Pool Table and My Balls

By NiteSearcher2000

Published on Feb 21, 2006


This story is not completely fictional. Nor is it the truth and nothing but the truth. The names have definitely been changed to protect the guilty. We are all disease free and stay that way by protecting ourselves whenever we play with anyone but each other. Descriptions of unprotected sex are fictional because I'm imaginative and not stupid.

You know the rules... Don't read this if you're a minor or are offended by gay or BDSM expression. Don't even think about reproducing or publishing it without my permission. Remember, I have sadistic friends who like to punish people! <>

Chapter 24

I move my head from side to side. It's all I can move, but that's not why I'm doing it. I'm picturing a clock in my head and trying to regain some sense of time. It feels like I've been in here forever. I feel warm, but not hot. It feels like the surface of my skin is hot but I don't feel hot inside. Like after being out on a windy day with a case of windburn. What's the word I'm looking for? Why can't I think of it? Flushed! That's the word! Shit! Now I forgot how long it's been so I start shaking my head all over again.

I can feel where I'm bruised by how much the pressures of the vet wrap hurts in different places. I'm definitely sporting some real bruising from tonight. My ass hurts like hell with me laying on it on this hard surface. Wait. Is the surface hard? I can't tell. Is it padded underneath me? I try to rock back and forth to see if there's any padding under me. I should have looked before they put me in here. I can't seem to get myself rocking. Oh well, I'll find out when they take me out. Shit! Now I forgot how long it's been again, so I start shaking my head back and forth to keep the time.

I wasn't able to rock my body but maybe I can wiggle my toes. Yep! Definitely! I can definitely wiggle my toes and move my head so it's not as bad as I thought. Good! I can even move my feet a little. I pick my toes up toward me and then I can push them down again. I can even move them from side to side a little bit. Maybe Michael isn't as good at this as I thought if I could still move so much. Unless, he did it on purpose. Who knows? Who cares? OH FUCK! I forgot about keeping time and have to start all over again.

I focus to concentrate. I move my head from side to side and count as I do it. I figure each one is about a second. When I reach 60 I feel relieved that I at least know that one-minute passed. I keep counting and when I reach 120 I wiggle my toes to celebrate that two minutes have passed. I have a fucking party in my head when I get to three hundred. That's five minutes! I move my feet in a little boogie dance to celebrate that one. Now at least I can keep track of the time.

At about 750 I begin to wonder what the fuck I'm doing this for. What am I keeping track of? So big deal I know more than ten minutes passed. I don't know how long I've been in here or when I'm getting out. I mean, I'm sure it will be in the morning but what time is it now? How much longer until morning? I lay there a while trying to figure it out.

I'm thirsty. I let the straw fall out of my mouth when he hit me in the balls. I wonder if I'm going to get in trouble for doing that. How long ago was that? It must be awhile if I'm this thirsty. Maybe I can find the straw. I move my head as much as possible searching for it. It's hard. I can't find it. My neck tires as I look for it. I finally give up. Who wants to drink piss anyway?

I've got to pee. I told them that before they put me in here but I was lying. I was just trying to stall, but now I've really got to pee. What should I do? Maybe I should tell them. "Sir... Hello Sir... I've got to pee. Am I supposed to just do it here? Just tell me what to do. Hello." Okay. I'll hold it longer. I'll try to think of something else... I can't think of anything else because there's nothing else to think about. I feel the warm water pool at the tops of my thighs, slide down my legs, and drip through my calves. It tickles. It feels good.

I wish I could drink it because I'm so thirsty. Maybe I can find the straw. I move my head looking for it. YES! I got it this time! It was right there! Yuck! Cold piss is awful. Isn't it funny that hot things taste cold when they sit but cold things taste warm when they sit. I'm not going to let the straw fall out of my mouth again. Then again, why not? I found it this time. I bet I can find it again. YEP! There it is; I did it again.

What am I going to do now? There sure as shit aren't too many options. ....

The first time Steven put me in a box we were about ten or eleven years old. He dared me to get inside his toy box. He called me a chicken because I didn't want to, so I did it to show him I wasn't chicken. He sat on the box and wouldn't let me out until I promised to make his bed for him. Then he watched and made fun of me as I did it.

The next time he just told me to get in. "You did it once and I really liked it. Do it again. I want you to do it again for me." Of course I did it. He made me beg to get out. "Beg me to let you out. I want to hear you begging me." After that he would just point to it whenever he wanted me to get in it. Not even say anything to me, just point at it and expect me to obey him. Once, he did it when our other friends were there. He just pointed to the box. I shook my head no. "Do it or leave. It's my house so either do what I say or leave. If you stay you have to obey me." I remember looking around at everyone else. "Not them, just you." I hesitated so he told me to leave. I said I'd do it. I said was sorry and I'd obey him. He made me leave anyway so I didn't talk to him again for weeks. He never asked me to get in the box again. I once asked him if I could get in it. He said no.

Time passed and we got older and I guess hornier. One night he asked me to sleep over. Of course I wanted to. We did the usual, hung out at the mall with other friends and then went back to his house. We went to bed after a snack. As soon as we got in his room he leaned back against the door and looked at the box. With a nod of his head he told me he wanted me to get inside it. My dick immediately got hard. Without saying a word I moved toward it. He said only one word, just one word, "naked". I took off my clothes totally embarrassed by my erection and got inside. It was harder because I was bigger now. Once he closed the lid it was really tight in there. I stayed in there for what seemed like a long time before he asked me; "If I let you out will you do what I say?" I said yes knowing what I wanted and silently hoping he'd tell me to suck his dick. Instead he made me untie his sneakers with my teeth and then pull off his socks with my teeth too. He rubbed his feet across my face. "Your dick is hard. You like this don't you?" I nodded yes so he did it more. That was the first night we'd slept in the same bed. I wanted him to touch me so bad, but he didn't. I was naked and he wasn't so it never dawned on me to touch him. I guess we were still too young.

I was tied to his bed the first time I watched him jerk off. I'd been tied to it naked while watching television with him. The news came on and I guess he got bored. He stood and slowly undressed while I watched. We both watched my dick get hard just looking at him. He stood there lightly stroking his fingers up and down his dick. I was so horny I humped the air. I wanted to touch him, to suck him so bad! He stared down at me intensely knowing what I wanted. He stood next to the bed. He was so close I could smell him but I couldn't reach him the way I was tied. I didn't want to ask him. I was sure he knew. If he wanted me to suck him all he'd have to do is put it to my mouth. I was afraid to ask in case he said no. He shot across my chest. A little of his cum landed on my cheek. It felt so good to have his cum on me. He jumped over me into the bed and went to sleep beside me. I was too horny to fall asleep and all I thought about all night was him.

The night in the tent.... I didn't want to drink his piss. I wanted to suck him off. By then I knew him well enough to know that he meant what he said. He wanted me to drink his piss and if I didn't do it he wouldn't have done anything else with me. He'd have gone to sleep leaving me lonely and horny. So I drank it and he rewarded me with cumming in my mouth. I looked forward to sucking him off at every opportunity after that.

One day we were shooting hoops, one on one, when a couple of guys we knew from school hung close by to watch. By this time people were catching on that we were gay. It was kind of unspoken, but they knew. We asked them if they wanted to play but they said no. We were pretty evenly matched. They were encouraging the competition between us and it made us both play better. One of them suggested, "Loser kisses winner's ass.", as the bet. Another yelled, "Loser kisses all our asses." Steven and I just grinned at each other and really went at it. It's probably the best game I ever played. I was two points ahead when we tripped over each other and landed together on the floor. He looked me in the eye and said dead seriously, "Lose." It was all he said before getting up and resuming the game. I lost. I don't know why. Maybe he just psyched me out. I don't think I lost on purpose. Not consciously, anyway.

He made me follow him behind the building with the other guys in tow. Behind the building he told me to get on my knees. I started to protest but his look told me I would regret it if I did. I dropped to my knees and he slowly pulled down his pants. I could see his semi outlined in the pouch of his jock. He turned around with his ass in my face. "Spread them and lick." I hesitated. I moved in slow. I licked his crack. I probed deeper with my tongue. I used my hands to expose his hole and licked right across his bud. I forgot the other guys were watching until I heard their whispered comments.

Stepping away from me Steven told them, "If you want him to lick your ass I'll make him do it, but the deal is you say nothing to anyone. If you talk, I will beat the living shit out of you and that's a promise. Deal?" The first guy stepped up and Steven made me lick his ass out. I loved doing it especially to Steven but the reality of this really got to me. I did it, and I liked it, but I certainly didn't want to admit it. I did the other two guys also. I just bathed their assholes with my tongue like I was told making believe I hated it and was only doing it to satisfy the bet.

When I was done licking them out Steven looked down at me and pulled his cock out. "Suck it." I was embarrassed. I wanted to regain some of my pride. I wanted to show the other guys I was.... I was.... was what? That I was anything other than what they probably thought I was.

I looked Steven in the eye and said, "Fuck you! That wasn't part of the bet." I could see the hurt flash across his eyes before he shrugged, said nothing, put his dick in back his pants, and walk away. I didn't talk to him again for months. I missed him. I so desperately wanted to be friends with him again but my pride wouldn't let me. He tried to be friends acting like nothing happened and I got all pissy with him. I played the drama bitch perfectly. I didn't let him near me until my grandmother died. He came over my house and just sat next to me. Didn't say anything, he just sat there. It was good. I asked him to stay the night and he did, but he never asked me to suck his dick again. I moved toward him once but he stopped me.

Cliff was sucking him and John off after school. They weren't going out with each other or anything. Cliff was willing to suck cock and they were willing to let him suck theirs. I started getting him to blow me too. It didn't seem to bother Steven and I wanted him to be bothered so I started going out and hanging out with Jimmy. He was good company, a good friend, but there was no real spark. The sex between us was mediocre at best. It was better than nothing, but not much. Steven hung out more and more with John and Cliff.

Jimmy and I bunked together at college. Steven bunked and hung out with a couple of guys on the next floor. Once I hit college I became a real slut. I was doing just about anyone who'd let me, or at least it seemed like that. It was great for the first year but it didn't take long until Jimmy was fed up and no one was really sticking around after the sex anymore. One night I was alone in my room and Steven walked in, "Let's go."


`To shoot a couple of games of pool." He winked as he said it. I jumped at the chance. We had a great time that night. It was like old times. We shot a few games and hung around drinking a couple of beers. He walked me back to my room.

I felt shy and awkward. I leaned against the doorframe biting my lip. "Want to come in?" I was lonely and I really wanted the company.

"Not tonight. Come directly to my room after classes tomorrow." It wasn't a question.

When I got to his room he was working at his desk. He barely looked up. "Do your homework. When we're done we'll go out, but not before." I sat on the floor and did my homework. It became our new routine. My grades went up, my pool game improved, and I gradually outgrew my slut reputation. Steven and I slowly reestablished our friendship and bunked together the next year. We shot pool almost every night. He hardly ever won but was very patient about letting me shoot and also about me accepting challenges from other players. I was ranked number one and there was no shortage of challengers. One night it was pouring rain out and we were shooting pool by ourselves. I looked at him. Taking a deep breath, putting a big smile on my face as if I was joking I asked, "Interested in a bet to make it interesting?"

Without looking up from his shot he asked, "What do you have in mind?"

"Loser blows." I held my breath waiting for his reaction.

He stood and looked me directly in the eyes. He looked at me a long time before answering, "Winner blows."

Relieved I smiled as I said, "That's not fair."

"Yes it is!" His smile matched mine. Now he had a good reason to play.

One morning a few months later we were playing tennis. After losing the first game I suggested, "Pool rules? Winner blows?"

"Loser blows." There was no question in his voice. He beat me confidently.

I was blowing him fairly often but always attached to some bet or game. I guess it was safer that way. Basketball was a game we were pretty closely matched in. We were one up and as we played the third and deciding game he called the bet, "You win you blow. You lose I beat your ass red." I stopped dead in my tracks. He had my full attention. I felt my cock stir beneath my jock. It confused and scared the crap out of me.

"No way, it leaves me in a lose/lose situation. You get the prize either way."

"Bullshit! It leaves you in a win/win situation and we both know it." His stare was unwavering. He didn't flinch.

FUCK! FUCK!! Damn him! It was like he could see right through me. How the fuck could I just let him spank my ass? What did that make me? What would he think of me after he did it? As I threw the ball at him I said, "Fuck you!" and I walked away.

I didn't go back to our room for several days. When I walked in he was laying on his bed reading. "Where the fuck were you?" I could hear the exhaustion in his voice.

"You don't want to know." I'm sure he could hear the shame in mine.

"Who were you with?" He waited patiently but I didn't answer him. "Who weren't you with?" That was the more appropriate question.

I looked him in the eye, "You." I honestly felt like this was entirely his fault and I wanted to hurt him.

He threw the book across the room. "You fucking drive me nuts! So what now? What the fuck do we do now?"

"I don't know." I slid down the wall and sat on the floor looking at the carpet.

The sex between us stopped. We gradually put the friendship back together yet again but we both moved cautiously. We started hanging out in groups and hitting the bars. One night I met a guy and went home with him. It was all right. Steven never said anything about it so neither did I. It happened more often. He started doing the same thing but neither one of us found our Mr. Right.

I landed a great job just before graduating. I was earning great money right out of the gate, moved back home, saved like crazy, and bought a house within two years. I got into the independence of living alone. I liked coming and going without answering to anyone. I liked being able to bring guys home whenever I wanted to. Steven was also doing really well and bought a house not very far from mine. It was a good starter neighborhood, solid but not unaffordable. We helped each other fix up both houses. They both came out really nice. It was so good to be working together.

One day I'd really worked my ass off laying the tile in his bathroom. It was a bitch of a job but it turned out really nice. After I showered I was laying on the floor naked and wet joking around about how much I loved it! I started humping it like I was making love to it. We were both laughing our asses off. I rolled onto my back and my hard on clearly showed that I was really horny. He reached down and grabbed my dick. I didn't resist and even moaned slightly at his touch. He pulled harder, I moaned louder. He squeezed my balls and I rolled my head and gently pulled away from him causing more tension between us. He got down and he blew me for the first time. It was awesome, for me anyway!

We settled into a friendship with perks thinking it was all we could have but it was never enough for either one of us. Coming out as gay was easy compared to coming out as a gay/bottom/submissive/masochist. That night in the pool hall when I got "found out" was such a fucking relief. It felt like the weight of the world was lifted off my shoulders and I didn't have to hide anymore. Then when Steven finally owned up to being a sadistic Dom it finally seemed to all come together. If I only knew back then what I knew now we could have saved ourselves a lot of lonely and unfulfilled time. I wonder if he's figured all this too. I wonder if it was as hard for him to admit to himself that he's a sadist as it was for me to admit to being a masochist. Maybe it was harder......

Steven woke up at one end of the sofa while Michael was at the other end reading. He watched Michael who was unaware that he had awakened. They were both naked and Steven compared. Michael was a bit bigger, a bit hairier, and a little bit more built. He was better endowed, but Steven was far better than average and very satisfied with his body and his jewels. Feeling very self-confident, Steven rolled over and as he did landed a solid kick to Michael's balls. Michael let out a loud grunt with the sudden impact and pain.

Acting like he just woke up and didn't realize what he'd done, "Oh sorry, Man. What time is it anyway?" He held his gaze steady and firm.

Michael didn't want to appear like a wimp but was definitely experiencing the discomfort of unexpectedly having his balls kicked up into his body. He bucked up to take it, but looked at Steven just as firmly, "That better have been an accident." He waited for a reply not realizing that Steven is a master at patiently letting the tension hang in the air. Finally he answered, "It's about 5:00."

Steven smiled, "Time for me to fuck with him some more."

"Think you can match me?" Michael asked arrogantly.

"Match you? I've passed you. Anyone can tie someone up and beat the crap out of him. It takes a real master to fuck with his heart, mind, body, and soul all at the same time. I'm raiding your kitchen and borrowing your whore. You can watch a real master work." Steven moved with the stealth and lightening speed of an athlete to get out of the way of Michael's quick kick. He didn't slow or even look back as he continued out of the room talking as he went, "That better have been an accident." The mocking laughter came through in his voice.

Grabbing one of those chocolate breakfast drinks and a banana, Steven filled the bartender from the club in on what he wanted him to do. Being familiar with the scene he understood and had no problem going along with Steven's instructions. Entering the dungeon, Steven hung back as the bartender played his role.

He opened the trap door noisily enough that it could be heard. He could sense the sudden anxiety of the poor boy in the hole. He felt bad for him and jealous of him at the same time. He said nothing, but he touched and prodded. He could feel the heart rate speeding up, hear the breathing increase in speed and intensity, the instant tension in the muscles as he touched and pressed.

The sound from across the room really made him jump just as Steven knew it would before he'd purposely made it. A moan of fear escaped its lips. The bartender really felt sorry for it and looked back at Steven to make sure he wanted him to continue. Steven's evil grin and slight nod told him to go ahead. He let his hands roam until they found its genitals. He pressed hard to make sure that even through all of the bonds it would know that the target had been found. It whimpered. The dread was palpable. The bartender removed his hand and watched as every muscle tightened and breath was held in anticipation of what would come. Nothing did and eventually it released its breath in a quiet sob.

The whore leaned in close and in a conspiratorial whisper told him, "Be quiet. Ssshhhh. If you make noise they might come back in. You don't want that; trust me. I'm going to give you something to drink before they come back. I've been in your place and I know what it's like. I'll try to help you if I can. I promise. Here drink this real slow. It's cold so just sip it."

I was so scared. I thought for sure that my balls were going to get pounded again. I can't recognize the voice talking to me. He said I can trust him but who knows. I very slowly drink from the straw he put in my mouth not knowing what to expect. It is cold and smooth and tastes wonderful. It must be one of those chocolate flavored breakfast drinks. It's so soothing to my parched throat. "Drink slow, baby, you don't want to choke. That's it real slow. You must be starving. I don't think it's right that they're not feeding you and at least giving you water. Hell, even a dog deserves to be treated better than that. They never treated me like that. You just keep drinking baby. I'll make sure you're okay." His voice is so soothing, just like the drink. It feels so good to hear someone talking, especially someone so nice.

"Here, take a small bite of this. It's a banana. It will be real easy for you to chew. Be careful baby. Take very small bites and chew it carefully. That's it. You've got to eat something for Goodness sakes. They've sure as hell been eating and drinking and every other damned thing you can think of. I mean enough is enough. We boys gotta stick together and watch out for each other you know. Lord knows I've spent enough time in that box myself, but never bound the way you are. It's downright inhuman if you ask me."

I eat the banana gratefully. It helps so much that he understands what I'm going through. The banana and the breakfast drink taste like a gourmet meal after going so long without eating. I didn't realize how hungry I was until I started eating. I must be in here longer than I realized. I need to talk to somebody. I need to get a sense of what time it is. I whisper quietly, "Thank you. Thank you so much."

"It's okay baby. Someone's gotta help you."

"What time is it? Is it morning yet?"

The bartender looks at Steven before answering and Steven's nod tells him to stick to the plan. "Morning? Oh baby, it's way past morning. You poor thing, you have no idea do you?"

My heart sinks. I thought I'd be let out in the morning. Now who knows how much longer they'll keep me in here. The nice man gently strokes my face. "It's okay baby. You'll be okay." I feel better with him comforting me. He's so gentle and kind. I knew I could trust him. I nuzzle my face into his hand because it feels so good and I want him to know how grateful I am. Even his voice is soothing "I know, baby I know. It's tough. I know. Trust me baby, the first day is always the hardest." My anxiety level jumps tremendously! The first day! What the fuck does that mean? They can't keep me in here for more than a day.

I stupidly try to get out of my bonds but I can't move at all. I try to tell him that I can't do this but as soon as I start to talk his hand goes over my mouth. "Be still, don't make noise. Oh baby please be still. I'll get in so much fucking trouble if they know I talked to you. I wasn't supposed to even open the box. I was just supposed to sit here and listen to make sure you're okay. I tried to help you please don't get me in any trouble. Please! I'm begging you." I don't want to get him in trouble so I stop to think for a minute. The fucking lid closes again and I hear the carpet being pulled back over. I can hear his footsteps as he quickly leaves the room. Oh fuck!!! What do I do now?

Steven and the whore go back up to the living room. Michael looks at them and nods his approval. "Well done gentlemen. Well done. Look, he's doing the head wag thing again."

"I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine..." I keep repeating this to myself over and over in my effort to be calm. It takes a while but it starts to work and I can feel myself relaxing. I make it more complicated, "I'm fine. I can do this. I'm fine. I can do this. I'm fine. I can do this. I'm fine. I can do this. I'm fine. I can do this. I'm fine. I can do this. I'm fine. I can do this. I'm fine. I can do this. I'm fine. I can do this..." This is definitely working. "I'm fine. I can do this. Steven would never let anything happen to me. I'm fine. I can do this. Steven would never let anything happen to me. I'm fine. I can do this. Steven would never let anything happen to me. I'm fine. I can do this. Steven would never let anything happen to me. I'm fine. I can do this. Steven would never let anything happen to me. I'm fine. I can do this. Steven would never let anything happen to me."

Where the fuck is Steven any way? That thought shifts me from panic to anger in a single heartbeat! If it's well past morning then where the fuck is he and what the fuck is he doing? Does he even know what the hell is going on with me? How the fuck does he know if I'm okay or not? When I get the hell out of here I'm going to... going to.... what? What am I going to do? Tell him to go fuck himself? That's what I usually do. Then what? Then go back to being bored and lonely without him. Fuck!

Okay, so, don't do what I usually do. Keep him off balance and fuck with his head like he fucks with mine. I'll be all goodness and gratitude. I'll be so fucking sweet to him he won't know what the fuck is going on. I'll kill him with kindness as the saying goes. That'll teach him! He'll learn his lesson.

Being happy and content with my plan I just piss myself. It's like a little reward for staying calm and being mature and rational. I think I deserve a treat after what I've been through, so why not. Why should I try to hold it? It's easier to just let it rip so let it rip I do.

I take a deep breath and relax. I do my relaxation exercises in my head. I think happy thoughts and go to my happy place in my head. I find my safe space and settle into it. My mind wanders, it floats, it drifts. I chuckle out loud at some of the things I think of. I feel my dick swelling as I fantasize and going flaccid when I think of other things. I marvel at how my cock has more freedom to move more than I do. I drift off to sleep and then jerk awake thinking about what happened last time I fell asleep and the warning I got about falling asleep again. Just for a minute.... I'll sleep for just a minute...

Michael is the first to notice, "It's wakie, wakie time again!" Steven looks at the screen and can tell Michael is right.

"Let's let him sleep awhile. I'll make you a deal. I'll make us a big breakfast and you can wake him up after that. It will give us a chance to take a break too." Michael accepts. They use the time together to unwind. Steven makes a huge breakfast and they eat chatting about the weather, sports, current events, and anything else that comes to mind. The bartender tries to participate but he's outclassed by their knowledge and intelligence. Steven thinks to himself how lucky he is to have a sub whose not only good looking but also, intelligent, well educated, and not only employed but doing really well in his career. He admits to himself that most men pale by comparison to his man and that he finds most of them to be pretty boring. His man is a lot of things... frustrating, infuriating, aggravating, and he's also got to admit interesting, exciting, funny, adventurous, open minded, lot's of things, but never boring.

Realizing how much he's missing him Steven gets up announcing, "I'm ready."

Michael matches his enthusiasm, "Me too! Just let me grab my scissors, a staple gun and an extension cord." Steven and the whore boy look at each other and roll their eyes.

Michael moves very slowly and quietly. He lifts the trapdoor without making a sound. Pulling out his cock he takes aim and pisses right in its face to wake it up. He doesn't even have to be careful cause it's eyes are covered and protected. He just hoses it down with piss. It moves its head from side to side but there's no escaping his stream. He shakes off the last few drops and motions for the next one to take a turn. The bartender steps right up to take a leak and soaks him down as well.

Steven steps up and motions to Michael to open its mouth. Michael simply touches its chin and its mouth automatically opens. He smiles up at Steven and gives him the thumbs up. Steven lets his stream aim directly for its waiting mouth. Most dribbles down its face but you know some of it had to get swallowed.

Michael finally breaks the silence. "That was your wake up call. Now that you're awake we can punish you for falling asleep in the first place."

I can't do anything to protect myself. Shit! How'd I let myself fall asleep? How could I be so fucking stupid? I know it won't work but I've got to try, "I'm sorry! Oh God I'm so sorry. I tried to stay awake. I just couldn't stay awake anymore."

"Well if you can fall asleep it just means you're too comfortable. I'll have to fix that." Grabbing a dildo gag, Michael slides the rubber cock into its mouth. Extending the straps to the side of the box he staples them to the walls. "That's better. Much better. Now try moving your head."

Oh fuck! The dildo extends to just before my throat and is uncomfortably big around. I can't move my head from side to side anymore at all. The combination of the piss and the rubber taste in my mouth are awful. My head is laying in a puddle of their piss now and my body is laying in my own so I'm wet everywhere.

The shot to my balls gets my attention but it really doesn't hurt. I know what's coming though and that's almost as bad as the pain. Each blow is slightly harder but not too bad compared to what's been done in the past. I just deal with it. I can't quite figure out what's happening. It feels like something is being dragged down my chest. It sounds like the zipper, but nothing is getting looser. It must be just the body bag. I'm afraid to even hope that I'm being let out.

Now what? Another zipper? But nothing is getting any looser so it can't be. I have no idea what's happening but I'm getting more nervous as it does.

Michael opened the body bag. Then using the double zipper on the sleep sack he slid it down until both zippers were over its genitals. Separating the zippers he opened the sleep sack only over its jewels. Carefully with the safety scissors he cut a small opening in the vet rack and pulled its cock and balls through it. They bulged through the small opening. "You pissed yourself you dirty fucking little pig. You'll pay for that." The small moan of despair was so fucking hot that Michael, Steven, and even the other boy rubbed their cocks at the same time. Michael roughly pulled, twisted and shook its cock and balls and felt them swelling in his hands. Just the reaction he wanted.

He fit a ball crusher over its nut sack. It was one of the good ones that squeezed from all four sides at once. He slowly tightened it... more... more... and more. He tightened it until the moans turned to gasps and then to light sobs. The sound was so sweet. The interesting part was that all four of them had full erections. They were all hard.

Michael lubed up the milking tube really well and slowly slid it over the slave's hard dick. He did it slowly, teasingly, subtly. It was just barely enough to distract the slave from its pain and discomfort. Just enough so he could feel it and want more of it. When it reached the bottom of his dick Michael attached the air hose but didn't turn it on yet.

Instead, he put headphones over its ears and turned on the sounds. It's a wild conglomeration of music and lyrics talking about slaves, sluts, whores, faggots, cocksuckers, bottoms, boys, piss drinkers, ass lickers...and what should be done to them. None of it is good. It clearly agitates the boy.

Dammit! I can't hear anything else now and I can't concentrate or focus either. I don't know how long I can stand this. How do I tell them when I can't? I can't let myself think about that. I have to trust them. I have to! Oh shit! This is so bad!

Michael turns on the milking machine. It takes a couple of seconds to prime itself before it starts the sucking motion it's made for. He slowly increases the pressure until he knows that the slave is getting an awesome mechanical blowjob.

Oh Fuck! That feels so good. I can't fucking believe it. My cock is exploding in pleasure. It's overriding everything else I'm feeling. I try to block everything else out and just concentrate on my dick. I get lost in the pleasure that's going through me. The whole world ceases to exist. The only thing that matters is my dick. I can't see anything and the sound in my ears is just a loud blur at this point. I can't feel anything but my cock and what's happening to it. The feeling is there but I want to feel it harder. It's slightly too subtle. I desperately want him to turn it up, to make it go faster and suck harder. I try to tune out the music so I can concentrate more on my cock. Oh fuck!! This is awesome!!

My orgasm builds really slowly... very slowly. I can feel it. I want it so badly. I concentrate hard not to lose the sensation. I want to come already! I figure this is the grand finale. The sooner I cum the sooner it ends and I get out of here. Besides, I'm so fucking horny I can't stand it anymore. I'm getting close... closer... so fucking close now.... Aaagghhhh!!!!!!! Uuuhhmmmmmm!!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhh! Yeah!!!! Fuck yeah!!!!! It is so fucking intense!!!! I shoot volley after volley of cum. This is probably the best orgasm of my whole life!! I can't fucking believe how great it was!!! These guys are incredible! They really know how to get me off! It was all worth it to have an orgasm like this! I can't fucking believe it!

I struggle to catch my breath. The fucking dildo in my mouth is irritating as all hell. I can't wait until they take it off. The ball crusher is too fucking tight. Shit! It hurts so badly! Oh fuck it hurts. I moan into the gag to try to let them know I've cum already. They probably don't know! Oh fuck! My dick is too sensitive after my orgasm to be sucked like this. It's fucking driving me crazy! STOP!! Oh fuck please stop. I know I'm crying, they've got to know it too... Oh Dammit!! They're doing this on purpose. They know I've cum and they're still not going to stop. Those bastards! Those mother fucking bastards! OH FUCK!!! I can't stand this!

Michael looks at Steven playfully, "I'm sorry, who's the Master?"

Next: Chapter 25

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