
By zeca

Published on Sep 15, 2003


Hi there...this chapter is probably one of my favorites so far (from all the stories I've written), I have to thank you all for the e-mails...but they are becoming less...anyway, thanks again and keep on mailing to pookie_story@hotmail.com....I hope you like it...a hug.

Pookie 5

"Well? Try to solve this equation!" I said, looking at Mike.

"Have I told you how sexy your eyes are?" Mike asked me totally ignoring my question.

Mike had the brilliant idea of inviting me to his house in order to "make homework together," I knew what he wanted but I also knew that he needed to have help with study....but it seemed that he had other ideas.

"No, but you could tell that to the equation while you solve it!" I said handing him the pencil.

"Oh, comme on...I didn't saw you a whole day...I need some time with you!" Mike said kissing my neck.

"True..." I said trying to resist the temptation. "But you also need to pass Math in order to stay on the footbal team!"

"Comme on...just a little kiss!" He said with those puppy dog eyes.

I groaned, we were dating for a week now and he already knew how to get me, he had all the weapons: the smile and the puppy dog eyes. I just rolled my eyes.

"Just one!" I said smiling.

He grinned and kissed me....I knew that once he started there was nothing that could stop him...he had such passion kissing....

"Ok...Ok...go back to the problem!" I said pulling away trying to recover my breath.

"Your loss!" He said grabbing the pencil.

"Don't worry, I'll stay here watching you!" I said resting my head on my hand while looking at him.

I stared at him while he solved the problem...I noticed his hair, his eyes, how he would be deep in thought, how he would concentrate. At the same time I thought that I was falling for him badly...I could easily be totally in love .....and that scared me...Mike was a great guy, but so was Pete....how could I be sure that he wouldn't do the same thing that Pete did? How could I be sure that Mike wasn't going to wake up some day and discover that he doesn't want me anymore.

"Done." He said happily.

I smiled. "Good, so, what do you want to do now?"

He grinned while embrassing me. "Do you have to ask?"

"What do you have in mind?" I asked acting stupid.

He rolled his eyes and kissed me....he was trying to make up for the lost time today....we were so into it that we almost didn't heard his mother.

"Honey, you have a visitor...your cousin Pete is here!" she said opening the door.

We pulled apart just in time, we must had looked like the cat that ate the canary 'cause she looked at us suspiciously, Pete was right behind her with a cd on his hand.

"Mike here's the cd that you lend..." he stopped when he saw me, "Brad? what are you doing here?"

"I'm helping Mike with his homework!" I said composing my hair.

"I'll be downstairs if you need me!" Mike's mother said walking out the room.

"Hey Pete...did you like it?" Mike asked, trying to act normal.

"Yeah...Mike? Why are you clothes all messed up?" Pete asked. "And why are your too, Brad?"

I looked at Mike, not knowing what to say; Pete looked confused, and then it struck him. His smile fell, "Oh...I see...Well, I better go...see you guys tomorrow!"

Pete walked out quickly, I didn't want him to feel bad, I ran after him, just in time to grab his shoulder" It's not what you think!"

"What am I thinking?" he asked.

"Look...I'm with Mike now....you're not upset are you?" I asked concerned.

"Of course not...why should I be?" he asked trying to smile. "I mean, you are over me...it is obvious that I didn't meant so much for you after all!"

That caught me out. What a surprise, "EXCUSE ME?" I said getting angry. "Just because you were once special doesn't mean that I have to be liking you for the rest of my life!"

"Whatever...." he said walking away.

I was gonna grab him again when a hand granned my shoulder. "Could you explain me what's happening?"

"We better sit down Mike!" I said.


"And that's it!" I said grabbing his hand.

We were sitting on his bed and I told him all about Pete and I. He was looking at me deep in thought. "So that's who you were trying to get over..."

I nodded.

"I never knew, Pete told me that he could swing to both ways, but he said that he only liked boys for the sex...I guess he was wrong.." Mike said still not showing any emotion.

"So you're not angry?" I asked squeezing his hand.

He looked at me seriously. "What for? ...For loving someone before me? Of course not...you are not the firsT person that I felt in love with... I'm gald that you told me! I like to get to know you....ALL of you, not just the good, but also the bad..."

I smiled and hugged him.

"Now, talking abou other matters, my parents are going out this weekend.. they have a congress to attend, I'm going to throw a party and I was hoping that you could spend the entire weekend here with me!" he said smiling.

He didn't need to ask, of course I wanted to stay here with him, but I decided to play with him. "Oh, I don't know, I have a busy agenda...you know... I mean so many dates..."

He raised his eyebrow. "Dates? I hope that none of them even think about touching you! So Friday after classes you come here and stay for the weekend!"

"Sure, I just have to talk to my mom..." I said. "Now...I think that you have something near you lip..."

I got on top of him and kissed him, trying to thank him for being so marvellous...


"You can stop staring now...you know...you have to blink sometimes!" Kevin said mocking me.

Bri, Kevin and I were eating together. Mike decided that today he had to have lunch with his football friends, or maybe he was trying to tease me....I didn't know. I just knew that if someone looked at me, it was obvious that I was staring at Mike, ...and I had to control myself.

"So... what are you guys doing this weekend?" I asked trying to focus on something other than Mike.

"Nothing special....Mike invited us to his party...maybe we can stop by..." Bri said.

"You ARE going!" I said pointing, my finger at her.

"Didn't your mother teach you that pointing is impolite!" Bri said smiling, "Of course we're going.....as long as you don't start acting all mushy with prince boy...."

I rolled my eyes. "Well, I could ask prince boy if Jared is avaiable or not...."

Bri blushed immediately, "What are you trying to say?"

"Nothing...just that you drool everytime that we have P.E with him...and when he wears those shorts that you like so much or when...." I started.

"I do not! Kevin?" Bri asked whining.

"Yes you do... and when his t-shirt is glued to his body with sweat you seem like you're having an orgasm or something..." he said smiling.

Bri went even more red...she looked like a tomato, she was about to reply when the bell rang. "Oh, look at the time...I gotta go...see ya Bri!"

"You're dead Braddy" I heard her say.

As I laughed and walked away, I looked at Mike's table to see that he was happily talking to his friends. I passed by them and smiled at him. I didn't know any of them but Mike...one of them caught the smile and looked at me in a funny way. I just ignored it and walked towards English class, the most boring class in the whole world.

The halls were getting emtpy, I knew that I was gonna be late but I didn't care. I didn't like the teacher, so.... I was happily walking when somone grabbed me and spun me around. I was surprised to see the jock that gave me the funny look standing there.

"You dropped your book!" He said, giving it to me.

I looked at the book like if it was a bomb...I was shocked, I grabbed it and looked at him. " Huh thanks..."

"You're welcome...see ya around!" he said walking away.

Whoa!...welcome to the twiligh zone...


"So, open your book on page twenty." The teacher said.

I groaned and opened the book: to my surprise a piece of paper fell to the ground, I grabbed it up quickly and started to read.

"I saw how you were looking at Mike, I may not be him but I can give something better!"

I was shocked, totally surprised, my mouth must have been on the ground. I looked around and everyone was reading something, so I pretended to be doing the same not forgetting the note...who could have put the note there....wait, that guy...from the fotball team...fuck...I stared at the message reading it over, not believing that it was real.

"So, Brad what do you think about it?" the teacher asked.

"Huh?" I asked comming out of my daze. "I'm sorry I wasn't listening..."

"Of course not....Jake?" he said asking another person.

The class passed slowly, ...I needed to talk to someone and think what to do about this....Bri would be my only chance, she would be having chemistry with me. I almost ran to the lab (something unusual for me to do) and found Bri there waiting for me.

"Look, don't start with Jared please." she said.

"I've got bigger things." I said pulling her to a quiet place.

I told her everthing and her mouth hung open.

"I don't know what to say....huh...I mean... is he hot?" she asked.

"BRI? I don't know what to do...and you ask me if he's hot?" I asked.

"Look, just don't say anything...pretend that you didn't read the note!"she said waving it off. "Let's go, it's time for class!"

It was the last class of the day, and I was planning on passing by the football field to see how Mike was doing; but I knew that the note guy would think that I was there for him. I convinced Bri to come with me to pretend that we were studying. She wasn't very convinced but after saying the name Jared she was more than happy to come.

The football field was huge, it was one of the prides of the school. Football was the only sport that the school managed to be good at...so it was obvious that it was the one with most financial support. We sat and pretended to be talking...but of course that we kept taking peeks at the team. After tech practice was over, I noticed that the cheerleaders were also practicing. One of them, one of those blondes with the body, face and hair to die for, approched the team and started laughing and flirting with them. She was talking to Pete and Mike and Pete walked away leaving the blonde with Mike.

I was getting a strange feeling on my stomach, I wasn't liking the way she was touching his shoulder and the way she was laughing and throwing her breast at him. Bri noticed my reaction and started laughing.

"If your eyes could kill, she would be toasted!" she said.

I didn't take my eyes off her, and Mike didn't seem to notice our presence. I didn't know what to do. I trusted Mike, but a man was a man, right? I mean....a man has a limit! And I had reached mine,..and maybe Mike's limit was being tested...I grabbed Bri and dragged her towards them, as we I approched them, Mike noticed us and smiled. "Hei guys, what are you doing here? I thought that you didn't have more classes today!"

"We are here to talk to you about Friday .. the arrangements!" I said, not looking at the blond.

"Oh, sorry, guys this is Michelle. Michelle this is Brad and Bri!" Mike said introducing us.

"Nice to meet you." She said. "Well, Mike, I'll see you at your party. I won't miss it."

And she left winking at Mike. I looked at him and rolled my eyes.

"Mike, your boy here is a very jealous person. No kidding, he was almost killing her with his eyes!" Bri said laughing.

Mike laughed. "Don't worry...she's just a friend.."

"Well, Bri's a friend, and I don't see her flirting with you the way blondie there was!" I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

"That's why she only do that when you're not around!" Mike said, laughing. "Now seriously, you don't need to worry, I'm with you...promise...!"

I smiled. "I know...I was just playing with you...besides I have the right to be jealous.... a hottie like you will always be hitted on!"

MIke grinned. "Look, we'll talk later....I have to shower...see ya tomorrow!"


During Thursday I didn't see Mike as we had diferent classes. I spent most of the day with Bri and Kevin talking and planning the weekend. Friday I saw Mike during P.E and he said that we should all walk together to his house after classes to prepare the party that was going to happen that night. After he left the locker room I walked towards the shower and as I entered, I noticed that someone was behind me. I turned around and saw the note guy.

"Jesus you scared me!" I said pulling the towel around me.

"My name is Mark not Jesus!" he said smiling.

He was wearing a towel around his waist and he had quite a body, he was cute also, and seemed to be nice...if I wasn't with Mike....

"I'm Brad...nice to meet you...thanks again for the book!" I said smiling.

"You're welcome.... are you going to Mike's party tonight?"


"Yeah...he invited the whole football team and the chearleaders...half the school will be there!" he said.

I tried not to, but I couldn't control myself and while I was talking my eyes would drift of to other parts of his body than his face.

"Mark!" I heard someone shout.

"Hey, I've got to go, see ya later!" he said, walking away.

I sighed with relief. I finished my shower and walked towards the next class. After all the boring classes I met with Bri and Kevin near the main entrance and we waited fot Mike.

We were happily talking when I saw Mike walking towards us, but he wasn't alone. He had the blondie next to him trying to be even closer. I grabbed Bri's arm and squeezed it; she gave a little yell and slapped me on my the back of the neck.

"I'll see ya later at the party!" Michelle said, kissing Mike's cheek.

I wanted to rip her head off.. and mail it to Australia far away from everyone. I faked a smile to her and while saying goodbye prayed that she would twist her ankle and couldn't make it to the party.

"So, are you ready?" Mike asked us.

"Yeah, Bri lets go!" I said grabbing Bri's arm and starting to walk.

I grabbed Bri as if she was my girlfriend and she just lauhghed. Mike looked a little stunned but walked along with Kevin and us.

"I'm feeling a little lonely here!" I heard MIke say behind us.

"Go ask Michelle to give you some company!" I said not looking at him.

"Come on Brad....she was flirting with me, it's not as if I was flirting back!" he whined.

"Not convinced!" I said.

Mike pulled me off of Bri and dragging me behind a tree started kissed me right there. We were in a deserted street, so there was no problem.."Convinced now?!"

I nodded, completely stunned. "Lets go now, and this time you're next to me!"

We continued our walk together. Somehow during the walk Mike grabbed my hand, it wasn'st really visible to other people cause we were all together, but it made me smile all the way to his house.


Everthing was ready, Bri and Kevin were watching some TV; and Mike and I were out on the balcony watching the sunset. I was sitting between his legs while he held me...I sure wasn't in the mood to join the party right now...everything seemed so perfect at this moment that I didn't want it to end, certainly not for any other people, and expecially not for blondes..



"How do see yourself in 10 years?"

"I don't know...I just hope that I feel as good as now!"

I didn't answer....we stayed in a confortable silence until he spoke.

"How were things with Pete?"

"They were ok...."

"Did you get to .....you know....?" he asked unconfortably.

"Yeah....he was my first...." I said.

"Look, Brad...I don't think that I'm ready to...you know...."

"Don't worry...I understand....you're bi aren't you?"

Mike nodded. "That's ok...I'm ok with that...as long as you keep your hands away from that Michelle!"

He laughed. "You don't like her one little bit do you? She's nice, but I don't think that I could have anything with her!"

"I hope so!"

Mike suddenly come close to my hear and whispered. "I love you!"

I smiled. "Me too! I know that probably it's too soon, but I do love you!"

"Awwwww, look at the two lovebirds." Bri said mocking us. "Don't they look cute, Kevin?"

"Yeah...Brad looks just like the womam!" he said grinning.

"At least he's a pretty woman!" Mike said defending me.

"Comme on, we've got to get ready....it's almost time!" Bri said, dragging Kevin. "Don't take to much time with the mushy part..."

I smiled. "So ready for it?"

"What the mushy part? ...Always." He said leaning to kiss me.


The party was going well and eveyone was having fun; Bri seemed to hit it off with Jared and Kevin was with some girl on the sofa. I was trying to find Mike but no one knew where he was and while Jared went to the bathroom I grabbed Bri to try to find Mike.

"Last time I saw him he was going upstairs!" she said smiling.

I let her go and climbed the stairs to look for Mike. Upstairs it was much quieter....just the usual couples kissing and gropping each other. I still couldn't find Mike. I walked towards the balcony and saw that someone was out there, and had company. I peeked out and what I saw shocked me. Mike and Michelle were deep in conversation...only that this one didn't made any sound and their tongues were locked together.

I just stared at them for what seemed like an eternity until Mike looked at me. He stoped kissing and I turned and walked away from there. I didn't cry, not even a sob, I was kind of used to it...it seemed that I only drew this type of things to me. I pushed through the crowd of people and walked out of there.


I there...this one come out sooner huh? Well, I was really inspired and this just come out faster...keep on e-mailing to pookie_story@hotmail.com...A hug.

Next: Chapter 6

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