Pool Table and My Balls

By NiteSearcher2000

Published on Nov 7, 2005


This story in not completely fictional. Nor is it the truth and nothing but the truth. The names have definitely been changed to protect the guilty. We are all disease free and stay that way by protecting ourselves whenever we play with anyone but each other. Descriptions of unprotected sex are fictional because I'm imaginative and not stupid.

You know the rules... Don't read this if you're a minor or are offended by gay or BDSM expression. Don't even think about reproducing or publishing it without my permission. Remember, I have sadistic friends who like to punish people! <>

I'm sorry it's been so long between chapters but I live in South Florida and keep getting hit with hurricanes! My house had significant damage and we were without power for ten days. Work was closed for two weeks and now it's a scramble to make up for lost time. Lastly, the dungeon was extensively damaged and won't be open again for weeks. Thank you for your patience and a special thank you to those who wrote inquiring of our well being! It has been an unexpected pleasure to have made some real friends out of writing this story.

And Now... Chapter 14

I stand there for a very long time. It's uncomfortable. It's boring. Worst of all it's lonely. I can't help but wonder what they're doing. I lean back against the bars, slide down until my legs wedge against the front of the cage, lean my head against the bars, and fall into a light sleep. In the twilight stage between being asleep and being fully awake I think fantasize about things that might happen. I pop a boner thinking about serving them.

Steven, David, and Michael are upstairs planning for the following weekend. The big guy, Tom, and the tattooed guy, Doug, are with them. They're the president and vice president of the club respectively. David points out, "He can control him. That's the most impressive part about Steven. Anyone can tie someone up and hurt him. It's his ability to truly control him that defines him as a Dom."

Michael adds, "I'm telling you, he's a natural. He not only keeps him in his place, but also moves him up and down at will. He pushes him so fucking low and then pulls him right back up again. He pushes him to the fucking wall, then eases him back and pushes him even further. I've seen him do it."

"The point is we need to see him do it. Is he the only one you can do it to?" The president asks Steven.

"No. Being honest though, he's the one that really interests me. He's challenging. He gives me a real run for my money. I have to be on my game. I'm not into some dumb fuck who'll bow to anyone at anytime. I want the challenge of putting him in his place and keeping him there or letting him back up and putting him down there again."

They all smile. "I can relate to that." The tattooed guy says and they all agree.

"Want to see me work him?" Steven asks them. They all nod that they do. "Watch the monitor and take your cues. We'll all have a good time, but him."

They all laugh. The dungeon is equipped with video cameras that allow them to watch and hear what's going on. For safety reasons they would never leave a sub caged or bound without monitoring him. Though they never let the sub know he's being watched. Sometimes, the best part of the show is what the sub does when he doesn't think anyone is watching.

Michael shares a story. "One time I had the pig tied down to the bondage table all night. I waited until he pissed himself and then went down and punished him for it. I know he kept thinking he should've waited a little bit longer." They laughed again as Steven exited the room and went down to the dungeon.

Hearing someone coming I quickly stood, put my hands behind my back, and looked down. Upstairs they watched, "That little fuck! He's gonna make it look like he's been standing respectfully all that time."

I'm so glad it's Steven. Walking right up to the cage he pulls my face up with a finger under my chin and looks directly into my eyes. "Did you miss me?" His smile is wicked.

"Yes." He reaches into the cage, grabs me by the balls, and pulls me hard against the bars. His smile doesn't change.

"Yes?" he asks.

"Oh yes, Sir." I say between clenched teeth.

"That's better." He let's go of my balls and moves back to lean against the table. "What'd you do while I was gone?"

"Nothing Sir. I just stood here."

"Did you get hard?"

"Sometimes, Sir."

"Did you play with yourself?"

It was embarrassing to be asked that. "No, Sir. I wouldn't without your permission."

"Good boy. So you just stood there the whole time and did nothing just like you said?"

My heart started racing. That wasn't exactly the truth. Shit! "No Sir, not exactly. I made myself as comfortable as I could and sort of dozed off a little bit."

His smile was gone. The silence hung there. "I'm sorry, Sir." I looked down at the ground. I waited. There was no response. I glanced back up and saw that he hadn't moved at all. "I'm really sorry." I repeated.

"What are you sorry for?" I had to think for a minute because I wasn't sure.

"I'm sorry I made myself comfortable and fell asleep. I should have been more obedient, Sir." My voice trembled slightly, not out of fear but because I disappointed him.

"And you're not sorry that you lied to me?" His voice was low and steady. My heart sank. I squirmed as his words hit me. I looked into his eyes and saw pure ice.

"Sir, I swear I didn't mean to lie. I just meant that I was in the cage and couldn't do anything. I couldn't sit down, I was standing." His face told me I was only digging myself in deeper. "I'm very sorry Sir. I was wrong. There's no excuse. Please forgive me." His eyes flickered just a bit. I used that special voice I know can get to him. "Please. I'm really sorry. Please, Sir." A tear slipped down my face. His face softened.

Upstairs, Tom and Doug went nuts. "Who's controlling who?" They demanded to know.

"Give him a chance! Watch him! He knows what he's doing." Michael encouraged them. They continued to watch.

Steven sank down to the floor and leaned back against the table. He looked sad. "I don't think you understand how much it hurts when you pull shit like that." My heart sank.

"I'm really sorry! I swear I didn't mean to do anything wrong. Honest. Please believe me." I was begging, honestly and sincerely begging.

"You've been in there a long time." Unlocking the cage he let me out. I took a step toward him but he immediately snapped his fingers and pointed to the floor. I immediately dropped to all fours in an effort to please him. He touched me lightly behind my ear and I felt so relieved at his soft touch. A split second later he pushed down and I dropped to his feet, licking and kissing them while thanking him for forgiving me.

"We ate upstairs but you haven't eaten." I was moved by his concern. Moving to the cupboard he took out a bowl. I expected to eat from a bowl on the floor. Then he took out a can of dog food. FUCK! There's no fucking way I want to eat that! My mind raced as he pulled the lid off and dumped it into the bowl. What the fuck am I supposed to do now? "I forgive you for disobeying and lying to me. I believe you when you say you'd never do it intentionally." While he was talking he opened his pants and took his cock out. Taking the bowl of dog food he held it under his dick and pissed in it. I watched him as I listened to his words. I was totally fucked. He had me cornered and he knew it.

He placed the bowl on the floor and sat beside it. Using his finger he summoned me over and made me crawl across the room to reach him. I looked at him with the mixed emotions of hoping he wouldn't make me do it and knowing he would. "Get on your knees." I rose up to my knees and put my hands behind my head. He stared into my eyes and I knew I was fucked. He slammed the heel of his foot into my balls and I doubled over in pain. He patiently waited until I rose again then brought his foot up hard between my legs slamming my balls again. I doubled over again, this time kissing his feet, apologizing, and promising to try to do better. I rose again before him. "I know you're sorry and I forgive you. The punishment is so you don't forget the lesson. He kicked me in the balls again and I rolled over onto my side whimpering. Grabbing me by the hair he pulled me toward the bowl. "Now eat." I gagged at the very thought of it as I looked at the dog food floating in piss. As he pushed my face into the bowl he said, "Don't ever fuck with me."

Upstairs they were pleased. "Okay. I see what you mean. The look on the pig's face when he saw the dog food said, `no fucking way.' By the time he was done pissing in it you knew damned well he'd eat it."

I ate in silence. I occasionally looked up hoping he would tell me I could stop, but he didn't. He finally spoke as I neared the end. "I'm trying to get into the club. In order to do that I have to put on a good scene next week." He had my attention so I ate faster hoping to finish and give him my full attention. "They don't think I should use you for the demo." I stopped eating and looked at him stunned. I was just about to say something when he pushed my face back into the bowl to finish. "They don't think you're experienced enough or ready to handle it." His hand reached the back of my head and held it in the bowl a split second before I was going to talk. "I told them it would be you. I was sure until you pulled your shit tonight." He paused long enough to let the regret sink in. "Then I thought about the tantrum you pulled at the gym when we first made you clean it. Maybe I shouldn't have let that slide" FUCK!! "Michael said I never should have let that one go." He let that one hang there. "That or the time you pissed all over yourself and the bondage table. That was pure rebellion." He let go of my hair and folded his hands in his lap. I rose to my knees totally degraded. More so because I knew I had dog food and piss on my lips and chin and even felt it dripping onto my chest. "What do you have to say for yourself?" His question struck to the bone.

"I fucked up. It's all my own fault. I swear I'll try to do better. Please let me make it up to you. Please. I'm sorry I've disappointed you. I really want to please you." The tears were real this time. "Please don't give up on me."

"I don't want to give up on you. You promise you'll do better?"

"Yes, Sir."

"You'll be more obedient?"

"Yes, Sir."

"More respectful?"

"Yes, Sir."

"I can trust you?"

"Yes, Sir. Please let me prove it to you."

"I can trust you won't make me look bad in front of my friends?"

"Yes Sir! I would never do that to you. Please give me the chance to prove it to you. Please." He didn't say anything. He just sat there thinking.

"I'm not going to go easy on you anymore. I don't think it benefits either one of us. Do you?"

"No Sir." I hung my head in shame.

Upstairs Michael spoke, "Well gentleman, have I made my point?"

"You have." They all agreed that Steven handled that like a true Master.

"Then I think that's our cue to join in and make the fucker really suffer. There's no fucking way he'll wimp out on us. He'll take whatever we dish out tonight so let's go have some fun!"

Next: Chapter 15

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