Pool Table and My Balls

By NiteSearcher2000

Published on Jan 2, 2006


I awaken abruptly as his lubed finger slips up my ass. "Don't say a word", are his instructions. I hold in a gasp as he slips a second finger in, and then a third prying my ass open. Pulling out his fingers he pushes me face first into the mattress. His fingers are quickly replaced with his cock. My eyes tear silently as he pushes deep into me in one stroke. His cock fills me. I struggle to relax beneath him as he strokes into my asshole. His pace is strong and steady as he fucks into me. Grabbing me by my hair he pushes my face deeper into the mattress. He's rough grabbing, punching, and pushing me. It doesn't take long before I feel his body tense as he cums up my ass. He lays his full weight on me. "Cunt. Pussy. That's what you are right? My own personal fuck hole. You're my piss hole too, right? First my spooge, then my piss, all inside of you." I feel his hot piss flowing into my ass and mixing with his cum load. He empties himself into me. "Nice way to start the day, at least for me. Get showered and cleaned up for work. Breakfast is in fifteen minutes. Don't be late."

It takes me a few minutes to empty myself so I have to hurry to shave, brush my teeth, and shower. I drop to my knees in the kitchen just shy of the deadline. "Good boy!" He wipes his foot across my mouth and I stick my tongue out to lick it. "Breakfast is ready." Steven loves to cook and breakfast smells delicious. I'm hoping I'm allowed to eat it and thrilled when he places two plates of French Toast on the table. "Come eat." I sit naked at the table across from him.

"You're not going to have time to get to the gym this morning. Meet me there after work." I nod my understanding. "Do you have a busy day today?" Again I nod that I do. "Cat got your tongue?" I look at him confused and don't know what to do. "Talk." He says.

"Master, you told me not to say a word. I didn't know what to do. I want to obey you."

A big smile spreads across his face. "You are being a good boy today. You can talk now." The conversation flows easily as we talk about the day ahead.

I ask, "May I get a haircut during lunch today? My hair is getting really long."

"No. I like it long. You're going to leave it and let it grow out."

I like the way it looks long but I'm concerned about work. "I don't know how that will go over at work."

"Then make sure your work is so good that they're not going to make an issue of your hair."

"Yes, Sir."

Keeping an eye on the time he sends me off to get dressed for work so I won't be late. I come back to the kitchen dressed in a suit and tie because I have important meetings scheduled. "Holy Shit! You're fucking gorgeous!" He says it without thinking. He leans back against the counter and just soaks me in for a minute. I stand there patiently under his gaze. His hand strokes his cock through the fabric of his jeans. I watch, as he gets hard. My own cock has already expanded as much as it can trapped inside the plastic chastity device. The sexual tension is heavy. He slides back and sits up on the counter. Grabbing me by the back of my neck he pulls me into a kiss. He sucks my tongue into his mouth and bites down on it trapping it so I can't pull out. He blows his breath into my mouth and I suck it down into my lungs. Releasing me, "You've been so good today. Don't fuck it up. Obey and submit. That's what I want from you."

"Yes, Sir." Is all I say.

"I love you. Get your sexy ass to work."

I turn to leave but stop before I walk out the door. "I love you too." He winks as I turn to leave.

The day passes quickly because I'm so busy. I get to the gym and see Steven's car already in the lot. He always leaves after me for work but usually works later than I do so I'm a little surprised to see he's already there. I also spot David's car, which is normal so I don't think anything of it. Looking around inside I spot Steven who just points to the locker room so I go directly there. I get undressed hanging up my suit and change into my workout clothes. Going out on the floor I begin my workout. I'm disappointed that Steven doesn't come over but he usually doesn't. He likes to work out on his own. Even in High School he always worked out solo while the rest of us grouped together. I have to remember that about him. He's more of a loner than I am and I have to remember to give him time and space and not be needy.

David stops by to chat as usual. "He's happy." He says flipping his head toward where Steven is. I smile at the compliment. "He says you've been really trying." I confirm that I have. "You're doing good." He tells me from his own perspective. "You're really looking good too. I'm going to put together a different workout regimen for you shooting for a little more definition." I thank him for his efforts as he walks away.

I go through my workout with an eye on Steven and David just to see what they're up to. I watch as David goes to Steven and obviously has something to tell him. They both look in the same direction and I follow their gaze to see them looking at the guy who hassled me in the shower yesterday. They both walk toward him and I hope they're not going to cause any trouble. They talk to him for a couple of minutes glancing in my direction. Steven walks him off the floor as David comes back to me. "Let's go", he says and I follow him toward the back where Steven had headed.

We walk into what is obviously the locker room for the employees. Steven and the guy are both standing there. As soon as I walk in Steven commands me, "Get your fucking clothes off!" I strip down in front of the three of them. I'm so embarrassed with my crotch waxed hairless and the stupid chastity device still locked in place. I look down at the floor as the guy inspects me. "Drop to all fours." Oh fuck! I get down on all fours in front of them. Steven uses his foot to pull one of my as cheeks back to expose my hole to this guy.

"Get in the fucking shower. You stink like the pig you are." I'm all sweaty from working out. Of course I stink. I go to get up and he kicks me in the side. "Crawl." I crawl into the shower and he turns the water on for me. He makes it hot, very hot! Not enough to scald me but hotter than is comfortable. I'm made to remain kneeling on the floor to shower.

The guy peels out of his clothes as Steven and David watch. He steps into the shower and adjusts the water so it's comfortable to him. I remain kneeling as he steps under the water to wet himself. "Clean his feet." I'm told. I reach for the soap. "No. Use your tongue." The guy leers down at me with a mocking grin on his face. I lower myself down and lick both of his feet clean. The guy is a real prick and makes me lick his feet over and over instructing me to get between his toes. "Now his balls." His balls are big and hairy. They're hanging loose in his sack because of the heat of the water. I lick them. I take them in my mouth and suck them. I lick them more. "Now clean his ass." Dammit. This keeps getting worse. He turns around and I look pleadingly at Steven. His face tells me there'll be no mercy. I lick out the guys crack from the base of his balls to the small of his back. I probe his hole with my tongue and I'm relieved that it's not funky. I swirl my tongue around his hole and feel his sphincter respond to the stimulation.

David steps into the shower and fills his hand with the liquid soap, and smears it all over my face. I close my eyes to protect them from the soap. He pushes my face into the guys crack and rubs it up and down. This is beyond humiliating. He's literally using my face like an ass wipe to clean this guy's crack. I keep my eyes closed as he pulls my head away for a second. Its obvious the guy turned around because now he rubs my face across the guy's crotch making me clean his cock and balls with my face. I can feel his raging hard on wiping across my face and lips. He lets go and I'm told to keep doing it on my own. This is always worse. It's much more humiliating to have to do something without being forced. I wipe my face back and forth across his cock and up and down his balls. The guy himself finally steps away and pushes my face under the water to get the soap off.

"Now clean my pits with your tongue." I rise up and lick out his armpits. The hair there is soaking wet and it disgusting to be licking out a stranger's hairy pits. I do one then the other. "Blow me." He pushes me back down to my knees and pushes his big dick into my mouth. He fucks my face holding my ears and pumping me up and down his shaft. He pushes in deep making me gag as his cock slams into the back of my throat. I can see Steven and David watching, and the outline of their engorged cocks in their gym shorts. I feel his cock head swelling and know he's getting close. I work him harder because I'm ready for this to end. His balls pull up tight in their sack and his breathing becomes more ragged. Finally he moans in pleasure as he fires his load directly into my mouth. His cum is wet and liquidy. I swallow it all without spilling any. I get back on all fours as they talk as if I'm not even there. The guy thanks both Steven and David as he finishes drying off and dressing. He leaves without saying a word to me.

I'm still on all fours dripping wet in the shower. They're both just chatting away about nothing as I stay there dripping wet. Finally, Steven throws my gym shorts onto the wet shower floor getting them all wet. Grabbing the rest of my stuff he tells me to go empty my locker without getting dressed and meet him back at his house. I pull on my wet shorts and have to walk across the floor to the regular locker room. My face is beet red as I walk through practically naked and dripping wet. I can feel everyone looking at me like "what the fuck is he doing".

Walking into the locker room I can see the guy I just sucked is in there telling his friends about what just happened. They all look at me laughing when I enter. "Here's the cock sucker now. He used his fucking face to wash my ass. I'm telling you this fucking pig is as low as they come." They all laugh and make fun of me. I step around him and gather my stuff from my locker without saying anything. As I'm walking out he gets in a final shot. "I hope you liked it because you're going to be doing it again. I'll see you Saturday." That stops me in my tracks and I look at him in utter despair. He gives me the finger. I take a deep breath and leave.

Getting back to Steven's I find him lying naked in bed with a raging hard on and stroking his cock. I kneel naked beside the bed and watch him. My cock swells as big as it can in the stupid chastity device. I want to suck him off. I want to cum! I'm so fucking horny and watching him is only making it worse. He jerks off slow and easy barely touching his dick. The pre-cum is flowing down his shaft and he's using it as lube to lightly slide his fingers along the length of his dick. I ease closer and he immediately stops me. "You already sucked dick tonight. I won't take sloppy seconds." FUCK! He made me do it and now he's punishing me for it. That's not fair. I can see the pleasure he takes in my frustration as he continues to jerk himself off. He closes his eyes as his muscles begin to spasm. His hand is barely moving on his dick as he slowly stretches out his own orgasm. His load shoots across his stomach and onto his chest. He fires several good shots before his orgasm wanes and he's left with cum hanging from his dick. He lays there a couple of minutes before telling me to lick him clean. I do it. I lick every bit of his cum off of him.

Patting the sheets he tells me settle in bed beside him. He holds me tight and spoons me from behind. "You were very good today. I'm very proud of you. I'm sorry you couldn't cum. You must be so horny and frustrated." His hand goes down to my crotch and cups around the chastity device. It's so much more frustrating this way. I want to feel his hand around my cock. He pulls on the plastic jerking my genitals around inside of it. "Do you want to cum?" My hopes soar.

"Oh yes Sir. Please. Please let me cum." His hands roam across my body. He turns my head toward his and we kiss. He's gentle and affectionate. My cock is pulsing in the confine of its cage. It actually aches as it tries to get hard. His hand is teasing the hairless and sensitive skin on my pelvis. His mouth goes down on my nipple. My cock twitches and spews out some pre-cum. I moan low and soft. "Please may I cum? Please. I promise you I'll keep behaving. Please."

"Oh baby, I love you so much. I feel so bad for you." His kiss is deep. My hope is soaring that he'll take it off and let me cum. I'm so sure of it I let myself go and sink into the lust of his kiss. "No baby, not tonight." My heart sinks. I'm desperate.

I practically sob. "Oh please, please let me cum. I'm so close already. Please."

"I'm so sorry. It's my fault. I just wanted to be near you. I shouldn't have done that. You were being so good and I pushed it and now you're misbehaving." I immediately stiffen. "You know you gotta be punished for that. I feel really bad about it but you know the rules." I feel all the wind go out of my lungs as he gets out of bed. He comes back in carrying a flogger. "Sorry babe, but it's gotta be this way. You have to learn it's not about you and your pleasure it's about me and my pleasure. I wanted to be close and snuggle with you tonight but you ruined it because you don't have enough self-control. We agreed that your punishment would be quick and severe to help you learn your lessons. Now roll over on your stomach." I obediently do it. The flogger lands hard on my back. I cringe from the pain. "I think twenty of those will teach you well." I bury my face in the sheets as he lands twenty good whacks across my back, ass, and thighs. The pain is deep but not excruciating. I know it could be much worse and appreciate his going relatively easy on me.

"Now go sleep on the floor of the guest room. No dinner for you. No pillow, no blanket. Lights out immediately. I want you to think about how you fucked this up for both of us tonight." Shit! After all that I don't even get to sleep with him. I tell him how sorry I am.

"I know you are. I forgive you. This was partly my fault. You weren't ready. You don't have enough self-control yet and you're still not ready to make this commitment to me. I'm disappointed but I'm not giving up. I know you're trying and I'm being as patient as I can. I've got to remember not to be so easy on you. It's just making it harder for both of us, and slowing down the whole process. I'll try harder, I promise. Now go to the guest room and don't come out again."

I crawl into the guest room and stretch out on the carpeted floor with no pillow, sheets, or blanket. It's not too uncomfortable. I'm still horny as hell and my balls are aching like they're going to explode and my cock is all irritated from being wet with pre-cum and rubbing against the sides of the plastic encasing them. I'm so mad at myself for fucking up. I could be lying with him in bed right now instead of here by myself. I feel so bad that he's going to be sleeping alone again. I promise myself to try even harder.

I feel lonely as I hear him go back downstairs. I can tell from the noise that he's fixing himself dinner. The doorbell rings and I hear John and Craig come in. I can hear the three of them in the dining room talking as they eat. The food smells great and I realize I'm starving. I hope they come up after dinner. I certainly wouldn't mind blowing them. It would be much better than lying awake up here by myself. Lots of time passes. I hear them watching the game on TV. I'm dozing by the time I hear them leaving. Listening to Steven coming up the stairs I hope against hope that he comes in to get me or at least say goodnight. He doesn't.

He nudges me awake with his foot. "You have fifteen minutes to be down in the kitchen." He walks out of the room without another word. I rush through showering, shaving, and brushing my teeth. I run down to the kitchen and drop to my knees as seems to be the morning routine. I assume the most submissive position I can and make sure to keep my eyes down at the floor. He ignores me as he prepares breakfast. I stay silent waiting for him to tell me what to do. The food smells great. My stomach growls really loudly breaking the silence, and he laughs breaking the tension that was hanging in the air. At least I know he's not still angry with me.

"You must be starving."

"I am, Sir."

"You brought it on yourself."

"I know, Master. I'm really sorry." I'm relieved that we're talking.

"Stand next to the table and spread your legs." I obey him. "Now bend over and place just your chin on the edge of the table." I do as I'm told. It's not very comfortable and I'm embarrassed that my butt is exposed to him. I'm figuring I'm about to be spanked before breakfast. "Put your hands behind your back." He slaps on a pair of handcuffs securing my hands. I'm trying to prepare myself mentally for either a spanking, paddling, or belting. Instead he places a stack of pancakes dripping with hot syrup and butter with breakfast sausages in front of my face. He puts his plate down and sits across from me. He looks me right in the eye as he takes his first bite. I don't say a word as I continue to watch him eat. This position is growing increasingly uncomfortable but I make sure not to squirm.

He's eaten about half his food when he asks, "Are you going to ask me to let you eat?"

"No, Sir."

"Why not?"

"If you wanted me to eat you would tell me to, Sir."

"But you're hungry?"

"Yes, Sir."

"So do you think I should let you eat?"

I want to eat so badly but I know what's right. "No, Sir."

"Why not, boy?"

"Because it's not about me, Sir. It's about what you want, Sir."

"Good boy." His smile is huge! He reaches across and tousles my hair. "Now you're getting it. I see I have to be stricter with you for you to learn. I guess I'm learning to." He takes another bite of food still looking me right in the eye. A wicked look flashes across his eyes. "Go ahead and eat." He sits back to watch me. How the hell am I supposed to eat like this? I'm bent over the table with my hands handcuffed behind my back. "I said eat!"

It's hard to even pick my chin up off the table after being in this position so long. It's hard to balance myself as I take a bite out of the stack of pancakes getting syrup all over my face. He takes another bite with his knife and fork as I dive in for more. It really tastes good and I'm starving. "You have to understand we're not equals. Even if I'm treating you as an equal or being really easy on you it's up to you to remember that we're never equals and I can take it back anytime I want to."

"Yes, Sir." I take another bite as he continues talking.

"And the reason we're not equals is because deep down you really like this. You like to be tormented and tortured, humiliated and degraded. Don't you?" His words hit like a blow to my gut. I know deep down that he's right but hearing it is hard to take. "Admit it. Tell me you like it."

"I admit it, Sir. I like it... I need it." I stop eating and rest my chin back on the table. My whole mouth is a sticky mess and I'm suddenly very aware of it and what I must look like.

"Good boy. Then we both get what we want because I like to torment you. I like punishing you. I like telling you what you can and can't do. I like humiliating and degrading you. I like making you suck cock. I like fucking you up the ass and watching other men fuck you up the ass. I like seeing you on your knees, crawling, kissing real men's feet just for the privilege of being in our company." He let's the words settle in. "How's that make you feel."

I struggle with my emotions. I struggle with the truth. He patiently waits and watches the struggle in my eyes. I take a deep breath before I answer quietly resigned to the truth. "Horny Sir. Very horny. It's such a fucking turn on for me."

He smiles again. "That's why I love you. We're perfect for each other. I'm so fucking turned on right now." He stands and I can see his raging hard on beneath his jeans. He opens them and pulls his cock and balls out. He reaches out, grabs a glob of butter, and rubs it on his dick jerking it off. Stepping behind me and grabbing my hips he pushes it up my ass. He's holding me tight but my face is still sliding back and forth on the table smearing butter and syrup all over me. I push my face against the surface to prevent banging into it. He fucks me from behind hard and fast. I feel his pelvis slamming into my ass cheeks as he fucks me hard. I struggle to keep the position. My wrists strain against the handcuffs. He pushes in deep and hard as his cum shoots into the depths of me. He stays inside for a short time before pulling out. I go to stand and he pushes me back down. "Don't you dare move. This is a pleasure for me and a punishment for you."

Just at that moment there's a knock at the door. Opening it Steven lets David in. David is quick to comment, "Great position! Perfectly fuckable."

"Go at it." Steven tells him. "He doesn't have to leave for another half an hour."

"A deal too good to pass up!" He steps behind me as he opens his pants. His cock is already hard and I'm already lubed. Steven steps to the other side of the table to watch. He takes three strokes to push it all the way inside me. His cock is fatter than Steven's. Much thicker, really. He fucks me slow and steady. He eases in and out. He takes his time. He builds slowly toward a powerful orgasm so strong that I can feel it inside me. I don't change my position when he pulls out. I'm so fucking uncomfortable. My legs are sore as hell. Steven serves David coffee and they talk about my new workout routine, which is why David came by in the first place. David asks why I don't do the serving.

"His purpose is to suffer and submit. Give him more purpose than that and he'll think he has value." Giving me a smack across the ass Steven tells me to go get ready for work. I thank him and run up the stairs. I put on my best suit. Not because I have anything real important going on today but because I really liked Steven's reaction yesterday. I rush back down to the kitchen and catch his immediate reaction to the sight of me, which is all pleasure. I spread my legs and put my hands behind my back.

David says, "He should be beaten just for looking that good."

"I like the way he looks, but he'll be beaten for his pride." I exhale and look down at the floor knowing I've been busted. I whisper an apology. "It's okay. This is the last day you're getting away with not going to the gym before work. In fact, take the day off from the gym and come straight home tonight."

"Thank you, Sir. Would you like me to take care of dinner?"

"No. You clean the bathrooms. I'll take care of dinner. Now go." He kisses me on the lips and pats my ass as I leave. David says goodbye and I reply calling him Sir.

Steven and David continue their conversation. David asks how it's going.

Steven replies, "Really well. I just keep him off balance. I reel him in and then slam him. He keeps trying harder and harder. He can handle the punishments; it's the lack of approval he can't handle. He can't stand to fail or lose at anything. I bring him into the winner's circle and then humiliate him and throw him out again and then he does all he can to get back in."

"Do you think he can keep it up?"

"Yeah, definitely. I can read him. When he's getting discouraged I shower him with attention and compliments. I tell him I love him. Show him some kindness. It goes a long way. Then I can push him down again. He has some great limits. I can push him really low."

"Do you love him?"

"Yeah! I really do. I know he loves me too."

"Yeah he does. The look in his eyes when he looks at you is awesome. He smiles at the mention of your name."

"I know. I use it against him all the time!" They both laugh. "Seriously, I can get him to do almost anything to please me. If he even hesitates I back off and send him away. When he comes back he's putty in my hands. Last night I made him sleep in the guest room and this morning he took everything I dished out with absolutely no hesitation or complaint."

"Thanks for the fuck by the way. He's one sweet piece of ass."

"I told you, Man, anytime. That's what he's there for. I don't care if you just come over to use him and leave. Bring more of your friends. The more the merrier. Your set up last night was hot, making him serve the guy who humiliated him the day before! That was genius of you. What's the sense of having a slave if you don't use him."

"You're cool for sharing him like that. Thank you."

"No thanks necessary. I get off on it. I'm having the time of my life here. Meeting Michael and you is the best thing that's happened in a long time. Life was getting kind of boring. It's much more exciting again." This story in not completely fictional. Nor is it the truth and nothing but the truth. The names have definitely been changed to protect the guilty. We are all disease free and stay that way by protecting ourselves whenever we play with anyone but each other. Descriptions of unprotected sex are fictional because I'm imaginative and not stupid.

You know the rules... Don't read this if you're a minor or are offended by gay or BDSM expression. Don't even think about reproducing or publishing it without my permission. Remember, I have sadistic friends who like to punish people! <>

"Is he ready for tomorrow? Will he be able to handle it?"

"Definitely. He has no idea what's coming. He's psyched for Saturday thinking that's the test and I'm leaving it that way. This way he won't be nervous about tomorrow and then he'll be nervous as hell worrying about what's gonna happen on Saturday. Let him sweat it. He'll be on his best behavior."

"I'd better get to work."

"Yeah and I've still got to get ready."

They say their goodbyes and go their separate ways.

Thanks again for the great response! Thank you to those who are sending suggestions and helping develop the characters more. It's fun writing.... it's more fun when I hear from the people reading the story! Thank you for making the whole experience better!


Next: Chapter 19

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