
Published on Mar 13, 1998


Always the Last to Know by The Chesire Cat

Disclaimer: This is a fictional story based on the television show "Poltergeist: the Legacy." It is in no way intended to infringe on the copyright or ownership of MGM and the creators of the show. All characters, scenes, places, etc. from the show and any references to them are the exclusive property of MGM and whoever else might own them. Warning! This is a piece of slash fan fiction. It contains m/m romance and graphic sexual scenes. If you are too young to read this stop now! I will not be held responsible. You have been warned. I, the author, have not been paid in any way for this. I write for pleasure. This story may be distributed among consenting adults. It may also be posted on websites by people other than me, if and only if the person(s) doing the posting/ submitting is not out to harm the author in any way, shape, or form, the words of the story are kept the same, and the title and my pen name are kept the same. Corrections may be made, but only if a corrected copy is first e-mailed to me, the author. If you've read this far, you certify under penalty of the laws of G-d and man that you are of legal age, do not find this offensive, and are not trying to harm the author or the website this may have been found at. Now, ENJOY!

Derek was finally catching up on signing some long overdue paperwork in his office. For once in his career, things seemed relatively quiet. It was a nice change. He had just finished signing the last bunch when his senses let him know a supernatural presence was there. He looked up and saw a man calmly sitting in the chair opposite of him. Derek nearly leapt out of the chair, as recognized the figure.

To the eye, there seemed nothing really unusal about the man. He was dressed in a grey suit, dark burgundy tie. The clothes were nice, but not overly expensive. His light brown hair had been almost completely overtaken by the silver. He was obviously about sixty, but fit and trim. He could have looked like any number of businessmen, except for two features, his piercing steel blue eyes and burn scars on his right cheek and the right side of his brow.

Derek grabbed for him, but his hand passed through his body, it having no more substance than smoke. Derek looked at his hand, slightly puzzled.

"Really, Derek...did you think I would come here physically? You should remember I'm quite skilled in astral projection. I know it has been a while, but not so long that you could forget me."

"What are doing here, Lazurium? How did you survive the fire?"

"What? No hug and kiss? You really should apologize for those lousy manners. I sat here for a good twenty minutes before you noticed me, but moving on. About the fire, well, as you can see, I didn't escape unscathed, but I told you I always leave myself a way out. As for why I'm here, surely such an esteemed member of the Legacy can guess. It's not really complicated."


"Bravo. Now, let me tell you what you won. Sloan and you destroyed my operations those eighteen years ago. You destroyed my followers, my empire, my life! I'll deal with William eventually, but first there's you. I want you to watch, helpless like I was after you bound me in that circle, as I kill each member of your house...the people you care most for. Then, I'm going to kill you. After all, you are the last one who battled me besides Sloan....left alive, anyway."

"Why now? Why here?"

"Don't be so dense. I took me years to rebuild what I'd lost. Then, I dealt with the others. Don't tell me you haven't noticed a few too many renegade houses lately? Just two more to go."

Derek paled at the question. It was true. Too many of his colleagues, people he was once working closely with had been turned or killed and their bodies invaded by foul spirits.

"You don't just plan on killing. You plan on corrupting. It will never happen. We'll never give in to you. We'll--*"

"Stop me? Yes. I heard the exact same speech from all the others. It didn't save them, did it? They either serve me now or they're dead."

Lazurium vanished, leaving no trace of his visit. Derek immediately rushed to call the others. He couldn't leave them unwarned of the danger. Soon, everyone there was gathered, except for Nick who had gone to the city. They tried his phone, but Nick was notorious for turning it off while driving. Derek just prayed Lazurium wouldn't strike so quickly.

"What is this all about, Derek? It'd be obvious to anyone somthing upset you." Rachel asked, always trying to be the phychiatrist, calm and in control.

"It would seem a past Legacy chapter, one I thought long closed, has resurfaced. His name is Marcus Lazurium."

"Never heard of him," Alex stated.

"No, you wouldn't have. The journals about his case were sealed. Macus was once a white sorcerer and powerful ally to the London house, but he became obsessed with immortality. He practiced forbidden arts and crossed over. When we learned of this, a special band was put together. Made up mostly of precepts. Sloan was the head of the team, I was his second.

"Lazurium had corrupted more than half of the London house. He used them as followers and....currency. He was bargaining with a demon for immortality and wealth in exchange for his minions' souls and a thousand others to be delivered in the next hundred years.

"We took heavy casualties in the fight. We manged to drive him into his conjuring circle. The demon within trapped him, leaving him to burn as it fled back to the abyss. The mansion he operated from was burning, and we ran for our lives, leaving him, as he screamed an oath to us. He swore he'd have vengeance, no matter the cost."

"You left him to burn?" Rachel asked, eyes wide.

"We had no choice. If we entered the circle, we'd be trapped to burn. We thought he'd died there. Within a few days, his businesses and companies crumbled. Their success was obviously attained through black magic. Without him, they fell."

"How do you know he's alive? It might be a trick," Alex offered.

"No. He was here."

"Here?!" Rachel and Alex asked simultaneously.

"Yes...well his astral projection anyway. He said he was going to destroy the house, then me. William and I are the last two members of that team. He's out for blood. After he's done here, he plans on finishing off William, and most likely the London house, the central nervous system of the Legacy itself."

"I'd better start placing calls for those records...any hints as to his whereabouts?" Alex asked.

"No, but he did say he had rebuilt his business empire. See what you can find out. Rachel, it might be a good idea to send your Kat to a friend's house. We don't want her involved. I've got to call William. If we can't stop him, William at least needs to see them coming."

They all went about their tasks. When dealing with a man like Marcus Lazurium, time was indeed a precious comodity.

Nick was walking to his car. He'd parked near a store he'd visited then walked three blocks to a restaurant. There was a slight chill, as the sun began sinking, but he found it pleasant. The streets were empty except for him and another man walking behind him. At least they were, until a motorcycle drove by. Nick really didn't see anything unusual about it, until he heard the gunshots and the stranger behind him pushed him to the ground.

Nick had the wind knocked out of him, but he was otherwise unhurt thanks to the stranger. The bike sped away, not bothering to try a second time. Nick sat up and for the first time got a good look at the stranger. He was young, maybe twenty five, good looking, fair skin, hazel eyes and black hair.

"Thanks, man. Nick Boyle," Nick said, offering his hand.

"Michael Nox," the man replied taking his hand.

They got to their feet, and Nick noticed his savior hadn't escaped unscathed. He had a hole in his left thigh. The bullet had passed clean through, but he was still bleeding, staining the designer suit he wore.

"Man, we gotta get you to the hospital."


"But you're hurt..."

"No hospitals. I saved you, now I'm calling in the favor. I will not go to a hospital. Just give me a ride back to my hotel."

Nick was stubborn, so it was easy to recognize equal stubbornness. He knew that look meant there was no changing this guy's mind.

"Fine, no hospitals, but you're coming with me back to my place. We've got a first aid kit and my friends' have some medical training."

Michael sighed and nodded. He leaned on Nick's shoulder to the car, and Nick ripped an old shirt in the back to tie around the wound. The pressure would help for the bleeding. They drove to the ferry and headed for the mansion.

Nick walked through the door, helping a limping man in with him. The other members quickly rushed over to see what had happened. Nick told them, but Derek couldn't very well discuss the situation with their guest.

"Michael, meet Rachel, Alex, and Derek."

Michael shook each of their hands, but as he got to Derek's he noticed his precept ring. Michael smiled and let out a small laugh. He seemed to relax at the sight of it.

"Nick...really. I save your life and you don't bother to tell me you're a Legacy member. Derek...Derek? Ah! You must be Dr. Rayne, the precept of this house."

"It would seem you have us at a disadvantage. You know us, but we don't know you," Derek said, cautiously easing away.

"Why not ask William Sloan? He knows me. He mentioned you once...that's how I know you."

"I will, but I'm going to have to ask you to remain here."

"Certainly, but may have that first aid kit and a seat on the couch?"

Derek nodded, with a tight, polite smile. He didn't know this man, and this was hardly Lazurium's style, but he had to be sure. Everyone, even Nick, kept their distance as Michael bandaged his wound and sat on the couch, waiting.

In the other room....

"Hello, William. It seems Lazurium isn't wasting time. Someone shot at Nick today. He was saved, but his savior is more than he seems. He knows about us and claims to know you."

"Who is he?"

"His name is Michael Nox."

"Really? Nox is there? Well, you are in good luck, Derek. I do know him. He's been the Legacy's contact for his people for nearly five centuries."

"I don't understand."

"Michael Nox is a member of a noble race of immortal creatures, spawned by the mixing of faerie blood and human. They're called Visagorum. They are similar to vampires, except for the fact that they are not evil or restricted to the night. They are however a private people, so they only have one contact with the Legacy, which is known to only the head of the London house. It's been that way for thousands of years. We can call on them, for their power is great, but only in the most dire emergencies."

"We've had those kind of allies, and you never called on them?"

"Most of the things we deal with aren't considered a threat to the world, therefore not a threat to them. They are benevolent but interested in their own above all else. You've received a rare treat today, my boy. Oppurtunity of a lifetime. If anything, I'm envious. Who knows? If he likes you, he might get rid of Lazurium for us, but just hint at your problem. Don't ask him, or he may be insulted. He'll pick up on it, believe me. Call me back when you have news."

Derek was about to protest, full of questions, but Sloan had already disconnected. At least he knew Michael Nox was indeed a friend not foe.

"Well, what did the big boss have to say?" Nick asked, wanting to trust the man who saved him, but also on guard.

"Everything's fine. William confirmed it. It seems our guest is a centuries old ally. You are most welcome in this house, Mr. Nox."

Nick's eyes widened at the statement.

"Centuries old?!" Nick asked, not sure what to think.

"May I, Mr. Nox?" Derek politely asked his guest before revealing anything else.

"Yes, but Michael, if you please. 'Mister' makes me feel like you're trying to sell me something."

"Very well, Michael," Derek said smiling, "He's a member of an ancient, noble race. They're like the 'good twins' of vampires but not restricted by sunlight. Michael, I would be more than happy to have you as a guest, but I am afraid we have pressing business. We don't want to seem ungracious, but it is not safe here right now, and you are hurt."

"What, this? It'll heal buy morning."

"Regardless, we can not put you in danger. I'll have Nick take you back, in the morning."

Michael rolled his eyes, sighing.

"What is it?" Nick asked.

"I was hoping to be anywhere but that hotel. It's driving me nuts, but I've had no luck finding a good place. Derek, what do you say to a bargain?" Michael said, a sly smile on his face.

"A bargain?" asked Derek, his natural instinct to avoid any making deals with anything supernatural, even the benevolent kind.

"Yes, a bargain. I need a place to stay, and you have plenty of room. If I get rid of this little problem, can I stay? I promise I won't be in the way, I have a sunny disposition, and I'm practically the best expert you could hope for dealing with the supernatural."

"Actually, I was hoping we could come to that type of arrangement. I didn't want to ask, but since you brought it up, we'd be delighted."

"Excellent. If I can borrow Nick, I only have a few things and wouldn't mind moving in now."

"Are you sure?" Nick asked, "Your said your leg won't heal until morning."

"I'll be fine. Besides, I'll heal faster with blood. After you," Michael said, standing up.

"Blood?" Nick asked, wrinkling his nose.

"It's what sustains my people. Don't worry. We don't drink human blood."

Derek nodded his approval. Nick got up and walked out the door Michael was already holding open. As Nick walked through the door, Derek saw the attraction in Michael's eyes, as Michael stared at Nick. He might be one of the good guys, but his interests were more than he said. Derek shrugged his shoulders, deciding it really didn't matter. If Michael really wanted to stay for a romantic interest in Nick, who was he to stop him? Derek himself had occasionally thought of Nick like that, but he saw no proof that Nick was interested in men. Derek walked to place a call to William.

"It would seem our Lazurium problem has solved itself. Michael offered to get rid of him for a place to stay."

"Hmmm....he didn't want anything else?"

"That's all he said, but the look I saw on his face says he has more than a friendship interest with Nick."

"Are you sure, Derek?" William asked with a sense of urgency.

"William, what's wrong? Is Nick in some kind of danger from this?"

"No, no. Our Mr. Boyle is no danger, or anyone in your house. I don't want to worry you, as it may in fact be nothing, but..."

"Tell me, William."

And tell, he did.

True to his word, Michael took care of Lazurium. He wouldn't say how, but Derek felt the passing of his old enemy. Michael also proved to be an asset, possessing encyclopedic information on the spirit worlds, but more than that, he was well liked. In only one month, everyone in the house was turning to him, confiding in him. He and Nick had grown particularly close. They often went out on the town. It was after one of those nights that they had settled in on the couch, watching a movie.

"Nick, I need to talk to you."

"What is it?" Nick asked, concerned with the tone in Michael's voice.

"We're friends, right? Would anything change that?"

"No. Why? Is something wrong?"

"No. I think everything is right."

Mihael leaned in, gently placing his lips on Nick's. He wound up being knocked to the floor. Michael just stared, confused at the reaction.

"What are doing?" Nick questioned, standing up.

"I-I thought you knew how I felt about you....I love you, Nick."

"No, no, no, no...." Nick mumbled grabbing his coat.

"Nick, please sit down. Just talk to me. Look, I'm sorry. It was a mistake, but please, talk to me. I'll stay on the other side of the room."

"No, no. I've gotta get outta here."

"Nick, please..." Michael begged, walking towards Nick.

"NO! Stay away from me! Just stay away!" Nick yelled, running out the door.

The commotion had woken Rachel. She rushed to see what had happened. Her sight was greeted with Michael tears running down his face. He had gathered his most personal belongings, leaving the clothes and food.

"Michael, what happened? I thought I heard--*"

"I'm sorry. It was a mistake. It's all my fault. I'm sorry."

Michael wouldn't say anymore. He ran out the door, not listening to Rachel trying to calm him. Rachel stood there, not understanding a thing. She was soon joined by Derek and Alex, as they sat down in the living room. Rachel made some tea while they tried to figure out what had transpired.

"You were the first down here, Rachel. What did you see?"

"All I know is I was sleeping. I thought I heard Nick yelling. When I came down, Michael had gathered some of his things. He was crying and saying he was sorry and it was a mistake. He ran out before I could find anything else out."

"Derek, what is it?" Alex asked, knowing that look.

"I'm not at liberty to discuss the matter."

"But Derek, if something happened to Nick..."

"Nick's fine. He's probably out cooling off."

"Derek..." Alex protested, but knew that was all she was going to learn.

They waited for a couple of hours, and Nick showed up. He turned red, realizing he'd been the one to wake everybody up.

"Well, maybe we can finally find out what happened," Rachel stated, her weariness coming through.

"Where's Michael?"

"We were hoping you could tell us. I heard yelling, and when I came down, Michael was crying. He just grabbed a few of his things and left, mumbling he was sorry."

"Oh G-d....I really screwed up. Michael....kissed me...It's not how I was raised, and I didn't know how to react. I went out to blow off steam. I really should have handled that better. We'd better go find him."

"You won't. He's gone, Nick," Derek stated.

"What are you talking about?"

"He left in a hurry, not intending to come back. You can't find him, unless he wants to be found."

"Oh man...I really didn't mean for that to happen. He just caught me offguard. Can't Sloan find him. If I could just talk to him..."

"I don't think that would be wise, Nick," Derek replied, "You hurt him. I really don't think he'd want to see you."

"But, Derek. You can't be serious..." Rachel began protesting.

"Rachel, Nick, the damage is done. Let him be. Now, if we can, we really should try to get some sleep."

"Michael's hurt, Derek. I thought you were his friend. How can you just...*"

"Rachel, may I see you in the other room, in private?" Derek cut her off.

They walked into the control room, leaving Nick, feeling horrible, and Alex, confused. Once inside, Derek sat down with a sigh.

"What I'm about to tell you is never to be repeated Rachel, for Nick's sake. He'd never forgive himself, if he knew the real reason he can't see Michael."

Rachel didn't like the sound of this one bit. She knew Derek well enough to know he was very upset by tonight's events, despite his calm composure.

"Michael may not be alive much longer."

"What?! How can that be? He's an immortal. I don't--*"

"When his people fall in love with a mortal, it is very dangerous for them. If they are rejected, it can kill them. You see, while they are strong in body and magic, their emotions are their weakness. Rejection causes great physical damage. Now, they know they can not be together forever. Mortals eventually die, but they can handle that. Rejection, however....Hopefully, since Michael is strong, he'll survive. It won't hit him for a couple of days, so he'll probably seek out others of his kind for help, but he still might die. Now, you see why Nick can't go after him and why we can't tell him. Nick would never forgive himself, if he knew the truth. I'll check with William in a few days, see if Michael's going to live. We can't do anything, so the best thing is try to go back to our normal routine."

Rachel nodded, wiping the tears of fear from her eyes. She and Derek went into the other room together, urging Alex and Nick to bed, but no one got much sleep that night.

Nick was began torn apart be guilt and the loss of someone he now realized was his best friend. Alex was worried about Nick and Michael and felt the loss of knowing a friend had left, probably never wanting to see this house again. She was a little angry at Nick for handling the situation like that, but she knew he didn't mean to overact. That was just Nick. Derek and Rachel felt the same as Alex, but they also worried about Michael and prayed he would survive.

Derek of course informed Sloan about what had happened the next day. He went about business as usual, but he and Rachel were eagerly awaiting the return call. It came a few days later. William informed Derek that Michael had survived and was staying with his people in New York. He was going to be very weak for a while. Both Derek and Rachel breathed easier at the news.

Two months had passed, and Nick had become more and more irritable everyday. He snapped at his friends constantly and made sarcastic comments. For those that knew him, it was obvious. He was in love and didn't want to admit it, to himself or anyone. Eventually, his behavior became so intolerable that Rachel started yelling at him.

"That's it, Nick! That is it! I can't stand this anymore! Why don't you just admit it?! You're in love!"

"What?! With who?"


"That's not possible. I'm straight! It just isn't possible."

"Really? Are you so sure? Look me in the eye and tell me that."

Nick tried to, but he wound up growling and turning away. Derek intercepted him, before he could get out the door. Nick tried to get past, but it was obvious Derek wasn't letting him go, until he said his piece.

"Why is it so impossible, Nick? Just tell me why and you can go."

"It's not how I was raised! It's not right! It's a sin!"

"Really, Nick. I thought so much better of you. I would have thought that you would understand things like this after being in the Legacy. Love in any form can never be evil, therefore it can't be a sin."


"What if I'd asked you out? What, then?"

"What? Derek, please....you can't be serious," but Nick saw Derek was indeed serious.

"You?! But, Derek...I-I've seen you with women...I..."

"That doesn't mean I'm not attracted to men, Nick. You need to stop lying to yourself. Until you resove this matter, you are banned from working on any Legacy projects. Right now, you are hindering more than helping."

Nick just stared in shock for a moment before running out the door. He had a lot of things to work out, a lot of things to think about, and these were problems he had to solve on his own.

A week later, after talking repeatedly with Phillip, Derek, Alex, and Rachel, Nick made a descision. They were right. He was in love. It wasn't easy to admit, but they made their support clear. Even Phillip, the one person Nick expected to condemn his feelings, was offering support. Priest or not, Phillip knew the church didn't get everything right. Nick went to find Derek to get Michael's address.

"Derek...this isn't easy for me, but you know that. I need to see Michael, and you and Sloan are the only ones who would know where he is."

"Are you sure, Nick? I can't give you his location, unless you are sincere in your intentions. If you think you might not be able to do this, I can't have you go there. It would just make things worse."

"I'm sure."

Derek placed the call to William that very day. It took a lot of arguing and arm twisting, but he eventually wormed the address out of the Legacy's head. Nick was out on a plane the next morning.

Nick checked into a hotel quickly and took a cab. The sun was setting already. He arrived at the address and was shocked to see what had to be the most expensive apartments in the city. Nick walked in and was stopped by a guard.

"Excuse me, sir, but you're not a resident. All guests have to be announced."

Nick sighed and gave the man his name. This wasn't what he wanted. Michael might refuse to see him. If he could just talk to him, even through a door, he'd have a better chance. The man was on the phone several minutes. It was clear there was some sort of arguement on the other end, but eventually a decision had been reached. Nick was walked to the elevator and the operator was told which floor. Nick soon realized why he hadn't been given an apartment number, the entire floor was the apartment. Well, it was actually all the apartments on the floor, just converted into a monster apartment, easily bigger than a comfortable house.

He stepped out of the lift and a fist connected with his face. Nick was roughly pulled to his feet and thrown onto a couch.

"Maxwell! Stop it!"

"But he's the bastard that nearly killed Michael! Why shouldn't I kill him?!"

"Go take a walk...cool off! That is not a request!"

Nick finally got a good look at the other two people in the room as his attacker left. The one who attacked him was called Maxwell if he'd heard correctly, not sure, being a little stunned, looked to be in his thirties, short red hair and green eyes. He was dressed in a business suit and had an obviously gymnist physique. The other one was female, long blonde hair, sea blue eyes and about eighteen or so by human appearance. With Maxwell gone, she sat down on the couch with him.

"I'm sorry for Maxwell. We're both very protective of Michael. I'm Elizabeth, by the way."

"I noticed....but what did he mean....how did I almost kill him?" Nick asked in obvious confusion.

"You really don't know, do you? I didn't think so, otherwise I would have let Maxwell tear you apart. When we fall in love with a mortal, if we are rejected, it can literally kill us. That is our great weakness...we are not capable of handling rejection like humans. It quite literally is life threatening. Luckily, it takes us a couple of days to feel the full effect. That gave Michael enough time to get here, so we could help nurse him back to health, as he would soon be very ill."

Nick just stared at her, not knowing what to say, as she continued.

"When it hit him, Michael nearly died. Thankfully, he was old enough and strong enough to survive it. We had to force feed him for days. He was bedridden for a month. Finally, he's now able to walk with a cane. He's getting his strength back, but it's a slow process."

Nick was shaking his head no, desperately not wanting to believe what he was being told.

"It is true, Mr. Boyle. Now, why have you come here?"

"I need to see Michael. We need to talk."

"I'm afraid, if this is just a social call, it would do more damage than good. Michael doesn't know you're here, and if you can't give me a better reason, you may not see him. If this is to patch up a friendship, forget it. It would hurt him too much to see you."

"I...I..." Nick swallowed hard before being able to say the words, "I love him."

It wasn't an easy thing for Nick to admit, let alone to a stranger. She searched his eyes, looking for any decption. Finding none, she sat back.

"Do you really think he wants you? After all, you hurt him badly....worse than you ever could have known. What could make you think he'd still want you?"

"I...don't know. I love him. This isn't easy for me. It's not how I was raised. If he doesn't want me, I need him to tell me. I just have to see him. Please."

Elizabeth nodded and led him down the hallway. She pointed at the last door and turned to walk away. Nick braced himself and knocked on the door. There was no turning back now.

"Well, it's about time you two came to check on me--*" Michael stopped, his smile fading as he saw Nick.

Nick gasped as he saw the toll his love had taken on Michael. Michael was much thinner. The face was the same, as well as his hair, skin, and eyes, but the lustre had faded from the color, leaving them dulled. His muscles' defintion was still there, but his frailty was obvious by the way he heavily leaned on a cane. Nick could never have been prepared for this.

"Nick? I wasn't expecting you. Did Maxwell do that? Sorry, he's a bit overprotective."

Nick nodded, knowing full well he had a shiner.

"I know. Can I come in....please?"

Michael slowly nodded and opened the door. Michael sat down on the couch and Nick sat down with him.

"Are you sure you want to sit on the same couch? Did you forget what happened last time?" Michael asked, bitterness in his voice, turning away.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Why didn't you tell me?"

"How was I supposed to? Nick, I'm in love with you, and if you reject me, it might literally kill me. C'mon."

"I am sorry, for what it may be worth. I didn't know how to handle it, how to react. I didn't know how to handle what I felt, what I feel."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Michael asked, fear cracking voice.

"I love you."

"No. No. Don't do this Nick. Please, don't do this. If you want my forgiveness, fine. Clean slate. Don't do this."

"I understand that you don't love me....after what happened. I just had to tell you."

Nick began crying, as he began to get up.

"Is that what you think?! The problem is I do love you, Nick. I won't survive this a second time. That's why I'm telling you don't pretend to love me to make me feel better. I won't survive it."

"I'm sorry. I am. Michael, this isn't easy for me. I was raised against this. I was in the Navy. Everything in my past says this is wrong. I wouldn't have been able to come it all, if the house hadn't supported me, but I do love you. I tried denying it as long as I could."

Michael looked into his eyes, searching the truth as only his kind could. He began crying, as he saw the love. Nick, despite his own tears, played the role of the shoulder. Michael hesitated a little at first, but then grabbed Nick with as much strength as his weakened state allowed. They cried out their tears, until they could finally look each other in the eye.

Nick casually broke the silence with a small joke.

"I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted."

"Me too. Do you want to stay here? It's kinda late to go back to whatever hotel you're at."

Nick looked into Michael's beautiful eyes. It was a test, he realized. As much as Nick wanted to take this slow, Michael needed confirmation of the love. Nick wanted to tell him he couldn't, but he could never risk hurting Michael, again....never again. He nodded slowly.

"Sure. I'll take the couch."



"I said no. You're a guest. You get the bed. I'll take the couch."

"Michael....you need your rest...I--*"

"If you sleep on the couch, I'm sleeping on the floor. The only way I'll sleep in that bed is if you are in there with me."

"Michael....I'm not....sure...I'm not ready for that....you know..."

"Nick, please! I can't stand without a cane, and you think I have the energy for sex! I just....want you near me."

Nick nodded. They crawled into bed together. Michael layed his head on Nick's chest, feeling the heart beating beneath him, the way he never thought he would.



"What would have happened if we hadn't talked? I'm surprised Maxwell even let you in."

"He didn't. He just hit me. Elizabeth?...she let me in to see you."

"Sorry about that."

"What for? I deserved it."

"I don't know about that. I didn't tell you what would happen. It was my fault, too. So...what would you have done?"

"I'd have to of left the Legacy."


"Because in only a couple of months, I've damn near managed to drive everyone in the house crazy. Without you, they'd have killed me in another week."

"Goodnight, Nick."

"Goodnight....my love."

Michael wanted to desperately to lean up and kiss those perfect lips, but he wasn't sure if Nick was ready. This was something they would have to take slow. He was about to ask if he could, but Nick sensed the question and answered it by pressing his lips to Michael's. It didn't last long, and the kiss was light. It wasn't very passionate, but at the same time, it was the most passionate kiss either had ever had. It would take a long time, but it would be worth it. They just settled back in and went to sleep.


Note: I really could go on forever with this story, but I'm not going to. I hope you enjoyed it so far. I decided to close it off with an event that happens five months later....the first time Nick and Michael make love.

Everything was going better than expected for the two. Nick and Michael were quite happy together in the San Francisco house. While there were some difficulties, they were overcoming the obstacles, as they came up.

Nick was still having trouble in public, but he quickly had learned not to be embarassed around his friends. Michael still wasn't nearly at full strength, but he was well to occasionally enough to join Nick for a light jog in the mornings, since he no longer had need of a cane. He was probably recovering quicker than he would, due to all the fussing Nick made over him. The other members of the house couldn't keep the smiles from their faces at the way Nick time and time again argued with Michael about how he needed to rest more. They still had separate rooms, but Nick often saw Michael to bed, and Michael sometimes talked him into sleeping in there. As much as Michael complained, it was obvious he enjoyed the attention.

Nick had his arm around Michael on the couch, as they watched The Godfather. It was a favorite of both. They were watching it, as the rest of the house headed for the door.

"What's up, guys?" Nick asked, turning his head.

"Oh, we're just going to the mainland tonight. We probably won't be back until late, so you two will have to make due," Derek replied with a grin.

"Will do, boss man."

Michael smiled. Derek was being true to his word, taking everyone else out to give Nick and him the evening alone. Nick, of course, didn't know Michael had arranged a private evening, but that just made it better. Michael always liked surprising people.

"So....what do you want to do, Michael?"

"I don't know, love. We have this big house all to ourselves, a romantic movie on, and the lights are dim.....I think I want to kiss you."

"Mmmm....go ahead."

Michael leaned forward, gently placing his lips to Nick. He always started out slow. Nick was still very new to this type of relationship, so he always had to be gentle at first while making out, to relax him. As Nick relaxed, Michael slipped his tongue inside of Nick's mouth, allowing Nick to explore his at the time. They spent minutes kissing, exploring, before they gasped for air.

Michael pulled back and stared into those deep eyes he couldn't get enough of. Nick always blushed when he stared like this, but he couldn't help it. While he stared, he also smelled that spicy scent that was Nick, no other like it to ever be found.

"Get on the floor, Nick."

"Why? What are you planning?"

"You've been taking care of me so long, I'm finally going to start returning the favor."

"Yeah, but I'm also the one who made you sick."

"Then get on the floor out of guilt."

"Alright....but I don't see what I have to be on the floor for...."

Nick's voice drifted off in pleasure. As soon as he'd slid onto the floor, long slim hands began massaging his back. Nick had worked out extra hard today, and the backrub was heaven. Nick couldn't recognize some of the techniques, but they felt wonderful. The reason he couldn't recognize them was due to the fact that many had been forgotten, since Michael had learned them in the time of Rome.

Nick was growing turned on, much to his surprise. He'd had a hard-on from many things but never a massage. Michael didn't miss it. While he worked the tired muscles, he began nibbling on Nick's neck, causing gasps to join the moans.

"You keep this up, and we'll have to go to the bedroom," Nick said jokingly.

"Good. That's fine with me."

"Michael....uh...I was just kidding....I'm not sure I'm ready...."

"Shhh.....don't worry, Nick. I'd never make you do anything you don't want to do. We don't have to go all the way, but I would like to at least try. If you don't like something, we'll stop immediately. I want you to enjoy yourself. Please."

"Alright.....but if I can't, you won't be mad?"

"No, love. Never. I'm concerned with making you feel good above all else."

Nick and Michael walked up to Nick's room. It was the place Nick would be most at ease. They laid on the bed, dressed except for their barefeet. Michael let Nick be on top, knowing he would be most comfortable that way, but that didn't stop him from removing Nick's shirt. Michael kissed from Nick's mouth down to the defined pectorals. He licked every spot, finally coming to the round nipples. Under his gentle nips, darting tongue, and suck lips, Nick's member strained against his jeans, grinding into Michael's own erection.

Michael promptly helped remove the rest of their hindering garments. He couldn't help but stare again at the beauty. Michael, for all his centuries, had never seen this kind of beauty. It caused a tear to roll down his cheek.

"Michael, what's wrong?" Nick questioned with sincere concern.

"Nothing....I just never thought I would see this kind of beauty."

Nick, true to form, turned dark red. Michael was never one to waste an opening. He immediately moved his mouth to Nick's straining cock. Nick began panting, drops forming on his forehead, as the skilled tongue and lips worked his organ. He couldn't hold out long. He didn't want to. Spurt after cream colored spurt of his salty seed shot down Michael's throat and into his waiting belly. Michael didn't spill a drop. After Nick regained his breath, he looked down at Michael.

"Your turn. I'm not really sure how to do this, but...."

"You'll get the hang of it. Don't worry. As you do it, I'll tell you techniques on how to make it more pleasurable."

Nick nodded and slid into a 69 position. Nick was only able to take about half of Michael's impressive manhood in his mouth, so he jerked the rest of his cock with his hand. Michael started off coaching Nick, describing some basic techniques. As soon as Nick was doing well, Michael began sucking and jerking Nick back to hardness. If Nick came too close to climax, Michael would pull off. He had something different in mind for Nick's second load. Nick, however, was just concerned with pleasuring his new partner. He kept sucking and jerking, until Michael couldn't hold back. Nick gagged a little and some of the semen ran out of the corners of his mouth, as the thick, hot subtance emptied from Michael's balls. Michael took a moment before sitting up.

"Well....we're going to have to do something about that, Nick," Michael said pointing at Nick's straining erection, "and lucky you. I've got just the thing."

Michael reached under the bed and pulled out a tube of lubricant. Nick stared at it for a moment and shook his head no.

"Michael....I can't do that. I'm not ready to try it yet."

"It's not for you. It's for me."

"But, Michael....I don't know. I feel wrong holding back while you give. I..."

"Shhh....I happen to enjoy it. It's very pleasurable. Please....for me."

Nick had one weakness with Michael....the look. The pleading puppy eyes was the one thing he could never say no to, and Michael knew it. Nick nodded, and Michael started rolling over onto his stomach, only to be stopped by Nick.

"No. Not like that. I need to see your face, Michael. I need to see your pleasure. I won't risk causing you anymore pain. I need to see that there is no pain."

"There always is a little at first, Nick, but it leaves quickly to be replaced by exquisite pleasures."

Miachael laid on his back. He spread his legs, giving Nick total access. Nick wormed one, then a second greasy finger into the puckered opening. He worked them in and out, enjoying every gasp or grunt Michael made with each movement. Soon, Michael was well lubed and his anus relaxed. Nick coated his cock with the slick substance and prepared to enter.

Michael's legs were pushed up and spread, as Nick's cockhead pushed on the tight ring of muscle. The head forced it's way through. Nick continued pushing. He was about halfway in, when he saw the pain on Michael's face. He considered withdrawing, but Michael must have sensed his intentions. Before Nick could react, Michael locked his legs around Nick. He pulled Nick to him and pushed himself up off the bed, impaling himself the rest of the way. During the process, Michael let out a small scream, but as they settled back down, Nick saw the pleasure mixed with the pain on Michael's face.

"There we go, Nick. Isn't that so much better?" Michael asked, his voice coming in deep, husky gasps.

Nick didn't have to say a word. He covered Michael's mouth with his own, muffling the grunts and small screams that Michael made, as Nick started moving in and out. Michael's arms wrapped around Nick, joining his legs. They were no longer two separate people but one writhing, moaning entity. As Michael became more and more accustomed to Nick being inside of him, Nick began thrusting harder and faster, their lips never losing contact. While Nick thrusted, Michael's cock was hard and caught between their stomachs. The thrusting was inadvertantly jerking his cock in time with Nick's. Each of their worlds ceased to be, consumed by the fire, remaking them into one.

Michael couldn't hold out. He screamed, as his seed coated both their chests and stomachs, breaking the kiss. As Michael's ass clenched and unclenched during orgasm, Nick joined in with a scream of his own, filling hot bowels with hotter seed. They collapsed, unable to move. Michael would have been happy to stay like that forever, but it had to end. Slowly, he worked out from underneath Nick. Nick's softened penis fell out, leaving him with an empty feeling. Michael stood up, much to Nick's surprise.

"What are doing?"

"We can't stay like this forever, you know. Derek only agreed to be gone for six hours."

"What? I don't follow."

"I wanted tonight to be special, just you and me, so I asked everyone to take a night out."

"Well, you did it. Tonight was very special."

Nick stood up and kissed Michael gently. It was a slow kiss, like that night when Nick came back to Michael. Michael pulled away and looked Nick in the eye.

"We need to shower."

Nick nodded. They went into the stall together, soaping each other under the hot spray. Had they not been spent, they would have been straining in seconds. They finished pretty quickly and toweled off. Dressing in shorts and T-shirts, they went back into the den. Nick noticed Michael stagger a little. He instinctively rushed over.

"Michael, what is it? Did I hurt you? I'm sorry. I didn't mean--*"

"No, Nick. You didn't hurt me. I feel better than I've felt in a long time. I'm just a little tired."

"G-d, I'm such an idiot! I should have realized. You're not back to full strength. You should be in bed."

"I'm a big boy, Nick. I don't feel like sleeping. I'm enjoying the afterglow. I just want to sit down and finish the movie with you."

"Alright, but you're laying down. You rest your head in my lap."

"Deal," Michael said with a grin.

As Nick sat down, Michael stretched out, using Nick as a pillow. They watched the screen, as the movie continued. Nick began absent-mindedly stroking Michael's hair. It was so soft and intoxicating. He was so lost in the feeling, he didn't notice the others, until the door closed.

"Hey, guys! Have fun?" Alex asked with a smile.

Neither one answered. They just smiled, but none of them, not Derek, not Rachel, not Alex, required an answer. Nick and Michael were positively glowing. The position they were in wasn't anything new, just the attitude. It spoke of a new level of intimacy.

They said goodnight to each other. When the movie was over, the two retired to Michael's bedroom. They curled up in each other's arms and fell asleep, knowing there would be many tomorrows, and they would spend them together.

The End

Want more? If you want this story to continue, or if you have any comments, good, bad, suggestions for improvement, etc. e-mail me at Maddhatcat@aol.com. I may or may not write sequels, depending on your response.

Next: Chapter 2: Three Spirits 1

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