Pool Table and My Balls

By NiteSearcher2000

Published on Jul 1, 2006


This story is not completely fictional. Nor is it the truth and nothing but the truth. The names have definitely been changed to protect the guilty. We are all disease free and stay that way by protecting ourselves whenever we play with anyone but each other. Descriptions of unprotected sex are fictional because I'm imaginative and not stupid.

You know the rules... Don't read this if you're a minor or are offended by gay or BDSM expression. Don't even think about reproducing or publishing it without my permission. Remember, I have sadistic friends who like to punish people! <>

Disclaimer: Hey Guys! The response to this story has been huge (1987 responses) and I've been thoroughly enjoying your posts and trying to answer them all!! Thank you!! I've made some real friends through this story and gotten to meet some of you who are reading it. Your sharing of your own experiences has been really HOT and your story suggestions have ranged from really good to some sick and twisted stuff! I love it all!

Please remember that it's a story. I appreciate those of you who have offered to send me money or let me live with you so I can get out of this situation and even those of you who have offered to pay for my counseling or to have Steven and Michael beaten or as one guy suggested, "taken outta da situation". Though well intentioned, quite unnecessary. I'm doing just fine!

I hope you keep enjoying the story! I have written two different endings to this chapter. One is more intense than the other. One can be found here. I will tell you at the end where to find the other ending. I will be doing that for the next couple of chapters as well. The story will have only one final ending with all the chapters leading to the same conclusion. The difference is only in the intensity and the details.


Chapter 27 "What the fuck are you doing?" I jump at the sound of Steven's voice and turn to see him leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed. I blush with embarrassment having been caught standing naked checking myself out in front of the full length mirror.

Not knowing what to say or do I drop to my knees in front of him. "I'm sorry I didn't hear you come in and I wasn't expecting you this early." He's never this early even on a Friday.

He's obviously enjoying my embarrassment. "So what were you doing?" He asks again.

"I was just looking. The bruises are finally all gone." It had taken a couple of weeks for all the bruises to fade and I was caught checking myself out. It felt good to be without any bruises and I liked the way I looked. I'd really taken a lot of ribbing and teasing at the gym and from our friends as I healed. Steven hadn't said anything else about it but he really hadn't punished me physically or let anyone else either.

I stayed still as he inspected me. "You look good. It's like I have a clean pallet to start over again." I can see the beginnings of his erection through his pants and feel my own cock stirring, but not able to get erect in the cock cage. I look down at it pathetically. It's been weeks since he's taken it off for any reason other than cleaning it. I see him looking at me checking myself out again.

"Oh, poor boy. Horny as hell and nothing you can do about it." He lets that hang there and I squirm involuntarily in frustration. He thoroughly enjoys it. He undresses himself dropping his clothes on the floor and plopping back on the bed. His dick is hard and full and his balls are hanging low having just been released from his underwear. He slowly strokes his dick as I watch watering at the mouth. His eyes are closed and I let myself check him out. I can't help but smile at how gorgeous he is. Man, I want him so bad and wait for permission to suck him off. He opens his eyes and watches me watching him. "Want to suck it?" I jump up to move in on his cock. "NO! Back down." I moan in frustration and drop back down to my knees closer to him this time. He continues stroking his own dick as I watch intently. My own cock is aching in its cage. I want to cum so badly.

I know him well and I watch his movements knowing that he's getting close. I'm waiting anxiously knowing that the closer he gets the less opportunity I'll have to suck on it. The way it's going I figure he's not going to do much more than shoot into my mouth but even that's better than nothing. I watch his muscles tighten and wait ready to jump up quickly to catch his juice at the last second. My heart sinks as he lets his load fly onto his chest and stomach with several ropes of cum. All I'll get to do now is lick it off of him, but again that's better than nothing. Rising and stretching just inches from my face I can smell his sex and a surge of desire goes through me. I lean in to lick him but he catches me by my hair pulling my head back sharply. "No!" is all he says and a moan of disappointment escapes my lips before I catch myself.

Tightening his grip and forcing me to look up at him, "Listen, I know you're getting desperate but don't fuck up now. You've been so good. You're finally learning that your dick isn't the center of the universe and to think with your head instead of your gonads. Keep being good and showing some self-control and we'll be able to take that stupid thing off of you hopefully next week some time. I promise. I want to take it off you so please don't fuck up, okay? Please." I'm disappointed that I'll have to wear it all weekend but I promise him I won't fuck up and his face lights up. "Good, now get dressed for a nice dinner and some fun because we're going out on the town tonight. We've both earned some real fun and besides;" he leans in close to me, "You're gorgeous and sexy and well behaved and I want to show my man off and use my bragging rights." His kiss knocks me on my ass and he swaggers off to shower leaving me in stunned silence.

We head to one of my favorite places. It's loud and it's crowded full of guys wanting to have a good time. There are some gay friendly straights and the normal share of lesbians and fag hags but everyone is friendly and looking to have fun. We go up to the bar and order a couple of beers and the conversations flow with the people around us. Steven sits on the bar stool and holds me affectionately between his legs. There are some old acquaintances there and the story of how we're a couple comes out as an explanation of why we haven's been around in a while. The jokes and laughter are flying and we're having a good time.

Josh and Joey find us at the bar and join us for beers. A little later David and his newest boy friend join us too and we all move to a big table joined by some new friends. John shows up with a couple of other guys and joins us as well. We order a bunch of food and pitchers of beer for the whole table to share. We're loud and rowdy but so is everyone else.

The place comes alive as the night goes on and the DJ is awesome. He does great with the music and gets lots of people out on the floor. Steven grabs me by the back of the neck and leads me out to the dance floor. We're both good dancers, really good, and before you know it guys are egging us on. Josh and Joey join us and they're really good too. The four of us are having a blast and before we know it lots more people are joining our group.

Steven pulls me close, "I want to sit the next one out, but I want you to have a really good time tonight. If you want to keep dancing it's perfectly fine with me."

"Is this some kind of a test?" I ask him only half jokingly.

"No. Honest. I want you to have fun. I want us both to have fun. Do you want to keep dancing?" I tell him I do as Josh and Joey come over to join us and see what we're up to. Josh wants to sit it out and tells Joey he can keep dancing too. The two of us go out on the floor and really get into it. We make a good pair and all eyes are on us. We go back to Steven, Josh, and the others after the dance to check in with them.

Steven pulls me close, "I'm so proud of you! You're awesome!" I tell him what a great time I'm having and thank him with all my heart. I'm thrilled when he asks me to dance again and jump at the chance. "Just one thing," he says, "Take your clothes off. I want you in just your underwear." I stop dead in my tracks. His look tells me he's serious. The flare of anger in his eyes tells me I'm hesitating too long. Shit! I begin by unbuttoning my shirt and pulling it off. I kick off my shoes and pull off my socks. I'm hoping he'll stop me as I open my pants, but he doesn't. I drop them slowly revealing my tightie-whities with the size of my crotch exaggerated by the plastic chastity device beneath it. As soon as I'm stripped down he pulls me onto the dance floor and the whistles, catcalls, and lewd comments get louder and louder as more and more people catch on and watch. I focus on Steven to ease how self-conscious and embarrassed I'm feeling (especially in front of the women and the straights that are there) and soon get into it with him. Josh and Joey join us, Joey is now in just his skivvies as well, and that helps me feel more comfortable. The DJ motions Joey and I onto the stage and Steven makes us go up there and continue dancing. Joey and I make a good team and put on a real show for everyone. Before long a lot of guys are pulling their shirts off and some of them lose their pants as well. We stay until the well into the night before heading out together with Josh and Joey and promises from David and John to join up with us later in the afternoon.

Immediately upon entering their house I'm made to strip and drop to all fours with a harsh reminder and solid crack across my ass from Steven. Josh and Joey laugh. I follow them upstairs to the master bath and we all crowd into the stall shower. It's a big shower but four is a definite crowd. I'm made to sit on the floor in the corner. The three of them stand in front of me and I look at each of their beautiful cocks as they take aim and piss on me. The cascade of warm water feels really good. I open my mouth in case any of them want to piss in it too. They let me sit there soaked in their piss before turning the water on. They all laugh again. We shower with me staying on the floor and washing up while they stand above me. It's just another subtle reminder of my place. I get to wash their feet, and assholes for them. Whoopie, lucky me. It's their cocks I want. I'm straining against the chastity device. I toy with the idea of asking him to take it off but decide not to. They step out to dry off and I stay in the shower dripping wet. Steven hands me his wet towel to use when he's done. I like his lingering scent on the towel as I use it. We all go into the bedroom together.

Joey and I are made to kneel doggie style on the bed with Steven and Josh standing behind us. Steven runs his hands over Joey's ass and comments about how sweet and perfect it is. "I want to fuck him." Is his final comment.

"Go ahead. Fuck'em. That's what he's for." Josh looks happy to oblige Steven by offering him Joey's ass.

Grabbing me by the back of my hair and pulling me toward Joey's ass Steven commands me, "Get his ass ready for me." Pushing my face into his crack, "Lick him out. Get your tongue up his hole and prep him for me." Pushing me in tighter and smacking my ass hard, "I said get up there and get him opened up and wet for me. I want your tongue fucking him good." He cracks my ass again as I eat out Joey's ass and slide my tongue as far up his hole as I can get it. His ass is clean and fresh from the shower and I really get into rimming him. Several more blows land hard on my ass.

Guiding my head from Joey's ass onto his own cock Steven continues his instructions. "Suck me! Suck me hard. Get my cock hard so I can fuck him good. You're just a fluffer tonight so do your job." He fucks my mouth hard. He's already rock hard so I'm sure it's more for affect than to actually prep him. Pushing my face back up Joey's ass he continues, "Use all your spit that I just pulled out of your throat, and lube him up for me. I'm going to fuck him with your spit." He slaps my ass several times before pulling me away and aiming his cock for Joey's asshole. Joey moans as Steven enters him. He gasps in pain as Steven pushes in without much lube.

Josh guides my face under Joey and tells me, "Suck his cock. Distract him from the pain. It's your job to make him feel good and you'd better do it." He spanks my ass hard telling me to suck Joey's dick. Joey gasps in pain as Steven fast fucks him and Josh goes ape shit on my ass with a belt ordering me to suck Joey's dick and make him feel good. I do my best on Joey's dick. He's hard and dribbling pre-cum into my mouth as Steven long dicks him. Pulling me off Joey, Josh stuffs his dick in my mouth pushing it all the way down my throat. I suck him until he pulls me off and replaces Steven up Joey's ass.

Steven pushes my face into Josh's crack and tells me to lick him out. I do what I'm told until Steven pulls me off and puts some lube in my hand and pushes it toward Josh's ass. I use the lube to wet his hole and slide my finger into him. Then two. Then three. Steven pulls my hand away and from Josh and guides me to his own cock. I use the leftover lube on my hand to lube his dick and he slides his cock slowly and gently up Josh's ass as Josh continues to fuck Joey.

"Suck Joey's cock, asshole! Make yourself useful." Steven's words bite into me but I obey him well. I get under Joey and suck him off as Josh is fucking him. Steven pushes in deep as he cums first up Josh's ass. He stays inside him as Josh continues fucking Joey. He gasps out loud as he fires his load up Joey's ass. Steven pulls out of Josh as he cums and Josh pulls out of Joey when he's done.

Steven holds the back of my head up into Joey's crotch and tells Joey, "Fuck his mouth, Man. You earned it. That's it fuck him!" To me he commands, "Take it. Suck him off. Take his load. He earned the right to cum so help him do it." Joey is still on all fours and Steven is holding my head up tight to his crotch as Joey fucks me deep down my throat. I struggle not to gag on it. He shoots as he's pulling back and fills my mouth with his load. He shoots a lot and I swallow it all. Exhausted he flips off of me and lies back on the bed. Steven and Josh lie beside him.

Josh tells me, "Get a couple of washcloths from the bathroom to clean us up." I go get them, return to hear them talking about how great it was, and how they all got to cum. I wash Steven's cock first as they continue talking and ignoring me. I wash Josh next starting with his dick. He rolls over for me to wipe his ass. "Did you do a good job?"

"Yes, Sir." I respond to him.

"Lick it clean so I know you did me right." I lick out his ass for him.

"Now do Joey." Steven tells me. Fuck! He's a fucken boy so why doesn't he clean himself up? I say nothing and clean his dick first. Steven and Josh both grab his legs and pull them back exposing his asshole. Some of Josh's cum is dripping out of his hole. I go to wipe it but Steven stops me, "No. That's a man's cum so don't you dare waste it. You're a cum dump so take it. Lick it up and drink it." I lick the cum from his ass and swallow it. "Yeah that's it. Get your tongue up there and get it all." I lick out Joey's ass thoroughly and swallow all the cum I can reach. I lick the length of his crack to finish cleaning him.

Kicking me lightly in the side, "Thank our hosts for letting you be here." I swallow my pride and my anger and kiss each of their feet thanking them humbly and obediently, but can't help but thinking that I didn't really get anything out of it. They lie back comfortably.

They'd each gotten to pee in the shower but I have to pee really badly. I respectfully ask Steven's permission. He turns to Joey, "Can you please take him for a walk outside. Make sure you put a leash on him and make sure he obeys like he's supposed to. If he doesn't, just smack his ass. In fact take the belt and give him at least ten good swats across his ass for putting you out."

Joey puts the belt around my neck like a leash while we're still in the bedroom and leads me out on all fours following him. I hear Josh and Steven laughing as we go. Outside, he leads me to the far end of the yard before stopping to let me piss. "This is where I bring the dog when I walk him. I don't see any reason to make a double mess so find one of his piles and piss on it. FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! I can't fucking believe it! Where does he get off? I don't say anything as I squat over a huge land mine and piss. "Stay there as I belt your ass. Hold it up higher for me." The first crack of the belt hurts and each one is harder. I lower my ass after the tenth one but he corrects me, "I said hold your ass up high for me." He lands ten more good ones and my ass is flaming hot by the time he's done. I thank him when he's done as I've been taught to do in spite of what a jerk he's being.

I follow his lead back up to the bedroom and Steven asks Joey if I behaved. At least he tells them that I behaved perfectly. He winks at me as he says it redeeming himself a bit. "Did you do as you were told?" Josh asks him. He tells them he did. "Let me see your ass." I show them my bright red ass and both Steven and Josh congratulate Joey on the good job he did. He crawls into bed between them.

Steven gives me one final command. "Get on your knees with your ass up in the air and your face on the floor. Yeah, I like the way that looks. Let's keep you that way." Josh gets up and pulls a spreader bar from beneath the bed. He fastens my ankles into the leather restraints on the end. He pulls my arms between my legs and attaches my wrists into the restraints that are just inside the ankle restraints. "You'll stay that way so we can enjoy that bright red ass of yours. In fact Josh, do me a favor and belt his ass for me. I love to watch him getting belted and his ass needs to be redder than that."

Josh starts off slow and light but each stroke is harder than the last one. He covers my ass with strikes from the belt until it is aflame with heat and pain. I whimper into the carpet and sob softly even as Steven tells him he can stop. "I love the sound of your crying and the look of your ass when it's flaming red like that. My life is so perfect. Now thank Josh for his help." I thank Josh for restraining and belting me for my Master's pleasure as he gets back in bed. The three of them snuggle together as I struggle to get comfortable enough to at least fall asleep. The worst part is I'm so fucking horny and frustrated I can't stand it. I hold onto Steven's promise to take off the cock cage if I behave and vow to myself that I'm going to take everything without any complaint and to behave perfectly so I can get it off. I sleep fitfully, but I do sleep.

I hear someone get up to pee and turn my head to see who it is. Even though I can only see his feet I know it's Steven as he heads toward the bathroom. Fuck, I've got to pee! My knees and neck hurt but the worst part is how badly I have to pee. It seems forever until Steven comes back into the room and fortunately he comes straight to me and sits beside me. "Are you okay?"

"I have to pee really bad, Sir. Really bad!"

He chuckles quietly and ruffles my hair but makes no move to release me. I don't think he really understands the situation so I beg, "Oh please, Sir! I really have to pee. Please let me go to the bathroom. Please."

He lies down next to me with his face close to mine. "You're ass isn't red anymore. I like it better when it's all hot and red. Don't you think its better that way?"

Oh, man, I've got to pee but I know asking again would be a mistake. "Everything is better when it pleases you, Sir."

"Yeah, it is. You've been trying really hard. I've noticed. Hasn't everything been better since you've been trained to behave?" He asks sincerely.

I think about it... Things have been really good. I've never been happier or more content. Even I realize I've been much calmer. Life seems so much easier and more secure now. Like things have meaning and purpose. I smile at him. "Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir." He reaches over and ruffles my hair again leaving his hand against my cheek. I love the feel of him and don't want to break the moment between us so I stay there quietly even though my knees are hurting, my neck is sore, and I've got to pee so fucking bad.

Finally getting up he releases my arms and legs and lets me stretch out on the floor. I'm so stiff and sore. Snapping a leash on he pulls me up, "You have to crawl. Josh doesn't allow slaves to be unrestrained or to stand in the house." I have to piss so bad I don't give it any thought as I crawl beside Steven out to the yard. Giving me slack on the leash he tells me to go wherever I went last night so I crawl to the back of the yard. In the daylight I can see big piles of doggie doo and think to myself that their dog must be huge, though I hadn't seen or heard it yet. Steven must have the same thought, "Look at the size of those shit piles. They must have a dog the size of a pony."

I carefully move between them to find a place to pee when Joey appears walking the most beautiful Great Dane I've ever seen. He's a deep rich tan color and tall and trim. You can see his muscles as he moves and it's obvious he's in great shape. Joey walks to us. "Morning chores." He says to Steven as he comes beside us. "Gotta take care of the animals." They both chuckle at his stupid joke.

Ignoring them I lift my leg to pee like Steven makes me do and the dog growls deep and menacing scaring the hell out of me. Joey explains to Steven, "Make him squat to piss. Butch here is a trained breeder. He'll fight other males to win over the bitch. Lifting its leg to piss is a male trait so Butch gets ready to fight. If he squats Butch will treat him like a bitch."

"Don't we all?" Steven asks laughing. "You heard the man, squat like a bitch from now on." I'm so fucking humiliated but have no choice. I squat down to piss. Butch stands over me watching. When I'm done he comes over and smells my piss then pisses directly over where I did.

"That's him marking his territory. He covers the other dog's scent. Make him sit to show submission so Butch doesn't get aggressive." Steven tugs at my leash to make me obey. I fucking hate this. "That's good. I'll take him back inside and put him in the garage for now. We'll bring him out later to get acquainted with everyone.

They send Joey and me to the store to get some brunch foods. I sit quietly and respectfully beside him in the car until he breaks the silence. "It's just us, Man. You can relax." He looks at me and winks. I'm not completely sure I can trust him but relax a bit by getting comfortable and slouching down in the car seat. That's enough for him to break the ice and get him talking. "You're really awesome. You're like the perfect boy. You're all Josh talks about. He thinks you are so fucking hot! And Steven, man it's like he worships you. It's so obvious how much he loves you. You're so lucky. I shouldn't say this but I get jealous of you sometimes. You get all their attention all the time."

I look at him like he's nuts. "You certainly got all the attention last night."

"No fucken way! All I got was fucked. You got everything else."

"You got to cum. I didn't."

"Yeah. I felt bad about that. That wasn't exactly fair but I guess you didn't deserve it or he'd have let you cum too. But you got to suck them both and lick Josh's ass. You even got to lick up and swallow some of his cum. I wish I got to do that. Plus you got pissed on and belted and tied up; fuck man you got it all!"

Hhhmmmm... I hadn't thought of it like that. It sounded good the way he was saying it. "Do you want all that stuff to happen to you?"

"Nahhh! But it's hot as hell watching it happening to you. I'm not into the pain very much and I don't like being embarrassed or humiliated like you do. I like to get fucked and giving blowjobs and I like how I look in leather. That's about as far as I like to go."

"What makes you think I like it?"

"Don't even try to give me that shit. You fucken like it and you know it. Shit, everybody knows it." We exchange knowing smiles. I thoroughly enjoy our little shopping trip and am in a really good mood when we get back. I strip out of my clothes quickly, kneel before Steven, and kiss his feet in complete appreciation of him.

"We called David and John and they should be here soon." When they get there we all move outside for what was supposed to be brunch but is more like a late lunch considering the time. We're all moving slow recovering from last night. David fills us in on his latest including his doubts that it will last because the guy just isn't all that into the scene. He says he is but isn't willing to play as rough as David likes it. John went home with someone he met and they had a good time so they'll try it again. It's been a while since John has had anyone significant in his life and I think he's hoping this one may turn into something.

Other than the fact that I'm the only one completely naked and locked into a chastity device while they're in board shorts and cut offs I'm treated normally and part of the group. Steven is attentive and affectionate toward me and it feels good. The conversation slows and we all look at each other wondering what to do next.

Looking at Josh Steven asks, "Want to play a game? Do you have any tennis balls?" With his assent, Joey jumps up and comes back out with some tubes of tennis balls. Tossing a couple of balls to each of them Steven directs, "Let's play Monkey in the Middle modified for our entertainment. Spread out." Pointing to me he continues, "You're the monkey. The goal is to hit the monkey as hard as you can with a ball. Every ball he catches goes out of play. Otherwise whoever recovers it throws again. He can't take a ball off the ground. It's a free for all and we play until all the balls are out of play. Everyone got it? Okay, on the count of three... One, two, three!"

The first ball hits hard and fast and is quickly followed with a barrage of others. The sting is sharp and painful as they hit and I reflexively try to block them rather than catch them. They fucken hurt like hell. As the initial frenzy wears off they start taking more careful aim and teaming up against me. It hurts more when it is well planned and pitched. I soon realize I'd better get my act together and try catching them because I'm doing a shitty job of blocking them. Each ball leaves a deep red circle when it hits me and I'm already polka dotted in red circles.

I get hit with a couple of good ones before I finally catch one. It hurts my hand but at least it's one ball out of play. It takes a while till I catch a second but the third comes quicker. I tuck and roll to catch a low ball and several whiz by me without hitting me. I have a new strategy; I stay low and move into them to catch them. I catch several more but while I'm down they move in and gang up on me bombarding me from close range. Fuck it hurts and I run on my feet and hands to move away from them quickly then stand catching two quick ones while the several balls left in play hit me right in the stomach and chest. I catch a couple more as the game continues.

With only a couple of balls left in play I'm tired, sweaty, thirsty, and hurting everywhere. They take the time to tag team me and aim with well-pitched balls. I get hit from the front and back simultaneously. Realizing what I have to do I take a hard one in the back but catch the one in front. They toss the remaining ball back and forth to each other to fake me out and I take a couple of real good hits before I finally catch the last ball. I drop to my knees exhausted while they're all energized and excited about the game and want to play another.

Steven tells Joey to get the spreader bar they used on me last night. While he's gone he tells the others that we're going to play a game called asses up and that I'm going to be placed at the far end of the yard with my ass in the air. They'll take turns pitching balls at me keeping score of the hits. Josh points out that in the back of the yard is where their dog shits and there are piles back there. Handing me a plastic bag and a small sand shovel Josh makes me clean up the area before we play.

Putting me back in the same position as last night with my legs spread and my arms pulled between them leaves my ass wide open and my face in the grass. "Aim for his hole. A point for every hit his ass takes. This is easy for them and ball after ball hits me in the ass. It especially hurts when my asshole takes a direct hit. They stop to gather the balls and complain about having to do even that.

"I can solve that problem." Joey volunteers and runs inside to get Butch, his dog. "Butch loves to fetch. He'll keep bringing the balls back to us." They throw the balls at my ass and Butch runs all out to retrieve them and drop them back at their feet. My fucking ass is hurting like hell by the time they get bored and tired. Butch brings all the balls back to them and comes back looking for more. Not finding any he gets distracted and checks me out.

He smells my ass and my crotch like dogs do. He sniffs my face and even licks it. He circles me a couple of times and barks catching their attention. They all burst out laughing as he lifts his leg and pisses on me. They think it's funny as hell! I turn my face to avoid getting pissed on but can't help looking back to see what he's going to do next. His dick is out of its sheath and I'm amazed at how big it is. It's almost the size of a man's dick.

They've all come close to watch at this point and I can hear Joey explaining that he's marked his territory and claimed his dominance over me. He explains that he's a breeding dog and trained to breed. He circles me a couple of more times and Joey goes to grab him but Steven stops him. They just want to see what will happen if they leave him alone. Butch circles me again and then pisses a little more on me. Then he lowers down and squats on my face humping his dick on my face. I try to turn but he presses down harder and I can't do anything but let him hump his cock on my face. They're all enjoying the show.

Getting up he circles me some more and then jumps up and mounts me from behind. He's heavy on my back and I feel his cock make contact with my ass. He humps it a couple of times before Joey pulls him off and I hear Joey explaining that Butch is getting ready. Joey continues to hold him as he sits in a position where he can lick his own dick.

Steven comes beside me, "Guess what's going to happen to you?"

"Oh no please! Please no! Don't do this to me please." I beg him.

"You did not just say no to me did you? Did I hear you say no?" His voice is gentle.

"No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say no. I don't want this to happen."

"It doesn't matter what you want. There's one of you and five of us and we want it to happen, so it's gonna happen."

"Please don't do this to me, please."

"I'm not going to do anything to you. You've been so good I can't believe you're fucking it up, so let me help you out here. The deal is this, I want this to happen and so does everyone else so the only way I'll stop it is if you tell me no. You have to look me in the eyes and tell me you refuse to give me what I want and embarrass me in front of everyone and disappoint everyone, especially me. Are you going to do that?"

Shit! There's no way I'll do that and he knows it. I take a deep breath to steady myself. "I'm sorry, Sir. Do whatever you want to me. All I want is for you to be happy." He steps back and joins the others to watch as he signals Joey to release Butch.

Joey let's Butch go and the dog does what he does instinctively. I close my eyes and think of Steven and how much I'm doing to please him. They thoroughly enjoy the show, short as it is. They talk all about it as they wait for Butch to separate from me. That's worst than the actual event; having to listen to them talk about it. Bitch is now my permanent name.

After Butch separates from me they leave me like that and go back to the other end of the yard together. I feel the wetness easing down my legs. I lay there alone thinking about what happened. This was the most humiliating thing so far, but not the worst. Not really. I've had worse things done to me. I liked being a part of things. I hate that they all went off and just left me here to wallow in my misery. This is worse than what actually happened.

It's a long time until Steven comes back. He releases me from the spreader bar and puts the leash back on. He pulls me up to my knees facing him. "You came very close to fucking up today. It didn't go unnoticed and it won't go unpunished. I decide what happens, remember? I shouldn't have to remind you of that at this point. We talked about this just a couple of weeks ago and you said you wanted me in control and for me to take full responsibility for what happens. Do you remember that conversation?"

"Yes. Sir. I'm sorry. I just freaked out about it. I'm really sorry."

"Was it so bad? Was it worth making such a big deal about it? Was your life or your safety in any danger?"

"No, Sir but it was totally humiliating."

"Good." He just lets that hang there. "Your punishment will be in front of everyone. It will be painful, degrading, and humiliating. You'll definitely remember this day. You'll have some time to think about it before it happens, but it will happen tonight. You can definitely know it's coming. Anticipating that will help you take your mind off of what just happened."

NOTE: I submitted the more graphic ending to nifty under gay bestiality for those of you who are interested in reading it.


Next: Chapter 28

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