Polish Housekeeper

By cajuncock / John Skehan / jaskejr

Published on Mar 9, 2014


Polish Housekeeper 3

This is a work of gay fiction containing scenes of sex between consenting males. If this offends you -stop reading now. If you are under age -stop reading now. If it is illegal to read this in the country where you live- stop reading now. This work is under copyright to the author and can not be used or reprinted without the author's written consent.

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Polish Housekeeper -3 jas

Our characters:

John,55 yr,old retired American,5'11" dark salt and pepper hair,swimmer's body,brown eyes.

Helmuth,50,6 ft,thing build,part time professor,dark blond hair tinged with grey,green eyes

Johl,26,white blond hair,bright blue eyes,muscular farmer boy body,well endowed.

Setting: a small,very old French village of 300 people,near the sea,surounded by vineyards.

The rest of Sunday was spent lounging by the pool and tending my garden. Helmuth invited us over for dinner. We gladly accepted. He left to prepare dinner and we returned into the house to do a little work.

I had been asked to prepare a English booklet on the local history by the regional tourist board. This necessitated my spending 2 or 3 days away from the house visiting historic locations. I explained this to Johl as we cleaned the house. I asked Johl if he would like to use my computer to do his school work, He readily accepted. I gave him quick lesson on using my computer and printer.

I gathered all of the laundry,asking Johl if he had anything to wash. Between the two of us we had a full load for the washer. Everything was set to go so I fed the dogs and decided on a nap while the laundry was washing. I lay on my bed. Johl came in and saw me. He got on the bed,spooning next to me. A peace settled over me,something that I had not felt in a long time.

After our nap we got up and prepared to go to Helmuth's for dinner. I went to my wine rack to get two bottles to take with us. We crossed the open field that separated my house from Helmuth's. He had set up the table in the enclosed terrace behind his house.

Dinner was excellent and we enjoyed a comfortable after dinner drink and conversation outside. Helmuth and Johl talked for few minutes in German. Johl blushed during the conversation. I looked up and asked what was going on. Johl moved his chair next to mine. Helmuth had a smile as he spoke," I was just asking Johl about his feelings for you. I think I can safely say that his feelings are very deep after only a short time with you." Johl took my hand in his,holding me tightly.

Helmuth continued, " John, you do not know a great deal about Johl's life before he came to the university. His family roots are in both Germany and Poland. Poland has had a sad history. It has been often divided between the 3 great empires of eastern Europe-Austria, Germany,and Russia. With each change property,titles,even place names changed. Johl's family,like my own,adapted to the changes. We acquired new titles,new lands,even new religions.

"Johl's family were very wealthy before the war when the Nazis invaded Poland. After the war the communists confiscated much of their property.Johl's father became a farmer on the remaining land. His mother was the local school teacher. They raised the four children-Johl, his sister,and two brothers. Yes,it was a large Polish family.

"After the communist government fell the new government sought to return the confiscated properties to the rightful owners. Some owners took a cash payment rather than the often dilapidated properties. Johl's family took both cash and some of the property. Among the properties were a castle and manor houses. His father converted the castle into a retirement home for elderly farmers,his old,loyal neighbors. The family moved into a smaller manor on the property. The cash provided the opportunity for the children to get a university education. Johl decided to attend university here in France." Helmuth paused to give me time to digest all of this.

I looked at Johl in wonderment. He just nodded his head. I looked at Helmuth before asking. "What does this all mean for Johl and me? " He laughed and said, "Nothing unless you want it to mean something." "Ok" I continued "tell me the rest". Helmuth stood and went to his bookcase,pulling out a thick volume. He opened to a page he had marked. "Here is Johl's family." I took the book and looked at the page,it was in French and I read it carefully. Johl's family were princes in both Poland and Germany. Helmuth turned the page to his own titled family before speaking,"These days all of these titles are meaningless,of no value except to historians."

The conversation returned to Johl's plans after university. He had many options before him. He could return to Poland and manage a small company,or go to Germany to work at one of the booming castle hotels his German family owned. He might also consider staying in France and trying to find work in the business sector. I didn't press him on what he wanted or where I might fit into his plans.

To lighten the mood Helmuth suggested that we might want to go into the village café for a drink. It was an easy walk of no more than 15 minutes. The people in the café engaged Johl and Helmuth in conversations,asking them many questions about their lives in Poland and Germany. I sat on the side listening and enjoying the whole thing.

The walk back was in silence. When we got to Helmuth's he suggested that we might want to go into the larger,nearby city to a gay bar. I had not visited it often and readily agreed that it was a good idea.

During the following week we kept to our routine. I worked on my writing and the booklet. Johl attended classes three days in the week,riding his bike the short distance of 8 km to the university. We tended the garden,cleaned the house,and took care of the dogs. Each evening we shared the cooking duties. Johl was an excellent chef!

The weekend rolled around and we made plans to go into the city and the gay bars. The two days before Johl had been unusually happy. He seemed to be anticipating the trip into the city. He and Helmuth had been talking frequently over the week. I had continued my work on the booklet,as well as an article for the newspapers in the US. When writing I'm completely absorbed in my work.

Saturday night we left to venture into the city. After a pleasant meal we had a few drinks before going to the gay dance bar. It seems Helmuth was known to the owners and we were introduced to a number of people. The music was mostly the current fast beat. A slow dance number came up and Johl pulled me to the dance floor for a slow,intimate dance. There were only a few other couples on the floor. The music quietly came to a stop. Johl reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box. Looking me in the eyes,he whispered "John will you marry me?". He opened the box to reveal 2 simple silver rings. All I could say was a simple one word, "Yes".

The place erupted into cheers,champagne bottles were opened,and we were congratulated by everyone. I was still stunned by it all when we were returning home. Helmuth explained that under the EU laws gay marriage had been accepted by a majority of the member states. Those that did not accept it were forced to recognize same sex marriages performed in other EU countries. We would soon be married in the town hall by the village mayor,like any other couple.

The wedding was a simple affair,attended by just a few people. Afterwards we went to the café for a celebration lunch. When we got there it was unusually crowded. The owner took us to a decorated table. The place was suddenly quiet. The owner then came from the kitchen bearing a 3 tier wedding cake. His wife followed with a bottle of champagne and glasses. Cheers erupted from the crowd as we cut the cake. Corks were popped and toasts offered for our health and happiness.

Sometime later we staggered home. Johl immediately called his younger brother with the news of our marriage. They talked for a while with Johl asking that his brother break the news to his parents. Our honeymoon night was spent in joyful sex. We were legally united as a couple.

Hoped you enjoyed this part. I've tried to correct those errors from the first 2 parts,somethings you only see too late. There maybe more parts...maybe a trip to Poland or to the US? Maybe danger,maybe not!

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