Pool Table and My Balls

By NiteSearcher2000

Published on Aug 16, 2006


This story is not completely fictional. Nor is it the truth and nothing but the truth. The names have definitely been changed to protect the guilty. We are all disease free and stay that way by protecting ourselves whenever we play with anyone but each other. Descriptions of unprotected sex are fictional because I'm imaginative and not stupid.

You know the rules... Don't read this if you're a minor or are offended by gay or BDSM expression. Don't even think about reproducing or publishing it without my permission. Remember, I have sadistic friends who like to punish people! <>

I have written two different versions to this chapter. One is more intense than the other. One can be found here. I will tell you at the end where to find the other ending. I have done this for the previous chapter as well. The story will have only one final ending with all the chapters leading to the same conclusion. The difference is only in the intensity and the details.

Chapter 28

They leave me alone outside for a long time, which usually means that they're putting a lot of planning into whatever is going to happen. Steven's lecture when he returns confirms to me that something big is planned. "Listen carefully. I know you've been really trying hard and behaving really well. Don't fuck it up tonight. I want you to take everything we throw at you with respect and obedience. No arguments, no begging, no hesitating. In fact I want outward signs of gratitude for all that happens. I want the perfect slave tonight. One who knows his place and is grateful for it. We both know you get off on this; I want everyone else to know it too. In fact, whatever happens I want you to go above and beyond what's expected. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, Sir." I'm hit with that now very familiar combination of desire and dread. Sexually, it's what I want and he's right, we both know it. Fuck, everyone knows it. My dick is already straining against the cock cage and my stomach and crotch are aching with desire. I'd do just about anything to cum. Thinking about what he said I realize there's no time like the present. "Thank you, Sir for giving me what I need and for taking responsibility for me." I bow down and kiss his feet as I say it. "I love you, Steven. I really do. I promise I'll behave so you can be proud of me tonight." I kiss his feet some more."

His reaction is strong and immediate. "You are so fucking hot! FUCK! You drive me nuts. I want to fuck you right now!" He grabs his crotch through his pants to show me he's hard already. He sits beside me and pulls my head into his lap. "I love you too. You know that right? And I'm already proud of you. You don't have to do anything to make me proud of you. I want to push you to the edge tonight. I want to put you to the wall and hold you there. It's gonna be hell for you but it will be worth it, I promise. It's gonna be so fucking hot for everyone."

My stomach clenches and my dick jerks inside the cock cage. He can see how tight it is with my dick trying to swell up inside of it. He asks a stupid question, "You must be so horny, aren't you?" I pathetically nod yes. "You must really want to cum?" I want to say no shit Einstein but I know better and just nod again. He pets the side of my face. "Okay, here's the deal. You do everything right tonight and you can cum. In fact I'll even take the cage off if you promise not to play with yourself or even touch your own dick without my permission. Promise?"

"Yes, Sir! Thank you, Sir!"

"Don't thank me yet, you still have to earn it. I'll even make it better for you. I won't put the cage back on until you ask me to. How about that?"

What the fuck is he thinking? Why would I ever ask for it to be put back on? I'd have to be nuts! I jump at this deal. Kissing his feet again I agree and thank him for the opportunity. His smile unsettles me. "Want to bet me that you'll beg me to put it back on you?" He lets that hang there. "You'll bow before me, kiss my feet, and beg for it back." The silence that follows is tense and he lets it hang between us. Finally, he walks back inside leaving me to wait, wonder, and worry about what is coming

Their mood is serious and ominous when they come out to get me. They speak only to each other, not to me at all. A leather collar is placed around my neck and a heavy leather leash is attached to that. David pulls me up from all fours to a kneeling position by the collar and braces me against his leg while Steven takes off the chastity device. I'm momentarily relieved until Steven attaches a heavy leather ball splitter around my balls, and then pushing me back down on all fours he puts leather restraints around my ankles. Leather straps are used to connect my balls to my ankles making it where I have to stay on all fours and crouched down low and back to avoid pulling on my balls. Wrist restraints are added as well as restraints around my thighs just above the knee with leather straps from my wrists to my knees. This keeps me on all fours and makes it impossible for me to stand.

The command to move is given simultaneously along with a hard smack across my ass. I try to crawl forward but get nowhere. It takes me a couple of tries to coordinate my arms and legs to move simultaneously because they are strapped together. My balls are yanked painfully because I moved more than the straps from my balls to my ankles allow. I gasp in surprise and pain as they laugh.

"Fucking perfect, man!" David compliments Steven. Another smack to my ass gets me moving again. I slowly get the hang of crawling like this. They stand around me talking to each other about how I'm getting the hang of it and how pathetic I look. Any thought that they'd take pity on me are dashed when a rubber bit gag is placed in my mouth and tightly fastened around the back of my head. David wraps his arms around my chest and pulls me up while Steven puts leather mitts on my hands and ties them on tightly. David slides his arms down and picks me up by my hips as Steven puts light leather knee pads on me as well. I know these are to protect my hands and knees when I crawl so I'm obviously in this position for the long haul.

Kneeling next to me, Steven grabs me by the back of my hair and turns my face to him. "Fucking pathetic. I've never even seen slaves trussed up like you are. Fuck, if you were an animal the SPCA would be coming to your protection, but you're lower than that. What's below a slave or an animal? A bitch-hole is. Right? Is that what you are, a bitch-hole? My bitch-hole?" More humiliating than his words is the reality that my cock is rock hard and hanging between my legs for everyone to see. It doesn't go unnoticed and David reaches from behind and pulls it painfully backwards out from between my thighs. I try to lower my head and shoulders for some relief but Steven is holding me tightly by my hair and I can't. They both laugh as David pulls my hard cock further back and a low groan escapes through the gag. Easing up slightly Steven allows me to lower myself a little easing the pressure on my dick. "Here, let me help you out." Steven pushes my face down into the grass and holds it there as David pulls my cock and balls even further back. I whimper again and they laugh at me.

Steven suggests, "Jerk him off. Make him cum. Then he'll really suffer and hate every fucking minute of what happens." David strokes my cock fast and steady. It's been so long since I've cum that I know it will be quick and I panic because I know my tolerance goes way down after I cum. I will hate every fucking minute of whatever happens.

I moan into the gag. I scream into the gag. I try to talk. "Please don't make me cum, please don't." I know it doesn't come out clear enough for them to understand me.

Steven asks, "What's that? Are you saying you don't want to cum now?" I nod and say yes as best I can with my face in the grass and the bit in my mouth hoping he'll understand me. "Do you want the cock cage back on? Is that what you're saying because that's the only way I'll stop him from making you cum." I moan in frustration and nod yes again. "I can't understand you. If you want the cage back on kiss my feet and beg me." Knowing I'm fucked I do it. I kiss his feet and beg him to please put it back on me. "I told you you'd beg me to put it back on you." David lets go of my dick. "You're really doing good. Real good. You used to think only with your dick. Now you're thinking with your head. I don't have to put it on you if you can control yourself. You made the right decision. I'm proud of you." To everyone else he says, "Let's go. It's time to take the boy to hell and back."

They walk me out to the garage by the leash. My stomach clenches when we get there and I'm made to get into a plastic dog crate for transport and they lift the crate into the back of my SUV. I lower myself to the floor and brace myself against the side to keep my balance as we ride. I can't help but think about the reality that I'm buck assed naked and bound like an animal while we ride through the city. I hope and pray we don't get pulled over by a cop and I'm glad it's finally getting pretty dark outside.

After parking, I'm carried into what I can see through the vents and the metal cage door is the club. I'm left in the middle of the floor while they all greet the others and grab a beer. My ass is facing the cage door because I'd crawled in and there isn't enough room to turn around. It's embarrassing that guys are all looking in the cage out of curiosity and I'm totally exposed to them. They make all kinds of lewd comments and some of them poke my asshole or my balls with various objects.

The place gets pretty quiet, which makes me nervous. Some guy breaks the silence, "Look at the fucking TV screen. Oh fuck, man, I can't believe it. No fucking way." I strain to see what they're looking at and want to die when I realize they're watching what happened to me at Josh and Joey's this afternoon. I didn't realize they'd video taped it and can't believe they're showing it to everyone here. Part of me wants to close my eyes but the curiosity is too strong. I can't help but watch along with everyone else. I can hear occasional comments being made.

"Holy shit, look at him sucking off a fucking dog! That dog's cock is huge."

"What a fucking pig."

"Oh fuck, that's fucking disgusting. I can't believe anyone would do that."

I wanted to run and hide but had nowhere to go. I was thankful to be in the crate. At least that gave me some cover, though not much. I didn't realize how long it had all taken until I had to endure watching it. It was a very brief and momentary relief when it ended but a split second later I heard Steven announce, "Get the bitch out here for everyone to see."

I could feel my face burning with embarrassment as I'm dragged backward out of the crate.

"Oh fuck it's him." One guy calls out.

"It's a bitch so it can't be a him." Someone else calls out and everyone laughs.

Steven's one word command is strong, "Sit!" Dammit! I'm in too deep to stop now and I promised him... I lean back on my legs. The straps make it where I end up sitting in a typical dog position. I scan the room and quickly take everyone in. Michael, my boss, Steven's brother Craig, John, Cliff, others I recognize. Fuck! Their eyes bore into mine in the split second it takes me to make eye contact and then look away.

Adding to my humiliation is the fact that my hard dick is pointing straight into my stomach and easily seen in this position, which I'm sure is why he made me sit this way. Just in case anyone missed it he points it out. "Your dick is hard so you must like it. You little bitch-hole. You're fucking turned on by this aren't you? I asked you a question bitch, answer it." I nod my head yes as I try to say Yes, Sir through the bit. "They can't hear you." He takes the bit gag off of me and asks me again, "You're turned on by this aren't you?"

"Yes, Sir."

"I think we should give everyone a live performance. You'd like that, wouldn't you, bitch?"

I want to give him a cop out answer like it's whatever you want, Sir, or if it pleases you, Master, but I remember his lecture before we left the house. I might as well go all the way and give him exactly what he wants. This is going to happen either way so I might as well do it right.

"Yes please, Master. Please." I lean forward and lick his boots. The guys clap and cheer as I do it.

"You have to earn it and you'll suffer dearly for it. You know that right? Do you still want it?"

"Yes, Master. Please." I feel the wetness of my precum dripping down my shaft and I look up to see a wet spot spreading on his jeans at the top of the outline of his boner. I take a deep breath as I turn along with everyone else to watch Joey bring in Butch and this time notice Josh working the video camera. I close my eyes for a minute to find my headspace, my sub-space, and prepare for what I'm about to do.

The crowd goes wild when Joey walks in with Butch and they see how really big he is. Though leashed, Butch comes directly to me. I rise to all fours for him. It only takes a couple of seconds to realize that I'm his only focus and the crowd does not distract him. Joey unclips his leash and steps back. Butch circles me several times. I take a deep breath, sink into my sub-space and resign myself to a repeat performance of this afternoon.

After it's over, Steven clips my leash back on as Joey clips on Butch's leash. They simultaneously give us the command to sit and we both obey. David brings out two bowls of water and places them in front of us and we both bend over to drink from them as everyone talks about what they just saw.

Michael and my boss come over. With his arms crossed in front of his chest Michael asks Steven, "Time for him to pay?"

"Yep." Steven casually hands him my leash.

"Let's go bitch." Pulling me by my leash he leads me toward the dungeon area where all the equipment is. His stride is long and fast and I'm struggling and yanking the hell out of my balls in my effort to crawl beside him and keep up. Reaching where he wants me to be he simply drops my leash and commands me to, "Stay!" He pulls his belt from his jeans and folds it in half. Stepping behind me his whack across my ass can be heard throughout the room and gets everyone's attention. They gather around to watch him strap my ass with his belt. Each strike burns my ass. I can feel the heat rising along with the color. He is slow and methodical. Each strike is well placed and precise. He covers my entire rump. I stay in place by shear will and discipline. I barely make a sound but the tears stream down my face at about the same rate as my precum is dripping out of my cock. I hear the word crimson to describe the color of my aching ass.

I'm relieved when he stops and grabs me by my hair and turns my face to him. "I hope you don't think that was your punishment for being a low life scum sucking bitch-hole. We haven't even started on you yet. Every fucking time I think you've hit bottom you go lower. You so fucking deserve to suffer for what you do." He lets go of my hair and I immediately kiss his boots and thank him for punishing me. I can see the shock on his face and without thinking he ruffles my hair before catching himself.

The straps are undone and I'm pulled into a standing position. It's a good thing they hold me because I'm definitely a bit wobbly on my legs. They have to hold me as my legs are attached to a spreader bar. It spreads them so wide they have to continue to hold me because I can't balance myself with them spread this far apart. My wrists are attached to a spreader bar just as wide and it is hoisted up toward the ceiling until I am tightly spread eagled.

My feet are still firmly on the ground holding my weight but my arms maintain my balance. I feel totally exposed and vulnerable this way. My boss stands in front of me and stares me in the eyes. I swallow hard as he slowly pulls on a pair of rubber gloves. "You're a fucking mess. You have dog spooge leaking out your ass and dried spit and dog juice on your face. I won't even fucking touch you without gloves on. You disgust me." I instinctively try to wipe my face on my arm but I can't reach it stretched out this way. He snickers.

Walking behind me he slides a finger up my ass using the juices from butch as lube. Then a second finger, and then a third invade my ass. Oh fuck, the pressure as he pushes a fourth one in is tremendous and I realize he used two fingers from each hand and is prying my asshole open. I feel the wetness dripping from inside of me and I'm even more embarrassed. I feel a heavy pressure and know that he's pushing something big up my ass. Oh fuck it hurts. I bear it silently trying to breathe as he pushes it in. It must be a butt plug because it slips in place and stays there. I breathe deep trying to adjust to it inside of me. He steps in front and pulls the gloves off. I'm confused. This can't be it but I can't figure out what's happening.

Reaching between my legs he pulls a black control box with wires attached and a split second after I figure out what's happening the electric current shoots through my asshole and up my insides. I buck back and forth and groan loud and deep with the intensity of it. He smiles as he shuts it off. "Something for you to look forward to." I breathe deep in anticipation of what's coming.

Michael steps up and removes the ball splitter. Removing it hurts as the blood rushes back in. Roughly grabbing my cock and balls he pulls them through a hole in a board. I can see metal strips in the board. He works my cock until it is hard and then places a plexi-glass cover over the board and tightens it down with wing nuts. He keeps tightening it down crushing my balls and cock between the board and the plexi-glass. I can't help but moan as my balls flatten out beneath the glass. My cock, which has a slight upward curve, is flattened out as well. He attaches several wires to conductors on the board and I try to steady my breathing. He lets go and I feel the weight of the board pulling down on my genitals. Using a box similar to the one my boss is holding he turns a switch and the current starts at the base of my balls and runs up my dick in a sharp, rhythmic pattern. I buck again like I did before. He too smiles as he shuts it off. "Something else for you to look forward to."

They step aside for Steven. He's holding two small nightsticks. He hits one lightly on my bicep and the pain goes right through my arm. I wince at the pain and sag against it. "That wasn't even hard. In fact it was very light." He hits my thigh and I wince again. "This is easy. I can do this all night long" My other arm explodes in pain. "Something else for you to look forward to."

"Thank you, Sir." His smile is in his eyes and only for me to see.

My back explodes in pain and I'm pushed forward by the force of the blow. David steps in front of me holding a flogger. "You didn't think I'd be left out of this, did you?"

"Okay gentlemen. Let's teach this bitch about the privileges of being a man and the price of being a boy."

The current shoots up my ass making my insides contract as it does. The rhythm is slow and intense. Just as I begin to adjust to it the current is turned up on my cock and balls. I try to crouch down but can't move because of the way I'm restrained. It starts at the base of my balls and works its way up to the tip my dick. It feels like a thousand little razor blades being scraped up my balls and my dick, but it's like they're being scraped up the inside of it. Oh fuck! This combined with the current up my ass making my insides contract and pull in is very intense. I wiggle and squirm around trying to deal with it until my thighs explode in pain when Steven hits them both at the same time. "Take it! Take it! Stay still and be quiet or you'll really suffer." I try to get control of myself wondering what really suffering would be if this isn't it.

I buck up and take it. I struggle to stay still and handle it. My boss holds the control up to my face so I have no choice but to watch him turn it up higher and a moan escapes my lips as I feel my insides contract tighter. I whimper as Michael raises his control in front of me. He talks low, "Ask me to turn it up. Ask me to. You know you deserve it. You're nothing but a low life. You do things no man would ever do. You suck off and get fucked by dogs. You drink piss. I've even seen you kiss shit. I've seen you put your tongue on a man's shit." His words hit me hard. Very hard. "Ask me for what you deserve."

"Please turn it up, Sir. Please give me what I deserve." He hesitates. He waits. "Please do it." My breath catches and I freeze up as it first rips its way up my balls and then my cock. I gasp as it reaches the very tip. I rise up to my toes involuntarily. The nightsticks simultaneously hit my biceps and then my thighs with the stern command to get back down. I cry out my apologies and promises not to do it again. It takes all of my self-control not to do the exact same thing again as the current rips through me in a slow and steady cycle.

They pull up bar stools and each grab a beer while they watch me suffer. Oh fuck, how long are they going to leave me like this? I fight back the panic. I look around at all the guys watching me. The flogger suddenly slashing across my back shocks me. David is good at the flogger and he uses a steady pattern working his way slowly and steadily down my back. Each set is just a bit harder than the one before it and occasionally his hit is very hard and stinging. My back is on fire. This combines with the discomfort of the electro stuff is almost overwhelming. He steps in front of me and I practically sob as I thank him for making me hurt more.

"Don't thank me until I'm done." The flogger slashes across my stomach and then across each of my pecs. My nipples hurt and then tingle from the leather hitting them and then sliding across. He's not hitting nearly as hard as on my back but my front is much more sensitive. He puts small nipple clamps on and my nipples explode in pain when he hits them with the flogger. He hits my arms and my thighs along with the rest of me. Every part of my body hurts. I lose all track of time until I see them opening a second beer. The tears roll silently down my face. "Oh poor boy, do you think we feel bad because you're suffering? We don't. We enjoy it. We get off on it. It's what you're made for. You're made to suffer and we're made to enjoy it. The fucked up part is that you really get off on it too."

As he says that the current running through my cock changes dramatically. It's much less intense and faster. It feels really good. The current is cascading up and down my dick and feels like someone is jerking me off. The current up my ass changes as well. Now it feels like someone is fucking me. It actually feels like the butt plug is moving in and out. I know they are both fully controllable and I've felt the different patterns they can make but these two together are awesome. I look over at them as they continue to watch.

Steven speaks up, "Let's see what a fucking lowlife he really is and how much he gets off on this. Answer these questions bitch. David, every time he answers yes hit him with the flogger. Do you like sucking dicks?"

"Yes." The flogger lands across my back.

"Swallowing cum?"

"Yes." Another crack lands across my back. I know the answer to all his questions will be yes and I'll be hit for every one. My dick is feeling great and David isn't hitting me that hard anyway.

"Do you drink piss?"

"Yes, Sir." He hits me again.

"Do you lick out guys asses?"

"Yes, Sir." He hits me again.

"Have you ever kissed shit?"

"Yes, Sir." He hits me harder for that one.

"Did you put your tongue on it and hold it there?"

"Yes, Sir." He hits me very hard for that one.

"Have you sucked off a dog more than once?"

"Yes, Sir." He hits me again.

"Have you been fucked by a dog more than once?"

"Yes, Sir." Another one. My dick is starting to pulse and drip precum. It feels so incredibly good. The plug up my ass is hitting my prostate just right and driving me crazy.

"When was the first time you got dog fucked? How old were you?" OH FUCK!! I'm shocked he asked me this. He's the only one who knew until now. Dammit!

"I was nineteen. I lost a bet in college." David lands a couple of good ones for that answer.

"Who'd you lose the bet to?"

"You, Sir. I lost it to you." My dick is going wild and I'm actually getting close to cumming.

"Are you my bitch?"

"Yes, Sir." David is now flogging me in a steady flow of moderate hits.

"And you obey every command I give you."

My breathing is getting rapid as I try to hold back my orgasm. "Yes, Sir."

"And you suffer every pain and every humiliation I decide you should have."

"Yes, Sir. Oh Sir, may I cum? Please may I cum? Oh man I'm so close. Oh Please, Sir."

The silence is deafening. I fight to hold back.

"Do you love me?" He asks quietly.

"Yes, Sir. I do Sir. I'm so close to cumming. Please... I'm trying to hold it back but I can't much longer unless you make me hurt more. Please make me hurt more! Please. I don't want to disobey you. Please help me."

"Cum. You have my permission. Cum now."

I shoot a few seconds later. It is strong and intense and lasts. The current up my ass keeps it going. The pool of cum inside the plexi-glass is huge. My whole body is jerking around. It's an awesome orgasm that's not quitting. Oh fuck it is so good.

As it eases out I thank him profusely and sincerely. After I thank him I thank all of them remembering what he'd said to me.

I realize guys are talking about me. That I can shoot a load while being tortured and humiliated like that is incredible to them. That I ask for it, beg for it, really want it, well that's just unbelievable. I also hear them talking about how lucky Steven is and what a good boy/slave/pig I am. I'm made to hang there and listen for a while before being taken down and dragged out to be cleaned up.

A bunch of guys follow us out to watch. I'm dragged out back, bent over an old sawhorse and my wrists and ankles are clipped to the legs of the sawhorse securing me in place in a sort of spread eagle position. The water is pretty cold coming from the hose as my ass and legs are hosed off. Steven aims the hose at my face and hoses my mouth off. Sticking the end of the hose in my mouth he tells me to rinse and I do it. Moving behind me he slides the end of the hose up my ass and fills me with water with a command to hold it. It's only for a short time until he tells me to expel it. It's really embarrassing and humiliating with everyone watching. He does it again and again makes me expel it in front of everyone. I shiver as I'm hosed off from head to toe, released, and dragged back in crawling and dripping wet. I'm led directly to my boss.

Handing him my leash Steven tells him, "Do what you want to him."

Pulling me up by my leash and my hair he bends me over a table and kicks my legs apart. He slaps lube on my ass and pushes his fingers up before opening the front of his pants and letting his fuck tool free. With one strong push he pokes his cock through my hole and pushes it in until his balls slap against my ass. I gasp from the pressure of his dick plowing into me. He fucks me hard pulling his cock out of me and pushing it back through my hole hard and fast. He pulls out and grabs my balls. He pulls me back by my balls until I make contact with his cock and then he slams it into me. The guys stand around encouraging him to fuck me harder. He does it in this pattern for a while before grabbing my hair and pulling my head back, pushing my chest into the table, and fucking me faster. He pushes my face down onto the table and places his weight against me as he shoots his load up my sore ass. When his orgasm subsides he pulls my face to his cock and makes me suck him dry and lick him clean. Handing my leash back to Steven he thanks him for sharing his bitch with him and then leaves saying nothing to me.

Without a word Steven hands my leash to David. David pulls me tight plastering my face into his crotch and grinding into me. Using his free hand he opens his pants and pulls out his big, thick, meaty cock and big balls. He pulls my face into him again and I smell his scent and feel the roughness of his pubes scratching across my lips and face. Grabbing the back of my head he pulls me away, aims his cock at my mouth and slams it in. He pushes it down my throat until I'm plastered into his pubes with his balls against my chin. I can't breathe and fight back the panic and struggle against the impulse to try to breathe. He holds me there just long enough that I desperately grab at the side of his thighs ineffectively because of the mitts I'm still wearing. He lets me slide off his shaft just long enough to grab a breath and then pushes his cock in deep and hard. I work his cock with my mouth and tongue in an effort to make him cum quicker.

It takes him a while and I'm exhausted by the time he's ready to shoot. I'm sweating, my eyes are tearing, my nose is running, drool and precum are dripping down my chin, and his cock is soaked and slick with my spit. He holds the head of his dick at the rim of my lips and shoots his load into my mouth. I have to swallow twice to keep from letting any drip from my mouth. It's strong and bitter and there's a lot of it. He holds me on his dick even after he's done shooting. I feel him tensing and relaxing and I'm not surprised when my mouth is filled with his hot piss. He shoots his piss in hot bursts. I swallow most of it but some dribbles down my chin and pools on the floor. I keep drinking until he's done. Dropping my leash, he allows me to bend lower to lick up what I've spilled. While I'm down there I kiss his boots and thank him.

I crawl back to Steven and kneel beside him. I'm thrilled when he lowers his hand and pets me gently and affectionately. I nuzzle into his leg. Craig walks over to us. We're both shocked when he announces to Steven, "I want to fuck him".

"You want to what?" Steven asks in amazement.

"I want to fuck him. I'm serious."

"Straight guys don't usually fuck other guys." Steven probes deeper. We've talked about it and have both been wondering if little brother has been questioning his own orientation.

"He's not like other guys. Fucking him is different. The idea of totally dominating another guy, just taking him and doing whatever I want to him is hot. I want to fuck him hard into total submission to me. I want to show him who his superior is."

Steven hands him my leash with a wicked grin on his face. "Here ya go. Have a field day."

Craig pulls me over to a barstool. "Get your ass over the stool, hands and feet on the floor."

I obey him thinking to myself, "What the fuck got into him?" I position myself over the stool with my pelvis across the seat and my hands and feet on the floor. It's hard for me to reach the floor and end up pretty much bent in half. My hardening cock presses into the seat. He pulls his belt out, folds it in half and slaps it down across my ass. It's tentative and hesitant, not very hard. The second one has more confidence and power. With the third he claims his place. He works the belt well up and down my ass, the back of my thighs, and even my shoulders. He's not hitting very hard but I'm already sore from the belting Michael gave me and the flogging David gave so even this bites.

At first I just take it but then I think about what he'd said and I play it up. I cry and squirm around. I beg him for mercy. I call him Sir and Master. I beg him to stop and promise to do anything. He lands several more good hits with the belt and I cry out for real. He steps in front of me and pulls me up to his cock. I take it in my mouth and suck it good. I work it all around and take it all the way down. He fucks my face pushing his cock all the way down like David did. I struggle to stay balanced as well as trying to breathe in between thrusts. I can feel he's rock hard. He pulls out and steps behind me. He pushes his cock into me with one long steady thrust. He fucks me in slow, smooth strokes. He slides in and out slowly and I really get into it. It feels really good. He's obviously concentrating on it feeling good for him rather than making it hurt for me. I slide further back on the seat improving the angle for him and he moans softly. I get off on his pleasure and slowly match his strokes. His hands clamp tightly down on my hips and he pushes in harder and pulls out slowly. His breathing gets harder and faster. He goes up on his toes and has more of a fucking down motion. He holds his breath as he cums. I feel his cock twitching in my ass as he shoots his load in me. He stays inside for a couple of seconds and then pulls out.

I'm afraid that he might feel off about what happened now that he came. I drop to my knees and kiss his boots thanking him for putting me in my place and showing me that he is superior to me. He pulls me up to clean off his cock with my mouth.

He walks me back to Steven and hands him back my leash. "Thanks, Bro. I owe you one."

"What are you going to do, let me fuck your girlfriend?" Steven teases him.

"Maybe. When I get one, that is." He responds lightly.

"Want him? I'm trying to get out of feeding him." He asks jokingly offering him the leash back.

"Nah. It's a good place to visit but I don't want to live here." He says with no malice or judgment. "Besides, you two are good for each other. I hope you both realize how lucky you are. Good night guys." Turning to me he says, "and you, welcome to the family." He winks as he leaves.

Steven looks down at me, "Let's go home." We start toward the door when I realize I'm naked. I don't say anything and wait to see what he'll do when we get to the door. He doesn't do anything but the security guard stops us explaining that I can't go out front naked. Steven looks at me very sternly.

I smile at him, "Thank you, Sir for telling me to make sure that I always have an extra set of clothes in my car. They're under the passenger seat, Sir." With a smirk on my face I continue, "I really do listen to you, you know."

Grinning ear to ear he says, "Yeah. I know you do. That's because you're very smart." With a gentle touch of his hand he adds, "You're the perfect boy. What else could a man want?"

I smile all the way home and I fall asleep still smiling with his dick inside of me with the weight of him sound asleep on top of me thinking to myself, "Yeah. What else could a man want?"

I know everyone waited a long time for this chapter. I can't tell you the impact writing this story has had on my life. It's been great! There is more to come, I promise. I love hearing from everyone! Thank you!

The other version can be found in the Gay/Bestiality section. This is probably the last chapter that will have two versions.


Next: Chapter 29

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