Pool Table and My Balls

By NiteSearcher2000

Published on Feb 6, 2006


This story is not completely fictional. Nor is it the truth and nothing but the truth. The names have definitely been changed to protect the guilty. We are all disease free and stay that way by protecting ourselves whenever we play with anyone but each other. Descriptions of unprotected sex are fictional because I'm imaginative and not stupid.

You know the rules... Don't read this if you're a minor or are offended by gay or BDSM expression. Don't even think about reproducing or publishing it without my permission. Remember, I have sadistic friends who like to punish people! <>

Chapter 22

He left me kneeling in the corner as he got ready to go out. I couldn't see him but was curious as to what was taking him so long. I could hear him futzing around the room and I could see his shadow on the wall as he moved about. I didn't dare to turn around as there was some lingering tension from the afternoon discussion and I didn't want to do anything to tick him off.

From behind, he pulls a handful of my hair into his firm hand. I'm relieved to be getting his attention again. There was a lingering thought that at the last minute he wasn't going to bring me with him. I respond to his signal and turn around to face him. He looks so fucking hot dressed all in leather. He's wearing black leather chaps over his well-worn jeans and his bulge is very impressive. His new boots are kick ass! His leather and metal harness accentuate every inch of his muscular chest and abs. His single armband around his left arm is the perfect accent. He pulls on his leather vest as I watch his muscles flex. Between his hairy chest, his two-day growth of beard, and his somewhat too long disheveled hair he has a wild and dangerous look to him. I feel my stomach flutter and my mouth go dry and I'm astounded that looking at him can make me feel this way.

I rise to my feet at his signal. We stand side by side in front of the mirror. Together we're quite a sight. Our hair is a bit too long and wild. Neither of us has shaved in a couple of days. It shows that we've both been working out really hard and we're looking lean and tight with bulges in all the right places. He's naturally hairier, plus I'm trimmed, but the furry look is working for both of us. Still, I look so naked and plain next to him. My hairless crotch is conspicuous to us both. His leather makes him look strong and fierce while my nakedness makes me look weak and submissive. His leather displays his high position in the leather/BDSM scene while my nakedness just makes me look... I don't know, low, without a significant place in things. Even a collar would define my position. This way there's nothing. He drops a pair of old black gym shorts on the floor in front of me. "Put those on." I pull them on and look back in the mirror totally disappointed. "I'm ready. Let's go."

I follow him out to the car quietly. He sets the tone by opening the trunk, "Get in. If you're going to sulk you can sulk alone."

"I wasn't sulking..." I stop talking the instant I see the anger flare in his eyes.

He reaches into the trunk and pulls out a rag. Holding it in front of my face he tells me, "Open." I open my mouth and he shoves the rag in it more to humiliate me than to gag me. "Now, get in." I obediently climb into the trunk and lay down in it. "Now, give me the shorts back." I peal them off and hand them back. Fuck, I can tell it's going to be one of those nights where I can't do anything right. The darkness is total when he closes the lid and I settle the initial sense of anxiety that rises. I remind myself that I'm as safe in the trunk as I am in the car. I take comfort in that I can still hear the radio in the trunk.

Arriving at the club it seems a long time until he opens the trunk. I blink at the new light when he opens it and focus in on several guys looking down on me. They enjoy my situation and my nakedness. I put the shorts back on when he gives them to me. He takes the rag out of my mouth and I follow him into the club. Walking right up to a group of guys he returns their greeting in a friendly manner. Looking at me, he spits on the floor in front of me. "Put your tongue on that spot and don't move." I drop down to my knees and elbows; put my tongue directly over the wet spot he created, and stay there without squirming around while he socializes.

He allows me to rise and follow into the main room where the demos usually take place. He brings me over to a post with rigid irons attached at the top and bottom. He backs me into them and closes me into the irons at the top, which go around my neck and both my wrists. My ankles are spread about two feet apart and locked into the irons also. A ball gag insures my silence. I'm on the outskirts of the room and everyone's attention is focused in the middle so most of the guys have their back to me. I can't really see what's going on but catch glimpses as people move and I see through the crowd.

They carry in a black guy strapped down tight to a body board. The board is placed over two sawhorses. There are two guys working on him as everyone else is watching. I see his lower legs are now straddling the body board and secured to the legs of the sawhorses. His arms are stretched straight out from his shoulders but I can't see what they're attached to. I can feel the intensity of the tension in the room. I catch glimpses of a table with medical instruments and definitely smell alcohol or beta dine or some such thing. I can't move at all in the rigid irons but really want to see what's happening.

The silence of the room deepens and I can hear the poor slave begging though I can't tell what he's begging for. He keeps saying, "Please.... Oh please, oh please. Please," over and over. He's promising to be good, to behave.... The crowd moves briefly and I see in a split second the terror in his eyes that's preventing him from forming a coherent thought. Catching quick glimpses and piecing the sights together I can see that they're going to do some kind of medical procedure or surgery on him and my own fear prevents me from believing it can really be happening.

Except for the slave's breathing and begging the room is completely silent. I hear him gasp as the straps holding him are made even tighter so he can't move at all... The "medic" talks to him and his voice is calm but carries an evil threat. "Don't move. It will be so much worse for you if you move. If you move I might fuck it up and there will be no fixing it if I fuck it up. There'll be no fixing it, remember that." Except for his whimpering the slave goes still. I'm almost glad I can't see but still struggle to get a glimpse of what's happening. I can't resist.

I hear Michael's voice behind me. "I want to do this to you tonight. I want it to be you on that table. I want to watch the spikes put through your nipples and the rings put in permanently. How sweet those rings would look on you. How sweet you'd look chained to the fucking wall by your own nipples. And, then the Prince Albert.... No anesthesia, nothing to dull the pain. Just the looped needle to puncture the holes in your prick and then the ring slid through them. And then every three months a bigger and bigger ring. A nice heavy chain through the three rings with a leash attached. One fucking tug and I'd have your complete and undivided attention."

I feel the terror catch in my throat as I hear the poor slave scream. I hear his desperation as he's reminded that it's only the first one. I look desperately around the room until I see Steven. His eyes are focused right on me. His arms are crossed in front of his chest and he looks pissed. I feel Michael run his tongue across my nipple and I see Steven's temper flare. I look at him desperately trying to communicate that I have no control over what's happening. Michael laughs. "It's so fucking easy to torture you. There are so many ways to fuck you up." He nibbles on one nipple while teasing the other with his hand. He raises his leg and brushes it against my crotch and my dick strains against the plastic constraint it's trapped in. A quick and unexpected knee to my thigh makes me close my eyes to deal with the sudden pain. When I open them, I don't see Steven. He obviously moved from where he was but now I can't find him. "You're next slave. Pay attention to what's happening. I want you to know what's coming for you."

He moves away to watch and I desperately look for Steven but I can't move hardly at all and he's out of my line of vision. I keep saying his name over and over in my head trying to will him to come to me. I look to the side and realize he's now standing beside me. I can't talk and he's not looking at me but I feel so much better with him close to me. I hear the slave scream again. Steven looks at me, "Don't fuck it up. You have no idea the price you'll pay if you fuck it up." I nod as best I can. He touches my cheek and walks away again. I take a deep breath, a sigh of relief. If he's warning me not to fuck it up it means I haven't fucked it up. I'm determined not to fuck it up.

The demo continues. I continue to see snippets as guys move in and out of my way. They pierce both nipples of the slave and give him a Prince Albert as well. His screams rip through the room as they pierce his cock. I'm amazed at some of the Doms saying it doesn't hurt much but I notice most of them don't have their nipples pierced so how do they know anyway. I overhear the story that although the slave is absolutely terrified of needles it was his gift to his Master for their fifth anniversary together. He did it willingly just to show his Master how much he loves him. I think about what I do for Steven and realize my efforts have been pretty lame compared to this slave. I look at him with admiration thinking I could learn from him. I wonder if I can get permission to talk to him.

As the procedure ends the guys disperse to take a break. I hadn't seen my boss with Josh and Joey but they are walking toward me. They must have been on the other side of the room behind everyone else. My boss looks at me intently as he approaches. I uselessly try to maintain my dignity in front of him. His eyes are all over me. "Piece of shit." He says it low but with total disdain. "Slave. Pussy Boy. Cunt. Bitch. Eunuch." His eye contact as he calls me all these degrading names is more nerve racking than the names themselves. I realize how much his approval means to me. My work is a sense of pride for me and to have the one person who controls that hurling insults my way is tough to take. I also realize that whatever happens tonight will hang between us at work even if it goes unspoken. He catches Josh's hand with lightening speed as Josh reaches out to touch me. "You must ask his owner first. You don't touch someone else's property without permission. Even if it is a low life, piss drinking, scum swallowing, man serving, piece of worm covered shit." That takes a good hit to my ego.

Steven is right there a second later. He reaches out to shake my boss's hand in a warm greating, as he looks Josh right in the eye. Catching the slight tension my boss immediately starts talking to ease the situation. "Steven, let me introduce Josh to you. He is very new to the scene and is fascinated by all of it. I told him that I'd introduce the two of you tonight and he is very hopeful that you'd be willing to help him."

Josh jumps right in, "Please... do I call you Sir? I'm desperate to try some stuff. My boyfriend is too new to it all. He's too afraid to try anything. What you've done to yours is awesome. I haven't stopped thinking about it since I saw him yesterday. I'd love to try some stuff on him."

Steven is really a nice guy and I can see him warming up already. "Call me Steven. What would you want to do to him?"

"I want to make him hurt. I look at all those fucking bruises and I want to see him in that kind of pain."

"I'll make you a deal. I'll let you use my slave if you let me use your boyfriend." He looks at Joey like a piece of meat.

"He's such a pussy. He can't handle any pain." I watch Joey shrink a little bit as his ego deflates.

Steven looks him over, "I'm looking for a pussy. I have my own boy to torture. I don't need yours. I'll let you play with my slave if I can fuck your boyfriend. His mouth and his ass."

Josh glances at Joey and gives a quick nod as if to ask if it's okay. Joey gives an almost imperceptible affirmation. Josh tells Steven, "You've got a deal! You have to show me what to do though."

Steven looks at my boss, "Do you want to show him?"

"Sure. I'd be happy to." With that he turns right around and pulls my shorts down. I don't know why it's so humiliating to me. They've all seen me naked but to have your boss pull your pants down is a whole different thing. Steven hands him the keys to the rigid irons as well as to the chastity device. I'm released from the irons and stand there naked in front of them.

They put leather restraints on my wrists. My boss is on one side with Josh watching and following his lead on the other side. I can see the excitement in Josh's eyes as well as in his hard on. Ankle restraints follow next. I'm led to the center of the room where a winch and chain hang from the ceiling. My wrists are attached to the chain and the winch is used to pull me up. My boss moves slow and purposeful. His eyes bore into me. The head fuck is getting to me a bit. I'm pulled tight and have to rise to the balls of my feet to stay in contact with the ground. He pulls my shorts off completely. My ankles are clipped together making my balance precarious and the pressure on my arms greater.

"Now you can touch him all you want." Josh's hands go right to my nipples. He fucking tortures them between his fingers. Pinching, twisting, pulling. He holds me tight by my waist and goes at them with his mouth. He holds them between his teeth and backs up. I close my eyes to ease into the pain. He goes behind me and spanks my ass with his hand. As he gains confidence he hits me harder. My boss just watches, smiling.

I can see Steven with Joey. Steven is leaning on a table holding Joey in front of him. He was gently fondling Joey's nipples while Josh was assaulting mine. Now that Josh is wailing down on my ass Steven turns Joey toward him and gently rubs his hands over Joey's smooth unblemished ass. Josh pushes his spit-covered finger up my hole roughly probing until he gets bored. "Now what can I do?"

Handing him two pieces of rubber hose my boss tells him, "Try these. Not too, hard. They hurt like a mother-fucker." The first hit tells me he's right. Josh holds one in each hand and circles my body hitting me with them. In his inexperience he hits fast and hard. There's no recovery time. I appreciate the skill of the others more as I experience his lack of skill. I can't even count how many times he's hitting me front and back. I'm so thankful for the chastity device protecting my cock and balls. I fucking hurt so bad everywhere and keep telling myself that a rubber hose does no damage and leaves no marks, but I can see the red lines it's leaving across my body. My boss looks content and pleased as he watches me being beaten.

Joey drops to his knees and puts his mouth over Steven's rock hard dick. Steven leans back more comfortably and watches me take a beating. As I grow tired I sag against the restraints holding me up. My boss steps up and Josh takes a break. Taking one of the hoses from Josh he lands some solid cracks for himself. He's slow, methodical, and precise. Each blow is calculated for maximum pain. I cringe under his punishment. "Remember this beating like you remember the taste of my hot piss. Remember it like you remember my cock up your ass. Remember that I know what you look like under your suit and in my eyes I always see you naked and bruised. I don't forget for one second of the day that you're nothing but a low-life slave so don't you forget that this is my right and I can do this to you, any time, any place, for any reason. And I will. You can bet on it."

Reaching back into his bag he pulls out a long dildo. He makes a show of lubing it. Handing it to Josh, "I think you know where this goes." Josh puts the tip of it against my hole and starts working it in. It's hard to relax in this position so it hurts as the head of it pops through my sphincter. The bastard immediately pulls it out and does it again, and again. Each time my hole strains to take it in he pulls it out before I have a chance to relax and dilate.

While he's torturing my boy-hole Steven leans Joey over the table and almost lovingly lubes his hole ever so gently with his fingers. He's slowly working in his fingers and massaging Joey's sphincter to get it to loosen up for him. Joey is lying there comfortably stretching as he's being pleasured.

Josh pushes the dildo in quite a way and I see stars. He quickly pulls it out again. FUCK! I'm no more prepared when he shoves it far in and again pulls it out. He's fucking long-dicking me with a dildo, assaulting my ass inside and out.

Steven slowly eases his cock into Joey while massaging his back to help him relax as he's doing it. He fucks him slowly and gently.

Josh pushes the dildo into and out of my ass. It burns and hurts so fucking bad. Realizing I can't take much more my boss lowers the winch and pulls me forward over a table much like the one Steven is fucking Joey on, but unlike Joey I'm Pulled over the short end with my ass and face hanging over the edges. My ankles and wrists are clipped to the legs so I'm stretched across.

Joey pushes his cock up my ass while my boss steps in front of me and removes the gag. He does nothing but stand there with his dick hanging out in front of my face. He doesn't bring it to my mouth like I expect. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do. I reach with my tongue and lick the tip of it. He keeps it right there so I guess I'm doing the right thing. I move forward with the power of Joey's thrusts up my butt and I put my lips to boss man's dick. I stretch to get my mouth around it to suck him. He points out, "Cocksucker. You're nothing but a cocksucking whore. You took my dick in your mouth without even being told. You reached for it. You want to suck your boss's dick. Now that we both know it you'll have plenty more chances."

Joey is hitting my back with the rubber hose as he fucks me. Each hit hurts like hell! I concentrate on sucking as a distraction and I suck him good. It must feel good to him because he's easing his big dick into and out of my mouth. I feel him swelling and know he'll shoot soon. I work him harder. He shoots his load into my mouth as a really hard blow lands to my back and I gasp some of it out. I frantically try to swallow but I see some of it spatter on my boss's pants leg and boot. I swallow his other ropes of cum as they shoot from his slit. He lifts his boot to my mouth and I lick the spattered cum from it without being told. "Add my cum to your list of memories and get used to the taste of my boots. Licking them is now a regular part of your routine."

Joey goes redneck on my ass and back. I just cowboy up and take it. No complaints, no crying, no begging. I just endure it all as I'm watched intently. He finally cums up my ass and all over my backside. I lay there panting and exhausted. I look up to see Steven holding Joey tightly in his arms kissing the back of his neck and rubbing his hands gently up and down his back.

I feel the flogger hit me without ever knowing it was coming. My boss is teaching Josh how to use the flogger for the first time. First, the expert demonstration with the blows being well placed with a stinging with force. Then the amateurish attempt with blows landing everywhere. He's a patient teacher and Josh an over enthusiastic student. I'm just the object they're using for target practice.

Finally my boss tires and says his good byes. I'm left tied over the table as Steven, Josh, and Joey have a nice conversation with each other. They are obviously enjoying themselves while I remain uncomfortable and hurting. I'm fighting my anger, and I have to admit my jealousy as well because Joey is all over Steven who is responding in kind. Steven also has his hands all over Josh who is not backing off or resisting at all.

Coming to me Steven kneels beside me. "You okay?"

"I'm uncomfortable and sore." I respond hoping to get some sympathy and compassion and maybe some of the tenderness he's been lavishing on Joey.

"As you should be." His response is hard and decisive. My temper flares and he seems to wait it out until I get it under control again. "I meant are you okay with me hanging out and playing with these guys; you know, like I'm okay with you playing with other guys. I know we had this conversation but I just want to be sure, babe."

How can I respond to that? I want to say, no, I'm not okay with it. I want to tell him I'm pissed as hell that he made me take a beating while he was all gentle and loving with Joey boy. That I want him to take me home and lavish me with attention and gentle romance and maybe even buy me a present to show me how much he loves me. Even I know I'm being a jealous and possessive, immature little prick. He certainly knows it.

"Yes. I'm fine with it." I try to say it without any tone or attitude and almost accomplish it.

"That's funny, I didn't hear the words Master or Sir come out of your mouth, but I'm glad you're fine with it because I'm taking them both home tonight. It seems Josh is willing to experience some of what it's like to be a boy so he can train Joey better. At least that's what he's saying his reason is. In any case, it seems the shoe is on the other foot tonight and I'm going to get to experience having a couple of boys like you get to experience having a couple, well, more than a couple of doms."

He waits patiently as I gather my thoughts and get my emotions under control. "Master, I'm very sorry I came across as disrespectful. I didn't mean to. Please forgive me, Sir. You deserve to have a great experience and I promise I will do everything I can to make it better for you. Please Master."

"I'll forgive you... but you know forgiveness and penance are not the same thing. You need to do penance first. Unfortunately, you also need the punishment to reinforce the lesson. You're not a quick learner when it comes to the hard lessons." I figure he's setting me up to take the brunt of everything tonight because Josh and Joey are so new to the scene. He's going to make an example of me and I'm okay with that. It will be fun for all of us.

He unlocks the chastity device as he continues talking, "Good night, boy. I've arranged for Michael to baby-sit you tonight. I'll pick you up from him when I'm ready to take you back." I'm so stunned I'm speechless! I don't believe he's actually leaving until the three of them walk out. I'm waiting for him to come back any second and ask me if I've learned my lesson. SHIT!! Damn him!

It's not until Michael comes to get me with some of his friends that I know Steven was serious. Well fuck him! If he can play so can I! Two can play at this game. I can have just as good a time as he can. I'm pulled out of my thoughts as Michael shoves a dildo with a handle up my ass. His friends release me from the table, clip my hands behind my back, and Michael uses the handle on the dildo to push me along and guide my direction. He holds it high, so high that I'm on my toes as he parades me around the room. He locks his arm around my neck pulling my shoulders against him but pushes the dildo forward hard so my crotch and pelvis are arched forward and I'm barely touching the floor with my toes as I try to keep up with him.

His friend ties a rope around my cock and balls pulling them forward as I'm again paraded around the room with everyone laughing and cheering them on. Humiliation at it's finest. They move me toward the door and surround me as we step outside. I can't fucking believe that they're doing this to me. They run me across the parking lot and push me down on the floor of Michael's truck. They put their booted feet all over me. They pump the dildo in and out of my ass and pull the rope around my balls as we drive back to his house. They drag me into his basement dungeon the same way they dragged me out of the club.

I'm held in the center of the room with them standing all around me. Michael talks, "All good men go to heaven and all bad boys land in hell. Welcome to your hell, boy."

Next: Chapter 23

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