Pool Table and My Balls

By NiteSearcher2000

Published on Sep 10, 2006


This story is not completely fictional. Nor is it the truth and nothing but the truth. The names have definitely been changed to protect the guilty. We are all disease free and stay that way by protecting ourselves whenever we play with anyone but each other. Descriptions of unprotected sex are fictional because I'm imaginative and not stupid.

You know the rules... Don't read this if you're a minor or are offended by gay or BDSM expression. Don't even think about reproducing or publishing it without my permission. Remember, I have sadistic friends who like to punish people! <>

Chapter 29

The sun is streaming in the bedroom window and I'm listening to him breathe. His hair is flopped onto the pillow and his beard is dark and stubbly. His back is smooth and tight and his skin is flawless. The mounds of his ass are perfect and move down to the lightly covered hair on his thighs. I see the soft fold of his sac between his legs and his smooth perineum. I move in close to have contact with him and he instinctively pulls me into his embrace.

His voice is sleepy and sexy as hell. "Are you okay?" I snuggle in and purr softly in reply. He pulls me in tighter and spoons me from behind. I feel his cock and balls pressing up against me and I push in tighter to him. "Okay, talk. This is your chance. Total amnesty: equal time. What's working? What isn't? What do you want?" His hold is strong and confident and full of love.

I realize that I feel completely comfortable with him as well. We're over the hump; we've crossed the line. I know we've made it together. I answer him secure in knowing that we can work out anything together. "It's working. It's all working." His grasp tightens and he snuggles his lips against my neck.

"But?" It's more an invitation for me to continue than a question. I turn to face him to continue our conversation.

"No buts." It's working. I'm content to leave it at that.

"You're okay with yesterday? I'm not going to hear any shit about it?"

"No. I'm not going to give you any shit about it. You wanted it to happen. You liked it. That's good enough for me." I'm determined not to bitch about it.

"Did you like it?" He presses on.

"What's the difference? You liked it."

"Answer the question. I want to know."

He wants me to answer and I'm not going to lie about it. "I abso-fucking-lutely hated it."

"You hated it and I'm not going to hear any shit about it?" He sounds amused.

"Not from me." I smile back.

"Good boy! Keep talking."

"I have some ideas I want to run past you." My voice betrays my excitement.

"I'm listening." He's never very talkative so it doesn't throw me at all.

"Okay, here's what I've been thinking. It's time to sell my house. We don't need two. But I've been thinking maybe we should sell both houses and buy one that meets our needs." I stop there to get a reaction.

"What are our needs?" He's definitely interested.

"Well, maybe a basement that we can turn into a dungeon." His smile is instant. "I was also thinking we need a third bedroom to use as a guest room."

"We have a guest room now."

I feel the heat rise in my face. "Sometimes you make me sleep there. I didn't want to just assume that that would change."

"You sleep in my bed unless you're being punished for fucking up. In that case you'd be in the dungeon anyway. We do need a third bedroom to use as an office unless there's a den. You bring a lot of work home."

"So you like the idea?" I ask all excited.

"Yeah. Craig wants to buy your house. He likes it better than mine. David wants mine, so that's taken care of sweet and simple." His smile is wicked. I'm not surprised that we're on the same wavelength or that he's already setting up options.

"Okay, then there's this house I looked at. I think it's perfect. I want you to see it."

"Can we see it today?" I blush again. His knee comes up gently into my crotch. "What time is our appointment? He knows me well, very well.

"At 10:00." He rolls his eyes but obviously likes the idea.

"What else? You said you had ideas. That's plural."

"Yeah. My contract. I want to renegotiate it. I want to belong to you."

His smile is warm and loving. "That's already been done." He says nothing more about it so I move on.

I take a deep breath to continue. "Michael".

He tenses right up. "What about him?"

"I want to get even." My smile is wicked but nothing compared to his.

"Keep talking."

"There's a charity pool match coming up. I think it's time for a new bet."

"Not to burst your bubble, boy, but he beat you easily last time. What makes you think you can win this time?"

"He can only win when he takes the break and chooses a short game like eight ball. He can run the table without me getting a chance to shoot. In a longer game I can take him. I know I can."

"So what's the bet?"

"I win, you fuck him. I know you want to and I want you to get what you want. He wins; well we let him have his way with me. No limits. I can take it."

"No. First of all I'm not giving him free reign with you whether you can take it or not. Second, that won't do it for him. He already gets most of what he wants from you. What he wants is to fuck me."

"So it won't work."

"Why not? You win I fuck him. He wins he fucks me. Just make sure you win!"

"What if I don't?" My question reveals my insecurity.

"Well we both know I've been fucked before. I don't like it but I'd certainly survive it. Again, I would strongly suggest you not lose. What I don't understand is how this evens the score for you?"

"I don't care that he thinks I'm beneath him but I want him to know that you're not."

"What makes you think he doesn't already know that?"

"Well he doesn't think I'm even good enough to suck his dick but I'm good enough to be your, well your..." I struggle to find the right words, "your boy. Why am I good enough for you but not for him?"

"Well you've got that all fucked up in your head which is why it doesn't make any sense. Your mine: plain and simple. So it's very easy for Michael to say he doesn't want what he can't have. As for sucking his dick; you've done it many times as well as getting fucked by him. It's amazing what goes on when you're blindfolded. In fact, whenever you're blindfolded he's first in line. Now the real issue is that you think I don't hold my own in all of this. I'm not beneath anyone. No one has any control over me. I have to keep reminding you that you're a sub, I'm not."

There's no anger in his voice and I take a minute to think about it. "Okay, I'm sorry. I think I've got it now. So what are we doing about the pool match and the bet?"

"I actually want him to suck my cock so I can face fuck him more than I want to butt fuck him so I'll talk to him about it. I'm sure he'll bite. The way I'm going to present it will leave him no choice. He'll lose face if he declines. Now, because you've been so good and have been thinking things through you have the day off today. It's equal time until we come back to bed tonight. Let's get moving. We'll grab a quick bite to eat on the way to look at the house. Then we'll meet John as always and have breakfast together. Then we'll spend the day with your family like we have planned. Then we'll come home and I'll fuck you senseless." A slap lands solidly across my ass with his command to get moving.

I run down the stairs, out to the yard and drop to all fours and squat to pee. Running back upstairs I find him laughing. "I said equal time." With another crack across my ass I join him in the shower.

I can't believe it when we go through the drive through at the Donut Shop and he orders apple fritters and iced frappacinos to munch on while we drive to the house, which is a short drive to just outside the city. He hardly ever eats junk food and rarely lets me. The windows are wide open, the radio is blasting, and we're screaming over the noise and having a great time!

I see his eyes light up as we pull into the driveway. We step out of the car and stand side by side in front of it to look it over. Beaming he looks at me. "How'd you find this place?"

"Just by chance. I just happened to hire a realtor who just happened to show me a couple of million houses and low and behold I happened to find this one."

He moves lightening fast and lands a solid punch to my upper arm. "Fucken A."

He takes off toward the house and I hustle to keep up with him while rubbing my sore arm. The realtor is waiting and takes us on tour. I love the house more each time I see it and really hope he likes it too. The realtor is very thorough and he answers all our questions and then lets us wander around by ourselves from basement to attic, inside and out.

Leaning against the fireplace Steven asks, "Can we really afford this?"

"Yeah, it's not a problem." I've figured it out and between the equity in our two houses and our combined income it won't be an issue at all.

"Is this what you really want?"

"Only if you do too." I'm really sincere about it. I don't want to do this unless he wants to also.

"So this is it then. The rest of our lives together, right?" He raises an eyebrow at me.

"Yes, Sir!"

We're bouncing off the walls with excitement as we talk to the realtor and then head back to meet John at church. We hustle into our seats and our excitement must be obvious because he quietly asks what's up. I whisper that we just bought a house and he gives us the thumbs up and a big smile. We tell him all about it over brunch.

John has some news of his own and tells us that things are working out between him and his boyfriend and that they're going on a vacation together. We're really happy for him even though his boyfriend's not into the leather scene at all. John explains that he likes the scene but it's not a lifestyle for him. We convince him to come with us to my parent's house for the day. We all grew up together so everyone knows each other well.

Everyone is there! My parents, all my brothers, and their families are there and we all get along great. We tell them about the house and they're all excited about it too. My mother loves Steven and is thrilled I'm so happy with him. I'm the youngest and my mother worried a lot about me. I guess with good reason. My dad kisses me on the forehead and tells me I'm a good boy. He's said that to me since I was a little kid and I love it. He always seemed to understand that my road was different and supported me through it all. There was never any disapproval from him.

As is typical the guys end up gathering in the backyard to bullshit. My older brothers are razzing me about what a brat I was as a kid and it's about time I was growing up and making some commitments. They really like Steven too so there's no issue with our relationship. In fact, they're taking his side in things and they're ganging up teasing and razzing me.

They even encourage him. My brother advises him, "You know you're going to have to keep him in line. We used to beat the crap out of him to keep him straight." Everyone bursts out laughing at his verbal faux pas. "No, I mean it!" He grabs me in a headlock bending me over and my other brother spanks my ass like they used to do when we were kids. He lands a bunch of fast crisp smacks to my ass. "You gotta do this man, he needs it."

John pipes in, "Fuck yeah! I used to love watching him get beat."

"I hear ya, man." Steven joins right in. He lands a couple of very solid cracks across my ass. "I promise you guys, I'll keep him in line." They let go of me and Steven pulls me into his arms and wraps them tightly around me.

"You'd better or we'll step in and help." My brother promises.

We drive home happy, more than happy. Life is good. Damn good. Better than I'd ever hoped for or ever even dared to dream of. I put my hand on his leg. "Thank you. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for being so patient with me. I love you."

"I love you too." He let's that settle in and puts his hand over mine. "It was so fucking hot to see your brothers spank you. I used to love to watch them beat on you when we were kids. It brought back fond memories." It did for me too.

Arriving back at the house Steven looks at me sternly. "Anything else? This is your last chance."

I say nothing. I strip out of my clothes and kneel down before him placing my forehead on the floor between his feet. I clench at the sudden pressure as he squeezes my balls from behind between my legs. Lifting them higher he gives me the command to get upstairs. I half walk, half crawl up the stairs as he leads me along by pulling my balls backwards between my legs.

He puts me in bed and ties my arms stretched out to the posts of the headboard. He ties my ankles to the same posts as my wrists pulling my legs up and back and fully exposing my ass to him. He stuffs his worn sock in my mouth as a gag and continues to undress. His cock is rock hard as he slowly strokes it. "Mine is for pleasure. Yours is for pain." He ties off my cock and balls and pulls the rope up attaching it to my ankles. I pull my ass up to alleviate some of the pressure. "That's it. Give up your ass for me. But first we've got to take care of your balls." Taking a small flogger with thin leather strands he slashes it across my cock and balls. It stings like crazy. He does it until I'm twisting and squirming around like crazy and begging into the gag stuffed in my mouth. I'm not crying but tears are streaming down my eyes.

"Poor boy, does it hurt a lot?" I nod that it does. "Oh poor boy. Do you think I care?" He lands several more and I cringe with each blow. "That's it, suffer for me." Another blow lands and then another. I buck up and take it like a man. "Good boy. That's it, take it for me." A couple more land and I take it without complaint. "Oh fuck yeah. Fuck yeah. That's what I like. Time to fuck you good. Real good." He covers his dick in lube and mounts me. He eases his cock up my ass, which is fully exposed and open for him. I feel him slowly fill me and gasp with the initial pain. He eases in and out of me very slowly picking up speed and pushing harder each time. My cock and balls are bouncing with his thrusts. The pain eases as he continues to fuck me. He's looking me right in the eyes as he keeps it up. I hold my breath as the pain of his pinching my nipples rips through me. He groans at the same time as he shoots his load inside of me.

"I'm not going to untie you, at least not for quite a while. Do you want to cum now? If not now it won't be for a long time."

I want to cum so badly. I am so horny! But I know better. If I cum now it will be hell to stay tied like this. It's easier to endure before I cum and while I'm still horny. I shake my head no.

"You've come so far. Your training is really paying off. He lays back leaving the light on so he can watch me squirm and struggle to find some relief, if not comfort. His eyes never leave me until they close and I hear his gentle breathing. I try to stay still so as not to wake him. I smile at the sight of my raging hardon and doze off lightly. I keep dozing and waking up because I am so fucking uncomfortable. My arms spread eagle are uncomfortable but my legs pulled back over my head are fucking driving me nuts.

I wake up this time to the feel of his fingers lightly sliding up and down my dick. I lay perfectly still enjoying the feel of it and hoping he won't stop. He uses the wetness of my precum to work the head of my cock. It twitches involuntarily. He talks softly and compassionately, "I know you're awake. You must be miserable and uncomfortable. Are you miserable?" I don't answer, at least not verbally, but he knows I'm miserable. He strokes me less subtly. It feels so good to feel his hand sliding up and down my cock. "Decision time. You can cum if you want to." I feel relief wash over me. I want to cum so badly. "But if you cum I won't untie you until morning. If you choose not to cum I'll untie you right now. Your choice, you decide. Either way you suffer so I'm happy. You get to pick it." His hand is working magic on my cock.

I look at the clock. FUCK! It's just before midnight. Oh Shit! I'd be tied another seven hours. Oh fuck! I can't stand to stay like this another seven hours. Dammit! "Please stop. Please. I'm so close, please don't make me cum." He doesn't stop instantly and I fight to hold back my orgasm. Finally he stops and I realize I'd been holding my breath. I breathe rapidly fighting against cumming.

"So you don't want to cum anymore?" His taunting is merciless and he uses one finger along the length of my shaft. "Your cock is so useless. Why do you even have one? You don't fuck. You never get sucked off. No one ever gets you off. You don't even get to jerk yourself off. It's so pathetic. Your cock is so beautiful and it's so hard, but it's just useless and pathetic." Even his finger is sending waves through my dick and he's holding me right at the edge of cumming. "It's midnight, time for you to decide."

Midnight. Seven more hours. Oh fuck, I can't stand it that long. "Stop. Please stop. Oh shit! Please stop!"

He keeps rubbing his finger up and down my shaft. "I'm going to untie you but I don't want you to even touch your dick. Don't even think about touching it. Not tonight. Not tomorrow. Not the day after tomorrow. Not the day after that." His finger is driving me crazy and I'm waffling thinking maybe cumming is worth it especially if he won't let me cum for days.

Stop or keep going? Decide right now."

"Stop. Stop. Please stop. Please." I beg him to stop even though I want to cum.

He stops and slowly unties me. It feels so good to be free but my cock is raging and I struggle not to touch it. "Can you control yourself or do you want the cage back on?"

"I'll control it. I promise. I'll be good." I don't want the cage on.

"Good boy! You're being so good. I love you so much." He covers me in kisses. His kisses on my mouth send new waves of pleasure and desire through me. His tongue entering my mouth is so fucking unbelievable. His hands caress me passionately as we make out together. My desire rises to new heights and my whole body is on fire and I want to cum even more than before. "Look at what you do to me."

He pushes my head down to his hard dick and guides it into my mouth. I bob up and down on his dick and suck him off. It feels so good. I love the taste of it, the smell of it, the way it feels in my mouth, the taste of his precum. I blow him. I suck him off. He moans as he shoots his load into my mouth and I swallow his juice. He holds my head on his dick and I feel his dick softening in my mouth.

"Remember, no touching yourself. No cumming. Don't fuck up. Don't." He holds me on his dick as he falls asleep. I'm careful not to even let my dick touch the sheet because I'm afraid even that will stimulate me. I feel frustrated and agitated. I try to think of other things as I struggle to fall asleep. Finally, mercifully, I drift off.

Next: Chapter 30

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