Pool Table and My Balls

By NiteSearcher2000

Published on Sep 16, 2005


This story in not completely fictional. Nor is it the truth and nothing but the truth. The names have definitely been changed to protect the guilty. We are all disease free and stay that way by protecting ourselves whenever we play with anyone but each other. Descriptions of unprotected sex are fictional because I'm imaginative and not stupid.

You know the rules... Don't read this if you're a minor or are offended by gay or BDSM expression. Don't even think about reproducing or publishing it without my permission. Remember, I have sadistic friends who like to punish people! <>


I spot Steven and David standing off to the side and talking together when I get to the gym in the morning. I'm feeling kind of lonely and walk over to them excited by the idea of joining in their conversation.

"Good morning, Sirs!" I greet them cheerily.

They look at me seriously but say nothing. I figure I approached them wrong and assume a more submissive posture. Dropping my gym bag, I spread my legs, clasp my hands behind my back, and wait silently.

Steven asks, "Did we invite you over?"

"No, Sir."

"Did we ask you to speak to us?" He continues.

"No, Sir." I'm feeling awkward about coming over and lonelier than before. He let's the silence hang there as they both stare at me. I start to sweat and squirm. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do.

Finally Steven breaks the silence. "Get the fuck away from us you fuckin low life piece of shit. Don't ever approach real men when we're talking." His stare is ice cold and his words hit harder than he's ever hit me with the belt.

I barely whisper, "I'm sorry, Sir", as I turn to walk away.

David calls, "Hey scumbag." I stop dead in my tracks and look back at him. "Instead of working out this morning clean the men's bathroom. The stuff is in the closet."

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I seethe inside! This fucking sucks! I stand there too stunned to speak.

"NOW! You fuckwad! And it better be spotless! It better be clean enough to eat off of if you know what's good for you."

I walk off toward the locker room totally discouraged and pissed as hell! I throw my gym bag into a locker, pull off my shirt, and toss it in also. I slam it shut and go to the back where the bathroom is. I slam the closet door after getting out the cleaning supplies and starting with the first stall I attack the toilet scrubbing it clean. There are four stalls and four urinals. I realize I'm going to have to work fast if I'm going to get to work on time. The gym is full of guys as working out before work is a popular time. Some of the guys tease me and look at me funny as I'm cleaning the bathroom in my gym shorts instead of a club uniform. I try to save face by telling them I'm just helping out. I make sure I get each one really clean not knowing what they're going to make me do next.

As I come out of one of the stalls carrying the cleaning supplies with me I nearly jump out of my skin at the sight of my boss. SHIT!! I knew he was a member but I've never seen him here in the morning. Could this day get any worse? I can't help but look down totally discouraged and degraded. He just looks at me and I can tell he's trying to figure out what's going on.

"You work here?" He asks.

"Sometimes." I grasp at the straw he's thrown me in hopes of salvaging my career.

"I'd like to see you in my office as soon as you get to work. Don't let me keep you." He doesn't look back as he walks away.

I finish up as fast as I can pissed as all hell! They're going to fucking hear about how fucked up this is. This is my fucking career! I've worked my ass off and now it's probably fucked! I go looking for them but can't find either one of them. It's getting late and I've got to get to work on time especially since I have to see my boss as soon as I get there. I shower quickly, get dressed quicker, take one last unsuccessful look for them, and dash out the door. I arrive at work a couple of minutes early and wanting to get what's ever coming over with go directly to my boss's office. He tells me to enter and close the door and I brace myself for what's coming. He doesn't ask me to sit down and I take that as a very bad sign. My heart sinks.

"I'll get right to the point because I have a meeting I have to get to." Shit! Here it comes, I figure. "Your work has always been outstanding but the last few months you've gone above and beyond. This morning when I saw you cleaning bathrooms it really took me back."

"Please Sir, let me explain..."

"There's no reason to explain. I really admire a man who's willing to work hard for what he needs and wants. You're exactly the type of person we need around here. I promised you a promotion to regional director and a significant raise to go with it. I'm sorry I didn't get to it sooner. It will be retroactive to last month. I hope this helps with your financial situation but I want you to know that I don't think any less of you. In fact you've really proven yourself in my eyes. I'm glad I ran into you this morning at the gym."

I was stunned beyond words! I thanked him as he rushed off to his next meeting and practically ran back to my office. With a big smile on my face I tell my secretary to get packing because we are moving upstairs to a big corner office. She's genuinely excited for me and even more excited to know that she'll be getting a big raise as well by moving up a couple of categories. Forgetting where we are she gives me a big hug and congratulates me on a job well done and thanks me for taking her up the ladder with me. Could this day get any better? My boss told his secretary to email everyone announcing the change and lots of people come by to congratulate me.

I never call Steven at work and after this morning I had no idea what to do. I sit in my office and pick up and put down the phone at least ten times before getting up the nerve to call him. I hold my breath as they look for him.

"Have you calmed down yet because if you haven't you'd better think before you say anything you'll regret?" Is how he starts the conversation.

It takes me a second to realize what he's talking about having something else entirely on my mind. It also dawns on me that if they hadn't made me clean the bathroom this might not have happened today, although I think it still would have happened eventually. I excitedly tell him all about my promotion. He's excited by the news and congratulates me a lot. It feels so good to be sharing this news with him.

As the conversation nears the end his tone changes. "Listen up scumbag. We saw the little hissy fit you threw in the locker room this morning. You behaved like a real cunt and you're going to pay for it. You want to behave like a pussy we'll treat you like pussy. Be at the gym at 6:45 and don't be late." As always lately he hangs up before I have a chance to respond. My stomach clenches thinking about what he said and wondering what's going to happen to me but I'm way too busy at work to dwell on it and the day flies by.

The guy at the front desk at the gym has a wicked grin on his face as he tells me they're waiting for me upstairs. I enter to find Steven, David, and John waiting for me. Closing the door behind me I drop to my knees before them.

David talks, "It's a damn good thing you still know your place and didn't let that promotion go to your head. You're still going to be punished for behaving like a fucking little twat this morning." Opening the blinds in his office gives us full view of the inside pool on the level below us. "A water aerobics class starts in ten minutes. You're taking it. If you're going to behave like a bitch then we'll treat you like a bitch." Pulling their chairs up to the window he reminds me that they'll be watching the whole time.

He throws me a pair of board shorts and I rush downstairs to change thinking this isn't bad. It could be much worse. I change quickly into my shorts and rush out to the pool so I'm not late. Looking up at the window I can see the three of them sitting back and watching. Looking at the class I realize I'm the only guy taking it. The rest are all women, mostly older women. I can see them laughing as they realize my embarrassment. I figure what the fuck, jump into the water with all the women. I take their good-natured teasing with a grain of salt.

The exercises are distinctly feminine with lots of stretching and dance moves. There's lots of hip movement and exercises with your legs spread wide apart. I feel like a klutz as they move through the routine smoothly and gracefully. I'm also a little taken back by how tough it is. I mean my heart is really pumping and I'm thinking I'm in pretty good shape. Every time I look up they're laughing and smiling at me thoroughly enjoying my situation. The class lasts an hour and the nice ladies all invite me back.

The three of them meet me in the locker room and tease me good about the class. I take it good-naturedly until David tells me, "The maintenance man is out sick. Clean the bathroom and the showers and meet us back at your house. If you throw another tantrum like this morning you're going to get a beating like you've never even imagined." They walk out before I can fuck up by saying anything. I get the stuff out of the closet and lean the whole fucking place again in just my board shorts. After showering I go to my locker to get dressed to find it emptied out except for my car keys. I pull my board shorts back on and walk out to my car barefoot and shirtless to drive home.

They're waiting for me in my living room. Dropping my shorts I kneel in front of them.

"Did you clean the bathroom?" David asks.

"Yes, Sir, and the showers." He nods his approval.

Steven takes over. "Here's the thing. We don't want you forgetting what you are because of your promotion so we figure we have to do something that reminds you." The silence hangs there.

"Crawl over here." John commands. I crawl to him. Grabbing me by the balls he pulls me up and pushes me across his lap. He tightly wedges be balls between his legs so I can't move without making them ache. He uses his hand to spank me really hard. My ass is on fire as his hand punishes it. He keeps at it until I'm whimpering with each blow. He finally stops but grabs my balls between my legs and squeezes them between both hands. He squeezes so hard as I drop to the ground and curl up at his feet in a natural reaction to the pain. Finally letting go he drops his pants and tells me to kiss his ass and thank him for reminding me what I am. I kiss his ass tenderly as my ass is stinging red-hot.

"Now crawl over here." David stakes his claim. I tremble as he pulls me across his lap for another spanking. His hand is like a fucking sledgehammer and my whimpering turns to sobs. Tears run down my face as Steven watches smiling. I involuntarily reach behind with my hands to protect my ass. He pushes my hands away and lands several more hits even harder. When he stops I gratefully drop to my knees and kiss his feet in honest and sincere gratitude.

"My turn." I look at Steven with both desire and dread. I crawl over to him and kneel at his feet. "You don't think you've grown a set of balls and become a real man because you got a promotion, do you?"

"No Sir."

"You're not thinking you're a real man like us now, right?"

I don't know where he's going with this. "No, Sir. I don't think I'm a real man like you are, Sir."

"Good. Because a real man deserves to have his balls licked and sucked to give him pleasure." He pauses as he's talking. "But, your balls aren't like that, right? Your balls aren't made for pleasure they're made for pain, right boy?"

Oh fuck! Now I know where this is going. "Yes, Sir."

"Follow me." We all follow him out to the garage and I find my woodworking bench has been pulled to the center of the garage. "Get on all fours on top of the table." I obey him and my ankles are tied to one set of legs as my wrists are tied to the other. My knees are tied down as well making it where I have to stay on all fours. Steven grabs my balls roughly and snaps a ball stretcher in place pulling my big balls to the bottom of my sack. I cringe against the pressure as he tightly wraps then in a stretchy cloth. My stomach sinks as he pulls the big set of wood clamp from the shelf and begins tightening them around my balls. He turns the crank slowly but the pressure steadily increases. It turns from pressure to pain. It turns from pain to torture. I'm crying and begging for mercy as he reminds me that this is what my balls were made for and that I should not only take it but I should be thankful for it.

"This is what your balls are for. They're supposed to hurt. If they didn't hurt they'd be totally useless. Isn't that right boy?" He turns the crank a bit more really pushing me to the limit. "I know what you need fucker. You need something to take your mind off your balls." I nearly double over as he puts tight nipple clamps right on the tips of my nipples and the pain in my chest immediately connects to the pain in my balls. I drop down onto my elbows from the pain.

"Just like a fucking cum dump offering your ass to a real man." He taunts me more. Pulling off his pants and climbing up on the table he lubes his cock and slowly pushes it into my ass. The pain in my balls explodes as he fills me from the inside increasing all the pressure. He fucks me slow and steady. Just as I begin to adjust to it he tells David to smack my ass because he thinks I'm starting to enjoy myself. David cracks my ass hard making the vice on my balls shake more and the pain is everywhere at once.

John moves in front of me stroking his rock hard cock. "Open up cocksucker. You have to earn your keep." He pushes his cock into my mouth and moves it in and out as he continues jerking it off. David alternates between jerking off and smacking my ass while Steven continues to fuck me. I hurt everywhere. I feel John's cock swell and he pulls out of my mouth and fires his load across my mouth and cheeks. David immediately takes his place pushing his even fatter cock in my mouth while he jerks it off.

Steven continues to slow fuck me as David moves closer to shooting. He shoots right in my mouth and I try to swallow it all but at this angle some just drools down my chin mixed with my own spit. Steven picks up the pace in his assault on my ass. John says, "You're just a cunt getting fucked now. You don't need these." He tightens the vice on my balls more and I scream out in pain. Steven goes red neck on my ass and fucks me fast and hard. It's not long before he shoots his load deep inside me. It feels like an eternity before he finally pulls out. I'm whimpering and moaning trying not to complain about my aching balls and nipples. By this point the pain is radiating across my back and even my knees are killing me.

"Why isn't your dick hard boy?" He asks.

I practically cry as I answer, "It hurts too bad Sir. I can't get hard when it hurts this much." I'm hoping for some sympathy. They just laugh.

"I think you're full of shit! Untie him." After they untie me I'm made to lie on my back. My balls are still in the vice and hurting like hell but my nipples have gone numb. Lube is poured on my limp dick. "Here's what's going to happen. Every two minutes we're going to take the nipple clamps off and put them back on." Oh shit! I know how much more it hurts when they keep getting taken off and put back on. "A minute after we work the nipple clamps we're going to tighten the clamps on your balls a little bit more. Let's see how long it takes you to cum now. On the count of three start jerking off. One, two, three, go."

My hand finds my dick real quick and I stroke it in long slow strokes. I try to block out them and the pain as I jerk myself off. After a short time my brain direct my attention to the good feelings in my dick rather than the pain in my balls and on my nipples. I surprise myself by getting hard and it's really starting to feel good when all of a sudden my nipples explode in pain as the clamps are taken off. Just as the pain begins to fade they're put back on and they hurt like hell again. I do my best to concentrate just on my dick until the clamp around my balls tightens more. I increase my speed and the pressure of my hand on my cock and I'm so thankful when one of them squirts more lube on.

It's another couple of times of enduring the pain in my nipples being tortured and the vice on my balls being tightened before the pain and the pleasure all mix together and I shoot the most amount of cum I've ever shot in my whole life. The scum just pours out of my cock landing all across my stomach, chest, and even my face.

"I knew you were full of shit! You can't hurt too much to cum because it's the pain that gets you off. Now is when you're going to really suffer. All this shit has to come off." I know what he's talking about. The pain will be unbearable when they take off the nipple clamps and the vice now that I've cum. I know the longer they wait the worse it will be. They look down at me with evil grins knowing exactly what they're doing and how much more I'm dreading it as time passes.

"Hold him down tight." John and David press me down into the workbench as Steven takes off the clamp. I try to jump off the table but they hold me down. "Don't you fucking move again! You just lay there and take it!" He grabs my nipple again. He pinches and twists it to drive his point home. I lay there as the pain rips across my chest. "Don't hold him this time. Don't you fucking move when I take it off. If you move we'll do it again until you learn some self control." He places his hand on the nipple clamp and I hold my breath, but he does nothing. "Breathe. I won't take it off until you breathe." Fuck! You can't understand how hard this is unless you've been through it. I breathe raggedly until he takes it off and I exhale every bit of air in my lungs and hold it until the pain subsides enough to breathe in again. I take two or three breaths when David slaps his hand down across my aching nipple sending shock waves of pain through me as they all laugh at me.

John climbs up and sits his bare ass across my shoulders as they prepare to take off the vice on my balls. David goes to the bottom and holds my ankles. "One, two, three!" I scream in pain as Steven very quickly un-cranks the clamps on my balls and the pain slams into them. Before it even subsides he quickly unwraps the material that's binding them and I squirm so much I'd fall off the table if they weren't holding me down so hard. He pulls open the ball stretcher in one quick motion and I let out a final scream and lie there panting for breath.

They pull their pants back on. They congratulate me on my new promotion. As they leave David gets in a final shot, "Don't forget to get to the gym early enough to clean the bathrooms before work and go straight there after work to clean them again." Shooting me the bird they leave together. I curl up on the table and fall asleep in the garage.

Next: Chapter 12

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