Polish Housekeeper

By cajuncock / John Skehan / jaskejr

Published on Mar 3, 2014


This story is a work of gay fiction containing sexual acts between adult males. It is the property of the author and cannot be reprinted or used without his written consent. If it is illegal to read this where you live -stop now. If you are under age, stop now! If you enjoy this type of story consider a contribution to nifty to keep up the good work.

Polish Housekeeper- 2 jas

Johl stepped into the shower behind me, taking the sponge to wash my back. It felt good. It had been a long time since anyone had done that for me. He got closer as he reached around to wash my chest. His muscular chest touching my back. Something else touched me-his hardness. He grabbed my hip as he washed my front. I felt his hardness in my crack.

Johl gave up all pretense of washing me. He leaned in,lightly kiss my neck the nibbled my ear. Slowly, I turned around to meet his lips in a passionate kiss. I rested my head on his broad shoulder only to sense him sobbing. I pulled away using my finger to lift his chin and kiss away his tears. "What's wrong?" I asked. Smiling through the tears he softly whispered " I am so afraid I'll lose this. At the interview I knew that I had feelings for you, deeper feelings. Being here today I've appreciated you more and more. I don't want to mess this up." I pulled him into a tight embrace and shut the water off.

Getting out of the shower, I handed him a towel and we dried each other. Taking his hand I led him to my bedroom. We lay on the bed, kissing and feeling each other's body. I stopped and moved down his chest, grabbing his right nipple with my teeth. He moaned with pleasure as I made love to both his nipples with my tongue.

I proceeded down his body aiming for that hardness I had felt earlier. I felt it against my chin as I came in contact with the stiff cock. I licked my way up to his sensitive tip before swallowing the head in my mouth. Johl grabbed my head, just holding it in place. By now he was in sexual ecstasy, moaning and thrusting his hips up.

I moved down to his thighs, licking and sucking my way to his large balls. I sucked each one. I lifted his legs up, exposing his pucker. It was opening like a pink rose. I couldn't resist the inviting place and moved my mouth to suck on the tender lips.

I sat up, reached over to the night stand to grab lube and a condom from the drawer. He watched me roll the condom down my rock hard cock and using a liberal amount of lube I prepared him for my invasion. His only comment was a moaning "Yes!". I positioned my cock head at his opening and gently, slowly pushed. There was a moment of resistance before he opening up and welcome me into his love tunnel.

We got little sleep that night. We explored each other's body, changing positions. I took his massive polish sausage with some difficulty. In the end I surrendered to his invasion with the same passion that he had. We made love three times that night before falling asleep in each other's arms.

I awoke to the sound of the dogs begging to go out. Johl was asleep,spooned against my front. I gently eased myself out of bed to let the dogs out and empty my bladder. I left the door open so that teh dogs could come back in. When I returned to my bedroom Johl was awake,sitting up in the bed with his arms wide open for me. We made love,a vigorous and loud love. I'm sure anyone within range would've heard our screams of passion. We fell asleep again for an hour or so.

I looked over at my bed companion,sleeping peacefully next to me. How could anyone not love such a good soul? Johl stirred and rolled over to my side to cuddle. He smiled up at me. I took his hand and kissed each finger. "Time we got up lover boy." I mumbled into his blond hair. Hearing my voice, the dogs ran in and jumped onto the bed. Johl scratched their ears and leaned over for a morning kiss. My stomach growled at thar moment. "I think that it's time to eat a real meal" I proclaimed. At the word "eat" the dogs jumped off and ran to the kitchen. Johnl and I followed. I looked around for something to eat,deciding on an old fashioned american breakfast. I took some eggs and ham from the fridge before turning on the coffee pot. Johl sat naked watching me.

After eating I decided to take a quick run into the tabac to get the sunday papers. The 15 minute walk gave Johl time to shower and clean the dishes. Returning,I showered and sat naked on the terrace with a cup of coffee and the papers. Both of us read the papers in silence,only occasionally commenting on the news.

Johl had replaced the towels on the bench by the pool. Looking over I suggested that a morning swim might be nice. We both jumped in naked and swam a few laps side by side. The dogs started barking and jumping up by the back gate. The gate opened and Helmuth strolled in with his towel over his shoulder. He saw us naked and immediately dropped his own shorts. "Did you hear those wild animals this morning? It sounded like a mating scream." he laughed.

I swam to the pool steps. Johl came up behind me,surrounding my body with his. Helmuth laughed and said,"I wondered how long it would take you two. I must confess to playing a sort of matchmaker. John,I suggested a room mate knowing that Johl would be the prefect match for you. I met with a friend of Johl's to set up the interviews. We selected some people we knew would not fit your profile for a boarder. Johl was inserted in the middle of the interviews. I'm glad it worked out for both of you." he smiled as he said that.

Johl put his head on my shoulder and kissed the side of my face. His arms were tight around me. "I thank you Helmuth for giving me soemthing I didn't know I needed" Johl said while nuzzeling my body to his. We climbed out of the pool and went to the table to sit. Johl ran into the house and returned with glasses,the other bottle of champagne and a pitcher of orange juice. We toasted to our friendship.

Next: Chapter 3

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