Polish Housekeeper

By cajuncock / John Skehan / jaskejr

Published on Feb 23, 2014


This story is pure fiction. None of the characters bear resemblance to people living or dead. this work is under copyright in the author's name. It is a romance with mm sex between adults. None of this really happened-yet! If you are not of age to read this STOP. If you live in a culture or country where this type of story is illegal-STOP and pack your bags to leave.

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Polish Housekeeper-1 jas

I had been living in France for 2 years. Wise investments and an early retirement offered me a chance to live my dream to live in Europe. After traveling for a few months around Europe I decided that it was in my best interest to settle in the south of France,near the beaches I loved. Searching for a house turned out to be a taxing experience. After 4 months I found the perfect house.

Negotiations for the purchase took only a few weeks. I had an edge because I was paying cash. The owners were more than willing to drop the price for an instant payment. It took 3 weeks to go to settlement.

The house itself sat on a large plot of land and consisted of the main house of six rooms that I would live in and a smaller,2 bedroom house at the front of the property. Both needed some work. I hired only local men to renovate the property and to install a swimming pool. That process took the better part of six months. While the work was going on I lived in just two rooms.

When the work was finished I began looking for a tenant for the smaller house. Word quickly spread and I met Helmuth,a part time professor at the local university. He was a German and spoke a few languages. We soon became friends,spending time over home cooked meals and lounging around my pool.

As the months passed we both acknowledged the fact that we were gay. We also understood that our relationship was strictly non-sexual. We had become good friends and the physical attraction just wasn't there. Helmuth was a tall,dark haired German,attractive in his own way.

One evening over a post dinner cognac he asked me if I was lonely living in the big house. I admitted that sometimes it felt that way. But I told him with his good company it was less. He suggested that I might want to bring in a student from the university as a lodger and part time housekeeper. I thought a while before telling him that I didn't think I could deal with a young person who might want to have a more active life than that of my village.

Helmuth then said that,unlike the US,french students tended to be older and settled into their studies. Since he worked at the university,he knew of many such students and would be happy to arrange some interviews for me. I spent the next two days pondering the suggestion before finally agreeing to the interviews. Helmuth said he would arrange it all.

Four days later I found myself in a university classroom with several students scheduled for interviews. The first two showed a distinct lack of interest in living in a rural village,away from their party scene. The third young man,a Polish student,seemed more comfortable with the idea. He was easy on the eyes,being over 6 feet tall and with blond hair. He explained that he was used to village life since his parents lived in such a place in Poland. I took his phone number and told him I would contact him.

After the interviews I met Helmuth for lunch. We discussed the interviews and the student life in general. I told him of the Polish student,Johl. He had impressed me with his sincerity and willingness to help out around the house. Helmuth suggested that I had made up my mind and should call him. After lunch I called his cell,getting his voice mail. I left a message and my number. He called me back within an hour. I told him that he had impressed me and if he still wanted to live at my house it would be fine. I could hear his heavy breathing and then he said "when?". Since it was Thursday,I suggested that the following weekend would be Ok with me. We exchanged information and set up a time for me to pick him up on Saturday. I still had my doubts but was willing to give him a try.

That evening I enlisted Helmuth's help in setting up a room for my lodger. Asking around the village cafe I was able to get some used furniture to be delivered on Friday. It was obvious that the village people were very willing to help their village "american".

Saturday morning came too soon! Helmuth had spent part of friday helping me clean out the spare room for Johl. I had already put an armoire in there for storage. We brought in a spare bed and desk. I'd found an used lamp and small rug for the room. Since the room had been used for storage,there were a few boxes left over. I left them in the front room, intending to spend some time going through them later.

Johl called bright and early at 9 to make sure I had the directions to his room near the university. He'd had a room in a house with a few other foreign students. When I arrived he was waiting with his things in a couple of suitcases and 2 boxes along with his bike,not much for a student. We put his things in the car and drove off to my village. The ten minute ride was mostly in silence. I asked him how he felt. He gave a one word answer-"fine". He was less talkative than during the interview. I suppose he was nervous.

We arrived at my house in a few minutes. After unpacking his things to his room, I gave him the grand tour of the house,ending with the garden and pool. I introduced him to my dogs. He seemed comfortable with it all. When we returned to his room, I helped him bring in his things and set up a bookcase. He paused and looked around. "This is more room than I had in my home in poland when I was growing up.", he said. I replied, "It's bigger than my shared room with my brother, also". We laughed at yet another thing we had in common.

I went to the kitchen to set up a quick lunch for us- a casserole of things from the larder and garden. I knew that I'd have to make another run into the town for dinner food later. Johl came into the kitchen just as I was finishing up. "Smells good", he said. I shrugged, "just a quick lunch". I had a few minutes until it would be ready. I suggested that we might want to have a quick swim. Johl looked around as I striped off. I paused, "hey, it's hot, we're guys, and no one can see into the pool anyway" I spoke as I walked out onto the patio and jumped into the pool. Johl followed me out and striped down, joining me inthe pool. We swam laps for a while. I heard the timer go off and jumped out and ran into the kitchen. Johl follwed, not bothering to dress also. He had a nice body, a farm boy's body.

We ate on the patio with the sun drying our bodies with the dogs laying on the warm patio beneath us. Neither of us seemed bothered by our nudity. I asked about his life at the univeristy, his studies, the social scene. It seems that he didn't go in for the univeristy social scene that involved a lot of drinking. Many of the foreign students were americans and brits. Johl said that their idea of social life was going out and getting smashed. It was obivously not his. He asked about my own social life. I explained that,aside from the village events and Helmuth, most of my social life involved taking in th local music scene. We were lucky to have a number of vocal groups and classical groups in the area. There was often a local concert to attend. He seemed quite interested in that. I mentioned that I kept a calendar of events over my desk to track them all.

After lunch we dressed and took the dishes into the kitchen. Johl immediately began to wash them. It was a good sign. I explained that I'd invited Helmuth over for dinner and needed to run into town for a few things. Johl wanted to stay and finish unpacking. I showed him where there were extra things he might need and prepared to leave. Johl saw the packed boxes and asked about them . I explained that they were things I'd not gotten around to unpacking, mostly cloths and linens.

My trip into town was boring. I had to get a few extra things that I thought we'd need and I picked up a couple of bottles of champagne, figuring we'd have one after dinner. i gassed up the car while I was there. When I returned to the house Johl was just finishing. He told me that he'd unpacked the boxes and left the cloths on my bed, putting the linens away in the hall cabinet. i unpacked the groceries and wentinto my room. That's when I saw my computer was still on. I'd let it on when I went to pick up Johl that morning, after checking my email and a couple of porn sites that I regularly monitored. My screen saver was still up- two nude guys playing. My cloths were neatly folded on my bed. But what I noticed was the screen saver popping up. Johl had probably seen that too. I decided not to bring it up if he didn't.

Dinner went well. Johl and helmuth got along well. The conversation was in three languages- English,german,and french. I managed to keep up with most of it. After dinner helmuth suggested that we go into the village cafe so that Johl could meet the villagers. It was a good idea. They would see him around and wonder who he was. We walked into the cafe and Johl was introduced to everyone there. We settled into an outside table in the garden for the evening. Two bottles of wine later we were ready to call it a night. We walked home, dropping helmuth off on the way. When we got home I remembered the champagne and asked Johl if he wanted to share it with me. He agreed but first went into change. It was still a warm night so I took the glasses and bottle out onto the patio. Johl soon joined me, wearing just a tee shirt and shorts. We drank in silence for a while. He broke the silence by asking about my house rules. He explained that he understood that it w as my house and expected that I'd have my own routines and rules. I thought a minute before replying, "Well, I pretty much have my own routine. I try to keep cleaning and laundry down to a minimum." "Oh," he muttered. I looked at him again before speaking, "Yes, I usually wear little or no clothing around the house." He stood and removed his shirt and shorts before saying, "good, I like that too. 'Conversation died then. I asked him finally about his girl friends at home. He sighed and stared out for a while. "In Poland, if you aren't married by the time you're 20, you're looked at strangely. Me, I have other things on my mind. I don't see my future running around with a fat wife and a bunch of little poles.", he confessed. I turned to him and placed my hand over his,"me neither," I replied. He laughed and placed his other hand on top of mine. We stayed like that for a few minutes,not talking. Finally I broke the mood by standing, grabbing the empty bottle and glasses. As I left and turned out the candle lights on patio and told him that I was going to get a shower before bed. I left the glasses in the sink and went up to my master suite. I had put in both a jacuzzi tub and a large hydro shower with six heads. It would feel great on a nite like this one. I undressed quickly,leaving my things on the floor on th way to the shower. I'd get them later. I adjusted the water and got in. The steam soon filled the bathroom space since I'd forgotten to open the window.

I saw a shadow outside the shower door. Johl asked if there was room for 2. "Of course",I replied, "but you'd better open the window to let the steam out." I heard him open the window and then he opened the door and slipped in behind me. He grabbed the shower sponge and began to shrub my back. It felt good to have someone do that. It had been a long time since anyone had done that. He moved from my back to the shoulders. In the process he came in closer to me so that he could get to my chest from his position behind me. His chest touched my back but something else also touched me. It was long and hard. I didn't react.I did let out a low moan as he worked on my body. I also pushed back to give him more room. In doing that I pushed my butt against his hardness. His other hand came around to my side. He gently touched my hip as he washed my chest. I moaned again and leaned my head back on his shoulder. Johl stopped the pretense of washing me. He pulled me into his body and began to nibble on my ear and neck. I lost it. A shudder went through my body. It was quite visable to him. He turned me around so that my hardness met his hardness in a duel for the same space. I put my arms on his shoulders and looked into his eyes. There were tears running down his face. I was stunned. I reached up to his cheek to wipe them away as I spoke, "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" He smiled through the tears. "I'm happy but also scared. I'm afraid to do anything to spoil the moment and maybe lose you" he spoke softly in a near whisper. I pulled him into a tight,soothing embrace

If you've enjoyed the story and want more email me. Sorry about any typos

Next: Chapter 2

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