Pool Table and My Balls

By NiteSearcher2000

Published on Feb 12, 2007


Weeks of practicing every night was getting on my nerves. As much as I love shooting pool, it gets boring without any real challenges. Playing straight ball by yourself gets kind of monotonous. I really appreciate Steven's sensitivity to the situation and his efforts to alleviate my frustrations.

He often joins me in the game, but despite his best efforts he really is no match. Still, his patience and perseverance is great. He has a keen eye and tells me about my strong and weak points as I shoot. He's a great coach! Plus, he's taking on a lot of responsibilities to free up my time for practice. He also goes out of his way to keep me balanced by making sure I eat well, exercise regularly, and take breaks and time off.

Our friends are great too. They often came over to keep us company as I practice. They even try to shoot some games, but they aren't even nearly as good as Steven. Their effort is still very much appreciated. David is very competitive and really tries hard. He gets really pissed when he waits forever until I miss a shot and then misses the first shot he gets to take. He tries to be a good sport but his patience wears thin quickly. In the two games we've played he's gotten to take maybe ten shots to my 100. At the end of the second game he's done.

"Okay, fuckwad! I've had enough. It's time for me to have some fun knocking some balls around. Get up on the table and spread your legs." I look at Steven, who just points to the table indicating I should do it."

Craig is all excited and calls out, "Let the real games begin!"

Josh and Joey move in closer to watch as I hop up on the table. My stomach is in knots knowing what is coming.

David barks out his instructions. "Lay on your stomach with your legs spread to the side cushions. Slide up further. Further. I want a good shot at those big balls of yours. A fucking boi like you shouldn't even have balls let alone a set that size. Get ready fucker because sometimes I just like to hear you scream." The first ball hits my thigh before hitting my balls so it isn't so bad. The next few shots are pretty direct hits and knock my nuts pretty hard. I grunt and moan as I take each shot. "Who else wants a turn?" Oh fuck!

Craig takes the stick without hesitating. Five straight shots knock my balls up into their sack. I know it could be much harder, but it still hurts like hell. The ache rises into my stomach. He hands off the queue stick to Josh. His shots are not as hard as either David or Craig but my balls are already aching. Joey asks, "Can I take a turn?"

Steven's response is a slap on the wrist, "Listen boy, we go easy on you because you're fresh meat but don't push it. If you want to take a turn at his balls you've got to take a turn at your balls." Joey looks petulant but doesn't say anything more.

To add insult to injury Josh makes him go stand in the corner facing the wall. He does it, but I'm willing to bet they are going to have one hell of an argument when they're alone. I take a perverse pleasure in Joey's humiliation but it is really minor compared to mine.

"Come on David, I'll play you. We take one shot each right at his balls until we get tired of it." I take shot after shot to my balls until I am whimpering and begging them to stop. I dread each coming shot more and more. I let out a screaming moan as one particularly hard shot connects. Steven laughs, "Oh fuck yeah! You said it man, sometimes you just want to hear him scream!" I take several more shots and entertain them by screaming with each one, more for affect than real reaction to the pain.

Steven gives my ass a good smack as he tells me, "Okay fuckhole, get down here. We gave your balls a lot of attention now it's your turn to give our balls the attention we deserve. Get your fucking tongue and mouth to work and worship our ball sacs." Standing together, David and Steven pull their cocks and ball sacs out over the band of their underwear. My mouth goes right to them and I worship their balls alternating between them as the others watch.

Josh commands Joey, "You too, boy! Get your ass over here and get to work." He and Craig open their pants to give him access to their cocks and balls.

I lick and suck enthusiastically wanting to get them off. Steven gets impatient and steps behind me. Using just my spit as lube he pushes his man dick right up my boy hole. It is rare that he fucks me without lube so it is really uncomfortable. He pushes my head down further on David's dick as he fucks me up the ass.

Josh butt fucks Joey as Craig gets a blow job. They are much gentler with him than I'm being treated. David and Steven fuck me hard at both ends. David shoots first and I take his load down my throat. He grabs Craig and pulls him from Joey, to my mouth. I go down on his cock tasting Joey's spit along the length of his shaft. "Oh fuck yeah! Suck my dick cocksucker. That's it, bitch, that's it, oh fuck yeah..." He shoots his load down my throat too.

I hear Josh moaning as he shoots up Joey's ass. All eyes turn to watch Steven butt fuck me good and hard. He pounds me up the ass until he finally shoots his load into me. He takes a couple of seconds to recover and then pulls out of me. Getting fucked like that hurt but I feel empty when he pulls out. He gives instructions pointing to me and Joey. "You two, sixty nine it. First shooter wins. The loser goes to bed with blue balls." I look at Steven because we both know it isn't fair because I'm a much better cock sucker than Joey. But then again I'm horny as hell!

We start out lying side by side but he's not putting enough effort into it to get me off, and I want to get off. Fuck it! I'll pay the price to win this one. I roll on top of him and fuck his face while going down on him. I control the pace of things and fuck his face good. I let out a scream as I shoot down his throat. It has been a long time since I've cum by being sucked off and it feels great! To be fair, I keep sucking Joey until Steven pulls me off of him by my hair. "I told you loser goes to bed with blue balls. Now get your ass up to my bed."

I move quickly not wanting to push my luck. I get into bed hoping I can stay the night for the first time in weeks after having fucked up and being banished to sleep in the basement. I'm hoping he lets me stay because he's let me in bed for sex or to watch TV with him, but then he's made me go sleep in the basement.

I hear him coming up a little later. He climbs naked into bed and pulls my head to his chest. "You did good tonight and I'm very proud of you. I love you. Nite, nite." He kisses the top of my head and holds me tight. I snuggle into him.

Several days pass without incident or adventure. I kneel naked in my cage waiting for Steven thinking I never should have complained about kneeling in the corner. That was definitely better than this. I won't complain though. I've learned my lesson.

My heart skips a beat when I hear him and I smile to myself that I have that reaction to him. I hear him talking to someone and strain to hear so I can figure out who it is with him. It sounds like it might be more than one person, but I'm not sure. I listen carefully. What the fuck... It sounds like my brother. My heart pounds in my chest. I think about jumping out and running upstairs but I'm not sure enough. Okay, I talk to myself. Trust Steven. I say it over and over to myself. Trust Steven.

"I have a surprise for you." He's talking as he enters the living room and I don't know if he's talking to me or the person with him. "I brought your brother home with me. My stomach sinks and I cringe with embarrassment.

It only gets worse when my brother Cory talks, "Shit man, you weren't kidding. I wish we'd of thought of keeping him in a cage when he was a kid. Hello little brother. I'll bet you're not as happy to see me as I am to see you. Then again, you're not seeing nearly as much of me as I'm seeing of you. Nice set of family jewels by the way. I have a very similar set myself."

I can't think of anything to say and I'm actually glad I'm face down in the cage so I don't have to look at either of them. Steven kills my reprieve, "Get out here and say hello." He unlatches the door and I have to back out ass first. I rise up on my knees and turn to face them and nearly die with embarrassment. "Surprise!" Standing next to Cory and Steven is my brother Ross with an evil smirk.

I bend over and bury my face in my arms. Ross asks, "What? You're not happy to see me?" They break out laughing.

Even though we're a close family, being the youngest wasn't always easy. Cory is my next oldest brother and we've always been particularly close. I've shared everything with him. He was the first person I ever told I was gay. His response was perfect, "Duhhhh. Tell me something I don't know." Then he wrestled me to the ground and let his spit dribble onto my face laughing. I've always told him everything and was even thinking about telling him about the S & M stuff. I can see from his reaction to this that I'd have probably gotten another "duhhh" from him.

Ross is the next oldest of us, and the biggest. He is just enough older than me that he took an authoritative role, but close enough in age that he was an immature prick about it. He was quick to discipline and seemed to enjoy it. He wasn't mean about it. In fact, he kind of made a game of it. He likes to tease too. He and Cory helped us move into our new house and spanked my ass afterward. They're like that, helpful and playful.

Being close in age has always made us close. I guess if anyone in my family should know all this I'd pick these two. I pull myself together and get up on my knees again to face them. The three of them are looking down on me and their knowing smiles only makes it worse.

Ross breaks the silence, "Well little brother, I guess the spankings will be continuing."

" Well duhhhh!" Cory's sense of humor comes through.

Steven grew up with my family. He witnessed, and even joined in, as we wrestled and rough housed and he'd certainly seen me get my share of spankings from my brothers. Thinking about it, I'm not surprised that he brought them into the know about our relationship.

"You're just pissy because his dick is bigger than yours." Steven gets a good shot in at Ross.

"Not." Is Ross's only comeback.

I'm very aware of the fact that I'm the only one naked and that I have an erection. Ross kicks off his shoe. He pushes my hard dick down with his bare foot and then lets it go and watches it slap up against my stomach as the others watch and laugh too. Suddenly, his smile fades into a scowl, "Oh you little fuck! You got your spooge on my foot." I'd obviously dripped pre-cum on him. "That's so fucking disgusting! Get it off of me!" As he says it he wipes his foot across my mouth. I'm so taken back I pull my head back. "I said lick it off me. Now! Lick my foot clean." He pulls my head forward and pushes it down to his foot. "Lick!" Oh shit. I can't believe this is happening. I lick my pre-cum off his foot and I humiliate myself even more by dripping more pre-cum as I'm doing it.

Cory wipes it off with his foot and offers it to me to clean off. "Good boy. I was feeling left out and unloved. Do it like you mean it." He slides his toes into my mouth. "That's it, let me feel the lovin." The humiliation is intense.

Steven breaks the scene, "Let's go shoot some pool. I figure they can give you a run for your money." Both of them are really good and the idea of playing them is exciting and should be both fun and challenging. "Get dressed. We'll go to the pool hall for a change of pace." My embarrassment fades as I run up the steps to get dressed.

We go to the usual bar where we shoot pool. My brothers certainly get a lot of attention when we come in together. Even without gadar they know when they're being cruised. Ross looks a little uncomfortable but Cory is totally unfazed by it all. Looking at Ross, I ask, "Would you be more comfortable if we went somewhere else?"

Cory playfully gives him a kiss on the cheek and teases, "Oh come on baby, please stay for me." Ross is quick and flicks his pool stick up into Cory's balls. Cory grabs his nuts and doubles over more out of instinct than any real pain. We all laugh at both of them.

Ross looks at me, "What the fuck are you laughing at? You're next." I jump back as he lunges at me and he laughs when I flinch. "Pussy! Let's shoot some pool."

Playing with my brothers is fun. It proves what I already know; that in short, one rack games the possibility and probability of my losing increases. The player taking the break shot has a distinct advantage. In longer multi-rack games the advantage diminishes and my skill at running the table dominates. I lose only a couple of games of Eight Ball and leave them in the dust in a straight fifty game. We tease each other a lot and have a lot of fun doing it.

I see a sly smile on Steven's face and follow his gaze to see Michael sitting at the bar watching us play. My stomach clenches. My brothers' don't know him but it is obvious that he and Steven have seen each other and I can't help but wonder if they're up to something. He just sits and watches us as we continue playing. Though he's making me nervous, I still win the game against Ross.

Michael strolls over to us, "I was watching you play. You're not bad. Do you have the balls to play against me?" I catch the pun and relive our first meeting in my mind.

Before I can say anything Ross answers for me. "Fuck yeah. He'll play you. Put your money where your mouth is and name the bet."

Michael and Steven exchange knowing glances. Michael answers Ross, "We can't bet enough money to make it interesting to me but I'll make you a deal. If I lose I'll pay you five hundred bucks. When I win; I get to kick him in the balls."

"Deal." Ross answers without hesitation and obviously without thinking.

"Three times. I kick him in the balls three times when I win" Michael clarifies the bet.

"I don't give a fuck how many times. He won't lose." Ross is getting an edge to his voice and starts racking the balls. He's always been competitive.

"Oh, he'll lose. It's a deal." Michael's smile is wicked.

I jump in, "I don't want to do this."

Ross glares at me, "Don't be a pussy. Cowboy up and show him you have a set."

"Easy for you, it's not your balls that are going to get kicked in if I lose." I feel my cock growing as I argue my point.

"Then don't lose. You lose to him you deserve to get your balls kicked in. You pussy out of this bet and I'll kick your balls in." Ross is adamant about it.

Cory jumps into it, "Do it. You have our family honor to defend."

I keep trying to get out of it. "Are you offering your set of our family jewels as collateral?"

"I'm not the pool champ in this family, you are. Be a man here and make us proud." Cory counters quickly.

I look at them and at Steven. I can tell from his look that the deal is closed and I'm right back to where I was months ago. Michael takes the bank shot and runs the table without my ever getting to take a single shot. I never had a chance.

Cory looks over at Ross, "Well that didn't go like I thought it would."

Ross shrugs his shoulders, "Yeah, I gotta admit I didn't consider the possibility of his never getting a shot. Guess I should have thought it through better. Sorry little brother." He sits on a barstool and picks up his beer.

I look over at Steven and he says, "Don't look at me. You agreed to the bet you pay the price."

Michael's voice has that unnerving quiet tone, "Spread em, hands behind your head."

I look around and between my embarrassment and my dreading what's coming I feel like crying. I get in position and wait for it to come. Michael takes another swallow of his beer and leaves me waiting and anticipating what I know is coming. My embarrassment increases as I stand there waiting. I feel like a complete asshole standing here with my legs spread waiting for him to kick me in the nuts. He steps up, my heart races, he takes his shot and I drop to my knees squeezing my legs together and clutching my aching balls.

I hear Cory, "That gotta hurt."

"Ya think!" Ross responds.

"Get up." Michael tells me.

I get up and get in position again. Michael tells me, "No. I want you on your knees." I get down on my knees. "Spread your legs more and raise up higher. Push your pelvis out to give me a clear shot." I do as I'm told. The shot is quick and solid. I roll on the floor clutching my aching balls.

Michael talks to me, "I'll give you an out. I'll trade out the bet. You go in the bathroom and drink out of each of the toilets and I won't kick your balls in."

Cory is quick, "Oh, that is so fucking disgusting."

Ross's voice is sharp, "Too fucking disgusting."

Steven's voice is just as sharp, "It is too fucking disgusting. I have to kiss that mouth."

I think about all the times he's made me do that so the message is clear. I get back in position on my knees. Michael keeps me waiting. He lines up and lands the hardest of the kicks. The air gushes out of my lungs and I hold my breath until the pain eases out a little bit. I gasp in air and hold my breath again waiting for some relief.

Michael steps right in front of me, "Kiss it and say thank you." I do it. I kiss his foot and thank him. "Now get back up on your knees." Again, I obey him without thinking. He looks at Ross and Cory, "You must be very proud. Good night gentlemen. Thanks for the fun." He leaves.

Cory breaks the silence, "Well, that was embarrassing."

Ross asks, "When did kissing his feet and kneeling become part of the bet? What the fuck did you do that for? I should kick your ass just for that."

Oh fuck. Why did I do that? Especially in front of my brothers, what was I thinking? My humiliation and embarrassment are about as complete as they have ever been.

Cory gives Ross a punch in the arm, "Oh don't be a fucking Neanderthal and go all judgmental now. Before we came here you had him on his knees licking your feet and you're the one who set him up to get his balls hammered. And let's face it Ross, you liked it. That's some pretty dark shit so don't cop an attitude because he likes it too. And by the way big brother, his dick is bigger than yours and we now know he's got a set of brass balls to go with it. Now go make nice and buy the kid an ice cream cone so he doesn't tell Mommy what you did to him, coward. That is what you usually do, right?"

Ross looks him right in the eye and breaks into a smile. "You liked it too. You always joined in and helped and I never had to bribe you to keep your mouth shut."

"Duhhh! Why would I blab and ruin a good thing? Now go make nice so we can do it again." I know it sounds really stupid but a warm feeling flows through me as I realize how tight I am with my brothers.

Ross comes to me, "C'mon little brother. It's about time I taught you how to make the bank shot. With as much as you practice you've never figured out that you need to practice the bank shot too. You lose the game with the first shot asshole, and now that I've told you I'll probably never win again so you'd better be damned grateful."

I can't believe how stupid I've been! He's right. I never practice the bank shot. As I get to my feet I tease him, "I still want Ice cream or I'm telling Mom."

In his most arrogant tone he tells me, "I'll give you something to lick."

Cory doesn't miss his cue, "Oh c'mon, Ross. He deserves a big one so I'll let him lick mine."

"That's it! You're dead meat!" Ross lunges at Cory but Cory is quicker and makes a dash for the back door with Ross chasing right behind him.

I go into Steven's arms and he wraps them around me. "Say thank you." He gives me my line.

"Thank you." I am really grateful that he told them. I feel closer than ever to them.

A few minutes later Cory and Ross come back in the front door all sweaty and out of breath. "He can't catch me. Never could. That's why he always picked on you." Cory gives me a slight shove as he grabs for his beer.

"You," Ross points to me, "get over here and let me teach you how to make a bank shot. Then I'll take everyone for ice cream." He has some good pointers and I catch on pretty quick. With practice I'm sure I'll nail it.

Deciding my brothers will stay the night with us, we stop at the supermarket on the way home and each of us gets a pint of our respective favorite flavors of ice cream to take home. When we enter I look at Steven to see what I'm supposed to do and his body language says it all. I take a deep breath and pull my shirt off as I kick off my shoes. Before I realize it my brothers are doing the same thing. I open my pants and let them drop and they just follow along. Thinking about it, late at night we'd hang out in our underwear watching TV when we lived at home. Steven has an amused smile on his face watching us.

I reach into the waistband of my underwear and drop them slowly. Ross and Cory look at me and then at each other. Ross is clearly less comfortable. Looking at Cory he says, "I think I'm good. I'm gonna hold on to these," He points to his underwear as he says it.

Cory answers, "Yeah, me too. I wouldn't want to embarrass you with your having the smallest dick and all." He tries to run but Ross already has him and pulls him into a headlock.

Taking him down to the floor Ross tells him, "You've been asking for a beating all night. It seems like we have two masochists in the family."

"Yeah but I'm straight so can we get a girl to do it." He's laughing so hard Ross is having an easy time pinning him down.

Ross looks at me, "Hear that pussy, he wants you." I know my brother well enough to know that his comment has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I'm gay but a diss is a diss and calling me a pussy is fighting words. I jump right into the mix figuring Cory and I will gang up on Ross like we always have. I knock Ross off Cory freeing him up.

As soon as I do Cory stands and picks up his ice cream. "Thank you little brother." He sits on the sofa to watch and starts eating as Ross flips the situation and pulls me under him in an attempt to pin me. Steven, who pulled off his shirt and pants at some point sits next to him eating his ice cream. Ross pins me face down by twisting my arm behind my back and planting his knee with his full weight in the center of my back.

He taunts, "Say uncle." I say nothing. He twists my arm tighter. "Say uncle. You can't win this." He pulls my arm tighter. Oh fuck! There's nothing more humiliating than saying uncle to your older brother but I have no choice. I hold out as long as possible to save some pride.

"Uncle." I finally surrender.

"What? I can't hear you."

The fucker, "Uncle! Uncle! I give up."

"Tell me you're a pussy." He tightens down on my arm.

I practically yell out, "I'm a pussy." No relief. "I'm a pussy, Sir."

"When I let go do you promise to behave yourself?"

"Yes Sir, I promise." Still no relief. The fucker really has me pinned.

"When I let go I want you to kiss both my feet and thank me for teaching you a lesson. And for the rest of the night you call me, Sir. Promise?" I say nothing.

Cory speaks up, "Sounds fair to me little brother. I'd take the deal. It can only get worse if you don't."

"Okay. You win. I promise, Sir."

He finally lets me go and I do as I promised. I kiss his feet and thank him. He grabs his ice cream and sits on the sofa too leaving no room for me. Steven hands me my ice cream and I sit on the floor at their feet to eat it.

"This is fun." Cory says. "You guys have any porn we can watch?"

Steven and I both laugh, but I answer him. "Yeah we do, lots of it. But it's all gay you dumb shit."

We all laugh. Cory is so easy, "Okay then. I guess when in Rome, do like the Romans."

Ross adds, "You are a dumb shit. It's more like the Greeks. I'm game. What the hell? It will give us some insight as to what you homos are into." Steven elbows him in the ribs as he gets up as paybacks for his teasing. Steven pops a DVD in and the big screen is filled with a dungeon scene of two Doms working over a sub. It is mostly bondage, discipline, and submission with nothing too over the edge. As far as kink goes it is relatively vanilla.

Ross asks, "This what you guys are into?"

Steven answers, "This, and more. We're real players in the scene. Your brother is good, one of the best. I'm the envy of every Dom around."

Cory is just Cory, "Fucken A. If you're going to do it be the best, I always say."

"I thought you always say duhhhh." Ross teases him and continues his conversation with Steven. "What do you get out of it?"

"I think your brother is really hot. I love his body and I love seeing it being used in all different ways. I love the way he moves and reacts in all different situations. And he's a hell of a man. I get off on dominating him, putting him in his place and keeping him there. It's not easy; he's no wuss or pussy about it. It takes real effort."

Ross and Cory both smile with pride. "And you, what do you get out of it?"

I think before I answer him. "I like the challenge, the test. I like feeling every part of my body experience just about every sensation you can imagine. I like being pushed all the way down and being able to come back up and landing on top. There's a trust and an intimacy that is extraordinary. I surrender completely and end up with it all. I could never explain it, Sir."

His eyes twinkle when I call him sir. "I get it. I feel really close to you, all of you, tonight. It's like we share something extraordinary that others don't. I won't lie; I get off on making you submit. I think it's primal for a guy to want to conquer another guy."

Cory asks jokingly, "So what to we do now, group hug, circle jerk. I'm feeling conflicted." Ross whacks him with a pillow to shut him up.

Steven asks, "What do you want to do? Want to explore? We're open to it. We can do what we want or stop when we want. No pressure, no hard feelings, no judgments."

The silence hangs there until Cory talks up. "Okay, if we're being honest here give me the remote." He looks for the scene he wants and hits play. "I want to do that. That's hot for me and I want to do it." He looks at Ross who simply nods.

"Okay, then let's do it." Steven stands grabs his pants and pulls them on. The others follow suit. Looking at me he says, "Move." We move silently and the tension and excitement in the air is great. I'm totally aware of being naked as I walk in front of them and lead the way downstairs into the basement. Once we're in the playroom I drop to my knees, legs spread wide, waist bent, hands clasped behind my head, eyes down to the floor. We give them time to take it all in and make sure they're okay with it and want to continue. I don't see their reaction but assume they want to continue when they move the single bed to the middle of the room.

"Lay on the bed, face down." My heart is racing and I'm trembling slightly as I get on the bed. I watched the scene we're copying. I know exactly what is going to happen. I just can't believe it is with Ross and Cory.

Steven puts the spreader bar between my legs and attaches my ankles to it. They are spread wider than the bed. I feel totally exposed and wonder of they can actually see my asshole. My arms are stretched wide as another spreader bar is attached to my wrists. A collar is put around my neck and fastened. A bit gag is slipped into my mouth and fastened tight. The blindfold shuts out all the light and it is now pitch black for me. It intensifies the feeling of isolation for me and makes me more self conscious because I know they can see me but I don't know how they are reacting to it.

I feel Steven's hands reach under me and grab my cock and balls pulling them back between my legs. He efficiently ties them tight and pulls them down toward my knees tying them to the frame at the foot of the bed. He slips a rope through the ring in my collar and pulls it tight tying me down to the bed making it so I can't move my neck from side to side or up and down. I only know exactly what's happening because I'd seen it. Restraints are put around my upper thighs and they are tied tight to the bed frame. A leather strap is put across my lower back and also tied tight to the bed frame. My pelvis is plastered to the bed and I can't move at all. My ass is totally vulnerable and exposed.

The spreader bar my ankles is attached to is raised up and away from me pulling my ankles up higher then the rest my body. The same is done to my arms so I am in a backward, upward curve. I struggle to keep my breathing steady and calm.

I feel the cold lube being poured on my asshole. I try to block out that my brothers are witnessing this. I feel Steven's fingers slide into my hole and work it open. He pulls out and I expect a dildo to be slid in but feel fingers slipping in again instead. I can't believe, don't want to believe that one of my brothers is sliding his fingers up inside my ass. When those fingers slide out, more fingers slide in. I try to believe it is Steven fucking with my head. That is easier for me than thinking my brothers have not only seen, but felt, the most intimate part of my body.

The butt plug is placed against my hole. The pressure is hard until it pops past my sphincter. Instead of being pushed in it is pulled out and inserted again. This too is done three times leaving me wondering just how much each of them is trying and exploring. It is worked all the way in. It seems like they're taking turns sliding it in and out of me. I feel my hole dilating around the wide ridge as it slides in and out of me. It is finally pushed all the way in.

A small ball is placed in each hand for me to hold. They will continue to punish me until I drop the balls. If I drop the left one only it means they can continue at that level but don't take it up higher. If I drop both it means I've hit my limit and need them to stop. I steady my breathing knowing it will start soon. I find my head space and start focusing on what I need to, to get through this. I feel my cock hardening as I sink into my sub space. I picture Steven watching it appreciatively as I harden for him. It gets uncomfortable and then even aches as it hardens bent backward and tied. I try to raise my pelvis to relieve the pressure and can't move at all. My cock twitches as it is turned on by my predicament and I picture pre-cum pouring out of it. This only turns me on more.

The first lash of the belt across my ass is stinging but not painful. The hit lands on one cheek and has a dragging motion pulling my crack open. The next stroke is on the opposite cheek with the same motion so I know at least two of them are participating. The idea of it humiliates and excites me at the same time. The third strike lands right up the center and radiates through the butt plug up my hole. I shiver with the feeling and excitement.

They keep a slow and steady rhythm steadily increasing and building the intensity. It goes from stinging, to heat, to burning, to fire, to searing pain, to blinding white... The adrenaline and endorphins kick in and I feel like I'm floating in a lustful bliss. I have no idea how many actually land but I know it has been a lot. I feel the orgasm building and focus in on it trying to draw it out as long as possible as they continue to assault my ass. I feel the orgasm grasp me tight and hit me hard and my body convulsing as it orgasms but I'm totally lost in it. I feel like I'm shooting from deep up in my gut. I hear myself moaning from deep in my chest.

The hits to my ass continue but I'm barely aware of them. I slowly come down from my orgasm and I become aware of the other parts of my body. I'm soaked in sweat. My arms and legs have a dull ache all through them. My jaw is aching and my mouth and lips are soaked in my spit. The inside of the blindfold is wet so I must have been crying. All I feel from my ass is burning heat. My hands are cramping around the two balls that I continue to hold. I want it to stop but I know what Steven wants. I hold on tight using all of my self control and self discipline.

I count the lashes as they land. He will want at least twelve more. Eleven. Ten... five, four, three... This is just for him. I am in agony. He'll know that I've stopped getting anything out of this when I came and the rest is for him to show him how much I love him. Two, one... one, two, three, four...oh fuck! I make myself hold on. Five, six... The balls drop from my hand. He's instantly at my face caressing me and telling me how great I did.

I'm slowly released except for the blindfold. They keep that on till last. I'm shocked back into reality when I actually look at them again. Their faces are a combination of pride, compassion, sympathy, and love. They each hug me tight and tell me how great I did. Ross even thanks me for letting him do it. I look at their crotches and they're each sporting wet spots pretty far from the center of their jeans.

Steven points to the floor and I get down and kiss each of their feet thanking them for what they did for me. I stay bowed down before them with my forehead on the floor so they can see my blazing red ass.

Ross looks at Steven, "It's not a gay thing?"

"Nope. It's a power thing, and it's awesome." Steven's explanation is powerful and accurate.

"Duhhhh! I think I creamed in my pants." Cory's eyes are wide and wild with the experience.

Ross is more reserved, "I came damned close to it myself."

"Fuck. I've got to go jerk off." Cory is so blunt.

Ross snickers, "I thought you just came?"

"I did and I need to again." He picks up the roll of paper towels.

"I need one too." Ross admits.

Cory rips off one sheet and hands it to him. He heads toward the stairs carrying the rest of the roll. "I've got dibbs on the guest room. I'll be a while."

Ross looks at the bed I was just tied to. "I guess this'll work." He drops backwards onto it. Steven pulls me up by my hair and pushes my face against Ross's feet. I lick them and take his toes into my mouth. While I'm doing it Steven puts the blindfold back on me.

He tells Ross, "Just put his mouth wherever you want it. It's perfectly fine. In any case, I'll never ask and he'll never tell. Send him up whenever you're done with him."

Next: Chapter 33

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