Pool Table and My Balls

By NiteSearcher2000

Published on Jan 29, 2005


This story in not completely fictional. Nor is it the truth and nothing but the truth. The names have definitely been changed to protect the guilty. We are all disease free and stay that way by protecting ourselves whenever we play with anyone but each other. Descriptions of unprotected sex are fictional because I'm imaginative and not stupid.

You know the rules... Don't read this if you're a minor or are offended by gay or BDSM expression. Don't even think about reproducing or publishing it without my permission. Remember, I have sadistic friends who like to punish people! <>

The Pool Table and My Balls

CHAPTER TWO: Saturday Night

I'm not sure why but over the next few days I spend a lot of time jerking off, and looking at myself in front of the mirror. I don't know what I'm looking for. I look at my balls a lot. They're fine and nothing seems damaged or changed. I'm pretty well endowed in the cock and balls department. My dick's about seven inches long and a nice full size around. It's a really nice dick with a well-defined glans. I've been told that a lot. My balls are awesome though. They're big and packaged in a heavy sac that lets them hang low but not too loose. I trim out down there and shave my balls to show them off.

I can't figure out what it is that made that guy want to kick me in the nuts so much. I'm not a bad guy. I'm good-looking, have a nice build, and I'm well proportioned. I have those classic dark Italian looks with the typical black wavy hair. My chest is lightly covered in hair and I have a cool happy trail leading down to my family jewels.

So what the hell was it? He's good looking as hell! Maybe he didn't like the way I was looking at him. I was pretty open about looking at him, maybe I shouldn't have been. Maybe I offended him. I don't know.

Steven called the morning after to see if I was okay. He was very typical Steven. "Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I answered honestly.

"Balls okay?

"Yep. I have a question. Why'd you want to kick me in the nuts?"

"I don't know, same reason you wanted to be kicked in the nuts. It was hot watching you suffer and be put in your place and I wanted my piece of it! Listen man; don't spend too much time thinking about it. It just is what it is. Things have been put in the right order and are as they should be. You up for tennis Saturday?" He obviously didn't want to talk about it anymore and I wasn't sure I did either. Maybe it would be better if we just forgot about it and made believe it never happened.

We play tennis every Saturday morning. It was going to be awkward seeing him but he was obviously cool about it. "Yeah." I answered after only a brief hesitation.

"Good boy, bring your balls, we'll play with them." He hung up as soon as he finished talking. I just looked at the phone wondering if it was my imagination and I was reading too much into it or, if he meant something by what he'd said.

I walked onto the court trying to be confident and self-assured but feeling kind of embarrassed and nervous. He nodded hello and volleyed a ball in my direction. We warmed up a little and then started to play. I missed his first serve entirely and he yelled out, "You seem to be having a real problem with hitting your balls." I was mortified with embarrassment and looked at the others on the courts. They were playing their own games, totally oblivious to us. He stood watching me and waited until I regained my focus. "Listen, it's easy," he said, "just keep your eyes on the balls, and hit them." He served and I missed again. He creamed me, like always. No, much worse than usual. I was too rattled to play well. After the third set he gathered up his stuff and walked toward me on his way to his car. He paused, "I'll pick you up at 8:30 tonight."

"For what?" We didn't have plans.

"You're going back to meet that guy and I'm going with you."

"I'm not going." I replied wondering if it came out convincingly.

"Yes, you are. I'll pick you up at 8:30." He started to walk away.

"Hey! You want to do dinner first?" I called to him.

"No. You shouldn't eat. I don't want you to puke, and whatever you do, don't jerk off today." He just kept walking without even glancing back.

I was horny, nervous, and edgy the whole day. What the fuck is going on? Why am I even thinking of going tonight? I kept asking myself over and over. It takes me forever to get ready. I finally settle on an old and tattered pair of jeans with a simple sleeveless tee shirt. I wear a jock strap. I'm not sure why.

Steven came in without knocking. He looked me over from top to bottom. "Let's go." Is all he says.

"I really don't know if I want to." I tell him. His foot connects with my balls instantly dropping me to my knees. I wasn't expecting it and I was totally unprepared for it.

"I said, let's go." He turned and walked out. I find him waiting in the car. I get in and slam the door. "That'll cost you." He says under his breath with an evil smile on his face. We ride in silence and I follow him into the bar.

The guy is sitting there leaning back against the bar drinking a beer form the bottle. Man, he's drop dead gorgeous. He's tall, dark, muscular, and lean. His arms are awesome. He reeks sexy.

He stands as we approach him and gathers his change. "Ready?" He asks instead of saying hello.

Steven says, "Yeah."

What the fuck? "Wait a second. Ready for what?" I ask him.

"You tell me," he says. "What do you think is going to happen?"

"I don't know."

"You have only one purpose and that's to suffer. That's what's going to happen." He walks out with Steven just assuming I'll follow. I do follow a step behind them. He stops before getting in his car. "Here are the rules. You're going to follow us back to my place. I'm telling you now that once you come in you're going to do everything we tell you to do. If you do it willingly I'll go easier on you. If we have to make you do it, it'll be a lot fucking worse for you. Do you understand me?" He doesn't even wait for me to answer. He just gets in the fucking car and Steven gets in to ride with him! Fuck him! The bastard! Fuck both of them, I get in my car and follow him pissed as hell.

When we get to his house he opens the door and turns to me. "Remember what I said. I'm not joking and I'm not bluffing." I nod my assent and we walk in. As soon as we get inside he grabs me by the back of my hair and pushes me into the bathroom. He knocks me to my knees and pushes my face into the toilet bowl. "Stay there. Don't you fucking move. I want to show Steven around." They both walk out and I'm left wondering what the fuck I'm doing here, but I don't move and stay staring into the toilet bowl. Several minutes pass before they come back and I'm told to follow them.

We go down into the basement. It's a big room with no windows and no door other than the one we entered through. Part of the floor is carpeted and part is painted concrete. I gulp as I look at the equipment and apparatus around the room. This isn't a playroom. This is serious.

"This is your last chance to leave. If you stay that door gets locked until I decide to open it and let you out. If you're staying get down on your knees." I look at him and realize I don't even know his name. I wonder if he knows mine. I wonder if he cares. I look at Steven. We've been friends since elementary school. There's always been a competition and rivalry between us, the fight to be number one, the fight for supremacy. The fight I know I've now lost. I stand for a moment, then drop to my knees before them and clasp my hands behind me. The door closes with a bang making me jump and I hear it lock. I close my eyes and say a prayer....

"Open your eyes. I want you to see it coming." It's Steven's voice. I open my eyes to look at him. He has the look of victory on his face, the look of satisfaction as he steps into the kick and hits my balls square on. I roll onto the floor and look up at him standing over me. The other guy lights candles around to room and takes a seat on a stool to watch us. "Open your legs." I can't look him in the eye as I open my legs for him. He stamps his foot down on my crotch crushing my balls and holds it there pinning me to the ground. He presses his foot harder into my cock and balls before letting me loose. "Roll over. I want you on your knees with your head on the floor." I do it. I get in the position with my knees spread as far as I can manage. He kicks me between my legs with most of the blow landing to my ass and I collapse to the floor. He pulls me up by the waist of my pants and kicks my ass again catching my nuts from behind. He walks away from me.

"Take your clothes off. All of them." Sir's voice is that same steady tone he always uses. He and Steven watch as I pull off my shirt. I kick off my sneakers and pull off my socks. It is so fucking humiliating to strip down in front of them while they're still fully dressed and watching me. I take a deep breath as I drop my pants and step out of them. "Keep those on." He tells me when he sees my jock strap. "They're an invitation if ever I've seen one." He pulls his belt from his pants and folds it in half. "You poor fuck. You've got it so bad. Every fucking part of you begs to be tortured and hurt. Turn around and bend over." I do it, grabbing my own ankles. I can't believe that I've exposed my naked ass and offered it to him. The belt cracks across my ass. He lands blow after blow across my ass covering the whole thing. He cracks me hard enough that it really hurts but not so hard that I can't stand it. He just keeps at it. My ass is on fire and stinging like hell! I put my hands on the floor to steady myself and he hits me harder. I stay in that position for as long as I can stand it and drop to my knees. He fucking racks my ass with the belt. Oh fuck! Fuck! It hurts so fucking bad. I drop to the floor and curl into as small a ball as I can manage but the belt keeps landing. The belt assaults my thighs and hips. My ass is still partly exposed and he whacks it really hard. "Make yourself smaller!" I curl up tighter trying to obey him. "Smaller!" I curl up crying and begging him to stop. Oh God. I need him to stop. Finally he does and I'm so grateful he stopped and so afraid he'll start again that I crawl to him and kiss and lick his bare feet thanking him and over and over.

He slips the belt around my neck and clips it in place. He pulls me over to the mirror to make me look at myself. He yanks my jock strap down and off of me leaving me totally naked in front of them. My ass is so fucking red and welted. My body has big red streaks across it from the belt. The belt around my neck says it all. My dick is standing straight out from my body. They exchange knowing glances. I look down in shame and humiliation. He pulls my gaze up by my chin. "Don't you ever fucking move when I'm hitting you. Don't you dare try to resist me or block it. Not ever." He picks his knee straight up into my balls and I take in a breath, but don't move. He knees me in the balls again and then knocks me behind my knees dropping me to the floor.

"Crawl over to Steven and apologize for all the times you've been a complete and utter ass. Tell him you never should have tried to be his equal. Tell him he's superior to you in every way and that you'll show him all the respect he deserves. Then ask him to make you hurt. Beg him to make you hurt! You so fucking deserve more pain."

I kneel before Steven and do everything I've been told to do. It's totally degrading to have to kneel before my friend and grovel at his feet. "I'm sorry I'm such an asshole. I'm sorry I tried to challenge you and compete with you. I'm not your equal. You are superior to me in every way. I will show you respect and be obedient from now on. Please Sir, make me hurt. Please. I need it so bad. Please." He rubs his bare foot across my face and I stick out my tongue to lick it. He slides his toes into my mouth and I kiss and suck them. He pushes his foot further into my mouth and I struggle not to gag. He pulls his foot from my mouth and wipes the spit on his foot across my dick.

"Torture him. Make him hurt." Steven tells him.

"You heard the man. Get over here." He cuffs my wrists and ankles and restrains me spread eagle to chains from the ceiling and floor. He fastens a harness tight around my balls. He clips a rope to the harness, strings it through a pulley hanging from the ceiling, and attaches a bucket to the end of the rope. "I have your favorite here." He reaches into a bag and takes out a pool ball. "I think this is what started it all." He drops the ball into the bucket and I can feel my balls yanked up by the pulley. "How many balls are there?"

"Sixteen, including the queue ball." My heart is racing. He slowly drops one ball at a time into the bucket and my balls are pulled up high and tight from the weight. The pressure is so bad and it hurts, it really hurts. I stand up on my toes thinking it would help but it only makes it worse. I can't pull them back down because it hurts too much. He holds a small light flogger in front of me. I moan involuntarily. He slashes it across my balls causing a stinging pain and a dull thudding ache through them. It gets worse with every slash. It feels like razor blades raking across my balls and a hammer hitting them. They are turning a crimson red as I watch. I whimper and moan and I take it.

It still hurts after he stops. I'm too tired to react as I watch him put on a rubber glove. He pours lotion onto my balls and rubs them. Oh fuck! FUCK! There's sand in the lotion and he's literally sanding my balls sack. I squirm and try to pull away but I can't. Oh fuck, I can't. My balls are getting so hot! What the fuck is that? He has a smile on his face as he keeps rubbing it in and my balls get hotter and hotter! Tears are streaming down my face as I try to stand the burning sensation. He lets go but there's no relief. He steps behind me and I feel his hand slip into my crack. "No, oh please no. Please, please don't." His finger slips up my hole and the burning pain is instant. He slides it in and out and it gets hotter and hotter, burning so bad. I'm squirming like crazy and yanking the hell out of my balls with the weight of the pail attached. I can't fucking stand it! He steps in front of me smiling. He pours the lotion on my dick and rubs it in hard. It's like jerking off with sandpaper and then rubbing salt into it. The burning sensation is so intense

"Want to drink some piss?" I'm so miserable I didn't think it could get worse. "The correct answer is Yes Sir, Thank you Sir." I repeat it after him. I watch him piss into a water bottle and hand it to Steven. Steven pisses into it. The cover is screwed on and he brings it to my lips. "Suck it out. Suck our piss into you, you fucking pig." I close my lips around it and suck the first swallow into my mouth. It's hot, and awful. I hate it. I take another swallow, and another.

Steven moves closer and watches intently. "Oh fuck yeah! Drink my piss you little shit. You're fucking low life pig. I'll never piss in a toilet again. From now on you get it all. Mine and anyone else I can get to donate." He picks up the flogger and slashes it across my cock and balls. I suck harder taking in more piss. He smiles and hits my cock and balls again and again as I suck down all their piss. My balls are aching. My cock is so fucking hard it's hurting like hell. I've never seen it so engorged. He strikes it again and as it bounces from the impact a gush of pre-cum oozes out. They both see it.

Sir reacts instantly. "Oh you fuck! You little fuck! Every fucking time I think about going easier on you, you beg for more. You just fucking beg for it!" He grabs a heavy flogger and slashes it across my shoulders. He lashes me again down the center of my back. He slashes it across my ass cheeks, then across my thighs. Steven flogs me across my balls and a split second later my back erupts with pain from the flogger. I'm jerking and squirming all around. My balls are yanking at the rope so much the bucket is swinging back and forth. They keep it up until I scream. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Oh please stop. Please show me some mercy. Please! Oh God please, please, oh please." I started out screaming and end up whimpering and begging. I don't stop begging even after they stop hurting me. They both stare at me until I finally compose myself. I try to be still and silent.

"No! No mercy!" My stomach knots as he takes one of the lit candles and pours hot wax all over my dick. I writhe in agony. Grabbing another candle he pours it all over my aching balls. I'm beyond begging. I resign myself to just taking it. I can't stop it. I lean my head back as they both pour hot wax down my chest. They pour it all over my bush filling my crotch with a deep burning sensation. My dick has wax hanging from it like icicles would hang from a branch. They're relentless with my nipples. Wax hangs from them and drips down my stomach. I sob softly, but don't resist. They cover my back and ass in wax. I'm soaked in sweat.

I drop to the floor when I'm finally released from the restraints and the harness on my balls. My balls surge with pain as the blood rushes back into them. I'm immediately ordered to get up on my knees to kneel before my superiors. They pull up stools and sit before me. Sir rubs his toes across my mouth and I lick and kiss them. I worship his foot. I suck on his toes and lick between them. My dick is erect again as I kiss his feet. He stands and pulls my head back by my hair and asks me, "Do you want to suck me off?"

"Yes, Sir, please. Please let me suck you." I think I'm doing the right thing but he holds my hair and kicks me in my fucking aching balls! "That's for thinking I'd ever let a scumbag like you suck my dick." He kicks me in the balls again! I can't fall to the ground because he's holding me up by my hair. "And that's for not listening. I told you that you have only one purpose and that's to suffer. If I let you suck my dick it would give you another purpose in life but your only purpose is to suffer." He kicks me again, "That's so you never forget your place again." Another kick lands and he lets go of my hair and allows me to crumple on the ground. "That one was simply because I like hurting you."

I curl on the floor crying and holding my balls. They are beet red from the continual beating they've been taking. The wax is all cracked and peeling off. I look like shit. I feel like shit. I fucking hurt everywhere and I'm totally humiliated by what I've allowed to be done to me.

Sir asks Steven, "What do you think, Man, should we cut him some slack or push him lower?"

"Fuck him! Push him lower. Show the scumbag how fucking low and disgusting he is." Steven glares at me as he talks.

They both stand over me. Sir taunts me further, "You're a fucking mess. Look at you. You look like shit! You thought you were hot shit in the pool hall, now you're just shit. Jerk yourself off like a fucking animal." Jerking off makes the wax crack and peel from my dick and it feels like the skin is being peeled off, but I'm quickly sporting a raging boner again. "Open your fucking legs like the fucking cock whore you are." I want to obey him but I can't bring myself to do it. I can't stand to get kicked in the balls again. I beg him not to. "Open your fucking legs or I'll rip your fucking balls off!" I force myself to open them and make my balls vulnerable to him again. He drops a pool ball directly on my balls! Oh fuck! Fuck! "Keep jerking off." I jerk off as he drops another one directly on my balls again. Oh Shit! A third one lands. I can't fucking stand it!

I'm pulled over to this thing in the middle of the room and put over it facing down. "Slide your dick into it." I'm told. I slide my dick in and its slippery wet, tight and smooth. It actually feels good to my rock hard cock. My arms and legs are stretched out and I'm restrained spread eagle again. "He hands something to Steven and tells him to piss in a bowl and soak it in the piss. Steven does it and it soaks up most of his urine. It's a ball gag and they strap it into my mouth immediately filling it with the horrible taste of his piss. Piss keeps oozing out of it and I keep swallowing it a little at a time. My balls are pulled back between my legs, secured into a humbler, and hooked behind my thighs stretching my balls behind me. He pulls the humbler up and down making me fuck the contraption my dick is in. I feel a cold liquid on my crack and a butt plug is savagely pushed up my ass. The spasms make me scream in pain. Until they subside.

A paddle lands on my aching butt sending waves of pain through the dildo up my ass. "Fuck that thing! Fuck it! Jerk yourself off by humping it!" The paddle lands across my ass again! He pushes his foot down on my balls trapped by the humbler crushing them beneath his foot. He keeps me in a fucking rhythm with his foot. He lands the paddle on my ass and kicks me in the balls telling me to fuck like the animal I am. I fucking hurt everywhere but feel myself moving toward an orgasm. I breathe deeper and suck more piss out of the gag and down my throat.

I moan deeply trying to tell them what's about to happen. He kicks me hard in the balls and paddles my ass savagely telling me to keep going. I keep fucking and the orgasm builds closer. I explode in sensation as my orgasm peaks and I spew cum over and over again. My whole body is racked by my orgasm and the contractions are intense.

"You are so fucking going to hate this!" A pool ball lands on my exposed balls and the pain is awful. Everything hurts more. Once the sensations of the orgasm pass I'm so painfully aware of every pain I have. Another ball lands on my nuts and there's nothing I can do about it. He pushes his foot against the plug up my ass and I'm assaulted with pain inside and out. I fucking hate it!

"Now what," Steven asks?

"Now we leave him here in his own fucking mess. He'll be so fucking miserable and regret every fucking thing that happened tonight. He'll fucking hate himself! Then we'll come back and make him do it again." He lands a final kick to my poor balls as they walk out leaving me alone.

He was right. I am so fucking miserable. I am wet, very uncomfortable, and I hurt everywhere. The hardened wax is ripping my body hair out with every move I make. I don't understand why I let this happen. I keep thinking about it over and over again wondering what the fuck is wrong with me. I have to piss so bad and have no choice but to let it flow. I'm more miserable lying in a puddle of my own cum and piss. Between that and the oozing piss gag in my mouth I'm totally overwhelmed by the smell and taste of urine. I'm totally exhausted and sleep fitfully in my misery. The only pleasure I feel is sliding my dick back and forth in the slit it's in. I feel like a complete loser doing it but it's the only relief from the rest of my suffering. The night seems to last forever and my current misery overcomes my fear and dread of what I know is coming. Anything would be better than this. I start wishing for them to come back even though I know what will happen to me.

End Chapter 2: There's definitely another chapter coming. I like hearing form people but won't blackmail you into writing me.

Enjoy, Eric in South Florida

Next: Chapter 3

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