Pool Table and My Balls

By NiteSearcher2000

Published on Nov 26, 2005


This story in not completely fictional. Nor is it the truth and nothing but the truth. The names have definitely been changed to protect the guilty. We are all disease free and stay that way by protecting ourselves whenever we play with anyone but each other. Descriptions of unprotected sex are fictional because I'm imaginative and not stupid.

You know the rules... Don't read this if you're a minor or are offended by gay or BDSM expression. Don't even think about reproducing or publishing it without my permission. Remember, I have sadistic friends who like to punish people! <>

Chapter 16

"You smell like ass crack and ball sac." Steven wakes me up by nudging me with his foot. "Lets get cleaned up and get the fuck out of here." I'm shocked that he helps me to clean up the dungeon. I scrub myself clean in the shower as he watches me. I have a number of welts and bruises from the night's activities. I can't help popping a boner with him staring at me like that. "You have any clothes in your car" He asks me. I shake my head no. His smile broadens, "I guess you just learned a valuable lesson, from now on you'll always have something packed in case you need it. You can ride home like that." Fuck! I'm buck ass naked!

"Sir, may I wrap the towel around me?"

"Is it your towel?"

"No, Sir, but I'll be sure to return it."

"Did you ask permission to borrow it?"

"I'm asking now, Sir."

"But it's not my towel, boy. I can't give you permission to use other people's things."

"But Sir, I can't go naked. What if someone sees me?"

"I don't see how that's my problem boy, but I'll get you something to wear." Back in the dungeon he grabs a leather collar with a leash attached and hands it to me. "Put this on and let's go." FUCK! My heart races as we move to the door. I'm glad to see that it's pitch black outside. I run to the car and get in as quickly as possible. Glancing at the clock in my car I see it's much earlier than I'd thought. Steven drives and it's weird to be riding naked in a car. My cock is rock hard again. "You are one sick fuck." He comments looking down at my hard on. My stomach tightens as we zip past what would have been the turn to either one of our houses.

"May I ask where we're going?"

"No." I sit in silence trying to figure it out. I know the cars next to us can see my collar and that I'm shirtless. I cover my crotch with my hands in an effort to hide the fact I'm naked. He drives to a place I've never been before in a seedy part of the city. I'm nervous as hell as he pulls up to a storefront. "Wait here." Is his command as he jumps out of the car and enters the place. I feel vulnerable and conspicuous alone and naked in the car. I wait for what seems like forever but is probably just a few minutes. I'm relieved when he comes back out. He says nothing as he gets back in, puts the car in gear, and pulls into an alley leading to the back of the same building. Looking at me intensely he asks, "Whatever I say. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sir." He comes around and opens my door. Grabbing the leash he pulls me out of the car. A chill runs through me as the night air hits my naked skin. I follow his lead into the place with my head down and my hands behind my back. There's a small bar crowded with guys sitting and standing around. I'm the only one naked. I'm certainly the only one on a leash. Steven confidently walks up to the bar and orders a beer.

As the bartender pours it he looks at me, "We don't serve slaves, whores, or pigs." I flush in embarrassment.

"Well that definitely lets him out then." Steven says with a laugh. I can feel guys looking and staring at me. My fucking rod is rock hard again.

The big guy next to us moves a bit closer. "It looks like he took a beating."

"No more than usual." Steven replies in a friendly voice. Introducing himself, they shake hands. Seeing his friendly way others relax and move closer around us.

"So what's his story?" The guy asks pointing to me.

"He's my bitch. End of story." Steven's smile and good humor come through and they all laugh.

"Nice piece of ass to own," another guy adds complimenting Steven.

Steven appears unfazed, "Just another piece of street meat." He says it casually as he takes another swig of his beer. "Want a piece of it?" He throws the question out to the guys standing there. My stomach sinks. They look at each other until the first guy says yeah. Then others join in. Steven points to the floor and I drop to my knees. He points to the crotch of the first guy who answered. "Suck his cock, Bitch." I open his pants and pull his cock out. Moving my mouth over it I wet him down with my spit and then slide his cock in my mouth. Using my hands to move his skin back and forth I jerk him off and blow him at the same time. Other guys take their dicks out and stroke them.

Grabbing me by the hair another guy pulls me off the cock I'm on and pushes my face down on his cock. "Suck my cock." He pushes me down on his dick and I go at it hungrily until someone else stakes his claim to my mouth. I'm passed around the circle jerk giving brief blowjobs. Each cock tastes and feels different. Some ooze pre-cum while others are dry. Some are uncut, but most are cut. I suck them all as I'm commanded to. "Suck them slave! It's all your good for. Suck their big dicks. All you are is a cock sucking cum dump."

One guys grabs my hair and pushes his cock in my mouth seconds before he shoots. My mouth fills with the tangy taste of his cum and it slides down my throat. Now that they know it's okay, they jerk off faster and harder until they're ready to dump their load and then they pull me over to shoot it directly into my mouth. "Drink all their cum cock sucker". A couple of guys shoot while I'm sucking down someone else and their scum lands on me. As I get tired Steven pushes my face into their crotches and smacks me hard across my ass. I must swallow a dozen loads before they're all done.

Staying on my knees I look up to Steven who's still comfortably nursing his beer. He looks pleased. A couple of guys offer to buy us beers. Looking at me Steven asks, "Thirsty?"

"Yes, Sir."

The bartender immediately responds, "I'm sorry, man, but I told you we don't serve slaves, whores or pigs." He places a beer in front of Steven, "This one for you is on the house though." That's like a kick to my gut. I look down feeling really low. Steven rubs my hair. I look up at him to find him smiling at me. I feel better instantly. He lowers his zipper and takes his dick out. "You can take a drink from me." Putting his dick in my mouth he pushes lightly and his flow of urine fills me up. I drink his whole bladder full of piss without spilling a drop. Putting his dick away he leans back to drink his beer. "You wanna play, you gotta pay." He slips his belt off. My ass is already so sore I dread what's coming. "Bend over the barstool." I whimper as I humiliate myself by bending over the barstool to be spanked in front of all these men. He lands ten good lashes that he makes me count out loud. He makes me kiss the belt and his hands as I thank him for punishing me in front of everyone. They make him promise to come back.

"That was fun." He winks to me as he says it. We head straight to his house. Pulling into the driveway he looks at me, "Nite Nite boy. Careful driving home."

As he reaches for the door handle I start begging and pleading that he not do this to me. He sits there smirking as he listens to me beg. He doesn't say a word and eventually I run out of steam. With the same stupid smirk he says, "I still don't see how any of this is my problem." I give up as he steps from the car. "I didn't hear you say thank you." I have no fight left.

"Thank you, Sir." I try to say it without any tone or attitude in my voice.

His smile broadens. "Good boy. You have no idea the beating you'd have gotten if you'd pulled an attitude with me. You just learned two important lessons. First, always have extra clothes packed and ready. Second, always watch your tone and attitude with me or you will fucking regret it. I won't ever tolerate another tantrum. Don't forget either lesson or you'll pay for it; and the price will be very high." Right in his driveway he drops his jeans and throws them in the backseat of the car. Winking, he turns and walks inside and I see he has on a pair of board shorts under his pants. I breathe a sigh of relief and take great comfort in knowing he planned on taking care of me all along.

I sleep soundly and awaken with the alarm. Looking at myself in the mirror I'm taken back by the number of welts I still have and my ass and thighs are covered in black and blues. I shower, dress to cover all my bruises, and meet John as is usual on Sunday mornings. After church we go to our usual place for breakfast and find Steven and Craig there waiting for us. John slips in the booth beside Craig and Steven slides out so I can sit on the inside of the booth.

Our usual waitress comes with a pot full of coffee and puts it on the table between us. After exchanging pleasantries she asks us what we want to eat. John orders first, then Craig, then Steven. Looking at me the waitress waits for my order. I'm starving but I don't know what to do. Finally, without permission to order anything, I tell her I'm just having coffee.

"When was the last time you ate?" Steven asks me.

"Last night, with you."

"You mean that shit from a can you had? That crap isn't something I'd give my dog to eat." Turning to the waitress he tells her, "He eats like shit. Please bring him two eggs with bacon, hash browns, toast, and an order of pancakes. If he doesn't eat it I'll beat the crap out of him."

"If he doesn't eat it I'll beat him myself." She says with a stern look of consternation and concern. "It's a good thing they watch out for you." They all nod with agreement as she walks away.

Craig asks, "What did you eat last night?"

I look to Steven before answering him. He nods so I tell him, "I had a can of dog food floating in your brother's piss." They make gagging sounds as Steven just laughs.

"Then I beat and tortured the crap out of him, literally. Then he sucked down about a dozen loads and got himself fucked up the ass by more than one."

"You fucking pig!" John says to me.

"You suck, man!" Craig adds. There's a brief silence until what he said sinks in and everyone breaks out laughing at the unintended pun.

I scoff down all my breakfast. I was ravenously hungry. The conversation is light and airy as we eat. Steven tells them about the club initiation he's facing next week. They're obviously interested but Steven won't share his plans. Even Craig says he'd like to see it as well as John. We linger over coffee. We all agree to all meet for Tennis at two.

We're both pretty tired and decide we need to take a nap. We head to Steven's place. I strip down as soon as we enter and drop to my knees. I don't want to piss him off. "Did you do that because you want to or because you're afraid of the consequences of fucking up?"

"Both, Master." It's an honest answer.

"Good boy". He rubs me gently behind the ear. "Crawl to my bed." He watches me from behind as I crawl up to his bedroom. It's awkward and embarrassing. I follow his motions and crawl onto his bed. He lies on top of me pinning me beneath him. He holds me tight confining me as much as possible. He covers my face with light rapid kisses and I shiver beneath him. "Keep behaving the way you have been. You've been very good since our talk last night. Now that I know what you're capable of I won't accept anything less from you. Do you get it?" I tell him I do. "Good because if I have to punish you for bad behavior it will be real punishment and it won't be fun for either one of us. Don't fuck it up! Don't!" I swallow hard and snuggle into him. I feel his weight as he falls asleep. I can't help but wonder at his warning. Eventually, I fall asleep beneath him.

We meet for tennis. We play elimination rounds. I easily beat John while Steven beats Craig. Switching partners, I beat Craig while Steven beats John. Steven and I face off. Steven looks me straight in the eyes. "Play your best game. Play to win." I do. I play the hardest and the best I've ever played. We go point for point. I don't win by skill. I win by endurance. I win by the ability to push myself harder and further.

After the game I drop to my knees as much in exhaustion as out of respect. I stay on my knees as he approaches. Looking down at me he says, "You played a really good game. I'm proud of you. You've always been my biggest challenge. You still are."

"You bring out the best in me. You always have."

"I'm going to continue to. I won't accept less than your best. Any time I think your giving less than your best you'll pay for it."

"Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir."

We all head back to Steven's. As soon as we enter his house I strip naked and drop to my knees as they get comfortable. Steven points to his feet. I crawl over to him and remove his sneakers and socks. I lick his sweaty feet and suck his toes. "We have guests. Do the same for them." I crawl over to Craig and remove his sneakers and socks as well. I lick his feet clean. I can't help but notice that he's popped a boner in his tennis shorts. Steven snaps his fingers and motions me over to John. John teases and taunts. He wipes his feet across my face. He pushes his toes into my mouth. He pulls them under his chair to make it harder for me to reach him. Steven just laughs along with him.

Stepping out of the room, Steven comes back carrying some rope. Finding the center of the rope he ties it tightly to my balls as I continue to lick John's feet. He pulls me backward by my balls until I've crawled to the center of the room. He ties my balls to each of my ankles. I'm bent tight and can't move without pulling on my balls. He continues with the length of rope to pull my wrists back between my knees and ties them to my ankles as well. My shoulders and face are plastered to the carpeted floor and I can't move without yanking my balls.

"You're still nothing more than a bitch." He places a ball crusher on my nuts and tightens it down. "Doom and gloom to your balls, boy. A cunt like you shouldn't even have balls. You certainly don't deserve any pleasure from them." He tightens it more and I moan and drop lower to the floor. The pressure and the pain radiate in all directions from my balls. I don't resist at all as he pushes a lubed finger up my asshole. Then two. Then three. I just resign myself to more discomfort as a dildo is pushed up inside of me. It's not bad until I feel him inflating it. It's an inflatable and he pumps it up slowly, but it keeps getting bigger up my ass. Between that and the ball crusher the pressure is tremendous and the pain is radiating everywhere. I'm miserable, totally miserable.

I hear him sit back down and use the remote to turn on the television. They settle in to watch some game show. I can't see the television and I'm frustrated and uncomfortable as all hell. They're laughing and calling out answers to the questions being asked. I just stay there and suffer silently. I jump when the phone rings. I can only hear Steven's side of the conversation. "Hey... Just watching some television, John and Craig are here... Yeah, the pig's here too. He's tied to his own balls while suffering from a ball crusher and a dildo up his ass... Yeah man, come over. Bring a couple of pizzas.... Yeah bring them if they want to come.... Okay, see you then." He hangs up the phone.

"Okay pussy boy, let's dress you up for company. I think you look good in red." I lie there wondering what's coming until I feel the lash of a flogger. The strands are light and thin and the sting is quick and biting. "Oh yeah, you'll redden up real good with this one. I can see the marks from every strand." He lands the flogger all across my back and my ass, concentrating a lot on my ass. I try to hold still to protect my balls. He rubs his hand across my burning hot ass, "Oh fuck yeah! Your ass is beet red and red hot." He lands a couple more for good measure.

Craig asks, "You still think you're hot shit because you won a couple of games of tennis? Show him whose boss bro." With his brother's encouragement he lands a few more strokes across my back. I whimper and cringe under the flogger. I lay there lightly crying when he stops. I'm so fucking uncomfortable. I just wish I could stretch out.

The doorbell rings and the door opens simultaneously. I see three sets of feet from my angle. I listen to their lude comments at my expense. They all check me out and comment on how red my ass and back are and also about the other bruises and welts I have.

One of the guys asks, "Why do you do this to him, man?"

"Because I can." Steven answers, "Because he deserves it." He talks slow and emphasizes his point. "Because he's just a fucking low life... cock sucking... ass licking... piss drinking... cum swallowing... ball kissing... foot worshipping... boy pussy.... and... because he likes it." He lets the words hang there. "In fact, he fucking begs for it. He comes back for it over and over again. Don't you boy?" His hand slaps hard across my aching ass! "Don't you boy?"

"Ohhhhh... Yes Sir... Thank You, Sir." I sob out my answer overwhelmed by the pain of his hand and the humiliation of his words. They all laugh and gather beers, plates and napkins and dig into the pizza David brought. I sink deeper into my misery. They seem to take forever to eat while I lay there suffering.

"Okay, I've eaten and now I want to fuck him." I recognize John's voice.

"Go ahead. I don't give a shit. It's what he's for." Steven says coolly. He steps up, lets the air out of the dildo, and pulls it out of my ass. "He's all ready for you."

John pulls out of his clothes and lubes up his cock stroking it rock hard. Kneeling on the floor behind me he slides his dick up my ass in one long, slow steady stroke. He's not as big as the dildo and I'm open for him. Wrapping his knees around my hips he fucks me in long slow strokes. He pushes deep into my ass. My balls ache as he pushes forward and my balls pull against my ankles. He keeps a slow and steady pace until he fires his load inside of me. The others watch intently.

"Are we taking turns?" One of the guys asks.

"You want a turn, take it." Steven tells him.

Pulling off his clothes he steps up behind me. Standing on either side of my ass he crouches down and pushes his cock into me a little at a time in slow, easy thrusts. His cock is fatter than John's but not as long. Oh man my fucking balls ache as he pushes into me. I can't help but whimper as he does it. It doesn't take long before he cums up my ass.

Craig speaks up, "I don't want to fuck him, but I'll take a blow job."

"I don't care which end you fuck." Steven is so easy going about it all. He unties my wrists allowing me to raise my face and shoulders off the carpet. I lower by balls down to my ankles but with the ball crusher on them there is not too much relief. Craig opens his pants and pulls his dick out in front of my face. I lick the tip until he's sporting a raging hard on. Then I attack his shaft deep throating him. He smells strong of ball sweat after playing tennis. His taste is very salty. I get into the feel of the ridge of his dick sliding across my tongue. I feel the head of his dick fill up and I know he'll cum soon. I use my tongue on the underside of his cock as he slides it in and out and I hear him let out a low, guttural moan. It only takes a couple of more strokes until he fires his hot semen into my waiting mouth. I gladly swallow it all.

"Can we untie him?" David asks Steven.

"I told you, man, you could do whatever you want to it." I catch that he called me it instead of him. They untie me, even taking off the ball crusher. I'm so relieved. I kiss their feet in gratitude and appreciation.

David and the other guy stand me up. Roughly they push me over into position with David fucking me up the ass and the other guy fucking my face. They're both very rough. "Take my cock you cocksucker. Take it all. Get my dick down that throat. Yeah, gag on it. I want to hear you gagging on my big dick." He holds me by the hair and works my head back and forth on his cock. He pushes in until it hits the back of my throat making me gag. He seems to like it. The more I gag the harder he pushes. David is pounding into and out of my ass. He slams into my ass so hard it pushes me down on the other guy's dick. They both go at it hard. Pulling my face off his cock with one hand wrapped in my hair he shoots his load right in my face. My face is dripping in his cum as David continues to corn hole me hard. The guy doesn't let go of my head and keeps me bent at the waist as David fucks me over. He finally shoots inside me and they let me go.

"Lie down." Is Steven's command to me. I lie down on the floor with the scum from that guy all over my face. Steven goes out to the garage while the guys pull their pants back on. He comes back in with a big bag full of clothespins. He dumps them out all over the floor around me. "You're going to jerk off while we pin these clothespins on you. The longer it takes you the more you'll have to deal with." They all kneel around me armed with clothespins. "On your mark, get set, go!" They attack me with the clothespins. Instantly, they are all over my nipples and my ball sac. They attach them anywhere and everywhere. I jerk off frantically trying to come quick but there are so many of them that the pain is instant and everywhere at once. My ball sac has so many clothespins on it that there is very little extra skin to jerk off with. It hurts like hell as the clips bounce and sway with the motion of my jerking off. They even put some directly on my cock. The pain is intense. My hard on is raging. They run out of clothespins and just watch me jerk off in front of them. My breath gets short as I move toward an orgasm. I scream in pain as Steven grabs the pins on my sac and shakes them hard. David does the same to my nipples. I'm screaming in both pain and ecstasy as I fire a huge load in an intense orgasm. I lay there in pain as I recover from my orgasm. The pain increases as the pleasure subsides.

The look in Steven's eyes tells me he knows exactly what's happening. He waits patiently. I tense in pain. My breaths grow shorter. I tremble slightly. "Was it worth it? Is it worth the price you pay to cum?" Grabbing the clips on my scrotum he makes me gasp in pain and hold my breath. "It's the price you pay, boy. We get to fuck you. You give us blowjobs. It's all about pleasure for us. The best you can hope for is to jerk yourself off and even that is full of pain and suffering for you." He flicks the clips on my nipples and I see stars. He shakes my cock and balls again and I scream out in pain.

"Five minutes. Five full minutes. You lie there suffering for five full minutes, in silence, and then we'll take them off. We'll take them off one at a time while you count them for us, but at least then it will be over. It will be slow and painful for you. Five minutes starting now." The pain is intense. I try to concentrate on staying still and not making any noise. Time passes so slowly. "Oh man, it's gotta fucking hurt. It must hurt so bad." He flicks the clothespins on my most sensitive areas. I cringe. "What's so unbelievable is that you like this. You need it. You want it. As soon as it's over you want it to happen again. Don't worry baby. I'll take care of you. I know what you need and I'll give it to you." He pulls the clips off my nipples and I see stars. I strain against the pain but remember not to scream. "It's not five minutes yet. They have to go back on." He turns them in the opposite direction and puts them back on. The pain rips through and through. "All I have to do is wait and watch you suffer. Then when it's over all I have to do is wait until you come back for more. You'll come back begging for it. Then you'll be so grateful for it you'll bow before me and grovel at my feet to thank me. Then we'll do it all over again."

"Ready?" I nod that I am. "Ready guys? Do it real slow. Draw it out. Make him suffer long and hard. Make it really hurt him. He needs to know the price he's gonna have to pay just for cumming." He pulls the first one off and I count it out. It's done slowly so I feel the pain of each and every one coming off. One hundred and eighty. I'm exhausted by the time they're done.

"Kiss their feet to thank them for torturing you." I kiss each of their feet and thank each one of them for fucking me, for letting me suck them off, for letting me jerk off, and for hurting me. "Now crawl up to my room and kneel at the foot of my bed until I'm ready to come up and fuck you. Go now." I kneel there for more than an hour. I fucking ache everywhere.

Finally he comes into the room. Without saying a word he pulls me up and bends me over the foot of his bed and he fucks me hard. Really hard. He fucks me until he shoots his load up my ass. Pulling out of my ass he sticks his cock in my mouth for me to drain it and lick it clean for him. He climbs into the bed and throws a pillow on the floor. I curl up at the foot of his bed and sleep soundly through the night.

Next: Chapter 17

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