Police Audience

By Jennifer James

Published on Nov 28, 2007



Police Audience

By Jenny James


There was a large group of men surrounding me and watching with many stroking themselves as I kneeled, leaning over Michael's lap, his wide and long cock sliding in and out of my throat.

He said 'I'm gonna cum, do you want to swallow it?'.

I made an 'mmmmm' sound and moved my lips out to encircle the head while lapping across his piss slit with my tongue while I stroked his shaft upward, and then he groaned and exploded in my mouth.

His cum flooded out in strong spurts and the strong muskiness filled my mouth, overpowering the previous sperm, puke, and bile taste that had been lingering.

I kept my right hand moving in upward strokes on his shaft while I very gently massaged his balls with my left, and when he finally stopped ejaculating I removed my lips and stroked again to bring a large final cum bead to the tip, and licking that off and swallowing I noticed all of a sudden how quiet it had gotten.

I looked over to my right and instead of the large crowd of guys who'd been there a minute ago watching and stroking their cocks, there were two uniformed policemen standing there, observing with their arms folded across their chests, and then one said loudly 'OK, turn all the lights on and start turning the televisions off'.


I suppose I should tell you a little about myself, because I'm probably not what you expect. I'm transgendered (always have been) and am about 5'8 and 132 pounds, usually blonde and probably more transexual than not, but I'm not looking towards surgery.

I have a totally smooth body, multiple ear piercings and a belly ring, long shaped nails, and thin tweezed eyebrows, and I spend the majority of my girl time socially, not sexually, out in the real world. And though I hate the word 'passable' I manage to pass as a woman in public anywhere I go, probably more because of attitude and knowing how to dress than looks.

But I keep my sexual life separate and when I'm in the mood for sex I'm voraciously oral and prefer large numbers of cocks and a large audience watching me bring them to an orgasm with my mouth.

A few weeks previous to this story on a Friday I had stopped by an adult bookstore to swallow a few loads of cum before going out socially for the night, and I did just that, staying in a squat in the small booth as three men in a row came in to relieve themselves in my mouth. I stood up and was getting ready to leave when an older man walked in my booth and said 'You are absolutely magnificent'.

He was sort of cute so I put my arms around his neck and kissed him, and when his tongue came out doing all the right things I stayed there and continued to kiss him for awhile. But I really did have to leave so I pulled myself free and told him I had to go but gave him my cell phone number, and after fixing my makeup in the bathroom I left and drove to my usual social club and spent the rest of the evening hanging out with my friends.

I'd forgotten all about the guy at the bookstore, but on Monday morning my phone rang and When I answered I heard his voice say 'Hi, this is Ed, we met at the bookstore last Friday?'

'Hi' I said 'nice to hear from you'

He immediately said 'I was wondering if you'd want to go to a hotel with me one of these nights?'

'Thanks for the thought' I replied 'but I'm not really interested in that'

He probably immediately thought it was him personally, but I explained that he seemed like a nice guy but while I might stop by someplace like the bookstore occasionally to suck some cocks, I wasn't into hotel only meets and only went out and met guys socially.

We talked a little more, and then he asked if I'd go out to dinner with him. I agreed and we set a date at a nice restaurant on that Wednesday.

I dressed in semi casual (dress slacks, slides, blouse) and met him in the restaurant parking lot, and surprisingly he took my hand and we walked in, got seated and had a relaxing meal. We got along well conversationally, and after dinner he said he'd get a room if I wanted to. Since it was a weeknight and I hadn't plans to do anything else I agreed and followed him to a local motel where he got a room.

Inside I took off my slacks and blouse and we started kissing, and a few minutes later I had his pants down and was on my knees sucking his already hard cock. I quickly found out that while his cock was large and got very hard he wasn't able to cum, and also found out he was more interested in making me cum than cumming himself.

I'm honestly not at all interested in being sucked off myself, so this was kind of a turnoff, but we played for awhile and eventually I sort of jerked off into his mouth as he sucked on my cockhead.

Shortly after I said I had to go, and as I dressed he asked if he could see me again. I said 'Honestly, you're a really nice guy and I like your company but we're not all that compatible sexually. And I'm really not into being sucked off, it's like work for me'

He seemed a little crestfallen, but asked if he could call me again and I said sure, and kissed him on the mouth, tasting my own cum, and left.

A few days later he called again, and before I had a chance to start making excuses he told me he'd joined the sex club I'd mentioned to him over dinner. And asked if I'd like to go to dinner again and then to the club with him after one of these days.

I reminded him that I really wasn't into being sucked but he quickly said 'That's OK, I'd just like the company for one of the Tuesday couples and straight nights at the club, and I'd love to watch you do your oral thing. I agreed to meet him the following Tuesday and suggested an outrageously expensive Spanish restaurant for dinner and he agreed.

The following Tuesday I got dressed in black garter belt and panties with nude stockings, and a black nylon bustier. But over that I wore a pair of black dress slacks and a raspberry cardigan sweater and slipped into a pair of dress sandals.

I kept my makeup somewhat low key but painted my nails a bright raspberry to match the sweater. And I threw a black nylon micro-mini skirt into my purse and went to meet him.

The restaurant had valet parking and I was a little early so I waited in the bar and had a glass of sangria and he showed up a few minutes later and we were seated. The dinner was fabulous and leisurely and I ate a little too much, and afterwards I followed him to the club. In the parking lot I went in the back of my van and took off my slacks and cardigan and pulled on the mini skirt, and after readjusting my makeup in the mirror with a darker shade of lipstick and a little more eyeshadow we walked into the club together and he paid for me as his guest.

I'd been there before on Tuesdays but not for quite awhile, and when we walked into the upstairs area I saw it was packed. But except for one couple who were fully dressed and sitting in a corner the crowd was all guys.

I made the rounds and then picked a loveseat sized sectional piece off to the side but visible to everyone and sat down, and told Ed to take out his cock. He dropped his pants and within a minute I was sucking him off sideways to the audience, slow and slurpingly to get the crowd going.

Just a few minutes later I heard someone say 'Can I join you?' and I looked up to see a nice looking guy in his thirties, and I stopped sucking for a minute and said 'Sure - I'm Jenny and this is Ed' and he said 'I'm Michael' and sat to my right on the couch section.

He pulled down his slacks and underwear and I leaned over his lap and took his cock in my mouth and got it wet. His cock was probably 7" long but wider than thick, sort of an oval shaped shaft with a slight mushroom head, and it curved upwards so it was not a great sucking position.

But after a few seconds he lifted me up and kissed me, and turned out to be a great kisser, just the right amount of tongue, and for awhile I sat there kissing him with his cock and Ed's (who was still standing in front of me) in each hand, stroking them. And every few minutes I'd break free and take turns moving my mouth back and forth between the two cocks, keeping them wet and hard. But the kissing was really great, and for some reason that seemed to be getting the crowd as excited as watching me suck... it's probably not something one sees very often in a sex club.

A few minutes later I broke free from the liplock to see that we were surrounded by guys with their cocks out and hard, and to my left the closest cock was black, not too thick, but close to 10" long.

'Go ahead, suck it' Michael said, so I opened my mouth and the black guy moved in and pushed his cock deep into my throat and began slowly thrusting in and out. I still had the other two cocks in my hands, when suddenly the black guy pushed all the way in and I felt his cock go way into my throat and I involuntarily gagged a little.

I tried to change position to accept his cock more easily but couldn't and when he pulled out and thrust into my throat again I started puking a little. I kept my lips tight around the shaft but my mouth filled with my partially digested dinner and sour stomach juices and my cheeks puffed out, but except for a very small amount that I could feel on my chin I swallowed the rest back down.

Ed quickly said 'Do you want to stop?' but I mumbled 'nnn nnn' and the black guy resumed fucking my throat, but slower this time, and while my mouth tasted disgusting I was able to stifle the gag reflex as his cock slid back and forth my lips.

And just a few minutes later he held my head in place and pushed all the way into my throat till my nose was in his pubic hair, and held his cock there and groaned and I could feel a warmth in my throat and couldn't breathe.

But he soon pulled out and I took a deep breath through my nose as the strong spicy taste of his sperm finally hit my taste buds and mingled with the taste of puke and bile. He pulled out and I caught my breath as the black guy said 'Thanks' and stepped back, and Michael to my right pulled me towards him. I couldn't imagine him wanting to kiss me after that but he gently reached over to my chin and caught the small amount of puke there on his finger and pushed the finger into my mouth where I sucked it clean and swallowed without thinking, and then he was kissing me anyway, his tongue going into my mouth despite the awful taste.

I still had both his and Ed's cocks in my hand so I broke free and leaned over to Ed and took him into my mouth and sucked him quickly rock hard again and then leaned over into Michael's lap to do the same. And when I sat up there was another cock to my left, already hard but much smaller than the previous black cock, maybe 6" and slim, and I leaned in his direction and opened my mouth and he pushed in.

I started sucking him wetly with lots of tongue, and then I heard Michael say 'Go ahead, fuck her mouth hard, she loves it.' I mumbled 'mmmm' and leaned forward a little to open my throat and he reached down and held my head in place and began fucking my throat hard.

My nose was banging into his pubic bush with each stroke but his cock wasn't long enough to make me gag so I took short breaths through my nose on the outstrokes and kept my tongue pressed against the bottom of his shaft.

For the first time that evening I started getting hard as his cock slid against my lips and in and out of my throat, and Ed reached down and began rubbing me through my panties and I started moaning.

This went on for awhile, with the guy talking as he was face fucking me 'Take it all slut, you want my cum don't you?, you're such a good cocksucker, etc.' and finally he said 'here's my nut, take it all' as he thrust all the way in and held it and again I felt the warmth in my throat, and again, didn't taste it till he pulled out and stepped back.

I'd barely had a chance to swallow and catch my breath when Michael pulled me over and began kissing me, and my cock stayed hard as Ed kept rubbing me at the same time, and we sat there deep kissing with his tongue slipping in and out of my cum slickened mouth. Then Michael pulled back and said 'I'm ready to cum' so I slid to the floor and kneeled between his legs, and leaning way over into his lap to try to compensate for the strong upward curve to his shaft I began to slid my mouth up and down his shaft slowly, taking him into my throat on the downstrokes and using my tongue all over his cockhead as went up his shaft.

A few minutes later he groaned, flooded my mouth with cum, and I discovered my audience were police officers.

As the police (there were 4 of them total) walked around turning on lights and shutting off televisions I got up and walked into the bathroom, waiting to get stopped, but didn't.

I fixed my makeup a little, peed, washed my hands, with all kinds of crap racing in my head. This place had never been busted before to my knowledge and it had been the last thing on my mind as it was a private club. But pictures of myself being arrested, booked, trying to make bail, etc., kept flashing through my mind.

I finally left the bathroom with a knot in my stomach and noticed there were no policemen at the front stairs, so without thinking I quickly walked down the stairs, fully expecting to be stopped but wasn't and kept going out the front door, got in my van outside and with knees shaking drove off and pulled into the next lot down the highway which was a bowling alley.

In the lot I calmed myself down and then called Ed, still inside, on his cell phone. He answered and I told him I'd left, and he said everyone was sitting around waiting to see what was going to happen. I told him to try leaving and meet me and hung up, and then in the van I changed back into my slacks and sweater and in the mirror did a better job on my makeup and combed my hair. He pulled up a few minutes later and said no one had stopped him, and I suggested a few drinks so we drove to a Hotel lounge down the road and sat at the bar, both of us still calming down as we drank wine.

Anyway, he called the place the next day and it turned out the police were there as an escort for the Health Department, and it had been a raid by them and not the Vice Squad. But the place was closed and continues to remain closed as I write this a few weeks later.

You'd think I'd have learned a lesson, wouldn't you? But a few days later on the way out on a social night I stopped by the bookstore and drained 3 cocks in a row.

And less than a week after that Ed and I were at a different sex club where I put on a show by leaning back against a couch with my legs out flat on the floor and my hands held behind my back while several guys took their turns fucking my mouth hard and ejaculating down my throat.

But that's a different story for a different day.

And while the whole thing was probably the scariest thing I'd ever gone through, in hindsight all I keep thinking about is:

I never once in my life expected to have an audience of policemen in uniform as I swallowed a mouthful of cum.

AUTHORS NOTE: This is a true story.

And much funnier in hindsight.

Write me if you like, especially if you're in NJ and like getting sucked.


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