Pool Table and My Balls

By NiteSearcher2000

Published on Jun 19, 2006


This story is not completely fictional. Nor is it the truth and nothing but the truth. The names have definitely been changed to protect the guilty. We are all disease free and stay that way by protecting ourselves whenever we play with anyone but each other. Descriptions of unprotected sex are fictional because I'm imaginative and not stupid.

You know the rules... Don't read this if you're a minor or are offended by gay or BDSM expression. Don't even think about reproducing or publishing it without my permission. Remember, I have sadistic friends who like to punish people! <>

Chapter 26

Enough time had passed that both Steven and Michael had had enough of this scene. It was getting boring for them and there was some real concern for the pig in the box. They made a lot of noise going down and were talking loud enough so their voices could be heard.

I hear them coming. My only thought is hoping that they let me out. I want out. That's all I can think about is getting out. I've had enough, more than enough. At his point I'd do anything to get out. Every inch of me is sore and hurting. I'm frustrated at not being able to move for so long. The blindfold is driving me completely crazy. The dildo in my mouth is making my jaw ache and my lips raw. Man, I hope they let me out!

They open the lid loudly. It seems an eternity of waiting before they take the gag off. I move my mouth and my head desperately. It just makes me more restless and desperate to move. I try my best to control myself and not say anything until I'm supposed to.

"Are you ready to get out?" Steven asks with a real gentleness in his voice.

"Yes, please...." My throat is dry and sore and I do little more than croak it out. My voice feels weak and distant to me. "Please."

"What have you learned from this?" he asks just as gently.

My mind is blank. I can't think of anything to say in answer to his question so I say the only thought that comes to my mind. "I love you." I know it's not an answer to his question but it's all I can think of to say.

Steven is stunned. It's not what he was expecting at all. "I love you too. Lets get you out of here, but we have to go slow."

Together, he and Michael lift him out of the box and carry him outside into the yard. They take him out of the body bag and let him sip on a drink. They unbuckle the straps on the sleep sack and open the zippers. They slowly lift him from the bag and lay him back on the ground. Using safety scissors they start at his feet and cut right up the center of the vet wrap slowly and carefully. They pause as he shivers as the fresh air hits his skin. They go slow and don't let him move as they pull the vet wrap apart. "Just lay still. Don't move around yet. Let your blood pressure come back up." I follow their directions.

"You fucken stink, man. Whew!" I'm embarrassed, but fuck it. They did this to me. "Move around a little bit." I move my head and get a little light headed. I move my arms and legs and they feel heavy, clumsy, and stiff. I feel so weak and uncoordinated and tell them so. "Don't worry about it. You'll get all the feeling back." Steven looks at Michael who reassures him that he's right. "Just keep moving around."

Steven watches him closely to be sure he's okay. The stink is strong and distracting. His skin is all wrinkled, mottled, and bruised. He looks terrible. Steven has a lump in the pit of his stomach while Michael has a lump swelling in his pants. It does not go unnoticed by Steven.

They both help him sit up slowly. "Please can you take the blindfold off? Please." I know I shouldn't ask but it's driving me crazy.

"Not yet." It's too bright out here." Michael answers. "Are you ready to stand?"

"I think so but I'm a mess. I'm sorry. I tried but I couldn't control it. Please don't be mad at me."

"We're not mad but we will get even." Michael can't resist teasing and taunting. They pull him slowly to his feet and support him to steady him until he's steady enough to stand on his own. They lead him over to the hose and hose him off. As the color comes back to his skin the bruising is even more evident.

The water feels great cascading down my body. It feels so cool and refreshing. I can feel the strength coming back into me. The water hurts when it hits certain spots and I definitely feel sore and bruised, but it feels so incredibly good to be moving again. I open my mouth and let the water in flushing it out. I drink some of it to satisfy my thirst. I didn't think I'd ever feel this well again. I stay under the spray of the hose loving how it feels.

They finally stop and lead me back inside the basement. I feel weak and clumsy as I'm walking and I can't stop shaking. Steven pulls me tightly against him as he continues to move me along into the basement. I push back against him and the emotions push up to the surface. "Please, oh please, I can't go back in there, please! Oh God I'll do anything but please don't make me get back in there."

Steven holds me tighter but Michael answers, "We won't. Not now anyway. But any time you fuck up we will." I cringe at his words. Even the thought of it is more than I can handle right now. A shudder runs through my body.

Steven clutches me tighter and whispers in my ear, "ssshhhhh... relax. I've got you. We're going home soon. You're done for today. No more today." I relax into him as he leads me the rest of the way in and over to a table. I sit quiet and still.

Michael tells me, "Close your eyes. Keep them closed tight." He slowly unwraps them. "Keep them closed until I tell you to open them." I fight the urge to open them as the bandages come off and wait for his instructions. "I'm going to dim the lights. When I do, you can open your eyes." Steven holds me tight as Michael moves away. "Okay. Open them." I blink them open slowly. It's hard to keep them open even though there is very little light in the room. It's so good to see again. Michael hands me dark glasses and tells me to put them on and keep them on. He turns up the lights and I squint even behind the glasses.

"Go home. I'm done with you." In an uncharacteristic motion he kisses me on the forehead and ruffles my hair. He winks at Steven as he leaves us alone.

My stomach tightens in the car as I realize that Steven is heading toward my house. FUCK! I just took it for granted that I was going to continue staying with him at his house. What the fuck did I do wrong? I did everything they said. Part of me feels like crying and part of me feels like knocking his fucking lights out. I sit quietly looking out the side window. I know if I look at him I'm either going to cry, or curse him out. I'm not sure enough which I want to do so I do nothing.

When he comes to a stop in my driveway I choke on my emotions. I get out of the car and slam the door. I throw open the door to my house and slam it behind me. By the time he comes in I'm sitting on the kitchen counter crying. I didn't expect him to come in and try to collect myself. He sits on the counter across from me and just watches me.

I lash out at him, "What the fuck do you want from me now?"

He pauses before answering quietly and gently, "I want to know that you're okay."

"I was." It's so obvious to me that I see no reason to say more.

"So what happened? Why aren't you okay now?" He's resonating calmness, which is only pissing me off more.

"What the fuck am I supposed to do? I do what I think you want me to do but it's not good enough! I never get it right! I'm sorry! I did my best and if that's not good enough I don't know what else to do." I refuse to cry so I put all of my energy into my anger.

"What makes you think I'm not pleased with you?" I can see the confusion on his face.

"You dropped me off here. I've been staying at your house for weeks and now you just drop me off here on my own and take off. What the fuck am I supposed to think?" I'm teetering between crying and yelling.

"Okay... First of all I'm right here. I didn't drop you off and I didn't leave you on your own. In fact, I didn't leave at all. You got out of the car, slammed the door, came in here and slammed the door again, but I'm still right here talking to you."

"Why did you bring me here? Why didn't you take me back to your house?" I sound desperate and confused.

"Because you have a Jacuzzi and I don't. I figured you're pretty banged up and sore and it would be good for you to sit and soak in a hot tub while I run out and get you something quick to eat before we meet John for church and dinner."

At first I feel stupid. Then I feel even more confused. "church?"

"I know you and John always meet for church so I called him this morning and asked him if it would be okay if we went tonight and then to dinner. If it's okay I'd like to join you."

"It's still Sunday?"

I see his small smile, "yeah."

"hhhmmmm....... I thought it was like Monday or Tuesday."

"Nope. It's Sunday afternoon." His amusement is obvious and it lightens my mood. I realize I may not be thinking real clearly yet.

"Why do you want to come with us? You're Jewish."

"Yeah, but I'm in love with you and you're not Jewish. I figure if you can spend twelve to fifteen hours in a box for me I can spend an hour in a church for you."

"Sounds fair." I say dripping with sarcasm as I smile at him.

"Go take a bath. I'll be right back with some food."

I sit in the sudsy bath repeating his words in my head over and over again. He's, "in love" with me. "In love." How fucking cool is that?

I jump at the sound of his voice when he enters the bathroom. "What are you smiling about?"

My grin is evil and wicked, "You said you're in love with me."

"Yeah, so what of it?" He sits on the side of the tub.

Sometimes in life you just got to say fuck it... In one easy motion I pull him into the tub with me, roll on top of him, and cover him in kisses. I find his mouth and invade it with my tongue. My hand goes to his crotch and I find his dick is already getting hard. The sudsy water allows us to slide against each other and lets my hands slide across his hard chest. I reach under his shirt and pull it up so my body can be against his. He tries to flip me under him so he's on top but I don't let him. He wraps his arms around me and holds me tight. I open my mouth for his and allow him to stake his claim and surrender to him. I curl into him as we continue to make out.

He strokes my dick gently and slowly. I open his soaking pants, slip my hand inside, and return the favor. We both slowly and lazily drift toward orgasm. I cum without asking his permission. I just let it happen. I continue stroking his cock until he cums also. He pulls me tighter into him and we just lie in the warm swirling water together.

He breaks the silence. "Are you okay? You're really bruised a lot."

"I'm okay. I am really sore though." I'm being honest without any drama.

"Why didn't you use your safe word sooner?" There's confusion but no anger.

I really had to think about it. "I didn't want to for a bunch of reasons. For one, this time I really did deserve it. It was time to pay up for all the times I've fucked us up. I was mad at myself for not realizing that it's you I've wanted my whole life." His hold tightens around me. "Also, I get off on it. I don't know why but I do. I hate it, I fear it, I dread it, but I get off on it." I blush as I say it and can't believe I can still be embarrassed after everything that's happened. "Besides, Michael said you'd be thrown out of the club if I used my safe word and I love you too much to let that happen. I won't ever embarrass you like that."

He sighs deeply, "Silly boy, that's just bullshit. You're a slave. I'm not. Michael has no control over me and he has no power over me. Don't ever think he does. You also have to be careful with him. He's more sadistic than I am. Michael is into real edge play. I hold him back with you and I want you to hold him back also. Don't let him push you over the edge." He holds me as I let that sink in. "I kicked him in the balls for you."

I jump up in surprise, "You didn't!"

"Fuck yeah I did. He deserved it for what he did to you." He was obviously so proud of himself. I was surprised that my cock twitched at the thought of Michael getting a kick to his manhood. He continued, "Seriously, I'm concerned that this is going too far. You're a mess. You're covered in bruises and welts. There's some swelling and skin irritations. Even your cock is all puffy and red. It looks deformed."

I had looked at myself in the mirror and was surprised by how banged up I am. "I'm okay, honestly. I would tell you if I wasn't. I don't want to use my safe word. It ruins it for me."

"Why? I don't understand."

"You don't understand because you're a Dom and I'm a sub. I don't want the responsibility or the control. I get off on the submission and the surrender. I get off on giving myself away to be used. When I use my safe word I feel like a failure. I feel inadequate and incomplete. I just can't explain it."

"That leaves me with the responsibility of keeping you safe."

"Yeah, so what's your point? You have your place in this relationship, and I have mine. Both positions come with assets and liabilities, advantages and disadvantages." I stand up to make my point. Showing him my bruises I ask, "Do you want to switch places?"

"Fuck no!! I love my job" He pulls me back down next to him. "I don't want you damaged, is all. Promise me you'll use your safe word when you need to, especially with him. To be honest I don't want you to use it with me unless you really have to but I don't push you as hard as he does so you shouldn't have to anyway."

"I promise. I love you."

"Are you in love with me?" It's the first time I've heard any insecurity in his voice.

"I've been in love with you since we were five years old and you took my toys away from me in the sandbox and made me sit in the corner and watch you play." I've never let him live that down and it's a private joke between us. We've been friends ever since that day.

"You know this weekend wasn't just rough on you. It was rough on me too." He flashes his big puppy dog eyes at me.

"Yeah. You have my sympathies." I say as sarcastically as possible but realize it was difficult and stressful for him too. We hang in the bath until the water cools, and then dress, eat, and meet John. We bring him up to speed during dinner. We eat at my favorite steak house and I really chow down. We call it an early night and head home.

I wake up several times with nightmares about being in the box and Steven holds me tight. He assures me they're normal after what I went through and they'll stop in a couple of days. I'm pretty sure he's right.

I wake up stiff and sore. I lie there waiting for Steven to wake up. His eyes open and the question rolls right out, "You okay?" I tell him I am but wince as I move toward him. "Listen; don't fuck up so we can go easy on you this week." He smiles as he says it. "You'd better get moving. Skip the gym this morning and we'll decide later what we're doing tonight."

It takes me a while to get moving. I really feel it as I kneel down on all fours and wince as I lift my leg to pee against the tree. My arms ache as I shave and brush my teeth. I feel every bruise as I shower. I kneel naked before him on the kitchen floor. He inspects my bruises and welts. "Hurting?"

"Yes, Sir. A bit. Do you have any aspirin?"

He raises his eyebrows, "No. Not for you. You're not going to medicate the pain away. You play, you pay. This way you'll learn to pay closer attention to your limits. Sit at the table to eat." As always, breakfast is great. He sends me upstairs to get ready instead of helping him clean up. Even getting dressed is an effort and I'm uncomfortable as hell in a suit and tie. I go down to the kitchen again. "You're looking good anyway. Tough it out today. Make me proud of you."

I do tough it out all day. No one even suspects there's anything off with me but I'm uncomfortable as hell and feel brain dead. My boss is out of town and I cover for him as needed. I get home before Steven as usual and clean things up. I listen for his car and make sure I'm in my corner when he comes in. He comes right to me and kisses me hello. "You're a good boy. I'm so proud of you." Dinner will be in a little while. He leaves me there and goes upstairs to change. I hold my position. He comes down and goes into the kitchen to cook and I continue to hold my position, though I'm uncomfortable as hell. I fight nodding off even though I'm on my knees and catch myself swaying. I'm so relieved when he calls me into eat and he allows me sit at the table with him again. Dinner is delicious and the conversation is light and easy. He leaves me to clean up and I go directly to my corner afterward. I stay there quietly as he watches some television.

Finally, "Come suck me off." I turn to see him lying naked on the sofa with a raging hard on. He swings his legs down to the floor as I crawl to him. I worship his entire crotch from his ass crack up to his ball sack, his balls, his dick, and all around his jewels. I worship him. I take him all the way down my throat fighting my gag reflex so he can have the best blowjob possible. He moans deep and guttural as he spews his cum into my mouth and I joyfully swallow it all. I stay on my knees before him.

"You're being very good tonight."

"Thank you, Sir." I'm so glad he noticed and feel good that he told me.

"Why?" I'm shocked by his question. Before I have a chance to answer he continues, "Are you afraid of me?"

"I am. Partly I'm afraid of what you might do to me. I mean I fucking hate some of it. But it's more that I want to please you. I really do. I know that means that I'm going to suffer because that's what does please you but that's different than being punished for displeasing you."

"So, anything I want right, boy?"

"Yes, Sir."


"Yes, Sir."


"Yes, Sir."


"Yes, Sir."

"And you're willing to suffer for it? Pain? Humiliation? Embarrassment? You're willing to be degraded and treated like the low life scumbag that you are?"

"Yes, Master." He wipes his foot across my face so I stick my tongue out for him to let him wipe it across my mouth. His look is intense.

"For me? For the rest of your life?"

"Yeah. For the rest of my life."

He pushes his hands through my hair and grabs a handful painfully with each hand. He looks me sternly in the eyes, "Don't fuck it up! Don't! I won't let you fuck it up this time do you understand me? I will beat you mercilessly and lock you in a fucking box if you fuck it up." I nod as he gathers me into his arms.

"Go upstairs and lay down on the bed on your back." I obey and he follows shortly. Reaching over me he opens the drawer and pulls out the chastity device. My heart sinks but I say nothing as he locks it on. "I love your playfulness, but it has a price. That little stunt you pulled yesterday by pulling me into the tub and cumming without permission just got you a week. Want to try for more?"

"No, Sir. I'm sorry, Sir." The truth is I'm sorry it got me a week in the CBC2000 but I'm really not sorry I did it and deep inside he knows that too.

"It's so good to be me and it sucks to be you. Nite nite." His smile is wicked as he settles into sleep. I awaken soaking wet and shaking when the first nightmare hits me. He rolls me onto my stomach and climbs on top. Hr traps me under him and pins my arms by wrapping his around me. I can barely move under his full weight. I'm still sore and the pain flows through me. Feeling safe I fall into a deep sleep, until the next nightmare hits me. He covers me again. "What's the fear? What's scaring you?" He gives me lots of time to think. He repeats the question.

I try to remember the nightmare. I try to pull it back. I replay it in my head. "That you're not there. In my nightmare you're not there. There's no one who cares." I almost sob it out.

"I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere." Steven is thrilled. He's got him right where he wants him.

"I always fuck it up. I always drive you away. What if I do it again?"

"You can't. You're not in control anymore. I am and I'm not going to let you ruin it. You fuck up and the punishment will be quick and severe. You try to pull away and I'll chain you to the fucking wall and keep you there. You try to push me away and I'll beat you until you're begging me to take you back. I'll put you in that fucking box until you realize that I'm the only one waiting for you and the only one who's going to take care of you."

I think about what he said under the weight of him. He gets heavier as he falls asleep again. I don't wake up again until he awakens me in the morning. I'm still moving slow because I'm sore and stiff but definitely feeling better than yesterday. The day passes slowly and I'm exhausted by the time I get home. I clean up quickly and lie naked on the floor by my corner waiting for him to get home. I wake up to find him watching television and realize he's watching the 11:00 o'clock news. I'm shocked by how late it is. I pull myself up to a kneeling position in my corner.

"Any nightmares?" He asks. I tell there weren't. "Good. Now I can be your worst nightmare again. Go pee. I'll fix you something to eat in the kitchen."

I go outside to piss as usual. I crawl into the kitchen and kneel before him. I watch him fixing me something to eat in a dog's bowl and feel the humiliation of knowing I'm going to have to eat out of it. After it's fixed he holds it under my nose. "You know what's coming, right?"

"Yes, Sir." It doesn't take Einstein to figure this one out. I'm obviously eating doggie style tonight.

"No you don't." He lets the confusion settle in before he dumps the bowl on the floor. He just let the food plop onto the floor. His stare is intense as he watched my humiliation sink lower. Without saying anything he slowly pulls his cock out of the top of his sweat pants. He doesn't takes his eyes off of me as he slowly lets his piss drip onto my food. He pisses it out in slow little squirts until my food is covered is his piss and it's pooling around my food. Finished, he sits down on a chair in front of me to watch. Grabbing a cookie out of the jar he takes a bite. "Enjoy your dinner." His smile is evil and his cock is rock hard as I bend over to eat my piss soaked dinner off the floor. My humiliation is deep as he puts me back in my place after two days of relative freedom and equality. The food is cold and the piss is hot. He adds to my humiliation, "Oh yeah. It's so good to be me and it sucks to be you." He slowly jerks his cock as he watches me eat my food and lick up his piss. As I'm nearing the end he stands up and shoots his load into the mess I'm eating. He continues watching until I'm done licking everything up.

He drops a wet cloth on the floor and I use it to wash the floor where the food had been. He chuckles out loud. "That was actually for you to wipe your face." He let's that hang there until I get his point and use the same cloth to wipe my face that I just used to wipe the floor.

"Go kneel I your corner." I obey him and take my position in the corner. He sets an alarm clock behind me so I can't see it. "Kneel there until that goes off and then you can come to bed." He goes up the stairs and I kneel there alone. I have no idea how long he set the alarm clock for. I'm bored and miserable. I'm tired and uncomfortable. It seems like forever. I fight the temptation but finally give in and turn around to see what time it is and if I can see how long it's set for. FUCK! He has it facing backwards so I can't see it and realize that I just fell into a trap. Sure as hell he's going to ask me if I turned around. I curse myself for being so stupid.

I endure my corner time and I'm near tears by the time the alarm clock rings. I quietly slip into bed beside him. Steven pushes me over onto my stomach and mounts me from behind. He slides his cock straight up my ass in one powerful thrust. It's obviously well lubed but it still hurts like an absolute motherfucker as he plunges it in full force and I yelp out in pain. His hands wrap into my too long hair pulling my face to his mouth and he quietly whispers, "It sucks to be you." He fucks me hard before I can even fully adjust to his dick up my ass. He shoots deep inside me. "Get the fuck out of my bed, I'm done with you." A final humiliation before bed as I crawl into the guest room to sleep on the floor alone.

Next: Chapter 27

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