Pool Table and My Balls

By NiteSearcher2000

Published on Oct 21, 2005


This story in not completely fictional. Nor is it the truth and nothing but the truth. The names have definitely been changed to protect the guilty. We are all disease free and stay that way by protecting ourselves whenever we play with anyone but each other. Descriptions of unprotected sex are fictional because I'm imaginative and not stupid.

You know the rules... Don't read this if you're a minor or are offended by gay or BDSM expression. Don't even think about reproducing or publishing it without my permission. Remember, I have sadistic friends who like to punish people! <>

Chapter 13

Steven breathed a sigh of relief as he settled into sleep. Finally, he possessed what he'd always wanted and he fully intended to keep it. He would keep his attention. He would keep him in his place. He'd finally figured it all out. Hold him tight until he fights and rebels against it, then let him go so fucking far that he craves to come back. Then drown him in the attention he craves. Keep him off balance by being brutal with his discipline and humiliation, but give him love and affirmation too. Shit, one kind word enables me to push him so much lower. He'll do just about anything as long as I tell him how much it pleases me. The fucking mind of a sub... He'll do anything to get attention from me even if it's pain and suffering or being totally degraded and humiliated, and then he's thankful for it. He actually loves me more for it. I'll keep training him slowly. He'll learn the difference between suffering for my pleasure and the pleasure of other men and being punished for any lack of obedience or respect. He'll bow before me not only because he wants to but also because he will fear and dread what will happen if he doesn't. Either way I own him now and all I have to do to prove it to him is to ignore him or give him away. Then he'll crawl back and beg me to do anything but ignore him. He'll take any punishment I give him to receive my forgiveness. Life doesn't get better than this.

I sleep tight in Steven's arms. With one hand he holds my wrists crossed in front of me. With the other he holds my balls tight in his grasp. His legs are crossed around mine pinning me to the bed. His breath blows lightly across the back of my neck. I feel so protected and secure. I feel like nothing could ever harm me for as long as I am in his arms. My balls are aching in his hands. My ass is so sore from being beaten. They remind me not only of my place in this relationship but his as well. I would love to move but don't dare disturb him. Fuck, who knows what the punishment for that would be and besides, he simply deserves better than that. I'd rather sleep beside him in pain and discomfort than to sleep alone. We both know that. The pain and suffering is certainly worth the pleasure it gives us.

We sleep in and I awaken beneath him as he pushes his morning wood up my ass. He's obviously lubed it as it slides in fairly easily and without too much pain. I moan slightly and ease my backside into him wanting to be fucked. He pushes in tight and just holds me close, I relish being in his arms but am anxious to be fucked. I move my pelvis forward reflexively and his fist slams into my balls. I cringe into the pain. "I didn't tell you to move about, so don't." I lie still suffering the pain of my disobedience. I feel the inside of my ass being filled as he pours his morning piss into me. I had to piss before he entered and now with him up my piss filled ass I have to pee so badly it hurts. "Don't spill a drop. Not one drop! Do you understand me?"

"Yes, Sir." He pulls his cock out of me and I clamp down tight to keep from spilling anything from inside me.

"Get on all fours and crawl into the bathroom. Stay on all fours and put your face in the toilet with your tongue touching the water. Don't move. I don't want one drop of your piss on my floor. I'm telling you now that you'll lick up anything that spills out your ass or your dick. I'll also take you to the gym and make you clean every toilet. I'll bring you to the club and make you kneel beneath the funnel with every guy pissing into your mouth and then you'll lick every urinal and bowl in the place. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, Sir." I am so fucked! I kneel on all fours as he showers, shaves, brushes his teeth, and gets dressed. I'm clamping down so tight my muscles are cramping. Finally he drops a pair of white tennis shorts in front of me and tells me to put them on because we're going out.

"Yellow stains would be very embarrassing, wouldn't they?" He laughs at my predicament as I walk carefully out to the car. We'll use your car in case you have an accident. He laughs again. I hold everything in as we drive. I quickly realize we're headed toward Michael's house and I excitedly anticipate and dread what's coming. The driveway has several cars parked there and my stomach clenches, as Steven's wicked grin grows bigger. He outlines his hard on through his shorts showing me that he's already turned on at what's coming.

Immediately inside the gate I'm made to strip and drop to all fours to crawl in. I crawl beside him and as we round the house into the yard I see a bunch of guys already there eating around a table full of breakfast foods. Steven leads me to the stockade and locks my head and wrists into place. They're positioned at about waist level and its too high to kneel and too low to stand. It's immediately uncomfortable and my stomach is cramping even more as I try to hold my piss in my dick and his piss up my ass.

He obviously knows everyone and sits to join them fitting right in. I recognize a few of them from the club but don't know the others. I'm starving watching them eat. They seem to pay no attention to me or even be aware of my presence. They talk amongst themselves as though I'm not even there. David arrives alone and doesn't acknowledge me in any way as do a couple of other guys. Their small talk is casual as they eat.

Finishing breakfast, their talk turns more serious and concerns me. Michael gets things going; "We asked you all here this morning because Steven wants to join the club. We know he's new to the scene and doesn't have much experience but we think he has the makings of a good Master/Top/Dom. David and I will both vouch for him and take responsibility for teaching him right."

A big, mean looking guy quickly says, "That's all well and good. Teach him first and let him prove himself then he can join the club. Meanwhile, he can come as your guest." He's a big guy and is obviously used to getting what he wants. He has that arrogance that comes with maturity and the youth to back it up. I'd place him to be about thirty-five.

"Normally I'd agree with you but in this case he's a natural." David nods to affirm what Michael is saying. I'm annoyed that they're not just letting Steven in. I want him to have what he wants. He deserves it.

The other guy with the tattoos joins in, "I've seen this happen before. He's new to the scene so he's all excited about it then the whole thing cools down. We want real players. That's why we only admit Doms. We want real men, who know what slaves are for, and treat and use them accordingly."

"I know the difference between a man and a slave." Steven's voice is strong and steady. His grin shows his confidence. "All the men are sitting here enjoying a nice breakfast and good conversation while the slave is over there locked into a bitch's position ready to be fucked from either end. The bitch is not even allowed to piss without my permission and he's full of my piss up his ass. Now, since I haven't pissed on any of you I think that demonstrates that I know the difference between a man and a slave and treat them accordingly."

They laugh at what he said and I can see their position soften a bit. The guy with the tattoos is clearly amused, "How do we know you're telling the truth?" You could see he's more egging Steven on than questioning his honesty.

Rising from the table Steven fills a bowl with cereal. Walking to me, he places the bowl on the grass underneath me. "Piss!" Is his one word command. I am so relieved to finally be able to piss I just let it rip. I piss like a racehorse. From the corner of my eye I see him move the bowl beneath me, and it's easy to figure out what I'm eating for breakfast. I can't control his piss running out my ass as I piss. I can't clamp my asshole shut and still be able to piss myself. His piss runs down my legs and I only hope it's nothing but piss. I piss forever, giving evidence of how long he's made me hold it. They look on without comment. Taking the garden hose he hoses my ass off. That's more humiliating than I thought it would be.

Finishing his work, "Okay, Men, he's empty. Come fill him up."

David is the first to move. Stepping behind me he smacks my wet butt several times before stepping in to push his cock up my ass. It's barely lubed and hurts like hell as he pushes the head of his cock in but he doesn't fuck me. I feel him just holding his position for a minute before I feel his warm liquid pouring into my ass. "Take it all bitch. That's what a fucking low life piece of shit like you is for. Come on, guys, fill-um up."

The tattooed guy steps up to my face and slowly opens his pants. He's thin and his hips are narrow. His bush covers most of his pelvis but it's trimmed short. His cock is long, thick, meaty, and uncut. He steps forward and I open my mouth to let him put his cock in my mouth. It feels good on my tongue but it only takes him a second to start his flow. His piss is hot and bitter. He pisses fast, too fast, and some of his piss dribbles down my chin. He backs up slightly. I panic thinking he's going to slip out, and I don't want them to think I'm being disrespectful so I stretch forward to keep him inside my mouth. "That's it. Reach for my cock so you can drink my piss."

I suddenly feel a cock push up my ass. I was concentrating so hard on the cock in my mouth I didn't realize anyone moved behind me. I gag on the piss flowing into my mouth and some more drips out. I feel my ass filling with more piss as I struggle to regain control and swallow what's in my mouth. He smacks me in the face with his wet dick when he's done. I struggle hard to keep my ass clamped tight as the guy behind me pulls out. Two more guys step right up to take their place. My stomach is churning, as are my insides from all their piss inside me. They all piss in either my mouth or up my ass but Steven and Michael.

Michael moves to stand beside the others as Steven releases me from the stockades. Pointing to the floor I follow his direction and drop to all fours. Michael hands him what looks like a black rubber radio antenna with a handle. He snaps it across my ass and it stings like hell. Two more sharp cracks land letting me know how much it can hurt. "Kiss their feet, boy, show them the respect they deserve." Another slash sends me moving fast to kiss the feet nearest to me, which happens to be Michael's bare feet. I kiss and lick his feet until the lash hits again accompanied by the command to move to the next guy. Some of them are barefoot, some not. I lick the feet of the barefoot ones. It's totally degrading, but I actually like it. I kiss each one until the lash indicates for me to move on. I feel warm liquid seeping out of me as I struggle to hold it all in. The lash hurts more as I tighten my muscles. I move between them until I've kissed and licked all their feet.

Grabbing me by the hair Steven pulls my head up. "You're leaking." I'm totally embarrassed. "Lets see if I can help." Using his foot he pushes my shoulders down to the ground leaving me with my ass up in the air. Using the lash he cracks it right down the center of my ass making my asshole spasm with the pain. I jerk beneath him and another lash hits fast and hard. "Don't you dare move again." Another lash drives home his point. Hitting with fast stinging slashes he covers my ass. His foot on my shoulders is the only thing keeping me in place. I can't control the spasms with him hitting me so fast and I feel their piss gush out of me. "That was fun." I try to stifle my light sobs but I can't stop them completely. He kneels beside me. "Good boy." He rubs my ass soothingly. It feels so good. Then he brings his hand wet with their piss from my ass and rubs it across my lips. "Open." I open my mouth and let him slip his hand in. I lick their piss off his hand, so he does it again.

Pushing the bowl of piss soaked cereal in front of me, "eat pig." You'll need your strength. It's horrible! He makes it worse by pouring some mild into the mess. David slaps him on the back and they move to their chairs to watch me eat. I bend over, lap it up like a dog and eat while they watch and talk.

The big guy makes his decision. "Alright... here's what we'll do. Put a scene together for next weekend's play party. If it's a good scene we'll give you a trial membership. Here's our real concern. We only want real players. Most clubs have a bunch of subs and a couple of Doms who do little to nothing. We don't want that. We only admit Doms who can prove themselves to be real Masters. No sir wannabes, no switches. As far as we're concerned you're either a Man or you're not. We don't care if there's only one sub there for us to use. We only need one of them, but the reality is they're a dime a dozen. The thing is we only want real subs too. None of these fucking queen bitches that think they're going to tell us what to do to them or come with some fucking rulebook of limits. You bring in some sub, we expect full use and abuse or else don't bring them."

The tattooed guy adds, "We play hard. We treat slaves like the possessions they are. The reality is we take care of our possessions. Push their fucking limits to the wall, push them down into the fucking ground, but make sure they can be used again. Make the fuckers hurt, suffer, and serve. It's their place and they fucking deserve it, but don't harm them. We on the same page with all that?"

Steven's smile spreads. "Definitely. I really appreciate your giving me the chance. Shall we celebrate?" They nod their agreement. Moving to the open area of the yard they call me over, "Cunt, get over here." I crawl over to them and they form a circle around me. They pull off their shirts and those wearing shoes and socks kick them off. They're all hot as hell standing there in their jeans. I can see their cocks getting hard in their pants. Steven pulls his belt out of their loops and folds it in half. Michael, David, and three of the other guys wearing belts follow suit. I brace for what I know is coming.

The first lash lands and the second follows pretty quickly. They step in to take their shots and step out to let someone else take a turn. Everything from my shoulders down is their target. My whole body is stinging like hell as their belts slash across my skin. The big guy steps out of his pants and his big uncut cock is rock hard. He rubs lube on it and steps up to me. Grabbing me roughly by the waist he pulls my ass up to meet his cock, which he pushes right into me. A couple of other guys hold me in place as he fucks me hard and fast. He's stepping into his forward thrust and driving his cock way into my ass. An occasional slash of a belt takes my breath away. The pain eases out as he opens me more and more. He fucks me until I feel him ram it in hard and dump his load into me. Pulling out he pushes me back down and borrowing Steven's belt whales it across my ass several times.

The tattooed guy steps out of his pants and takes his place behind me. Pushing me to the stockade he bends me over it and pushes straight up my ass. A couple of the other guys drop their pants and one face fucks me. The other uses his belt to lash it across my back as they fuck me at both ends. The two others step beside me stroking their cocks as they watch the scene. Steven, Michael, and David hang back and just watch. I work the cock in my mouth in the same rhythm that I'm getting fucked in. My back is on fire from the belt. The tattooed guy shoots his load in my mouth and I swallow it all as his thick cum pulses out of his cock and slides down my throat. The guy with the belt takes his place and pushes his cock in. Shooting his load up my ass, he pulls out and grabs the belt and again whales down on my ass. Oh fuck it hurts so bad! I concentrate on the guys I'm sucking in an effort to distract myself.

Finally the belt stops and another cock pushes into my hole. The guy standing next to me shoots his load across my back. I suck like crazy and another load shoots into my mouth. His cum is loose and there's a lot of it. They all watch me get fucked. He pulls out to shoot and his cum shoots all over my ass. I'm relieved thinking I'm done. I'm shocked as Steven pulls me up and locks me back into the stocks.

He picks up the rubber rod again and I moan at the thought of being beaten more. I almost cry as Michael steps up with a flogger. Using the flogger Michael covers my entire back, my ass, and the back of my legs with increasing intensity. Stopping occasionally, Steven slashes the rod bringing sharp stinging pain where it lands. I can feel every slash Steven leaves and when Michael flogs me it inflames the slashes again. This lasts a while and the other guys just settle in to watch. Finishing with me, they leave me and join the others who have cleaned up and pulled their pants back on. Their conversation is light, easy and friendly. I'm miserably uncomfortable. The taste of their cum is in my mouth and I'm dyeing for a drink. Their cum is dripping off me and oozing down my crack. They continue to drink and talk. A couple of them even doze off in the warm sun. No one seems to care or even be paying any attention to me as the afternoon passes. The guys leave as evening approaches.

Releasing me from the stocks, I'm told to go down to the dungeon, shower, and to lock myself in the cage. I relish the warm water of the shower, dry off, and lock myself into the cage. It's too small to do anything but stand. I get as comfortable as possible and wait for whatever is coming next.

I really appreciate those of you who write and share your thoughts about the story. I've made some good internet friends through this experience. It has really helped keep things fresh and exciting with my SIRS. I'll keep writing for as long as you enjoy it.


Next: Chapter 14

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