Pool Table and My Balls

By NiteSearcher2000

Published on Dec 24, 2005


This story in not completely fictional. Nor is it the truth and nothing but the truth. The names have definitely been changed to protect the guilty. We are all disease free and stay that way by protecting ourselves whenever we play with anyone but each other. Descriptions of unprotected sex are fictional because I'm imaginative and not stupid.

You know the rules... Don't read this if you're a minor or are offended by gay or BDSM expression. Don't even think about reproducing or publishing it without my permission. Remember, I have sadistic friends who like to punish people! <>


"Wake up." It takes me a second to focus on Steven's voice and figure out where I am. I look up to see him peering over the side of the bed looking at me. I can't help but smile at his face. "You'd better get moving so you're not late. Go shower. I'll make us something to eat. That way you'll have enough time to go home to get your clothes for work before you go to the gym. After work, grab some clothes to keep here and come back. We'll have dinner together tonight and you can stay here." I'm thrilled at the thought!

I shower, brush, and shave as quickly as I can and go down to the kitchen to join him. I'm overwhelmed with his thoughtfulness and that he's making breakfast for us. I'm also embarrassed at being naked. I'm feeling really good and he's obviously in a good mood so I ask, "Would it be okay if I put something on?"

"No. Don't ever ask me again. If I want you to have something on I'll tell you. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sir. I'm sorry." I'm a little put down by his answer but quickly get over it.

His mood remains light. I enjoy the eggs and toast he made for us. It feels so good to be starting my day with him and I already know we're doing it again tomorrow. I move to clear the table when we've finished eating and he joins me in cleaning up. Together we get it done in no time.

"Come upstairs with me. I have something for you." My heart soars at the thought of a gift from him. I follow him up the stairs. "Lie down on the bed, face up." I follow his direction and lie on the bed. He pulls a CBC2000 chastity device out of its box. Shit! I don't want to wear one of those. He roughly grabs my cock and balls and secures the base around them locking it in place. Then he stuffs my cock down the tube part and squeezes my big balls into the cup part. He locks it in place. "This stays on from now on." My heart sinks. "Get up. Look at it in the mirror." I do. I hate it! It's uncomfortable. I hate the idea of having to sit down to piss. I hate that I won't even be able to touch my own dick. I take a deep breath.

"Sir, can we talk about this?"


Shit! I hate this fucking thing! I drop to my knees, "Please, please can we discuss this?"

"At the risk of really pissing me off, is it worth it?"

"I'm sorry Sir, but why? You said I've been behaving."

"It has nothing to do with that." I wait but he has nothing else to say.

"I don't understand." My voice is on the verge of tears.

"Obviously you don't. Your cock and balls are not for your pleasure. They're for my pleasure. I own them." His voice is calm and steady.

"I don't jerk off without asking you." I'm still on the verge of tears.

"Damn good thing." He crosses his arms. I can tell he's losing patience.

"I'll have to piss sitting down."

"Rightfully so." His voice has an edge but this is very important to me.

"I won't be able to wash."

"Water will run through it. I'll take it off of you periodically for a good cleaning."

My desperation is growing. Tears start to roll down my face. "How will I explain it to everyone."

"Not my problem."

I have no real argument left. "It's so uncomfortable. I don't think I can stand it."

"That's it! I've had enough of your bullshit! I'll show you a discomfort you can't stand." Pushing me forward onto all fours he grabs his hairbrush off the dresser and whacks it across my ass. Oh fuck it hurts! He hits me a bunch more times until I'm begging. I tell him over and over how sorry I am and that I'll be good. I beg him to stop. I promise to be good for him. I can't help but crawl into the corner. Every instinct makes me move away from him hitting me. He stops when I reach it. I'm sobbing. "Kneel there with your face in the corner. Put your knees against the wall. Clasp your fucking hands behind your back." My ass is on fire and this position is hard as hell to maintain. He rubs the hairbrush straight down my crack and it hurts like a motherfucker as it scrapes across the tender flesh of my hole. I sob out another apology. I beg for forgiveness.

"I see what you did. As soon as I lightened up on you, you fucked up. You make it so much harder for both of us. Do you think you've been punished enough or do you deserve more?"

Oh fuck... What am I supposed to say to that? "More, Sir. I know I deserve more. I'm really sorry." I'm still fighting the tears.

Pushing me tightly against the wall he wails on my ass with the hairbrush a bunch more times. My hands move instinctively to cover my ass and he hits them with the brush as well.

Finally it's over. He stops. I stay there trembling and sobbing. "Turn around. Look at me." I turn to see him sitting on the edge of the bed. "Do you still want to come here tonight?"

"Yes, Please."

"I don't know. I'm not sure I want you to anymore after the crap you just pulled."

Oh man! I can't believe I've fucked it up. I was really looking forward to spending the night with him again. "I'm really sorry. I know I fucked up but you've punished me for it and I've learned my lesson. Please let me come tonight. Please. I promise I'll behave."

"No more whining or complaining?" I promise I won't do either. "Complete obedience. No questioning what I say?" Again, I promise not to. The silence hangs there.

"Please..... Please give me another chance. Please." I beg him.

"Okay. You've wasted the morning so after work go to the gym and do a full workout. Make sure you shower there. Then go home, gather your things, and come here. There will be no television, no radio, no computer, and no telephone. I want your undivided attention. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir."

"Now get the fuck out of here before we're both late."

I hurry to dress and leave. As I'm walking out the door he grabs me and pulls me into an awesome kiss. I melt into his arms. He holds me tight. "Listen, I don't want what happened this morning to ruin tonight. I know you're going to fuck up sometimes. The punishment will be quick and severe. Don't fuck up tonight. Please don't fuck up. I want to have a good night together." I promise him I won't. More importantly, as I leave I make a commitment to myself to be good, real good. I want to please him. I wince in pain as I get into my car. My ass hurts like hell! It's so sore! I'd better be good; I sure as shit don't want another spanking like that anytime soon. I'm very aware of my crotch with my cock and balls packed away in the hard plastic of the chastity device. I think about how stupid I was to complain. I'm still stuck wearing it and all I did was get myself a wicked beating and piss him off.

I'm painfully aware of my ass every time I move. I'm also totally aware of my dick throughout the entire day. I must make a dozen trips to the bathroom just to look at it. It's like I can't believe it's locked up inside this stupid thing, I really want to touch it. I never realized the sense of satisfaction I got just from holding it to piss. Even though I stopped jerking off without permission a long time ago I admit I still stroked it hard sometimes. Now, there's no way I can even touch it and there's also no way for it to become erect inside it. I hate sitting to piss especially since my ass is still so sore. Now I understand the old threat of being spanked so hard you can't sit for a week. I also have no way of shaking the last few drops out so I dribble every time I piss. I put my handkerchief under the small opening to catch the dribble. It's like "being on the rag." I find myself thinking about jerking off a lot. The best I can do is a semi and I have one most of the day.

I change quickly into my workout clothes at the gym without anyone seeing my jewels locked into the chastity device. I notice a couple of guys checking out my crotch as I'm working out and realize it's because the device makes my package look really big. I start to get hard thinking about it but the devise stops me from rising to full attention. It gets so much more uncomfortable when I'm getting hard. I do a full workout as I was told.

I quickly peel off my clothes and wrap a towel around myself to get to the shower. Once there I have no choice but to remove the towel and get in with the couple of other guys there. They both look down at my crotch. One of them asks, "What the fuck is that?" I blush with embarrassment.

"It's a chastity device." I answer softly trying not to attract any more attention.

He moves in closer to get a better look. The other guy is right next to him. Staring at it in disbelief he asks, "What the fuck did you do to deserve this?" I don't know what to say. I really didn't do anything to deserve it. I decide that's the best answer.

"I didn't do anything. My..." What do I call him? "My boyfriend likes me to wear it." I tell him sheepishly.

"Well, if he makes you wear it he obviously doesn't trust you so you must be a fuck up." The other guy nods his agreement. A couple of other guys are moving in to see what's up. I feel myself getting defensive.

"I don't have to wear it because I fuck up. It's because .... Well it's because he likes to have control." I know my explanation sounds lame. Collectively they move forward and I take a step back.

"I've got this routine. You're a fucking pussy who does what he's told by his master. The chastity device, the fucking marks across your ass, the bruises, you're just a pussy boy. You're some guy's cunt. He steps closer. The others hang back. I take another step away from him. "Admit it cunt. Tells us what you are."

"I'm his bitch." I admit it.

"You're more than just a bitch. Aren't you? Tell us what you really are."

"I'm his slave." I look down at the shower floor.

"Well I don't mess with someone else's shit but tell your master that if he's interested I'd be into using your mouth or your ass for my pleasure. You'd have no problem with that would you cunt?" I don't answer. "In fact, you'd like to blow us all wouldn't you?" Again I have no answer for him. "Cause that's what slaves are for aren't they?" I just stand there. "Answer me bitch. That's what slaves are for, right?"

"Yes... sir. That's what slaves are for." They walk away laughing.

I hurry to get dressed, rush home to gather my things and run over to Steven's. I park in the driveway and go around to the back door. Stripping out of my clothes, I take a deep breath and walk in naked through the kitchen door to find him there cooking dinner. He's drop dead gorgeous in an old and well-worn pair of jeans. I immediately drop to my knees assuming a submissive position. I really want to please him. He snaps his fingers at me and points to the floor by his feet. I crawl to him and bow before him placing my forehead between his bare feet. He slides his foot under me and I kiss his foot, then the other one to show him both affection and respect. "Good boy." He says as he rubs his foot across my face.

"David called and said you had a problem at the gym but you handled it really well. Are you okay?" I can hear the concern in his voice.

"I'm fine, Sir. How did David know?"

"He was watching out for you. Did those guys scare you?"

"No Sir. I may be a slave but I'm no wimp. I could have handled them if it came to that, but it didn't."

"With all you've been working out and the way I'm controlling what you eat you're really looking good. I wouldn't want to mess with you if I didn't know you." His smile tells me how proud of me he is and I can't help but feel really good about everything. "Go put your stuff away in my bedroom. I've made room in the closet and the dressers. You've got about fifteen minutes before dinner."

I hurry to do what I've been told. I'm amazed at how much room he made for me and I'm thinking I should have brought more of my things. He obviously expected me to bring more than I did. Finishing up I head back down to the kitchen and kneel in the doorway awaiting instructions from him. He hands me things to put on the dining room table, which is beautifully set for two. My heart swells with appreciation.

I jump when the doorbell rings. "Get that." Is all he says to me. I hesitate a split second and glance at my own nakedness but his look tells me to obey without question. I take a deep breath and go to open the door finding David. He steps right in and looks me over.

Steven's loud voice startles me from behind, "Get on your fucking knees and show him your respect." I drop to my knees, bow before David, and kiss his feet to welcome him. Steven lands several solid cracks across my ass with a wooden spoon as I'm kissing David's feet. "Now I know you won't forget next time." He's right, I won't. "Go kneel in the corner of the Dining Room like I taught you this morning." Oh fuck! I crawl into the dining room on all fours and kneel facing the corner. I put my knees against the baseboard and my nose in the corner with my hands behind my back. I had no idea it would be so uncomfortable or hard to maintain until he made me do it this morning.

I can hear them behind me as they finish putting the food on the table. They sit to eat what I thought was going to be our dinner. I'm miserable. This position is so fucking uncomfortable, I'm starving, and I'm totally bummed that I'm not part of the dinner. They totally ignore me till they're done. Placing a plate of their scraps on the floor, Steven tells me to eat it. I'm so grateful to be out of the corner and so hungry that I'm grateful for what he's given me even though I have to eat it like a dog would. "I cooked, you clean." He tells me laughing as they go into the living room and put on the television. I finish eating and clean up the dining room and the kitchen reminding myself to watch my attitude and not let on that I'm disappointed and a little pissed.

Finishing up, I enter the living room and before I even have a chance to drop to my knees he commands, "In the corner, boy." FUCK! I assume the position again. It's uncomfortable and boring but I try to keep still and don't complain in any way. Again, I jump when the doorbell rings. Following his order, I don't hesitate this time as I open the door, but nearly die of embarrassment to find a woman holding a duffle bag at the door. I panic not knowing what to do but Steven is quick to step in and snap his fingers and point to the floor. I'm totally confused but follow his command and drop to my knees. It's obvious David knows her as she steps right in walking around me as they greet each other.

"Is this him?" She asks looking down at me.

"It. He's not a real man so it's just an it, not a him." David explains and I shrink in humiliation.

"What's that on..." she hesitates getting used to things, "it's genitals?"

Steven explains, "It's not a real man so they have no purpose to anyone. Since it doesn't need them, I keep them locked up to keep them out of the way and as a reminder of its place in the scheme of things."

I feel the color rising in my face as I blush bright red in total humiliation. She continues, "It's obviously been ... What? Spanked? It's got some bruising."

"Yep. If it forgets its place, it gets punished. Discipline is quick and memorable. It rarely makes the same mistake twice." He ruffles my hair which for some reason only makes the humiliation deeper.

"So what are we going to do with it tonight?" Oh Fuck!!! My mind is racing. What the fuck is she talking about?

"All we use it for is butt fucking." He says to her. To me he says, "Bend over! Ass in the air." In total despair I obey him bending over and lifting my ass up in the air. "I want all this gone." I have no idea what he's talking about and my anxiety level is growing by the second.

She answers, "Okay. No problem. Where are we doing this?"

"In the garage. Everything is set up there." I'm made to crawl in front of them as they walk to the garage. I can't help but think about that they're watching my ass as I crawl on all fours. There's no graceful way of doing it. It's not something you can take any pride in. I'm even more humiliated when I see what's out there. They have a modified saw horse set up and I'm made to bend over it. My wrists are attached to the two front legs and my ankles are secured to the two back legs leaving me bent in half and spread eagle with my ass in the air.

I don't know what she's doing because I can't see her and she's moving about quietly. I'm totally confused until I feel the intense heat of something being applied to my ass cheek. I know immediately that she's going to wax my ass to remove all the hair. I'm not very hairy at all on my butt so I don't know why they're bothering. The pain shoots through me as she rips off the first strip. I yelp in pain before I catch myself and they all laugh at me. She drops the strip on the floor in front of me and I can't believe how much hair has been ripped off. She does the next one, and the next, and the next, and on and on. It hurts more each time. It hurts more as she gets to my crack and all around my asshole. I scream as she does my perineum. That sacred and sensitive stretch from my asshole to my balls causes me to scream out like never before. That gets me a real sharp crack across my ass from Steven as a reminder to behave. She does a little more and I suffer in silence. They rub their hands across my ass and comment on how smooth it is.

"Do it?" She asks? Do what I wonder.

"If you're okay with it." Steven responds.

"I'm okay with it." She responds. "I do it to women all the time. It will be fun to do it to a man for once." Oh fuck no! I fill with dread as I put it together in my head. I'm begging silently hoping I'm wrong.

"Well, it's not really a man but I get your point." They release me from the sawhorse and make me lie back on the bondage table. I'm begging with my eyes but don't dare say anything. My legs are tied apart and down to the table. My arms are tied behind my head. Silent tears streak down my face. Steven tells David, "Hold its head up and make it watch. I want it to see its manhood stripped away." A single sob escapes me. David holds my head tight between his hands so I can't turn away. She uses the wooden stick and applies the wax along the top of my left thigh along my pelvic crease. She then presses the fabric into the wax. With no hesitation at all she rips it off in a single smooth pull and I howl in pain. This isn't fun and it sure as shit isn't sexual or sensual. This just hurts. Not just physically but my pride as well.

"Its just part of the price you pay for being a boy." Is Steven's explanation as he stuffs a rag into my mouth as a gag. She continues with what I thought was going to be a bikini wax, but she takes it all off. Oh fuck! Every fucking hair is gone from my crotch. I can't fucking believe it! I never imagined he'd do this to me. I can't even think about what I'm going to do at the gym. I've never felt this naked or embarrassed before. I'm hoping she's done. What else can they do? I look at the hair on my chest and stomach and say a silent prayer they let me keep it.

"This has to come off." She says. I'm thinking there goes my chest hair and I can't help but twist and squirm about, especially when I realize she's talking about the chastity device. I moan through the gag thinking about what might be coming.

Steven leans close. His voice is low but powerful telling me he means no nonsense. "You are one step away from the beating of your life if you don't get under control! Not one more sound! Not one more movement from you. I am just about out of patience. Don't make me discipline you in front of them." His stare is worse than his words. I give up. I resign myself to whatever is going to happen.

The device is removed and I can't help but think of the irony that right now I'd beg him to just put it back on. She applies the wax close to the base of my shaft and rips out what little hair remains. She does the other side and then around my balls. "Normally, I would never do anyone's sack because the skin is so tender there but he has so little hair I think it would be okay. I'm going to try it in small patches." Lucky me I think as I watch the hot wax applied to my balls. I can't tell you how degrading it is to know what's coming. I close my eyes as she presses the fabric in. She holds the skin of my ball sack in one hand and pulls with the other. Man, It hurts! "That works." She announces joyfully to them and continues to remove every hair from my scrotum. I'm thankful that I have almost no hair on my balls anyway. "I'm done. He might develop a slight rash over the next couple of days but it won't last. Warm baths will make it go away quicker if it happens. If you want to maintain this we should do it every three to four weeks. Do you want to set it up now or call me when you're ready?"

"We'll book it now." David answers. "I know how busy you are. You're the best!" He compliments her.

Untying my hands, Steven hands me my checkbook. "Sign this and say thank you." Everything is filled out and I can't fucking believe that I'm paying a hundred bucks to have this done to me. Still, I smile and thank her as I hand her the check. She thanks them as she leaves.

They stand me up to inspect me. They obviously really like the way it all looks. I say nothing as they talk about me like I'm not even there. He puts the chastity device back on and locks it in place again. "So, you ready to try it out?" Steven asks David.

"Sure." Is all he says.

They lay me in the sling hanging from the ceiling and secure my legs well up on the chain it's hanging from. My legs are wide open and they can see my whole crotch and ass in this position. They lube up my asshole and their dicks. Steven slowly slides his dick up inside me giving me time to open up and adjust to the invasion of my gut. "You're a perfect boy cunt now. You're smooth and clean like a little cunt should be. This is how I like my bitch. This is how you're going to be from now on. Try it out David." He pulls out of me and David pushes his cock up my ass in his place. He fucks me slow and steady for a while, and then pulls out and Steven does it again. They keep taking turns so it's taking each of them much longer to cum. They just keep switching off. As one gets close he pulls out and the other one takes their turn fucking me again while the other watches and squeezes or twists my nipples. An occasional slap somewhere or spitting in my face keep me on edge and humiliated more. I can't touch myself or get hard. Normally, this would be so fucking hot for me but I can't do anything but lie here and let them use my hole. Finally David pulls out and shoots a huge load of his thick white cum all over me. Without any hair I can feel his load on my skin. Steven pushes into me and fucks me hard until he's ready but also pulls out and shoots his creamy load on my crotch as well. I feel every drop and can even feel it trickle down between my legs.

They stand around and talk about how good a fuck I am now. Releasing me, Steven tells me to go shower and get in his bed. "No television, no radio, no reading. Lights out. I want you to think about living this way."

After my shower I lay in the dark but can't sleep. I think about everything that's happening. Do I want to live this way? That's the answer I have to come up with. It's quite a while till Steven joins me in bed. He wraps himself around me and pulls me close. He kisses me gently. He enters my mouth with his tongue and takes full possession of me. I melt under his touch and beneath his kisses. His voice is soft and gentle, "I love you. I love you so much. I've loved you forever and want to keep on loving you forever. It's all up to you, now. I want your obedience and your respect. I want to watch you squirm and suffer a million different ways and know that you're doing it just for me, to show me how much you love me back. I want to show you off and make you serve my friends to show them you'd do anything for me. You know what I want. The question is do you want to give it to me. Soon you have to decide. Either this is going to be forever or it has to end. I'm getting in too deep. I love you too much. Soon it will hurt too much to let you go. So, I'm asking you, do you want to stay for a lifetime?"

I take a deep breath and relax into him. I look deep into his eyes and wonder if my eyes tell him I love him like his eyes tell me that he loves me. "Yes, Sir." I answer softly and open my mouth for him to possess it again. He pushes me tight into the mattress and crawls on top of me pinning me to the bed. He pulls my head back hard by my hair and spits directly into my open mouth. He pulls my head back harder and raises his knee up into my crotch knocking the wind out of me. His hand smacks across my face, twice. He drops down and again invades my mouth with his.

We make out for a while. I'm so turned on by him. My whole body is screaming for sexual release. Every nerve I have is standing on end. He keeps switching from extreme tenderness to intense pain and it's bringing me to higher and higher heights. He pushes my face down to his crotch and I take his dick in my mouth. I suck him off as he fucks my face telling me over and over how much he loves me. I swallow every drop as he shoots his load into my mouth. He holds the back of my head so I can't pull off his softening dick and I feel him slowly drift off to sleep with his cock still in my mouth.

My own dick is fighting the confines of the chastity device. Pre-cum is pooling inside the tube. I want to cum so badly. I feel my crotch to see if there's any way I can stimulate myself enough to cum and I'm totally frustrated that I can't. I resign myself that this is how it is going to be and finally drift off to sleep.

Note: Hey guys! I know this story is taking a long time to write. Thank you for your patience. Writing this has opened up a lot of doors for me. It has definitely added new dimensions in my relationships! There is a lot more "play time" and experimentation to see if different things really work and what they feel like. Everything the sub in the story experiences has been done to me. That aspect of the story is true. I try to relate my feelings as I'd experienced them as well, but to be honest, I sink into a sub space as it's happening and have a hard time relating it when I'm not in that space. I hope you continue to enjoy the story. Your thoughts, suggestions and comments are greatly appreciated. I apologize that I've been a little lax in reponding of late but I have been severely punished for that (and some other things) and I will be more respectful and responsive from this point on.

Next: Chapter 18

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