringing less than a minute later. I tell him all about my new promotion. He's real supportive and congratulates me. He ends the conversation with, "Listen, you worked hard for this and deserve it but it affects both of us now. What happens to you affects my life too so if you fuck up I am going to beat your ass into a pulp, pound your balls into the ground, and grind your dick into a useless stump. Do you understand me?" He hangs up the phone and everyone bursts out laughing all over again.

I look into the phone stunned that they both said the same thing. I wonder if they teach that in Dom school or something.

Steven looks at everyone, "Okay guys, we have about ten hours to get everything done. Let's hit it!" Everyone is there including Michael, the boss man, Ross, Cory, Craig, David, John, Josh, Joey and even a couple of the guys from the club.

The boss man tells them, "This is the first time I've ever built a dungeon as a sign on bonus. He'd better appreciate it."

"Who cares if he appreciates it as long as we get to use him in it." Cory is fitting right in.

A bunch of equipment is delivered and they work to set it all up. They put rubber flooring in place. They install all different kinds of restraints, pulleys, hooks, and cleats to the walls, floor and ceiling. A small prison cell with heavy iron bars is installed. Even a fiberglass, coffin like box is brought in. A water torture chamber is hooked up as well. All different instruments of restraint and punishment are organized and either hung on the wall or put in drawers. All of the typical dungeon furniture like a bondage table, St. Andrews cross, spanking bench, stockades, bondage chair and some other minor pieces are included. The boss man has a passion for mid-evil restraints from metal head cages to cock cages to a full body cage. Cory is a master carpenter and has a field day building different restraint frames. Between Michael's ideas, Steven's creativity, the boss's money, and everyone's skills, a first class dungeon is fit right into the basement of our house. A wall is built to separate it from the rest of the basement and a good door and lock is installed.

Cory is curious as all hell and asks a million questions about how everything works. "You're asking a lot of questions little brother. Do you want to try some of this stuff on yourself, because I'm sure we could arrange it?"

"No fucking way, but the idea of doing it to him is exciting as hell."

Craig says, "I can relate to that. I don't know what it is but abusing and controlling him is a real turn on."

"There is something about him that just brings it out." Steven is smiling proudly as he talks. "He's so fucking superior all the time. He's good looking, ripped, smart, successful, the mother fucker has it all and he knows how to use it. He begs to be taken down. Then the fucker comes back stronger and better making you want to do it again. He's the only one I have any real interest in."

Ross adds somewhat threateningly, "Good. I'm glad to hear that." Steven just smiles knowing how much Ross cares.

"I probably shouldn't say this," Craig hesitates before continuing, "but he's the only guy I'm interested in. I mean dominating him, punishing him, fuck, it's really hot. He gives the best blow jobs I've ever had. That mouth of his drives me crazy! Fucking him was okay but getting sucked off by him is awesome." There's pretty much consensus on that one. Cory looks confused, "Wait a minute, he's sucked you all off?" They all nod yes including Ross. "Fuck! Then I'm next. I can't believe he blew everyone but me. Have you all fucked him too?" Everyone but Ross says yes to that one.

Craig elaborates, "I've only fucked him once. To be honest it was only okay for me. It was bending him over, beating his ass, and making him take my cock up his ass that got me off. I guess I lean more toward straight."

Ross says, "I don't think it's a gay/straight thing. I think it's a power thing. It's the thrill of the hunt, the capture, and the kill. The power trip of being able to overpower, imprison and control another guy is exciting. And I see what you're saying; the pull to him is very strong. It is like he asks for it somehow. Even when we were kids it was like he was asking for it. He looks at Cory, "You ask for it too, but you either escape it or transfer it to him. I remember lots of times you started it but he ended up getting it."

Cory's smile is wicked. "That's what I get off on. I like the taunting and the teasing, baiting people. I like that I can always get myself out of it. The icing on the cake is when I can make him suffer the consequences of my behavior. That is a fucking rush. I piss you off and then you take it out on him. There's nothing better. I can relate to what Craig is saying too. I don't have a direct interest in fucking him but the idea of bending him over and giving him no choice but to take a cock up his ass is hot too."

"I get it." Is Ross's only comment to that. Looking at Steven he asks, "And you're okay with all this? It's okay that everyone wants to use your husband for their own pleasure?"

`It's not one sided. I get off on it too and on some level so does he. For whatever the reason the submission, the pain, the suffering, the humiliation, all the disgusting and degrading things we do to him get him off like nothing else does. Besides that, not to sound negative, the guy's a slut. I could never satisfy him by myself. He likes having lots of sex with different guys. I'm okay with that because I know it's me he loves."

"You're full of shit." Michael challenges him. "I've seen your jealous side. You're not this perfectly cool and secure guy you try to portray."

"I'm not perfect, I have my moments like everyone else does but the reality is I handle it. Every one of you has had him and I'm the one who is doing the sharing. At the end of the day it's my bed he sleeps in and it will be just him and I in the end. In the mean time we're having a blast and including as many people as possible along the way."

Ross pats him on the back. "I really admire and respect both of you for it. It takes a hell of a man to do what the two of you are doing. Talk about living outside the box and on the edge."

Craig adds, "I really like being here. It's like an adult summer camp. It's just fun. And being honest, it's good to have someplace to go where you can just be yourself no matter what. That's the best part."

"This has been pretty much a family discussion but I just want to say that you guys are like the best friends I've ever had. It is fun to be here and a part of things. Thank you for that." David sounds so sincere and the others nod their agreement.

Cory breaks the sappy mood, "So does anyone want to suck my dick so I have a basis of comparison?" Ross grabs him quick and tries to throw him in the cell but Cory is quicker and slips out of his grasp, again. They get back to work and finish well before quitting time.

"Will you be able to keep him out of here until next week?" Michael asks.

"No problem," Steven replies. He has no reason to come down here. I'll lock the door just in case. Besides, he knows if a door is locked he better not ask why and he's not welcome."

Everyone wanders off after the work is done. Steven sits on the floor of the dungeon with two thoughts in his head: One is he wants to get some comfortable chairs down here for spectators and the second is that he'd better do something very special tonight to celebrate his big promotion. Dom/sub, Master/slave, Top/bottom, is all bullshit in the end and he's smart enough to know he'd better keep his man happy. Tonight it will be a nice gift, going out to a fancy dinner, some good sex, and an evil and wicked good time in the very near future. Life is good.

Next: Chapter 34

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