Pool Table and My Balls

By NiteSearcher2000

Published on Feb 4, 2006


This story is not completely fictional. Nor is it the truth and nothing but the truth. The names have definitely been changed to protect the guilty. We are all disease free and stay that way by protecting ourselves whenever we play with anyone but each other. Descriptions of unprotected sex are fictional because I'm imaginative and not stupid.

You know the rules... Don't read this if you're a minor or are offended by gay or BDSM expression. Don't even think about reproducing or publishing it without my permission. Remember, I have sadistic friends who like to punish people! <>

Chapter 21

Arriving home, I strip out of my jeans as soon as we enter. "Let me see your ass." I turn around and let him look me over. He runs his hand over my ass cheeks and my back. "Wow, you really took a beating tonight. You're already getting black and blue and you have some real welting going on. I want to check your balls too." He feels my balls and checks them out. Even though they are sore, my dick is already growing hard just at his touch. He chuckles at my reaction and I shake my head smiling. "You are fucking unbelievable with the boners! Go up and get showered. I'll fix us a snack. Come back down and we'll talk." As I'm walking away he adds, "Hey! You can put on a pair of sweats. It hurts just to look at that butt." He winks as I turn to walk out.

I shower up and put on my most comfortable pair of sweat pants. It's feels so good, like a special treat just to have pants on. I walk into the kitchen to find him sitting on the counter. He motions me over with his hand and gathers me into a warm, tight embrace. I fold into him. I wince slightly when he hugs me but it feels so good in his arms, chest-to-chest, skin-to-skin. "Are you okay?" I nod that I am but stay in his arms. "I'm so proud of you. You were awesome tonight. Fuck, I can't believe what you're able to take already. They voted me into the club tonight instead of waiting until Saturday. I guess I passed their little test." I'm really glad he got in. I feel so proud of him. I hang out there a little longer enjoying his embrace and his praise. He motions me up and we sit on the counter Indian style facing each other eating the sandwiches he's made us. My butt hurts on the hard counter. I look at my drink, soda? His wink tells me its okay. "You deserve it." It tastes odd; I prefer water now but enjoy this gift.

"I've been thinking about your boss. You're really good at what you do. You just got this great promotion and it's going really well. He's not going to want to fuck that up anymore than you do. There's no way he's going to fire you. Besides, if he does, you can go public about him. Owner or no owner it will fuck with his business. I think you're fine."

I agree. "I don't think he'll fire me either but what do I do if he fucks with me?"

"He's not going to shit in his own backyard. He's not going to do anything at work that's going to tip off or offend anyone else. He's going to want to keep his personal life separate from his professional life same as you. Don't you think?"

I think about it as I continue to eat. "You might be right. I don't think he'd do anything in front of anyone but what do I do if he calls me into his office and wants me to suck him or something like that?"

"You do it. What the fuck is the difference? You suck off lots of guys so what's the big deal about sucking him off? He's already fucked you, he's certainly good looking enough, and the bastard is well hung."

I take a deep breath digesting what he just said. "Where are you with this? Where are we?" I decide to cut to the heart of things.

"I'm right here and we are what we are. I told you I'm not going to waste my time trying to figure it out. It just is what it is. I'm okay with that. Are you?"

"It doesn't bother you that I have sex with all these other guys?"

"No, is it bothering you that it doesn't bother me?" His look is intense. "Because if it is we can change the rules and from now on it stops. Is that what you want?" I don't answer him. "We both know it's not what you want. I'm willing to accept that as long as I get what I want and so far I am getting what I want."

"Are you?"

"Yes. Are you?"

I don't answer as fast as he did. "For the most part."

"What the fuck does that mean?" He sounds more exasperated than annoyed.

"It means for the most part. There are things I don't like."

"Like what? This is the time to get it out. What's working, what isn't?"

"You're sure you want to do this now?"

"Right now."

"Do I have amnesty?" I ask with a smile to lighten the mood.

"No." His smile doesn't match mine.

"Okay, like being naked all the time. I mean sometimes its okay but sometimes it just feels weird." No response so I keep going. "The corner. It's boring." Still nothing so I stop talking.

"Speak now or forever hold your peace. We're not going to have this conversation every day."

"Okay. The chastity device. I fucking hate it. And the clothes thing. I really want to be able to pick out what I wear."

"Anything else?" I shake my head no. "You're okay with the money arrangement?" I nod yes. "Pissing and shitting outside like a dog? The discipline and the punishments? My controlling what you eat and drink?" I nod yes again. "The piss, the humiliation, the crawling? I'm telling you if you have anything else now's the time."

"That's it."

"Okay As far as your being naked, I like it. You're hot and you're mine to look at whenever I want to. I don't see the big deal so learn to live with it. The corner thing... it is boring. It's not permanent. There will always be something. That's it until there is something else. The clothes thing... that's a direct punishment for something you did wrong, and you know it. As far as the chastity device, well look at it this way. I accept you having sex with other guys, lots of other guys and the only thing I want is that it's me you get off with. When I say and how I say. So if you want the chastity device off then you stop having sex with other guys and we'll throw the cage out." He let's that hang there for a minute. "Okay. Pick one. Any one. You decide."

I think about it. He's patient. He just waits while I think about it. The naked thing is kind of flattering. The corner thing really is no big deal. I do hate the chastity device but I can definitely see his point about it. Being honest with myself I'm not willing to give up the sex with the other guys in exchange. I have to admit I'm getting off on the constant sex. I also have to admit it was my fuck up with the clothes so I do deserve to be punished even though this isn't the way I like it. I speak quietly, "I'm sorry. You're right. I'll just do what you want." He gives a single nod to show his affirmation of my thoughts. "Can I ask a question? The clothes thing; how long will that punishment last? I know I was wrong and I'm really sorry. I've learned my lesson. When can I have that back? What can I do to earn it back?"

"You just did. Fair enough?"

"Yes, Master. Thank you."

"My turn." Fuck, I wasn't expecting that. "I saw your reaction when that guy sucked me off. What's good for you is good for me."

"I know. I got over it quickly. It was just a knee jerk reaction. I'm sorry."

He takes a deep breath, "And Michael, I see the way you look at him. Watch yourself. Don't fuck this up over a dick with a dungeon. I'm very generous and I share my toys but don't push it too far. I have my limits so don't push them."

I'm shocked. I swallow hard. "There's nothing between me and Michael. Other than torturing me he won't even talk to me or touch me. I'm beneath him, remember?" The resentment comes through in my voice. Even I can hear it.

"He would touch you alright; and you would let him and we all know it. I told you, I'm very generous and I share my toys, but you're my toy. I don't want anyone forgetting that, especially you. As soon as your contract is up you belong to me."

"I belong to you now. Trust me if not him. But you have no reason not to trust him. He's never touched me."

"I can see the look in your eyes and I know that look. You have it when you look at me but you also have it when you look at him... and he has it when he looks at you. So don't deny it! Just don't let it fuck this up. As far as trusting him, well you may not know what goes on when you're blindfolded but I do." I have a lot to take in and digest so I say nothing. "Okay. We're both still new at this whole thing. We have to keep figuring it out as we go. I'm committed to making this work. I love you. Let's go to bed. It's late."

"I have to go to the bathroom first."

"Use the one upstairs. I'm exhausted and I'm sure you are too. Let's just call it a night and go to bed." I follow him upstairs and use the bathroom before I go to join him in bed. He's in bed waiting for me. I'm awed by how gorgeous he is. I slide in beside him and take my place in front of him as we spoon together. He reaches in front of me and clutches my hardening dick. "Who does this belong to?"

"You, Sir."

"Anything I want?"

`"Yes, Sir. Anything you want."

I awaken before him for the first time. I lay there with my eyes open thinking about things, the way they were and the way they are now. Before, I was often lonely and bored. I often felt restless and dissatisfied. I'd pretty much stopped dating because it generally left me feeling lonelier and more bored. I had to admit that even then I'd rather spend a night with Steven hanging out, shooting pool, or even going to the movies than to go out on a date with another guy. I always felt like I was missing out on something if he was with someone else. Thinking back on it, he rarely dated anyone. He tended to just hang out with our friends. Sometimes we'd mutually agree to ditch them for the night and just be on our own. I rarely hung out with them if Steven wasn't there.

We'd always been very physical with each other, lots of roughhousing and sports. I liked it best when we were wrestling and he'd get one up on me and grind his crotch into my face or my ass like he was fucking me. If I got one up on him and started to do that he'd go wild and do some kind of reversal. Most of the time I wanted him to win. I wanted to be beaten, defeated, conquered. The truth is I fought hard to make his victory that much sweeter for both of us.

He's always made me do things, like shaving my balls and trimming my bush. He watched intently as I did it the first time telling me to take off more or make it shorter. He made me shave my ass as he watched. He'd make me trim my chest hair. He'd have me shave his back or trim his bush back a bit, but never as short as he made me trim mine.

Once when I'd slept over his house, he was in his underwear and wrapped his bare legs around me in a scissor lock. He kept asking me if I liked it and every time I said yes he'd make it tighter. It got so tight I was having trouble breathing so I said I didn't like it anymore. He made it tighter still until I was begging him to let me out. He told me if I wanted him to let go I had to reach into his underwear and jerk him off. Of course I did it. Afterwards he made me get off the bed, take my clothes off, sit naked on the floor with my back in the corner, knees drawn up, and jerk off while he watched. He made me eat my cum.

Another night when we were camping, it got really cold out and we were huddled together in the tent for warmth. He said he had to pee, but it was too cold and he didn't want to go outside. He looked at me smiling, "I don't want to go out there and I've got to pee so bad. Take it from me... let me pee inside you... please... please do it... I want to pee inside you so bad." I said I didn't want to but I let him slowly push my head down to his dick as he talked. I put it in my mouth and he slowly peed into it. He kept thanking me and rubbing the back of my head. As he finished peeing he reached down and stroked his cock while still holding the back of my head. He jerked off into my mouth and that was the first time he'd actually cum in my mouth.

I was so fucking stupid. In order to save my pride I'd fought him harder and harder after that. I made it where he'd have to beat the crap out of me before I'd submit, and then I'd bitch about it like crazy making it seem like I didn't like it and only did it because I had no choice. Secretly, I got off on it when I'd lose a game or a bet and have to suck him off or rim him. When I won, he'd on very rare occasion suck me off. I could never get him to do anything else. He was good at it, but I never got the idea he really liked it and now I wonder if I'll ever experience it again.

As we got older, the adolescent games made less sense and over time it pretty much stopped. I wanted it so badly and let my pride get in the way. I guess he took it as rejection or thought I really didn't like it. I fucked that up royally. It's like a fantasy the way things are now. I don't like everything, but so what. The good definitely outweighs the bad.

I can't help but to be nervous and anxious about work though. I really don't think my boss will say or do anything. Not at work anyway. It's pretty obvious that he belongs to the club and I'll probably run into him there but like Steven had said, so what. He's just another guy using and abusing me.

Steven pulls me into his arms, "Why are you awake already? Are you okay? Are you hurting," he asks?

I am sore but nothing major. "I'm okay. I guess I'm a little edgy about work. It's going to be really uncomfortable when I see him."

"You'll be fine. Just take it as it comes and do what you have to do." He pulls me tighter, "You have nothing to worry about. We're in this together. I can support you if it comes to that."

God, that feels so good. "It won't, but thank you."

"Get showered and dressed. I'll make you a good breakfast. Then go to work. Get an early start to your day and don't be late. No complaining, high energy, strong and confident. Show him you're a man and not the boy cunt he fucked last night."

I sigh, thinking about that. I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and wince slightly at the soreness. Steven whistles as I stand up, "Your ass is so fucked! It's all welted, and black and blue. It's so fucking hot to see it like that. Fuck! I wish it looked like that all the time. Your back too, sweeeet." I stand there and let him look. He rubs his hand across it. He comes toward me and bites it lightly, then harder, then much harder until I gasp out in pain. "I couldn't resist. That will leave a mark for sure. Get going before I fuck you with this!" He shows me his hard cock. I head toward the stairs to go outside but he yells out for me to just use the bathroom.

I put on a really good suit in an effort to look my best. Satisfied I'm dressed right I head down to the kitchen. Breakfast is waiting and even though I don't really feel like eating I certainly don't want to hurt his feelings. The omelet is delicious as always. He talks to fill the space, "I'm going to be a little late tonight. Why don't you go to the gym after work? If you want, you can even go home after that and we'll catch up with each other in the morning."

Fuck! I don't need this today. "What the fuck did I do now?" I ask exasperated.

"Nothing. I just thought you might want a break, some recovery time. That's all. What are you getting such an attitude about?" He's perturbing me with his calmness. It only makes me more pissed.

"Do you want me here tonight or not?" I'm fighting my anger.

"I do, but not if you're going to behave like that. I was trying to be thoughtful and kind and give you a break and some space and you're getting all bitchy on me. What the fuck is that about?" He never seems to have a problem with a heavy silence. "First your complaints last night and now this. I thought we'd gotten past these fucking games. Maybe we do need a break. You think about it and call me later. I'm telling you though, if you come here it better be without the attitude." He just lets that hang.

I feel lost and defeated. I break the silence, "I'd better get to work." I stand to go.

His voice is quiet, calm, and steady, "If you walk out that door without the chastity device on you're definitely not coming back here tonight." I just look at him. "I'm not joking and I'm not bluffing, boy." I know him well and I know he'll follow through. I guess he sees the defeat in my eyes. "You have thirty seconds to get it and be standing in front of me or you'll be spending the weekend alone." I have only a split second to think about it before he starts counting, "One, two..." I take off like a bat out of hell, run up the stairs, grab it out of his nightstand drawer, and run back toward him as fast as I can. "... twenty eight, twenty nine." I hand it to him before he says thirty. "Where's the key?" He has a wicked grin thinking he's caught me. I drop the key from my other hand into his and return his wicked grin. I drop my pants and let him lock it in place.

"Thank you, Master. I'll see you later." I leave for work feeling much better.

Steven watches from the door totally satisfied with himself, and the relationship in general. It really couldn't be much better. Just the threat of backing off reels him right back in. It's such sweet justice for all the times he backed off from me. Now he can't stand the thought of being without me for even one night. All the times he fought submitting to me and all I have to do now is give him some freedom and he begs me to take him back under my control. Now it's the threat that I won't beat him that keeps him behaving instead of threatening that I will. The look on his face when that guy sucked me off was priceless! He's so full of shit that he's okay with it. All I'll have to do now is threaten him that I'll let someone else swing off my cock and he'll do anything I say. I've made it that his own house feels alien to him and soon he won't even know how to shop, or cook and feed himself. He loves me, but he finally needs me too. The way I've loved and needed him for years. I've put up with so much of his shit and it feels so good to give some of it back to him to teach him a lesson... or two, or as many as I want him to learn. He's smiling as he turns to get ready for work.

I take a deep breath as I get off the elevator and head to my office. My secretary greets me with, "I'm glad you're early. The boss man wants to see you. He said as soon as you get in. What'd you do?"

My stomach clenches and my heart speeds up. I'm instantly sweating. "I'm sure its nothing," I tell her as I drop my things in my office.

She doesn't help by adding, "You don't look like its nothing. You look like a kid with his hand caught in the cookie jar."

"Thanks!" Is all I have to say to her as I head back toward the elevator. I take another deep breath as I approach his office. I put on my best smile as I approach his secretary. I'd never thought anything of it before that he had a male secretary, but all of a sudden it strikes me as odd. "Good morning, the boss man wanted to see me?"

Is that a smirk I see on his face or am I imagining things? I've got to get a grip. I hope I'm also imagining the tone in his voice, "Yes he does. He said to stand over there and wait for him until he's ready for you."

I look at the seats in the reception area. Did I hear him right? "Did you say stand?"

He raises his hands, "I didn't. He did. Don't get mad at the messenger." I think I hear sympathy in his voice. This can't be real. I must be imagining things. I stand there for some time and jump when the buzzer rings. "He's ready for you. Good luck."

I take another deep breath and enter as strong and confident as I can manage. I greet him with a cheerful but respectful good morning. He offers no invitation to be seated so I stand in front of his desk. He says nothing to me but uses the intercom to tell his secretary that he doesn't want to be disturbed. I wonder if he can hear my heart beating.

"I'm glad to see you here this morning. I'd have been very disappointed in you if you'd called in sick or even worse, just didn't show up. It took guts after last night." I can't read where this is going yet so I remain quiet. "You must be hurting?"

"I'm fine, Sir."

"Too bad. I'd take pleasure in knowing you're in pain." His grin is inconsistent with his tone. I need to get a grip and get on a solid footing. "Are you bruised?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good. Let me see." Shit! Here it comes. I hesitate trying to think of what I should do and how I should respond. I think of what Steven said to do. He said to just do what I'm told. I turn around, undo my pants, and drop them. I gather my shirttail and jacket up so he can see it better. "Lose the jacket and the shirt." Fuck. I don't turn to look back at him as I take my jacket off and toss it on the sofa. I loosen my tie and slip it over my head throwing it on top of my jacket. I pull my shirt over my head after unbuttoning the top buttons and cuffs. I stand with my back to him as he looks at me. I'm praying that he doesn't ask me to turn around. I don't want him to see the CB2000. "Bend over, put your hands on the floor in front of you. I want to see the hole I fucked last night." I feel the color rush up my face as I obey him. "Very hot! You should always be so battered and bruised. Next time I'll fuck you harder so your hole stays puffy for days." He keeps me there a while. I'm terrified that someone will come in.

"Turn around. Uh-uhh. Don't stand up. I want you on your knees while we talk." I kneel facing him. He stares at the chastity device but says nothing about it. "Okay, here's the deal. You're good, damn good. You're too good to lose. This can fuck up your career here or it can enhance it. It's up to you. Are you quitting or are you man enough to stay?"

This is going nothing like I anticipated. "I'd like to stay. How can this enhance my career?" I'm really totally lost and confused with this whole situation. I have no idea where this is going.

"Its simple really. It takes a particular kind of grit to take what you took last night and real guts to walk in here like you did today. You're practically naked and on your knees but you're not begging. There's no apology or shame being expressed. You're not even offering any explanation and you're not embarrassing yourself or my intelligence with lame excuses. You walked in here with your head held high and I suspect you'll walk out the same way. I also know you don't start out at the level you were at last night so you've been at this awhile. It obviously hasn't affected your work in a negative way and I suspect it has actually been a positive influence on you. The chastity device tells me you're owned. I suspect it's either Steven or Michael. I couldn't quite tell which. By the look in your eyes I'd say Michael, but by the look in his eyes I'd say Steven. Whichever, I have no intention of interfering in any way. It's obvious you've already discussed what might happen today and have permission to go at least as far as you've gone so far. I don't think you'd break any boundaries or be disloyal or disobedient. I see that clearly about you.

"So I end up with an employee who is loyal and obedient. Someone who knows himself well enough to know what he wants and needs and goes after it. No guilt, no shame, and no apology. Just guts, determination, and courage. So you see, we can all win."

I think about what he's said. I get it. I don't like what he said about Steven and Michael and I'll have to give that some real thought at another time. For now, "What do you expect from me here?"

"I expect you to do your job to the very best of your ability and you have every right to expect to be compensated and rewarded appropriately."

I like his answer but it isn't what I was asking. "I mean about the Dom/sub thing, the S&M thing. How will that work?"

"That's not a discussion for me to have with you. It's a discussion for me to have with... who? Michael or Steven?"


"Good. I liked him better. He seemed the better of the two men. I told you, I'll respect his property rights." It's not exactly the answer I wanted, but I can live with it. "So, do we have a deal?"

"Yes, Sir. Thank you."

"Okay, so let's get back to work. You went to school on a sports scholarship if I remember correctly?" I affirm that I did without pointing out that it was for shooting pool. "How's your tennis game?"

I'm totally confused. "Very decent."

"Good. We're meeting prospective clients for Tennis and lunch. They're partners in life and business. I think you'd be perfect as the account exec. Their files are on my secretary's desk. Memorize them. Be ready to go at 11:30 sharp."

"Do I play to win or let them win?"

"Win! You don't want them to think you're a loser. Give your sizes to my secretary and he'll go get you tennis clothes. Also give him Steven's number so he can get him on the phone for me to talk to."

"I actually have everything I need in my car. Thank you anyway."

"Then get your ass out of here and get to work. I want that account." I hurry to get dressed again and give Steven's number to his secretary as I gather the files I need off his desk on my way out and return to my own office.

"How'd it go?" My secretary asks as soon as she sees me.

"Start packing! We'll be moving upstairs in no time!" I wink as I close the door to my office to study the files he gave me. Other than a very brief phone conversation with Steven there are no other distractions.

I'd never been to the tennis club and he gives me a quick tour since we arrived early. I change into my tennis clothes as quickly as possible hoping no one comes into the locker room while I'm changing. He watches intently but says nothing. On the court we volley a few balls to warm up before the clients arrive.

They are nothing like I anticipated. They are young, very young. I'd guess maybe early to mid twenties. Introductions go quickly and I'm told to call them Josh and Joey. We begin the game. They're good, not great, about on the same level as my boss. I'm clearly several notches up and cover my own side of the court as well as most of my boss's. I'm careful not to blow them away but achieve a clear victory in just about every set and match. There are obviously no hard feelings and I explain my skill developed as a result of my boyfriend who is very skilled and competitive. There's definitely a good chemistry between us, and the conversation flows smoothly and easily. It feels good to be among "family" and to talk so openly and honestly.

My boss suggests, "Instead of going back to the office to continue our conversation why don't the four of us go to lunch? We can talk there in a more relaxed environment." They readily accept. We all walk together back to the locker room. Once there, I gather my stuff and head to the showers figuring I'd just dress behind the curtain. I'm taken back as I turn the corner to the lockers and I realize there are no curtains and no separate showers. It's just a bunch of showerheads lined up against the wall. They come up behind me. My boss has his towel wrapped around him but Josh and Joey have theirs slung over their shoulders. Their bodies are long, slim, and smooth. They're both tight though not real muscular.

"You can't shower in your tennis clothes." They tease me. I don't know what to do.

My boss looks at me sternly, "Don't be shy. Show them you have nothing to hide from them."

He knows what my ass and back look like so this must be what he wants. I kick off my tennis shoes and take off my socks. I pull my sweat soaked shirt over my head. Looking at my chest they can't see any marks or bruising. I drop my shorts and jock together. Their eyes go immediately to my crotch.

"Holy shit!" Says Josh. Looking at Joey he adds, "I've got to get one of those for you to wear." Joey says nothing but looks down at the floor. I try to keep my back to them but it's impossible once we're in the shower. Joey notices my bruises first but says nothing. He gives me a look of sympathy like he understands. Once Josh notices he says nothing but grabs me by the arm and turns me around so he can see my back and my ass. He looks at my boss and asks, "Did you do this to him?"

"Some of it. The rest was his boyfriend. Good job right?"

"Fuck yeah!" Again looking at Joey, "You're going to learn how to take this. This is what I'm working you toward." My boss gives me a knowing and approving nod. Josh asks him, "You have full use of him?"

"His owner and I have an arrangement. Let's say the man is more than generous." In my brief conversation with Steven he told me that they'd worked things out well and all I had to do was what I was told to do. Now I understand what he'd meant.

"So in order to get this account you're willing to kiss my ass or suck my dick?"

"I'm certainly not." My boss answers him. "But, I'm certainly willing to have him do it."

"I like the way you do business. I think we have a deal."

"I spoke to your father this morning. We already made a deal. This is just an executive perk I'm offering you. After all, your father will be retiring one day and I want to get off on the right foot with you. After seeing you two at the dungeon party a couple of months ago I thought this might be a good way to go."

Joey and I followed them out as they continued talking. Lunch was much the same way, them talking... mostly about what it was like to own slaves and what they liked to do to them. If my boss was telling the truth he owned a stable full of them and considered them to be nothing more than property. He was clearly in a different league than Steven and I or even Josh and Joey as we were actually in relationships. It sounded like he had no emotional attachment or any relationship with his slaves. They were mere possessions to him. I gave a silent prayer of thanks that it wasn't like that with Steven.

My boss was very pleased with how the day had gone and I left without going back up to my office. I got to the gym earlier than usual and did my whole workout without seeing anyone I knew. I decided to head home without showering to avoid any unnecessary embarrassment. I cleaned the whole house and showered. I have little else to do other than wait for Steven so I figure I'll catch up on some reading. I must have dozed off because I hear the shower running, but I never heard him come in. I go to my corner and wait for him. He takes his time probably figuring I'm still asleep. I'm sure to stay up on my knees the whole time.

Coming back down, "You're awake!" He sounds really happy to see me. He playfully grabs me from behind and drags me backward dropping me to the floor on my back. He quickly mounts me, sitting on my chest and pinning my arms under his jean covered legs. He lets his spit slowly drip from his mouth into mine. I so willingly swallow it. Slapping my face several times, "So tell me what happened. I want every detail." I tell him about the entire day including my thoughts about Josh and Joey. He listens patiently. "We need to get someone like Joey for Greg. I think it's what he wants." I'm not surprised.

"Do you think he's gay?"

"No. I just think he likes having his cock sucked and being served. It's a way for him to be a selfish prick and get away with it."

He's obviously in a playful mood, so I venture to say, "Talk about the pot calling the kettle black." He can't help but laugh at that.

"You'll pay for that one day but for tonight I'm thinking dinner, a movie, maybe a beer or two."

We have a great night together. We run into some friends after the movie and enjoy hanging out with them. It's almost like a normal date except I didn't get to order my own food, or help pick the movie. He didn't share his popcorn or his soda after I went and got it for him and I also didn't get a beer like him, but nursed a bottle of water instead. It felt good for him to hold me standing in front of him as he sat behind me on the barstool. It didn't even seem to be a thought that I might sit on one of the empty bar stools.

I really got into sucking him off when we got home. I worshipped his cock and balls with my mouth and tongue. I rimmed his ass for a long time. I sucked him with long slow strokes with my lips and worked the underside of his cock with my tongue at the same time. I swallowed every drop of his spunk as he came in my mouth. I lay awake beside him horny as all hell and watched him sleep until I mercifully fell asleep myself.

We play tennis in the morning. At this point we're pretty evenly matched and the competition is fierce between us. He edges me out on the last match but I play on his insecurities by insisting over and over that I didn't let him win. I'm telling the truth so I don't feel guilty about it. We end up playing in a foursome and cream them. We both feel good about that.

We have lunch at my favorite dockside restaurant. I surprise myself by feeling unsettled when he doesn't order for me. I hadn't even looked at the menu thinking it was already taken care of. The food is great and the conversation easy so I don't give it another thought. We talk about a lot of nothing and touch lightly on some insignificant issues. It's really relaxing. When the bill comes he takes it as always. After looking at it, he drops a twenty on the table and says, "That's my half." I think he's joking but realize he's not. I don't care about the money but wonder if there's any meaning behind it.

Reaching for my wallet I ask him, "Did I do something wrong?"

"No. You ordered for yourself. If you want to be independent and order for yourself then you can be independent and pay for it."

"I'm sorry. You said you wanted us both to eat and when you didn't order I thought I was supposed to. I didn't want to. I thought you wanted me to."

"Did I tell you to order?" I shake my head no. "Did you ask me for permission to order for yourself?"

"No, Sir." I figure I better start trying to dig myself out.

"Did you even consider sacrificing the opportunity by asking me to order for you or perhaps by not eating to show me that you like me to be in control?"

"I'm sorry. Please, I'm trying, I really am. I don't know what I'm supposed to do sometimes and I always seem to fuck it up. Please don't be disappointed in me." I feel on the verge of tears.

"Shhhh!!! It's okay. I know you're trying. I just wish you'd stop trying to figure it out for yourself and just ask. I'll tell you what to do."

"Okay. From now on I will. I promise. Please don't let it ruin the day or this evening. Please. I don't want to fuck up tonight."

"It didn't ruin anything. We're both still learning. What did you mean about not fucking up tonight?"

"At the club, your initiation. I don't want that to get fucked up."

"I told you I was admitted Thursday night. There's no initiation tonight. We're not going anyway."

"Why not?"

"You're too bruised from Thursday night. You can't take more. It's better if we don't go."

"I'm fine. Honest. We can go."


"Do you want to go?"

"Of course I want to go. The point is you've had enough until you're all healed."

Fuck! "I really want to go and I think I'm fine. If you won't let me go then you can go without me."

"You don't want me to go without you."

"No, I don't. But I'd rather you went without me than have you stay home because of me."

"And you'd be fine knowing that I'm going to play with other guys and probably either fuck them or have them sucking me off?"

SHIT! I know the right answer but it's not what I feel inside. "Yes."

"Yes what?"

"Yes, I'm fine with you fucking someone else or getting a blow job by another guy."

"You are?" He looks doubtful.

"Yes, I am."

"Okay then. I'll bring you and let you watch and then we'll see if you're fine with it."

I have received 628 responses to this story so far!!! What an unexpected delight and turn on!! I think I have responded to just about all of them. I have to give a very special thank you to those of you who've become special friends and are journeying the story with me. Thank you also to those who have sent suggestions to Steven about what to do to me. They haven't all been fun, but they are appreciated none the less. ((wink))


Next: Chapter 22

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