Pool Table and My Balls

By NiteSearcher2000

Published on Jan 6, 2006


This story in not completely fictional. Nor is it the truth and nothing but the truth. The names have definitely been changed to protect the guilty. We are all disease free and stay that way by protecting ourselves whenever we play with anyone but each other. Descriptions of unprotected sex are fictional because I'm imaginative and not stupid.

You know the rules... Don't read this if you're a minor or are offended by gay or BDSM expression. Don't even think about reproducing or publishing it without my permission. Remember, I have sadistic friends who like to punish people! <>


I arrive back at Steven's before him. All day I've been thinking about this morning. He said come straight "home". Home. I use my key to get in. I've had a key to his place since he's been on his own. I have keys to his car as well. Of course he has keys to my place and both my cars also. I have always felt at home here, but is this now home? I look around trying to get a feel for it. A million questions are going through my head that I'm not going to ask. I'm fine with letting things be as they are even if I don't fully understand.

I go the bedroom and strip out of my clothes. It feels odd to be naked when no one else is here. I retrieve the cleaning supplies from the kitchen and go to work on the bathrooms. Starting with the Master Bath, I scrub it clean. It is glistening by the time I'm done with it. The second bath goes much quicker as no one ever uses it. Looking at the clock I realize he should be home soon. I put everything away and jump into a quick shower. I wait downstairs anxious for him to get home. I drop to my knees by the door when I hear his car pull in.

He comes in, steps around me, but says nothing. He puts the mail and his briefcase on the counter and grabs a drink still not acknowledging me. He exits the room and I hear him go upstairs. I'm not sure what to do, so I do nothing. I just stay put. In a short while he comes back down. He's changed into his usual worn jeans and nothing else. I'm taken back by how masculine and good-looking he is. He's obviously stepped up his workout as well as his chest is awesome.

"Come with me." I follow him into the living room where he sits on the big leather sofa with his legs stretched out in front of him crossed at the ankle and his arms spread and draped over the back. I kneel in front of him. "This doesn't work for me." My heart sinks at his words. "I don't want you underfoot when I get home." I look down at the floor because I don't want him to see my disappointment. "That's your corner." I look up to see where he's pointing. It's the corner of the living room. "You can hear my car pull up. I want you kneeling in that corner facing the wall when I enter. If by chance you just got in, or you're in the middle of something, or you just didn't hear me, then finish up whatever you're doing and go directly to your corner."

"Yes, Sir."

"Next. When you're here alone you're still to be naked. You are not allowed to watch television, listen to the radio, or play on the computer. You're to do productive things. Do your work if you've brought some home. That's your first priority. Make sure the bathrooms are clean. Dust, vacuum, and straighten up, those kinds of things. I know you're very neat but make sure I don't ever have to clean up after you. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sir."

"When I'm home, you do nothing without my permission. You kneel in your corner unless told otherwise. You don't eat, drink, piss, shit, or shower unless you're told to."

"Yes, Sir.

"Any questions?"

"Yes Sir. Things like shopping, cooking? Paying for things? The bills?"

"We have to work those things out. You still have all of the expenses of your place, at least for now. Carry $100.00 in your wallet just in case, but from now on you don't spend any money without my permission. If you have to buy gas for the car or something like that I want all the receipts at the end of the day. I want to see all of your bills including your credit card bills."

"Yes, Sir."

"You're committed to making this work, aren't you?"

"Oh yes, Sir." I can't help but smile.

His smile matches mine and he wipes his foot across my lips playfully. I kiss it. I follow it back to the floor and bend over to kiss and lick his feet. He moans softly as I massage his feet with my tongue and lips. I know he likes this. I keep at it until he starts talking again.

"What did you do when you got home?"

"I cleaned the bathrooms like you told me to, Sir."

"Show me." I don't even try to get up. I drop down and crawl. "Oh fuck that's hot! I love to see you crawl." I hate crawling but I'll do it if it pleases him so much. I go straight to the Master Bath. "Is it clean?"

I'm confused by his question. I look around and everything looks perfect. "Yes, Master."

"Show me."

I don't understand. He can see it for himself. I don't know what I'm supposed to show him. "I don't understand, Sir."

"Lick it. If you got it clean you shouldn't hesitate to lick it."

This is humiliating. I lick the toilet seat. He picks up the seat and looks at me. Fuck. I lick the rim of the bowl. I look back at him. His arms are crossed and he's still looking down at me obviously not satisfied. I feel myself sink lower as I stick my head in the bowl and lick the porcelain inside it. "Good boy. Now I'm satisfied that you got it clean. That's the standard. I suggest you keep it that way. It seems a shame to dirty it, don't you think?" He unzips his pants, opens the button, and reaches in for his dick. "Do you want me to piss in the toilet and then you have to clean it again or should I just piss in you?" I know what he really wants. I close my mouth around his cock. His flow starts slow but picks up to full force. I have to struggle to swallow it all without spilling any. He helps by stopping his stream now and then allowing me to catch up. "What do you say?"

"Thank you, Sir."

"Now show me the other bathroom." I crawl to that one and he makes me repeat the process of licking the bowl to demonstrate how clean I got it. "In order to help you keep it clean, you're not allowed to use the toilet. You can piss and shit in the backyard. Get yourself some plastic bags to shit in because I don't want a mess in the yard and you can piss by the tree." He lets the humiliation of that sink in. "And when you piss, I want you on all fours and lift your leg. After all, I don't want you to piss like a bitch."

I take a deep breath. "Yes, Master."

He doesn't answer but reaches into the medicine cabinet and pulls out the mouthwash. He holds it up to my lips and pours some into my mouth. I rinse my mouth well grateful to get the piss taste out of it. I look at him to see what I'm to do with it. "Go spit it outside. I don't want a mess in the bathroom." He walks out of the room and down the stairs. I go down and out the back door and spit it out in the yard. Not knowing what I'm supposed to do next, I go to my corner. I can hear him in the kitchen and smell the food cooking. It smells great. I crawl in when he calls trying to please him and stay out of any trouble.

He's obviously pleased. "Oh good boy! I was hoping you'd do that. I really appreciate when you go out of your way to please me. Come on, let's eat." He places my plate at the table across from his. I wait for permission to sit. I don't start eating until he tells me to. I don't take a drink until he tells me to. We're talking about work and friends but I'm careful not to break any rules while we're talking. After dinner he leaves me to clean up.

Once I'm done I go to my corner in the living room. I stay there facing the wall while he watches TV. My knees and legs are getting sore and tired but I try not to squirm. I've learned that shifting my weight only makes it worse. The boredom is the worst part. I hear him moving sometimes but can't see him behind me.

"Turn around." I turn to face him and see he's naked and his dick is hard. He's stroking it lightly. I want to touch his dick. Hell, I want to touch my dick. It's been locked in this stupid chastity device for three days already. I'd give anything to stroke it like he's stroking his. "If I let you come over here do you promise to be good?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Come here then." I crawl to him. "Come up here." He motions with his hand and I get on the inside of couch with my head laid on his pelvis. He moves his cock to the side, "Lick it." I lick the head of his dick as he watches television. I keep rubbing my tongue across it. I probe his piss slit. I taste his pre-cum. I close my lips over just the tip increasing the pressure with my tongue. Occasionally, he pushes my head down on his shaft and I suck his dick until he pulls me back up to just the head again. "Lick my balls too." I shift my position to give me greater access and work his balls and his dick. I do long slow strokes covering his balls, his cock, and his pelvis surrounding them. I do this a long time. He bends his knees pulling his ankles against his ass cheeks and I go lower. I lick his perineum down to his hole. It's hard to reach but I probe his hole with my tongue.

Pulling me by my hair he pulls me up to his nipples. I kiss, lick, and suck on them. He grinds his crotch against me. Pulling me up again, our mouths find each other. The kisses are deep and passionate. My hands find his cock and I jerk him off slowly as we continue to make out. My hands explore his body. It's hard and hairy in all the right places. His smell is all clean and masculine. I am so fucking turned on. My dick can't get hard but it's dripping pre-cum. I haven't cum in days so my pre-cum is milky.

He pushes my face down on his dick. I let it slide all the way in before I begin blowing him. I use long smooth strokes with my hand lightly brushing his dick as it follows behind my lips. It takes a while before he cums in my mouth. I love the feel of his dick as it expands and contracts with his orgasm. As his orgasm subsides, he pulls me up so my head is on his chest. His hands are all over my face, my back, and my chest. He pulls his leg around me and massages me with his foot as well, rubbing it up and down my side and legs. He pinches my nipples hard sending exquisite pain across my chest right into my crotch. I'm aching with sexual lust. His dick is rock hard again.

"Let's go to bed." Hitting the remote he turns the television off. Leaving the light on, we go up to his bedroom. He pushes me down face first onto the bed. He mounts me from behind and grinds his dick up and down my ass crack. His kisses on my neck and back are driving me crazy with desire. I turn my head and he plunges into my mouth. He pulls my arms above my head and holds them together with one hand while the other finds my nipple and squeezes it hard. His kisses are rough and sensual. He reaches into his nightstand and grabs some oil and pours it along the length of my crack. He continues humping me using his dick to slide up and down my crack to spread the oil.

I desperately want him inside me. "Please fuck me. Oh Sir, please. I need you to fuck me." He pushes his oiled dick into my hole. The pain shoots through me. I tighten up against the pain and he shudders with the excitement of my pain. He pulls out and shoves it in again and a new wave of pain goes through me. His hands find my nipples and pinch them hard, very hard as he pulls out and plunges his dick through my hole again. The two pains connect and I yelp in pain and anguish. He continues to long dick me but the pain eases out as I get used to it. He shoots his load deep inside me. I was so close to cumming, but now he stopped and I edge away from the sensation of a near orgasm even more frustrated than before.

He rests on top of me for a minute or two before flipping me over on my back. Sitting right on my crotch he pins my hands beneath his knees. He smacks me across my face. Not hard, just stinging. The humiliation of it is greater than the pain. He smacks it again. I do nothing to resist. He smacks the other cheek. I turn my head to give him full access and he smacks me again. He spits in my face and smacks me a split second later. He slaps me on the side of my ribcage much harder than he smacked my face. Then again on my chest. I see stars as he smacks his hand down on each one of my nipples. He grabs them hard and twists and pulls them and I get into the pain. I want the pain. It's so much better to be feeling the pain than to feel nothing at all.

He lands a solid punch to my arm. The pain is instant and deep. The he punches my upper shoulder. I let out a single sob. Then the other shoulder and I gasp in pain. He climbs off of me. "Open your legs." I obey him dreading what I know is coming. A solid punch lands to the inside of my thigh and my leg cramps in pain and I tighten up against it. "Ask for the next one. Beg me for it." I do. I beg him to hit me again, and then again. I curl up against the pain and he pulls away. I don't want him to pull away.

"Please hurt me more. Don't stop until you're satisfied. Just do what you want. I'll take it. I promise I'll take it. Please don't pull away." The slap is hard and stinging across my thigh. I lay back open and vulnerable to him. He hits me everywhere. I do nothing to resist, I just let the tears flow. He watches the tears until they stop then hits me again to make them flow more. Finally satisfied he lays beside me. He pulls me into his warm embrace. His hands gently explore where he'd hit me. He can find the exact spots from the heat still throbbing from his blows.

His hands explore my crotch. They rub across my hairless pelvis. I shudder under his touch. "You want to cum, don't you?" I say nothing. "I know you do. You're soaked inside this thing." He runs his hand over my dick and I'm so frustrated because I can't feel anything. "You've been so good tonight, all day." He kisses me again. I can't keep myself from moaning. I'm lost in the lust and desire. He reaches into his nightstand and pulls out the key to the chastity device. He unlocks it and pulls off the plastic case. My cock is instantly rock hard for the first time in days. He leaves the base on but I don't care about that. He touches my dick and the sensation is incredible. "Don't move. Don't even think of touching your dick. I have a surprise for you. Something I picked up." He pulls a box out of his closet. He pulls out a set of spreader bars with cuffs. He puts one set on my ankles and the other set on my wrists leaving me spread eagle on the bed.

He straddles me so his ass crack is directly over my raging dick. I instinctively lift to make contact with him and his hand slaps across my face. "No!" Is all he says to me. He lowers himself until his ass is barely touching my cock. It twitches at the contact and another slap lands across my face. "Get control of yourself. Don't make the same mistake you made last night." He sits on my cock. I don't move although every instinct wants me to hump him, more than that, at this moment I want to fuck him like he just fucked me. I'm not stupid enough to even suggest it. He jerks himself off sitting on my crotch. It takes him a while to cum since it's his third time. He excites himself by moving his ass on my dick and then hitting me in punishment if I show any reaction or response. He shoots a very small load on my stomach.

He lies out beside me. "You are so fucking hot! I can't believe I just got off three times. I never do that. It was awesome!" He goes on for a while talking about how great it was to cum three times and all I can think of is I'd give anything to cum even once. What he's saying becomes a blur as I think about my own situation. Not paying any attention to him I'm surprised to feel his hands on my dick and in one smooth motion the chastity device is back on and he's locking it in place again. I take a deep breath and say nothing accepting what's happening and wondering if and when he will ever let me cum again.

I come back to what he's saying, "I know this sounds stupid because we just ate, but I'm starving. How about we go grab a couple of burgers and milkshakes to keep the night special?" Of course I agree to what he wants. It sounds like fun. We dress casually in jeans, t-shirts, and flip-flops and head to the local hamburger joint. We have a great time! We laugh and joke around about how things are now. We good-naturedly make fun of and goof on our friends, how hulky David is, how cool and aloof Michael is, how John still lives through us, and what a femme Cliff is. Neither of us has really seen or heard from Jimmy and we decide that I'll call him for lunch one day soon. We talk more seriously about our living arrangement and how it might work out. We even talk about Craig, wondering if he's gay or at least bi or if the whole BDSM scene is what turns him on. We also talk about family and how we're going to relate to them.

He continued, "I've been beating the crap out of you since we were kids. You always fought back so damn hard. It just made it much worse for you because the harder you fought back the worse I'd beat you. If you like it so much why didn't you just give up and take it?"

"Because I watched you with the others. Cliff used to just give up so you stopped. It wasn't fun when he said uncle as soon as you started. And Jimmy was just too easy to beat. It wasn't a challenge. John used to quit and leave as soon as you started with him. He knew he couldn't take you but hated to be beaten. I fought back hard because it kept your interest. It was a challenge you couldn't resist. I didn't want you to stop."

"And now?"

"I don't seem to be having any trouble keeping your interest. If I do I'll fight to get it back." I have a wicked grin on my face but I'm serious. I`ll fight for his attention.

"Straight enough, but you'll pay for it."

"Fair enough."

Three hours have passed in a heartbeat before we decide to head home.

The short drive back to his house is just comfortable and pleasant. Entering the house, I strip out of my clothes. "I have to go to the bathroom. I'll meet you in bed." He walks off toward the stairs. I have to go to the bathroom as well. I look at the back door not quite believing that I really have to go outside. I hesitate before deciding that I'd just better do it. I feel like a complete ass getting down on all fours and raising my leg to piss against a tree. Returning to the house I go upstairs and find him in bed already. He motions for me to get in beside him and he wraps his arm around me. I nestle into him. "Good night. I love you." He says as he shuts the light.

"I love you too." Everything is suddenly right in my world.

He awakens me gently by rubbing his hands across my chest. "Twenty minutes till breakfast, you'd better move it." I get up quickly and head toward the bathroom. "Don't even think about it," he yells playfully. Shit! I almost forgot. I run downstairs and out the back door to squat and piss by the tree. He stands at the door laughing as I run back in and up the stairs. I shave, brush, and shower in record time and run back down toward the kitchen. I drop to all fours and crawl in. He moans in pleasure. "Since you're here, help. Set the table." I gladly pitch in. The conversation is easy and light.

We sit to eat the omelets he's made us. The food is delicious as always. He begins, "You know, I've been thinking. I don't think I'm going to join the club."

I'm shocked. I thought he really wanted to join. "Why not? I thought you wanted to."

"I do. It's not that."

"I don't understand. What is it then?"

"I'm having a really good time with you. I like spending time with you." He continues eating as we talk.

I'm still confused. "I know only you can join but you can bring me."

"That's just it. I'd want to bring you."

"So, then I really don't understand." I'm totally confused by what he's saying.

"Well it's like this, they play in the big league. They're real players. If I join I'd want to play at that level. They'd expect it. But I want to spend time with you. I can't do both so I'm choosing you." He smiles and winks at me.

"Why can't you do both?" I'm trying to keep calm and keep any tone out of my voice.

"Well," he hesitates before continuing, "okay... I don't think you can handle it."

"Why not? I've handled everything so far." I can hear my agitation in my voice.

"Yeah but come on. We've been toning it down for you, taking it easy on you. Giving you time to get up to speed. Honestly, I don't know if you can. It's okay. It's not that important to me. I'll keep it at this level to be with you. Maybe I can go with David or Michael once in a while to get it out of my system."

My emotions flare. "Come on! I've taken everything you've done to me so far. What makes you think I can't handle it?"

"I just don't. I don't think it's a good idea."

"At least give me a chance. Don't decide before we even try."

"I just don't want to embarrass myself and believe it or not I don't want to embarrass you. Not that way anyway."

"Have I embarrassed you yet?" I'm fighting the anger and disappointment that I'm feeling.

He sits back in his chair. He looks at me and breaks out into a hesitant smile. "No. You've been great! I'm really proud of you."

"Then give me a chance. I won't embarrass you. I can handle myself and I'll take whatever they dish out."

He thinks about it for a minute. "Okay. We'll do it your way and give it a try. If you think you're man enough to play in the big leagues then I trust you. You've never given me any reason not to."

"Thank you, Sir." I'm really happy that I won that one, but I'm careful not to gloat in any way. I've always been able to get my way with him. I don't see any reason to let him know that.

Steven smiles broadly thinking to himself that he handled that perfectly and now knows that everything will go well tonight. I'm as good as in, he thinks to himself. Out loud he says in all sincerity, "I love you. I love how hard you're trying to make this work. I won't forget it." My smile back says it all. "Listen, get your sweet ass to the gym and I'll meet you back here after work. I'll decide what we're doing later." I go off to begin the day.

Yeah.... I'm just enough of a sadist to draw out the suspense for another chapter. What can I say, I've learned from the best! ((wink)) I hope you keep enjoying the story. I really like hearing from you but will never hold the story hostage for replies.


Next: Chapter 20

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